#lotf johnny
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saynatav · 5 months ago
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@lotftober2024 Day 2: Littluns
Does anybody remember that chapter when Henry starts playing with those creatures or lights in the sea and how great he feels to have power over their behaviours? bro literally gained conscious there
Littluns talking brainrot cause they were so silly fr ����
PD. the fact im uploading every drawing in the noon of the next day is so funny like- thats so late sorry its the uni homework for me 😔
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gnomeballed · 7 months ago
Perc and Johnny :D
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raccoon-babe-redbull · 5 months ago
@lotftober2024 DAY 4: underrated charater
I chose Johnny himself, only cus he was mentioned a couple times and I've never drawn him before
Him destroying Percival's sandcastle because he's a fantastic diva
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feathery-bastard · 5 months ago
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Crayon doodle of Henry, Johnny, and Percival! (From left to right)
I don't really have designs for them so take this 😝
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the-diary-of-ann-dwight · 20 days ago
Ann Dwight! There you are, goodness.. I must apologize, I tried to get here as fast as I can..
I see that you recieved my letter! I haven't seen you in person, but I have heard you from some voices around these places..
.. Is that a littlun with you-?
-🐍 ( @ask-norman-alexander-lotf )
(imagine accidentally forgetting to add your tag in your other asks... I'm cooked pls tell the dead kids to tag me 💀 -🐟)
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Dear Diary,
today I met with norman alexander. he seems alright, a little rattled at times, but overall he seems to be doing well. i am shocked that there are as many boys on this island as there are. i was unfamiliar with many of the faces, but outside of a few outliers, they all seem to have good intentions.
it would seem as though johnny will be sticking to my side for the time being. i think his presence startled norman, but i can not shake the boy off of me. he follows like a lost dog, crying about how he misses his mother. i have to shush him to sleep at night and he refuses to even close his eyes when i am not near.
i wonder if the other boys will form such a relationship with me. i admit, i do not mind being followed around from place to place. he is sweet, as most young boys are. his eyes know no horrors.
norman's seem to be as similar as they can be for an older boy. he may not know of horrors, but he does know more than johnny. he is polite, well-mannered. i am shocked that more people are gravitating toward ralph considering the circumstances.
-ann dwight
norman belongs to @ask-norman-alexander-lotf
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thegrinningghost · 5 months ago
LOTF-TOBER DAY 4 : Underrated Character(s)
I’m chronically indecisive, so deal with it =]
(fluff before the major angst of prompt 3)
` ~   Maurice is the second oldest of twelve, but he always says he only has seven siblings bcz that’s the most people will believe
` ~  Bill’s color-blind
` ~  “Bill, I said red clay, not white!”
` ~  “What– Merridewww, they look the same!”
` ~  Eric is taller than Sam, but younger
` ~  He’s also more empathetic and cowardly than his twin
` ~  Bill’s Pagan, Simon would’ve been, and Jack has been in denial about his religious beliefs ever since getting off the island (he’s in denial about lot)
` ~  Maurice and Jack bond over Queer mythology/history
` ~  Maurice is Genderfluid
` ~  He’s also the second tallest Biggun (Harold being the first)
` ~  Harold looks intimidating, but is actually really sweet and gives the best hugs
` ~  He always got Mauri + Jack out of the trouble they would get into at school
` ~  Harold’s a band kid, Maurice is a theater kid
` ~  Maurice has scars from when he was punished and scolded by adults; he covers them up with bracelets and bandannas
` ~  Roger sweet-talks his way out of everything
` ~  “Well Simon never said stop, soo  .   .   .  “   (when asked why he didn’t tell everyone that it was Simon, not the Beast)
` ~  Percival collects crocheted plushies
` ~  Wilfred has two siblings; a brother (Clerval) and sister (Elizabeth)
` ~  He’s a big nerd about science, particularly psychology, and how it can influence human behaviors
` ~  Johnny looked up to Jack up until they were on the island, and then he started feeling like he was being pushed away (he was)
` ~  Jack saw him as a little annoying, but also enjoyed his presence, as he always wanted a younger sibling, but his cousins were too much for him to ever think of them outside of cousins
` ~  Phil grew severe insomnia from all the nightmares he had on the island
` ~  Henry was a bully sometimes, but he did it because his cousin, the Mulberry kid, was always bullied, and so he bullies others so they won’t think to bully his lil cuz
` ~  Absolutely heart-breaking when he went up to his Uncle, explaining that his son died in the fire on the island, and implying that they won’t even have a body to bury because nobody ever found him
` ~  Sam’nEric are Swedish and Russian, with a hint of Scandinavian heritage coming from their cousin (who you all will know soon enough)
` ~  The Mulberry kid (I think he’s the same as Adam Jackson?), has Vitiligo (the Birthmark is a separate thing that he got from his dad)
` ~  Harold and Maurice are cousins, which you can see from their height, but not much else
` ~  Johnny is blonde, and also has Poliosis, which Ralph thinks makes him look really cool
` ~  Percival loves fairytales, and believes in fairies
I swear that Day 3 is coming out soon, I just have a lot for it, and didn't get much done originally bcz I had Marching Band, so give me some grace, I promise it'll be worth it!
I'm excited to have you all read it, actually, so it should be out tomorrow or the day after! Anyway, hope you guys liked these headcanons! I think they're pretty funky =]
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h0p3l0tf · 4 months ago
Like i was on the middle of the lotftober but i already got bored... Idk what to do anymore i'll just wait for the next year better 💪💪
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kidddoz · 1 year ago
I wanted to update on Friday but editing took me so long that I spent the entire day checking the friggin American slang.
Anyways! I made this thing as a joke towards the Western genre, as a way to practice humour and adventure, and also because the LOTF fandom needed a Cowboy AU with your headcanons!!!!
I really missed a lot AO3 and I think this is a super funny way to come back and stick for a long long loooong time, so, I hope you like it :D <3
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conch-blower-3000 · 1 year ago
LOTF Incorrect Quotes 46
• Questioning •
Johnny, whispering to Henry, who’s on the phone with Percival: Ask him something!
Henry: How are you feeling?
Percival: Fine.
Johnny: Something personal!
Henry: At what age did you first get your period?
Johnny: ...
Percival, tearing up: ...What?
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poopehead9 · 4 months ago
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I say hey wassup hello
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conchcorner · 20 days ago
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saynatav · 5 months ago
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@lotftober2024 day 4: Underrated Character
Bill appeared like 15 counted times in the book but he had such a silly personality in every single one of those appearances fr 😛
The image in the right are literally some dumb bill sketches I made in political science class cause whynot 🐴
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charli3emily · 5 months ago
Day 2: Littluns ☀️
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nutsackx · 1 year ago
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puts a gun up to my head
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thegrinningghost · 4 months ago
LOTFTOBER, Day 14 : OC Appreciation
Alrighty, before we talk about the island, let's establish some stuff prior to it involving my silly giant guy, TJ
' ' Backeth off thy homie ' '
Name: Trejean Innes-Jaquiss
Nickname(s): TJ
Age: 15
Gender: Agender
Sexuality: Aro-Ace
Height: 5'9
Ethnicity: Jamaican-French
TJ's petty. They refuse to cut their hair, so they put it in a ponytail instead. Students aren't allowed to wear any accessories, but TJ's dad is the history/music teacher at their school, so TJ uses that privilege to ignore the rules.
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This was their original school uniform before they went to live with their French great grandparents in London. They used to go to one of the public schools in their neighborhood. Their dad taught both history and music because he has a degree in Ancient Civilizations and writes songs in his free time.
He wrote 'Dream Keeper' and TJ knows all the words by heart.
They joined their new school's choir, and inevitably saw the Merridingles perform at a choir concert that the church was hosting. They at least know all their names and faces by the time they get stuck on the island.
TJ used to be part of a Junior Bobsledding team. They loved everyone on their team, and their little cousin loved seeing them at every competition (even tho they rarely ever won). One day, their little cousin asked if he could ride in their cart. TJ was obviously hesitant, but eventually said yes, on the condition that the rest of their team rode with him. They put their little cousin in the middle, and everything was fine until they hit a bump and everyone was launched out and sent tumbling. One of the earlier contestants had lost something in the snow, and it had been covered up to the point that no one could find it unless you rammed into it.
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Some of their friends sprained/broke limbs–one dislocated their shoulder–but nobody had it worse than their little cousin. Injuries were unclear, but they left him paralyzed from the waist down, forcing him to be in a wheelchair. And of course, it was all TJ's fault (according to some of their family).
TJ has trauma from that, and left sports for good, despite protests from their parents/friends/family. They began using art as therapy, and as a means of expressing themself. That was when they moved in with their great grandparents. To get away from the 'scene.'
Their cousin and them actually still have a good relationship, TJ is just so scared of hurting them again that it hinders how close they can get now.
Their little cousin is Hawaiian-French, and was adopted by two lovely Hawaiian ladies. He knows a lot of American slang, and would always teach TJ some. It got to the point where both of them were plotting a trip to America to learn even more!
TJ's great grandparents were the ones who urged them onto a plane when things started getting too rough in Britain. They bought them a ticket, hoping for them to be sent home, but there was a misprint. They got on the wrong plane and TJ had no idea because TJ didn't know they were given the wrong ticket. So they got on a plane with three schools, none of which were their own, and boys much younger and immature than them.
And that's when everything started going down-hill.
TJ's got short hair, but it's longer than what everyone considers 'guy hair' so the boys all ended up mistaking them for a girl. To be fair, they aren't a guy either.
"I'm three Mongooses in a trench coat."
"Three what in a what?"
More often than not, TJ let the boys do their own thing. Of course, that doesn't mean TJ didn't help out. They did. They took care of everyone, no matter their protests, and always treated everyone fairly.
Though if one of the boys made TJ mad, they'd definitely know. TJ doesn't hide their anger.
TJ has a health conditions that mess them over (particularly IST), so when Simon first had a faint on the island, TJ sat by him and talked him through it while he recovered. They bonded pretty quickly.
They like to tease the boys on the island for their accents and all. It's always light teasing; they do this because they were made fun of it in Britain for the languages they spoke and their accent, so they do it out of self-defense and fear that the boys will do the same.
That act is dropped pretty quickly though.
TJ loves the Littluns and Bigguns alike. Johnny and Roger especially, as they both remind them of home. And Johnny is like their cousin, so they're real protective of him. He's like a second-chance for them.
As for the Bigguns' and Littluns' opinions on TJ, well, to them, TJ kind of embodies the Dream Keeper. Someone to listen and help and care and hold. Something/Someone to be cherished, who represents some form of hope when there isn't any left.
"He wants to know what you're going to do about the snake thingy."
"Snake thingy?"
"Now he says it's a beast."
" . . . "
"But there isn't a beast!"
"But if there is one, we'll hunt it!"
Once the idea of a beast was announced, everyone was on high alert. TJ knew even the Bigguns were nervous, so they would always stay up at night on the meeting platform, and anyone who had nightmares would come find them. Sometimes Littluns like Percival would come running and cry till they fell asleep, sometimes Hunters like Maurice, Bill, or even Jack would come and say nothing. Ralph would clamber out sometimes and ramble till the sun rose; Piggy would do the same. Most of all nights, Simon would stumble out of the forest eventually and sit down with TJ and whoever else was there, in a moment of peace and quiet. A moment of humanity.
No matter who it was that came to TJ in the night, they always sang the song that they knew best.
"What are you humming?"
"You're humming something. What is it?"
"A song my dad wrote."
" . . . can you sing it?"
"S'pose . . . "
"Bring me all of your dreams, you dreamers; bring me all of your heart melodies; that I may wrap them, in a blue cloud cloth, away from the too rough fingers of the world."
When Jack split off from the group, TJ strayed further and further away from the group. They'd build shelters, and then disappear. First they missed one meeting, then more and more, and more often. It got to the point that nobody saw them for a whole day.
Eventually Simon found them, sitting on rocks and staring out towards the sea. He showed them where he normally ran off to, and they left it at that. Gentle comfort and awareness of where to find the other.
When TJ came back to the shelters and found no one there, they decided that be for the best, and instead took to looking for Simon. They searched the shelters, then where they just left, then searched all through the trees until they found his spot. And what stood there.
"Well aren't you no-go."
" . . . "
"I'm losing my mind, talking to a pig's head on a stick? Really? That's just silly of me."
They searched further and harder until they reached the feast. All the boys surrounding a disfigured shape, drenched and panting like ravenous beasts.
TJ wanted to scream and run away, but instead they heaved a few shaky breaths and asked one simple question.
"What did you all do."
After that, TJ disappeared. They'd appear sporatically. At night, they'd comfort the Littluns, and in the day, they'd sit on the cliff outlooking where Simon was carried out.
At first people would try and talk to them; people like Ralph and Jack, Piggy and Roger. Sometimes even other Bigguns. But TJ was numb and rarely spoke anything. Even if you got a peep, it was likely just a muttered phrase or riddle.
They sat on that cliff for days, and only ever left after one fatal incident. Roger stood right next to them. They had long since figured out how to block out noises. They only kept to staring at the seat, but soon enough, they were pulled back to reality with a sickening crack. They looked down. The first thing they did was look down. They should not have looked down.
Slowly, they turned to look at Roger, only one phrase in mind.
"What did you do."
TJ knew once they caught Ralph, they'd likely be next. So they made a mock choice, and followed Jack as he lead them through the forest, hunting for the 'beast.' The thing that changes forms.
It wasn't long till they all came stumbling out of the trees, finding Ralph alive and sat up on the shore, begging and crying to a man in white. A naval officer, but most certainly not Ralph's dad.
"You're all British aren't you?"
"I'm not."
" . . . good for you. You lot enjoy playing war?"
Ralph sobbed, and TJ honestly wished they could've, but they had processed their grief long ago on this island. The boys had just started to process theirs. Everyone weeped in different ways. Roger stared off, Maurice sat down and buried their head, Henry searched the water for little jellyfish to distract himself with, and Johnny clung to TJ, with a smile and eyes that should've witnessed none of that.
Jack put his hand on Ralph's shoulder, clay blending with tears, and held out glasses freckled in cracks and speckled in red.
"Can we go?"
TJ was completely left out by the journals that covered the recovery of the boys from the island. Something TJ was thankful for but something that confused the other boys. Nowhere were they mentioned. It was as though all traces of them had been erased.
Except for one.
Through some good memory and help from kind neighbors, the boys each found their different ways to TJ's great grandparents, who welcomed them with open arms. They were all fed and treated wonderfully, and everything would've been great had they each gotten an answer other than what they always got.
"Where's TJ gone?"
TJ didn't plan on returning to Britain at all, but they did eventually. They worked with their community and grandparents to connect with spirituality. TJ merged that with their knowledge of art, and after one successful connection to a friend from the isle, TJ made grand plans.
They spent their youth practicing and setting up shop at home, and once their grandparents promised to run it while they were gone, they went to go set up shop somewhere far off.
They returned to Britain around their late-20s early 30s. TJ immediately set up shop and buisness was pretty quick. That being said, nothing came without some trouble, as one boy quickly found out where they were. And he would not stop bringing peace offerings from his guilt.
"Alright, you've pet Jupiter enough, leave."
"You don't want–"
"Put the bread on the table, and get out of my shop, Roger."
TJ owns a German Shepard Mastiff mix named Jupiter who they'd hoped would scare off any of the boys from coming to bother them, but that wasn't really the case.
Not when they got an oddly specific phone call, and not when someone interrupted right as they were going to get out of an already awkward situation.
"Please TJ–"
"Who's TJ?"
"–I just want to see my friend."
" . . . Piggy?"
"So you are the TJ from the I–"
"Shut up and let's get this over with."
" . . . "
"Uh, excuse me–"
"Hold on–"
"–I want to see a friend. His name was Simon."
" . . . "
"Oh great, now there's two of you."
It took some convincing from the dead and the living, but eventually TJ reconnected with all the boys from the island. They'd hang out with them during the holidays, and would always open up shop whenever they needed.
And that's just how they kept living. A peaceful and simple life, one needed after everything that had happened prior. Something deserved.
They went to their place, and they found it.
Found them.
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moon-tell-me · 1 year ago
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Who I write for:
The Outsiders
Darry Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Ponyboy Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
Two-bit Mathews
Lord Of The Flies
What I will do:
Nsfw (will only do headcannons and blurbs, for now)
Gender neutral reader
Pretty much anything that isn't below this ↓
What I won't do:
Pregnancy/anything involving kids and starting a family (I don't like domestic stuff)
Intense angst (a small bit of angst is okay though, as well as hurt/comfort)
Probably some other stuff that I can't think of right now, just ask and I'll probably do it :))
My bio will tell you if requests are open or not
I can't promise that I'll answer requests quickly (if at all), but I'll try.
Or if you just wanna talk or send me something I'm always up for it!
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