#lot of clarity lost because of the intermediary blog unfortunately
bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
check the @/am-i-the-asshole-official account
Nonsie's directing me to this post, which involves the recent discourse. I'd hoped we could get through this one without using blogs like this, because I've found it's yet to be helpful; it creates non-direct communication and the posting delays drag things out, but oh well. Here we are.
It does give me a chance to clarify things, since I believe a good portion of what they're talking about references what I've said, but they've partially misrepresented my position (I assume non-maliciously).
I agree with them. Tagging is polite and a common fandom courtesy. It's respectful to your fellow fans, allowing them to better curate their online spaces. Wanting tagging is not censorship, nor have I called it such--if that's the impression anyone's gotten, perhaps I haven't been clear enough. Censorship is (simplified) suppressing something's existence/controlling other people's access (e.g. by banning it), not controlling your own access.
Asking someone to tag something is entirely fine, and wanting media properly tagged is, too. Nothing I have said argues against that. The point of my posts was directed to people thinking it can't exist and those who create/engage with that media are immoral/inherently awful/bad people for doing so. Which is separate, though I apologize if the way I presented my points assumed understanding of that
One thing that I will add though: at the end of the day, you can't make someone tag something, even if it is a courtesy. If someone isn't/won't tag how you need or want for whatever reason, then the responsibility circles back to you to take control and remove that person from your online experience. You're both within your rights still. Just another facet to it.
So to summarize: I have no qualms with this person's desire for tagging. If they think that's what I've been arguing, they've misunderstood my posts. However, I do concede I don't think I directly addressed tagging, which may have contributed.
Hopefully this clears things up, though it's possible whoever submitted that has me blocked/I blocked them and they won't see this.
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