#lost canvas gaiden
cavaleirosdebronze · 9 months
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Reposição da edição brasileira do volume 11 do mangá Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas Gaiden deve ocorrer em breve: https://santosdebronze.blogspot.com/2023/12/reposicao-do-volume-11-de-lost-canvas.html
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runasignys · 7 months
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¡Un dibujo que hice para conmemorar el pasado San Valentín! Con una de mis parejas favoritas y que nunca me había dado el gusto de ilustrar ♥
Dégel y Seraphine de Saint Seiya The Lost Canvas, estoy muy feliz con este art ~ ♪
-xoxo runa
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mequetrefis · 2 years
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Thinking of Lacaille a completely normal amount today
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Scorpio Kardia Enjoys Alcohol
( This is just my opinion and headcanon. )
Look at his face.
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Why would he be so excited about going to a tavern if he’s not there going there to get alcohol? Unless he’s there for food, entertainment, and lodging. Plus, he did say that he wouldn’t let Sasha drink too much which tells me that he planned to drink alcohol and get Sasha to drink with him as well. Unless he’s joking but I highly doubt it since he has the mentality of a kid.
So, why didn’t he drink you ask?
Well, he got scolded by Calvera, the tavern owner, and that probably dampened his mood.
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Also, since he has the mentality of a child, his goal of getting alcohol disappeared when he got jealous that Sasha got free food and he didn’t. But, he didn’t take that much off Sasha’s plate which tells me that Calvera’s scolding probably bothered him a lot and he’s sulking.
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totoronocosmo · 2 years
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Do you believe in magic?
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monoukotori · 1 year
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So fucking many
I'm making a roll caaall~💕
Non-canon spinoffs
1.- Episode G, Episode G Assassin and Episode G Requiem
The OG spinoff
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2.- Lost Canvas and Lost Canvas Gaiden
The favorite of the fandom, apparently
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3.- Saintia Sho and Saintia Sho memories
Underrated IMO
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4.- Dark Wing
First of the new generation
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5.- Rerise of Poseidon
The newest one, the baby 🍼
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6.- Time Odyssey
A FRENCH spinoff... Bandes dessinée
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And now for the anime!
7.- Omega!
The black sheep of the family
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8.- Soul of Gold
Fanservice galore
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9.- Knights of the Zodiac
Western saint Seiya
I don't like it 🥴
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Canon spinoffs are of course Episode Zero, Origin and Destiny but Tumblr doesn't let me add more than 10 images
Also there are the novels Gigantomachia and Golden Age!
I have both in English*, I think 🤔 if you would like me to give them to you
Edit: I missremembered, I have them in SPANISH
Edit 2: There is also Next Dimension which is the official sequel but its not really a spin-off
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fatytaylor72 · 5 months
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My collection of gaidens from The Lost Canvas, I only need 5 volumes and my collection is finished :3
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floaromaxtowns · 3 months
Enlighten me on the Saints of Seiya and the Cancer of Deathtolls for the character meme (that sounded so wrong im so sorry)
Cancer Deathtoll
How I feel about this character:
Was I expecting to find a pretty good & genuine attempt at a queer representation out of a shonen show when I got into the series? No, and here I am in the year 2024. Deathtoll was a delightful surprise, when I first heard of them last year. It got me curious to read Next dimension, I just wanted to wait until the series was done for me to check it out c: Is it a flawless or perfect representation? No, even back when DT was first revealed (2012-13, long before we got to this point of cultural wars), there was a lot of valid criticisms about their appearance and the mannerisms (For context: in japanese media lgbtq+ characters, have almost always been delegated to being the comical relief & not to be taken seriously at all type of roles). And by the end of ND, Kurumada has clearly listened to it and it reflected in DT's overall importance and achievements he did throughout it. DT is still a very humorous character, but that's not the ONLY thing that describes him.
Even the way they were designed, is essential to comprehend this character: the biggest one is in order to break out of the bishonen/pretty men mold, which the series has PLENTY of it. And also because Deathtoll CHOSE to present themselves like that, they are happy and take pride in their looks like that. To me, DT became the most memorable gold of their era.
TLDR: It's refreshing to see a genuine attempt at a queer representation, from a guy that has a long history of trying to be supportive of the lgbtq+ community.
All the people I romantically ship this character with: The time has come to spread Cancer Deathtoll/Leo Kaiser propaganda. @awesomesauce2929 and @monoukotori are doomed to deal with my ramblings about these two from now on. Look!! They are wearing each other's gifts!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I really liked his interactions with Odysseus <3 Their talk in DT's childhood was so heartwarming!
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hot take of the century: Deathtoll would be more popular, if folks weren't cowards about characters that aren't conveniently attractive. Girlies throw a hissy fit over the lack of queer representation in media, but then they act completely oblivious to anything that doesn't fit your "perfect queer representation" (Aka only pretty/hot/attractive folks allowed).
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I HOPE this isn't the end of Next dimension's gold saints, I hope each and every single ND gold gets a huge ass gaiden chapter out of pure spite @ all the Lost canvas nonsense folks had to deal with. I think we deserve to learn more about Deathtoll.
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theshiki · 5 months
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Título: Beso esquimal 
Shipp: Aspros x Sísifo
Fandom: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas
Resumen: Ubicado en el capítulo 63 del the gaiden cuando Sísifo quedó malherido tras enfrentarse a unos centauros. Su buen amigo Aspros desea reconciliarse con él tras unas desafortunadas palabras.
Este drabble participa de la week especial "kisspril" organizada por la página "es de fanfics"
Amor yaoi: https://www.amor-yaoi.com/viewstory.php?sid=209644&chapter=1
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55433434
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14350080/1/Beso-esquimal
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saintseiya-zone · 1 year
Is LC releasing more gaiden chapters? In 2023? Or was the ask talking about the ones already on existence?
Uh, okay, just a quick review because I see now my answer could be confusing. 外伝 (gaiden) means "side story" or "anecdote". For TLC, we have the Gaiden related to the Gold Saints (each of them had at least one volume to tell their stories), and there are also shorter Gaiden that relate to a number of other characters.
The Gaiden another anon asked about focuses on Sasha and Albafica, but is not necessarily intended to last a whole volume. Sometimes they are a one shot (like the Yuzuriha one), sometime they are a 3-part story (like The Rebirth of Vermilion). Most of these shorter Gaiden were collected in The Lost Canvas Extra Edition, but the most recent ones have yet to be compiled.
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cavaleirosdebronze · 4 months
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A editora JBC deu mais informações sobre a produção das edições nacionais dos volumes 13 de Lost Canvas Gaiden Especial e Next Dimension.
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dreamcast-official · 1 year
oh yeah btw i read the fifth and sixth volumes of the saint seiya lost canvas gaiden today. and i *starts crying*
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el-cadejos · 2 years
[HC] Santuario
Sedes Externas
En el manga original, Lost Canvas/Gaiden y Saintia Sho hay páginas que presentan las lápidas de Santos fallecidos. Si bien es cierto que el nombre de un Santo no siempre refleja su origen (ejemplos: Aphrodite, Isaac, Asterion), decidí investigar el origen geográfico y usarlo como base para mi teoría de que el Santuario tiene sedes externas donde recluta aspirantes:
(Disculpen el Espanglish, es mi modus operandi ^^Uu)
Juan (España)
Serge (France)
Travis (Norman-French)
Algernon (Norman-French, "with moustache")
Pascal (French, from the Latin Paschalis)
Gilles (France)
Baraba (might be mispelled Barbara, Greek)
Kain (Biblical Greek, hebrew origin)
Cima (Venezian surname, could also be hebrew/aramic and mean treasure)
Ludwig (Germanic)
Hugo (Germanic)
Flavio (Italian version of Flavius)
Lauro (Italian version of Laurus)
Gavin (medieval variation of Gawain, British Isles)
Tony (Roman Antonius, English version)
Edmund (Old English, British Isles)
Norman (English, from a Germanic version of "Nord man")
Sven (Old Norse)
Helga (old norse, Scandinavia)
Ivan (Slavic, could be Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedojian, Ukranian, etc)
África-Medio Oriente
Siroe (Sasanian/Persian  Empire - modern Iran)
Basile (Arabic)
Tess (diminutive of Theresa, Greek "to harvest”, most used in USA)
Basado en esto, planteo sedes mayores en Italia, Francia, y las Islas Británicas (el Santuario está oculto, así que dejo ésta última en las Tierras Altas de Escocia, específicamente).
Podría ubicar sedes menores en Eritrea, Azerbaiyán, Tailandia, Rusia Oriental, Suriname y Belice, meramente para tratar de distribuirlas alrededor del mundo.
Como dato curioso, los 49 Santos/Aspirantes canónicos de los cuales sabemos dónde se entrenaron se distribuyen de la siguiente manera:
Europa: 20 (Saga, Kanon, Deathmask, Aiora, Milo, Aioros, Shura, Marin, Shaina, Misty, Asterion, Algol, Jamian, Dante, Capella, Sirius, Orphee, Seiya, Ichi, y Cassios)
Asia: 9 (Mu, Shaka, Dohko, Camus, Shion, Shiryu, Hyoga, Isaac, y Kiki)
África: 5 (Alghetti, Ptolemy, Jabu, Ban y Nachi)
América: 4 (Alde, Aphro, Dio y Geki)
Oceanía: 1 (Moses)
?: 10 (Babel, Daidalos, Shun, Ikki, June, Jango y 4 Black Saints, todos entrenados en lugares inexistes)
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randomsts · 11 months
Hello, there!
This is a blog for pretty much my non-fiction writing for Saint Seiya. I might include some of my own thoughts, but I appreciate your thoughts too! And be warned, beacause I read the spinoffs too (Lost Canvas, Ep G, G Assassin, Saintia Sho, some TLC gaiden, Dark Wing, Rerise of Poseidon) there might be spoilers, so read at your own risk! I don't mind you using my content, but please remember to link back to this blog.
Happy reading!
(Disclaimer : I don't own Saint Seiya)
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hellocagliostro · 4 years
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monoukotori · 2 years
Kain’s sleep deprived Saint Seiya’s rec list
Made for @silverzeze
Movies: These movies are canon to the anime so u could watch them first before jumping to the manga
Evil Goddess Eris (1987): The goddess Eris possesses some poor girl that is shipped with Hyoga (?)
The Heated Battle of the Gods (1988): This is loosely based in a chapter extra of the manga and was like the proto-Asgard saga (the movie got popular so Toei turned it into a very alright filler arc)
Legend of Crimson Youth (1988): happens roughly after Poseidon’s arc. A god named Abel appears, tries to romance Athena (his sister), tries to destroy earth and shenanigans ensue (this movie is very pretty)
Warriors of the Final Holy Battle (1989): Seiya and co vs Lucifer, yes that one
High Priority: Everything made by Kurumada. Not because the spinoffs are less or something, but because there are so much content people get confused about what’s canon or not. Only the things made by Kurumada are canon, and the spinoffs often contradict canon info (often because the spinoff was released before this information became public) and the spinoffs constantly contradict each other, so it’s better to read the canon stuff first to avoid confusion
Episode Zero: narrates the event of Saga’s coup and Aioros escape from sanctuary with baby Athena
 Origin: Shows how the twins ended up in sanctuary and the origin of Saga’s double personality
Destiny:  New scenes with Kanon and the marinas, narrates how Kanon decided to fight for Athena and how Saga was recruited by Hades
 Next Dimension: oficial sequel manga. It starts almost inmediately where the OG anime left it and it deals with time travel, its wild
After this almost anything is fair game, it depends of what kind of story you’d like to watch/read
Lost Canvas: the most popular Spin-Off. Narrates the holy war from when Dohko and Shion were young (A lot of people mistakenly think this is canon when it’s not) Its finished and has a lot of Gaidens for extra content (It has an anime but has been unfinished since 2011 so don’t bother, pick the manga)
Episode G: The first Spin-off, less popular but considered one if not the best spin-off of them all. Aioria is the protagonist, it narrates his life living as the brother of the traitor, and the attack of the god Kronos to sanctuary. This manga’s characterization and story are great, but the art style is ugly and confusing :v. Its finished and has 2 sequels: Episode G Assassin (my personal favorite. Finished) and Episode G: Requiem (unfinished, releases a new chapter every month) No anime
Saintia Sho: An interquel focused in the saintias. Something like the personal maids of Athena, different from feminine saints, they do not use masks and act more like ladies-in-waiting than bodyguards. The protagonist is Shoko, and her journey to save her sister that became the recipient of the evil Goddess Eris (yes, this manga is partly inspired by the Eris movie) Finished, it has a side manga named Saintia Sho memories, which is unfinished and has only like 2 chapters so far. It has an anime but its DOGSHIT and unfinished, do not watch it. Pick the manga
Kurumada Suikoden: Crossover manga of all the manga made by Kurumada and illustrated by a BL artist. Not recommended since it has been in hiatus since 2016 :c
Dark Wing: focuses on Shōichirō, the Wyvern specter from a different dimension and the Holy war agains Athena, but things are not as they seem… This manga deals with the multiverse and is one of the newest spin-offs, it only has 22 chapters and releases a new one monthly, is the most unique spin-off I’ve read
Time Odyssey: A French official saint seiya spin-off. I don’t know a lot about this since it released last year so we have very little content still (also I want to buy the thing once it get licensed so I have not read the scans :v so my knowledge of the plot is spotty at best). The villain is Kronos again, trying to fuck up the timeline to stop the bronzies to fuck up the Olympus and kill god (Hades) Since it’s a French comic and not a manga it releases in volumes. Next Volume will release later this year. First volume is focused in Ikki, next one will be in Shun
Rerise of Poseidon: After the Hades arc, Athena and the bronzies are trapped in the destroyed underworld. The Olympus flips out and sends the goddess of divine punishment Nemesis to destroy earth as punishment to kill a god. Hades now turned into a butterfly wakes up Poseidon and temporarily revives the marinas(+Kanon) to stop this (cuz both Hades and Poseidon want to rule the earth, not destroy it). With only 2 chapters is the newest spin-off. This one is a doozy cuz it releases a new chapter whenever (1 september, 2 january, 3 will be in april)
Soul of Gold: Odin revives the goldies after dying in Hades arc to stop shit going down in Asgard. This is pure fanservice :v. The animation is not very good and the plot is not very good but again, its fanservice so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Omega: a sort of “next generation” for Saint Seiya, haven’t watch it so can’t say much. A lot of people don’t like it, but has interesting ideas. Also it has adult Sagittarius!Seiya and adult Aries!Kiki sooo, it doesn’t hurt to check it out
Legend of Sanctuary: a movie that tries to fit the entire sanctuary arc in 2 hours. It was a valiant effort. This is where the Pandora box dog tags comes from and at some point DM has a musical number with literal dancing crabs (?) watch it.
Saint Seiya Tenkai hen: Another that is a doozy. This is the first and only movie from a cancelled trilogy, this trilogy was supposed to be the official sequel to the OG anime,but at the end Toei didn’t follow the script that Kurumada wrote (which caused a fallout between them and it’s the reason Next Dimension exist) and also Toei didn’t give it publicity and released it on theaters the same week as THE LORD OF THE RINGS. So, it failed and the rest of the trilogy was cancelled. It’s probably the prettiest and best animated movie of them all, and I am very sad about everything surrounding it. It still worth checking out imo.
Light novels:
There are two: Gigantomachia and Golden Age but haven’t read either of them :/ I put them here so you know they exist
Gigantomachia is a fight against the Titans, and Golden Age is a fight against the goddess Astreia. Idk much more
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