loserholland · 6 years
Sneak Peek
-This should be up by Friday night!
She ran her fingers through her boyfriends soft brown locks as he head rest in her lap, she used her free hand to trace the outline of his face. She used her index finger to trace his sharp jaw, to his defined cheekbones, tracing the outline of his eyes as she used the pad of her thumb and ran it over his plump pink kissable lips.
“Did I ever tell you that you’re so handsome?” (Y/N) mumbled as Roman’s lips curved into a smile “Did I ever tell you that you’re an angel?” Roman questioned lifting his head out of (Y/N) lap. He pulled (Y/N) towards him allowing her to straddle him as he sat upright against the headboard.
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loserholland · 6 years
Few Updates tonight!
I will try my best to upload a few of my Roman imagines tonight! Also I’m gonna try to start writing my Sugar Daddy imagines for Merkel, Roman, and Bill! 
So stay tuned loves!
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loserholland · 6 years
Busy Schedule
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Hi loves! Sorry I haven’t updated lately I’ve had a writers block & busy with school. I’ll try to update this week!
Mucho love!
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loserholland · 7 years
Roman Godfrey
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Based off of episode 8 of season 2 in which Miranda runs off with Nadia and when the reader finds out and she’s mad at Roman because she warned him about Miranda and the reader see’s Nadia as her own daughter. In the end Roman tells Miranda to leave Hemlock Grove.
It switches from Reader P.O.V to third person 
Warning- Angst, lots and lots of angst but happy ending
Word Count- 1,508
I pushed open the door to Roman’s house, I was going to spend the day with Nadia. I went to Nadia’s room to see an empty crib and so many of her things were out of place, as I continued to look around my eyebrows furrowed “Oh my god” I whispered to myself as I saw Anna Nadia’s nanny in the living room .
“Anna! Where’s Nadia? I was suppose to spend the day with her.” I asked with panic in my voice “She took her..” Anna whispered as I paced around the living room “What?” I questioned as Anna looked up tears filling her eyes her breathing was shaky “The girl Miranda.. she took her! I dozed off and when I woke up she was gone!” Anna quickly got up and walked up the stairs. 
I pulled out my phone and called Roman as I paced back and forth waiting for him to pick up “(Y/N) hey how-” I quickly cut him off “Roman come home now! Nadia she’s missing, Miranda took her I don’t know where she is please come home now!” I said as salty tears escaped my eyes “I’m on my way I ended the call headed to the kitchen to make me a glass of water and sat on the sofa.
(Y/N) buried her face into her hands as salty tears slipped down her cheek, she heard the door open causing her attention to turn to the door seeing Roman’s tall figure walk in. “(Y/N)” Roman whispered causing her to run into his embrace as tears continued to slip down her cheeks “Roman we need to find her! Where’s Peter? Does she know where Miranda is?” (Y/N) questioned frantically as she pulled away from his embrace pacing back and forth.
“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted her, I told you! You and Peter yet you’re both too stubborn to see past it, all you see is ‘Oh another fuck’.” (Y/N) bit at her thumb “You let her play house now she’s running around with Nadia doing god knows what! Letting her feed your daughter who knows if she has AIDS!” (Y/N) went on as Roman mumbled “You’re not her mother.” Causing (Y/N) to stop in her place.
“Yes Roman you’re right, I’m not the mother by blood yet I was there for her when she lost her mother, I was there for her when you worked late nights at the white tower when we all knows those ‘late nights’ were one night stands! So yes she’s not my daughter, but I care for her as if she is my own! When you first introduced her to me all I could think about is having a daughter of my own! I rocked her to sleep since you were too busy with your one night stands and just the other night when you and your little house wife were upstairs doing god knows what, while I was here tucking her into bed. So you Roman have no right! No right to say I’m not her mother because I care for her as if she’s my own daughter!” Tears began to fill her eyes once more as Roman kneeled down taking (Y/N) face into his hands wiping the tears away with the pad of his thumb. 
The thing was.. (Y/N) had feelings for Roman, she stood by him through his dark times and good times, helped him take care of Nadia when Letha had died, when he found out what his true nature was being a upir she helped him through it. If anything (Y/N) felt as if she was the one ‘playing house’, she was always there when Roman had called saying he’s staying late at the office, or when he’d have trouble putting her to sleep she’d be there. (Y/N) was always there for him, she tried so hard to get his attention yet it was as if he was too blind to see that the perfect girl, the perfect mother, the perfect wife.
“I’m sorry baby.. I didn’t mean to say that. You’re more of a parent than I am to Nadia. Please forgive me.” Roman took her hands into his, (Y/N) hands fit perfectly in Roman’s large hands. He brought her hands to his lips kissing them as he whispered “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I said you aren’t her mother, (Y/N) baby I’m sorry please forgive me.” Roman apologized as tears filled his own eyes.
He hurt the girl he loved, he watched as she avoided eye contact looking anywhere but him. Roman brushed away the freshly fallen tears along with her smudged mascara. He leaned in capturing her soft plump lips kissing them slowly yet sweetly, he pulled away slowly letting her calm down before he started speaking “I’m sorry I was to blind to see the perfect mother for Nadia... the perfect girlfriend possibly future wife, it was you all along.” Roman whispered in a gentle tone causing (Y/N) to chuckle.
“Took you long enough.” Causing Roman to chuckle as well, (Y/N) leaned in for another kiss only to break it once Roman’s phone rang. 
‘Peter’ flashed across the screen causing Roman to quickly slide the pad of his thumb across the screen to answer it. “Peter, did you find-”  “Yeah got it, see you in 10.” Roman hung up the phone. (Y/N) quickly got up grabbing some baby wipes from her purse and wiped the smudged mascara off as she headed for the door ahead of Roman “Roman come on.” she urged as he followed closely behind her.
The drive to Destiny’s was silent, all (Y/N) could think about is Nadia and her safety. Roman took her hands in his “(Y/N) it’s okay, she’s okay.” she nodded just a few minutes away till she knows Nadia is safe.
 Once Roman put the car in park (Y/N) rushed out of the car and headed into Destiny’s building rushing up the stairs standing outside of Destiny’s door knocking on it repeatedly. Peter opened the door “(Y/N) where’s-” she brushed past him heading for the living room to see Nadia, Roman entered a few seconds later.
“Nadia, my sweet princess.” (Y/N) was in a small voice as Nadia’s attention turned to (Y/N) her tiny arms attempting to reach forward wanting to be in (Y/N) embrace. (Y/N) quickly took Nadia into her embrace cradling her head, (Y/N) began to tear up she felt at ease now that Nadia was in her arms. 
“Okay you can give her back now.” Miranda mumbled causing (Y/N) to scoff “No! No way in hell am I giving her back to you! I want you to leave this town and never ever come back!” (Y/N) said in a stern tone causing Miranda to scoff.
“Roman are you seriously gonna let her speak to me this way?” Miranda said with annoyance, “You heard (Y/N), leave. You first start breast feeding my daughter then ran off with her? Leave and don’t ever come back.” Roman answered back causing Miranda to scoff as she pushed pass him existing Destiny’s apartment.
Roman sat on the carpeted floor of Nadia’s room cradling Nadia in his arms, (Y/N) smiled to herself noticing not only was Nadia falling asleep but it was Roman too. 
She walked in and sat herself next to Roman “Roman.” she whispered only to get a “Hm?” out of him “Roman, Nadia is asleep you can place her in her crib now.” (Y/N) whispered causing Roman to wake up a little more “I made her sleep.” Roman whispered as a smile tugged at his lips. (Y/N) smiled taking Nadia into her arms so she could place her into her crib, Roman stood up to help tuck her in “Goodnight sweet princess.” (Y/N) whispered turning to Roman “Let’s get you to bed.” they both walked out of Nadia’s room closing the door slowly then made their way up the stairs. 
Once they got to his room she helped stripped him of his clothes till he was left in his boxer briefs, (Y/N) changed into one of his shirts that fell right about her knee then climbed into bed with him. 
She snuggled up into his side drawing small figures into his chest “I never got to say thank you.” Roman began causing (Y/N) to look up at him “Thank you for being a mother to Nadia, taking care of her like you would your own children one day, being there for her while I was out doing what a parent shouldn’t be doing. Thank you for staying by my side through the good and bad times in my life. I’m am beyond grateful to have you by my side.” (Y/N) leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his sweet plump lips “Thank you for allowing me to stay by your side and allowing me to meet Nadia and have me take care of her as my own.” (Y/N) eyes began to flutter shut, Roman placed a kiss on the top of her head “I love you (Y/N)”.
“I love you too Roman.”
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