#losdrala strongbraid
bergond · 7 years
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“After numerous twists and turns Quotali brought them to a room where a dwarf was laying out her tools. Her dark skin was peppered with flecks of gold and precious metals from various projects, giving her a resplendent, shimmering glimmer in the light of the furnace. Her broad shoulders blocked their view of the fire and framed her in their sight. Even though she had wrinkles at the corner of her eyes, those were the product of carefully scrutiny of her work rather than stress or toil.
"I would like to introduce you to Losdrala Strongbraid, one of our finest smiths."
Losdrala Strongbraid - she became a beloved NPC as soon as she showed up!
[Art by @kimbles ]
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bergond · 6 years
Nonta and Losdrala - A Bittersweet Tale
[to listen while you read]
Nonta and Losdrala first met each other when they were both young, just starting their respective careers - Losdrala as an apprentice at the Guild obviously, and Nonta as a novitiate in her order. Nonta is a human woman, with a bit of social awkwardness, and a strong moral compass; she had long wavy auburn hair and cheery freckles. She was a squire, hoping to become a Paladin in her order.
Nonta was a Paladin in the Order of the True Star, a sect that actively seeks to quest beyond Bergond's limits. Much of their liturgy focuses on the journey and adventure as testing grounds for the soul, and they help explore newly arrived structures and areas from other dimensions. Nonta and Losdrala first met before Nonta's first quest. Nonta's Knight Marshal used the Gruuma Guild for weapon/armor repair because he trusted no one else. Losdrala and Nonta only exchanged glances at that first meeting, but there was a spark.
Over the years, they kept seeing each other as Nonta would return from her quests and Losdrala would repair her arms and armor. Nonta often threw herself so fiercely into battle that she would have severe damage to her equipment. Losdrala told her to write ahead of time for what she would need in terms of supplies/repairs so she could clear her schedule.
As time went on these letters became more and more frequent and shifted from the mundane to the more personal. But Losdrala was never sure where Nonta would be questing next, so she could not write much in return. And in person, Nonta was so shy and Losdrala so focused that neither could muster the courage to say much more than small talk.
Months turned to years, years turned decades. Nonta watched Losdrala become a peerless crafter, her skin becoming more jewel-like as the flecks of precious metals became a part of her. Losdrala saw Nonta grow in stature and martial grace with every visit. Both went from young girls to women, though their affections were still a bit juvenile - so busy giving themselves to their livelihoods that they never grew out of the shyness of youth.
Nonta thought her faith required - demanded - that she quest eternally, destined to die in battle away from hearth and home. But one night in prayer, after besting a dragon single-handed but nearly losing her life in the process, she was struck by a divine revelation: Life itself is the journey, love the provisions. Nonta found a pair of rubies in the dragon's hoard and knew what she had to do.
She rushed back that day and burst into Losdrala’s workshop. She quietly took Losdrala’s hands in her own and allowed her divine power to glow from her palms - it set off a radiant display of dancing lights from Losdrala’s gem-flecked skin. The room burst with the mingled lights of their touch, and when they locked eyes they saw that they had been the fire in each other's hearts all along. They shared an embrace and let the light wash over them.
Now, Nonta has laid down her sword and shield to tend to the home they share, while Losdrala continues to work at the Guild. They each wear custom-made ring with a brilliantly-shining ruby set in it, which can notch into one another when pressed together. Losdrala fills her time between jobs fashioning unique jewelry that they share, and at night they fill their little home with dancing lights.
The woman vocalizing the lyrics is Nonta, who is singing to Losdrala.
If you want to follow along with Nonta's emotional journey, the 0:00 - 1:21 is her wrestling with her faith but coming to realize her love of Losdrala. 1:22 is when her heart starts beating and she rushes back to see Losdrala, her courage building the entire journey. 2:57 (when the violins kick in) is the moment they first touch and share that moment, and the kiss happens at 3:05.
Love story of two NPCs by our talented GM, Grant.
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bergond · 7 years
Non-Player Characters [NPCs]
A listing of the NPcs we come across. Names will link to any artwork or chapters involving them. 
Sargal Torad - Orc, male, arch magistrate of the Gruuma Artisan’s Guild. Married to Bolarion, he and his husband have a daughter. [tag #Sargal]
Octavia Torad - Daughter of Sargal and Bolarion, currently missing and possibly gang affiliated. Tutored by Meister Dunhart. [tag #octavia]
Velendria - A boisterous Fluttercape ganger, Vely for short. She is brave and dashing, tall for a Flutter, and has red hair with blonde streaks. [tag #vely]
Johan, Brunhilde, and Junter Garthener - A rich family with Advantage on all obnoxiousness checks. [tag #garthener]
Miss Serah Potts - Head of House live-in staff of the Cagliari family. She is known for being warm hearted and kind, but stern & solid in business matters. She is a half-elf, 5’4” with a curvy body type and has curly lavender hair with blue eyes. [tag #serah]
Thenflonk Tossleblast - A pink-mohawked gnome, student of Meister Dunhart, and friend(?) of Octavia Torad. [tag #thenflonk]
Losdrala Strongbraid - A skilled dwarven smith, she is one of Gruuma Artisan Guild's finest crafters. [tag #losdrala]
Sauli Oord - Fire Genasi and Head Chef of the Cagliari house. He would often be seen out in the markets and butcher's shops. [tag #sauli]
Mikkel Egner - Master blacksmith from Guild Row, and Leif’s father.  [tag #mikkel]
Tilly McTin - A Dragonborn student of Meister Dunhart. She is skilled with the sciences and has a penchant for analysis.  [tag #tilly mctin]
 Qverty Qibordd - A stout pig-faced orc boy. Has bad gas, knows it, uses it. Astonishing musical talent. his mother is a high ranking city guard captain. [tag #qverty]
Aliases: Jennifrome (Misery), Chipper (s/a), and Offa (Nix) Theoblock - High end merchants who made their fortune exporting copper cogs from the Plane of Clockwork. We'll figure out how to explain the frogginess when we get to there. [tag #Theoblocks]
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