#lorenzo can go fling himself into another galaxy thanks
goldenalec · 5 years
“This apartment is not important.”
Magnus digs his heels into the ground in an effort to steady himself before speaking again, “I have you and I have my magic. Truly, that’s enough.”
Alec looks at him, scanning every inch of Magnus for some betrayal of pain, of the incessant burning that’s been crawling under his skin ever since he returned from Lorenzo’s. Then his gaze drops to the ground.
Magnus thinks back to that first night Alec had spent in the loft. He remembers watching him in muted wonder, watching as the shackles of Alexander’s life slowly began to loosen, ever so slightly, as they talked late into the night. They’d sat engulfed by plush cushions, lit by soft light with the skyline of Manhattan glittering behind them beyond the great glass doors. Magnus remembers the smile on Alec’s face, wondrous to behold, appearing here and there almost as if Alec himself wasn’t aware of it. The endlessly endearing way his cheeks coloured whenever Magnus said something remotely flirty.
Then, he thinks back to the night Alec had turned to him, fire in his eyes.
“I don’t care how many people you’ve been with.” His voice had been steadfast, resolute, and without preamble. It was the first of many instances when Alec spoke to him as though there was a direct connection between his heart and his mouth. The kiss that had followed had been fire and morning sunshine, lightning and dew drops all at once. Magnus remembers blinking his eyes open and staring into Alec’s.
I’m all for effort.
Magnus had kept his promise in this loft. Between these walls, in these rooms, on this balcony, Magnus had found the man who would turn out to be the love of his life.  
Nights spent sitting across from him, watching him speak. Listening to the impossible softness of his voice, tinged with effervescent joy, imbued with his smile. Waking up to find him humming to himself in the kitchen, hair messy and a kind of looseness to his movements that spoke of the comfort he found in this place. Feeling his heart flutter more and more in his chest at every kiss, every touch, every adoring smile sent his way.
Magnus fell in love with Alec between these walls.
And now, they were no longer his.
No longer theirs.
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