#lorenz fire emblem
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chimachansan · 14 days ago
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Happy birthday Ignaz!! I love you!
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plotthotrobin · 2 months ago
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More Text Post Memes: Claude Edition 🏹♟🦌💛
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coucou-art · 4 months ago
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the greatest
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madampringle · 11 months ago
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Haven’t drawn Lorenz in a while, so here you all go!
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tidbi-t-art · 10 months ago
🌹Lorenz Hellman Gloucester💜
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Happy Birthday Lorenz,
I dont know where this vibe came from or why I drew him with such an energy but this is just where my hands took me ig
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faerghusfucker · 2 months ago
hello tumblr user faerghusfucker, I love your character design takes. The detail in the Felix hair take fascinates me, because I personally know nothing about hair. Do you have any other hair-headcanons about other characters in the game?
hello tumblr user maxthewickedgoblin!!! the answer is yes i do, and i just need to preface this post by stating just how excited this ask got me. i got it in the middle of working on a pile of assignments and i decided to make answering it a reward for when i finished them all bc this is a topic im so passionate abt that even just giving myself time to THINK more abt it is like a treat.
also this is the first post im making from my computer instead of my phone lol, i anticipate itll be a long one so. it's real keyboard time. btw if yall want me to expand on any of these more you need only ask and i will yap for all eternity. i hold this information in my soul all the time i love yapping abt this shit
An Eclectic Collection of FE3H Hairstyle Headcanons
ingrid's father doesn't allow her to cut her hair. it's like unwieldy long pre-ts and it looks super split ends-y, probably to make her more "marriageable" and appealing to the noblemen that he sends her proposals from. In both houses and hopes she defies his wishes by joining the army, and i think her cutting her hair is a symbol of that defiance as well. she is COMMITTING to the knighthood thing, marriage is of no concern to her, and so she changes her appearance as a result
similar thing with mercedes!!! she has the same marriage conflict as ingrid does (it's a little different with her tho, ingrid loves her father and mercedes. well you know), and i think the hair thing caries over too. she becomes a nun post-ts in houses and cuts her hair way shorter, but there's also a noticeable lack of the fluffy, wavy texture it has pre-ts. idk if this would be a requirement for nuns in the church of seiros, but it seems that in turning herself fully over to her faith, she also reduced her focus on worldly/selfish things such as fancy products for her hair and spending hours on styling it, so maybe that's why it's so much straighter in addition to being shorter
i know i already yapped abt felix FAR too much so here's a cutesy one lol i think he lets ppl play with his hair if they want to. he lets mercedes brush it and put braids in it when she misses emille and he didnt protest too hard when annette wanted to put flowers in it for the ball (spoiler for my ball felix design). he also takes SUPER good care of it. of all the characters in the game except maybe hilda, his hair routine is the most detailed. you know he has special brushes and oils and shit, his hair is SILKYYYY
you didnt think i JUST had blue lions headcanons, did you???? SURPRISE
i think dorothea's natural hair texture is her post-timeskip houses one, and in every other design she's curled it. i mean come on, she was a diva in an opera company, of course she knows how to do her hair super nice, and she carried that skill with her to the academy to try and attract a good spouse. but as we learn more about her and she grows up a little more, she starts to drop her flirty facade and be more authentic instead, and you guessed it, wearing her natural hair more :3
linhardt is VERY picky abt his hair length. obviously hes autistic and so he probably doesnt like how it feels when the cold air hits his neck. but at the same time, when his hair gets longer than his shoulders it tangles too easily, and it's far too much work to brush all of that hair. his hair has to sit AT his shoulders (in hopes he gets too busy with the war effort to cut it and so he's in-between haircuts in that one. he hates it so much. someone give my dear son a trim)
ferdinand's hair grows CRAZY fast. did you guys see the length of it in the houses timeskip????? unreal. like linhardt he starts out very meticulous with it-- a nobleman must be well-groomed, after all-- but once the war starts and he loses his territory i think he gets a lil depressed and kind of just. doesnt do it anymore lol
this one's a little out there but i think hubert is blind in his hidden eye and thats why he puts his hair over it. hes never told anyone abt it bc it would be a major weakness in battle if someone knew he had a massive blind spot. this is part of the reason he takes so well to magic thats super big and destructive so he doesnt need to be super precise abt where he's hitting. he struggles with weapons A LOT so he makes sure hes an absolute beast in magic to make up for it
marianne never learned to do her own hair, but she learned to braid horse manes after spending so much time with them and so she just applied that knowledge to herself. after getting closer to hilda, she very nervously and quietly asked if she could show her how to make her hair look nice, and homegirl JUMPED at the opportunity (hilda had been wanting to fix her gf's hair up for so long but she was being nice abt it)
lorenz lets his father cut his hair for him. need i say more
byleth (both of them) trims their hair with a dagger, and they've gotten really good at it. mercenery work doesn't pay well enough for things like hairdressers, and they've never really given much thought to their appearance until arriving at the monastery and having everyone ogle at them all the time.
that SHOULD be everything but i'll probably think of more later. i legit thought of a few new ones as i wrote them lmao. i'm actually going to school for game design rn and specializing in concept art so this is the type of shit i think of. for my career lmao it's super fun. please spam my askbox with headcanons or questions or whatever the fuck i love to talk and i think it's bonkers other ppl like to read what i write lol. see you next time with that felix drawing :3
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jpeg-anachronism · 4 months ago
Random bit of wholesomeness. I have a plush of Lorenz from fire emblem that I really like and my two year old brother constantly asks if he can borrow it. He's still learning to talk and it's hard to tell sometimes if he's paying attention to you.
So I let him play with the plushie because he really likes it, but I'm always really nervous about him because as sweet as he is he's a two year old who's favorite hobby is throwing various objects at walls. Tonight I let him hold it while watching a movie, then halfway through set it back on my bed so that he didn't get it messy during dinner.
Movie finishes, time for bed. Helping get the kids ready and realize that he's still waddling around frantically. I tell him it's time to go to bed. He bursts into tears and says clear as day "I lost Lorenz!" which is really fucking insane considering how much he mumbles.
He's currently cuddling it I've deduced he is more worthy than I.
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smkittykat · 1 year ago
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Sailor Lorenz
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s0colas · 2 years ago
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Lorenz comm I did for a friend :>
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dillybilly · 9 months ago
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And it worked.
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 4 months ago
i cant explain this one but I think lorenz has the vibes of someone who is lactose intolerant. he isnt but he LOOKS like it
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bestpolyshipbracket · 4 months ago
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 1 Round 1
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feshippingpolls · 4 months ago
Back at it again with another rarepair, Dedue/Lorenz? They may have never interacted in canon, but there was an artist who used to make super cute fanart of them but stopped after being bullied out of it.
Bonus round: Dedue being completely deadpan while having THE silliest, foppiest twink boyfriend is a fun concept
FE: Should they kiss?
Dedue x Lorenz
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pokemontheywouldhave · 3 months ago
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Please reblog for larger sample size :)
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madampringle · 10 months ago
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tidbi-t-art · 1 year ago
So remember that poll I posted about Claurenz?
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Yeah, this is completely unrelated
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