#lore Olympus helios
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This is a genuine question,but does RS not realize that not all the titans were locked up after the titanomachy?the only ones punished were the ones who supported Kronos,and the ones that supported the gods and/or stayed neutral were just left to vibe.
For example,HELIOS(aka the GUY IN CHAINS) was not involved in the titanomachy and appears in several other stories not chained up(most notably in the odyssey and the story of Phaethon)
Also Helios isn’t the sun itself,he just rides the chariot.
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nyxenthusiast · 3 months
If Helios is in chains for being a (second gen) Titan, how come his sisters aren’t?
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demeterdefence · 4 months
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oh we’re really just throwing any old thing in the blender WHY is helios fighting for the gods he HATES them
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psyaurorak · 1 year
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It’s so weird that Persephone is supposed to be this loving & compassionate goddess.
Rachel needs to show us not tell us 😭
You can’t say she’s guilty but then don’t show her guilt!
Her actions give us the opposite impression.
Honestly I wouldn’t even mind it if she felt no remorse
But LO really made it so she’s perfect anyway.
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monstrumpuella · 4 months
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The Sun ☀️ vs the Sky ☁️
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loganslowdown4 · 10 months
Helios channeling Janus in Lore Olympus lmao
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Bc f—k Virgil hahha
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incorrect-au-master · 10 months
So.... What does Poseidon think about Helios and his daughter Rhodos being married or a couple in general
Poseidon: my first thought when they starte hooking up was "how do they even do it?"
Poseidon: my second thought, when they started dating was "meh, good for her"
Poseidon: my third thought, when Zeus finally decided to put an end to his sentence was 'kay, he goes jogging anyway"
Poseidon: my fourth thought, when they announced their marriage was "WHYYYY??? MY BABYGIIIIIRL!!!"
Poseidon: and my final thought, when they finally have kids, will be: "HOW?"
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skele--turtle · 2 years
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me and who when
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apollos-lyre-hehe · 1 year
why was Helios in chains, I'm kinda worried for him
he also seemed really sad?
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pirunika · 2 years
checked Astraeus in LO out of curiosity noooooooo what they did do to u 😭 tbh just add hair I like the skin
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…Rachel,I know he was mixed in with Apollo but do your fucking Helios research research-
Helios is the son of Hyperion and theia,not gaia if we’re going that route and not chaos if we’re going the other.
Actually,due to both his parents being children of Gaia and Ouranos,he should be saying “you should be helping me,grandson”
If you wanted an actually accurate moment,it should’ve been nyx.
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1-800-scream · 2 years
For the LAST TIME!! Apollo isn’t in charge of riding the sun chariot, that’s Helios!! Let Apollo be gay and make music, let Helios show you how it’s done ;3
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genericpuff · 4 months
Since you made a post about lore Olympus’ fashion,could you tell us what kind of fashion characters in rekindled usually wear?
For the most part, considering it's a modernized retelling just like LO, I try to focus on the character's personality first and then refine from there.
Currently where Kore is in her character arc, she's very cottage-core in her outfit choices, favoring light springtime colors that compliment her skin tone. She also often wears dresses and skirts both because she thinks they're pretty, and also because it gives her a lot more range of motion, she doesn't like being constricted or too revealing. Even when she wears dresses and skirts that are on the shorter side, she'll still usually be wearing leggings and/or shorts underneath. That said, her fashion choices will change and develop as her character does throughout the story, she has a few different phases that she goes through that start to go outside of her comfort zone, so keep an eye out for that ;)
On the flipside, Hades is often wearing pressed suits and has grown used to wearing the same wardrobe often as, like the rest of his life, he's fallen into a very standardized routine. That said, he also wears his Mortal Realm garb when he's doing his job addressing the mortals, as it's standard protocol to keep all modern amenities away from them (including expensive suits lol) That said, when we see him in more casual settings such as the Olive Branch restaurant, he and his brothers are usually wearing more modern Mediterranean outfits, including colorful button-ups and sandals (though Hades often still sticks to his darker color schemes as it's, again, what he's accustomed to). Like Kore, Hades will also be going through some fashion developments as the story goes on and as he learns to step outside of his own comfort zone. I've got some future suit ideas planned for when the story moves on, I wanna give him some more flair than his default settings from LO 😆 (trust me, that moment when Persephone teased him for wearing nothing but black suits is gonna come back into play eventually LOL)
Artemis and Hermes are both really athletic so their clothing often reflects that, they both like tracksuits and sportswear, though Artemis is seen a few times throughout the series so far wearing Mortal Realm garb because she's someone who's often working in the Mortal Realm.
Hecate is a lot of fun because not only is she a lot more androgynous, but I also get to come up with fun outfits that reflect the witch side of her.
Apollo is a very "slap it on and get on with the day" kinda guy (especially considering he works long shifts with lots of early mornings) so a lot of what he wears are hoodies, t-shirts, cargo shorts, sandals, etc. He doesn't need much to get by and considering he works with Helios, he never really needs to bundle up too much LMAO
Demeter is one of the only gods who's always drawn in Mortal Realm attire as that's where she mainly resides. This largely includes Mycenaean-style garb, such as the chiton and peplos.
I've found this particular site very helpful for providing both inspiration and context to specific outfits where Ancient Greek standards come into play. As for the modern outfits, it's really just about having fun meshing the characters' personalities in with modern fashion styles of Greek fashion. It makes for a lot of outfits that are made up of flowing fabrics with lots of color and movement accessibility.
Just wait until we get to Aphrodite and Ares though. Whooo I have plans for them LOL
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psyaurorak · 1 year
Broke: Persephone is a perfect, amazing and compassionate goddess! Her act of wrath wasn’t her fault! It was everyone else’s clearly!
Woke: Persephone isn’t perfect and can be wrathful when people cross her. She isn’t guilty and believes genuinely that others deserved it.
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bighairybuffmen69 · 2 years
RS Went Out of Her Way to Give Hades an Oedipus Complex.
Something struck me as odd when I saw images of LO’s pilot.
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This was Rhea’s original design; she had galaxy skin like Kronos.
When Lore Olympus became a WEBTOON original, her design changed, which I honestly consider a good thing. Rhea was always associated with nature as opposed to space. So, did RS give her a more rustic design? Did she get her signature turret crown, or maybe a lion motif?
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Rhea, (who is described as an EARTH titaness within Lore Olympus itself) was redesigned…to be a pink Persephone clone.
And this isn’t a case where you can argue “oh, well everyone is a Persephone clone cuz same face syndrome, it doesn’t mean anything in-universe!!,” because in the comic, Persephone was established to be a canonical Rhea lookalike when Helios mistook a description of Persephone for a description of Rhea.
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They have fundamentally identical designs, and both RS and the narrative know it.
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On top of this, Hades describes both Rhea & Persephone to be very kind (and otherwise just similar personality-wise). So, um…Hades basically married a fun-sized version of his long-lost mom.
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Which makes this line all the more disturbing.
Hades is interested in Persephone being titan-sized, and I feel like it isn’t a stretch to say this is a sexual thing. The fandom treats it as a haha funny joke, like “aw Hades has a giantess fetish lol 🤪” but I feel like everyone’s ignoring the fact that giant Persephone would look exactly like a pale Rhea clone. It’s not rocket science; large Persephone is basically just Rhea.
And Hades wants to see this….for fetish reasons?
RS knows what she’s doing. She deliberately redesigned Rhea to be pink (when she is canonically an EARTH titaness, and would’ve benefited far more from being a shade of green or brown). She went out of her way to create both physical and personality parallels to Persephone and Rhea, even having a character confuse a description of Persephone for Rhea. She threw in implications that Hades has a giantess fetish, meaning he’d be sexually attracted to Persephone when she’d look exactly like his mom. She made all these story decisions…to give Hades an Oedipus complex. There’s no classy way to put it; RS made Hades fall in love with a clone of his dead fucking mom.
You can’t even argue “oh, well, it’s Greek mythology!” because, correct me if I’m wrong, but Hades wanting to fuck his mom was nowhere in the original myths. Plus, RS has taken measures to remove incest from her story. Persephone is not related to Rhea in Lore Olympus, there is no reason she should look this much like her. This serves no narrative purpose, RS did it for shits and giggles, and it only makes Hades look like 10x more of a creep.
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I’ll end this post with a little spot-the-difference between Rhea & Perse. To make matters worse, this is arguably the most Rhea-like Persephone has looked…and it was in Hades’ dream. So, uh, do with that as you will.
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