mistresswriter19 · 3 months
~The Temptation Of A Vampire's Touch ~
~Lord Corvo X Reader ~
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( Fanart By Me )
Author's Note: So been writing fanfics mostly about Oc's from a few artists I follow so in addition here's a vampire one that's an oc for Villainous. Plus I simp for him and so do many others cuz he's Hella attractive. Lord Corvo needs the spotlight so here I am making a one-shot of him with the Reader. ( This is before he got a wife xD)
Lord Corvo belongs to @deniiart13 support her content and give her a follow on the media.
Enjoy ^^
They walk upon the night and feast on human flesh to keep on living because the blood gives them the strength and perhaps if a vampire feels alone, he shall turn the one he dearest the most a bride in all immortality. Thank you for your time.
You were a journalist and your passion was studying vampires however what mostly exist were villains and superheroes, which you didn't mind but it would be interesting to have a some batty bits of something more exciting that you read books and movies no matter what the plot if it was vampires you were interested.
Commenter: Y/N can't you get it through your head that there are no such things as vampires.
Y/N: I know you think my research and journals about vampires are such nonsense but sooner or later I'll prove to you!
Commenter: This isn't Twilight Y/N.
You turned red when a few people mentioned Twilight and other vampire series you were into and the novels as well made it worse. You walked out of the interview hearing people that studied you laughing their asses off about your passion which made you lose hope if vampires do exist.
Y/N: Assholes...
You said as you went out to take a deep breath rubbing your eyes trying to get emotional, the citizens always thought of you being the weird type about gothic culture but you didn't care it was something that you really liked and you'll still do it no matter how many times you got made fun of.
You gasped when you saw a large crow sitting on the lamp post that flicker back and forth. What caught you more intrigued was the crow's eye. It wasn't black like most crow's, it was red like a vampire. You took your phone and quickly took a photo as the crow glanced at you. You felt a shiver between your body feeling like this wasn't going to be the last time you'll see that crow. Then he flew away, your f/c hair got frazzled and your f/c eyes felt so hypnotized by that crow it was like a different form of a bat.
Y/N: We'll crow's do form of the gothic ascetic like bats. Maybe this could be something more. I need to find a cemetery where I can prove my point!
Hours passed and it was already night, you didn't have a car or couldn't afford an Uber so you unfortunately had to walk back home and you took a different path this time. It was pretty chilly, and you tugged on your research bag and the skin of your skin was a little pink from the chil. Hopefully you don't end up with a cold.
You turn your back many times with a huge fog out of nowhere starting to appear to the direction you kept walking until you bumped into a black gate.
Y/N: Yes, yes a cemetery this is where I can prove to them all!
You said your hands curled into fits filled with glee but a bit of anxiety because it was dead at night very silent, you opened the gate with a loud CREAAAAAK from the chains dangling attached with the lock that looked very ancient so this cemetery must be here ages. You take a step forward roaming around the thousands of Graves which kind of made you feel uneasy of what happened to the people leading them to their Graves. You stepped on a coffee color sheet holding up with both hands. It was written in French.
( Recherché "Vampire". s'il vous plaît, amenez mort ou vivant pour une récompense)
( WANTED )" Vampire ". please bring dead or alive for reward
Y/N: So vampires do exist…
???: Indeed mon chéri~
Y/N: Who said that!?
You said turning your back dropping the paper as you looked up to see the crow before with the red eye staring down.
Y/N: I must be tired…
But it wasn't you saw the crow flap his feathers swerving around you as you focus on his movements that is until red mist started to appear from the glow of his eye and you felt you body fell onto the grass with the loud thump erupting to the part a few tombstones cracked a little. You used your arm to cover yourself from the rocks and dust and were immediately stunned when a large tall figure shadow appeared to look down at you and revealed him beyond the shadows.
Y/N: Oh my…vampire!?
You said face turning a little flushed realizing how tall this vampire was and he reminded of a musician for some reason but that will be for another time. He had luxurious black hair, one slanted up, a dark gray spot behind his long pointy ears, white sharp fangs, mustache, facial hair that blended in with his hair. Black soulless eyelids, arching eyebrows either if he was pissed or intimate, red beaming eyes like most vampires would have. Black long coat that fit his broad fit body, quite veiny hard hands whenever he balls them into a fists. Dark gray color shade vest w red button that matches the thick red line of his coat. Black pants, black shoes and red mixed it was like looking to a 20 year old Dracula ~
???: Quite ashamed not all believe in our kind~ at least for you to have that hope. That's cute~
Y/N: A..a..are you a real vampire?
???: What gives it out, the fangs, how dark I dress or maybe it's my hair that people can't stop laying there hands on~
Y/N: So vampires are real
???: Hmm~ you like a those journalist types I like those kind ~
You were already drawn away from this vampire's technique and not to mention how alluring his voice was; it sounded kind of like a true Dracula.
Y/N: What's your name?
The Vampire chuckles as he grabs you, your delicate hand places a kiss as he speaks, his red eyes glistening to your f/c the same time you see the crow.
???: Lord Corvo mon chéri a pleasure (Kisses your hand )
Y/N: I see you're quite a charmer… Lord Corvo
Lord Corvo: What can I say, people can't resist me~ but there's something I like about you my dear~
Y/N: And what would that be
Lord Corvo: Your innocence, your devotion of studying us vampires, and you're quite cute when you blush when i lean closer to your ear ~ or perhaps your neck ~
You whimper a little when Lord Corvo hot breath leans into your ear and then his breathing getting close to your neck as you felt his broad arms holding your arm and his other sliding up and down your body making you face flushed and his actions getting more enticing to explore every inch of you
Y/N: N..no..( Panting) I know what your doing…
Lord Corvo: Oh you do? This is what most of my victims aspect all the time being pinned, couldn't fight for there life, and can't resist of “ A Vampire's Touch “.
Y/N: Ah..l..Lord Corvo.
Lord Corvo: If you be a good little one, I'll make you scream out my name when I get all the way down
You immediately pushed Lord Corvo out as you adjusted your outfit that he slipped off a little and trying to remain calm as Lord Corvo dusted himself and stands back up
Lord Corvo: Was it too much ~
Y/N: You got a little steamy there…( Laughs nervously)
Lord Corvo: Most novels that's what my kind enjoys doing a few bites here and there and perhaps a grand opening between the legs. You can't tell me you read those type of books before my dear
Lord Corvo: You get really flustered dear, I think I'll let this slide~
Y/N: What do you mean, you're not going to turn me into a vampire
Lord Corvo: ( Chuckles ) No you're too cute to toy with and besides, you haven't meet others of my kind yet ~
You immediately grabbed your research bag holding close to your arms and blush once more it was true, you couldn't resist from the books, wattpad stories, ao3 even Tumblr you couldn't keep your phone down for a good vampire story. You saw Lord Corvo hold you against the waist as he winked, placing you on top of a tombstone, his thumb upon your lip that quiver whenever he touched you.
Y/N: c..c.ca..n..i..k..Ummm
Lord Corvo: What is it ~mon chéri ? You're going have to speak up
Y/N: Kiss you?
Lord Corvo: Is that all unless you want a bite to return
Y/N: I..i..I never had experience like this and I like to study more and maybe spend more time with you.
Lord Corvo: You're really cute… quite bold of a human asking me this most would either put a stake in my heart or try to use holy water, and garlic but little they know when you also meet fellow demons objects like that have no chance
Y/N: Lord Black Hat?
Lord Corvo: My you catch on very quickly, him and a few others are the reason why I keep on living the villain side of things is what this town needs not just for evil but it can always compact a good story for a journalist like you.
Y/N: Really.. well it does sound compromising.
Lord Corvo grins as he leans in his mouth inches to you with his broad fingers caressing your f/c hair ever so lasting it did remind you something out of a vampire plot. I look to see Lord Corvo looking directly at your f/c eyes sparkles between his red bright eyes like you were hypnotize as he closed his eyes and his lips lean into yours for a passionate kiss making you gaps and face the brightest shade of red like a fresh tomato ready to be pluck from its vines. You then lean onto the kiss arms wrapped around his back as he grins in the kiss knowing that you have him wrapped around his finger falling for him. A few moans slipped between as he held onto as he bit a little of your tongue to taste your blood making you let out a moan and pull out.
Lord Corvo: Your taste is like a strawberry, nice and ripe… ( Groans) I can't get too addicted to you, it could do something I'll regret.
Y/N: It's fine.. I can take it..
You said as you pull down your top a little to reveal your neck making Lord Corvo groan in remorse as he places you down on tombstone and pierces his fangs into your flesh. You immediately cried and let out a few hot breaths as he feast and your shaky hands attached to his warm broad fingers folded together with your pure blood dripping on the tombstone, marking a few stains on your outfit but you didn't care, you wanted this being in the hands of a vampire. Lord Corvo pulled out breathing heavily back and forth because he didn't want to take too much because you could have no survival like most of his victims marked on the graves. You laid there f/c out of place, and your mind into complete bliss as Lord Corvo leans back to kiss you with your blood dripping from his fangs and he saw part of his vest open a little but he'll have to save it when he gets to know you more and if you are the one for him
Lord Corvo: You'll see me again mon chéri
Y/N: ( Panting) L..l..Lord Corvo please
Lord Corvo: You're all for me~ rest now when you wake up you'll find me around
Y/N: Lord Corvo…
Your voice was more in a whisper as Lord Corvo held onto your shaking arm one last kiss as he turned into a crow and flew through the night sky with the sun starting to beam as you got up seeing your clothes undone and your neck dripping blood and seeing Lord Corvo had marked you.
Y/N: I..I. think I'm in love …
End Of One-shot
~Mistresswriter19 ~
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#Bloodborne #LordCorvo #Level4
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