#lord rubedo
dark-raven-666 · 2 years
Can you please write Masked lords x fem!reader ?
Masked Lords of Alagadda x fem! Reader. pt 1?
Pronouns use for the Lord's : he/him/his
A human, a mortal, arriving to Alagadda did not happen so often.
The first day you were in Alagadda nobody seemed to tell that you are human. On the second day a citizen who had seen you drop a piece of paper accidentally, went and picked it up and gave it to you. He spoke a language you seemed to never have heard before. Obviously you couldn't respond and he figured out you could not speak the language.
The only people who can't speak Alagaddian are outsiders. The man left after the awkward encounter and told all the people that he knew.
Rubedo the red Lord was very popular in the bars and no surprise he had herd the news of the outsider.
Before telling anyone he went and searched for you.
What he did not expect was your beauty, beautiful plum lips that were colored in red, probably lipstick, the way your mask covered the top of your face and made you look beautiful, your hair laying on your head and decorating your face.
Despite your beauty and his free personality he was still a Lord so he had to capture you and bring you to the palace.
At the palace, two masked guards were holding you, so you would not run away. You look at where you are, seems to be a throne room. You were correct there was a throne in the middle of the room and a top of it sat a being that looked like a dead corpse, it's face was covered with a veil. Looking at his body you could not help but imagine the horror that lies behind his veil.
Ugh, you didn't even want to imagine it. On the side of the room stood three masked men. One in yellow, one in red and one is white. They were all extremely tall.
Who were they?
You were snapped out of your thoughts when the red one spoke.
"Your majesty, I regret to inform you that this outsider was found in your city" he said.
The king spoke in what seemed to be an odd language and the man in red nodded.
"I think that is perfect, your majesty" the man dresses in red said.
In a moment the guards were taking you some where in a not so gentle manner.
"Hey! Wait, where are you taking me" you yelled trying to get out of the guards arms but you were too weak.
You were taken down to what seemed to be a basement and thrown into a prison cell.
"Hey! Let me out" you screamed at the guards but they completely ignored you.
After some time, the man dresses in white that was in the throne room came into the basement and sat on a chair in front of the cell.
"What are you doing here, mortal" he had asked.
"Let me out! " you yelled at the man.
"Answer my questions and we'll consider that " he said clearly not amazed by your behavior.
" I was out with my friends and they told me about a "cursed" door that led into another world and the ritual on how to open it" you stated telling.
" I told them that the door was sjust a legend and not real, so they dared me to do the ritual and I did unknowing that it was real. I'm sorry, I would have left but the door disappeared the moment I got in" you pledged.
The man in white nodded. " I understand" he said and left the room.
You called out after him but nothing.
After what felt like hours he came back with the guards and let you out.
"Follow me" he said and stated walking. He stopped and said " oh and, if you try anything stupid you will be executed immediately, so I don't recommend it"
You decided to follow him quietly as to keep your life.
You two ended up in what seemed to be a living room. On the big Victorian style couch sat the two other men from the throne room, red and yellow.
"Sit down" the man in white said and offered you a seat on the couch across from the one the men sat on.
You obeyed.
"I'm Albedo". said the man in white. "That is Citrinitas" he said he continued pointing at the yellow man "and finally that is Rubedo" he finished pointing to the man in red, who gave you a small wave.
" We are the Lord's of this city, we understand your trouble and wish to help you exit the city" he proclaimed.
"Why are you helping me? " you questioned the white man who was now known to you as Albedo.
"Because we want you out of the city as much as you want out" he explained.
"The time the citizens realized you were an outsider they freaked out" said Rubedo.
You have a slight nod.
You had to trust these men. You had no other choice.
"Alright, I trust you" you said.
"Wonderful! " Rubedo spoke out loud.
Thank you so much for this request it was so fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
" This maid, will show you to the room that you will be staying in, so follow her" Albedo said pointing to a lady wearing a volto mask and maid clothes.
A/N : Ahhhhh, im not used to writing stories this long so I will leave it here, let me know if you want a part 2, and I'll have it out as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for requesting this it was so fun to write and I hope you enjoyed reading it.
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verrdette · 1 month
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I read about Alagadda from SCP.
I thought it was super cool. Might as well make a design with one of the Lords. Maybe more designs will come up, who knows.
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plaguedoctordryhumper · 6 months
“Betrayed With a Kiss”
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noe--l · 6 months
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I see everyone here is doing a ASK with their versions of masked lords. How do I differ from the crowd?
in general, you can ask questions to my versions of the lords and their companions🕯️
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the-little-nightmares · 9 months
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Forrr @boosterstudio
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zombzgutzz · 2 months
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zomb tries to put characters in clothes they would actually wear challenge ‼️ (incredibly difficult!!?!?) (not clikcbait!!!!!!( (epic fail!!!)
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0-riya · 2 months
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Trying to put babes to sleep
Vivienne is bird momma ^^
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rhobeta-and-epsilon · 2 months
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I love my dumbass bug children
I don’t know what I thought was doing but I wasn’t 💀
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jekyll-doodles · 3 months
for the emojies ask... I choose red heart (what is their love language), for all the wakey wakey lords in "the after"
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Nigredo - Words Of Affirmation
Albedo - Quality Time
Citrinitas - Acts Of Service
Rubedo - Physical Touch
This really applies to most stages of their unfortunately long, complicated lives.
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nxght-shxft · 9 months
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I don’t know. Here’s Mirth.
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missuriartist · 10 months
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how about realistic artstyle? :)
well, i've tried my best!
say "hello" to your sins, baby || первый раз пробую нечто подобное в рисовании и чувствую моя рука завтра скажет спасибо :)
ps. thanks yall people for rebloging me, that helps me to grow up in art! luv ya❤️
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threelordstrio · 5 months
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You can tell I was too lazy to draw the details on their outfits
Two knights with scarred bodies
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verrdette · 9 days
I wanna hug your red lord
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*points accusingly* HE LIES
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plaguedoctordryhumper · 7 months
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i've had this in my drafts for like ever wtf
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celestinagoldentrail · 8 months
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"As yellow alluded; red dominated as it extinguished Citrinitas"
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xdesiress · 2 months
Hi, just going to ask anyone who wants a hug for the Alagadda lords?
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You get two from the siblings !
Rubedo surely needed one most.
Rubedo's likely to offer you a snack and tea (or wine? Whichever's preferred). He seems to compliment both the second pair of limbs and wings, too. Maybe she hasnt seen a lot from the citizens that didnt go mad from the pain of having them.
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