#lord chance grimmawk
yarn-dragon · 1 year
Whumptober Day 11! When Chance awoke that evening to the empty bed, he was not worried. Then he smelt blood
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letterfromtarnish · 2 years
Port Manteau
Hello to her Royal Majesty Queen Luminessa,
I hope this finds you in as good as spirit as i find myself in these days. It has been roughly a year since last we wrote correspondence I apologize for my absence as it poor manners to keep a not only a lady, but a good friend in waiting. Since last week spoke Chance gave me his blessing to grow the name Grimmawk outside the hush tones of fearful villages and whining vampires. Ive made my way to Port Manteau gaining passage from our mutual friend the King of the Pirates. There was something amazing about being out on the ocean again. I love my husband dearly but absence truly makes the heart grow fonder and I see him more in my thoughts and think of him in laughter aboard the fine vessels that Qui-Lon leads through your ocean. The vast blue field that lay before me once struck fear into my heart and now since making your acquaintance has left me doing nothing more the longing for my friend to escape her responsibilities and visit with me on my escapades.
We talked for hours about everything: Politics of the day, where one might find fun in the various ports of the archipelago. He urges me to visit Hyranor. A New King has taken a seat in that backwater country by the name of Lucius Pinn. He has in the past sought council from my husband in obtaining eternal life before he gained his blood soak crown. Chance turned him away simply stating
"One does not ask for power, You simply are or you are not and Lucius Pin is not."
I may seek to open trade once Mallum has an established market but i get ahead of myself. Ive gain an audience with the Royal Family using my husbands name less like a key and more akin to a battering ram to open the doors to trade. They fear him and in turn fear me. Its so strange as Chance has not killed and eaten any man who hasn't deserved it and I myself have never truly ended a life with any sort of malice but to hear the courts lords and lady's whisper you would think we were boogie men. they dare not say it to my face but my ears gather their words where their courage will not.
Do they see you as a monster or god Lumi? Chance says not to worry myself on it.
"They can not fathom anything not fearing death. We to can die but time will never be our assassin. Darkness to them is the essence of evil, but to us it is merely the absence of light."
The courts of Mallum work in black and white while most of the world is in shades of grey. Their blindness is my advantage and I plan to exploit it and maybe teach a few out there that in the absence of light, good things exist in the dark. Right soon. Ive enclosed a case of waterproof silks that i had enchanted for you to give to your tailors. Send my regards to Tippy.
With Love and respect your humble servant
Count Dion Alexander Grimmawk
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uc-fan-polls · 2 years
Short disclaimer:
If stuff get rough with the ships, I WILL CANCEL THIS IS YOUR WARNING
If your ship hasn’t/won’t be in the polls, consider messaging me in my askbox for it OR even better, filling out this google form to have your ship be in the WILDCARD round(s). It’s appreciated! The deadline for these is 2/17 at 11:59 pm EST.
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yarn-dragon · 2 years
Flufftober Day 25! The wedding, for all of Dion worrying, had gone off without a hitch
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