#loquat the best fruit
useless-polls · 26 days
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laxmiree · 7 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien's Lyric Poetry Event Translation (Day 7-9)
This post contains a HEAVY SPOILER for the event that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lyric Poetry Free SSR Event | Prologue+Day 1-3 | Day 4-6 | Day 7-9 | Day 10-12 | Day 13 (Ice Flowers Date)
Translation under the cut!
✧ [Day 7] ✧
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When Lucien arrives home, the moonlight is already spilling onto the windowsill, forming something akin to white clear pond.
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MC: You've been working hard overtime. Have you encountered any difficult research problems?
Lucien: While there is indeed a difficult problem, it's not directly related to the project.
Lucien: It just took some extra time to solve.
As he speaks, Lucien takes out a small, delicate gift box from his arms.
Curiously, I unwrap the packaging, and a handful of cotton clouds dyed in shades of crimson and orange greets my eyes.
Lucien: When I left the Bioultima Research Institute today, I could already see stratocumulus clouds forming on the distant horizon.
Lucien: I want to share it with you, but unfortunately, I can't make it into a specimen.
Lucien: However, on the way home, I remembered seeing various glass artworks that mimic clouds.
Lucien: Although it doesn't quite fit the definition of 'specimen,' I still hope you can loosen the standards a bit and include this 'treasure' in our scope of collection.
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Lucien’s note: Besides through photographs, sunset can be shared in many other ways.
✧ [Day 8] ✧
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I can't help but smile as I look at Lucien's Moments on the screen.
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Lucien's post: Making preserved fruit specimens turned out to be a tad trickier than expected, but the results are also slightly better than imagined.
MC: Now I kinda regret picking the biggest and prettiest loquat... Every time I look at them, I just can't help but crave them.
Lucien replied to MC: How about this, besides bringing back the specimens, I'll grab an extra bag of loquats on my way back too.
Lately, whenever we’re fruit shopping, those loquats at the stalls keep stealing my attention. Figured since it's spring and all, it's the perfect time for munching on loquats. So, we grabbed a bag to take them home.
The unanimously delicious and sweet fruit earned our seal of approval, and it got me thinking about turning them into specimens.
I heard the sound of keys being inserted into the lock at the door, and I smiled as I went to greet him.
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Lucien carefully carries a glass jar in one hand and true to his word, he holds a bag of juicy loquats in the other.
MC: Thanks for helping out with making the specimens and bringing the fruit home, Professor Lucien~
I take the bag from him and don't forget to tiptoe and gently plant a kiss on his cheek as a "reward."
Lucien: Making preserved specimens in the lab is safer as many reagents aren't suitable for home storage.
MC: Hmm? Come to think of it, do you have any reagents secretly stashed away at home?
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MC: Just like in movies or TV shows, the mysterious scientist’s home has its own hidden secrets~
Lucien: Well, shouldn't this classmate who helped me clean up the house last week know the answer to that question the best?
(there's none, because, besides he doesn't hide any secret from her, as he said, they're too dangerous to be put at home)
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Lucien’s note: I heard that you can also add loquats to pear soup and stew them together. Maybe we could make this the topic of our next kitchen experiment?
✧ [Day 9] ✧
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When I went out this morning, Lucien told me he'd be back later than usual, so I didn't have to wait for him.
The twilight sets in, and just as I'm about to send a message reminding him not to forget to eat, an email pops up.
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[Desire to Share]
From: Lucien To: MC Date: March 6, 2024 (Wednesday) 22:58
Although I can’t come back on time today, I've asked someone to bring you the bits of my life that I want to preserve today.
Remember to sign for it.
[T/N: you can write a reply to his email!]
After waiting for a little, I received a document envelope.
The unfamiliar chart was carefully laminated and stored in a bag, with a note attached by Lucien.
"Today, there are several particularly beautiful flow cytometry results. Let's commemorate some of them as today's memory."
MC: This person is really...
I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked at the chart in my hand, my mind filled with images of Lucien, slightly worn out from intense work but with eyes shining brightly.
I open my phone and send him a reply. "Don't forget to rest in between creating those charts! And make sure to eat on time!"
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Lucien’s note: Although there are still certain issues with the experiment itself and many parameters that need adjustment, this chart is indeed very good.
[Trivia: Annexin V-FITC is a flow cytometry reagent used for detecting apoptotic cells programmed cell death. Annexin V-FITC is utilized in flow cytometry in clinical settings for detecting apoptosis in various cells, including lymphocytes, for radiation toxicity assessment. It is utilized in cancer research and treatment for various purposes, which kinda makes me wonder if it has something to do with his cancer in the main story :"D]
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chokrihizem · 1 year
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Loquat is an evergreen, small fruit tree that can grow about 25 feet tall.
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The fruits are so tasty when peeled and are best eaten fresh from the tree, making this tree an excellent choice for small yards and tight spaces. Today, the loquat plant continues to be grown and enjoyed in many parts of the world. Its history reflects its significance as both a tasty fruit and a cultural icon in various countries, particularly in China and Japan.
Read: Growing And Caring For A Loquat Plant
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backyardcoop · 1 year
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The Vision & Motivation
Our backyard is more than just a space—it’s an ever-evolving canvas that tells the story of our home. In one corner stands a thriving orchard, home to various fruit trees whose branches sway gently, laden with season's best offerings. It's a spot we're particularly proud of, but like every garden paradise, it has its challenges.
Ravens and crows, nature's clever thieves, frequent our orchard. They’re drawn to the juicy loquats and other fruits, treating our backyard as their personal buffet. In a bid to guard our fruiting treasures, we introduced a guardian scarecrow. His name? Bob. Well, given his primary role, we affectionately dubbed him "Bobcrow." While Bob stood tall and dutiful, his straw-filled silhouette against the morning sun painted a somewhat melancholic picture. It was evident: Bob was lonely in his watch over the orchard.
This realization spurred a thought process: what could we introduce into our backyard that would not only give Bob some company but also seamlessly fit within the rustic charm of the orchard? Close to the orchard stood a relic from the past—an old outdoor dog kennel. Fenced and sturdy, it bore testimony to time, having shielded its inhabitants from everything but the ever-changing weather. The area had potential, but with the land being unevenly sloped, whatever we considered would demand a dash of creativity.
The answer soon dawned upon us, almost as natural as the morning sun filtering through the leaves—chickens! These feathered creatures would not only be perfect companions for Bob but would also bring along a flurry of benefits. Fresh eggs, natural pest control, and the sheer joy of watching them go about their daily antics. Plus, the challenge of crafting a space for them on sloped terrain would be a testament to our DIY spirit.
And so, with a vision in mind and motivation fueled by the prospect of fresh morning eggs and lively backyard companions for Bob, our chicken coop journey began.
But, before diving headlong into our chicken adventure, we recognized the importance of research. Chickens, like all creatures, have their specific needs and quirks. From understanding the breeds to deciphering their dietary preferences, we were entering a world that was as exciting as it was unfamiliar. Hours were spent on weekend afternoons, coffee in hand, going through blogs, books, and videos. The joy of anticipation grew as we realized that chickens would bring more than just eggs—they'd bring a bustling energy and redefine the very essence of our backyard.
One pressing concern was our sloping land. How would we accommodate the coop? Could we convert a challenge into an advantage? It wasn’t just about housing the chickens; it was about ensuring their new home was both functional and comfortable.
As our vision crystallized, we understood the first major task ahead of us: laying a strong and level foundation. A house, after all, is only as good as its base, be it for humans or chickens.
Up next: Join us as we delve into the intricacies of ground preparation and foundation laying. It promises to be a mix of challenges, breakthroughs, and lots of dirt!
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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Apprenticember PT. 2
Day 1
Name: Bhekithemba Abara
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality and romantic: Heterosexual and Heteroromantic. He's straight but he's not "Straight".
Personality: Bhekit is a kind, athletic, and fun-loving young man that values his loved ones and honors his responsibilities. He's particularly protective of Mayihlome and his daughter Nomvula (who exists in every route but Nadia's) whom he has with his wife, Gugulethu the princess of Matabele.
He has a bit of a temper that can explode when pushed enough and doesn't suffer fools who cross him. And will confidently call them out.
Appearance: He's 6'5 and muscular with a boxer's build. Dark brown warm skin with his hair cut into a short but neat hairstyle. Bhekit is quick to smile wide when in good spirits and it shows around his eyes the most.
Likes: Peanut butter, fruit particularly loquat and guava, Tsoro, Mancala, music, dancing, singing, playing with his familiar Bibi, sports, braiding his sibling's and daughter's hair, nail polish, being outside, being and feeling clean
Dislikes: Condescending people, failure, being second best, his clothes getting messed up, looking dusty, bad haircuts, poking at his failures, the nickname "Boy king", passive-aggressive people, sloppy work and planning
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the-acid-pear · 11 months
Current process behind my newest masterpiece:
Collect a handful of loquats from the yard (the best ones are on top but I don't have the key up there <- point and click ass mf)
Wash them, peel them, and chop them up before throwing in a cup
Throw in sugar. Keep throwing in sugar until you're sure you threw in too much sugar.
Boil water and cover them with it (first I went with half but then I went "that's too little")
Cover them with your hands before realizing this is stupid you cannot make "jam" like this
Throw em in the microwave for one minute
Realize there's no such thing as "too much sugar" but there sure is "too little sugar" so add more sugar.
Notice this is probably to much water so first try to throw it out and then chose to scoop up the loquats and throw em in a different cup and then discard the rest of the water (A/n: yes, I'd have probably used those for the mix, but I don't trust water cakes)
Follow the standard mug cake recipe; 4 spoonfuls of flour, 2 of sugar (make it 4), baking powder (none, missing, poor), salt, 4 spoonfuls of milk and 2 of oil
Finally, add the loquats and mix up everything.
Realize this is a little too soft? And add more flour. But accidentally drop way too much flour inside. Now you have to add more milk. And now you're worried again so you add more sugar.
Mix it up for a while and scoop up whatever shit you didn't see inside when chopping the fruit
Heat up more water, we're cooking this baño María style
Throw boiling water inside a pot put the cup in the middle and cover the pot to let it cook
Now we wait 👍
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roxannarambles · 1 year
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Character Names Explained
Fun fact! The characters in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet are all named after various plants. Yes, all of them. The localizations for their English names did their best to stay true to this, but sometimes their namesake is not always obvious in the English names.
So I thought I'd collect them all and summarize them in a post! You can find all these on a Wiki, but I thought it would be handy to have them all in one place. Warning: this is an image-heavy post.
Team Star Bosses
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Giacomo (ピーニャ Piña) - Pineapple: Giacomo is derived from the pineapple's scientific name (Ananas comosus). It's easy to guess why Giacomo was named after the pineapple, with his spikey hair. (Also, yeah, pineapples don't grow on trees, a lot of people don't know that.)
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Mela (メロコ Meloco) - Peach Tree: You'd think Mela would be named after the pepper plant, but no, she is named after the Spanish word for peach. Go figure. (Fun fact, it is Rika the Ground-type user who is named after the pepper!)
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Atticus (シュウメイ Shūmei) - Japanese Anemone: His English name is derived from the plant genus 'Hepatica.' The Japanese Anemone is a flower in the buttercup family, native to Asia.
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Ortega (オルティガ Ortiga) - Stinging Nettles: A traditional medicinal herb, this plant has stinging hairs that irritate skin if touched. A pretty aggressive plant!
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Eri (ビワ Biwa) - Loquat: A fruit tree native to China and popular in Japan. If you're from the US, you might have heard it called "Japanese plum" or "Chinese plum." Eri is dervied from the plant's scientific name 'Eriobotrya japonica.'
Gym Leaders
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Katy (カエデ Kaede) - Maple Tree: In addition to being named after the maple tree, Katy's English name might also be a play on 'Katydid'
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Brassius (コルサ Colza) - Rapeseed: This plant is in the Brassicaceae family, which are a wide range of cultivated crops in the mustard family. Rapeseed in particular is best known for the vegetable oil made from its seeds (canola oil)
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Iono (ナンジャモ Nanjamo) - Chinese Fringetree: A species of tree in the olive family that is native to Asia and produces many pretty white flowers. The Japanese name for Iono is a name used for unknown trees (literal translation: "What is it?"), with the Chinese Fringetree often being the culprit of an unknown tree. Likewise, Iono's English name is supposed to sound like "I dunno"
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Kofu (ハイダイ Haidai) - Kelp: There are many, many species of seaweed; Kofu's English name refers to a group of edible kelp in particular (often called 'kombu')
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Ryme (ライム Lime) - Lime: A play on the words "lime" and "rhyme"
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Tulip (リップ Lip): In this case, there is no mystery what plant her English name is referring to!
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Grusha (グルーシャ Grusha) - Pear Tree: Yeah, Grusha is named after pears. The Russian word for pear, in particular. I have no idea why. Pear trees do have white flowers, so perhaps that's why.
Paldea League
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Rika (チリ Chili) - Chili Pepper: Her English name is short for 'Paprika' and her Japanese name is a pun (chili and 地 chi - ground)
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Poppy (ポピー Poppy): Again, just like with Tulip, this name is already obvious for English speakers!
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Larry (アオキ Aoki) - Spotted Laurel: A shrub with pretty gold specks on its leaves; thrives in damp environments
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Hassel (ハッサク Hassaku) - Hassaku Orange: This is a hybrid citrus tree between an orange and a grapefruit
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Geeta (オモダカ Omodaka) - Threeleaf Arrowhead: An aquatic plant that grows in swamps and has a starchy tuber that can be eaten. Her English name is derived from the genus Sagittaria.
Main Cast
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Arven (ペパー Pepper) - Peppermint: Arven is named after the peppermint plant, although his English name derives from the scientific name for a close relative, the corn mint (Mentha arvensis). I like to think Arven was named after peppermint for being a bit 'spicy' and terse when you first meet him, but that is just my wild speculation.
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Penny (ボタン Botan) - Peony: Penny is named after the peony flower; the tree peony in particular, which is a manmade cultivar that is a shrub/tree rather than herbaceous. The tree peony is incredibly popular in China, for both ornamental and traditional chinese medicine reasons.
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Nemona (ネモ Nemo) - Baby Blue Eyes: The Baby Blue Eyes is a native wildflower to North America (California & Oregon in particular), unlike a lot of the plants on this list. Nemona's name derives from its scientific name in particular (Nemophila menziesii). It bothers me to no end that Nemona is named after a plant called 'baby blue eyes' when her eyes are orange; the California poppy (which is bright orange) seems to make more sense for her? But, who knows what went on in the naming process.
Juliana (アオイ Aoi) - While the player character names are not directly named after a plant, they are inspired by plants in general. Juliana's Japanese name is a pun that means 'springtime' and 'green/young' (her English name comes from the word 'juvenile')
Florian (ハルト Haruto) - Florian's Japanese name, on the other hand, is a pun with 'springtime' and 'spring.' His English name comes from 'flower.'
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lunasohma · 1 year
part v: loquats, lemons, and the arborist
[ a twist of lemon / bakery au tag ]
[ << Miss Matoba / chapter list ]
[ ao3 / ff.net ]
The trees are grown. The arborist pays his annual visit.
It is a secret, but Matoba Seiji thinks of Natori Shuuichi as a miracle. Maybe one day he’ll tell him.
‘Fresh fruit,’ he’d said to Shuuichi when the other, seemingly on a whim, had asked.
And like it was a matter of course, he’d brought Seiji some.
The property has the means and it is just another miracle. Seiji wonders at fortune.
An open yard that wraps around the corner of the building. Seiji can see what it can become and he thinks that Shuuichi can too. A space like this in the city is unheard of.
And yet, it is theirs.
Loquats and lemons and the arborist Yorishima-san.
Shuuichi greeted him familiarly and Seiji wondered if he had the right to ask. His arm was held to his chest in a sling. Trees and the risks of falling was all he said, a touch rueful.
Shuuichi looked away.
Transplants like these are finicky. Soil, sun, water. Curated nematode inoculation. Seiji blanches and Shuuichi never hesitates. He brings the back of Seiji’s hand to his lips like he is a golden prince.
‘You won’t need to do a thing.’ He holds his gaze in a way that Seiji is still not used to. A flush steals across his face.
‘Stop that.’ Hushed.
But he can’t bring himself to disentangle their hands.
Yorishima-san shakes his head, but his mouth quirks.
It’s still a young love.
Of course, it would be foolish to hope and Shuuichi has already done so much.
But his Shuuichi is remarkably optimistic and later that night Seiji can’t help the laughter that bubbles up as he follows Shuuichi’s lead—a moonlit waltz across the garden of their new home. The susurration of trees is music enough.
Standard practice dissolves. Hands interlaced at the small of his back and Shuuichi’s face buried in his hair.
a phone conversation.
“Are you listening to me?”
No, not really. He pulls the cord taut with the need to be doing something with his hands, observing Shuuichi with the remainder of their ice cream. He often gets charmingly distracted. The spoon, forgotten, sticks out the side of his mouth as he mulls over their menu for tomorrow.
She makes an impatient noise. “This Sunday, I said! You guys are free, right? That’s the only day everyone’s available. Tell me you’re free!” His sister’s voice rises with a mild hysteria.
“Hm, should be.”
“Are you okay? You sound stressed, nee-san.”
“You are the one stressing me out!”
“Okay, okay, this Sunday—” he attempts to quickly confirm, but the only sound is the receiver violently slamming down on its cradle.
He gives his head a shake to stop the ringing in his ears and shoots her a text. That predictably sends his phone into a paroxysm of frantic buzzing to the edge of the table. Seiji scoops it up and tosses it to the couch.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Shuuichi chides.
“When am I nice?”
“You’re always nice to me.”
He scoffs. “Always is generous.”
“What can I say, I always think the best of you.”
“Was that a line?”
It’s a chaste kiss that tastes of yuzu.
“So this Sunday?”
“I think it’s too soon,” he speaks candidly.
Happily, Seiji finds outdoor work is as rewarding as baking. But there are only so many hours in a day and just the two of them.
The trees look nice though. They seem to be standing taller every day, searching for the sun, no doubt.
They’ve come home covered from head to toe with mud and dirt every night. He spies some now, shading Shuuichi’s collarbone. Seiji doesn't miss the intake of breath when his hand brushes Shuuichi’s skin.
“I’m just worried it won’t be enough.” It’s just the truth of it. He lets his eyes close as Shuuichi runs his fingers through his hair.
“Don’t worry, Seiji. Sparkles are a form of misdirection. We’ll be fine.”
He can’t help an amused huff. “My savior.”
“Yorishima-san must be unlucky.” Shuuichi is out on an errand when he stops by, so Seiji presses the inquiry.
Every year, the same arm in the same sling.
Nyanko-sensei is here today too. He’s eavesdropping from his favorite pillow on the sunny window-seat. One eye opens, gleaming.
Now that he knows something about some things, Seiji wonders at the nature of the arborist.
It’s just curiosity and he tells himself he won’t pry. That usually works out.
Yorishima-san sits back, considering him, the fingers of his right hand drumming on the table.
“Not even Shuuichi.” Is all he says.
“Is that right?”
Nyanko-sensei makes a move too, marching into his lap. “You smell all wrong, kid.” With his typical Cheshire flair.
Yorishima-san takes it in stride. Dryly, “Can’t say I’m sorry to offend your nose, cat.”
Seiji tugs at Sensei’s tail and the lucky cat takes up a perch on his shoulders, nose twitching in earnest. Seiji settles back in his seat, absently gives Nyanko-sensei some chin-scritches.
“It’s no problem, Yorishima-san. Would you care for some more tea?”
“Yes, actually. That would be lovely.”
Shuuichi returns just in time to see Yorishima-san gathering up his things.
“Leaving so soon? I just got back with these. For Seiji, right?”
It’s a parcel of brown paper wrapped in twine. Seiji takes it warily.
“Old family recipes, some desserts in there, I think—I forgot to bring them with me, so I just sent Shuuichi.” The arborist is staring directly at Seiji. Nyanko-sensei tenses, ever so slightly.
Shuuichi glances back and forth between them. “Um, something wrong?”
Seiji delicately peels back the layer of paper, stares down at the first recipe—a galette with frangipane. “Nothing at all, Shuuichi, dear.”
Shuuichi winces. Seiji’s pet names only come out with claws. But it’s not his fault, so he mollifies his words with a kiss to the cheek.
“Take care, Yorishima-san.”
He offers Shuuichi half a smile and Seiji something more lopsided before he heads out.
“What do you know about chess, Nyanko-sensei?” Seiji fills a small plate with extra macaron shells for him.
Sensei gives a full-body shake and tucks into his cookies a touch viciously.
Shuuichi wonders what flew over his head today.
The galette is delicious and Seiji is not ashamed to admit that he would feel better if it was not.
Anyways, it’ll go on the menu come springtime.
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becoration · 7 months
Low maintenance trees for your garden
Post has been published on becoration
Low maintenance trees for your garden
If you’re lucky enough to have a garden in your house, even if it’s a small garden on your terrace, you probably have some plants that brighten up your day every time you go out. But have you ever thought about including trees? In the case of a garden, you can put one, two, or as many as you want based on the space you have. If your ‘garden’ is your terrace or balcony, you can also add a dwarf tree. But, what are the best low-maintenance trees for your garden?
If you want to know them and be sure they won’t give you any extra trouble in their care, take note of this list we have prepared for you with the aim of selecting the ones you like knowing that they will give you very little work. Shall we start?
This is one of the most beautiful low-maintenance trees, especially because it has blooms in blue and lilac tones. It is a tree that loves the sun and doesn’t need you to be very attentive to it all the time. It can reach heights of 12-15 meters if you let it, although it will depend on the space you give it to grow more or less.
However, we must warn you that, due to the nature of the flowers, it tends to attract bees, wasps, and butterflies. If you don’t have a problem with that, go ahead because it will be a very beautiful sight. And before you say it, yes, you may have to sweep a bit in summer or autumn to remove the flower petals from the garden.
Another low-maintenance tree for the garden is the mulberry. We can tell you that you can have it at whatever size you want, which also means it will work for a balcony or terrace.
Its main characteristic is its resistance and vigorous growth. If you leave it in a large garden, it will grow quite a bit and, best of all, you will get good shade from it. Additionally, as its name suggests, we are talking about a mulberry tree, so you will also enjoy a fruit that you may love (especially because it will be more natural than what you buy at the supermarket).
Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree)
And what about a tree considered the “tree of love”? That’s what this tree is called because its leaves grow in the shape of a heart. Without a doubt, if you’re romantic, this is one of the low-maintenance trees that will enchant you and that you will want to have, no matter what, in your garden or even on the terrace. Furthermore, if that doesn’t convince you in itself, know that it blooms with very abundant pink flowers that make the whole tree look pink.
In fact, this species is quite resistant and adapts to different environments, so if you want a tree that also decorates, this is one of the best. And again yes, you can also have it on the balcony or terrace without any problem.
You might not know it by this name, but if we say “mimosa”, things may change. The most beautiful thing about this tree is the foliage it offers and the flowering that will appear in summer and early autumn, with an incredible aroma.
As for care, it doesn’t ask for much, like all the low-maintenance trees we have talked about, and it is ideal for medium and small gardens, especially because you will have a little shade around it.
Another low-maintenance tree is the loquat, which besides being a beautiful tree throughout the year (as it is evergreen), will give you fruits and flowers. So you can enjoy a sweet fruit freshly picked from the tree.
First, you should know that loquat is cold-resistant and very easy to care for. However, when they are small (seedlings) they will need you to be a little more attentive to them. But once they adapt, they will start to grow without any problem and give you fruits. You could even reproduce them from the fruits and have several trees.
It can reach heights of 10 meters, but you can also have a tree a couple of meters tall in a pot (or in the ground). So, as long as you control it, there won’t be any problem in having it in the garden, terrace, or balcony.
Mediterranean laurel
We continue with the low-maintenance trees for the garden and add the laurel. It is one of the trees that needs the least care and, in return for practically nothing, will give you a dark green and very fragrant foliage.
You can use the leaves in the kitchen, making it practical. In addition to beautifying your garden or terrace, you will have an additional ingredient for many of your dishes.
Maple, one of the most beautiful low-maintenance trees
And we end with another low-maintenance tree that has been trendy for gardens in recent years. In principle, there are many maple trees, in many color tones in their leaves. But in addition, changing color in autumn, with the sun, etc. makes many look for it to add a color show to the garden.
These trees are said to grow rapidly, but in those cases they do need more care than if you leave them alone to determine how to proceed. When they are small, they have limited resistance to cold, and even more to heat. So be careful with that, especially if you live in an area where summers are like hell.
Can you think of more low-maintenance trees? Olive trees, cypress trees, or lagerstroemia are other examples we can give you. Which one will you choose?
via: MiMub in Spanish
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gameonoverdogcom · 9 months
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jiangcyan · 1 year
In honor of this wip Wednesday I give you another snippet from my sangcheng fic, which i'll hopefully finish sooner rather than later 😵‍💫
Being convinced to go down to the village a second time in a day just to get the fruit Huaisang craved had to be a sign of impending insanity. And no, Huaisang’s big, brown eyes had nothing to do with that.
Observing with a critical eye the fruit seller arrange his loquats in a small pile next to a worrying amount of ripe pears, Jiang Cheng instantly knew he would pay those yellow fruits much more than they were worth.
He was terrible at haggling, as Huaisang was aware. Despite that, he had still insisted for Jiang Cheng to be the one to go buy him his darned loquats, going as far as lying to Jiang Cheng's face, saying that he was just as terrible as him. When Jiang Cheng had reminded him that he had witnessed his bargaining skills back when he had bought his first rolls of fabric, Huaisang hadn’t missed a beat and replied that fabrics were completely different from fruits, and he had no idea of how much some loquats were supposed to cost.
Jiang Cheng could kind of believe that.
Pinching the bridge of his nose and asking his ancestors to give him strength, he traipsed closer to the fruit seller stand, wary of the gleam that appeared in the man’s eyes when he caught sight of a potential new client.
“Come, come! Come see what good fruit Zheng Mo has to sell!” he cajoled. “The sweetest pears in the region, coming straight from my father-in-law's orchard!” Jiang Cheng didn’t know one could look so proud about some fruit. When the man saw Jiang Cheng’s gaze stray towards the loquats, he smiled so big all his crooked teeth were on show. “I see my friend here has refined taste! Here, here,” he said, handing Jiang Cheng one of the smallest fruits, “try it and tell me if they’re not the best you’ve ever had! I picked them myself!” he added with some pride. Taking the proffered fruit, Jiang Cheng peeled it and bit into it, humming at the sweet, slightly sour taste that exploded on his tongue.
“They’re decent,” he admitted, popping the last of it in his mouth and letting the seeds fall to the ground. “But I’ve had better.”
“Ah, you wound me! What better, there are no loquats finer than this, only the gods know anything tastier! Here, I’ll make you a good price for them, uh?” he continued, starting shoving them by the handfuls into a paper bag. “Five pennies a bag, uh? Here, here, take it!”
“Five pennies? I won’t give you more than three.”
“Three? Now, don’t be so hasty. Four, and I’ll add one pear.”
“Two pears.”
“Two pears, done!”
Sending Jiang Cheng off with his little bag of loquats and two pears, the fruit seller told him to come back anytime, that he would save his best produce for Jiang Cheng to buy.
Ah, Jiang Cheng had definitely been ripped off.
Walking aimlessly around the market stands, Jiang Cheng grabbed one of the two pears and started eating into it, begrudgingly admitting that, for all of his boasting, the fruit seller had not been wrong and his fruit was, indeed, quite good. He was looking into a new mat for Jin Ling when a few words he wasn’t able to ignore caught his ears and diverted his attention from what the seller was telling him about her products.
“I heard he’s a destitute concubine. His master sent him off because he caught him stealing!”
“I would have never thought! Ah, but finding someone else to exploit didn’t take him long, did it? I should have imagined.”
“Yes, yes. And to live with an alpha, unmarried… It’s really too shameful!”
“Sir, are you gonna buy this or not?”
Attention back on the task at hand, Jiang Cheng nodded, mouth tight. He handed the woman her money and, grabbing the mat with more force than strictly necessary, stalked as far away as possible from the gossiping women before he committed something he would probably regret later.
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leedsvegboxuk · 2 years
All the basics that you should know about fruit and vegetable boxes.
As more people become aware of the risks associated with pesticide residue, organic fruit and vegetable boxes have grown more popular. Not everything has a great program that will deliver organic fruit and vegetable boxes on a regular basis, but some areas do.
Your organic vegetable delivery box will most likely be sent to your doorstep once every seven days. If you are looking for fresh, organic vegetables, this is a fantastic alternative to shopping at a conventional market. In the month of May, customers may get organic broad beans, carrots, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, loquats, onions, pears, potatoes, radishes, spinach, rhubarb, and tomatoes, to name just a few examples of what may be included in their order.Fresh Fruit and Veg Delivery near Me is actually the best.
Family organic produce boxes provide a variety of healthy, locally grown produce. The products included in the boxes fluctuate both weekly and seasonally. Picked are the organic fruits and veggies that are at their optimum in the area. We also add organic imported fruit like bananas if they are not available locally.Local Veg Box Delivery near Me has been pretty good.
Organic fruit and vegetable boxes in London are available in different sizes. In general, a couple can share a small organic produce box, three people can share a medium one, and four people can share a big one.Local Veg Box Delivery is outstanding.
The customer may choose the size of the organic fruit and vegetable box they like and place an order directly from their computer. Afterward, they can decide to supplement their diet with more organic fruits and vegetables. They provide the number of boxes every week, along with their name and shipping address. The boxes may be sent out as often as the customer like. You can find Local Fruit and Veg Delivery easily.
Eggs, cheese, jam, and even salmon may be ordered through certain organic fruit and vegetable delivery services.
Diverse Organic Produce Initiatives
There are other options available to you than organic fruit and vegetable boxes if you are seeking for a means to get organic goods delivered to your home or office. There are a number of additional companies that will deliver organic vegetables right to your front door. You often have the option to begin, suspend, or postpone weekly or biweekly delivery with the majority of businesses.Veg Box Leeds is pretty outstanding.
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It's possible that your weekly organic produce delivery may include a fruit or vegetable that you've never used in a recipe before. The vast majority of these companies are aware of this need and make online recipe access available to their customers. Customers may be able to sign up for a newsletter offered by the companies that supply organic fruit and vegetable delivery boxes if those companies also publish a newsletter.
You might provide assistance to a family that is struggling financially by arranging for the delivery of organic fruit and vegetable boxes on a weekly basis to the family's home or place of work. It is easier to be helpful if you remain anonymous.
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lazytyphoonprince · 2 years
loquat flower
loquat flower large seeds inside the fruit flowers bloom during the winter It bears fruit during the rainy season The color of the loquat fruit is cute. Admire the flowers in the flowerbed Fruits can be picked and eaten immediately luxury at its best
枇杷の花 実の中に大きな種ができる 冬の間に花が咲き 梅雨のころに実ができる 枇杷の実の色が可愛い 花壇の花を愛でながら フルーツをもぎ取りすぐ食べられる 最高の贅沢   12112022
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perthfoodreview · 2 years
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FRUIT PICKING ✨// Loquat picking from Carmel Cherry Farm @carmelcherryfarm in Perth Hills. Entry to farm was $8 per person and the loquats were $10/kg. Wiki Trivia: “The loquat is in the family Rosaceae, and is native to the cooler hill regions of south-central China. The loquat has a high sugar, acid and pectin content. It is eaten as a fresh fruit and mixes well with other fruits in fresh fruit salads or fruit cups. The fruit is also commonly used to make jam, jelly and chutney, and is often served poached in light syrup. Firm, slightly immature fruits are best for making pies or tarts, while the fruits are the sweetest when soft and orange. An American writer calls the loquat's flavor "floral" with hints of apricot and a peach, with the fruit's natural sweetness contributing to its popularity. Loquats are used commonly as a natural sweetener for many different types of food, and are used to make marmalade and jelly in various locales. Many people use loquats to create sauces and other juices since the acidity goes well with the sweetness, another reason why they are popular for making pies and other pastries. Loquats are often eaten as a fresh fruit, but need to have the seeds removed in order to be ready to eat. The seeds not only takes up a great deal of space relative to the size of the fruit (cf. avocado) but also are slightly poisonous in large quantities. The fruit is often peeled, but the peel is edible and not overly thick. Some other uses for loquat include making alcohol, animal feed, and medicine to counter vomiting and thirst. The loquat's trees and flowers also are used in different forms. The loquat's wood is used as an alternative to pear wood and works well to make rulers/other writing instruments. The loquat's flowers are used to make perfume in places like Europe, although its yield is considered low. Powdered loquat leaves are also used to treat diarrhea, depression, and even help to counteract alcoholic intoxication.” #Loquats #CarmelCherryFarm #Carmel #PerthHills #WikiTrivia #PerthFoodReview #PFR_CarmelCherryFarm (at Carmel, Western Australia, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck5fzJsPimT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tu-h · 4 years
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winterpower98 · 2 years
This isn't really a question but I had a LMK AU idea. Macaque and Sun Wukong are mates pre JTTW. They have a kid named Sun Xiaotian (nicknamed little loquat). When Sun Wukong is sealed under the mountain and Flower Fruit Mountain is burned, Xiaotian perishes in the fire (Macaque burns alive too but survives unlike little Xiaotian). Sun Wukong has no idea. Macaque stays until he's sure Flower Fruit Mountain will survive on its own then he disappears never to be seen or heard of again. (A little scene in my head is Macaque burying Xiaotian with a mango seed to symbolise him always watching over him).
Fast forward to present day LMK, everything goes as canon except maybe Sun Wukong being more depressing and sad. At some point there is a reveal where they find out MK is the reincarnated soul of little Xiaotian. Sun Wukong doesn't really believe it because "why would the heavens allow my son to reincarnate? Wouldn't they do their best to prevent that" (I'm sure you can guess where this is going lol).
The Shadow Play scene is different because no Macaque, maybe it's the Mayor with the Shadow Lantern??
Then there is the fight with Lady Bone Demon where she reveals a secret weapon, a very large monkey-like vengeful spirit that is completely feral. As they are about to defeat it she reveals it's the soul of Macaque.
So what's happened is that Macaque went into the Underworld and make a deal with Yama. Xiaotian gets to reincarnate with good karma and Yama gets Macaque's eternal soul to be punished as he sees fit. Yama agreed and Macaque will spend the next several hundred years being forced to relive his son dying in his arms and being burnt alive. He's obviously driven mad by the experience.
Now here's where you get either a sad ending or a happy one.
Sad ending - they defeat Lady Bone Demon but Macaque is beyond repair and they either destroy his soul to end his suffering or Sun Wukong spends the rest of eternity guarding a sealed/locked away Macaque.
Happy ending- they defeat Lady Bone Demon and Macaque goes back to the underworld because LBD is no longer keeping him on the mortal plain. They go on a journey to the Underworld and retrieve Macaque's soul. They discover that he will not hurt MK which gives them hope that he can be healed. There is a scene where they accidentally destroy the Shadow Lantern which they discover had a small piece of Macaque's soul in it. So he has a bit of an anchor and they are able to bring him back. The end.
Another little tid bit-
The mango seed Macaque buried with Xiaotian grows into a massive tree, and intertwined in it's roots is a loquat tree. This image was why the AU idea didn't immediately vacate my brain once it finished lol.
Couldn't really decide on what the call the AU, I was considering calling it the Karma AU. Because Macaque and Xiaotian's suffering was karma for Sun Wukong, and then Macaque's deal was karma for Xiaotian. And the suffering of his parents was karma for Xiaotian. You get the idea.
Other character's fates are optional.
Okay I'm done, I just had to share because I love your ideas and wanted to share mine.
Peace out ✌️
That's a really angsty AU, but you know me, I love angst.
And the idea of using Mayor for the Shadow Play episode is so good because that would turn so much creepier than the canon one!
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