#looking for web developer freelance
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srinathindia · 2 years ago
As technology continues to advance, people are left wondering if the job of content creators will be replaced by AI-powered chatbot GPTs. But is this really the case? Here, we'll separate fact from fiction to find out whether chatbot GPTs can really replace content creators and how they compare in terms of quality and speed.
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mathysphere · 3 months ago
Hey, so, this post here-- by @hadeelfamily, a woman trying to evacuate her family from Palestine-- is real. She is who she says she is. I'm certain of it.
I've donated myself, and will donate more; for the rest of the year-- or until their need is met-- one half of everything I get selling cross-stitch patterns will go to Hadeel Mikki and her family.
If you would like to see my research and reasons to be certain, it's after the cut.
The fundraiser is for a woman named Hadeel Mikki and her family-- her husband, two daughters, her mother, and her two brothers-- and includes two photos of her:
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A search for her name brings up a long internet trail: as a programmer and former computer science major, Hadeel Mikki's been active online, and when she's posting about work stuff-- mostly web and app development-- Hadeel uses her real name and photo.
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I found six different accounts, all using the same name, and all featuring photos of the same woman-- not all identical photos, but separate photos of the same person-- and all with activity dating back at least a year or more.
I've looked over the activity for each, and I do not believe there's any chance that they aren't legitimate.
Two of them are static freelancer websites, and another is an abandoned Pinterest account: the info there matches the others, but there's nothing current. On the other three (LinkedIn, Threads, and TikTok) the most recent posts are all variations on the same theme: "Please help my family. My young daughters are suffering. Please donate to help get us out of Gaza."
They're certifiably real accounts, and they link to the same GoFundMe. Is it possible that either her LinkedIn or Threads or TikTok account could have been hacked and hijacked into posting a scam fundraiser? I guess. But not all three, and not with the ability to post new photos and videos of her kids-- how would a hacker even get footage of a hackee's daughters in war-torn Gaza? You can't just hire some child actors. They need to match the kids from the family portrait.
This is not a scammer using someone else's name and photos, and this isn't an opportunistic hacker who managed to break in and hijack an account: this is a real woman trying to save her family.
I've looked through everything, and am myself convinced. I'll include summaries and screenshots of each account, along with the links if you'd like to check them out yourself.
On LinkedIn: profile from 2015, photo updated a year ago, liked and commented on various tech posts. Shared her GoFundMe four months ago.
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On Threads: icon is her and her husband, shares programming content, "#ProgrammersCoffee" etc, and four months ago she shares a link to her GoFundMe. She has the same laptop as me.
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On TikTok: early videos are about programming and app development, and the current ones are asking for help for her daughters, including photos and videos of the girls both before the war and now.
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On Pinterest: nothing really there. Looks like she tried it out a long time ago and then dropped it. Still links to her long-defunct Google Plus account, even.
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Five years ago she did have a board called 'Boyfriend gifts'. Must've gone well for her; they're married now.
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trofysisters · 6 months ago
От скандалов и интриг, творившихся в общежитии, Алешка спасался в компании друзей на общественных участках. (Alyoshka escaped from the scandals and intrigues going on in the hostel in the company of friends in public areas)
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Тем более, что в старом баре сделали ремонт, и желающие могли послушать выступления во время ужина либо в тишине насладиться бильярдом. (Moreover, the old bar was renovated, and those who wished could listen to performances during dinner or enjoy billiards in silence)
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Но Алешка предпочитал играть в карты. И пусть ему не везло, зато он отлично проводил время. (But Alyoshka preferred to play cards. And even if he was unlucky, he had a great time)
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Удручало его только существование в маленькой комнатке общежития и отсутствие денег, чтобы съехать. Поэтому у него родился план. (The only thing that depressed him was the existence in a small dorm room and the lack of money to move out. So he came up with a plan)
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Красавица уже давно готова выйти за него замуж и отдать ему всё, что у нее есть. А есть у нее немалое приданное: 10 140 симолеонов и 3 дорогущие электросферы, которые можно продать. Алешка предложил красавице жить вместе, а она с радостью согласилась. (The beauty has long been ready to marry him and give him everything she has. And she has a considerable dowry: 10,140 Simoleons and 3 expensive electrospheres that can be sold. Alyoshka invited the beauty to live together, and she happily agreed)
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После продажи части приданного, на счету появилось 24 000 симолеона, и Алешка с красавицей немедленно съехали, пока Надя и Ксан Ксаныч не потратили все их деньги. (After selling part of the dowry, 24,000 Simoleons appeared in the account, and Alyoshka and the beauty immediately moved out before Nadya and Ksan Ksanych spent all their money)
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Едва пара купила квартиру, красавица ослабила корсет, и у нее обнаружились пышные формы. (As soon as the couple bought an apartment, the beauty loosened her corset, and she revealed her curvy figure)
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Также выяснилось, что все эти годы она продвигалась по карьерной лестнице и теперь была акулой бизнеса. Повезло же Алешке с возлюбленной! (It also turned out that all these years she had been moving up the career ladder and was now a Business Tycoon. Alyosha is lucky to have his beloved!)
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Сам же Алешка развлекался бы целыми днями, но сегодня его тоже ждала работа. (Alyoshka himself would have had fun all day long, but today he also had work to do)
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Вернувшись домой, красавица захотела побаловать любимого гамбургерами собственного приготовления, вот только она не справилась с новой плитой, и случился пожар. Соседки вместо помощи сбежались просто посмотреть, как горит кухня. (Returning home, the beauty wanted to pamper her beloved with home-made hamburgers, but she couldn’t cope with the new stove, and a fire broke out. Instead of helping, neighbors came running just to watch the kitchen burn)
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Хорошо, что возлюбленная Петра вызвала пожарного и руководила его действиями. (It’s good that Peter’s beloved called the fireman and supervised his actions)
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С возлюбленной-карьеристкой Алешка и сам начал хорошо работать, за что получил повышение до внештатного веб-дизайнера. (Alyoshka himself began to work well with his careerist lover, for which he received a promotion to freelance web designer)
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Глядя на красавицу, Алешка захотел ей соответствовать и достичь вершины карьеры в тусовке. (Looking at the beauty, Alyoshka wanted to match her and reach the top of his career in the party)
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А их ночи, полные страсти, похоже, принесли свои плоды. (And their nights full of passion seem to have paid off)
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Теперь у Алешки будет еще больше мотивации, чтобы развивать навыки д��я достижения цели. (Now Alyoshka will have even more motivation to develop skills to achieve his goal)
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
A link-clump demands a linkdump
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Cometh the weekend, cometh the linkdump. My daily-ish newsletter includes a section called "Hey look at this," with three short links per day, but sometimes those links get backed up and I need to clean house. Here's the eight previous installments:
The country code top level domain (ccTLD) for the Caribbean island nation of Anguilla is .ai, and that's turned into millions of dollars worth of royalties as "entrepreneurs" scramble to sprinkle some buzzword-compliant AI stuff on their businesses in the most superficial way possible:
All told, .ai domain royalties will account for about ten percent of the country's GDP.
It's actually kind of nice to see Anguilla finding some internet money at long last. Back in the 1990s, when I was a freelance web developer, I got hired to work on the investor website for a publicly traded internet casino based in Anguilla that was a scammy disaster in every conceivable way. The company had been conceived of by people who inherited a modestly successful chain of print-shops and decided to diversify by buying a dormant penny mining stock and relaunching it as an online casino.
But of course, online casinos were illegal nearly everywhere. Not in Anguilla – or at least, that's what the founders told us – which is why they located their servers there, despite the lack of broadband or, indeed, reliable electricity at their data-center. At a certain point, the whole thing started to whiff of a stock swindle, a pump-and-dump where they'd sell off shares in that ex-mining stock to people who knew even less about the internet than they did and skedaddle. I got out, and lost track of them, and a search for their names and business today turns up nothing so I assume that it flamed out before it could ruin any retail investors' lives.
Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory, one of those former British colonies that was drained and then given "independence" by paternalistic imperial administrators half a world away. The country's main industries are tourism and "finance" – which is to say, it's a pearl in the globe-spanning necklace of tax- and corporate-crime-havens the UK established around the world so its most vicious criminals – the hereditary aristocracy – can continue to use Britain's roads and exploit its educated workforce without paying any taxes.
This is the "finance curse," and there are tiny, struggling nations all around the world that live under it. Nick Shaxson dubbed them "Treasure Islands" in his outstanding book of the same name:
I can't imagine that the AI bubble will last forever – anything that can't go on forever eventually stops – and when it does, those .ai domain royalties will dry up. But until then, I salute Anguilla, which has at last found the internet riches that I played a small part in bringing to it in the previous century.
The AI bubble is indeed overdue for a popping, but while the market remains gripped by irrational exuberance, there's lots of weird stuff happening around the edges. Take Inject My PDF, which embeds repeating blocks of invisible text into your resume:
The text is tuned to make resume-sorting Large Language Models identify you as the ideal candidate for the job. It'll even trick the summarizer function into spitting out text that does not appear in any human-readable form on your CV.
Embedding weird stuff into resumes is a hacker tradition. I first encountered it at the Chaos Communications Congress in 2012, when Ang Cui used it as an example in his stellar "Print Me If You Dare" talk:
Cui figured out that one way to update the software of a printer was to embed an invisible Postscript instruction in a document that basically said, "everything after this is a firmware update." Then he came up with 100 lines of perl that he hid in documents with names like cv.pdf that would flash the printer when they ran, causing it to probe your LAN for vulnerable PCs and take them over, opening a reverse-shell to his command-and-control server in the cloud. Compromised printers would then refuse to apply future updates from their owners, but would pretend to install them and even update their version numbers to give verisimilitude to the ruse. The only way to exorcise these haunted printers was to send 'em to the landfill. Good times!
Printers are still a dumpster fire, and it's not solely about the intrinsic difficulty of computer security. After all, printer manufacturers have devoted enormous resources to hardening their products against their owners, making it progressively harder to use third-party ink. They're super perverse about it, too – they send "security updates" to your printer that update the printer's security against you – run these updates and your printer downgrades itself by refusing to use the ink you chose for it:
It's a reminder that what a monopolist thinks of as "security" isn't what you think of as security. Oftentimes, their security is antithetical to your security. That was the case with Web Environment Integrity, a plan by Google to make your phone rat you out to advertisers' servers, revealing any adblocking modifications you might have installed so that ad-serving companies could refuse to talk to you:
WEI is now dead, thanks to a lot of hueing and crying by people like us:
But the dream of securing Google against its own users lives on. Youtube has embarked on an aggressive campaign of refusing to show videos to people running ad-blockers, triggering an arms-race of ad-blocker-blockers and ad-blocker-blocker-blockers:
The folks behind Ublock Origin are racing to keep up with Google's engineers' countermeasures, and there's a single-serving website called "Is uBlock Origin updated to the last Anti-Adblocker YouTube script?" that will give you a realtime, one-word status update:
One in four web users has an ad-blocker, a stat that Doc Searls pithily summarizes as "the biggest boycott in world history":
Zero app users have ad-blockers. That's not because ad-blocking an app is harder than ad-blocking the web – it's because reverse-engineering an app triggers liability under IP laws like Section 1201 of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which can put you away for 5 years for a first offense. That's what I mean when I say that "IP is anything that lets a company control its customers, critics or competitors:
I predicted that apps would open up all kinds of opportunities for abusive, monopolistic conduct back in 2010, and I'm experiencing a mix of sadness and smugness (I assume there's a German word for this emotion) at being so thoroughly vindicated by history:
The more control a company can exert over its customers, the worse it will be tempted to treat them. These systems of control shift the balance of power within companies, making it harder for internal factions that defend product quality and customer interests to win against the enshittifiers:
The result has been a Great Enshittening, with platforms of all description shifting value from their customers and users to their shareholders, making everything palpably worse. The only bright side is that this has created the political will to do something about it, sparking a wave of bold, muscular antitrust action all over the world.
The Google antitrust case is certainly the most important corporate lawsuit of the century (so far), but Judge Amit Mehta's deference to Google's demands for secrecy has kept the case out of the headlines. I mean, Sam Bankman-Fried is a psychopathic thief, but even so, his trial does not deserve its vastly greater prominence, though, if you haven't heard yet, he's been convicted and will face decades in prison after he exhausts his appeals:
The secrecy around Google's trial has relaxed somewhat, and the trickle of revelations emerging from the cracks in the courthouse are fascinating. For the first time, we're able to get a concrete sense of which queries are the most lucrative for Google:
The list comes from 2018, but it's still wild. As David Pierce writes in The Verge, the top twenty includes three iPhone-related terms, five insurance queries, and the rest are overshadowed by searches for customer service info for monopolistic services like Xfinity, Uber and Hulu.
All-in-all, we're living through a hell of a moment for piercing the corporate veil. Maybe it's the problem of maintaining secrecy within large companies, or maybe the the rampant mistreatment of even senior executives has led to more leaks and whistleblowing. Either way, we all owe a debt of gratitude to the anonymous leaker who revealed the unbelievable pettiness of former HBO president of programming Casey Bloys, who ordered his underlings to create an army of sock-puppet Twitter accounts to harass TV and movie critics who panned HBO's shows:
These trolling attempts were pathetic, even by the standards of thick-fingered corporate execs. Like, accusing critics who panned the shitty-ass Perry Mason reboot of disrespecting veterans because the fictional Mason's back-story had him storming the beach on D-Day.
The pushback against corporate bullying is everywhere, and of course, the vanguard is the labor movement. Did you hear that the UAW won their strike against the auto-makers, scoring raises for all workers based on the increases in the companies' CEO pay? The UAW isn't done, either! Their incredible new leader, Shawn Fain, has called for a general strike in 2028:
The massive victory for unionized auto-workers has thrown a spotlight on the terrible working conditions and pay for workers at Tesla, a criminal company that has no compunctions about violating labor law to prevent its workers from exercising their legal rights. Over in Sweden, union workers are teaching Tesla a lesson. After the company tried its illegal union-busting playbook on Tesla service centers, the unionized dock-workers issued an ultimatum: respect your workers or face a blockade at Sweden's ports that would block any Tesla from being unloaded into the EU's fifth largest Tesla market:
Of course, the real solution to Teslas – and every other kind of car – is to redesign our cities for public transit, walking and cycling, making cars the exception for deliveries, accessibility and other necessities. Transitioning to EVs will make a big dent in the climate emergency, but it won't make our streets any safer – and they keep getting deadlier.
Last summer, my dear old pal Ted Kulczycky got in touch with me to tell me that Talking Heads were going to be all present in public for the first time since the band's breakup, as part of the debut of the newly remastered print of Stop Making Sense, the greatest concert movie of all time. Even better, the show would be in Toronto, my hometown, where Ted and I went to high-school together, at TIFF.
Ted is the only person I know who is more obsessed with Talking Heads than I am, and he started working on tickets for the show while I starting pricing plane tickets. And then, the unthinkable happened: Ted's wife, Serah, got in touch to say that Ted had been run over by a car while getting off of a streetcar, that he was severely injured, and would require multiple surgeries.
But this was Ted, so of course he was still planning to see the show. And he did, getting a day-pass from the hospital and showing up looking like someone from a Kids In The Hall sketch who'd been made up to look like someone who'd been run over by a car:
In his Globe and Mail article about Ted's experience, Brad Wheeler describes how the whole hospital rallied around Ted to make it possible for him to get to the movie:
He also mentions that Ted is working on a book and podcast about Stop Making Sense. I visited Ted in the hospital the day after the gig and we talked about the book and it sounds amazing. Also? The movie was incredible. See it in Imax.
That heartwarming tale of healing through big suits is a pretty good place to wrap up this linkdump, but I want to call your attention to just one more thing before I go: Robin Sloan's Snarkmarket piece about blogging and "stock and flow":
Sloan makes the excellent case that for writers, having a "flow" of short, quick posts builds the audience for a "stock" of longer, more synthetic pieces like books. This has certainly been my experience, but I think it's only part of the story – there are good, non-mercenary reasons for writers to do a lot of "flow." As I wrote in my 2021 essay, "The Memex Method," turning your commonplace book into a database – AKA "blogging" – makes you write better notes to yourself because you know others will see them:
This, in turn, creates a supersaturated, subconscious solution of fragments that are just waiting to nucleate and crystallize into full-blown novels and nonfiction books and other "stock." That's how I came out of lockdown with nine new books. The next one is The Lost Cause, a hopepunk science fiction novel about the climate whose early fans include Naomi Klein, Rebecca Solnit, Bill McKibben and Kim Stanley Robinson. It's out on November 14:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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jasi-3 · 7 months ago
A little dum and funny fanart i guess for @capturecharlesau
I got this stupid idea after reading the lates(i guess) comicpanels this artist made. (Yes i didnt had read the panels beforehand. Shame on me ok? XD)
(Full picture down below but yea blood warning)
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I guess. I dunno why i have such stupid ideas but yea i just had the vine in my head where the small girl goes : look at all those chickens while geese walk arround in the backgrround:,D
I.... can explain..
And ya. I just had to draw reg loosing his mind and talk dum stuff
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izicodes · 10 months ago
Hello! Do you have any advice on getting into freelance coding or remote jobs in the field? I'm having trouble with my current endeavors of applications and my current customer service job isn't doing me well enough to want to stay, so I'm hoping for progress sooner rather than later. Anything helps, thank you!!
Hiya 🖤
Thanks for reaching out with your question about getting into freelance coding or remote jobs. Making a transition can be challenging, but with dedication and strategic steps, you can definitely progress in your career.
Firstly, consider specializing in a specific field of computer science rather than trying to learn everything. This will help you become an expert in a niche, making you more attractive to potential clients or employers.
The big thing to look at is (1) what specific job do you want? Don't know yet? That's the first thing you need to find out. (2) Found the job you want? Go to this website "roadmap.sh" and click the job title you want and look at the roadmap to become it. (3) Have an idea of what you need to learn? Now study :)
Here are some extra key pieces of advice:
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Public Code Repositories
Showcase your coding skills by contributing to public repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or others. This allows potential employers to see your projects and assess your coding abilities.
Online Certifications
Earn certifications from reputable online courses like Freecodecamp, Codecademy, or SheCodes (if you're a woman). Displaying these certifications on your LinkedIn profile adds credibility for remote work or even freelance work because then clients will trust your skills more if it's back up with evidence (projects and/or certificates).
Links: "Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "FreeCodeCamp" / "Codecedemy" / "SheCodes" / "Udacity" / "Coursera" / "Google"
LinkedIn Profile
Revamp your LinkedIn profile to reflect your job title. Use a title that aligns with your dream job, and highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. You don't even need work experience OR do what a lot of my developer mates do have no work experience and set your "job" as a self-employed freelance developer... little cheat there~!
Links: "LinkedIn Career Explorer" / "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter" / "Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job" / "Career Services for Web Development" / "The Talent Cloud Community: Careers Workshop"
Help someone out with a project for their business or whatever. For example, I helped a guy I met in a programming discord server build his portfolio page for free, but I care more about the experience. Search online for volunteer jobs with your dream job title e.g. Volunteer App Develope, but in your country would be better. The experience you can you can add to your LinkedIn. the project you work on you can add to your resume/experience.
Link: "SkilledUp Life"
Connect with professionals in your field on LinkedIn, even if you don't know them personally. Growing your network can open up opportunities and expose you to valuable insights. Events in person or online, servers (I found volunteer opportunities here), forums, Twitter (I found some mates on there), Instagram (another place I found developer friends). Networking can even help with building group projects~!
Link: "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter"
Project Building
Work on both small and big projects to demonstrate your capabilities. Highlight these projects on your resume and portfolio.
Links: "Building projects after learning a new concept advice" / "Tips from learning using multiple resources" / "Tips on learning programming with ChatGPT" / "Harvard University Free IT Courses" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "Free Programming Books" / "Coding Advice for beginners" / "800 free Computer Science classes"
Online Presence
Share your learning progress and projects on various platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Employers often appreciate candidates who actively showcase their work and commitment to learning. I made a post for Tumblr coding blogs:
Link: "Codeblr Blog Advice: 8 Blog Coding Post Ideas"
Good luck!!
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askfuse · 5 months ago
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ImageGallery Theme
Preview / Download / Docs / Remove Credit
Portfolio theme built for curators, freelance photographers, image collectors, and photography agencies that are looking to develop their online galleries and impress potential clients. 
Grid layout
Choose between 4, 6, 7 & 8 column of posts.
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Open and view photos on the blog page
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Hidden fullscreen about/bio page
Choose from over 600 fonts with Google & Adobe web font integration
Fullscreen banner image or video
Toggle to show/hide sidebar avatar, navigation and post meta data
See more Stash themes at https://stashthemes.com
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stergeon · 5 months ago
Hello there! I happened to find your website and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing how you made it? It looks really neat and I wanted to learn how it was coded and hosted.
hi, thank you so much!! i've been making websites uh. pretty much since i learned how to use the internet, whether for fun or employment or both. i make my "for fun" websites from scratch with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without any libraries or frameworks. unfortunately, i can't give a great recommendation for web hosting on the cheap if you're just starting out as i've hosted my stuff with the same company since my freelancing days and could definitely get a way better deal elsewhere lmao. the cost of being lazy...
i really, really like talking about web design/making websites/etc. so i don't want to give you an information overload, but if you're interested in learning how to make websites, there are a lot of excellent (and free!) tutorials and reference guides out there to get you started! here are a few:
MDN Web Docs - THE resource for anyone doing web design and development, from complete beginners to advanced devs. their documentation is thorough to the point where it can be intimidating for beginners due to how technical it is, but it's very, very good and their tutorials are fantastic.
W3Schools - similar to MDN, but i find it's much less jargon-heavy and beginner-friendly. it also contains great resources, examples, reference guides, as well as extensive tutorials.
Codecademy - there are a lot of free web and programming courses out there, but i really like the ones codecademy offers. in my experience, the projects are fun, the courses are well-structured, and the community is very helpful. they regularly have great sales for the pro version, too.
if you want to make your own website site from scratch without having to navigate the more complex aspects of hosting, domains, etc., check out Neocities! it's got loads of resources, a great community, and it's free!! it's also near and dear to my heart as a lover of "old web" design sensibilities.
by far the easiest way to start is to download a text editor (i'm partial to Sublime Text, but everyone has their favorite), paste in an HTML boilerplate like this one, save it to your device as a .HTML file and then open it in your web browser. it will only be accessible on your local device and not over the internet, but you can play around and build things out without it being public and it’s an easy way to get a feeling for how things work.
my final recommendation is not so much about the specifics of making a website, but how to think about making a website. when i was a young stergeon at my first big web design job, my mentor gave me the book Don't Make Me Think! by steve krug and it was Huge for me. some of the technology-specific material is outdated nowadays as it was last updated in 2014, but the book is still a fantastic introduction to design thinking, visual language, and user experience principles.
hope this helps!!!! happy to chat more if you have questions <3
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easyquickweb · 9 days ago
Elevate Your Business in Jubilee Hills with the Best Web Designing Company in Hyderabad
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Tucked in the heart of Hyderabad, Jubilee Hills is a thriving area known for its rich cultural landmarks like Peddamma Talli Temple and the picturesque KBR National Park. Businesses in this upscale neighborhood require a strong online presence to thrive. With EasyQuickWeb, recognized as the best web designing company in Hyderabad, creating a compelling website has never been easier.
Our expertise spans various industries, offering responsive web designs, eCommerce solutions, and SEO services. Whether you are a startup or a legacy business, EasyQuickWeb provides customized web solutions that are both cost-effective and impactful.
Why EasyQuickWeb is the Best Web Designing Company in Hyderabad
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A responsive website is essential for engaging users, especially in an area like Jubilee Hills where mobile browsing dominates. EasyQuickWeb ensures that your site looks stunning and performs flawlessly, whether viewed on a phone or desktop.
Learn more about our responsive web design services
2. Comprehensive Web Development in Hyderabad
Jubilee Hills is home to thriving businesses that demand dynamic, scalable websites. EasyQuickWeb offers comprehensive web development in Hyderabad, ensuring your website is secure, fast, and tailored to your needs. Whether you are a retail store or a corporate office, we deliver web solutions that align with your goals.
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Same-Day Website Delivery: Launch your site within 24 hours and stay ahead in Jubilee Hills’ competitive market.
Affordable Pricing: Starting at just ₹4,999, we offer the best value for your investment.
355+ Google 5-Star Ratings: Trusted by hundreds of clients, EasyQuickWeb is Telangana’s most reviewed web design service.
MIT Alumni Endorsed: Our innovative solutions are recognized by global leaders in technology.
See our pricing details
How EasyQuickWeb Supports Businesses in Jubilee Hills
For Startups
Are you launching a boutique near Peddamma Talli Temple or opening a café close to KBR National Park? EasyQuickWeb helps you create an online presence that captures your brand’s essence and attracts customers.
For Legacy Businesses
If you’ve been operating in Jubilee Hills for years, we can revamp your website to meet modern standards. This ensures you continue to engage with tech-savvy audiences while preserving your brand’s legacy.
For Creators and Innovators
Freelancers and artists in Jubilee Hills can showcase their portfolios with a professional website that highlights their talent and achievements.
Get inspired by our portfolio
Discover the Benefits of Working with EasyQuickWeb
With Jubilee Hills’ vibrant business environment and iconic attractions like KBR National Park, having a professional website is crucial for success. EasyQuickWeb, the best web designing company in Hyderabad, ensures that your website is not only visually appealing but also optimized for performance and user engagement.
Contact us today to take the first step toward digital excellence!
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apexiumcreates · 17 days ago
Hi! I’m Oyewole, a freelance digital marketer. I am the CEO of Apexium Creates and a member of Ultimate Innovations. I specialize in SEO, Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Mobile App Development, E-commerce strategist, Digital product designs and Google My Business optimization.
With a passion for helping businesses grow their online presence, I deliver tailored, results-driven strategies to boost visibility and engagement. If you're looking for the best freelance digital marketer, let's work together to elevate your digital marketing game!
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srinathindia · 2 years ago
As we look ahead to 2023, the digital marketing landscape will be much different than it is today. New advancements in technology, changes in consumer behaviour, and shifts in media consumption will all have an impact on how businesses market their products and services. Here, we explore what it takes to become a digital marketing expert in 2023 and how you can stay ahead of the curve.
Creative Content Writer
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wedesignblog · 17 days ago
Milanche.com is the personal website of Milanche, a freelance web designer, developer, and graphic design expert 12. The site showcases Milanche's professional services and portfolio, offering a range of digital solutions to potential clients.
Services Offered
Milanche specializes in:
Web design and development
Graphic design
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 2 4
These services are tailored to help businesses and individuals enhance their online presence and brand identity.
Website Structure
The website is organized into several key sections:
Home Page: Introduces Milanche and his expertise 1
About: Provides more detailed information about Milanche's background and skills
Services: Outlines the specific services offered, described as "top-notch Marketing Services"4
Process: Explains Milanche's unique approach to bringing ideas to life
Contact: Offers ways for potential clients to get in touch, including a playful cartooned telephone booth interface3
Unique Selling Points
Milanche positions himself as a passionate professional dedicated to bringing clients' visions to life 1. The website emphasizes creativity and precision in the work process, suggesting a blend of artistic flair and technical expertise. The site's language and design elements, such as the "cartooned telephone booth" on the contact page, indicate a friendly and approachable persona, which likely appeals to clients looking for a personable working relationship 3.
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trofysisters · 11 months ago
Сердце Нади наполнялось радостью от мысли, что она желанна, что ее любят двое мужчин. (Nadya's heart was filled with joy from the thought that she was desired, that two men loved her)
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Но какое это имело значение, если на счету было всего 20 симолеонов, и ей приходилось до сих пор работать в поте лица? (But what did it matter if she only had 20 Simoleons in her account and she still had to work hard?)
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Впрочем, парни тоже вносили свой вклад в общий бюджет. Ксан Ксаныч даже вывесил свои фотографии на сайте одной компании взамен на ее акции. Однако сайт закрыли и акции обесценились. Чтобы спасти свой проект Ксан Ксанычу пришлось взять уроки программирования, и эта работа оказалась выгоднее, чем просто фотографирование. Теперь он стал внештатным веб-дизайнером. (However, the guys also contributed to the overall budget. Ksan Ksanych even posted his photographs on the website of one company in exchange for its shares. However, the site was closed and the shares became worthless. To save his project, Ksan Ksanych had to take programming lessons, and this work turned out to be more profitable than just taking photographs. Now he has become a freelance web designer)
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Думаете, что Ксан Ксаныч - отличный муж: работящий, любящий, умеющий готовить? (Do you think that Ksan Ksanych is an excellent husband: hard-working, loving, and able to cook?)
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У него появился свой скелет в шкафу: Калиста - коварная соблазнительница! (He now has his own skeleton in his closet: Calista is an insidious temptress!)
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Эта горячая соседка когда-то вскружила голову Алешке, и тот предложил ей руку и сердце. Теперь сердце парня разбито, он пылает ненавистью к ней и к Ксан Ксанычу. (This hot neighbor once turned Alyoshka’s head, and he offered her his hand and heart. Now the guy’s heart is broken, he burns with hatred for her and Ksan Ksanych)
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Естественно, узнав об измене, он порвал отношения с этой вертихвосткой. (Naturally, having learned about the betrayal, he broke off relations with this fidgety woman)
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Даже слушать не стал, что невиноватая она, Ксан Ксаныч сам пришел. (He didn’t even listen to the fact that she was innocent, Ksan Ksanych himself came)
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Не подозревающая об измене мужа Надя в это время закуп��лась в магазине продуктами, сокрушаясь, как же всё дорого. (Nadya, unaware of her husband’s betrayal, was at that time purchasing groceries at the store, lamenting how expensive everything was)
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Да чтобы купить продуктов на неделю, нужен мешок денег. (To buy groceries for the week, she needs a bag of money)
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А вот и те, у кого этот мешок есть. В последние годы Надя испытывала неприязнь к тем девчатам, которым больше повезло с мужьями. Вот за какие такие заслуги Анфиса отхватила себе богатого мужика? Еще и ходят парой везде. Смотреть противно. (And here are those who have this bag. In recent years, Nadya has developed a dislike for those girls who are luckier with their husbands. For what kind of merit did Anfisa grab a rich man for herself? They also go everywhere in pairs. It's disgusting to watch)
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Не магазин, а цитадель разврата: здесь целуются, там обнимаются. Надя поспешила покинуть это ужасное место. (Not a store, but a citadel of debauchery: they kiss here, they hug there. Nadya hurried to leave this terrible place)
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Вот объясните, где Надя ошиблась, свернула не на ту дорожку? Друг Фили был очень удивлен, увидев, что бывшая роковая женщина, обладавшая собственным домом, неплохими накоплениями и красавцем мужем - Филей, теперь ютится в маленькой комнате общежития с невзрачным мужем и считает копейки. (Explain where Nadya made a mistake, turned down the wrong path? Filya's friend was very surprised to see that the former femme fatale, who had her own home, good savings and a handsome husband, Filya, was now huddled in a small dorm room with a plain-looking husband and counting pennies)
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theambitiouswoman · 11 months ago
Hey lovely,
Hope you had a good Christmas!
Do you have any advice on careers that I could potentially turn into a freelance business?
I was looking into being a contractor for businesses or business manager where I’ll be able to one day choose my own working hours and still make a lot of money.
Happy New Year angel,
There are tons. With focus on business owners, the key is to choose a niche that makes their life easier. I don't know what specific skill set you may have, if you don't you might want to spend a few weeks/months become great at something and once you do you can launch your own agency.
Some ideas for you..
Social media management
Social media content creation
Email marketing
FB/TIKTOK Ads manager
Graphic designer
Web development
CRO manager
CS manager
Brand/person photographer ( I have seen people start agencies that offer creating AI images for brands)
Product photography
Copy writing
Video production
Video editing
Marketing strategist/consultant
SEO manager
Google Ads manager
UGC (independent or contracting creators under you)
Influencer marketing
Public Relations
Affiliate Manager
These are all essentially service businesses, there are a million non customer related things you can do as well to make money on your own time.
Remember when you have a business, you work for your customers, so you don't necessarily work "whenever you want" but you can set hard boundaries and decide what dates/hours you are available.
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fakhir1010 · 1 month ago
🚀 Need a Website That Truly Reflects Your Brand? Let’s Make It Happen! 🚀
Hey everyone! 👋 I’m Fakhir, a web developer passionate about helping businesses and freelancers build custom websites that do more than just look good—they help you grow!
Here’s a question for you:
Is your current website helping you stand out, or is it holding you back?
Do you need a site that’s fast, user-friendly, and mobile-ready?
Are you missing out on potential clients because your website isn’t optimized for search engines?
🌟 Here’s How I Can Help:
Custom Designs that match your brand and speak to your audience—no boring templates!
Mobile-Responsive: Your site will work perfectly on every device, from phones to desktops.
SEO & Speed Optimized: Get found on search engines and keep visitors happy with fast load times.
User Experience: A smooth and easy-to-navigate website that keeps visitors engaged and converts them into clients.
🎯 Why Does This Matter?
First impressions count! Your website is often the first thing potential clients see. Let’s make it a great one.
A well-optimized site not only attracts visitors but turns them into customers.
For freelancers, having a professional website helps you land better projects and grow your business.
📌 Want to See My Work? Check out my portfolio here: https://ideavire.com/portfolio/
📬 Let’s Talk! If you’re ready to build or revamp your website, or just want to chat about ideas, reach out at [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fakhir-ameer-976046292/.
What’s your next big project? Let’s create something amazing together! 💻✨
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seospecialistinphilippines · 2 months ago
Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant in the Philippines Can Boost Your Business
Let’s be real: running a business, no matter the size, can be overwhelming. From managing daily tasks to staying on top of big-picture strategies, you often find yourself juggling too much. Ever thought of getting a virtual assistant (VA) to lighten the load? 🤔 If not, now might be the time—especially if you're considering hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines!
Here's why this decision can be a total game-changer for your business!
💰 Cost-Effective Without Sacrificing Quality
One of the best things about hiring a virtual assistant in the Philippines? You save a ton of money. 💸 In Western countries, hiring staff or freelancers can cost a fortune. But in the Philippines, you can hire highly skilled VAs at much lower rates—think $4 to $12 per hour. 🙌
Why so affordable? The cost of living in the Philippines is lower, allowing VAs to offer competitive rates while delivering high-quality work. Plus, they work remotely, which means no need to pay for extra office space, equipment, or utilities.
Imagine all that extra cash you could save and redirect into marketing, product development, or even just getting a breather! 😅
🌏 Skilled & English-Speaking Pros
If you’re worried about communication barriers, here’s the good news: the Philippines is the third-largest English-speaking country in the world. Most Filipino VAs speak English fluently, which makes collaborating a breeze.
And they’re not just great communicators—they're super skilled too. Whether it’s social media management, digital marketing, bookkeeping, or even graphic design, Filipino VAs are well-educated and have expertise across a wide range of fields. 🎨🖥️📈
Oh, and did I mention how hardworking and reliable they are? With a strong work ethic and a culture that aligns well with Western business values, they’re an absolute asset to any team. 💪
📈 Scale Your Business with Flexibility
Here’s another reason to consider hiring a Filipino VA: flexibility. When your business grows, so does your workload, and VAs make scaling your operations so much easier.
You can hire a VA on a part-time, full-time, or even project-based schedule. Need someone just for a few weeks? Or maybe on a regular basis? No problem! Filipino VAs adapt to your needs without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time, in-house staff.
Bonus: since the Philippines is in a different time zone, you can literally have someone working while you sleep. 😴 Imagine waking up to find all those customer inquiries answered or your social media content already scheduled! 📱💬
If you’re looking for reliable services, check out Rhea Bigcas Virtual Assistant Services. She connects you with top-tier VAs that can support your business 24/7!
💼 Boost Your Productivity, Focus on What Matters
Let’s be honest—who really wants to spend hours on repetitive tasks like managing emails, scheduling appointments, or dealing with data entry? 🙄 By hiring a VA, you can delegate these time-consuming tasks and focus on the real game-changers in your business—like strategy, client relations, and growth.
For example, your VA could handle your social media accounts, ensuring your brand stays active while you concentrate on bigger goals. Or they could manage customer service inquiries, giving you more time to plan and execute business strategies.
With a Filipino VA taking care of the little things, you can focus on the big things. Your productivity will skyrocket! 🚀
FAQs 💡
What kind of tasks can a Filipino VA do? Filipino VAs are versatile. They can help with everything from email management, social media, and bookkeeping to more specialized roles like web development and digital marketing. Seriously, they’ve got it all covered! 💼
How much does it cost to hire a VA from the Philippines? Most Filipino VAs charge between $4 to $12 per hour depending on the task. Pretty affordable, right?
Are Filipino VAs good at English? Absolutely! The Philippines is one of the largest English-speaking countries, so most VAs are fluent and can communicate easily with international clients.
How do I manage productivity with a remote VA? Use tools like Trello, Asana, or Google Workspace to keep everything organized. Plus, regular check-ins and clear communication will keep everyone on the same page. 📅✅
Is it safe to hire a VA from the Philippines? Yes, especially if you vet candidates properly and use secure platforms. Check out services like Rhea Bigcas Virtual Assistant Services for experienced and trustworthy VAs!
Final Thoughts 💭
Hiring a virtual assistant from the Philippines could be the best decision you make for your business. You get access to a skilled, affordable, and English-speaking workforce that helps you save time and money, all while allowing you to scale and focus on what really matters.
Ready to take the leap? 💼 Check out Rhea Bigcas Virtual Assistant Services to find the perfect VA for your business needs!
#VirtualAssistant #BusinessGrowth #Philippines #VA #Outsourcing #SmallBusiness #ProductivityBoost #EntrepreneurLife #ScaleYourBusiness #SaveMoney
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