#looking beautiful as ever lauks
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iamjackedwards · 1 year ago
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the way that this was not talked about in the game at all?!??!!
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soulsailing · 4 years ago
Kraujos istorija / Blood Story
Čia yra mano feministės dienoraṧtis. Aš prisimenu kai keliavau Kinijoje, prie Lí Upės. Kadangi mano studentai tikrino egzaminus, atostogavau į kalnus, tik aš. Visas kitas anglu kalbos mokytojas mieste turėjo darbą kaip kasdien, bet aš buvau laisva, todėl aš nenorėčiau būti namie. Tebebuvau Kinijoje, todėl norėčiau žiūrėti daugiau. Vieną vakarą, kada keliavau Europoje, mielas vyras autobuse sakė kad man reikia važiuoti į Guilin kalnus, jeigu aš būčiau kada nors Kinijoje, nes jie yra gražiausia ir įdomiausia kalnai pasaulyje. Aš prisimenu, kad keliavau su traukiniu iš Jiujiang į Guilin per septynioliką valandas! Kaip ilgai! Radau valtį kelionę ir susitikau jauną moterį. Vakare, radau bendrabučius ir po to, radau lovą. Tikrai, lova ir valtis yra viena žodis kinų kalboje - įdomu! Kadangi miegovau su žmonėmis, susitikau jaunus kinus žmones. Mes buvome apie dešimt. Kalbėjome angliškai ir kiniškai, sakome kad mes norėtume ateiti į miestą rytą, per visus dvylikas mylias!
Rytą, pusryčiaujome kartu ir aš prasidėjau su dvi jaunais vyrais. Gatvėje, žiūrėjau į gražų vabaliukų, kaip aš niekada nežiūrėjau pasaulyje! Kokios spalvos! Klausėmės upę, žiūrėjome į aukštų ir apvalų kalnus. Ėjome per upę ir prieš mažus kaimus. Vakare, upė tekėjo greičiau negu diena. Mes negalėjome keliauti per upę, nei būti mieste naktį. Mums reikėjo miegoti kaime, lauke pagal lietų ir mėnulio. Miegojome lauke mokykloje. Nebuvo restoranu kaime, todėl mes ėjome pas seną moterį ir mes davome jai pinigų. Ji virė didelę puodą sriubos. Mokykloje, per naktį, man reikėjo tualeto, bet radau tris didelių ir baugus vabalas! Radau akmens, ir po to radau kraują. Nežinojau, apie tris minutes, iš kur kraujos atėjo. Kai žiūrėjau į mėnulį, žinojau, kad buvo tik aš, nei vyrai, nei gyvūnai su žaizdais, bet moteris sveika, rami, laisva! Aš prisimenu visas senas svarbas istorijas knyguose apie didelius karus pasaulyje, apie svarbus ir stiprus vyrus, bet aš buvau panaši, ir ramesnis ir laimingesnis pamėnulyje! Laimėti yra turėti šypsotį naktyje, kada nežmonės negali nežiurėti, ir būti negėda. Rytą, žinojau, kad vaikai žiūrės į kraują ir manės apie drakonų, ir žmonės tikrai nežino sveikatos ir istorijos moterų.
Here is my feminist blog. I remember traveling in China, by the Lí River. Because my students checked the exams, I was on vacation in the mountains, just me. Every other English teacher in town had a job like every day, but I was free so I wouldn’t want to be home. I was still in China, so I would love to see more. One evening when I was traveling in Europe, a cute man on the bus said I would need to ride to the Guilin Mountains if I were ever in China because they are the most beautiful and interesting mountains in the world. I remember traveling by train from Jiujiang to Guilin in seventeen hours! How long! I found a boat trip and met a young woman. In the evening, I found dorms and after that, found a bed. Sure, bed and boat are one word in Chinese - interesting! Because I slept with people, I met young Chinese people. We were about ten. We spoke English and Chinese, we say we would like to come to town in the morning, all twelve miles!
In the morning, we had breakfast together and I started with two young men. On the street, I looked at beautiful beetles like I had never looked at in the world! What color! We listened to the river, looked at the high and round mountains. We walked across the river and in front of small villages. In the evening, the river flowed faster than the day. We couldn’t travel across the river or be in town at night. We needed to sleep in the countryside, outdoors under the rain and the moon. We slept outside at school. There was no restaurant in the village, so we went to the old woman and we gave her the money. She cooked a large pot of soup. At school, overnight, I needed a toilet, but I found three large and scary beetles! I found a stone, and then I found blood. I didn’t know for about three minutes where the blood came from. When I looked at the moon, I knew it was just me, neither men nor animals with wounds, but the woman was healthy, calm, free! I remember all the old important stories in books about the big wars in the world, about important and strong men, but I was similar, and calmer and happier on the hill! Winning is to have a smile at night when people can’t ignore it and not be ashamed. In the morning, I knew the kids would look at the blood and think about the dragons, and people really don’t know the health and history of women.
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lutbiwidoyo · 5 years ago
January, 9th 10th 11th 2020
Before I go to sleep, I have to make a post because it's a open journal right? and I didn't two days before — you know, forgot, and maybe it's gonna (kinda) be a long post.
In Thursday (January 9th) I went with my friend to buy some fabric for my personal project that is making my own clothes from scratch. That day actually was a tiresome day because I woke early, making a little bit breakfast for my own (my friend still sleeping because she like sleeping in the morning and not sleep in the night) and take a bath, straightening my hair then woke up my friend to get her self ready.
After that, we go to eat Soto Bu Widodo and it was really good because I was really hungry and the food reminds me about having breakfast in Surakarta, my home town and every sad story that I goy when I was growing up into this human being (even it was not really interesting).
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I don't edit the picture because I don't want to.
After that we went here and that, then I got two kind fabrics, two rulers, two i don't what they call it but that are for embroidery, then I bought white pencil (that I thought for fabric but actually for glass) and then a paper for the clothes (bahasa Indonesia na mah pola euy).
Then we went to clinic because my friend want to make new lenses for her glasses. Because we are normal human being, we got hungry again so we went to a cheap but delicious steak house. The lunch was quite good and I was so full after that.
That day was a really wet day because rainy almost all day long. Not a heavy rain but close enough to make our clothes soaking wet.
The next day...
I don't go anywhere because I was tired from yesterday and I had food (rice) so I did need to buy something (in the morning). BAM! I make breakfast that was a fried rice with chicken nugget (my easy peasy food)
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And then I colouring my hair at first I want it to be blue black to cover my yellowish hair. My hair is short, above the shoulder, I thought the colouring will not enough like usual but there were so much left. Waiting for the colour get into my hair about 30 minutes was not really long but my hair turns out blueish green! Not like what I expect it to be and I feel a bit disapointed because I thought it should be darker? And my face looked like a sick person. But my hair were smooth right now (maybe because the conditioner).
In the evening, after the rain stop I went out then bought Sate Padang and Tahu Walik for my lauk. The sate was really spicy but I can ate all of it but not the sauce. I ate a lot that night but I don't care.
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The next morning, like usual, I woke up hungry. Then I made breakfast that was fried enoki mushroom and that was really good... I thought I would fail but no! It was really crispy outside and inside.
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It's look like I eat a lot right? But well... it was! And delicious!!!
Cleaning the house after breakfast making me happy and lazy. Get to bath then making another food! That was brownie. First time turn on the oven, first time preparing all things by myself. The brownie turns out really delicious!
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After making that heavenly food, I watch that Twilight Saga movie, my growing up movie ever. Well that's make sense to be someone like me, who want a melancholy, creep, but polite, gentlemen, and murderer boyfriend.
I got hungry again (The Diary of A Hungry Human). I make instant cheesy pasta with broccoly and mozzarella and BOOOMM!
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I want that again :(
In the night, after watching youtube and stuff that was not important to my beautiful life, I cut my fabric to make bomber jacket. I hope I can wear it next week and proud of it.
Ps : my phone is really slow that I'm afraid if this post will gone or something because there're quite much photos and my writing.
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