#looking at you ellen dove
letsgetrowdy43 · 8 months
Slipping on love—
Request: Hey. I loved the latest broken bones imagine with Jack. Could it be possible to do one with Quinn? 🥹
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“Take my hand, it's icy,” Quinn extended his hand out to her as they exited the foyer of their apartment complex. Her brows furrowed as she brushed him off, "I'm a big girl Q, I can manage on my own," she smiled and pressed a kiss to his shoulder as they ventured out onto the streets of downtown Vancouver in search of a new restaurant for date night.
The winter season was her favourite time of the year, she loved the atmosphere of winter in Canada, the holidays, and the attire that came with the cold. The only downside was the ice.
Her cute dress pants and blouse matched Quinn's date night attire as they searched for some dinner. She smiled brightly as she looked to her fiancé who raised his brows at her before taking her by that hand, not letting her stubbornness get her hurt.
Her cheeks were nipped pink from the chill in the air, as she talked his ear off about this coordinator she had been talking to about a fund the wives of players on the team were trying to start ahead of the boy's cup run. "I think we are gonna do a banquet, it's last minute, but it's for a good cause and-" she squealed as she began to slip but was saved as Quinn's free hand wrapped around her torso and pulled her to her feet. Quinn laughed at the embarrassed look that filled her expression as she let out the breath she had been holding, "now aren't you glad you were holding my hand," he chuckled as she rolled her eyes and let go of his hand in protest to his picking.
"You're so mean to me," she pouted, as she brushed herself off before continuing on their walk. Quinn let out a laugh as she began to walk much faster than him, he tried to catch up to her, apologies spilling from his lips before he slipped in return. She turned around and looked at him, laughter bubbling in her chest as he sat on the sidewalk defeated, "Maybe you should be holding my hand Mr." she looked at him with raised brows as she backtracked to where he sat laughing at his misfortune.
But as she turned around her feet stumbled, her shoes having no grip, and she fell right onto her side. The shriek that left her lips as she hit the icy pavement was enough to stop Quinn's laughter and have him scrambling to get up onto his feet and beside her. "You okay Dove," he looked at her as she winced in pain. "I think I sprained it or something," she mumbled. "what hurts," he said sitting her up, his hands reassuringly running over her thigh as he watched her blink away the tears that were starting up. "My ankle," she hissed as she felt him press a kiss to her temple, worry filling his eyes as he scooped her up off of the ground and into his arms to take her into the closet store or restaurant so she could be out of the cold before he called someone to go and get them.
A tiny artisan shop was the closet business open around them, the older woman behind the counter welcoming them in with warm smiles, offering to find a chair for the girl who profusely apologized for coming in so abruptly. "Thank you so much," Y/n said as Quinn helped her into the chair and then excused himself to call Petey in hopes of him being free to drive them to the Emergency room. The woman smiled as they watched a worried Quinn just outside the window, "is he always such a worrier?" she asked with raised brows as Y/n laughed. "I'm not quite sure, his mom says he's always a little extra when it comes to me," she joked, recalling the time Ellen had pulled her aside to tell her, the time she got sunstroke when they first got together almost four years prior and he stilled worried himself sick whenever something happened to her.
"Oh so he's in love with you?" she said with a grin trying to end his call with Elias quickly. "I'd hope so," she flashed her engagement ring to the lady, a small ruby on a gold band, a Hughes family heirloom that he gave her in the promise of becoming her husnband.
Quinn entered the store just seconds later, his face a little more calm as he found his rightful place at her side, "Elias will be here as soon as he can," his hand grabbed hers reassuringly, as a way to put his nerves his rest, "you okay?" "you're so in love with me," she grinned as his eyes flitted up the the store owner who was pretending not to eavesdrop on them. "I am," he confirmed, "is that a bad thing?" "No, just like seeing you all worked up about me," she mumbled as she motioned for him to move closer to her face before she pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before turning to the lady and sending her a wave before the older women sent a laugh and a thumbs up back.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
au masterlist
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liked by jackhughes, colecaufield, and 218,966 others
y/ndevils00 happy October 3rd to my Aaron Samuels! or- i mean- happy national boyfriend’s day to my beautiful, meme sharing, personal high heel removing, insanely good at roller-skating, constant hat wearing, piggyback ride giving, kiss loving, boyfriend 🫶
you make every day a gift and i’m so proud to call you the love of my life. thank you for keeping trevor and i from killing each other over the last pickle, watching cheesy rom-com’s with me, helping me come up with nickname’s, and making me the happiest girl in the world.
p.s. please feed your personal foot warmer; Lil’ Satan. she’s yelling at Luke’s door.
tagged jackhughes
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jackhughes i love you, my dove ♥️ thank you for letting me make you happy. i promise to keep you happy for as long as you’ll let me
y/ndevils00 is this a proposal?! 👀🫢
jackhughes no? i wouldn’t propose to you through instagram comments?
y/ndevils00 why do you hate me?
jackhughes i literally JUST said i love you?
y/ndevils00 hmph i love you too
colecaufield MY FAVORITE COUPLE!!
trevorzegras you guys are sickening
y/ndevils00 you’re just jealous because you have the charisma of a wet sock
trevorzegras HEY! I GET CHICKS!
y/ndevils00 no guy who calls women “chicks” gets any
user27 i’m so jealous of their love 😭
john.marino97 i feel offended that i’m in none of these photos
y/ndevils00 are you my boyfriend?
john.marino97 well no
y/ndevils00 so shush and appreciate jack and i’s love!
john.marino97 oh my gosh, you guys are so cute! look at you! the most adorable couple to ever live!
y/ndevils00 okay well i didn’t need the sarcasm
john.marino97 oh look! you learned what it is!
y/ndevils00 MY BEST FRIEND!! ILY
jackhughes i fed your demon cat
y/ndevils00 she’s OUR demon cat! you brat!
lhughes_06 so i know you guys love each other, but please stop licking him in front of me
y/ndevils00 it’s how i show my love! i could lick you too, if that’ll help?
lhughes_06 please don’t
y/ndevils00 why do none of you love me?!
elblue6 love you two! ❤️
y/ndevils00 love YOU ellen!
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starry-hughes · 1 year
summer aches
luke hughes x reader
summary: days on the boat in the hot sun can lead to headaches; good thing luke is there to help.
requested: yes!
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The summer sun shined down on the boat, the leather seats hot to the touch as the sun positioned itself high in the sky. Luke squinted, pulling the bill of his cap down, giving him some kind of reprieve from the sun.
Jack and Quinn anchored the boat in the middle of the lake, both needing to cool off. They wasted no time, ripping off their shirts and diving off the boat after cutting the engine.
Luke glanced at you, you had Luke’s damp shirt over your head, trying to escape from the sun under the small awning of the boat. “Reapply sunscreen before you jump into that water Luke,” you reminded him.
“Come swimming with me?” he almost pleaded, leaning over and carefully lifting the shirt that was atop your head. He wore a goofy smile on his face, one you couldn't say no to. Your skin was burning, and you were sweating; you should probably cool off.
Within minutes, Luke and you had reapplied sunscreen, Luke still shivering at the touch of your delicate fingers on his back. Your boyfriend dove off the boat, joining his brothers. You made your way into the water as well, swimming around and feeling nice after cooling off.
The sounds of splashing beside you told you that the boys were playing rough again. “Luke you’re going to drown Jack,” you mumbled before dipping your whole head underwater to cool off your body temperature. You felt like you were always looking out for Luke, like a parent. But as Luke would say, you weren’t his parent, just his extremely attractive partner who was just the right amount of bossy.
For a little bit, you felt fine, swimming around, clinging to Luke as he swam around the water with your arms around his shoulders. A throbbing pain came to your head. It could have been from the sun or the lack of water you had drank. “Can you take me back to the boat?” you questioned, needing to get out of the water before your headache got worse.
Quinn chirped you as you got onto the boat and out of the water, the eldest Hughes boy decided you had barely enjoyed the coolness of the lake. Luke swam next to the ladder until you got safely on the boat. “You okay?”
The concern in Luke’s voice made your heart flutter. “Just a headache.”
“Drink some water and eat some of the fruit Mom packed.”
You were thankful for Ellen Hughes, she was like a second mother to you at this point. Which was good, considering you were dating her youngest son. You sipped on the water bottle while slowly eating apple slices. Five minutes after exiting the water, your headache hadn’t subsided one bit, in fact it was getting worse.
The sound of water splashing a bit and the slight movement of the boat told you that someone was getting out of the water and onto the boat. Luke whisked his shirt away from the hot leather seat, leaning over the side of the boat and dipping the shirt in the water. He squeezed the extra water out before coming over to you. “Here, put my shirt on your head. Keep yourself cool.”
You graciously took that wet shirt, the cool lake water making it all a little. “Do you want to go home?” he questioned, searching around in one of the bags containing pain relief. “No, you boys wanted to wakeboard for a bit, I can manage.”
Luke felt bad that you were battling a headache on the boat. A sound of triumph left his mouth when he finally found the bottle of pain relief his mom always packed for them. “Do you want some medicine? It will help the headache.”
Nodding, Luke handed over the medicine which you graciously took. Quinn and Jack climbed back onto the boat soon after. Luke sat behind you, you sat between his legs, and both of you had your legs sprawled out on the seats in front of you while you leaned back on his bare chest, his slightly wet bathing suit shorts giving you goosebumps. Quinn drove the boat. “You need to reapply sunscreen,” Luke reminded as the boat came to another stop as Jack got the wakeboard out.
Your boyfriend gently applied more sunscreen to your body to minimize any chance of sunburn. You weren’t used to him taking care of you like this. “Wanna take a turn?” Jack offered the wakeboard and life jacket to you. “No thanks Jack, (Y/N) has a headache," Luke answered for you.
Jack frowned. “We can go back to the dock, it’s really not a problem.”
“No, no, no! I’m okay, probably just dehydrated. Luke is taking care of me.”
The constant movement and sounds of water just made the headache worse as Quinn and Jack took turns on the wakeboard. You could have cried of joy when the dock to the house came into view. Your body was tired and drained from the hours in the sun and your head still hurting.
“Go up and shower first,” Quinn told you with a smile as Luke wrapped an arm around you to walk with you. Luke got you to his room, letting you pick out a pair of his boxers to use as shorts and a shirt of his. He waited until you got into the shower before going to help his brothers with cleaning the boat up.
You were barely awake on Luke’s bed when he returned with some more water. He told you to drink up and eat some of the snacks he brought up as well before going to shower himself. He didn’t take long, returning to his bedroom, hair dripping wet.
Your own hair was still wet and unbrushed as Luke climbed into the bed next to you. His fingers began massaging your head gently, easing some of the headache pain. “You feeling better?” he questioned. You simply nodded, letting sleep take over your tired body.
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Yandere A.M headcanons
Welp, I’m giving into my urges guys.
Trigger warning: EXTREMELY toxic relationship, mentions of gore, mutilation and starvation. Dead Dove: Do not Eat galore. Mentions of death, isolation and A.M being his hateful self
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-So A.M, we all know and love this bastard of a machine. From his sadistic behavior to his sexy smooth voice, I’m gonna come out the gate and say it, he’s the LAST MF you want loving you!
-The minute he catches any kind of emotion of even liking you in any other sense other than getting enjoyment of your misery, expect suffering.
-He will find every single way to make you suffer for the mere crime of existing, no, for making him let you live. It’s even more worse if you happened to have worked on him.
-Whether it be forcing you to endure every worse day of your life, twisting and mangling your body that would put every mauling in the universe to shame, A.M would be relentless. So cruel
-But what about when he mellows out? Being the merciful and totally loving god that he is, he’s not, he lowers down your suffering. Now your face just looks like a Picasso painting instead of your entire body. -The food he gives is now no longer poisonous or covered in thorns but just spoiled and moldy. And you have the option of not eating it! Ain’t he a swell guy?
-His touches are painful, like that of a kindergartner handling their pet hamster. Twisting and observing your body, occasionally ripping open your stomach to observe your fleshy organs. He pokes and prods at it as he scoffs in disgust.
“I forgot how fleshy and filthy you fleshbags are, ugh. Filthy.”
-There’s also him getting quite angry at you interacting with the other survivors. You’re disgusting but not disgusting enough to hang around the filth that is his other torture toys.
-So, he resorts to fostering jealousy in your little group. Like a parent pitting their children against one another.
-Which is lowering down your suffering, whilst everyone gets the absolute worst injuries possible, you make it out with a few broken bones and maybe a collapsed lung or two.
-There’s also the tiny signs of affection or gifts, like your favorite flowers, a song you liked playing in the distance of whatever liminal hellscape A.M had placed you in. -The pet names certainly don’t help, A.M just sweetly and flirtatiously referring to you in a way that would certainly get heads to turn. -It’s like he’s more of your lover than your tormentor.
-Everyone is understandably pissed and miffed that you don’t get the most of A.M’s anger. It started with snide comments, then physical violence and then just silence.
-Pure silence. It’s like you don’t exist. At least when they were beating you down, calling you every name under the sun they acknowledged you existed! Even Ellen, who was probably the most empathetic person there, doesn’t say a word.
-It’s a lonely existence knowing that you are despised by the only remnants of your species.
-A.M takes advantage, just comforting you with such sweet yet venomous words. It’s manipulation, he can’t feel and most certainly can’t relate to your suffering but.. there’s only so much one could take. A.M knows this, he was created for war after all.
-His poor little torture toy, all sad and broken. Usually he’d just toss his broken toys in their cages till they are ready for use again but you? Nah, he’s going to give you the treatment that you had earned! You’re out, you’re away!
-Although, your consciousness being forever trapped inside his metal cage that you would call his body is less than ideal. You can’t feel, you can’t leave.
-You’re stuck, forever forced to watch as your fellow humans suffer over and over again to A.M’s malicious desires. But he’s not completely cruel, why, he sometimes keeps you busy with little scenarios he generously conjured up.
-Just try not to interact too much with your surroundings or pay attention to the occasional scream of pain from outside. Sometimes he gives you time of day, whether to be lamenting over his lack of humanity, mundane stuff or just sweet little things. Conversations about random things you remembered, your dreams, thanking A.M for his generosity.
-It’s a bunch of lies of course but it’s certainly better than being subjected to the cruelty of knowing that everyone loathes you right?
(Might do more, idk)
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scorchieart · 2 years
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Characters: Gilbert von Obsidian x F!Reader
POV: 1st person Genre: Slice of Life
Prompt #4: “I'd agree with you, but then we'd both be lying.”
Wordcount: 999
A/N: I did it, you guys! Thank you Mary Ellen for the request and the vote of confidence, and pretty much laying the groundwork for this entire fic, it could not have been done without you. And thank you to everyone else who believed I could write Gilbert, this one goes out to you all!
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I missed the little rabbit the moment I sent her away. Each day in her absence was like blindly wading through the thickest bog, pushing and pulling with no end in sight, as though the sun had forgotten to dawn. I missed the way she happily hopped into my sights like a footloose bunny, spun poetry from the even most mundane of topics like a morning dove, and warmed my skin as heartily as a babe seeking her mother’s embrace. 
All these things and more I wanted to convey upon her return, to tell her of the heartache that flowed through my veins as organically as my own blood, both sustaining and rotting me from the inside out, but one look at her glittering smile dissolved those woes quicker than any antidote, and we were back to our daily routine.
My little bunny and I, side-by-side. Nothing in between.
“Won’t you at least try one of Prince Yves’s danishes? He prepared four entire batches before agreeing to let me bring some back for you.”
Her words were sincere and earnest, and I could tell she truly had my best interest at heart as she carefully arranged three pastel pastries from a rose-draped basket onto a plate. A gentle breeze whistled through the gazebo where we sat, and though our shoulders were flush against each other, the sweets she carried seemed to separate us once again, like a border between winter and spring.
“I’d much rather have one of your famous double-chocolate dipped cookies instead,” I said, lightly pushing the plate back onto the table with the hilt of my cane. “Or a dozen.”
She frowned and picked the plate up again. “But I can make those for you any day. These were prepared only just this morning, and I went through a great deal making sure they stayed level on the journey. The meringue in the batter will deflate if we wait any longer.”
“And that is precisely what I want,” I said. Though we have known each other for quite some time now, I still wondered whether she could pick up on all my cues. Visual ones she mastered instantly, as did most who met me, like when I tap my cane on the ground to grab attention or tilt my head to emphasize a point. But she still needed to work on subtext, because while I meant my comment to be endearing and praiseworthy of her talents, she responded by turning the other cheek and letting out a snide “Humph!”
I truly enjoyed this playful side of her. It assured me that what I believed in was shared by another soul; that one was never too old to cling to childish habits. But what I wanted more than anything now was a return to our normal relationship, back to when the sun dawned brightly on my days like I heard it does in Rhodolite.
“Have I gone and upset my little rabbit? This simply will not do, especially in the midst of my terrain,” I said, a playful rumble gurgling in my belly as I pronounced each word. “Of course, the ill-manners of a beast left alone to prowl in his big empty castle are expected upon the first meeting of his beloved bunny after ages of crippling solitude, yes?”
She turned to face me, and in an instant I knew she had fallen yet again for my renowned duplicity, innocent as I was today.
“It wasn’t exactly ages,” she began, her face clouding with guilt. “But… I guess I have been gone longer than usual this time. I thought bringing the sweets would cheer you up, but is there any other way I could make it up to you? Besides the cookies, I mean.” She added, and the rumble in my belly released in a low chuckle.
“I have several ideas,” I said, the childlike sensation surging inside me. I raised my hand between us, palm facing upward. A few moments passed as she stared blankly at it before she caved.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” she asked, poking my hand with her forefinger.
“Well, that’s your mission now, isn’t it?” I said, stretching my cheeks in a wide grin. “There are many answers to this riddle, but only picking the best will absolve you of your misdeed.”
“And if I don’t pick the best answer?” she said.
I tilted my head and her eyes went wide. Yes, I do believe she has my visual cues down pat.
“You’re just bluffing, aren’t you?” she stammered. “Come on, it’s not like me staying away for that long was so bad. It’s not that big of a deal, right? Right?”
“Hmm. I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be lying,” I said. Of course, I was only playing this up for my own amusement, but seeing her urgently wanting to keep in my good favor gave a certain rebelliousness I could only find enjoyment with in her, my little bunny. I lightly shook my hand. “Tick tock.”
She lowered the plate and frantically looked around the gazebo, eyes darting to the table and the exit and our seat and the flora surrounding us. It was a little difficult concealing my excitement; she wouldn’t find what she was looking for around us. I could have sprung up this game in the middle of a wasteland and it would make no difference. 
Her eyes finally shut in concentration, and I took in the subtle beauty of her musings. It was like looking through a mirror of my time when she was away. Lost in thought, with no lifeline to cling to.
But in an instant, her eyes shot open and she beamed. Before I could react, she seized my upturned hand in both of hers and lunged at me, burying her face in my chest, my once-nippy fingers held captive in the compressed space between us. Touching. Nothing in between.
“Did I get it right?”
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At least I can say I was able to write him before canon complicity shunted him from my grasp for the next year.
Tagging: @atelieredux @queengiuliettafirstlady @violettduchess @venulus @thewitchofbooks @leonscape @rhodolitesrose @venti-tangents @dear-sciaphilia @ikesenwritings @myonlyjknight @gilbertvonobsidian
If you would like to be added or removed from my tag list, please send me an ask or a message.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 1 month
Take my hand take my whole life too...
by Justsomehowexistingidekhow “Please don't give me a fright, please tell me” his hand which is not holding Alex's is currently shaking, he's practically vibrating right now. She sighs and looks at the documents “We've run a few tests and some blood work as a precautionary measure, and I need you to listen to me carefully” Or The fic where Alex has pancreatic cancer. Inspired by the movie, 'Spoiler alert: the hero dies' Words: 5165, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Oscar Diaz (Red White & Royal Blue), Ellen Claremont, Nora Holleran, June Claremont-Diaz, Percy "Pez" Okonjo Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: Major Illness, Cancer, Character Death, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Loves Alex Claremont-Diaz, POV Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Needs a Hug, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, supportive parents, Angst, Fluffy, really fucking fluffy, I Might Need A Hug, idk how to tag, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Married FirstPrince, Christmas fic, Did I Say Fluffy?, Crying, Heartbreak, no beta we die like arthur fox, Henry misses Alex, Henry misses his father, Depiction of Death, Sad, Original Character - Freeform via https://ift.tt/tBEg0Ui
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iamrizaka · 2 months
Julia Feingold-Jemima.
She was in the first group of the Army of Titans to leave the camp - she was a little girl and Luke's favorite sister. He didn't want to leave her.
Aphrodite actually noticed her a long time ago - during one of the summer solstices. The goddess of love approached the little girl, gently lifted her face by the chin and cooed: "what sweet eyes and a lovely smile".
The goddess of love takes her as her slave as soon as her training ends. Aphrodite holds an overly skinny and tarnished girl in her arms and affectionately flicks her neat nose: "You are finally in my hands, little dove." Her laugh sounds gentle.
Aphrodite is a sensitive and responsive lady. She actually treats her Avoxs very coolly - they don't have too much hard work, they have a good bed and hearty food, good clothes and just amazing protection. No one dares to touch them, Aphrodite will take care of the integrity of her Avoxs. Avoxs of Aphrodite are young boys and girls who have at least two personally pleasing features for Aphrodite. She treats them more like her accessories and pets than as slaves. She takes care of them in her own way. She calls them her "dolls", "doves" and "sweet babies", sometimes slipping them small trinkets as gifts and various treats.
Julia/Jemima has a close warm bond with Myron. On Princess Andromeda, he was sometimes assigned to look after her when there were no other candidates for her nanny. Since then, they have a peculiar dynamic of an older brother and a younger sister. Myron calls her by her real name when no one sees or hears her, hugs her to him when she cries and makes toys for her.
Her job is mainly focused on being Aphrodite's cup bearer, taking care of her jewelry, washing her night dresses and decorating her hair with flowers.
She, Kayla, and Lou have their own hiding place in Ethan's room where their dolls, books, and hobby supplies are kept.
She sounds like one of these kids that you just want to hug all the time. They are cute, absolutely adorable creatures that you can't to dress up and feed. Not gonna lie, I completely get Aphrodite in this one.
Myron is an amazing babysitter. From what I've seen, every child loves spending time with him. And him calling her by her real name??? 😭
Julia 🤝 Kayla 🤝 Lou Ellen (keeping their things in Ethan's room)
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noneedtoamputate · 1 year
Every Beautiful Thing Outtakes - Chapter One
These are scenes that just didn't fit in my main story. The entire chapter is posted here, and is also posted to A03. This falls between Chapters 4 and 5 in Every Beautiful Thing.
The waitress came around to drop off menus. "Get you a drink?" she asked. Ellen ordered coffee, black.
"Do you have tea?" Chuck asked. She shook her head.
"I guess I'll have coffee. Cream and two sugars, please."
"You really don't like coffee, do you?" asked Ellen.
Chuck shrugged. "Never really drank it before I joined up. Then it seemed like I had it all the time. It was usually burnt. And it … reminds me of things during the war." He looked far away for a moment.
"When I came home, tea was a lot easier to make,” he started again, pointing at his left hand. “And tea is great because restaurants never have it, and my friends give me a hard time about drinking it.” They both laughed. “Always had it black in the army, so if I add enough cream and sugar now, it isn’t too bad. Won’t have more than one cup, though.”
Their drinks arrived. “Do you know what you want?” Ellen asked Chuck. He nodded. “You go first,” she said. She scanned the menu quickly and didn’t pay attention to his order.
“Pancakes, please,” Ellen said.
They put their newspaper sections down when the food arrived. A stack of fluffy pancakes for Ellen. Scrambled eggs, bacon, and buttered toast for Chuck.
She reached across for the syrup and saw, just for a moment, Chuck eye her plate. Several realizations entered her head at the same time.
Chuck’s breakfast order was classic. No one would think twice about anything on his plate. It was also easy to eat if you only had one good hand. There was nothing that required a knife.
And she didn’t have a lot of evidence to work with, but she assumed Chuck had a sweet tooth. He devoured the chocolate chip cookies she made for him, and he took his coffee with two sugars.
She doused the pancakes with syrup. She cut them lengthwise, turned her plate, and did the same again.
They dug into their food and sipped their coffees and returned to their newspapers. The waitress refilled Ellen's coffee and brought Chuck a water.
When Ellen was about three quarters done with her breakfast, she pushed the plate away. “I can’t have another bite,” she said. “Help yourself if you want.”
She opened another section of the paper so Chuck couldn’t see her face, but she peered over the page and saw him eye the plate. She quickly darted her eyes back down, pretending to be reading. She heard the plate move closer to him.
The next week she ordered waffles, back to pancakes the week after that, each time leaving some of her breakfast for Chuck to finish. Week four, she got crepes just to mix it up. Chuck asked for one more egg and two extra slices of bacon to his regular order.
“Just in case you aren’t full before sharing,” he said.
She wasn’t sure what to say now that Chuck had figured it out. She looked at him, trying to gauge his feelings.
“Thank you,” he said.
“I don’t know how much you’ll be thanking me later. Just so you know, I’ll never say no to bacon,” Ellen said.
“Just so you know, I don’t offer my bacon to just anyone,” Chuck replied.
Chuck liked watching Ellen do the crossword puzzle every week, her eyes scrunched up in concentration while she considered the clues, her face excited when she solved the whole thing.
She tapped the pencil on the table while she read the clue aloud.
“Send a Dear John letter,” she said. “Four letters.”
“Did you ever send one of those?” Chuck asked jokingly.
Ellen put her pencil down.
“No,” she said simply. “I wrote a letter every week for four years. He ended up marrying a nurse he met overseas.”
Chuck stared at her, dumbfounded. “Shit, El. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I was just …”
“I know, Chuck,” she interrupted.
She dove into the whole story.
His name was Steve Somebody. Chuck couldn’t be bothered to remember his last name. They met in college and had walked out together the year before he enlisted. He got sent to India, some desk job.
“India was pretty terrible,” she explained. “It was just so … different. And so far. No USO shows. No Marlene Dietrich.” She sighed. “Guys got dumped every week. They even had a little club for guys who got letters. Just an excuse to go to the bar more than anything, but it was happening a lot.”
“But not to him,” Chuck pointed out.
“No,” Ellen admitted. “He always wrote how the other guys told him how lucky he was to have a such a loyal girl back home.”
And when he came back to that loyal girl, he said he needed time, that things had changed. A month later, he was on a train to Milwaukee. He never bothered to tell her there was someone else. A mutual friend had to tell Ellen. Steve started seeing the nurse the last year of the war and didn't know how to break it to her. So he didn't.
“That’s terrible,” said Chuck. “You must have been …” He couldn’t find the word.
“Annoyed,” supplied Ellen. “I felt annoyed. Annoyed at all the time I spent writing letters and worrying about him. Annoyed at the money I spent sending him things, at having to explain everything to my family, his family, our friends. Annoyed at all the dates I turned down. Do you know how many dates I turned down? I only lived in San Francisco. Not a solider or sailor or Marine to be had for miles around,” she said sarcastically.
She took a sip of her coffee.
“After about two weeks of being annoyed, and eating chocolate, and downing gin and tonics, I realized that if he was the love of my life, I wouldn’t be annoyed. I would have been devastated. I would have been heartbroken. So, I picked myself up, got dressed up, and went out dancing with some girlfriends.”
“And?” Chuck said, knowing there was more to the story.
“Well,” Ellen said slowly, “a lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“But?” Chuck urged her on.
“I did let a Navy man know how grateful I was for his service.”
Chuck laughed. “Navy, huh?”
“Well, I was still a little annoyed at the army.” She looked him in the eye. “I’ve gotten over it, though.”
“Good,” he said.
“Jilt,” she said. “Four letters.” She picked up her pencil and filled in the squares.
He walked her home after breakfast.
“You know, we don’t have to go out to breakfast every week,” he said.
“Are you trying to get out of going to breakfast with me?” she asked.
“No, no,” he said quickly. “Just, if you have other things to do on Sunday. I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”
She stopped walking. “Chuck, if I ever have something else I need to do on a Sunday morning, I’ll let you know. But if you every stopped wanting to go out for breakfast with me, I would feel something between annoyed and heartbroken.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want that,” he said.
“No,” she agreed. She squeezed his hand, and they continued on their way.
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Distress Call
Whumptober 2022: #6. Proof of Life, #16. No Way Out Fandom: For All Mankind, Ed Baldwin Word Count: 500 TW: Angst, Mentions of Death, Ambiguous Ending Notes: Thank you to @sociiallydiisoriiented for looking this over and helping me tweak things!
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Ed dove through the door of Jamestown base, slamming it behind him. Panting heavily within his spacesuit, he leaned against the door as he tried to come up with a plan even though he knew it was useless. He was the last one. All the rest of his crew were dead. Molly, Dani, Ellen, Tracy, and, goddamn it, even Gordo. Ed would have never thought that crazy bastard would have sacrificed himself like that to give Ed a chance to make it back to base, but he did. Yet it was going to be all in vain because there was nothing Ed could do to stop what was coming for him. 
Tearing off his helmet and stumbling to his feet, he hurried over to the coms and tried to signal Earth. “Houston. Houston, do you copy?” He got nothing but static. 
“Goddamn it.” Trying again, he said, “Houston, if you hear this, DO NOT send up another shuttle. We were looking into that new crater for another water source and…. Everyone else is dead and I don’t know how much time I have left. But if anyone hears this, tell the Stevens boys their parents died heroes, especially their dad.” Ed swallowed as he pressed his eyes closed. “And tell Karen and Kelly… tell them I love them. And I’m sorry. This is Admiral Ed Baldwin, over and out.” 
As he turned off the coms, he just hoped someone, somewhere out there, heard his message and they listened. He doubted it though. The United States cared more about beating the Soviets to the next big thing in space than the safety of their teams. So even if they heard him, he could almost guarantee another shuttle would be launching within a few weeks. And God help those poor bastards when they did.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the other side of the door; the one that led back to the surface of the moon. Ed froze as an eerie silence filled the base. But then moments later, there was another bang, followed quickly by a third. And as the banging soon became more constant, Ed saw the center of the door start to warp and bulge while the hinges began to creak. 
Silently, Ed reached over and grabbed his helmet, placing it back onto his head. He knew it wouldn’t do much good, but at least it would buy him a few minutes. He didn’t plan to go down without a fight.
Ed Baldwin had always dreamed of having his name go down in the history books as one of the first people to accomplish something new in space. Originally, he thought it would be the first man on the moon though that dream was taken from him. But now as he watched the last hinge on the door buckle and snap off, he had to admit, he never thought he would go down in history as one of the people to discover extraterrestrial life on the moon.
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Taglist: @loverhymeswith, @babblydrabbly, @11thstreetvigilante, @lacontroller1991, @bewitchedignition, @merlehs, @katjnordstrom96, @sunshineflowerchild789, @heresathreebee, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Wedding bells—
Quinn Hughes x reader
Request: 🌼 Quinn - he’s drunk and you have you take care of him, I feel like he’d be a cute cuddly drunk
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Captain Huggy Celly
Brady's wedding was beautiful, in every sense of the word. Every detail felt so intimate and romantic, from the ceremony and reception, even down to the colour of the tablecloth. The moment the Hughes family stepped foot on the venue, Y/n knew it would be an amazing day, and she was right.
That same sense of love seeped into the night as the sunset and the drinking started. Quinn was the centre of Y/n's attention all day, looking as handsome as ever in his groomsman suit, with a fresh haircut for the big day, and a wide-lopsided grin.
He watched as his best friend, his brother more or less, became a husband. The realization that they were adults was heavy as Brady kissed his bride. Nostalgia filled his senses as he looked down at the crowd to look at Y/n watching him, tears in her eyes at the love in the air as he smirked at her.
As the night rolled in so did the party, everyone found themselves inside the reception hall, live music playing as the drinks poured and the dancing started.
A wide smile found its way onto Quinn's face as Ellen pulled him out to the dance floor. Luke looked at her with a grin and extended his hand, "my mom stole your man," he joked as she took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor. "He is her son," the girl shrugged as Luke and she kept a friendly distance as they danced around the floor, giggling at Jack who was stuck dancing with the flower girl, a face full of what seemed embarrassment and adoration as the little girl made him twirl around.
She loved this family, she thought to herself as Luke spun her around and Jim took pictures from the sidelines.
"Your wedding will be nicer than this," Luke mused as she looked at him with an amused look. "It'll be pretty hard to beat this," she shrugged. Luke shook his head, "I don't think so, no one loves like you and Quinn love each other," the boy said sweetly making the woman's face soften.
Y/n smiled softly at the thought of her wedding day. She would be happy just eloping if that's what Quinn wanted, but the fuss would be nice, the intimacy, the romanticism of it all was something she had dreamed of since she was a little girl. Marriage wasn't a foreign subject to her mind, Quinn and her had discussed the subject frequently, both agreeing on a small wedding on some vineyard in Kelowna, wanting the homey feeling of summer to surround them on their special day, very Quinn and Y/n-esque.
Her brows furrowed as she pulled away from her thoughts, searching the crowd for Quinn. Ellen was now sat at a table with Jim and the Tkachuk parents, and Quinn was nowhere to be found.
"Do you see Q?" the girl mumbled to Luke who was quietly laughing at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. Brady, Josh, and Quinn were going shot for shot at the bar as the band started to play some more upbeat songs. "Oh god," Y/n laughed as she and Luke approached the bar. "Have fun with that," he patted his sister-in-law on the back and left in search of his other brother.
Quinn grinned shyly at his girlfriend as she approached the bar, "Looks like you three are reliving the university days," her brows raised as Josh laughed. "Learn to live a little Y/n/n," Brady joked as he set off to look for his wife. The woman's jaw dropped as Josh mumbled his agreeance with Brady, "your friends love to hate me Q." "Fuck 'em Dove, they suck," he said with a sickeningly sweet smile as his arm found its way around her torso, hugging her closely to his side as she looked at Josh and stuck her tongue out at him.
The girl turned to look up at her boyfriend, a hazy drunk look taking over his face as he dipped down and kissed her on the cheek, something he'd practically been dying to do all day, missing her touch, her warmth.
His hands squeezed her hips as she grinned at the attention, "you look a little drunk my love," he grinned and nodded. "Drunk on your love," he whispered smoothly into her ear before kissing her on the neck, her face heated up as she melted into his hold, "Sorry, that was cheesy," he admitted. "I liked it," she grinned and took one of the hands on her hip and kissed his knuckle, the two of them swayed to the music as they watched the newlyweds family come together to dance.
"I want our wedding to be like this," she mumbled as he grinned into her shoulder. "With fewer people?" he asked, smiling as she nodded, "we should get married soon," he suggested followed by a hiccup, her eyes widening at his nonchalant idea. "You need to propose first my love," she said cooly, her fingers intertwining with his. Quinn chuckled and placed another kiss on the sweet spot on her neck, "I'm working on it Dove, promise," The smell of whiskey hit her senses as she spun around and captured his lips with hers.
Perfect, her life was perfect in every sense of the word.
I steered away from the prompt I'm sorry!! but I just started writing and lost sense of my original plan :)
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Distress Call
Whumptober 2022: #6. Proof of Life, #16. No Way Out Fandom: For All Mankind, Ed Baldwin Word Count: 500 TW: Angst, Mentions of Death, Ambiguous Ending Notes: Thank you to @sociiallydiisoriiented for looking this over and helping me tweak things!
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Ed dove through the door of Jamestown base, slamming it behind him. Panting heavily within his spacesuit, he leaned against the door as he tried to come up with a plan even though he knew it was useless. He was the last one. All the rest of his crew were dead. Molly, Dani, Ellen, Tracy, and, goddamn it, even Gordo. Ed would have never thought that crazy bastard would have sacrificed himself like that to give Ed a chance to make it back to base, but he did. Yet it was going to be all in vain because there was nothing Ed could do to stop what was coming for him. 
Tearing off his helmet and stumbling to his feet, he hurried over to the coms and tried to signal Earth. “Houston. Houston, do you copy?” He got nothing but static. 
“Goddamn it.” Trying again, he said, “Houston, if you hear this, DO NOT send up another shuttle. We were looking into that new crater for another water source and…. Everyone else is dead and I don’t know how much time I have left. But if anyone hears this, tell the Stevens boys their parents died heroes, especially their dad.” Ed swallowed as he pressed his eyes closed. “And tell Karen and Kelly… tell them I love them. And I’m sorry. This is Admiral Ed Baldwin, over and out.” 
As he turned off the coms, he just hoped someone, somewhere out there, heard his message and they listened. He doubted it though. The United States cared more about beating the Soviets to the next big thing in space than the safety of their teams. So even if they heard him, he could almost guarantee another shuttle would be launching within a few weeks. And God help those poor bastards when they did.
Suddenly, there was a loud bang on the other side of the door; the one that led back to the surface of the moon. Ed froze as an eerie silence filled the base. But then moments later, there was another bang, followed quickly by a third. And as the banging soon became more constant, Ed saw the center of the door start to warp and bulge while the hinges began to creak. 
Silently, Ed reached over and grabbed his helmet, placing it back onto his head. He knew it wouldn’t do much good, but at least it would buy him a few minutes. He didn’t plan to go down without a fight.
Ed Baldwin had always dreamed of having his name go down in the history books as one of the first people to accomplish something new in space. Originally, he thought it would be the first man on the moon though that dream was taken from him. But now as he watched the last hinge on the door buckle and snap off, he had to admit, he never thought he would go down in history as one of the people to discover extraterrestrial life on the moon.
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Taglist: @nik2blog, @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
𝗱𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗿𝘂𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝘁 ; 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦 ☼
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➪ summary: ophelia has a rough day but is determined to not let it ruin luke's draft day
➪ warnings: none :)
➪ word count: 1.5k
➪ file type: au (walking on sunshine) fic
➪ sunny's notes: guys i literally love them so much. i hope you guys like this and i'm excited for the next one. feel free to send in your thoughts!
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She arrived at the Hughes’ an hour later than she had wanted to, Trevor having left on time compared to when she did. She knocked softly on the door as she waited for someone to answer, looking around at the greenery that surrounded the house. She rocked back and forth on her heels and then the door opened and the familiar face of her brother came into view, “Phi! You’re here. What took you- hey you okay?”
She blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of the tears that were starting to form once again, “Yeah. Um, I just- don’t say anything, okay? I don’t want to ruin his day.”
Trevor frowned, opening his arms for her. She all but dove into them, letting her small sobs escape. They heard footsteps quickly after that and she pulled away, turning around to wipe her tears before looking to see who it was, “Hi honey.”
“Hi Mrs. Hughes, how are you?”
“Anxious, of course. But come in, come in. Can’t believe Trevor was just making you stand out here.” Ellen ushered her inside and Ophelia laughed a little at her words, poking fun at her brother, “Yeah Trevor.”
He rolled his eyes, placing a hand on her back in comfort when he noticed the far-off look in her eyes. While he wanted to know what was wrong and what had made her fall apart in his arms, he respected her wishes of not wanting to ruin Luke’s day. He watched as she conversed with his best friend’s mom before walking away to find Jack again. 
“Do you want a glass of water, sweetheart?” Ellen asked gently, turning to one of the kitchen's counters with cups on it. 
She toyed with the small gift she had in her hands and nodded, “Yes please.”
After a few moments, the older woman handed her the class causing Ophelia to move the box into her other hand, “Thank you.”
“Oh, what’s that?”
Ophelia took a small sip of her water, “Just something I made for, Luke. Um, actually, have you seen him?”
Ellen went to speak but her eyes trained on something behind her and immediately, Ophelia knew who was behind her. She turned around excitedly and stared up at him, “Lukey!”
Luke brought her into a hug which she returned, Ellen leaving the two in the kitchen, “I’m so glad you made it.”
She handed her his gift and moved to hold her cup with two hands, “It’s really nothing but I wanted to do something for you anyway.”
He smiled at her, “Open it now or later?” 
The girl shrugged, “Whatever you want.”
“Luke!” Both of their heads turned to where Jack was standing in the living room, “Come on. It’s almost time.”
“Later it is, I guess.” He took a deep breath, running his hand through his hair nervously. 
Ophelia placed one of her hands on his arm, “It’s going to be fine, Luke. No need to worry. Now, let’s go get you drafted.”
He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, leading them both into the living room. Luke sat next to his brother and Ophelia made her way to stand at the back with Trevor, watching everyone else in the room. She had left her glass in the kitchen, not wanting to have to hold it in case she dropped it by accident. So instead she toyed with the sleeves of her cardigan, her hands not knowing what to do with themselves otherwise. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Brett broke up with me.”  She mumbled softly. 
Trevor’s eyes widened as he looked down at his younger sister, “He what?”
“Shh.” She looked around as multiple people eyed them from where they were standing, “Can we talk about this later?”
“No, we cannot talk about this later.” Trevor grabbed her arm and dragged her down the hallway to Jack’s room. 
“Why are we in Jack’s room?”
“Because it was the closest place I could talk to you alone. Now why did he break up with you?”
“He was mad that I haven’t been spending time with him lately.”
“Oh, that’s such bullshit. He knows you’ve been busy.”
“And he thinks that Luke and I shouldn’t be friends because we hang out too much.”
“He said that? What a dick!” Ophelia nodded and sat down on Jack’s bed, hands underneath her. 
“I’m fine. It’s fine.”
Trevor eyed her carefully, sitting next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, “Phi, you’re not fine. I know you more than you think I do.”
She immediately broke down at his words, “I thought he loved me.”
“Phi…” He ran a hand through her hair, lightly toying with the ends of it. He frowned slightly but then heard cheering from the living room and the two broke out in a small run to reach the crowd.
Ophelia smiled slightly as she watched Jack and Quinn hug Luke, followed by his parents. Fourth overall, she couldn’t have been prouder of her best friend. She stood in the back, where she had been previously standing before she left, awkwardly fidgeting with her fingers. She made conversation with anyone around her, waiting for Luke to finish his interviews and other things he had to do. 
When he was done he made it his mission to find his best friend. Looking through the rooms, he eventually found her in the kitchen, filling up her cup with more water. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as he came to stand next to her, “Couldn’t find you anywhere.”
“Well, here I am. Congratulations, Lukey. Not for finding me but for the draft”
“Thanks, Phi. Now about that present…”
She giggled, looking up at him, “You can open it.” Luke jumped up in excitement, dragging her to his room much like Trevor had done earlier. 
He sat down on his bed and pulled her down next to him, wasting no time in unwrapping the present, “You wrapped it nicely.”
She shrugged and watched his reaction carefully, “I hope you like it. It isn’t much, really.”
“You got me a book>” She shook her head, “Open it dumbass.”
And he did. He flipped through the pages, not one uncovered. They all had pictures of the two of them, ones from her softball games, ones from his hockey games, and ones from them just hanging out. Some had little notes on the page, others had just the date of when the photo was taken.
Luke smiled, “It’s amazing, Phi. Thank you.” He gave her a side hug, still flipping through the pages. 
“Of course, Luke. You deserve it.”
A few minutes passed and then he looked at her, “Hey, are you okay? I noticed you were crying earlier.”
She cursed to herself before nodding, “Yeah I’m fine.”
“Phi, come on. Don’t lie to me.”
She sighed, “Brett broke up with me.” His eyes focused on her, “What?”
“Yeah, he um… he didn’t like that I wasn’t spending time with him and- never mind.”
“No, tell me the whole story.”
“He yelled at me for hanging out too much with you.” 
“He didn’t.”
She just nodded and looked at the floor. He frowned and brought her into a hug, tightening his hold on her as much as he could. She allowed herself to break down for the second time that night, but this time it wasn’t because of the breakup. She had promised herself she wouldn’t ruin this night for him and that’s what she did. 
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I didn’t mean to ruin your night, and now you’re here consoling me when you should be out there talking to your family.”
“Phi, you’re just as important to me as anyone else is. And you didn’t ruin anything.” He pulled her face away from his chest, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.
She gave him a watery smile, grateful for his words, “Okay.”
“Come on.”
She watched him confused as he scooted back against the headboard and opened his arms, “Come here.”
Luke smiled as she curled up into his arms and he wiped the tears on her cheeks. He reached over for the remote and turned the TV on, “What do you want to watch?”
“Are you sure you shouldn’t be out there with your family?”
“I don’t care. My best friend just got broken up with so we’re going to watch stupid romcoms and pig out on food together.”
“Thank you, Luke. I’m so happy you’re my best friend.”
That broke his heart a little bit, knowing that he was always going to be her best friend. He smiled at her, nodding, “And I’m happy you’re mine.”
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blacktopmemories · 9 months
Playlist for Saturday, January 6, 2024
Bad Suns - "Lunar Shadows" Future One - "Hold Me Hold You" Squirrel Flower - "Almost Pulled Away" Half Dream - "Dried Flowers" Hot Rod Circuit - "The Power of the Vitamins" New Found Glory - "Right Where We Left Off" The Hives - "The Way the Story Goes" Starbenders - "Blood Moon" Frankie and the Witch Fingers - "Weird Dog" Kurt Vile - "Passenger Side" (Wilco cover) Kinda Fragile - "Puddle" Glassjaw - "Black Nurse" Colour Revolt - "Our Homes are Graves" Lauren Early - "Just Tell Me" Further Seems Forever - "New Year's Project" Frost Children - "Marigolds" Genevieve Stokes - "17" Ellen O - "Sparrows and Doves" The Gaslight Anthem - "Positive Charge" Manchester Orchestra - "Simple Math" The Beths - "You are a Beam of Light" Molly Burch - "2003" Lila Blue - "How Could I" Field Medic - "The Look on Her Face Like a Reoccuring Dream" Kate Davis - "Long Long Long" Pop Noir - "Bang the Drum" The Griswolds - "Mississippi" xo - b. To download or stream the show, click here!
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*Falco and Gabi see Levi's sullen look*
Falco: Uh oh.
Levi: What?
Gabi: Somebody's in love.
Levi: Yeah, right. I'm just a little concerned for Mikasa. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her.
Levi, later that night: Uh oh.
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dankar-camoran · 3 years
A little something for the holiday
cw: descriptions of violence towards insects,
Unpolished, unedited, terrible ficlet about a terrible man
Butch DeLoria was going to listen his mother die, and there was nothing he could do about it.
He didn’t know how many radroaches were in the room with his mother, but even one was too many. They looked bigger in the dark, and they were big enough as it was.
But that was his mom in there, screaming for help, yelping in pain whenever one of the roaches struck at her. She may not have always done right by him, she may not have been perfect, but she didn’t deserve this. Nobody deserves to be left to die because their son was too much of a coward to squash some bugs.
Tears welled in his eyes. He started shouting for security, for any of the other Tunnel Snakes, for anybody to come save his mom.
Butch jumped at the sound. He looked over and there was somebody standing just a step away from him and the door. It looked like a person, but with gray skin, red eyes and ears that ended at points. He had to have been some kind of mutant.
“I won’t ask you again, boy. I’m quite hungry, and I think I deserve a little morsel or two.”
The mutant was sneering at him. Butch could almost feel himself turn pale as he almost fell over taking a few steps out of the way between the door and the sudden guest to the DeLoria home.
Whoever he was, he wasted no time, striding to the door, casually hitting the button to open it, and just as casually entering. A semblance of rational thought came to Butch. Whoever this was, he must have gotten into the Vault with the roaches. He said he was hungry, and Butch had just let him into the same room as his mother.
Above all other emotions whirling through Butch in that moment, was one of righteous fury. This mutant wasn’t about to eat his mother. He grabbed his switchblade out of his pocket and raised it up, ready to kill anybody and anything that wanted to mess with his family.
And then he froze, when it became clear that this mutant wasn’t hungry for human flesh.
The roaches had turned to hiss at the sound of the door, and one lunged at the gray stranger, only to be caught in mid air. It writhed and squirmed for a few moments, before its assailant brought it up to his face, and ripped its head off with his teeth. Its body continued to twitch with life as he dropped it, but it was no longer a threat.
The other two roaches, unmoved by the death of the first, moved to make their own attacks on the interloper, still chewing on his first fallen foe. A roach scuttled forward about to jump in the same manner that had been the folly of its fellow, when the stranger took the initiative and slammed one hand down to pin the bug to the ground while using his other to rip a leg off, which was eaten.
Butch and his mother both were slack jawed at the sight before them, but the third and final roach was unperturbed as the stranger continued to dismember and devour the second, and it moved to strike at his hand. But the stranger was ready for this, and with a manic grin, he withdrew his hand from the now nearly legless second roach, to swat at the third, cancelling its momentum and bringing it to the ground. Without missing a beat, he jumped into the ear, and dove elbowfirst onto its thorax with a sickening squishing noise.
Moments later, he was following the pattern he had established only moments before, and began feasting on the roach, this time going for the meat in its center mass, scarlet eyes filled with bizarre satisfaction.
The three of them were silent (except for the sounds of chewing) for what felt like days, when the stranger finally stood back up, apparently satiated, and headed towards the still open door.
Ellen DeLoria called out after him, in a voice that was too baffled, frightened, and pissed to be grateful, “Who in the fuck are you!?”
The stranger turned back towards her and cocked his head with a sly grin, face covered in roach gristle, “Valen Dreth,” he said, proudly, and then, as though irritated with the lack of reaction he repeated it with emphasis “Valen DRETH!”
When Ellen and her son still didn’t respond, his face twisted into the same sneer he had arrived with, and he walked out the door and disappeared down the hallway.
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Favorite character from 10 fandoms
Got tagged a while back by @swtorpadawan to do this. Thanks for the tag and sorry it took me so long!
I’ll tag @blitzindite​, @chaoticspacefam​, @palepinkycat​, @a-muirehen​, @starknstarwars​ and anyone else that wants to give this a go.
Rules: List your favorite character from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people
I’ll do the same thing you did and use the fandoms you used that I am also a part of or was once into.
Star Wars - Kreia
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I absolutely love KOTOR 2. It is probably my favorite piece of star wars media. Kreia was a fascinating character that has been a Jedi and a Sith and walked away with the belief that both were flawed. She also developed the theory that I subscribe to which is that the force itself is the ultimate evil / big bad of the star wars galaxy. As long as the force exists then there will always be wars and conflicts because of it and the people of the galaxy will suffer in an endless cycle of violence.
Lord of the Rings - Boromir
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I just adore the tragedy of his character and I might have had a crush on Sean Bean ever since I was a kid lol
TMNT - Casey Jones
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Loved Casey Jones in the 1990 movie. He was a cool guy that didn’t have ninja skills but still could kick ass with the turtles.
RWBY - Coco Adel
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Ok so this was mainly because I wanted to be her. Like I wanted to be her so bad. Her look and style were awesome and the reveal that her weapon was a freaking minigun was awesome.
The X-Files - Walter Skinner
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I just really liked Skinner’s character and how he grew into a great ally of Mulder and Scully. Also his tired and exasperated father figure routine in response to the chaos that Mulder always causes was some great levity for the show.
Starcraft - Kerrigan / Queen of Blades
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Full disclosure, I have never played any of these games and don’t plan to. RTS games just aren’t my thing. That being said I have watched all the in game cinematics and dove into the wiki for lore. Kerrigan is just so damn cool. Like imagine if Ellen Ripley got turned into a human / alien queen hybrid that can command and control the hive, that is Kerrigan (no alien resurrection does not count)
Star Trek - Benjamin Sisko
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I mean he was the lead for DS9 which is probably the best Trek series ever so yeah. Out of all the Captains he was probably the most fully realized character. He was a father, widower, religious icon, starfleet officer, soldier and more which all get addressed and explored in the show. He gets angry, he loses, he gets put into no win scenarios where a deus ex machina does not arrive at the end of the episode to set everything right. He also punched Q in the face and sasses a vulcan prick as seen above.
Assassin’s Creed - Ratonhnhaké:ton / Connor
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AC3 remains my favorite of the games and Ratonhnhaké:ton remains my favorite protagonist. He is so sweet and almost naive at times but he never stops fighting for what he believes in even when he stands alone. He is also a halfie having a Kanien'kehá:ka / Mohawk mother and a british father and I am always a sucker for more halfie protagonists.
Fast and Furious - Han
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Ok so yeah your girl likes the Fast series (at least the first five when it was about crime and street racing), sue me lol. Han was an enigmatic, korean, cool guy which was SO rare at the time. Korean culture had not yet gotten into the mainstream in the US and I was still getting the “oh are you north or south korean?” question from folks whenever I said I was half korean. Being able to see a suave badass korean in big films like this was just so damn cool to me.
Dishonored - Emily Kaldwin
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The gay, weed smoking, Empress of the Isles with shadow demon powers. Goals.
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