#looking at this photo like a child of divorced parents reminiscing on the precious good times
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ringosmistress · 7 days ago
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writestufflj20 · 8 years ago
When 27 meets 49
  Friends, old and new, describe Francis as very approachable, smart, caring, and charismatic. A slender man of medium height and caramel brown skin, Francis is always the one asking his peers deep, philosophical questions like, ‘What happens when we die’ or ‘Does it bother you that today’s education system is all about memorizing, instead of, actually engaging us and teaching us something valuable?’ His interests are anime, anything fantasy-related, PlayStation and Role Playing games, and philosophy. 
  Shortly after dropping out of the University of Phoenix in Pittsburgh, Francis and his parents and sisters returned to their hometown in Los Angeles, California, after residing in Pittsburgh for 15 years. At age 25, Francis was a supervisor at a candy shop in Hollywood and looking to make new friends at a place he once called home.  
  Until recently, Francis hadn’t had the greatest luck with women. His last relationship was his first one ever and evidently, also his first time being cheated on -- only several days later since he asked the girl out. Yet, Francis experienced another failed attempt at love with his best friend since high school, Sheila. ‘We were inseparable. I’d always hang out with her during and after school, on weekends – I even slept over at her house. Her family would joke that I was their third child,’ Francis said. They were so close that Sheila would shower with the door opened, hold hands with Francis, and even, cuddle with him. However, when Francis mustered up the courage to confess his love for Sheila and take their relationship to the next level, she kindly rejected him and said, ‘You’re like a brother/best friend to me.’ And in that moment, Francis felt confused by her unrequited response, convinced that she showed signs of attraction and courtship. The harsh reality of Francis’ failing love life cut deep into his tendered heart and friend zoned him indefinitely. But, Francis did not accept defeat. Much of Francis’ patience for love was soon to be rewarded. 
  At the stroke of midnight on January, 1, 2015, Francis, at age 27, shared a passionate, first kiss with his co-worker, Lauren, at the management’s New Year’s party at Buffalo Wild Wings. A beautiful and busty woman with freckled, ivory skin and a youthful smile grabbed the frolicking, singled Francis and pulled him into her arms for an unforgettable kiss. Lauren had successfully mended Francis’ broken heart – a feat other girls failed to accomplish. 
  In all romantically serious relationships, Francis had hoped that his parents loved her as much as he loved her and vice versa. Fortunately, Lauren and Francis’ mother shared two things in common: they were 49 years old and both married. 
  Lauren had also moved to California about 7 years ago. She was a determined accountant, juggling two jobs with her husband to support their two children. She realized she had growing martial problems about three years ago before she began working at the candy store in August of 2014. 
  Francis met Lauren while working together at the Hollywood candy store. ‘We were always flirting with each other and one thing led to another and it just kinda happened.’ At first, Francis did not think much of it, but since the party, they both noticed a newfound, undeniable attraction towards each other. The fated kiss had surely permitted them to explore this tantalizing curiosity on a proper “date.” 
  A couple days after the New Year’s kiss, Francis and Lauren had begun texting each other daily and ending the night with texts of, ‘Goodnight and sweet dreams.’ A week later, Lauren asked Francis if he would like to accompany her to the horse stables because she was shopping for new horse shoes. They would later grab lunch at a Brazilian Bossa Nova Cuisine. Afterwards, they hiked up a horseback riding trail and sat on a bench that oversaw the coastline. The sunset gleamed with a lukewarm mirage, coating the city below with memorizing oranges, reds, and purples. Francis took this precious and peaceful moment to stretch his arm over Lauren’s shoulder and rest his hand on her side. Lauren gazed into Francis’ promising eyes and kissed him. Their heads rest on each other as they watched the sunset fall. ‘I never formally asked Lauren out, but I guess this was the day that made it official – that we were a thing,’ Francis said, reminiscing.  
  About 7 months of dating, Francis and Lauren decided to move into a cozy two-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles. They have the essentials: a modern, charcoal couch, a white living room rug and black coffee table, a bookshelf with a decent number of books and a couple photographs of themselves, and a 65” Samsung television set, along with Francis’ PS4, which was a Christmas gift from Lauren. They share a King size bed in one room, while the other is vacant. ‘We plan to make that room an office,’ Francis said. 
  They have been dating for a little over two years and they are coming to know each other’s flaws and weak spots. During the early stages of their relationship, Francis expressed concern over Lauren still wearing her wedding ring (in which, Lauren no longer wears). Meanwhile, Lauren accused Francis of being interested in her only for a short while. Though these problems did not hinder their love for each other, Francis is learning what it means to truly be in a loving and respectable long-term relationship. ‘We’re complete opposites and I think that’s a good thing. She’s very passive and holds all her problems inside, while I’m very persistent and straight forward. I never want to end the day with an argument, so I always try to get it out of her – whatever’s bothering her. And I’m like, “See, that wasn’t so bad,”’ Francis says. Francis believes that they are healthier because of it. Nowadays, the only problems that arise are of Francis procrastinating on things he says he will do, like getting his driver’s permit and license, and Lauren complaining that he should go back to school. Francis is adamant about not returning to school until he figures out what he wants to do with his life. ‘School is so stupid nowadays. We are taught at a very young age to go to college and get a well-paying job. We are not taught how to appreciate and live life to the fullest. I don’t want to go to school because that’s what is expected of me. I want to go when I feel like it – not because it’s what I’m supposed to do,’ Francis says. 
  About a year of dating, Lauren felt comfortable enough for Francis to introduce her to his friends. It was around February, 2016 when Francis took Lauren to meet his friends. Francis went to a friend’s condo in Culver City. When they arrived, the condo was dimly lit by scented candles. The setting was intimate and accommodating. Seven of Francis’ friends were present, who are all in their late twenties. When Francis and Lauren entered, they were greeted with welcoming handshakes, hugs, and smiles. After having dinner and enjoying some Mario Kart on Wii-U, they all retired to the couch and inquired about Francis and Lauren’s relationship.
  While Francis retold their unique story, Lauren smiled and listened to his and his friends’ responses. They shared laughs and stories about past and present relationships, which made Lauren feel very comfortable because no judgements were verbally made. Lauren gently held onto Francis’ biceps and rested her head on his shoulder as she listened to the love of her life recount their ups and downs. It was the best introduction two lovers could have ever asked for. 
  Nowadays, Lauren frequents to the Francis’ household. Francis’ parents couldn’t have love a better person for Francis. ‘Lauren really puts Francis on check,’ Francis’ sister says. Lauren is Facebook friends with Francis’ mother and sister. A typical conversation they have with each other is: Francis’ sister liked one of her photos with her brother, “Too much of his face! Not enough of yours!” Lauren gleefully responds, “Haha.. Intentionally done (Face With Stuck-Out Tongue & Winking Eye emoji) I am not the main character lol.” Francis has also met Lauren’s children and mother. They refer to Francis as ‘Mom’s co-worker friend.’ Although compared to Lauren’s visits, Francis does not frequent Lauren’s other home as much. Lauren’s two children are content with Francis’ company and appears to not have any suspicions or even any knowledge of their mother’s intimate relationship with him. ‘She will tell them when the time is right,’ Francis says.     
  I ask Francis what their plans are for the future. He responds optimistically, “Once the divorce is finalized, we’ll probably get married. She tells me she wants to make a beautiful caramel baby with me. We have to have it soon because of her age. So, I’m saving up for that and hopefully, I’ll get a promotion at work.” 
  Francis has gotten her a promise ring to prove his eternal love. Lauren has gotten him a laced necklace with her first initial in silver. “She’s the only person who gets me and puts me at ease. I can actually have intellectual conversations with her, unlike the girls my age. She’s sexy, loving, beautiful – I love everything about her.” In my last conversation with Francis, he says, “When two adults love each other why should age matter. I proudly hold her hand and kiss her in public – it doesn’t matter what people think because it doesn’t involve them. And at the end of the day, I know that I have found love.”
-- Sure Oeng
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