#lookie my new blog promo
p-redux · 1 year
I'm finally home from work. Let's dive into ALL the C.M. info I've been holding back on...
As promised, more on C.M. Soooo, Chloé, if you ever find my blog, please know that I'm not the one that posted your name--it was a known Sam Heughan hater blog. But now that SHE posted your full name publicly, I'll just clear up some things for people. I come in peace and fully support Sam Heughan and any woman he dates. As long as he's happy, that's all that matters. For those who have been waiting patiently for the C.M. info and the dots that connected her to Sam, here you go...
So, a few weeks back, I got this Anon below, stating that they had seen Sam and Chloé Montana at a hotel restaurant in Paris. It's a very popular restaurant and people go there to eat, even if they aren't staying at the hotel. Anyway, I wasn't sure the Anon was legit, but I requested to follow Chloé so I could see if anything connected her to Sam. (BTW, her account has always been private).
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Then, I got more info, and a different Anon, saying they'd also seen Sam in Paris with an "exotic looking blonde." Chloé definitely qualifies as an exotic looking blonde, in my opinion.👇 These were around the time Sam was filming The Couple Next Door in Belgium, so he definitely could have made a quick trip for a romantic rendezvous in Paris.
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This is her on her public IMDB account. 👇 Her full name is Chloé Montana Rash, but she goes by Chloé Montana. She's from Toronto, Canada originally, but has lived in Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris. She travels a lot all over.
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This is her Instagram account, which, like I said, has always been private. I wish she would change this pic, she's way prettier than this. She posted it because heavy make up was done on her for a photoshoot, and I guess she thought it was cool. She is actually one of those rare women who look better without any make-up. 👇
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This is her public professional Linkedin Account 👇As you can see, not only is she beautiful, but she's also very intelligent. You don't graduate Magna Cum Laude if you're stupid...you just don't. And from what I've seen on her IG posts, she also has a great sense of humor. She's cheeky and irreverent, more like a Brit, dare I say it, a Scot, than the stereotypical polite Canadian. The girl's funny.
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Soooo, what links her to Sam besides the Anon pointing her out by name? Well, I kept watching her IG account, especially her stories. She doesn't always post in real time, and she does do regrams and later grams. BUT right when Sam showed up in Miami for his birthday, Chloé also posted from there. Sam was seen out with guy friends in Miami, but he later said in an interview that the guys had surprised him in Miami. So, my thinking is Chloé and Sam met in Miami for his birthday, and his dumbass friends "surprised him" so she called up her female friend, who lives in Miami, and hung out with her while Sam had dinner with his guy friends. Then Sam and Chloé met up later. Obviously this means they're just dating casually, and aren't exclusive.
Right after Miami, Sam was scheduled to go to New York to do promo for Love Again. Guess who also posted she was in New York after being in Miami? Yep, Ms. Chloé Coinky dink, after coinky dink, right? 👇
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She ALSO posted these IG stories during the time she was in Miami and New York. Sam's an actor. She's a Virgo and Sam's a Taurus. 👇More things that make you go "hmm."
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But so far, there was nothing indicating Sam and Chloé even knew each other, other than the Anon saying she saw them together at a romantic dinner together kissing. They don't mutually follow on social media. But, as we now know, this is the same thing that happened when Sam dated Anna Modler and Monika Clarke. He didn't mutually follow with them either. This seems to be his new dating M.O., so as to not tip off fans that he's dating someone.
Soooo, does anything directly link Sam and Chloé? Yep! Looky, WHO has liked some of Sam's IG pics! Now why would she be liking his IG pics when she's not even following him? She has to purposely go to his account to do so. If they weren't dating and she thought he was hot, she would simply follow him, and like his pics like the thousands of other women, including celebs, who do. But, nope. So, there you have it---she for sure has been liking his pics, but not following him. 👇
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I didn't search far back enough maybe, I'm tired, but it seems the FIRST time she liked his pic was was 15 weeks ago. So, she's definitely new in his life. They've both mentioned being on Raya, the exclusive celeb dating app, so my bet is that is where they first connected.
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C'est tout, mes chéries. I see people following her already with VERRA obvious Outlander related accounts I'm looking at you, grandma Jojo aka Randi. 😏 Please make your accounts private. But, I guess this is the point where I just give up, and throw in the towel. Que será, será. Let's hope Chloé is made of steel.
As always, and tongue-in-cheek, with nothing but good intentions, what should their celebrity couple name be? Samhloe? ChloSam? Heughtana? Let me know in the comments. 🤗
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Superjail #3: “Combaticus” | October 5, 2008 - 11:45PM | S01E02
In “Combaticus”, Superjail is suffering from a bout of prisoner ennui, as reported by Superjail’s own sick-and-twisted Doctor-butcher guy. I forget if he was seen in the pilot, but this guy winds up being a recurring character, doing nasty experiments just to be rude. He speaks with a thick German accent, so you know he fucks. The Warden happens to be on a spelunking expedition with his mates and uncovers an old Aztec artifact. This angers the gods somewhat, or so it would seem. It uncovers a big gladiator arena which the Warden decides to open up as Fight City. Here he plans to host a huge battle and grant one prisoner their freedom. 
Meanwhile, the twins are busy creating Combaticus, a bio-engineering marvel that looks like a Venture Bros. cloneslug of the twins but smaller and able to withstand all manner of attacks. He’s also incredibly strong. The insane move he performs on one inmate, which involves reaching into his body and using his spine as a bow-and-arrow style bow to fling the rest of his body off his skeleton is insane. 
This one is incredible, and I’m continually in awe of just how much cool, violent, hilarious, weird shit they are able to cram into a single episode. Memorable scenes include the motif of having not just a fully produced promo for Fight City, but also fully produced wrestler-style intros for the various genetic freaks that wind up going toe-to-toe in the arena. Also memorable is a James Brown style funk act. My god, even the character animation on this show is funny. It’s just a guy singing a song, and it’s wonderful. Other moments, like the Warden’s dancing and the twins roller skating. There’s also great little flights of fancy, like a brief visit to a smurf, and a bit where Jarred gets knocked up into the clouds and gets whack-a-mole’d by an angel in heaven. 
This episode we notably don’t see Jackknife escape (though with a show like this it’s entirely possible nobody has discovered exactly when and where he does). He winds up arrested by Jailbot while robbing graves, about to bone a dead babe. 
The ending is great. The Warden’s Specimen 7 is unleashed to battle Combacticus. It’s a mish-mash of the Warden, Alice, Jarred, and Jailbot, and has similar indestructible properties. The fight appears to be a stalemate, but Fight City crumbles after the episode’s funniest scene. Jailbot is seen chasing a scorpion the entire episode at the behest of the Warden’s panicked orders for him to kill it. The scorpion winds up getting warrior blood dripped onto it and morphs into a noble Aztec warrior, who has the ability to grant Jailbot all the world’s riches. Jailbot stares at him while he gives his mystical spiel, and then nonchalantly pulls out a handgun and just shoots him while he slowly succumbs to his single bullet wound. His spirit rising from his body is what causes Fight City to fall. 
There’s a mournful final scene, where the twins release the ashes of Combacticus to the ocean, and we see his face in the stars, proclaiming himself to be new god of war or something similar. It seemed very video-game-esque, and I guess it’s at least partially referencing the game Shenmue. I never played a video game past Mario 64, but I personally prefer Shenmue 2 because it has sexual humor for adults hidden throughout. 
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Robot Chicken: The Complete Third Season (October 7, 2008)
Robot Chicken season three on DVD is… actually pretty nice. I don’t like this show, but this does happen to be the one season I own because one day I was in a second-hand store--and when I’m in second-hand stores I try very hard to find an item to purchase so as to not be labeled a “looky-loo”--and I was about to start watching this season for the blog and figured "why not!" but also: (pained) "WHYYY!?"
The box is sturdy and designed well, so much so that this box makes me sorta wish I was a fan of this show. Every episode has commentary (as far as I can tell) as well as a smattering of other extras. There’s also nude boobs, totally uncensored and totally legal. You gotta respect all of that.
An interesting thing about this release is that it game out mere days after the last episode of the season, which doesn't happen too often with Adult Swim shows.
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huds-hub · 4 years
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Swing by @the-scrappy-urchin​ to interact with a teenage Undyne. Canon-wise for Undertale ~ canon-divergent AUs for Deltarune. Please read the rules before interacting, NGAAAHH!!
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relishingvampirism · 5 years
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Hello my lovelies!
Lookie fancy new post banner! I commissioned some fun new things for this blog. New theme and promo, first-ever post banners. Fun things! I commissioned the stuff from @villainsrph​ and I am so excited to put it up. Sadly I am too tired right now and I gotta get up early in the morning for work so I am headed to bed and I will get everything set up tomorrow.
I hope you have/had a wonderful day!
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rppanda · 7 years
May I get a promo for my oc blog @butterscotchandwhiteroses ?
@butterscotchandwhiteroses asks for some new partners! Go take a looky looky!
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