#looked over a couple of times before blurting out 'you are SO beautiful! 🥺'
junewild · 1 year
read one of those "ask culture on tumblr is dying" posts & it made me nostalgic so i just dropped asks in the inboxes of everyone on my dash. not to sound like a west coaster but i think maybe the world would be a better place if we waved and smiled at each other more on the street.
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
okay how about Joe telling you he wants kids for the first time 🥺
like you guys are already married and you’re visiting family and he sees the way you interact with your niece/nephew and he has the talk with you later that night??
STOP 🥺😭 this is so cute omg I'm so soft for this. I hope this was okay!!
Let me know if you want me to write the baby making part 😈
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Your arm was dead, so very dead and numb, maybe slightly fizzy, but very dead.
But my god you didn't want to put your new nephew down, no matter how hefty he was. Your gaze was fixed upon his little sleeping face as your brother Nick, they baby's dad, was telling you, your husband Joe and your parents the birth story as this was the first time you'd all been able to get together since the baby's birth.
"-9lbs, 9oz he was! Couldn't bloody believe it, Becky was exhausted, weren't you babe?" Your brother grins at his wife who, bless her, looks absolutely shattered. No wonder, she'd only given birth a week ago. "And, oh, Joe, mate, just a heads up, the placenta comes out after the baby, it's like they give birth twice!"
"Twice?!" Joe looks a little horrified as he wrenches his attention away from you and the baby to stare at your brother. You roll your eyes. Becky gives your brother a gentle kick, silently telling him to knock it off.
Your mum, a godsend, senses the unease and asks Joe to give her a hand in the kitchen for a minute. Your husband, ever the people pleaser, kisses the top of your head as he follows her out of the room. You glare at your idiot brother.
"Thank you, Nicholas, we hadn't even talked about kids yet and you're already scaring the shit out of him." You hiss, taking the bottle that Becky was holding out for you to feed the baby with. You switch arms, settling your nephew once more before holding the teat to his tiny mouth. He happily accepts it.
"What? I'm just preparing him!"
"Preparing him would be more like telling him what brand of conception vitamins you used, babe, not what organs are going to fall out of his wife when she births their child." Becky sighs, leaning back on the sofa massaging the bridge of her nose.
Your brother shrugs. "Well, look at Y/N, she's a natural, Joe doesn't have anything to be worried about!" He shoots you a smile as you place a muslin cloth over your shoulder before burping your nephew. You had tons of experience with babies, your other brother having had 2 kids and you were the only one in your close friendship group to not yet have a kid or two, not that it bothered you.
Your nephew finishes his bottle and brings up his wind like an angel, so in theory he should have gone to sleep. Until he didn't. And started to get pissy about it.
"Well, don't get cross at me, you just gotta close your eyes, baby." You say gently, standing up and walking around the living room, gently rocking and shushing him. Joe and your mum come back into the living room with some food and drinks for everyone, and whilst your brother, Becky and your mum and dad are chatting amongst themselves, Joe can't take his eyes off of you.
You're still rocking your nephew, alternating between shushes and soft words, smiling down at him as you do so. Joe feels his chest tighten, but not in a way that he felt before meeting thousands of people at a con, or filming a new project. This was...different. You catch his eye as your nephew has finally drifted off in your arms and smile at him, and he can't help but grin back, falling head over fucking heels again for you, his beautiful wife.
The one he wanted to mother his children.
"So, where are you on the whole having kids thing?" Joe suddenly blurts out later that evening as you're wrapped in a blanket on the sofa together, full of Chinese and a couple of glasses of wine.
"Hm?" You gaze up at him from his lap, a confused frown on your face. Joe hadn't really spoken about having children much. His career was sky rocketing and he barely had time to be with you, let alone mini versions of you. You'd be married for 2 years and the topic of kids had only come up a handful of times, although never directly from him. "Well, you know I want them babe, but I'm happy to wait until you're ready."
"What if...what if I said I was ready now?" Joe said, gazing down at you and running his fingers through your hair. You sit up, facing him.
"Really?" You asked, unable to hide your grin. Joe shifts so he's facing you, taking your hands in his.
"Yeah, really. Been thinking about it for a while actually but today, seeing you with the baby and how good you were with him...God you just looked so happy and comfortable, you know? Honestly it made me fall in love with you all over again."
"Aw, Joey," you pout, squeezing his hands. He leans over and kisses you softly. "So, you wanna have a baby? Like, right now?"
"Picked up some of those conception vitamins your brother recommended when I ran into Tesco earlier, got some for you too." Joe shoots you a sly grin. "I've already taken mine so..."
"I'll meet you in the bedroom in 5?"
"Let's go make a baby, darling."
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dr4kenlvr · 3 years
"shall we?"
pairing: kakucho hitto x gn!reader
genre: fluff
request: drabble: falling in love to Kakucho as your first dance 🥺🌼
a/n: ive been waiting for a kakucho request tysm + im thinking of timeskip kakucho here btw but either works tbh up to u
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kakucho doesn't recall a moment when he's seen someone so— heavenly, ethereal even. he watches you make your way down the stairs, taking your time as you held his gaze from above. it's when you smile a cheeky grin, that he realizes he's staring. and he's in the way of the other couples. awkwardly stepping aside, he makes his way over to you bashfully.
"you look," his eyes rake over you once, twice, "amazing." you laugh. a sound so beautiful he feels his heart beat a little quicker. "shall we?" he gestures behind him, reaching a hand out to you. you accept and together, walk onto the dance floor.
the music plays a soft, mellow tune. kakucho wraps his arms around your waist securely, urging you closer with the look in his eyes. you look up at him, lifting your arms up and around his neck. he holds you contently, swaying in beat with the music. kakucho finds himself completely mesmerized in the way you— well, are just you. it's like the first time he ever saw you— bright, happy, unapologetically you.
"something on my face?"
in shock he falters his step, causing you to tighten your hold on him (which doesn't help). "shit sorry! and huh? no no you're fine," he blurts. "you're good."
you laugh again, "im playing with you kaku, don't worry."
'kaku'. he always liked how that nickname sounded on your lips. an ever fleeting sound he desperately wants to hear again. kakucho remembers the first time you called him that; kaku. it was when you had invited him to hang out, the first time where it was just the two of you. upon leaving, you called out to him 'see you tomorrow, kaku!' it made his cheeks darken, all those years ago but he still remembers. and here you are, all these years later, and you're still here, with him.
"hey y/n,"
you blink, head tilting slightly.
"i love you."
you pause your movements, and kakucho almost thinks he's done something wrong before he feels a hand caress his cheek. a touch so soft he could melt, but instead, he leans himself against your palm. the warmth you radiate urges him to close his eyes, allowing for him relish in the next moment when you lean into his ear to say: "i love you too, kaku."
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taglist: @dai-tsukki-desu @faetarou @kazuhoya (send an ask or dm to be added <3)
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thethreemages · 3 years
Now it’s time for me to be self-indulgent again and ask for two of my OC/Canon ships for the ship ask meme: Alyx/Holley and Meirin/Emiko~
Okie dok~! Lemme seeee-
Is the most affectionate: Oh Holley, most definitely since Alyx's such a huff head lol
Their most common argument: Sometimes Alyx would feel like Holley tends to act before she thinks on certain things (not helping of her naivety at times), whereas Holley wishes Alyx would be more willing to open up/not stay inside so much
Nicknames for each other: Holl's, Lyx, Sweetheart, Fluffy
Who initiates kisses: That girl Holley is such a sneaky one with her kisses, Alyx can attest to lol
Who kisses the hardest: Hmmm, for some reason I'd say Alyx lol
Who said I love you first: Both would've been the type to blurt it out at the same time to get it off their chest (with mixed, awkward results I'm sure lol)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Alyx can be pretty mischievous so I wouldn't put it past him xD
Who's the better cook: Holley and her family seems like they'd be the pro's at homecooked meals, compared to Alyx who's best friend is his microwave :p
Who wakes up to calm the baby: It'd vary, but I feel like it'd primarily be Alyx since he's usually up pretty early to work on his inventions 🥺
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Sight-seeing around the cities/amusement parks/whichever kinda hangout seems the most fun to explore together~
1 sad headcanon about this couple: When the royal court of Kronia heard of Alyx dating Holley, half of them were rather dismissive of their prince dating someone of Holley's "status". It took alot of adamant pushing on Alyx's end to get them to leave the young pair alone whenever he wanted to bring Holley over (though thankfully his mothers were both supportive in comparison to their court).
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: One time Holley gifted Alyx with a goofy-looking plush robot she won at a carnival (which he was at first grumbly about... but now it found its forever home at the head of his bed every night~ uwu)
Is the most affectionate: I can imagine Emiko in that light, given how "reserved" Meirin tends to be :p
Their most common argument: I feel like Emiko would worry of Meirin pushing herself too hard as a queen, forgetting to take valuable breaks to just relax for a change.
Nicknames for each other: Mei, Em's, Honey, Sweetheart, Rinie randomly came up to me somehow lol
Who initiates kisses: It would depend I'd feel, Emiko maybe a bit more? :3
Who kisses the hardest: Prooobably varies between them both, but Meirin mostly
Who said I love you first: Meirin probably did so in a moment of exhilaration when they were having fun together on a date (originally planning it to be a big event but it just came out more "softly" instead)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Hmmmmmm, by "inappropriate" would be more like just the bluntest statements by Meirin's end lol
Who's the better cook: Hmmmm, Emiko? :o Meirin doesn't tend to do much cooking since she has a royal staff for that
Who wakes up to calm the baby: I feel like both would alternate on that, perhaps?
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Sword-fighting & training together, or even just casually sharing a spa day on their more "down" days
1 sad headcanon about this couple: When it comes down to their future plans together, Meirin still regrets the fact that her own parents aren't around to give her the advice she needs...
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Meirin has a planted rosebush in Emiko's honor over by her oasis palace, each bloom representing Emiko's elegance, wisdom and beauty~
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