#look im sorry she just mmmmm really bothers me
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genshin impact
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dayasbun · 5 years
Fame - Angus Cloud (6)
Summary- a luckily timed audition leads to you falling for your new and unexpected co-star.
Warnings- okay HI welcome to my first multi chapter series woah?! this is actually so exciting for me like wow especially since angus doesn’t have any fics yet im just really really excited- so warnings! smut for sure, bad words, lotsa fluff, angst- everything in one basically. here comes a ride and I hope you enjoy :)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 {reading now}
“Okay! So all we’re doing today is the makeout scene, sound good?”
You and Angus nodded, both sitting on the poster bed with cameras surrounding you.
“What did I do?” He muttered to you for the tenth time that afternoon, and just like the other nine times, you didn't respond. Just hours before, Z had properly informed you of Angus’s secret girlfriend, someone he clearly had a thing with-but made sure to tell you nothing of.
“Z!” You rushed over to her, your eyes wide as Storm came up beside you two.
“You have to film in an hour don’t you?” Zendaya questioned, quickly pulling out her phone. You nodded giving Storm a quick smile.
“Yeah, and you already know what I have to film-”
“Mmmmm right, you gotta make out with Angus, trust me we know. Everybodys talking about it, they won’t let us on set to watch y’all though, we tried.”
“I can’t stand you two,” You laughed shaking your head “Anyway, you know why I’m here. What you find out about Angus? That you texted me about last night? And make it quick, I gotta go to hair and makeup in a bit.”
“I’m debating if we should tell you before or after you film your scenes…”
“You basically already told her Ms. Blabbermouth, so just tell her the full thing.” Storm said to Z with a shrug.
“I am not a blabbermouth! I think its just right that she knows!”
“Then tell me Daya, come on!”
“Okay, okay. So my social media is set up so that when someone is following me I can see who follows them that I also follow without even clicking on- this doesn’t make sense, anyway! This girl followed me and the only person following her that I also follow was Angus. I didn’t think much of it, shes public so I wanted to check out her pictures cuz I was bored. She doesn’t have that many followers, but this girl is hot. Like I’m not even gay and she’s fine as hell, that’s why I was going through her pictures because she was just so gorg-”
“She’s pretty, I get it, can we move on?”
“Oh- Sorry. So yeah, I’m scrolling and I get to this picture of her on some man’s lap right? You cant see his face or anything, and there’s no tag. This was posted last month by the way. So there’s no tag or caption, but guess who commented?!”
“Wild guess, Angus?”
“Exactly! And guess what he said?”
“I don’t have time or patience for guessing right now-”
“He commented- and I quote, ‘Baby I miss you, sit on my lap again’ with those nasty thirst trap emojis! So I’m like wait a minute! And I’m going through her pictures now for a whole other reason. I find out they been dating since 2017 and she has a million pictures with him on her page all booed up but get a load of this- she literally never tags him. She always tags this other guy named Steve.”
You let out a huff and crossed your arms. “That’s fucked up. Real fucked up.”
“Yeah, I kn-”
“But I am not going to let it affect me today. I have to make out with him either way for our scene, so being petty isn’t necessary. I’m going to go on that damn set, and I won’t say a single word to him unless it’s on the fucking script!”
Angus let out a long sigh before jumping into the scene for the seventh time. You could tell it was bothering him why you were suddenly giving him the cold shoulder due to it affecting his performance as being Fez. You wanted to feel bad, but who just decides it’s cute to lead practical double lives? You tried to move the topic out of your mind so you wouldn't feel completely livid again and focused on the scene in front of you.
“Don’t do that girl, you got me fucked up.”
“Don’t do what? This?” You bit your lip and moved closer to him.
“You just tryna get some today ain't you?”
“I've been trying to get some since when I came back last week, Fez. But I’m glad you finally decided to notice.”
“Lemme gives you some then, come ‘ere.”
You got onto his lap wrapping your legs around his waist, just like you had the night before. You looked into his eyes and you felt your heart melt, and at this point, you didn't know if you were in character or if this was just you.
But then you remembered you were most likely the side chick.
Your facial expression hardened a bit, not enough for the cameras to pick it up, but you knew Angus noticed. Before he could ask you what was wrong or what he did for the eleventh time and ruin the scene, you pressed your lips to his and kissed him deep.
“Fuck baby...” he groaned into your mouth, his hands working their way up and under your shirt to cup your breasts. Once his large hands reached them, he gave them a nice squeeze causing your breath to hitch as you bounced a little.
Yeah, sure you were mad at him right now...but you loved that shit.
You grinned a bit wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing him down onto the bed. “You want me Fez?” You moaned out in a breathy tone, pulling your shirt over your head.
“Fuck yeah I want you girl, take this shit off for me.”
As you slowly unclipped your bra, you specifically remembered that at this point in the script he was to say ‘Jess’, not girl. But of course, the one-time {yesterday} you wanted him to say girl he had to say Jes-
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a sudden “Cut!” from the crew. Letting out a breath you got off of Angus’s lap and clipped your bra. “Good stuff guys, we need Daya and Hunter next so if you see ‘em remind them its time for their scenes in about thirty minutes.”
You nodded putting your shirt back on, and trying to rush off of the set before Angus could catch up to you- but you failed.
“Aye,” he said walking by you “What's good?”
You shrugged. “I don’t really know what's good.”
“Why you acting like this, all different and shit. It’s on god starting to weird me out, what's the dealio wit’ you?”
“Just fuck off.”
Angus raised a brow and stopped walking. Thinking you finally had gotten him to leave you alone, you slowly walked to your trailer but ran into Jacob on the way.
“Hey!” You said softly. You hadn't exchanged many words with him over the time you'd been filming, but every time you had, he had been sweet and polite. The run down with Jacob was that he was talented and cute...that's about all you knew.
The conversation between you and Jacob was brief but pure. He asked you some questions about filming and you told him about how much you loved his performance in the show. Soon enough he reached his trailer and you two parted ways, leaving you alone as you walked to yours.
You stayed more focused on your phone that your surroundings, leading to you not realizing that Angus wasn't far behind you. As soon as you stopped walking and leaned against the side of your trailer, you felt someone in front of you. Looking up from your phone your eyes widened, why the fuck was he still here?
“Angus what the fu-”
“So you think you can talk to me like that?”
Suddenly feeling shy, your voice and confidence lowered. “I was playing...”
“And you think you can just flirt with anybody and everybody?”
“What are you-”
“Imma tells you something, so imma need you to listen to me real clear.”
You swallowed and nodded, looking up at him.
“Ion think you know this yet so imma let you know.” He placed his thumb on your cheek. “You mine, got it? Not Jacobs, not anybody fucking elses, mine.”
You almost couldn't believe the words you were hearin-
“Uh, Y/N, you good?” Jacob asked you. Quickly snapping out of it you nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine thanks.” What a hell of an imagination you had. You took a quick glance behind you and saw no one at all. Letting out a sigh you said goodbye to Jacob and walked into your trailer. As soon as you closed the door you heard a ding that was specially set for your male costar.
Angus☁️: come to my trailer. now.
and why should i do that?
Angus☁️: now Y/N im not fuckin around
im busy
Angus☁️: busy my fucking ass im fr
alr but don't expect me to stay.
Angus☁️ read at 1:34 PM
And even though you didn't quite know what was up yet, just from the texts you could tell that Angus was not happy.
@nikkixostan @melaninmarvel @celiajrs @siriuslycollins @patientplum @babygurlbarnes
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lexiy-dreyar · 5 years
suprise vist
chpt-3 warning this is a bit messy so if you get confused tell me oki? oki!
“Hey gem how’s things going” Obara asked as he walked into the room “not any better I managed to get rid of the internal bleeding star mostly helped with that but something stills blocking it also I’m low on my so I can’t do anything to counter it” gem sighed “can’t void cancel out spells?” He asked “oh yeah he can..is he wake?” She asked “no he’s still sleeping if anything happens call me ok?”
He left the room and walked around ‘I have a strong feeling I know who did that to him but I need to make sure’ he thought. Then the doorbell rang “huh who could that be” star mumbled before opening the door “HEEEE LLLLLLLL OOOOOOOOOOOO dear shooting star!!” Someone shouted and hugged the life out of star. Then everyone paled ‘nkitas brother!!’ They thought at the same time.
“H-hey what are you doing here” lex said nervously with a nervous smile  on here face “i came to see my baby boi! Why else!?” he shouted. “U-um i thought you were coming next month…” star said out of breath “yeah i was planning to but...I COULDN'T HELP IT!” he shouted hugging star tighter “heya frosghen you’ve really grown heh and you finally have a chest too!” he chuckled “YOUR ON THIN FUCKING ICE YOU PIECE OF SHIT” frosghen shouted upset, she huffed and looked to the side “whats the real reason you came here?” she asked looking down “well...i had a bad feeling I decided to act fast...when nikta didn't answer my calls I started to worry..considering the last time i brushed off a bad feeling he got badly hurt..” he looks down “oi buddy my eyes are up here”star glares still trying to escape his grip “oh sorry forgot I was holding you” he smiles slightly “tch how can you forget someone in your arms!!” star wiggles around more.
There's a knock at her door “oi chara” a voice called “come in,” she said in a calm tone as she finishes signing something “were back from are job” a cheerful voice chimed in “and?” she asked “not much happens with them there pretty much normal same thing with the other two” “Butt eheh butt” the cheerful voice giggled “oi nalle focus” “r-right sorry anyway they all have there own form of straight here I wrote them down” she hands her a paper “i'm surprised you took notes” “oh shut up erii” she growled at her teammates
 ‘hmmm Nalle Sworea, age 34 yet she looks like she’s 20, her orange eyes and bright hair makes her stand out..which is why she’s mostly under freshens orders, but considering there on vacation she's under my orders, her power body puppet allows her to take control of multiple targets at once and control them like puppets just like the name says, this also allows her to take over their body which means she best for stealth missions but freshens division is more biased on being forward and aggressive without thinking much. Although she prefers carrying a giant sword around that looks like a knife...hmm’ 
she reads in side her head then looks back up ‘then there's erii drwin, age 28 yet he look 24, blue eyes and purple hair is hard to come by now-a-day’s his uniqueness also makes him stand out..but yet he’s undetected whenever he goes on jobs..which is why he’s under gems orders, gems team is more of a strategy based team where they both work on stealth and knowledge, like every good team they don't look the part of stealthers which makes it better for them to not be suspected when something happens, his power temperature. As if it wasn't clear enough by the name, this allows him to change temperature however it’s only around someone or something to ridiculous heights or freezing cold, his targets body will go into shock with the sudden increase in heat/ the drop of heat. This gives him a chance to sneak up and kill them with ease….however this powers a weakness when it comes to people immune to temperature changes.he’ a gun user which means he has a slientser’ 
she reads of his incomplete page. “Hmm” she looks at them to hear them arguing “mmmmm…..” she deadpans “oh well I didn't decide to stay in that abandoned house!” “whatever were lucky she jumped out the window before she got to her” he glared “yes we are otherwise lex would have been on are tails” nalle sighed “what do you mean she was here?” chara glared jumping out of her chair “yeah she said she was gonna stay around for awhile before are big attack” nalle coward a bit at the nomad demon “tch we can't attack with her around she’ll do too much damage..” she sighed as she sits back on her chair…”you are dismissed” “yes ma’am!” they bowed and left the room “hmmm so your here...guardian demon...huh...so I'm assuming you're here to bother lex and try and distort her to become like you hmmm. A fallen guardian…ehehe i must say i'm amused so what will your next move be” she takes a sip of her tea and looks at a picture “i assume you got and easy death nkita~” she smiles evilly.
“Oh...so he’s dead” the brother looked down with tears slowly filling his eyes “hey dont worry im sure gem can revive him! Shes the best shot we got!”void said patting his back “yeah...i hope so..” that made void from ‘like dude im tryna keep you in high hopes tf?’ he thinks then he looks at lex “hey there's something we need to check out” he bluntly “huh…” she looks at him confused as he gets up and puts on his shoes “just come on” he grabbed her hand dragging her out of the house.
“O-oi void let go!!” Lex make chopped his hand “ow!” he screamed holding his arm “the hells you deal i told you we need to be quick” “n-no..no you didnt “ she deadpanned “oh i should have told you sorry” he chuckled “.....” she backed up a bit from him “hmm something wrong?” he asked “since when the hell did you say ‘sorry’” she says looking at him suspiciously.
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fanfixtime · 7 years
A very grump fic
“WELL…FUCK YOU.” Arin ducked as the plate came crashing at his head. It was not the most articulate or clever response suzy could come up with but the dish really sold it. “WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE?” Arin couldnt help but yell back. This was third night in a row that suzy had ended up yelling at him. Lately it seemed every little thing set her off. But Arin didnt see her getting mad enough about him having his phone at the table during dinner to throw a dish at his head.      “MAYBE MY ISSUE IS YOU” immediately suzy shrunk back, her hand covering her mouth, realizing what she just said. Arin shrunk back as if he had physically been slapped. “Well if its that simple.” Arin spun on heel, grabbing him jacket and keys, half waiting for suzy to call him back. Getting into the car, he didnt really know where he was going. He just blasted his radio and drove, easily going 30 above the speed limit. “FUUUUUUUUCCCKKKK” he scrame. It was finally really settling in what had gone down. Where had he gone wrong? Him and suzy had always loved each other so much, now he didnt feel that. Lately it had seemed like he was sleeping with a stranger.       Arin took a couple deep breathes. Looking around for the first time since hed started driving he realized he was in the same neighbor hood as the his best friends barry and dannys house. Danny was out of town for a couple more days. Maybe Arin could sleep there for the night. Just until he could figure out his next move.        Arin pulled up at the house. Stepping out, he made his way up the drive. He hesitated before knocking, reluctant to explain what had happened with suzy. But what other real options did he have. Barry was one of his best friends. At least dan wasnt home. One less person to witness his embarrassment. ‘Knock knock knock’ arin tapped on the door.  After a minute barry opened the door. “Hey Arin” quickly barry stepped aside to let arin in. “Hey barry” they stood silently for a moment’ walking towards the living room. “So whats up” barry asked, taking a seat on the couch. “Well, its kinda a long story but the short of it is, me and suzy are fighting and i need a place to stay. Can i sleep in dans bed, just for tonight?” arin stared at his feet as he related all of this, not realoy wanting to look barry in the eye. “Yea sure go ahead.” barry, being his considerate self, pushed for no further details. “Thank you.” Arin said, and with no further prompting shuffled off towards dannys room. Without bothering to turn on the light or take off his shoes, he fell into the bed. Finally everything washed over him, and for once he let the tears come.
Danny couldnt beleive what a bust this trip had been. It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation with his family. But not even a day in, his parents had started fighting and his sister tried to set him up with her friend. It sounded so assanine. Something he should have been able to deal with, even if it took a couple of beers to do so. But all of it combined with the thoughts he just couldnt get out of his head sent him running. He needed to be alone. Better yet he needed Arin. Danny gave his head a hard shake. He was trying so hard not to think of arin. Trying and failing.       Finally, danny pulled into the drive way. The dash clock read just after one. As quietly as he could, he unlocked his front door, trying not to alert barry. He went to grab his phone to use the light only to remember it had died four hours before. Right before he had reentered service. He probably had texts from his family but he would deal with that in the morning.       Stumblinf down the hall, danny opened the door to his room. Shucking off his shoes and shirt as he want, danny didnt feel the need to turn on the light, intending to fall into his bed and go straight to sleep. The problem was, there was already someone in it. “OW SHIT” danny jumped up after landing on something hard and warm. “Mmmmm, what?” danny could hardly believe his ears as he scrambled for the switch. But a suddem burst of light confirmed it was indeed arin in his bed. “ar-arin.” danny stumbled over his words as he stared at the man in his bed. Arin, for his part, blinked sleepily still waking up. “Hey dan. Sorry to steal your bed. Me and suzy are fighting. Again. Apparently im an issue.” arin looked down as he choked up. “Oh arin” danny crossed the room in an instant, pulling arin into his arms.
To be continued
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brandynette · 7 years
Macrophilia Roleplay with Brandynette
ILoveGiantShemale Hello, do you like roleplays ? 08:49 pm Tuesday BrandynetteBrandynette I live for roleplays! I have a own website, where i do liveshows and take all the requests. still really new so if you want we could arrange something 03:32 pm ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Mmm.. and you have fetishes ? 04:33 pm BrandynetteBrandynette sissification bdsm hypno bimbo yeah like to sumit and obey but also take control, i love acting out a tipe of character 07:33 pm Today ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Have you heard of Macrophilia fetish? 05:07 am BrandynetteBrandynette yeah, i have one video from princess rene where the is a giant and i liked it. Cant say its a fetish fetish 05:33 am BrandynetteBrandynette my kik is brandynette 05:36 am BrandynetteBrandynette kik.me/brandynette 05:39 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Can I give you an example of how I roleplays this fetishe? 05:43 am BrandynetteBrandynette yes please 05:55 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale I am a tiny little man, I'm very excited, I'm on the floor of your room, and I'm close to your feet, what would you do with me? 06:02 am BrandynetteBrandynette i would go down an look you up real closely with my left eye, one huge blue eye starring at you and i giggle from exitement 06:09 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 06:10 am BrandynetteBrandynette slowly take my finger and poke you to check if your real! 06:10 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale so I climb your right foot, he's Gigantic, can you feel my little steps? then I climb on your ankle, this time my little dick little man, it becomes increasingly hard to tip it touches your skin, I'm grabbing me in your skin smooth and soft, I look up and see you You are getting excited, your gigantic tower begins to stand erect. So I continue to climb your leg, my dick starts to shake horny, I feel hot inside me, I start to sweat so I get on your knee, then I get on your thigh, it's soft and smooth, I can not resist, then I start to rub me in your thigh, I rub my little dick little man, he's very straight, then I rub the bottom of it. I wipe it down and down, my little ass, starts to roll, that's the noise it makes: 06:11 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSO88jxre-w 06:11 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Then after that my little dick little man is moist, so I go up for your right thigh, so I arrive in your panties, so I try to get underneath your red panties, I can get in, then you look at your panties, And just watch my little legs come into your panties. So it's all very tight. So I squeeze between your Giant balls, I think you feel stitches, so ............. MMMMmmmmmmmmmm 06:12 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Tell me what you do with a 10 cm tall little Man ?, like me 06:13 am BrandynetteBrandynette freak out, get all tingly and goose bumps while you climb up my body! i want to scream and scratch but i pull my panties open and see you there humping my balls 06:14 am BrandynetteBrandynette i grab you slowly and pull you up to my breasts, u put you little tiny body between my enourmous breasts and wiggle them to shake you up a little 06:15 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Fuck yeah.. tell me more. Stomp on me, squish me 06:16 am BrandynetteBrandynette I want you to suck my nipples or i will crush your bones! 06:16 am BrandynetteBrandynette like a little toothe pic so fragile and small 06:16 am BrandynetteBrandynette nothing compared to my humungusness 06:16 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Oh yeah my cock is HARD right now, and yours ? 06:17 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale I am now licking with my little tongue, I am licking your giant nipples, are you feeling this? LICK, LICK, LICK 06:19 am BrandynetteBrandynette It is rock hard! www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Gxeqq86MYk i can bareley hear it! 06:20 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale So I stand on your nipple, I look back and I see your tower enome and thick, it's lifting, that makes my little man's cock vibrate.... 06:21 am BrandynetteBrandynette Well done little imp no climb down to my cock and hugh it wit all your limbs 06:21 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale I climb your hard, gigantic dick, then with my little hands I climb the top of your dick's head Gigantic, so I get down on my knees, and stick my little hand in there, in the hole, I I start rubbing in there, what do you do? 06:22 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale After that I would love for you to crush me with your giant feet. 06:24 am BrandynetteBrandynette With both imense fingers i push against your back softly jet firm and start to push you up and down while you try to grab my hole! Im using you to masturbate my gigantic rock hard cock! 06:24 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale SQUISH.SQUISH.SQUISH 06:25 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale At this moment my dick is already vibrating horny, you masturbate very fast, this is exciting 06:26 am BrandynetteBrandynette now i cant recist anymoner an use my entire hand, i totally forget you are there, just something is bothering my i dont care and cum! 06:26 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tell me more my giant queen 06:27 am BrandynetteBrandynette while my tower is cumming i see you in my hand barely resisting! So i dump you into my cum! 06:28 am BrandynetteBrandynette A drop from my penis almost knocks you over drowning you in cum1 06:28 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Mmmmm .... your cum is creamy and hot, I'm all honeyed, and slimy and wet, my dick ejaculates. But I keep masturbating, so I slip by your cum, and make that noise: www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1yNzv-8lCI&list=LLWbeREN8LspoKNmN-f28F5w&index=70 06:30 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale So I slip on the ground very close to your feet .............. 06:32 am BrandynetteBrandynette I grab you with my big toe and push you down! 06:33 am BrandynetteBrandynette Now i have you little piece of shit! 06:33 am BrandynetteBrandynette All fun and games is over now , there cant be a creature like you existing 06:34 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MORE MORE 06:34 am BrandynetteBrandynette i squeze you harder with toe, i grab you in betweent my toe and thumb! it so easy 06:35 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale I'm just looking up and seeing you, my dick is pointing at you. 06:35 am BrandynetteBrandynette just a little hard push and its over 06:35 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale More Mmmmmmmmmmmmm 06:36 am BrandynetteBrandynette i want you to masturbate now! hurrry hurry hurrry i cant take it anylonger i want to crush you already!!!!! hehehe 06:36 am BrandynetteBrandynette While you a re masturbating i can feel you jiggle between my toes, i know your about to cum! 06:37 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale My little hand is as fast as I can, my little hard cock is getting harder, I'm going to ejaculate again 06:38 am BrandynetteBrandynette I let you go as you a re starting to ejaculate and take my enormous foot really high up! Bye bye little vermin 06:38 am BrandynetteBrandynette and i lower my foot faster and faster! until you are trapped beneath it, i start to lought and finaly crush your little body with my enormous foot 06:39 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Wait noooooooooooo www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKo8PabS2LI 06:39 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale yes feel my little naked body, feel my tiny cock 06:41 am BrandynetteBrandynette ewwwwwww no i have to clean my foot, i jump on one leg to the bathroom and wash my foot 06:42 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale With what part of your giant foot, are you crushing me? 06:42 am BrandynetteBrandynette with the shoulder behind my toe 06:44 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale This is the sound of you crushing me. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1XlVjk4qNA 06:44 am BrandynetteBrandynette (I love the sound you have!) 06:45 am BrandynetteBrandynette www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58cf78d5e846d&pkey=22307191 i have one vid i found for you 06:46 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale But you do not know, but I can come back to life, so I resurrect my crushed flesh, I was a little pink paste on the floor, but now I'm alive again, and I'm already excited. 06:46 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Beautiful feet, are yours? 06:48 am BrandynetteBrandynette sadly no 06:48 am BrandynetteBrandynette bt i could make you a video!!!! 06:48 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Mmmmmmmm Nice. 06:48 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Were you really thrilled with these roleplays? Did that make you hard? Would you like to crush me some more? 06:49 am BrandynetteBrandynette YES I LOVE THEM! 06:52 am BrandynetteBrandynette I will read some more right now to make it more interesting! On my site i do the same, i use my blog to write roleplays! Can i use our RP as a blog post? I will put a link on my site to your pornhub profile if you want 06:54 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale I love this macrophilia fetishe, but unfortunately only female bitches do it, Sorry for the way I speak, but I do not like women, the way they treat me with contempt, so I started to wonder what it would be like M2F Giant, you are like goddesses, but unfortunately no videos on the internet. 06:56 am ILoveGiantShemaleILoveGiantShemale Yes of course 06:56 am BrandynetteBrandynette im glad i could help realize your fantasie!!! This is the reason i do porn! also money but sensing someone cumming becouse of me makes me coe harder! 06:59 am BrandynetteBrandynette we will do another one, i cat find the princess rene video! Macrophilia was her thing and she has so perfect legs.
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ok he'd probably be like ‘hehe; guess I'm falling further into obscurity thats cool i was never amazing in the first place’
“theres only one!”
...that is rare
“i traded my watch to my kooraheenese friend! it plays the steel samurai theme when it goes off!”
“it sounds just like the steel samurai theme”
“no it doesn't!”
mayas right, it doesn't sound like the steel samurai's theme. 
it sounds BAD.
seriously i feel like my soul is physically rejecting it 
put your arms akimbo at me again young lady and ill push you into your magic soul pool.
“that whole séance thing makes trials completely different”
speaking of trials, we’re back to trials! ya–– i dont want to deal with nahyuta
“you have to pitch your terrible crossover!! i won't let you down”
as much as i disapprove of the crossover let it be known that phoenix is a sweetie pie.
“The sacred murder dagger was used to murder someone?!?!??! BLASPHEMY!!!”
“The lowest level of hell; the Hell of Tickling” IM KINKSHAMING KOOORAHEENISM
“They shall not escape on their /redtext/ Freedom Express today!”
she did it yaaaaayy!
well i
i cant argue....
oh god no t voice acting again
guess its not *that* important eh
the entire court just called phoenix a shithead. 
i mean people say “Polkhunka” when theyre surprised, and the term is “polkhunan”. so yeah. either hellion, or shithead. nice.
phoenix: this makes no sense 
me: ooh i cant wait for the bullshit excuse!! 
Well ill be damned to tickle-hell. Rayfa’s a television aerial. 
oh i see how they did that. i guess spirit visions have steady-cam?
.........he ran right into it
dude why 
i just love this. “yes he ran directly at the killer, to fight them! with his arms flailing in terror!! it might look stupid and fake but actually it’s kooraheen’s biggest martial art, RonDeliteFu!”
every time Rayfa does her hand-flinging-out pose i mistake her sash for a stick and i keep thinking she’s a muppet 
“we can’t let the special fires go out, so we make sure to remove the glass around them every year on top of a window mountain so that a woman can um...... walk around it i guess.”
i hate to admit it but these stupid pond vision things are really stumping my blind ass
i stg pohlkunka is the stupidest sounding made-up expletive ive ever heard
id rather heard cowabunga every time something shocking happens for godssakes
“wow he really does care about ema”
hey show dont tell lol
“i cant believe he's come to understand their value”
uhhh well
they stated that they still hold investigations despite their magic pool parties, so uhhhhhhh yeah???? forensic investigators are usually pretty helpful??
since Sadmad’s catchphrase appears to be ‘putrid’, i keep reading ‘purification rite’ as ‘putrification rite’
i cant believe they did a “what if... (EXTREME CLOSE UP ZOOM) PLOT TWIST?!”
oh hey its dirty hobo man! ...also i guess the ‘sexy pan up shot’ is for every new character :/
hobo rangers go...
...Nahyuta named him A’nohn Ihmus. A’nohn Ihmus.
Well that just cements my idea that Kooraheenians are just a bunch of Americans that stole a landmass and made up a phony baloney culture. 
It has been confirmed that they are legitimately just taking english words and ‘kooraheenifying’ them.
“i used my binoculars to spy on the rite at the inner sanctum”
A’nohn is just as perverted as his namesake from Tuhmbl’r
“Feh. I knew you were a fool...” 
Cue Franziska crashing her plane into the court room to yank on Sadmad’s braid to scold him for taking her word.
“shall be reborn as a witless sea urchin with barbs limited to your posterior”
ok well sadmad, sea urchins asses are next to their mouths... on the bottom of them. completely opposite to the, uh, you know. Spiky part.
So I’m not sure if that serves to strengthen your point or just make you look like a moron
i mean i guess it served to enhance sadmad’s point since phoenix’d be totally smooth and unprotected, but then he wouldn’t even reach adulthood so that sea otter wouldn’t come in too early and...
...he just said phoenix will be reborn as not only mentally slow but also physically deformed.
...uh... nice one, sadmad.
to be fair, she could have stabbed him with a reverse-grip or not; one doesn’t have to hold their hand at any particular to perform a reach around 
oh well at least the contradiction is incredibly obvious 
at least hobo ranger has an excuse to use words like “bucko”
i hate that,,,, theres a rule against climbing the mountains during the rite. that means that there have been perverts of yore who tried to spy on the lady changing 
hes gonna see her shad–– (sigh)
yknow, i dont think shadows are detailed enough to know which way someone is holding a knife.
also moonlight isn't that bright 
ok so... does happiraki mean “hello” or “hooray!” because its been used it both contexts 
i just realized that the Plumed Punisher theme song sounds like one of those posts where someone takes a recognizable song and fucks with it in a silly way, like pitch shifting it at awkward moments or changing the key
i cannot believe i have to use a fucking walkthrough for this game. I'm disgusted with myself. I'm better than this.
“no one was allowed in there and the only way up were the stairs!”
ah yes, the unguarded stairs surrounded by people who had their heads down. in prayer.
totally impenetrable. 
“What?! This is insane!!” no no, phoenix, youre doing it wrong. you have to say “this”, then sadmad has to say “is” and then the judge has to yell “insaaaaane!!” because its funny when one person says one word of a sentence each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘rah rah sis boom bah, fight, fight, phoenix wright!!”
um excuse me maya who gave you the right to be cute
why does sadmad only have one hand-guard-glove thingy
“my bag of bluffs” is an interesting and long way to say “ass”
they put... a maximum security prison... on top of their holy mountain. they put their criminals... on top of their. holy mountain.
they put a jail. in a church. in fact they put it higher up... closer to... god. 
what the fuck. the fourth one. only accessible by helicopter.
who was smoking what when they decided this???
(sigh) mmmmm id been waiting to use that patchwork quilt
“hell of hangnails”
not as fetishy but still pretty–– actually you know what that sounds kinda fucked up. isn't that just kinda G rated torture anyway 
wow that incredibly obvious lie deserves the terrible pursuit theme??
maybe its the last one (i hope)
“are you the rebel hunter!!??!?!?!??”
um well no, unless the rebel hunter is a criminal. jackass.
...cutting dirty deals with criminals, are we, sadmad?
“haha, the fact that the third person at the scene was a wanted criminal destroys your theory that it was the rebel hunter Keera that killed the high priest!!”
...wow... gosh i was wrong... and the fact that a wanted criminal was actually at the scene... doesn’t help me at all... because once i said that one person didi it, it couldn’t possibly be someone else... oh no... i guess it was Maya who did it... for reals... not the.... wanted criminal....
...hang on, his little power rangers dance was the defiant dragons dance? how... did nobody notice this?? sadmad really was colluding with criminals wasn’t he. gosh. what a trustworthy guy.
phoenix: oh no!! his testimony was a lie!!
oh no! the testimony that did nothing but damage your case was a lie!!! 
sadmad: get him!
hobo ranger: (does a little hop and daintily scurries off)
sadmad: ... (takes a good five leisurely seconds to stop the background music) put everyone on high alert. i want everyone after that guy
that guy who just. skipped out of a courtroom. past hundreds of crazy people and several bailiffs. 
haha... the kooraheenes police. to quote phelous... THEY’RE THE BEST!
“what was the point of all that, anyway?”
search me, phoenix.
“well, i cant help but feel that entire episode was an enormous waste of time”
hey capcom? hanging a lampshade on it doesn’t make it better. it just amplifies how much it sucks.
“yes! i recognized that piece of paper because it looks exactly like the piece i have! thats covered in blood and unrecognizable!!!”
“the ignorant lawyer has not bothered to learn out language??”
well A) he's not an international attorney, B) he was on vacation, not studying abroad, and C) fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. you’re all speaking english all the time anyway, you bunch of fuckin phoneys 
i stg sadmad if you say putrid one more time i’ll cram a rotten egg down your pasty white gullet and show you the meaning of the word 
“the criminal could have only escaped if the high priest helped him out, so why would he kill him?”
hey sadmad? remember that thing about using your putrid brain? yeah, doesn’t take too big a leap to realize that you might’ve just proved phoenix’s ‘idiot theory’ right. maybe the priest um... was a rebel??? who was going to do just that??? and the rebel killer offed his sorry ass?
perhaps, o foolish prosecutor, you should think before you open your rancid lips... lo, in your ignorance, you will be cast down to the hell of those who are kind of stupid....... the hell of perpetual fart smell. there you shall inhale the decomposing winds of ten thousand and one accursed mihtama, while fart fetishists gaze on in envy... 
oh wow i didnt even need to go on that spiel, he just admitted it straight up. but yeah, apparently when Lady Kee’ra impersonator kills a rebel, it’s A-OK. But when Maya kills a rebel, well, fuck, she’s a foreign bitch, execute her!!
also the way he said it seems to imply that he knew all along so uh
maybe people should start suspecting this guy. he seems to... know a lot of rebel criminals.
every time sadmad shakes his head i wanna break his neck
man i remember being annoyed at edgeworth in the first game and wanting to hop my desk and rough him up, but never wanting to physically maim or kill him. you suck, sadmad. 
hey sadmad; tickling? bondage? can we... keep that out of the courtroom please?
also “oh no! i can’t point my finger!!” phoenix cries, forgetting that he has two arms. i guess capcom won’t spring for more than one sprite tho haha
“the keera we saw was the statue draped in the sacred robes!”
with a... knife sticking out, apparently. ok..?
also gosh, maya’s really fast, tiptoeing around the abbot, draping the costume just so, then tiptoeing back around? like lightning she is!!
he just cut off his own theme song.
“she used her fiendish tricks to fool the court room”
which didn’t work at all if you remember the beginning of this court so fuck you?
“she sought to use the divination seance to mislead us!”
good going, pointing out an absolutely massive flaw in your country’s legal system, sadmad.
i cant believe we had a flashback for absolutely no other reason than Sadmad to gloat. I FILE FOR A MISTRIAL ON GROUNDS OF MISUSE OF FLASHBACKS.
please oh god just let it end i dont have enough space in my stomach for any more ulcers
i can’t stand hearing him say let it go one more time please I'm begging you
oh no... phoenix has failed... he’s going to die... it’s really going to happen...
just get to the surprise witness or whatever already
oh thank god. love you, headband guy
“the dagger bears the finger prints of maya fey!”
wow. the police suck major ass at catching running people, but their finger print checking speed is second-to-none. ...either that or they waited a while before telling people about a dead body.......
oh gosh!!! its totally maya!!! she arrived 2 years ago and so did lady keera and 
yeah no. it’s not her. 
but even if it was, kinda awkward there, sadmad? she’s um. kind of a hero to you.
i dont get it why is everyone freaking out. i thought the keera impersonator was considered some kind of vigilante hero? why is it suddenly bad when they “find out” it’s maya? is it because she isn't kooraheenees?
I'm honestly really confused. everyone was rooting for the masked defender one moment, but now that its maya, it’s murder?? 
seriously what the fuck. like the gallery was legit going “ah!! lady keera has come back to save us from the rebels!”
and then its like “its not divine its some foreign bitch in a cloak” and now its like SERIAL KILLER. also, nice. we’ve never been allowed another day in court because there was a second charge racked up. awesome. (with the possible exception of Ron Delite, tho he was changing his charge)
sadmad can go choke on his own braid and the gallery can lick their own hypocritical asses. i can’t believe i stayed up till 2 am to finish this section.
0 notes
noahhernandez · 8 years
original (April 3rd, 2013)
3 year difference (April 3rd, 2016
Difference ? (Feb 10, 2017)
3 year difference lol
1. Is this the best year of your life? tbh this year has sucked so far lol!!!!!
it is april and i have not turned up like expected
Only Feb. Things are going okay
2. What was the first thing you did when you woke up? turn on the TV and see what was on netflix
Laid in bed and contemplate whether or not to make coffee.. i did
Struggled getting out of bed for work
3. The person you like is? nobody.
my co-worker Darrell.
4. Is anything bothering you? The fact that my room is a disaster, my grade in Algebra 2 is a 68, and that i am not famous
The fact that my room is still a disaster and that i am dropping my biology course because it was too hard for me.
The Fact that my room remains a disaster, and that I’m constantly stressed out about school, and I’m really trying with Kenny but I’m probably too invested
5. Does anyone annoy you? A lot of people do, white people
A lot of people still annoy me
White People
6. Would you like things to go ‘back to normal’ with a certain someone? no
Angelica, Natasha, and Coby because things really were cool but it doesnt matter anymore
7. What was the las,t thing you did before you went to bed last night? I was in my mom’s room with like 3 kids and some guy and i was just chillin out with them
I was laying in bed watching Family Guy
Filmed a speech for my public speaking class, finished it, submitted it, walked in on my roommates fckin on the couch, went to sleep, they fought til 530am
8. Is life good? its decent
I’m content, I have my own place, I go to school full time, I work full time, I’ve got great friends, money, a car.
Still have all those things, I’m just tired at this point
9. Do you remember who you liked on New Years? nobody.
Nobody probably wait just kidding Harry
I think I was starting to like Kenny
10. Do you still like them? nobody
I like him now
11. Do you still speak to them? nobody
12. Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? my dad, but my mom and i have a good relationship and i can tell her i am snorting cocaine tonight and she will be like ’ ok be careful xo’
Does not matter anymore
i’m an adult now
13. Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips? haha, no.
No I am not
14. Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? my cousin no she snorts cocaine
My manager no she is my favorite
I think it was Angel, and she is like one of my best friends
15. Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? what do you mean like out like lets get together or like hey im hungry wanna come with me to get wings
It really all depends on who the person is
not desperate, really depends on who the person would be
16. Three days from now will you be in a relationship? i hope not
No lol
Probably not 
17. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? they do tell me sorry fellas youre kinda ugly
18. Have you kissed anyone in the last month? no
19. What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? my back.
My back
Have not been to the doctor since.
20. Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out? i liked it but then everyone left for me a week and i thought i was going to go insane
It does not matter I am always locked in my room.
I don’t talk to anyone at home anyways
21. Would you ever kiss anyone you texted today? i havent texted anyone today
Hm yes, my co-worker Kevin, but only because he is the best looking person I have texted today
Hm maybe like 2 people ? haha
22. Do you have any bruises on you? no thank god
Cuts and burns from work
I cut myself at work today
23. How was 2011 for you? 2011 was great actually, i ended jr. high really well, and started high school really well too making friends and stuff
24. How late did you stay up last night and why? like 1230, and no reason
230? because after work me and my coworkers went to IHOP and then just chilled out, and I watched like TV til i fell asleep
About 530 because my roommates were fighting and I could not sleep
25. Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone? no
Kind of
26. Do you regret anything you’ve done lately? i regret um nothing
I regret nothing still
27. What woke you up today? this sound of little Einsteins singing
My brothers gf was talking really loud for like 2 seconds
My brother waking me up and my 30 alarms
28. What makes you happy? coffee and snickers and boys
Coffee, cigarettes, friends
Coffee, boys, and friends
29. Ever kissed on a boat?
Still a no
30. Have you ever been told that you are amazing? yes
Plenty of times
I honestly dont think so tbh wait JK yes
31. Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed is… ugly?
A good guy. sorry lol
the person I currently like
32. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?let me think no
It is April, prom season for me… you know I think I was chillin’
Wowza, Darrell my co-worker at the time, he recently just moved to Ohio
33. Do you like when people play with your hair? yes
34. Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow? nOPE GOT SCHOOL LOL
Nope, I still got school
Nope, this time I got work
35. Waiting for something? for someone to come up and be like hello u wana be famous and rich
To get my degree, then someone come up to me and ask me if I wanna be famous and rich
To become board certified and open a private practice and someone ask me if I wanna be rich adn famous
36. Was last night terrible? nah
No, it was a good night tbh, lots of laughing with all my coworkers
37. Did you lose friends when you started dating someone? no
no, i would not let that happen
I would never let that happen
38. Are you the type of person to make people laugh?  yes i am i am the class bitch ass motherfucker but they think im joking
39. Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive? i last texted angelica and she is pretty if she tries which is rare
40. Is tomorrow going to be a good day? it better be mrs honings better have passes me
no, i have school and then work right after
Work til 5. Maybe something with my friends after, but I doubt it
41. Are you missing someone?no
42. Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?no
no lol
no haha
43. Do you believe in karma? eh
not at all
Maybe a little bit now
44. Do you sleep with a fan on? omg i have too
yeah the ceiling fan and then a standing fan
Same still
45. You think anyone’s thinking about you right now? of course yes
i wonder
Probably not.
46. Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now? not really
47. Do you go to school? imma sophomore
freshmen in college
4th semester in college.
48. Is the person you last texted single? yes
technically yeS?
49. Who was driving the last time you were in a car? omg?? my mom i think
I was driving, brother in passenger seat
50. Have you ever used the word ‘rawr’ in an actual conversation?OMG NEVER IF ANYONE CAUGHT ME SAYING THAT I’D KILL MYSELF
lol no
jokingly now every once in awhile
51. Are the blinds on your window open or closed? closed
52. Did you leave milk and cookies for Santa when you were little? still do lol
No i live alone now, so thats a waste of money
53. What were you doing at 11 last night? in my mom’s room with those people i stated above plus my brother
at work goofing off
Getting ready to get off work
54. What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of? wingstop wings
55. Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now? justin bieber???
a lot of ppl including celebrities
Shawn Mendes!!!
56. Someone knocks on your window at 5 am, what do you say? wat the fuck do u want im sleepig
how did u get up here i live on the third floor
No i dont have a quarter
57. Would you change yourself for the person you love?no
Yes maybe ??
58. Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex? wow u guesssed completely wrong
um i gonna guess sure
59. What are you supposed to be doing right now? cleaning
getting ready for work
Getting ready for bed
60. Would you have sex with the 5th person on your contacts?no
im not even going to look
It is my ex, lmao, yes  I would sure
61. To who did you last give the finger to? i cant remember
my coworker Jesse
My manager, Ware
62. Did your last kiss take place on a bed? on someone elses
uh no
63. Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around? brianna sam angelica michelle and others yes
the majority of my coworkers and all of my friends i still have
Angel, Brianna, Brit, and like Michelle
64. Do you talk in your sleep? no
i do not
depends on the situation
65. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? yes they buy me stuff and i am forced to like them
i dont talk to either of them that much
Haven’t seen my mom in months
66. What time did you wake up today? 7:45
67. What were you doing at midnight last night? IN MY MOMS ROOM
At work fixing to leave
Leaving work
68. What song are you listening to? some chris brown song
Team by Iggy
Betty Who- Somebody Loves You
69. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days? like a hug
70. How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries? mmmmm
71. Do you have nice eyes? they’re dark brown
72. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? not really
yes finally
Barely, the tips are brown from when I died them 7 months ago
73. Are you texting anybody? no
Told everyone I went to bed
74. Do you swear in front of your parents? god no
75. Concert tickets or NFL game tickets? concert tickets
concert tickets!!!!!
76. Are you addicted to cigarettes? not yet hehhe!:)
yes, I wish i could stop smoking.
LMFAO “Not Yet” I’m on a process of quitting right now. Very difficult
77. Do you tell your parents everything? no
hell no
78. Do you have any tattoos? not yet
i have 4 tattoos.
still only fucking 4
79. If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to? idk
80. Do you have any nicknames? bitch
0 notes