#look i knew i was gonna love guildford
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sherwoodknights · 8 months ago
PSA: My Lady Jane is not immune to Dudley Feels™️ apparently
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taurus-annie-main · 8 years ago
Who Are You?
Summary : The first letter you receive from Happiness Delight simply demands you to respond, and knowing full well you shouldn't, you write one back. 
Word count : 5.6k
Genre: Fluff / Angst 
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You stumbled up the stairs with your hands braced against Molls shoulder for dear life. The puddles your heels had had the unfortunate fate of meeting were lit by the orange glow of the street lamps, but still, you stepped into another. Molls nearly slipped on the cobblestone, but your hands were quickly at her waist.
"Shit, how are we gonna get inside!" she said. "Fucking wet stone. Who thought of this?"
Your hand aimed to place a finger at your lips, but the digit ended up somewhere along your cheek. "The neighbours!"
"I'm being quiet," her voice was an oddly loud whisper.
Stood before the door, your hand dug inside your bag until you felt the cold but familiar set of keys. Suddenly feeling the chill biting at your exposed skin, you wedged the door open. You stepped in and Molls fell into you, closing the door on her way.
"Take off your shoes you idiot," You said as she absentmindedly pushed you.
"No, I'm going straight to bed," she said. "See you in the morning. And thanks for letting me stay."
You shook your head and watched as she disappeared up the stairs in a clack of heels. Stupid, you thought to yourself the moment you heard a soft thud, either she'd found your bed or she'd slumped down on the floor somewhere. She was always somewhat of a ditz, but her clumsiness doubled by tenfold with the odd glass of wine or gin.
"Don't throw up on my bed!" You said. "And you're welcome."
"I won't!" She shouted.
You slipped on your slippers and walked to your living room, realistically, you should've joined Molls and crawled down into bed, but you were still buzzing with euphoria. You'd made it, you'd made your mark in the most cutthroat industry, who could sleep after that?
You reached down to the book that lay half open on your coffee table. The Flowers of Mist. A psychological mystery novel set in a seemingly idyllic neighbourhood. Winner of the Debutante Award, rated 4.5 stars by the Daily Mint and called the next Stephen King.
The best part of it all? All 427 pages were written by you.
Today your publishing company had held a dinner in your honour. The feeling of going to a party honouring your novel could only be described as surreal. For years you'd been in the background, swinging back the wine at other people's celebrations, watching in bitterness, but every writer felt like that, it's natural. You'd just smile and congratulate the writer and then go back to mulling over your glass. Long gone where those days.
Falling down into the couch, you slipped the pins out from your hair and let the flocks fall around you.  You were settled between the cushion, reading over the dedications when you noticed the small stack of envelopes beside a mug of stale coffee. Then it clicked, the letters! Giselle, your editor, had dropped them off at your apartment the other day, but amidst your bumbling around for the party, they'd slipped from your mind.
The stack was wrapped up in red ribbon and a note hung from the side.'Your fans want to talk to you!' The stack had been slowly accumulating since the public release of your book and for some reason you'd yet to become numb at the thought of people sending you letters, praising your book or some criticising. The people writing could well be the same people that shoved you in the train, or possibly the ones who'd lend you money for parking. It was an odd feeling but you loved it, and so, you tore the first one open.
Dear M,
To be honest, when I first saw your book online I thought it was going to be another Gone Girl, but, I'm pleasantly surprised! Monroe Estate gives me Stepford Wives vibes and I love it, not that I'd want to become a Stepford wife but I loved it! Can't wait till your next book.
From Angie
Smiling, you slipped the letter into its torn envelope and placed it at your side. You wasted no time in opening the next envelope.
Dear M,
CAN I SAY SHIT?! and I don't mean the bad shit, I mean the good type! I don't even know if you'll get this letter or if I'm even gonna write the right address on it, but that was one of the best thriller's I've read. Keep up the good and is there a sequel in the works.
From Jay.
Admittedly, this one had cooked up a small laugh from you. You'd write back to this one tomorrow. You picked up the next letter.
Dear M,
I'm not a fan mail type of guy, I actually cringe at the stuff and prefer to admire my idols from afar, but I've just finished Flowers of the Mist, literally, and I took out a pen and paper. FUCK ME WHEN I SAY YOU GOT ME! I was so sure it was the Guildford sister, they seemed to fit the bill but best believe I nearly screamed when you revealed it was Sandra P. I really should've known, anyone who gardens that much could truly be sane.
As much as I loved it, I have to say you totally forgot something. I know it's not a big deal but I'm anal about stuff like that. Ok so, what happened with Joel? You practically had whole chapter dedicated to him but, he just went away. Oh and, I think you wrote the wrong location for Mainstay bridge, Apple Tree Yard is located on the east of the river not the west.
Still, the book was amazing.
Meaningless question, but, do you listen to The Mace? It's a true crime podcast, please listen to it! It's on Spotify.
Yours sincerely, Happiness Delight.
You held the letter in your hand, mulling over each word. You couldn't help but snort, this Happiness Delight person was a real piece of work. However, as much a it pained you to agree, you did happen to forget about Joel, but Joel was a minor character, some to throw the scent off, so did it really matter?
You placed the letter at your side and reached to the notepad and found a pen somewhere in the crack off your sofa. You used the back of your book and put pen to paper. There was something about Happiness's Delight's letter that demanded you to respond, even though you weren't allowed to respond yet. Giselle had this rule that any author must not respond to fan-mail during the press run. The rule was put in stone after a scandalous fiasco with Young Adult Author, Katrina Howell. However, with the alcohol in your blood the rules were null and void, surely you wouldn't become the next Katrina Howell.
Dear Happiness Delight,
I'm not really supposed to be responding to you yet, but I've just read your letter and I had to respond. Call it a urge or something, but I had to. First of all, I'd like to say thank you for reading and buying Flowers of The Mist, it's my pride and joy and the thought of someone buying it makes me happy. I'm also delighted by the fact that the twist blew you away so much so that you just had to write to me. It took a lot of time coming up with it, and I've spent too many mornings with my cat deliberating if it should happen, so hearing it surprised you made me smile.
Onto the good bit.
First off all, don't kick yourself for being an anal person, it's what the writing world loves. Here's the thing about Joel, he was really just a scapegoat character and I didn't want to develop him into anything. However, if I did have to give Joel some kind of resolution, I feel as though he'd have made up with his Aunts for framing him. After all, they did raise him. In regards to Joe's Diner, I've only ever been there once so forgive me for my mistakes. You certainly have a keen eye.
Sorry, I don't really listen to podcasts, but I might check it out some time soon. I'm a true crime buff myself.
From M, the writer of thrillers.
You folded the paper and placed it on the coffee table, you'd mail it before heading into the vet. You took one final look at the rest of the unopened letters and placed them back onto the table, you'd read them tomorrow, as of now, your eyes were straining to stay open.
You awaken by a scratch to your feet. You cracked one eye open and looked down at the culprit. His beady eyes stared back you with vigour.
"Monsieur...what are you doing?" Your voice was croaked and dry. Monsieur, your cat, was busy as your feet tapping the painted toes with his paws. "You surprised to see me down here? God how did I even fall asleep here."
You threw the blanket off your body,but then realised you hadn't fell asleep with a blanket. The identity of the blanket culprit was solved the moment you had the crash of metal in your kitchen. Molls.
"Don't mess up my kitchen, I just cleaned," you shouted. "What are you making?"
"Eggs and sausage, it's the only thing you've got," she said. "Do you go shopping, like ever?"
"I shop for two, me and Monsieur," You said, scooping him it your hold. He struggled ever so slightly in your grasp, but that was typical of Monsieur, he was a man that didn't like to be handled. You scratched behind his ear, earning you a pleasant purr. Before you could do anymore, he leapt from your lap and dived towards his toy.
Minutes went by and before you knew it, Molls walked into the living carrying two plates. Monsieur, the greedy pig was already at her legs having been drawn by the scent of food. "Shoo Monsieur, I've already fed you." she said, nudging him to the side ever so slightly. "He's getting overweight."
She handed you the plate and sat by your side. "He loves food too much."
You prodded the scrambled eggs with your fork, you preferred a sunny side up. "He's not overweight, but I am taking him to the vet. He just needs to move a bit more."
"A bit?" She said before biting a sausage. "What with the letters?"
"Which letters?" You asked.
She pointed to the stack on the coffee table. "Oh, yeah, those are the fan letters Giselle gave me. I only read through like what? Three, but I'm gonna read the rest."
She picked your notepad up. "You're writing back already? Giselle's gonna kill you...Dear Happiness De-"
You snatched the notepad from her fingers, "It's not for you, fan only. Don't tell Giselle, she's gonna lecture me on Katrina."
"I won't but speaking of the devil, did you see Kat giving you evils at the party?" she said, smirking into her glass of water. "She wishes your book would've sunk."
"Hey, leave the poor woman alone, she made one mistake-"
"She sent a fan nudes." she said. "Was that really a mistake?"
"Writers have needs too," you said before taking a bite off your half-burnt sausage.
Sometime after the second cup of tea, Molls boyfriend better yet, boy toy, arrives to come pick her up. You wave bye to her and promise to meet up for lunch on Wednesday. With her gone, you decide to head up stairs and scrub off the remnants off makeup which hadn't smeared onto the cushions. Refreshed from your shower, you dressed and scooped Monsieur into his cage. You placed the sloppy letter you'd written into your bag.
During your drives you listened to whatever was on the radio, but today you'd decided to connect your phone into the speakers and play episode one of The Mace; The podcast Happiness Delight recommend. Monsieur growled in his cage, obviously not used to the voices of two men speaking about crime, he preferred the top 40. Each episode was twenty minutes and you found yourself going through them quick. In the waiting room with Monsieur you'd reached the fifth episode. Park and Jun were the hosts of the show and their wit had you hooked.
On the drive back, you stopped by the post office and sent the letter with a note telling Happiness Delight to reply to your PO box instead. The last thing you needed was Giselle forcing the Katrina story down your throat.
A week passed before you got the first reply back. You'd almost forgotten about Happiness Delight until your postal company messaged you about a letter. After an interview with Times Morning, you headed down to the postal office and retrived the letter.
Once in the comfort of your living you tore the letter open.
Dear M,
First of all, holy shit! I didn't think you'd reply and thank you for taking the risk, it was worth it. I'm surprised you wanted to write back so quick, I guess I do have some charm, right? The twist was amazing and I think i'm gonna rave about it for the rest of my life...well that is until you release your next novel. (Since I'm your favourite fan, can you drop some hints on the next book?). A cat? Dogs are superior.
Thanks for clearing up the Joel situation and I totally get what you meant. It's weird to think he would've made up with them but human psyche is a weird one (if you listen to The Mace then you'll know what I mean). Haha, the keen eye is the result of eating every burger off the menu, college was hard. Since you're becoming one of my favourite authors, i'm gonna give you a top tip. Next time you go to Apple Tree Yard, ask for a Mango-slaw burger (I'm assuming you're not a vegetarian). It'll be the best thing you ever ate.
Have you listened to The Mace yet? Nonetheless, it's always great to meet another true crime buff.
Yours Sincerely, Happiness Delight.
By the time you'd read it over again, the black fluff that was Monsieur had pounced on your lap and began pawing at the letter. "Monsieur honey, no!"
He meowed backS and leapt at the letter you were now holding up high. "Honey, this is an important letter, you can't rip it apart."
When Monsieur had finally resigned his reign of terror on Happiness Delight's letter, you took your notepad and pen from the coffee table.
Dear Happiness Delight,
Gosh you make me feel like I'm a celebrity, I'm just a measly little writer. Hmm, not to sure on the charm part but I'll let you have it for now. Just make sure not to accidently send your letters to the publishing House! If I could tell you when my next book will come out, I'd be a psychic. Favourite fan? that's a bold statement but I'll go along with it again. Well, my dear favourite fan, I have about fifty different ideas about the next book, but I'm thinking about a faternity gone wrong or Angel of death. How does it sound?
I totally agree, the human psyche is wild and unpredictable, I guess that why I write thrillers. Now that i think about it, it might be why I cheered the villians on in cartoons. I hope I'm not the only one who did that. Burgers aren't good for the health but I will check out the Mango-slaw.
I've actually listened to the podcast, I went through five in one day and i'm on the twelfth episode. I would have gotten further but, my week's been jam packed.
From M, the writer of thrillers.
"We're having lunch here?" Molls under her breath as she followed you into Apple Tree Yard. "I fucking hate you. You literally said we're having lunch at Rain's."
You grinned back at her. "Change of plans, it's a bit nostalgic coming back here."
"Remember when Tom took me here," she said. "I'm shivering just thinking about him."
You both found a cozy little booth my window, it overlooked the almost barren car park and you could see the bridge from here. "He killed me that day, who orders turkey dinosaurs on a romantic date?"
"Him," she said. "Why did you even bring us here? You haven't mentioned this place for a good twenty years and now you decide to?"
You hold one finger up, "Actually, it's my book. However, I was persuaded to come here by a certain fan."
"That Happiness something? And you're still writing back. "
You nodded."Delight. Happiness Delight. He's actually quite interesting and he's got a good taste in podcasts."
"Podcasts! Since when do you listen to podcasts? I've literally been trying to get you to listen to Agony Jen for like a good five years!" she said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Snake."
"I listened to one episode and it was a mess. Most the problems could be solved by simply ignoring said person or finding a hobby. I don't know how you can suffocate it."
"Honey, I write borderline erotic romantic novels; I live for that shit." she said, cracking a mischievous grin. "How this podcast of yours like?"
"Good, it's dark, true crime but the hosts are funny. It balances out," you said, opening the menu. Your eyes looked around burgers section, searching for the highly commended Mango-slaw. "Molls, do you see a mango-slaw burger on here."
She narrowed her eyes and took one menu. "I don't think there's ever been a mango-slaw on this menu. And what the hell's a mango-slaw?"
You shrugged. "Some burger Happiness recommend-"
She shuts her menu. "We came here for a fucking burger that might not even be real?! I'm telling Giselle before it gets out of hand."
You rolled your eyes. "Oh come on, you're overreacting."
"We'll see if I'm overreacting when you end up on the news," she said. "Lets just call the waitress before I die of hunger."
"Nothing bad's gonna happen," you lifted your hand and caught the eye of a waitress. The waiter, who was vigorously chewing bubble gum, walked to your booth notepad in hand. Molls ordered her meal, spicy chicken wings and a side of chips and then the waitress turned to you.
"Do you have mango-slaw?"
She furrowed her eyebrow, "Mango-slaw? Miss, we don't serve that here."
Your face instantly became heated, had Happiness Delight tricked you? That scheming ass you thought. Molls looked as though she was on the brink of laughing. "Oh really...ok, um, I'll just have a cheese burger with chips. And one Seven Up."
She nodded and wrote your order down, all the while looking at you with caution. She probably thought you were crazy. "I'll give these to the chef."
"Thank you," your voice was meek.
Twenty minutes later, the waitress came back bearing the burgers and chips. You went through the meal silently cursing Happiness.
When you stopped at the postal office, you decided to make an amend to your letter. You wrote under the last paragraph.
Were you tricking me with the Mango Slaw? I was at Apple Tree Yard and I asked for one but the waitress looked at me crazy. If so, you're a good trickster Mr Happiness Delight.
Once happy with it, you folded the paper back up and sealed it into the envelope for posting.
Dear M,
You're a celebrity to me and I'll take it, but don't be amazed when my charm grows on you. And I just want t say my highest achievement so far is you naming me your favourite fan, I'll write it on my tombstone when I die...hopefully you would've released twenty more books in that space of time. Personally I love the Angel of Death idea, it's always fascinated me. Ever heard of Harold Shipman.
You're not alone in the cheering villains on front. While everyone else was cheering Hercules on, I was on Hades' side.
In regards to the Mango-slaw event, I probably should've been more clear but don't ask the new waiters, you're gonna have to go the chef. Specifically one called Kyungsoo...now, he might try to throw a pan at you but he will make it.
Since you've listened to the podcast, whose is your favourite host?
Yours Sincerely, Happiness Delight.
Dear Happiness Delight,
I think your charms already growing on me! Don't forget to tell me what plot you'll be on, I'll come visit you and take a picture of it. I hope i'll be able to get through twenty books, it took me too long to write Flowers of the Mist! And yes I've heard of Harold Shipman, what true crime buff hasn't?
Oh see there we've got a problem, I was on Hercules side and that's only because Hades scared me. I was an easily scared child.
I hope you're not playing a trick on me, but if I ever do get time I'll go again, hopefully when that waitress isn't working.
I don't know if this is overstepping boundaries but, I have book signing coming up. Please come, if you can. Since you know Apple Tree Yard then I'm guessing you live around here, so if you can make it, please do. It's at Vick’s Bookstore from 3pm to 5pm. We'll be having lunch after.
For some reason, I think Park is my favourite. He's very funny, not that Jun isn't! Maybe it's the deep voice...I don't know.
From M, writer of thrillers.
The postal office receptionist watched you in growing annoyance as you stood at the desk reading the words. Was it too early to casually invite him to your book signing and dinner after? Furthermore, what if it all went wrong and you were possibly inviting a stalker into your life? Every writer had heard the horror stories of writers having stalkers, some made the stop writing or worse. Maybe it was pure foolishness and naivety, but you trusted Happiness Delight.
"Uh, Ma'am...will you be sending the letter?" The receptionist voice caused you break from your stupor.
"Sorry," you said, shoving the paper back into envelope and passing it the receptionist.
As you left the office, your phone rang, it was Giselle on the line. She talked about finalising the details, now would've been the best time to tell her Happiness but you shut your mouth in better judgement. When he came to the dinner, that's he if came, you'd tell her he was just a friend.
"God, you're shaking like a leaf" Giselle said. She handed you a glass of white wine but you refused. Your stomach couldn't handle alcohol this early.
"I'm just nervous," you said. "It's my first book signing so...Yeah"
"You'll be fine, you just gotta smile but you might be holding quite a few babies," she said, slapping a hand on your shoulder. It's meant to be a gesture of comfort, but pain surges through your muscles. She had a hard hit for a fifty-something woman.
"I don't mind babies," you said. "I just don't want to disappoint anyone and there's just so many people out there."
You peeked out of the glass windows, there was a steady line of people stood outside the doors, some carry books and some purchasing the book from the store. There were all types of people, but you looked for one person. Happiness. Would you know who was happiness the moment you saw him? You'd built a picture of him in your mind but you didn't even know his name for crying out loud. This was stupid.
You wouldn't have been this nervous if he'd replied. Usually, it took him a week to reply and that's understanable, mail takes time. But it was now two weeks since you'd sent the letter. You'd gone to the PO box near enough daily, but nothing was there. Molls had said it might have been lost, but it seemed so impossible.
"Sweetie, they're gonna open the doors," Giselle said. "Do you want some water?"
You nodded as she led you to the front of the store.
"Hey, you! Can you get her some water. Bottled." Giselle said to some young employee.
You took your seat at the table they'd decorated with a stack of your book and a picture of yourself. It wasn't the best of pictures. You thanked the employee and immediately took a gulp of water. You placed the bottle down as you watched the line of people stream in. You clicked the pen two times, just to check.
"Hey, I just want to say I love your book," A girl handed you her copy.
"Thank you so much, it took some time to write. What's your name?" You asked, opening the book on the first blank page.
"Farrah, it's my name," she said, her pock marked face was wide with a smile.
You wrote a small message addressed to her and signed your own signature. You handed the book to her, "Thank you so much for coming."
The next person came, a man. Your heart raced for a moment, what if it was Happiness Delight? You took the book from him and signed it as Andy. He didn't seem like Happiness Delight. If Happiness Delight did turn up he'd probably tell you who he was.
As the fans continuted to flood in drones, your eyes continuously flew over to the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for a break and still Happiness hadn't come. It pained you to admit it but you were losing hope. Maybe it was like Molls said, the mail had gotten lost.
You took your break in the store's staff room. It was only a small break and you spent most of it on your phone, anything to put your mind off him. But the longer you sat there, you'd began to grow angry at yourself. This was your first signing, people had travelled for good knows how far just to get your signature and a small chat. As you walked back into the store front you told yourself not to think about him, just smile and appreciate it, not every one got to do a book signing.
The second half moved quick and you joked more with your fans. And you'd taken the odd picture with a baby and someone's child. You'd been stretching your hands when Giselle tapped your shoulder, she leant down to your ear.
"This is the last bunch, we're going after these," She said.
You nodded and turned back to the next person. "Hello, how are you?" You asked, smiling up at the man.
"Good, I think" He said, you couldn't help but notice he was nervous. He was holding the book with a near white grip. "You?"
"Good too," you answered. "Shoud I sign your book?"
"Yes, of course," he handed you the book and you flipped to the blank page.
"Who should I address it to?" You asked, the tip of your pen touching the page.
"To H-no...sorry, just Chanyeol," he said. "Just Chanyeol."
"Beautiful name," you said, writing his name before the small note and your own signature. You closed the book, "Here you go."
"Thank you so much, and I love your book," he said.
"Thank you too."
He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. You watched him smile then leave the line, his lanky body weaving in between bodies and before he got the door, he cast you a fleeting glance before walking out into the rain. You looked up to the next person.
"Hi, how are you?" you said to them.
When the last person had walked out the door, you released a breath you didn't know you'd been holding. It was over, the fans had come and he hadn't.
"You good?" Giselle asked.
"Just peachy," you said. "Which resturant we were going to again? Oh, and my plus one won't make it."
The Mace, episode 37 played in your car as you drove to Apple Tree Yard. As you took the next exit your phone pinged, a message. You peered down at the screen to see who it was from, your heart skipped a beat when you saw it was from. Angelo, he'd interviewed you for the Daily Mint. You'd run into him at grocery, you'd been looking for a certain brand of cat food since Monsieur was picky. In the brief conversation you'd had while trying to find the food, you'd ended you exchanging numbers. You'd text him back when you were in the restaurant.
You pulled your keys from the ignition and made your way inside. You'd come at a busy time, the high-school kids from the neighbouring school had invaded near enough all the booths and you couldn't bring yourself to walk down the aisle. Teenagers had a knack of scaring you. So, you settled down at the bar, from here, you could see the cooks flipping burger meat, one flame grilling steak and another chopping onions into fine pieces.
"what you having doll?" the woman behind the bar asked.
"Can I get the cheese burger please, with a side of chips and mango juice." you said.
She scribbled your order down, "sure, would that be all?"
"Yeah- actually, sorry but does a chef called Kyungsoo work here?" you asked, the question had been a split second decision. You can just wanted to out the whole Happiness Delight debacle to rest. Molls had been so convinced that Happiness was simply a fantasist.
The older woman furrowed her brows and for a second you thought Molls was right along, but then she nodded. "Yeah, he works here. You need to talk to him or something... Wait, you're not a cop right?"
You almost laughed in relief. "No I'm just a normal citizen. I just want to ask him about something."
"alright, I'll bring him over."
Your fingers tapped the wooden counter as you waited forher to bring him. Minutes later, the woman came back but with a man in tow. He was wearing his chef gowns and curious look on his face.
"Hi, I'm kyungsoo. You are?" he asked.
You told him your name. "I'm sorry for the bother I wanted to ask you something."
"No problem, I wasn't doing much," he said.
"Well, that's good. This is gonna sound stupid but someone told me to come here before and they said something about this Mango-slaw burger."
"Mango-slaw?" He stopped for a second then sighed hard. "Chanyeol that bastard...he sent you here didn't he?"
The name rung familiar but you couldn't place it. Was this Chanyeol character Happiness Delight? "I'm sorry, but who's Chanyeol?"
Kyungsoo face contorted into one of confusion. "Park Chanyeol, well Chanyeol Park but that doesn't matter. He's the only idiot that orders this burger." He paused to look at your equally confused face. "Was it not him? He's like too fucking tall, big ears, and an idiot."
You tried hard to place a name to the description but you just couldn't. "I don't really know."
"Then who else- Wait, lemme show you a picture," he dug inside the pocket of his uniform, then scrolled through his phone, "Here's a picture of him."
You squinted your eyes at the picture. Where did you know him from? He looked so familiar but the memory was so blurry. The picture of Chanyeol was a guy wearing a large hoodie, hair tousled. He looked to be in some kind of recording studio, but you really didn't know, he just had a mic in front of him. If the microphone in front of him was anything to go by.
Wait a second, that guy. guy who'd come for a book sign, the one who was acting weird. It had to be him but his hair had changed, it was now a dark auburn colour. You thanked the forces that you'd' been sat on the chair, if not, you're certain your knee's would've collapsed. That man was Happiness Delight. He'd came.
"Do you know where he is? I really need to talk to him," you said.
"Uh I don't know where exactly he'd be right now, but I can give you his number," He said.
"That'll be amazing."
He took a piece a paper from behind the counter and scribbled Chanyeol's number down. "There you go. Oh and do you want the burger?"
You shook your head and took the scrap piece of paper. "I don't think I can eat."
You had the paper in your pocket for a good three days, looking over the numbers over and over. Two months had passed between the last letter you received, and you hadn't even opened it.
You pressed the numbers into your phone, pausing a moment you pressed call. The phone rang three times.
"Hello, who's this?" The voice asked.
Why did he sound so familiar? How was it so that you'd recognised his voice than you did his face.
"Uh...hello? Is anybody there. I can hear you breathing?"
Park, it was Park's voice. You felt as though the air in your body had been forced out. Of course, Park Chanyeol. Happiness Delight was the voice of the man you'd been listening to for the last few months.
"Happiness Delight?" Your vocie was feeble and you'd almost doubted he'd heard it.
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trippingwrites · 8 years ago
For Starters
(For the VAA intro thread)
Holy shot, I Had this Account for four years??
Holy geebes louise, even I am surprised by how long I had this account lurking in VAA! Four years I have been missing in this site and the fun I didn't knew I was missing. It's a shame now thinking about it. Hopefully, may be this time around I'll hang around and meet cool new people and perhaps join some voice acting projects! I hope you guys will enjoy having me as I am excited to be with you!
I don't have a whole lot of experience with voice acting. I’ve record myself couple of times and even posted a short song on Youtube about a year back. I don't have a real feedback/criticism about my voice other than compliments from friends and family. I would love to hear some from folks and even their opinions to what kind of voice I have and kind of characters my voice may be best suited for. I have a feminine voice and I have a slight Asian accent that I am desperately trying to rid off for years!
Ah, I guess I can tell what I was doing in the last four years of absence and what I enjoy doing. So basically, I was in college studying various of subjects like animation and health. I worked a bit in between the studies. I have Tumblred my way from fandom to fandom. I enjoy drawing characters and have created my own to RPs. I'm pretty active in a RP forum called RPNation, and I have joined some incredibly fun groups and meet interesting friends. I would have liked trying voicing for my characters, but it is unfortunate that the majority of character I enjoy playing as are male. I know, weird : P
I would like to know more about VAA! Like how are you guys? I hope people have joined fun projects and met great people. I have yet to read all the stickied thread in this site, but where to people host(?) their voices?
Okay so I pulled this out from
For Starters 1. Okay, start with the classics: Pick a number. 4
2. Is that number your age? If not, what IS your age? Early 20s!
3. Are you more visual or audio-oriented?
I guess I am visually oriented. 4. You should have at least two chromosomes. Which two do you have?
One of each!
5. Wearing socks with sandals: stupid or sweet, bro?
Eh, I do it sometimes. 6. When you were five (assuming you are not, currently, five) what was your dream?
To be a teacher, then I realise how bad of a teacher I am. 7. If you could have a mythical beast as a pet, which beast would you choose?
I never thought of having a pet to be honest. I’ll just be very guilty of neglecting them, I think :/ 8. What would you name it?
Guildford. That was the name of my hamster. 9. Are you allergic to anything? If it's a food, do you want to eat it anyway?
I want a pet and I want to snuggle every cute creature on Earth! I just hate hives more than loving animals unfortu… 10. What was the last Halloween costume you wore?
A traditional Korean hanbok This Or That 1. Pancakes or waffles?
Waffles 2. Dogs or cats?
Cats 3. Light or dark?
Dark 4. AC or DC?
AC…? 5. Mamas or papas?
Mamas 6. Twist or shout?
Twist 7. Mario or Luigi?
Luigi 8. Tall or short?
Short 9. Cat poop or dog poop? Ew
10. Vampires or werewolves?
Vampire It's Random Time! 1. Okay, let's say you're a Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger. A putty patroller punches you in the face at the EXACT same time you're morphing. What happens? Does your helmet materialize and cut off his hand, does it form around the putty patroller, or does something else occur?
I think logically, the helmet servered the monster’s hand and now I am stuck with a hand inside my helmet! Rude! 2. Do you think the biggest threat to our world today are Dark Penguins (assuming you believe in Dark Penguins)?
Uhhh… no…? 3. A man on the street in New York offers to give you FREE COMEDY if you follow him into a dark basement. You do like comedy... do you go?
I think I would have planned out my trip in I'm in New York… It will depends on the summary of the comedy the man tells me. 4. Alright, take your SAT score (if you don't have that, estimate what you think you'd get). Multiply it by the number of the current month and then divide by how many posts are currently in this thread: do you think you could eat that many hot dogs?
Over time, no. Secretly, yes. 5. Okay, I'm gonna give you a pony for your birthday this year. It's a real rad pony, so I hope you like ponies. You're gonna need to take care of this pony: clean it, feed it, brush it's hair, make sure it gets plenty of exercise, clean it more. It's gonna be YOUR responsibility, young man/lady! So I hope you're ready. Also, favorite pizza topping?
Oh good lord, I'm going to kill the poor pony. This is a horrible choice of a gift, but thank you for your gift anyways. Hawaiian. 6. You stepped over the line and now SUPERMAN wants to beat you up! Who're you going to call to help you out with this fight?
MOM! Or the Batman will do. A relationship counselor will also do. We can sort out difference in a civilized manner. 7. You can be a walk-on role in any movie ever made. What movie do you walk-on in and what is the one line you deliver?
Titanic. I'll be that one Asian so out of place that I don't even need a line to be remembered. 8. Why would you want to ruin that movie like that?
Hahahaha, good question. I don't know. 9. Do you think I look good in this dress? Be honest. I can take it back if you don't.
Gurl, dresses are for everyone. Try this one, it'll bring out your shape! 10. Why can't I find a good henchman in this town? Are you interested?
Have you tried ebay? I heard they will be delivered within 24 hours. I would hate to be the one to recieve it though... Would You Rather... 1. Be able to fly or teleport?
Fly 2. Play as Ken or Ryu? Ryu?
3. Live on the moon or in Atlantis? The moon
4. Die in an explosion saving the President on live TV or die in a tsunami saving an orphanage, but no one will know?
Orphanage sounds more heroic, but drowning is a slower death than dying in an explosion… but then again who said dying in an explosion will be clean? I guess orphanage. 5. Win American Idol or Wheel of Fortune?
Wheel of Fortune. Give me the money! 6. Chicken nuggets, chicken strips, or soy chicken (you monster)?
Chicken Strips 7. Skim milk, whole milk, 2% milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, soy milk, or goat's milk?
There's too much option! I love milk! I'm also kinda lactose intolerance! 8. Live forever in the town you were born in but be given one year to see the world OR live forever in one city of your choosing but never be able to leave? Live forever in my hometown
9. Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony? Nintendo
10. Skates, rollerblades, or GOLF CART? GOLD CART!
Are you... 1. Intelligent? Eh
2. Verbose?
In writing only 3. Deciduous? Yes
4. Monotonic?
Kinda 5. Swanky?
No 6. Semidictatorial?
True 7. Voluminous?
I guess 8. Bored? Often. Try not to though
9. Confused?
VERY 10. In love with me? Love is a scary thing.
If you could do the following and never get caught, would you... 1. Streak?
??? 2. Steal from the government?
Yes 3. Steal from the poor?
No 4. Punch a nun?
No!?? 5. Eat an old grandma's pie right off her windowsill? Yes…
6. Steal an old farmer's carrots?
May be... 7. Cheat in the Olympics in order to win a Gold Medal?
No 8. Yell "fire" in a crowded theater?
Yes. 9. Wear Crocs? Yes.
10. Rob a grave you know has tons of money in it?
Yes. Wrapping Up 1. Normally Celena would've asked if she was better than me. Since she's been gone, I'm obviously better. Is anyone better than me?
Not that I know of… So yes? 2. It's okay to admit I'm handsome and awesome. You do think that, right?
Oh shots I should have looked at the icon I stole this question air from! 3. If you answered "yes" to the first question or "no" to the second: what does it feel like to be wrong all the time?
All the time. 4. Are you kinda tired of answering all these questions?
It's 2 am when I'm filling this… Hopefully i am not when I post this. 5. Did the different sections do a good job of masquerading the fact that you have just answered SIXTY-FIVE questions?
I was not aware. Good job, but is there something significant about that number? 6. Are you glad you went through all of these horrendously stupid questions?
I like doing these question honestly, when I have the time. 7. Alright! This is the last question! I think I know the answer to this, but are you glad this is finally finishing up?
Hahaha yes and you lied to me. 8. Trap sprung. It's not over. How do you feel now that you've been TOTALLY had?
I already spoiled myself of the surprised by scrolling down. 9. Okay, the next question's the last one. Will you accept my totally weak apology? If not, WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO LOVE ME?
:V 10. How long have you been AVAing and how long do you plan to continue?
I hope longer than my current record!
0 notes