#look i got up at 5 am to revise my syllabus and make appointments and deal with various amounts of crap
anghraine · 2 years
Hair discourse!!
a) Faramir’s hair is black and long (and there is zero reason to assume his choice to keep it long has anything to do with Elves);
b) Anakin’s and Luke’s hair are about the same color when you account for lighting and ages (and it’s pretty puzzling that Anakin’s is so often depicted as much browner than Luke’s);
c) Darcy’s hair color is a completely unknown quantity in canon, as is literally everyone’s in P&P;
d) Lucrezia Borgia was blonde, historically, but it is certainly interesting that depictions of her have become much more consistently blonde as her reputation has improved (while there are at least some contemporary descriptions of her infamous brother Cesare as also blond, but he’s virtually never depicted that way)
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