#look i finally wrote the starter fkgjbjfngb
agentvalentine · 11 months
@civilserve | Closed Starter.
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Jill paces back and forth in the middle of the living room as she thinks this through.
She’d gotten off the phone with Barry about twenty minutes ago, and he’d told her he’d heard from someone. A police officer from the R.P.D. called Leon something Kennedy. His name isn’t completely unfamiliar. She’d dropped by the station when Marvin and a few others were in the middle of decorating the west office, hanging a big banner over a desk. We’re welcoming a rookie, Marvin told her, even invited her to join them for drinks, which she turned down. She’d been having her own drinking party at her place anyway.
Jill had jokingly said she hoped Leon’s car would break down in the middle of the road so he’d get a chance to reconsider coming to Raccoon City. Had it been up to her, she would have gotten everyone out. Hell, even she was in the middle of packing to leave. Nothing worked out quite as she’d hoped.
It turns out this Leon ran into Claire who, evidently, did come looking for Chris after all. Jill had warned Chris that not telling Claire was worse than telling her. That she should at least know he was safe and sound (for now). But Chris had insisted they keep her in the dark, made Jill promise not to tell her anything. And, well, if Jill knows anything about the Redfields, it’s that each one of them is more stubborn than the other.
The only thing that matters now is that Claire made it out of Raccoon City alive. If only she’d run into her—no, that could have made it even more dangerous for Claire. What with that B.O.W. stalking her the whole time. No, this is good. Better. Maybe Carlos’s optimism is starting to rub off on her a little too much. That realization makes her brows pinch.
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Regardless, whoever this Leon is, he might know some things. Things that could prove helpful to her investigations on Umbrella, so she picks up the phone, plops on the couch, and dials the number she scribbled down on a notebook.
Hopefully he picks up.
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