#look at those smug af looking pokémon dashdaklhda i love them.
galaxyacerodoesart · 6 years
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FINALLY IM DONE WITH THIS OH MY GOD. My SAI crashed while I was finishing the painting one of the images and my stupid past-self hadn’t save literally since I had finished the lineart, which meant I had to start doing the colors all over again. Which sucked. A  L O T .
Nurse Virgil.
Yes, you guys aren’t seeing or reading wrong, I thought for what I wanted Virgil’s future to be in my AU, and somehow the idea of him becoming a nurse on a pokémon center came to me and I was like “????? it??? somehow fits his character in my AU??? And he would look nice af??? Heck yeah, let’s do this.” Honestly, I was thinking about how he does always try to look out for everyone and everything, and somehow the idea of him in my AU becoming a Nurse clicked and i loved it. So yeah I HAVE thought a little about how and when in his path he decided to follow the path of becoming a pokémon nurse and all, will explain better under keep reading like I always do. But one thing I knew I had to give him, was a new “nurse pokémon” like the ones Nurse Joy always have with her in every generation, and then without even thinking much, I went with Audino simply because it’s shiny is purple. Yes, that was the only reason, and is a valid af reson. 
His old pokémon obviously still are with him, and seems like we have a new addiction BESIDES Audino?? my, my how did that little fella joined the team, I wonder?? Perhaps the information is under the read more....~  and warning. It’s DEFINITELY a LOOOONG one. Told you all I imagined the story behind WHY Virgil took this path. :’D
BUT FIRST. TAGGING LIST! AGAIN, IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE ON THIS TAG LIST ANYMORE, PLEASE INFORM ME! My reason behing this list is mainly the feedback received on my past SSPokémon!AU fanarts and such. So yeah...sorry if you didn’t want to be tagged ;u; @revengeraptor @samthekoalabear @not-so-innocent-bi-sander@warnadudenexttime @anxious-fander-talian-bean@flynnisthename@anxiousoddish @madly-handsome @pastel-patton123 @virgil-angsty-sanders @smokeyrutilequartz @heythereprincey @ flowersquirl
 Virgil ended up taking into the nurse path after taking the job of being Nurse’s joy “errand boy” for a while. At that point in his life, he was actually living with Patton in his daycare, finally deciding to stop wondering the world after something he didn’t even know what was. He did help Patton around the daycare, but still liked to help the old nurse on the pokémon center every now and then. Patton obviously had nothing against it and even encouraged Virgil to do so, always happily saying how he could see Virgil’s anxious and reserved self slowly but surely start to dissapear as he could see the boy slowly start to open up easily to others and trust them a little bit more. The Nurse Joy he helped was already pretty old, having worked on what she loved for pretty much all her life, she was also always happy to have Virgil around even if just for the company, something about how when you worked on taking care of pokémon and seeing trainers come and go so fast, she barely was able to take a break, it was nice to have a helping hand other than from her pokémon. Until one day she asked Virgil if HE wasn’t interested in actually becoming a nurse himself, seeing that without even realizing Virgil DID start to do more than just “get her itens and medicine she had bought from town” and actually helping around with treating the pokémon that trainers would bring. Virgil obviously thought she was joking??? Like, Wasn’t becoming a nurse a Joy thing??? All nurses he had seen in his journey WERE Nurses JOY after all. Sure, he might had helped the poor woman with taking care of the pokémon bringing them their medicine and food, but surely being an ACTUAL nurse of a pokémon center was WAY Different than THAT. And most importantly, he still saw himself as an anxious mess, what if he couldn’t treat a pokémon properly?? what if he messed up and ended up giving the wrong treatment???  Joy answered his doubts. And say that no, while most nurses WERE Joys, it wasn’t actually a “only Joy” thing. Anyone could actually apply and study to become one, the Joys were simply the most famous and best at that, but that didn’t mean ALL Joys were nurses, or that all nurses WERE Joys, she knew the poor boy anxiety problem, but still tried to reasure that he would do fine, it wasn’t like he really needed to if he didn’t want to, it was just a suggestion of her, he obviously wouldn’t be at that boat alone, all his pokémon WOULD be able to help him around, even if he probably would get a new “healing pokémon”. All his pokémon already were pretty much therapy pokémon so, it would obviously be completely fine. But still. The final choice to apply and try out all the studies was his. Virgil didn’t think much of it then, but..the more he tought about it, somehow, the less strange it was??? He even talked with Patton and Logan about it, bringing the deal up as a joke, but then they both actually agreed it could be something he could do??? Again, it took a lot of talking from Patton’s and Logan’s side to make Virgil believe it was something he was capable of, and then a little more on Logan’s side pointing out the positive traits the study would bring, and finishing saying “You might study and finish it with golden stars, but it’s not like that means you ARE OBLIGATED to become a Pokémon Nurse. You can go for the knowledge, but if at the end of all, it isn’t something you want to do, you can come back. We won’t bring the deal anymore and we will support you in your decision.” That Virgil decided to actually go back to the Nurse Joy to ask where exactly he could apply to study, who not only gave him the adress, but also a recomendation letter that surely got him in the Pokémon Nurse university, and eventually finished with golden stars.
Now that THAT Part is out of the way... A little bit more about him once he became a Nurse:
While it is an POKÉMON center, specialized in taking care of Pokémon, he also takes care of trainers who might have been injuired or attacked by pokémon. Like, trainers under effects of a Paralizing Powder and stuff like that.
Virgil as a nurse is literally 30% less anxious, 60% more frustrated and 100% DONE.
Ask him “why there isn’t a hot nurse Joy working here instead of an emo kid”, I fucking dare you.
“Geez, I don’t know Derek, Maybe because the poor woman might have other dreams in mind and don’t want to stay behind a desk wearing all the shit that comes out of the mouth of guys like you??? Maybe she just didn’t want to become a nurse??? I DON’T KNOW DEREK, WHY ARE YOU HERE ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS WHEN THERE ARE TRAINERS ACTUALLY NEEDING TO HAVE THEIR POKÉMON HEALED AND ARE HAVING TO WAIT BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE THAT IS KEEPING ME FROM DOING MY WORK TO ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THIS HUH DEREK?!!? WHY?!?!!?”
Definitely not giving up his dark clothes and make-up simply because he now is a nurse. His uniform is literally more purple-ish than pink, and he only allows himself to wear the white apron.
He honestly just...worries. Which is something he always did. But now he is more worried because of how dumb some trainers seem to be like?? Why would you fight a LV35 Ursaring when your poor Bayleef is only LV17???? WHY Would you look at a dark forest full of wild Vileplumes and Glooms and think “Yeah, I can definitely go through there without a repellent or anything like that, i’ll be JUST FINE.” Seriously. He just can’t take all that anymore. 
All his friends are obviously proud as heck of him for becoming a Nurse, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get frustrated with them as well. 
More than once Patton was bought to the center after being poisoned by hugging a Muk. “Patton, tell me..WHY did you hug him?!?!” “HE LOOKED SAD!!!” “PATTON, HE’S LITERALLY MADE OF TOXIC AND POLUTION WASTE!!” “THAT ONLY MEANT HE NEVER HAD BEEN HUGGED, SO I DEFINITELY HAD TO HUG HIM!!!”
The others aren’t any different though.
“Logan, I swear, If you have to be bought here again because you exasted yourself to the point of collapsing, I am tying you up to the table.” “That’s ridiculous, I assure you, I am perfectly FINE! You and Patton are simply exagerating. I can define my working and resting time just fine.” “Logan, You do realize your Alakazam literally knows the pokémon center number right.” “....How does he even know how to dia-” “I gave him orders to keep an eye on you and literally put you to sleep using hypnosis if he sees you overworking yourself again.” “WHA- HOW- HOW DID YOU-” “I talked to him, i know. shocker. Don’t try me Logan. Just do what I say. DOCTORS orders.”
“Remy...what...what are you doing here...it’s...literally 3AM. WHY did you press the emergency alarm?!?!” “...’Cause it’s an emergency???” “... None of your pokémon are with you and you look fine.” “Im out of coffe Virgil.” “...wha-” “there’s none left home! :(” “...Remy, I already told you. The guy that runs the coffe bar here in the pokémon center only comes and open it up at 6:30AM. Go home.” “wait wait! I have another reason!” “...What.” “ I Came...uuuh...to hang?! :D” “Get the fuck out of my pokémon center, before I send you straight to an actual hospital.”
“Aaah, my fair Virgil...isn’t it amazing how after all those years, I’m now a famous Top coordinator, and you are coming out of your shell and helpng so many people! Isn’t it amazing?!?!” “The only amazing thing here Princey, is how the fuck you managed to actually win the Grand Festival when your moves are still mediocre at best. ;)” “ *offended princey noises* “ WHA- HOW DARE- YOU!! I- “Love ya too princey. Now here. Ariel is completely healed, thank you hope to see you soon. ” “....im not sure if you just want to see ME again, or if you want my pokémon to get hurt.” “And that is what you have to think about for the next contest~ Hope to see you in the judges line soon.”
His relationship with Roman still is...strange. They love eachother tho, no one say anything, they probably will realize by themselves. 
He does still love contests and all that, he DID grew up around it. So he often is called to be one of the judges of the contests around, which is something he happily do if he isn’t too busy.
He got Audino from the old nurse Joy that got him to apply in the first place. She was a “new recruit” sended to her, but since she was retiring now that Virgil was taking her place in the Pokémon Center, she decided to let him have her.
Hey, she was purple, he wasn’t complaining.
She also is probably 30% of his emotional control now that he works at the pokémon center, so that is a bonus.
As Joy had said, he was able to keep his old pokémon with him and have them help around the center. Even if neither of them had healing abilities like Audino does, they manage to help in other ways.
Most of the time, they help with bringing itens and medicine he needs, but they also help the trainers around the center to wait for their turn so the whole thing doesn’t become a mess in days where the place is full.
Most people were rather...scared of having a GHOST type like Haunter in a place where it isn’t uncommon to have sick and hurt pokémon. But it didn’t take them long to realize that Virgil’s Haunter was literally the biggest goofball and prankster they had seen. He is AMAZING with baby pokémon and young trainers/children that come around the Pokémon center. There are literally days were schools would bring their pre-school studants to the pokémon center just to see Haunter. Virgil had agreed on it. Haunter definitely is happy to entertain the kids and to help spread that Ghost pokémon aren’t “evil” or something like that.
Mimikyu is ALSO a new addiction to the team, but it’s one that happened BEFORE he went to study. Mimikyu was a gift from one of the other guys to him. Who was that gave him a Mimikyu??? Mimikyu’s type is literally the only and big hint im leaving here. ;)
Mimikyu loves to wear bows, so Virgil always make sure to tie his “uniform” in one. The little guy LOVES it. Mimikyu mainly stays close to Virgil during the day though, helping him more behind the desk than anything. He still isn’t really used to big crowds. Virgil can understand that feeling.
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