#look at the twiiter it posted
zoeyandguys · 3 months
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nyancreeperpony · 4 months
Looking at Twitter Arguements from an outside looking in is all fun and games until someone say someone so outta pocket that you have to deactivate your account.
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phantomwitch16 · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel Theory: Lilith
I had never posted about Hazbin Hotel before, but I came across a theory about Lilith that I wanted to discuss. I’ve only seen clips, so correct me if I'm wrong. So, anyone who hasn't watched anything or hasn't caught up yet, WARNING: SPOILER ZONE.
At this point, everyone is quite aware of the Lilith/ Eve Theory, where Lilith left or was kidnapped by Eve to explain her disappearance for most of the show and what she was doing in Heaven. I think the theory has some promise, but some things don’t feel quite right.
In the episode where Lucifer first appears, we learn that Lilith and Lucifer seem to have split years ago. We don't know how long ago or the circumstances of the separation, with it pretty much up in the air.
It could be possible that Lucifer’s depression could've gotten in the way of their relationship (similar to his relationship with Charlie), causing some friction. This obviously would give Lilith a lot of responsibility, likely to raise Charlie and inspire the denizens of Hell by herself. We don't know much about what Lucifer does most of the time other than making ducks, keeping Lulu World running and wallowing in his depression.
I don't think that they split up, at least I don’t think that’s the whole story. There have been some odd details regarding Lilith and a few other people within the series that do add to the theory. While it's possible things might have changed during the development of the series, Viv has previously stated that Lilith and Lucifer were a very lovey-dovey couple and I doubt that she would change it. While I think their relationship would have its faults, obviously with their history and trauma, yeah, that was going to happen, but not the stereotypically 'my partner hates me' bs.
Even if they had split up, I doubt that Lilith would have just up and left Charlie without saying anything.
But anyway, since her appearance on the beach with Lute, there have been several theories about Lilith and whether she would be an antagonist or the main one. I disagree, but given how she's been pretty much a mystery for most of the series, with not much being said about her, it’s understandable most would come to this conclusion. But I doubt Lilith would be because Lilith was the one to instil Charlie to help the denizens of Hell so for her to come to disrupt her progress with the Hotel.
This obviously leads to the Lilith/Eve Theory people have come up with by what people have seen and picked apart from the show and the cards that people received before it aired. Now people who have watched the show and been on Twiiter/X or any other social media probs already know the theory, but I'll spell it out for those who don't.
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Just before the show aired, people received cards on each character and a few select items in the series. Of these characters was Lilith, but there was something off with it. Instead of seeing a revamp of her original design in the pilot, it's just a close up with her face shadowed.
The image above has Lilith or who we think is Lilith sitting with her hand over her lips and a shadow over her face, only showing a sinister smile. The one thing strikes me about it was the was almost like she know that we know there was something wrong with the image and was telling us to be quiet.
So far in the show, we've only seen her in the portraits that are decorated around the hotel and in Lucifer's ducky workshop. She makes a brief appearance in Charlie’s flashbacks where we don’t even see her face, though this is largely because the attention was focused on Charlie and Lucifer. Here it shows that even her look has remained largely consistent since the pilot.
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What truly defines Lilith design is her long wavy hair. But despite it, there is something different about it in the card. It's very long, obviously but as it gets closer to her face, it starts to look more uneven. Or jagged.
But what grabs the attention in the card is the smile. It looks very sharp and angular, very different to the smile that she has in the portraits and in her depiction on the storybook in the first episode.
But we've already seen it somewhere. Just not on Lilith.
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Obviously, this isn't a new take. This is a very popular take that nearly everyone has heard.
I like to think that with the reveal, we will get a more factual retelling of what happened when Lilith and Lucifer rather than what came out of the story book Charlie was reading, likely something her mother made for her when she was growing up. Mainly what happened to Eve as they cleverly avoided it. While we don't know if they're going to tackle it, it's likely that they will discuss Eve's life after eating the fruit and her very long life. I think that while Adam was sent to heaven to become one of the exterminators, Eve became one of the first original sinners sent to Hell.
There are several ways they could handle it with it's possible the Eve is starting a little bit of chaos using the knowledge Lilith and Lucifer gave her. With Lilith attempting to stop her alongside Lute and the rest of Heaven.
For what reason? She could've taken up a new identity after death. that identity being called Roo. Or more specifically, the Root of All Evil.
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Roo is someone that's been known for since 2019 and someone Viv is excited to introduce since she first drew her, calling her a looming threat amongst the series. Hints of her appearance have been placed throughout the pilot on the tower and on the show. I believe that Lilith, Lute and Eve are working together with Heaven to track down Roo to destroy her hold on Earth or to prevent her from doing something to Hell, Heaven and Earth.
It's also likely that she is the demon Alastor is chained to. Why her specifically and not Lilith? Besides the timeline matching, there is very little opportunity for them to meet. Even though Alastor has made a big name for himself in the Pride Ring, Lucifer has not heard of him, so why would Lilith? But that just might be a Lucifer thing, they probably could've met after one of Lilith's shows or something.
Knowing Alastor as a person, he would've been in a very desperate situation, or maybe he was too cocky like with Adam and picked a fight with her, thinking that she was some random Overlord or low ranking demon who knocked him down and stole his soul. With her having control over him, then he is willing to do anything to get out of their agreement. Whether its to play around and isolate the princess of Hell from her support network, to make her hopes and dreams crumble to dust.
It could be possible Lilith left Charlie and Lucifer to focus on Roo, with it likely that Lucifer knows what's she's up to and tries to shield her from what's happening. But as the hotel gets more popular, Roo's attention is directed to it, thus putting Charlie and all three realms in danger. Lilith would come to Charlie, try to sugarcoat it as best as possible before revealing Roo as a threat. Then when she comes there, Alastor betrays them, but as he is free, has a change of heart and attempts to help.
That's what i think anyway.
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Yeah I loved good omens...but fuck Neil Gaiman idgaf - it's not just "believe victims"
Its the fact that he responded! They said rape, he said it was "cuddling." but even if it all blows over and he does end up innocent it doesn't matter. Theres so many bad news people can take and so much mental exhaustion to deal with petty bullshit. So even if it blows over how can I sit and watch anything he makes without thinking back on these allegations and feeling disgust? Well most will either seperate art from the artist, or learn not to have parasocial relationships and put them on a pedestal.
And that goes for david tenent too, he's just a guy. But the more people paint him up and make memes that he's oh so much better then it's a matter of time before he gets the spotlight and the cycle repeats.
Another is conflating the LGBT community alongside him, that bigots say "Of course he ended up being a sexual devient by writing gay porn for the woke mob." which is another headache within itself that lgbt are now dragged into it and he is used as an example to encourage homophobia [thats on the bigots not neil but given that lgbt is now in the crossfire is both a headache AND a distraction people look at a MAN assualting a WOMEN and make the whole argument into LGBT = Pedophiles as if that type of logic makes sense? but its twiiter what should i expect.]
But I have to admit to human weakness as well, personally I think most fans ruin shows or opinions on people. that point when a show is ruined it's not the author or the show it's the bad takes fans make and the hate is directed at them. So I can't help but laugh and think on that time I made a post about how Good Omens comes across as queerbait only because before season 2 it had similair patterns to other shows and movies that queerbaited and I was just pointing out those patterns- not to mention I tried to say since day one:
Just because an author alignes themselves with your type of politics doesn't make them a good person. JK rowling said dumbeldore was gay and hermione was black she was an ally of the LGBT look at her now. And when I said just because Neil is an ally he could end up the same as JK rowling. And by a fan was told "Just because a couple authors did similair things doesn't mean this would happen again, you're crazy."
So to all those 'fans' who dogpiled me on that post, send threatening messages and put words in my mouth and treating me like shit while in the same breath saying "The good omens fandom is a positive fandom." I am laughing now. The patterns I noticed and pointed out that PISSED you off so much.
I can now say with relish delight.
"I. Fucking. Told. you. So."
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audristarzz · 2 months
I've been feeling anxious and stressed with this whole kosa thing im trying not to panic but sometimes it feels like no matter what we do they wont listen to us i just saw a tiktok saying that their not even reading up on this bill which pisses me off more. And we are telling them time and time again to not pass kosa. I remember so many content creators were talking about the dangers of the kosa bill i remember it being talked everywhere and now it's just silence which confuses me why is no concerned about this bill did everyone just forget or just doesn't care anymore. This is just reminding me of the whole tiktok ban thing again but so many people online were talking about that but not kosa at all like this bill is going to affect everyone and then everyone will start panicking if it does pass when they could've spoken out about the bill. I'm sorry for the kinda long rant im just stressed anxious idk what to do i have been calling emailing whatever im just so tired i've been spreading info in my twiiter/x account and none of my mutuals seems to care i know people are focusing about what's going on in palestine congo sudan etc so am i but you focus on multiple things at once this bill can censor people talking about these countries too so it makes me really confused why there's barley anyone concerned about the censorship and online safety thing and the whole government id like literally no one of my mutuals care their just only liking posts about me retweeting stuff about palestine sudan and congo like what about the kosa bill it can censor us talking about israels war crimes hello people you should be concerned and make some noise about kosa. I'll try to distract myself i guess but it's hard not to worry i hope it doesn't immediately go to the house once it fully passes the senate since from my understanding only a committee passed it so it might pass the senate tomorrow or some shit idk. Im glad there's slightly more opposition in the house it gives me hope also do you think even if it does pass that it can be stopped with congressman and the government being sued i heard something about lawsuits in a few posts on here and twitter/x but again sorry for the long rant you can ignore if you want it is a long rant sorry lol.
hello!! don’t apologize for ranting I can understand why it’s very stressful and scary especially since it feels like you have nobody to talk to about this, it is infact a scary time for us right now with everyone going on but I’m very proud of you for spreading awareness about KOSA, I myself am trying to stay positive since there could be things that stop the bill (opposition, the possibility of it getting sued and the fact it’s harmful for lgbtq youth and unconstitutional as fuck) but I’ll admit it the anxiety and stress of it does get to me but I’m not going to give up and neither should you. I learned about KOSA a year ago and the reason why it’s just NOW getting to the senate is because we voiced our opposition, Evan Greer is a reliable source where I get my information and she does a lot to try to keep KOSA from passing. A reminder that KOSA tried to pass before in previous years but didn’t because there was so much opposition of it. Maxwell Frost, a representative opposes KOSA amongst others which is good, Once again, there is more opposition and skepticism about KOSA in the House than Senate. I know it’s scary and worrisome but please, don’t panic and if it gets to the point where it’s to much for your health take a step back from looking at updates for a minute. KOSA won’t go straight into effect after it’s voted to the Senate, and IF it passes it will take 18 months to go into effect depending on which state you’re in. But it’s not to that point yet, It has to get to the House which if we keep voicing our concern and opposition will not pass and then get signed to the president, which given everything that’s been going on in the presidential race, may be a bit tricky or take longer to get too. Senate goes into a break in August so I’ve heard so that gives us time to keep calling/ emailing and faxing. If you have any trusted adult I would recommend voicing your concerns to them, i myself am in a very much homophobic republican family (democratic state tho) and i felt hopeless for awhile since I had nobody to voice my concerns to but then I talked to my older cousin and it made me feel a lot better since she voted for Biden. Im not an expert when it comes to politics and this, I get my research from other amazing blogs on Tumblr, articles and Evan Greer since I don’t have any other social media platforms. But I hope I was able to bring some reassurance to you, if not I apologize but please do not give up because the silence is what’s going to get KOSA to pass, keep voicing your opposition, calling / faxing and emailing. It’s going to be okay and please do not panic, whatever happens tomorrow will be a step forward or back but regardless we can fight it and not let KOSA pass. You’re doing great Anon. 💗
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cerpiscool · 6 months
Everyone, I’ve come to make an announcement. cerpiscool is a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his hedgehog quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he his dick was “This big” and I said thats disgusting, so I’m making a callout post on my twiiter dot dom, cerpiscool, you’ve got a small dick, it’s the size of this walnut except way smaller and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO QUILLS, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS. Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT. YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING EARTH NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO.
hey.. haha... twirls hair around my finger.. bats my eyelashes
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Ok, but like I can imagine that Roach Ghost and Soap start doing on camera collabs in the camboy AU, and under the mask Ghost is blushing and peeking at Roach as well as small touches, so all the YouTubers start making theory videos like
And if you want some hot Alerudy action, may I recommend this Rudy Camboy AU??
it starts a whole war on Twitter and when Soap and Ghosts channel goes completely quiet for several days people are absolutely sure that something happened (in reality Roach is flying in to see them and spend time with them and they've been preoccupied)
When they come back Soap insists their first video back has a thumbnail of them looking all sad with the title "Things Have Changed."
AND LIKE THE DAY BEFORE THE VIDEO IS POSTED HE GETS INTO BOTH GHOST AND ROACH'S TWIITER ACCOUNTS TO POST VAGUE SHIT LIKE "Its weird how relationships can change so quickly" AND "spending some time trying to help a friend out" AND ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT HE POSTS "You think you know someone then they prove you wrong"
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fungerhead · 10 months
was gonna make a funger twiiter but urrrrm looks like i have to pay a dollar a year to post, like and other things which i will not be doing! so looks like i will stick to tumblr and reddit
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otakushrew · 3 years
Cowboy Homura
That is all
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soothinglee · 3 years
warning: poop jokes, cursing, alot of twiiter + imessage pics, bad writing.
suv3 or suve is y/ns' online name! you can change it :) (sue-vay)
a/n: I'm slowly finding a good and intriguing way to write this, bare with me. Next chapter will be longer, more speaking with quackity/other members of the smp, its not planned out but time will tell. let me know how I did!
series m.list | previous - next
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A couple more minutes go by without a response, suve rolls their eyes, looks at their camera and shrugs. "I tried chat," they leaned over to the open refrigerator to get a monster. "he's grumpy in the morning, its like getting a toddler out of bed. But I offered him a tenner and he took it so we'll see."
she returned back to their game, running around the hypixel lobby trying to choose what they wanted to play. "prop hunt or bed wars?" they ask, moving their icon to both games.
"um mods, could you run a poll-?" the sound of their phone ringing cuts them off. "what?"
they pick it up and the name at the top reads 'cream'. without thinking any further they press answer.
"suve what the hell do you want?" a rough voice answers.
"I wanted you to join-" she looks down from the computer screen to see dreams nose in the camera, "WHY DID YOU FACETIME ME?" she shouts covering up the phone camera.
he laughs, "you wanted me to join stream, so I did." he responds nonchalantly.
"I could've been showing chat my phone and they would've seen your ginormous snout."
his eyes widen "oh, 'gi-nor-mous'," he breaks it up, singing the word. "that's a big word, even for you."
they roll their eyes and flip him off under the table so the stream wouldn't see, "shut up, join discord."
he pouts, his morning voice gruff and muffled "do I have too?"
"do you still want that gifted young man?"
he nods and salutes, "sir yes sir." and hangs up.
"freaking nerd." on their stream she tries to keep the cursing to a minimum after a angry parent @'d them on twitter saying that their child shouldn't be watching something so profound. They were a grown ass adult, it wasn't her fault that the kid was watching them. But for the sake of any of her younger viewers they thought it would be best to just stop.
"you never offered me a 'tenner', to join vc." a voice rang out, but it wasn't dreams.
"hello..?" she replied unsure of who had joined. Opening up discord the only other person in vc besides her was quackity.
"hello suve!" the chat gets faster. "I just wanted to tell you that you should check twitter."
"oh god, what happened now?"
"two words, dream. beef."
she chuckles and opens her notifications, dream had tagged her in a post. "I swear one day this man is going to make me go crazy."
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“I tried defending you, did’ya see?” He comments after a couple of seconds, watching her face contort through the stream.
“yeah…” she mumbles liking a couple more tweets before yelling at dream to join vc through text. “my knight in shinning..Twitter.” She giggles and brushes the loose strand of hair from her face. "what the hell is wrong with calla..?"
he laughs and on the poll he votes ‘bedwars’, “if you end up playing bedwars could I join?”
she looks up for a second, “yeah of course, you don’t have to ask.” the poll had been finalized and bedwars won by 30%. “you guys love to see me suffer,” they sigh. “alright q join, I’ll add you to my party. I just messaged Dream to hurry up.”
“okay! what is he doing anyway? taking a dump?”
the ‘user joined’ sound goes off and dream coughs, “sorry I had to use the bathroom.”
Quackity pauses and y/n snickers, “quackity don’t.”
“..it was a two, wasn’t it?”
“YOU ARE DIGUSTING,” dream shouts “that is none of your concern!”
“WASN’T IT.” He repeats slapping the arm rest of his chair, y/n shouts a ‘I can’t breathe!’ and dream curses under his breath.
Quackity laughs so hard that he falls out of his chair and shouts “oh shit!” and it sends y/n into another fit of laughter.
“Oh my god!” She gasps grasping onto the desk, “I can’t breathe, I need my inhaler!”
“okay calm down,” dream chuckles shaking his head “it’s not that funny,”
y/n lets out a breath and sighs, wiping the tears from their eyes. “it kinda is.”
“ANYWAY,” dream starts changing the subject “what are you doing?”
“me and quackity were planning on playing bedwars, wanna join?”
quackity grunts “I kinda just wanted to play with just the two of us.”
y/n raises a brow “oh?”
“okay, I can wait a couple of rounds.”
“quackity, me and you can play together later, Dream can play with us for right now.”
“but-“ quackity pouts, he closes out of the stream and gets out of the waiting room on hypixel.
“but nothing, Dream accept my invite.”
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lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!
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nokto-scordatura · 2 years
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I forgot to update my tumblr... :(  So just in case u guys want to check the latest update you may follow my FF14 twiiter but I shit post a lot
Also I record the making of this pic, have a look if you are interested :)
And yes I drew a NSFW Elidibus as bottom...
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
💙Fri 11 Dec ‘20◟̽◞̽
Louis' big show is TOMORROW but that may not even be all we have to look forward to from him! Producer Alex Oriet (half of the duo Saltwives, who have worked with Zayn a lot, and he got his start working with 1D) reposted Louis' “new song” tweet to his insta with a caption- “soon”. OMG. Billboard had a 'year in livestreams' feature and wrapped up with Louis', saying “the best is yet to come” and reporting that Louis' show is Veeps' bestselling of the year “in excess of $1 million” (so either over a mil so far or a mil over the next best, hard to say, but it'll be well over a million by the end for sure so either makes sense).“I can't wait for tomorrow!” Louis tweeted, SAME, and “feels so good to be back with the boys getting ready. Can't wait for you all to see what we've been working on!” He included the brand new special Live From London twiiter emoji (!), it's a really cute lil vintage TV with the xx smiley on it, and a pic-- it's him looking over the backstage prep (so many screens) and you can see his hair flowing free and long and lovely! You can also see a piece of paper in front of him with 20 lines on it-- even if it is a set list I imagine some lines say “banter with crowd” and such like (as we saw on Louis' tour set list) but that's still soooo many lovely songs :))). Charlie Lightening says “this is going to be special, can’t wait for people to see what we have planned” and LTHQoffical is hitting us hard with the hype, posting another rehearsal pic (he's holding a beer and they didn't even scribble it out! wow almost like there's nothing wrong with that), and a time zone guide showing 66 cities around the world, and a digital fan pack, and they said more merch will be out tomorrow (heeelllp), and there's a show day itinerary-- ticket sales cut off 4 hours before the stream but much more interestingly, don't reopen (for the 28 hours of rewatch) until TWO HOURS after the start time. While they could (probably should) be allowing time for technical difficulties I much prefer to believe it's because we're getting a LONG SHOW YES PLEASE! I like my Louis shows like I like his hair, as long as he can possibly manage!! So that's plenty that we DO know to be excited about at the moment but the mystery of Louis new label also remains a hot topic nonetheless, with the known high cost of a twitter emoji stirring questions of who footed the bill (not something we're ever likely to find out sadly). If his team really understood us in the least they'd set up a viral video style Q and A where every Q pulled out of the bowl was an intensely detailed bookkeeping or promo strategy type query- tbh the faces Louis (or any one of the boys) would make would be 100x more entertaining than they get from any tired trying-to-be-cheeky standard Q and the answers sure would be!
Harry's prerecorded (months ago!) Jingle Ball performance aired at last and OH MY GOSH! SO GOOD! I think we can all agree (I know right?? I can't believe it either) that the backing band, Free Nationals, were phenomenal, and Harry's performance was terrific, just simply next level versions of the songs and Harry's sound in general. What more could we ask? For me, not much. For the Jingle Bell Ball organizers, well, they might have liked something Christmassy I suppose, maybe a holiday cover song, or a “tour of his home and holiday traditions.” LOL too bad! Whatever, they DID get vocal variations all over the place and oh did they work, a little lyric change in Golden (“I'm hoping someday I'll open”?), Harry in a sunny LA backyard (whose? who knows!) and everyone in not remotely festive Gucci. There were some decorations though! Not xmassy though- they were, can you guess, yes that's right: sky blue. And there was TRUMPET! A horn section, like revenge, is best served cold apparently: all these years on we can only assume Julian Bulian is good and sorry for denying Harry his trumpets cause DAMN did that sound GOOD. Julian may not say it but I will: you were SO RIGHT Harry, trumpets on every song!! Please! In fact, if you just took that guy on tour with you... or any of those people really? He can just have a really BIG backing band how about, then we won't have to argue about whether wanting this to be his band is mean to the old band. Anyway I hope the fan who ran into him in LA this morning told him how much we liked the show-- she did take a distanced pic, Harry is in his running gear (mostly black but bright fruity shoes) and holding a beverage. Oh yeah and Fine Line is now available to stream in “3D audio” (there's a moving in a New Direction from 1D joke in here headline writers, have at it) which is something that apparently only works with an Amazon device and is strange because physicists assure me that all sound is 3D, but what do they know. Anyway I'm sure it sounds great to those who can access it but luckily for me the album sounds great in plebian unbranded sound as well.
In the wake of Liam's no-show livestream yesterday fans are full of theories about what could be going on to cause such a thing, except actually it's only one theory; everyone is quick to ascribe the glitch to management struggles. May I simply say: there are so very very many things that could be happening in a person's life, even in a 1D member's life, that could cause a missed event and reducing any of them to 1 Dimensional figures who only have work related problems does them (and rigorous theorizing) a disservice. I hope we can all agree on wanting what's best for Liam, and that that extends to supporting him even if things are going on that are less glamorous than management villainy. I will ascribe one thing to management though-- I do believe the guys do the bulk of their own tweeting etc nearly always, but @Liam's tweet that yesterday's live didn't happen due to “technical difficulties” and they are “looking to reschedule” is one that I will make the exception for, sometimes you can just feel the PR person behind the screen! Tik Tok said it was rescheduled for next Tuesday, but the tweet was after that sooo hmm. The Billboard article about Veeps of course also talked about Liam (his Halloween show had 3.7 BILLION chat messages my god) and Liam's prerecorded alarm content today is Roman teaching Liam to do a Harry impression. How come when Roman does it it sounds like Harry but when Liam does it he sounds like Roman? Tip to Liam, just call it a Roman impression and you've GOT it!
Meanwhile, Lewis Capaldi weighs in on Niall and whether he (Lewis) enjoys golf with uncharaceristic delicacy; “we have different interests,” he says, and he sympathizes with a fan who said they'd slap him to meet Harry: “I understand.”
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Ok I need someone to tall me if Camila had an old twiiter account that's @ was Obama. Or people are making shit up now and even like posting 1D messed up shit and saying that was in her old Twitter or old Tumblr.
Why always bring old shit to this circus? Sorry but I will not cooperate with you on that, if you want to see it go yourself and look elsewhere
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finaledenialist · 4 years
I know we’re trying to avoid drama and such, but jfc have u seen that kel/os’ crew fucking doxxed occam/shipper on twitter, is deadnaming them repeatedly and deliberately and threatening occam’s kids as well as holding “releasing their surname” as “leverage”? All while revealing they’ve been stalking, harassing, and planning to isolate and doxx occam for months (if not years)? Apparently the final straw for them was occam saying j*red shouldn’t b made 2 spontaneous dehydrate to look hot 4 w*lker
I haven’t seen anything on twitter because I am not spending my time there plus I am not really sure I follow Occam there (I don’t know her twiiter @  ;_;) but this ask made me scroll through Occam’s blog (once again) and you know what this whole things sucks I feel bad for Min. He is getting so much shit he doesn’t deserve. And honestly I can only imagine how hard it is for him and what is going on in his inbox and twitter when he does what he does (being a very active fandom member) when I (being, basically a no one) get hate daily. I even got asked to post my pic at work to prove I am not unemployed lmao wtf. 
And then there was this whole thing where he was accused of being a fucking cult leader which is... INSANE. I mean I don’t know him personally but he seems like a cool person with a lot of knowledge. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT JARED PICS that apparently made tumblr crush yesterday? I had Hugh Jackman from Wolverine or Les Mis deja vu and that post that explained that he had to dehydrate for 2 or more days to get those muscles really visible. Yeah. This whole thing sucks on so many levels....
(I am calling Min a ‘she’ because she said ‘any pronouns are ok’ and when i hear Minerva it just fits a ‘she’ pronoun in my mind asfsdgjkdfh I hope I am not making a mistake here if I am please do correct me asap I was called out and changed the pronouns thank u anon who did that)
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I know you've addressed this before but DEAR GOD being on DR twiiter these days is so fucking hard because you have people who are apparently fans of this series just saying the most abhorrent shit about Kodaka how he's r*cist,tr*nsphobic,h*mophobic and just so many other dangerous buzzwords just being thrown on him without any real proof Honestly I don't know how these people can call themselves "fans" when they just say the most insane things about Kodaka DR isn't perfect but this is to far...
I get that it can be upsetting, but I’d say there’s no need to be upset. With time I just had to accept that people who go this far are just... silly. And probably harming themselves by creating their own problems and stressing out so much over nothing - which hey, they don’t necessarily do on purpose - but I won’t let their attitude harm me.
If I were to look deeply into it I could say that exaggerating small issues, making up some, and all that good stuff, is insulting if not even harmful to people who are actual victims of racism, transphobia, homophobia etc. Yeah, no matter how I look at it, the way some people view and adress Kodaka is straight-up ridiculous.
I think there are things to be said about internalized sexism, homophobia, etc., and how it may have appeared in Kodaka’s creations. I definitely feel like he is ignorant regarding a few issues, as a person and maybe as a creator, and it’s okay for some people to be disappointed or to prefer content by other, better informed and more inclusive creators. There are things to be said, and some claims I agree with, but unfortunately with the way the internet works, and ESPECIALLY Twitter, there’s no room for intellectual discussions. We been knew.
I do think it’s silly to hate on Kodaka because it leads nowhere. By all means criticize him - but the way people typically hate on him is nothing more than a rude meme.
Plus, the way I personally view this man is... A 42 years old man who recently dyed his hair blue and always dresses like a 12yo emo girl. Also posts photos of his dog to Instagram and says a buncha random (sometimes RP) stuff on Twitter. Literaly? Baby. Of course, one shouldn’t actually infantilize him and he should be held responsible for his potential wrongdoings, but nothing about his interactions with the public, reputation, creations, make him seem like enough of a predator or danger to society to warrant so much genuine hate.
He’s not necessarily someone I look up to but I have no reason to dislike him. I personally feel like he tries to be inclusive but is sometimes too ignorant, and his ignorance, lack of actual research, etc., are worth calling out in hopes for a better creative future.
Plus my personal theory is that he’s a gay closeted man and that explains the desperately closeted gay man rep in DR, and his complete lack of knowledge about women. (/j)
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softballersblog · 4 years
30 Day Writing Challenge
I saw this challenge on Pinterest and it really looks interesting so I decided to give it a try and see how consistent I am.
Day 1: List 10 things that make you really happy.
1. A Morning Run. Since I began work, I also stop being a morning person becuase of my body fueled with caffiene and all those energy boosters to sustain my day in work I sleep most of the nights late. But here I am now trying to make me better and pulling myself to wake up at 5 am everyday even at weekends.
2. Cats. I have an allergy and as a matter of fact my maintenance medicine cost so much. I love cats like I could hug them all day and suffer afterwards.
3. Coffee. Smell and taste of that dashing aroma makes me fall in love with coffee everyday. I could drink 3 times a day.
4. TV sitcoms and series. Friends, Bigbang thoery and How I met your mother save me from being bored during qaurantine days. In fact I binge until 5 am in the morning.
5. Books. I dont't have much money to buy books so I'm glad that I can read and download it on my phone.
6. Listening to music. I can basically listen to them all day. The 1975, 5 Seconds of Summer, Taylor Swift, Avicii and other indie pop rock. Don't judge me by my song choice and they rules.
7. Going out for a nature trip. I hike during weekends with my friends and it's cool tho becuse I really love the environment that creates positivity and the vibes with the person I go along with was purely nice. It feels like it's awesome to be some place where you can breath entirely natural.
8. Taking photos. I am narcissitic, probably could take 100 selfies all day and won't post them becuase I felt ugly afterwards. What makes fun and love taking photos is when I just saw something very unsual with the place, moods and vibes.
9.Twitter and Tumblr. So the only social media that makes me feel free all the time is Twiiter and Tumblr. Thanks to you guys and to my 3k followers on Twitter. Don't blame me for tweeting how miserable my day at work becuase it really sucks.
10. Blackpink. I never thought that I could be more happier again after my last break up. Being miserable and single gives me a lot of anxiety. Why I am being so hard on myself being single anyways? Oh yeah probably becuase all of my friends are in relationship. Gladly I open my eyes, ears and heart to Blackpink which I never expected to fall in love with. I felt crazy about them and watch all of thier videos without subtitle.
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