#look at me geordi how fast i can jump!
allmyandroids · 1 year
Headcanon: Data/Lore uses that cable to jump rope skdjfk
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ylizam · 3 years
is WIP amnesty still a thing?
anyway, here is a scene from the Beverly/Will/Deanna thing I spent way too much time thinking about in the existential sense of, “hmm, what if Beverly shows up right after Picard left” and “how do we deal with Picard-era JLP not being quite right?” and “oh of course they’ve been a long-term long-distance thing and Will bakes comfort foods and Deanna understands Beverly in a way that makes Beverly Uncomfortable sometimes and it’s both soft and also hard-as-in-difficult and prickly but also important and loving and when Beverly goes back to her ship to save the galaxy from pandemics and whatnot she thinks back to their arms as home,” and not enough time actually figuring any sort of plot or writing anything god forbid. so! 
“You just missed him, you know.” Deanna smiles when she says it, though, gentle and not actually chiding. Beverly drops her bag on the ground. Steps into Deanna’s open arms for a very necessary hug.
“I know,” Beverly says, when she finally settles into the safety of Deanna’s arms. “Laris called to let me know he’d left on some sort of epic quest, and to shoot him for her if I saw him. And then Will warned me he was actually here. Although I’m still not entirely sure whether he was trying to tell me to take my time or to push warp nine.”
“Neither,” Deanna says. She releases Beverly, but mostly so she can make sure to maintain eye contact. “Or both. Either. I think Will was mostly telling you to do what you needed to do, and that we’d support you in that choice, in that Will way of his.”
Beverly lifts her bag and hitches it on her shoulder. “Well, in the end, Cardassia made the decision for me. We got stuck dealing with another outbreak in Lakarian City, and there was a mandatory quarantine period even I couldn’t get us out of.”
“Jean-Luc, he’s,” Deanna says.
“I know.” Beverly may not be his treating physician anymore, may barely even merit the title of friend these days—more his fault than hers this go-around, but they’ve both had their turns at fucking things up—but she’s seen his medical records recently enough to know that his brain’s a ticking time bomb.
“I think he’s enjoying this opportunity for one last great adventure.” Deanna is careful, gentle, kind to everyone involved in this mess; she’s a fierce protector to all of them, and Beverly chafes at the feeling that Deanna’s trying to handle her. To handle them. 
“I’m glad,” Beverly snaps. 
Deanna grasps Beverly’s empty hand. “You’ve every right to be angry with him,” she says.
“Oh, I am. But”—and how to explain this? She doesn’t even fully understand it herself, and it’s her own damned brain—“I’d rather he go out in a blaze of glory than continue to hide himself away in France waiting to die. Although I think he really hurt Laris when he left; he can be so unthinkingly callous when he has a mission to plan.”
She just wishes he’d thought to say goodbye to her as part of his grand farewell tour. (Even a message, a letter, something left with Will and Deanna or sent through subspace to her ship. She’s not difficult to find, and they’d been so close, for such a large part of her life. For him to head off to tilt at one last windmill, to run toward certain death, without a word? And the worst of it is that he probably didn’t mean to hurt her. To hurt any of them. He had a quest, after all.)
Deanna doesn’t respond (to either her words or her obvious emotional turmoil). They make their way through the woods; Beverly can’t hear her, can’t see her through the leaves and foliage, but she can feel the comforting presence of Kestra following behind them, probably dragging some sort of dead animal with her for dinner.
 “How’s Will taking it?” Beverly asks. 
“About as well as you are,” Deanna answers. “Or I am. He’s Jean-Luc, and he’s going off to fight some sort of cosmic evil without any of us at his back, all while—“
“—dying,” Beverly says. Fuck. 
“Yes.” Deanna stops then, still about another ten minutes from the house, and turns back to Beverly. “With a new crew and a new mission.”
“I am so angry at him, Deanna.” She kicks at a cluster of stones. Takes no small amount of pleasure at the sound of the cracking against one another. And then it hits her: “Shit, do you know if he’s told anyone else—Worf, Geordi, anyone?—or are they going to find out when the obituary hits the news?”
“He didn’t say,” Deanna says. “I only know he didn’t tell you because you’ve told me as much.”
“I’ll call them—“
“We’ll call them,” Deanna says. “After dinner, after a few drinks, maybe some of the chocolate cake Will baked last night.”
“I could kill him myself.” 
“No, you couldn’t.” 
Beverly feels like her entire body deflates. The air punched out of her. 
“I hate that you know that,” she says. She reaches for Deanna this time, steps close enough to lean down and press a soft kiss to her mouth. “That you know me well enough to know that I’m mostly bark.”
“Ah,” Deanna says. She kisses Beverly once, twice, quickly, and then takes her hand again. “But when you do bite, it is always deadly.”
Beverly pulls her back. This time the kiss is anything but short, anything but gentle. Her hands gravitate to Deanna’s hair, to the back of her head, to her ears and neck and back to her hair. She nips at Deanna’s lower lip. 
“Ew,” Kestra says. Beverly jumps back, thinks Kestra’s voice is coming from above. She looks around, but can’t see anything but nature. She’d think she was imagining it, but then Kestra adds, “I’m right here.”
And then she jumps down in front of them. An animal Beverly doesn’t recognize is strung up in what she assumes is Kestra’s standard hunting gear, her bow and arrows in a quiver on her back. 
“Is that for dinner?” Beverly asks. 
“Nah,” Kestra says. “We’ll cure it, make bacon from it.”
“It’s better that way,” Kestra says. “It’s too tough otherwise.”
“I stand corrected then,” Beverly says. 
She feels a little judged, but she’s never pretended that a detailed knowledge of the local flora and fauna of Nepenthe are a particular strength of hers. General survival, yes; the edible plant life on any number of Federation worlds, also yes. But she’s never spent more than a few months here at a time, and at first, well. There was Thad. 
She’d been so cocky. So sure that, given the opportunity, she’d be able to find a cure that didn’t require artificial life. And she could therefore tell Kestra which barks make a tea so noxious that everyone in a five kilometer radius would feel dizzy, faint, and that there are fungi on the eastern shore of the lake that could stave off nausea. But food, no, that had been Will’s particular interest: he’d cook, and bake, and feed them all in the panicked hope (and growing despair) that they might be able to save his son.
“Come on,” Deanna says, interrupting her spiraling guilt. “Will’s probably starting to worry.”
“Right,” Beverly says. 
Kestra rolls her eyes, but Beverly thinks she’s secretly a little pleased about her father’s very obvious love. She darts ahead of them—so fast, so young, so alive.
“Come on,” she calls back, “I smell pizza!”
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
So anyway, Mein Herz Brennt Making of liveblog, one of my favourites
First of all, I do take any use of piano MHB as a slight towards my tiny hands. -1 point
I really would love to visit this place, it's beautiful
I love that Oli introduces it and then Till is straight in there talking about murder and stabbings. Trust that to be what intrigues him. I feel like 'smells like murder' isn't a direct translation but that's purely because I spent like ten minutes trying to work out what words he says. It rhymes, which is suspicious.
Oh this was before he let his chest piercing reject all the way out in the grossest way
When schneider says Krankenhaus it sounds very Geordie and I'm convinced that kind of thing is why Auf Wiedersehen, Pet was created
Richards eyes light up when he's talking about the room he's in and it's one of those looks where it's just. I would love to listen to anything anyone has to say when their eyes have that sparkle.
"the scavengers had already been here" cue Paul talking about his criminal past thieving from there. See, another example everyone forgets of him being the biggest bastard of them all. The smile is a front.
One of my favourite ever Rammstein things is the combined joy and mockery from Paul when Richard is revealed to be wearing the bird mask and it wiggles as he nods. He looks like a little black cockatoo. Richard looks embarrassed to be wearing it but Paul is having the time of his LIFE.
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The way is echoes in his mask makes him sound like he's clucking
Flakes glasses perching in his cone make him look like that sesame Street doctor or scientist
They all suit this make up so much and I wish they'd consider it as a stage look
Peck. Not intimidated.
Considering the nightmares Till has/had, ouch
Richard looks so much like a little vampire prince but like, a character from what we do in the shadows. He makes his own smokescreen entry/exist and everything.
Richard has many tendons in his neck huh.
The sounddd. I used to always be curious as to whether or not people in music videos were making the sounds it looks like they're making and now I know and I'm uncomfortable. This and also later when till does the heart
His laugh is never what I expect it to be
That uh. That doesn't look like he's in pain the way the injection sounds implied. At all. Not that I'm complaining but it gives mixed messages.
I'm so sure Richard is the only one I've ever heard use the word quasi. It makes sense for him if true but maybe I only notice because of the tone he uses? His is quite a punchy nasal tone it might just be more noticeable.
Till with kids is always the most adorable wonderful thing. He's really helping to keep them relaxed despite the creepiness of the stuff they're shooting.
"if you look at the cover then you'll recognise a morbidity to the whole thing" till, my darling, do you think people don't already ~see the morbidity~?
I googled and the lady doesn't pronounce renaissance with a g like Till does and that interests me. In fairness I have to assume it's like in Norwegian how words like restaurant are pronounced with a g sound because it's closer to the French sounds? It's not like we in English donut the French way either but the Google translate lady does. This is why I always suspect that when I'm learning a language I'm learning the language wrong and at some point I'll find out there's a Real, For Adults version if the language that's totally different. This is irrelevant. Accents are fun and I like being able to notice them.
It feels so strange seeing this knowing what Eugenio did
Paul taking pictures because he knows better than them
Something about a child saying "ah yes, I know Till and Flake very well" is hysterical.
You can feel the dismay and disapproval radiating off till as he tries to be diplomatic about the Spanish understanding of linear time. He struggles to find a positive and only comes up with the fire walls. "It should have gone out before we filmed anything because they were fucking around with the playback so long but it didn't" is his only compliment.
The German word for French is wild.
Do they know they could have hired an interpreter? Interpreters existed in 2012 I know this
This whole thing with Melanie is beautiful you can't deny that the arm Eugenio made with then was lovely.
Till in the dress with Melanie in his lap. I don't off the top of my head remember seeing it in either video so I simply must assume that it was just what he was wearing that day when he showed up. She's so tiny on his knee I'm glad they're still friends.
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"you're left in a state of trauma when everyone stares at you all the time" did this need to get so heavy? It's interesting that he focused more on her voice than her appearance there, though in fairness it's pretty high
They all love her so much and it's totally understandable.
Mit rock n roll und cola trinken
I have to skip the screaming the secondhand embarrassment is too much.
Part 2
Again, this liveblog is so long
Sometimes Oli speaks like his body isn't used to talking.
I want, so badly, to know if Richard was having memories of his dreadlocked youth The tiny cup in his elegant hand is so pleading and then you look left and. It sure is something.
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Are they freckles or acne scars across Tills shoulders?...cute. The first set of arm/chest wounds, not so much. I do spy his lil tummy scar
Richard does look like he almost swooped in for a kiss and then changed his mind because of the camera. Paul turns his head that way and then Richard tries to save with a step back and face rub (his own). Just saying.
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The fact that a few of them have taken pictures on their personal phones warms my soul it's such a nice reminder that they're good friends outside of work and My Heart
Schneider and Paul ready at a moment's notice to be Dumbasses. J'adore.
What if Zoran was more of a background character tho actually
God, schneider is beautiful. An ethereal, pure beauty that exists no matter how he's being styled.
See okay how is flake almost taller than Oli right now he's not even doing his standard open legs and swan spine thing
It must be so hard to find Oli sized clothes. Flake is also tall and slim but he's a lot more leg, whereas Olis height seems largely to be torso. I have to assume a lot of his stuff is tailored or custom made now.
I always forget about the marks on tills back when he's in the nightmare dress
The child staring with great confusion at a bright red flake reading. I would love to know what his favourite books are.
The childs plural poking and prodding at a very patient Oli, who gracefully bends his spine in ways I've never seen a human do before. I wonder if he's ever dressed up as Lurch from the Addams family.
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The actress playing the woman in this half is so beautiful and has a power her younger counterpart lacked when she was threatening him with her weapon.
I am a dummy and was like weird why is Paul speaking Norwegian. I know full well he wasn't saying unnskyld because I've heard Germans say their equivalent before and I assume Entschuldigen either sounds like that fast or shortens so what the fuck, rhi
Till guiding people through him murdering them is truly one of life's greatest pleasures. They trust him so completely. I would like to watch them dance the elegance would be astounding.
Paul lurking watching with what I choose to see as pride as till slaughters an old woman.
Paul being critical (again, as always, rightly so) of the hallway mouthing the lyrics decision.
"for this in prepared to make compromises" he says, hating every bitter word of it
I would like to know what he wanted to say about till and then see him get into trouble over it.
I would like to see till in a bouncy castle. He's adorable jumping into the comfy pit I want to see him in a bouncy castle. Child, utter child.
Paul takes every opportunity to say how hot he thinks they all are and I love that about him. Sometimes your friends are all hot and everybody needs to understand that fact.
Their approaches to pretending to play cello are all so uniquely them. Flake and Richard are taking the time to try and understand what they're being told, whereas Paul just fucking. Lays into it, attracting the weirdest looks from Oli. Richard looks beautiful with that cello and I think he should learn to play. For fun not for work. It's not just that he looks so handsome, but I think that's the easiest way to convince him. I think he'd be good at it, and not being the lead at something might be good for him.
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I appreciate that Oli is skeptical because yeah they do all look like they've never held a cello before.
They do, however, all look lovely in their dresses. I'm trying but actually I can't not say that Schneiders little sternum dip makes it seem like he has breasts in that dress and it's a good look for him.
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Till singing it in such a high voice, more like his speaking voice, is both interesting and lovely. Oli is trying... So little compared to the others. Laughably incorrect
Why yes, I am laughing at the sheer length of the spikes. They're just... They're so fucking long. So long.
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Paul is actually probably the best one there, ironically. They're all comically out of time. They're professional musicians. I know they aren't used to bowed instruments I do understand and I don't want to be uncharitable but also they are struggling. I want to see cellists react to this.
Pretty dresses! And the nightmare but with the most awful and worst fingers! Like the Grinch but goth.
Both Schneider and Richard had the same neverending shoot idea and I am Intrigued.
Till waiting for Schneider with the umbrella :)
Wir brennen! Paul is always so happy to play with fire.
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ladyfogg · 4 years
May I? - 12/?
May I? - 12/?
Fic Summary: Ensign Faith Diaz struggles to hide her mental illness from her fellow shipmates aboard the Enterprise until an intrigued Data goes out of his way to try to understand her behavior. At his insistence, Faith tries to figure out what she’s truly passionate about and eventually seeks the professional help she needs. Fic Masterpost.
Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Data/Female OC
Warnings: tw: depression, tw: anxiety, fluff, friends to lovers, eventual smut
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Screenshot by @ lyrslair
Faith stirred awake. When she opened her eyes, she rolled over hoping to see Data. At once she knew he wasn't there. His easel stood abandoned where he had been painting when she fell asleep. She craned her neck around the door frame to see if he was sitting at his console. He wasn't.
She sighed and lay back down. It was then that she saw the rose on the nightstand. It definitely hadn't been there before. 
Smiling, she reached out to touch the petals before rolling onto her back. Faith stretched and her foot nudged something that moved. She glanced down to see Spot give her a sleepy glare before yawning. 
"Morning, Spot," she said. "Did he leave a while ago?"
Spot stretched as she stood, before hopping off the bed in search of water. 
Faith chuckled at the cat's indifference before getting up. "Computer, what's the time?"
" The time is oh-six hundred and ten hours."
She needed to get ready and find out what was going on. She assumed his sensors found something and she was eager to see what it was.
Faith headed back to her room to shower and dress. Once she was under the spray of the hot water, her muscles relaxed and she began to wake up fully. She had now slept in Data's room twice and twice she woke up more rested than she had in years.
She might even have dreamt, but she couldn't remember.
As she pondered her new relationship, she couldn't fathom how much Data had become a part of her life. Why had she been so afraid? She knew she was only a few days in, but it felt...different from her past romantic encounters. In a good way.
She had always known Data was special, but it wasn't until she spent more time with him that she realized just how special he was. She hoped she would be worthy of his kindness and consideration. She definitely would strive to be.
As for the potential sexual aspect of their coupling, his bold and honest approach to talking about it was something she was not used to.
Faith never really liked talking about sex. Mostly because her previous encounters had been anything but stellar. Anxiety made it difficult to live in the moment and when her mind wandered during sex, it hadn't exactly made for the best time.
She didn't want that to happen with Data. She cared about him too much. He deserved to have someone give him their full attention. 
While she knew his brain functioned at a faster rate and he often thought of many things at once, she never faulted him for it. For one reason, he couldn't help it. That was the way he was built. And for another reason, she struggled with a very similar situation so she understood what it was like. Not in the same sense of course, but still.
Faith finished her shower and dressed. She almost headed out after taking her medication, but then she remembered that she hadn't eaten. 
Just have something small. It'll make Data happy. Well, his version of happiness.
She went to the replicator and got a blueberry muffin with her usual coffee. She was two bites in when she thought she could use something savory to go with it, so she got a side of bacon.
While she ate, she scrolled through her terminal, looking up the reports from the evening. They'd be reaching the starbase within the next two hours which would mean the repairs could begin. Of course, they were stuck there until they were complete but that would give them time to figure out a plan moving forward.
Though, now that Geordi was head of the investigation, Faith was free to focus on her new status in Engineering. She had worried the others would have a problem taking orders from her, but the transition had been a surprisingly smooth one.
The door chimed and Faith was dragged out of her musings, "Come in."
Deanna entered with a smile. "Good morning. I thought I'd stop by early since we haven't had a chance to meet with everything going on."
"Good morning, Counselor. Can I get you some tea or coffee?" Faith asked, turning off her terminal. 
"Tea would be great."
Faith carried her breakfast over to the table before getting Deanna a fresh mug of tea. The two women sat together.
"Your appetite seems to be returning," Deanna noted as Faith took a bite of bacon.
Faith nodded. "A little bit. Mostly I'm eating because I know Data worries when I don't."
"Things seem to be going rather well with you two," Deanna commented. 
"It's only been like two days."
"What's been two days?"
Faith busied herself with her coffee so she wouldn't have to answer. Deanna, of course, could read between the lines.
"Was he your mystery date from the other night?" she asked teasingly.
"Don't think it was much of a mystery," Faith said. "You knew we both liked each other."
"I did. Also, you held hands on the Bridge." Deanna pointed out. "However, I did not expect you to act on your feelings so soon."
Faith froze. "Do you think I'm jumping into something too fast? I knew it. I should have waited! I mean, it felt right but maybe I—"
Deanna reached across the table to place a hand on hers. "Hey, hey, slow down. That's not at all what I was saying. I only meant that I thought it might take you a while to sort out your feelings."
"So you don't think this was a bad idea?"
"I think you and Data have a deep connection. I am proud of you for taking the chance."
Faith relaxed in her seat with a deep sigh. "I'm proud of me too. Data is…" She trailed off with a smile. "Unique."
Deanna smiled as well, patting Faith's hand before picking up her tea. "He truly is. And he obviously thinks the world about you."
"Did everyone know about our feelings before we did?"
Faith laughed before taking a sip of coffee. She could see Deanna studying her oddly. "You look like you have something else you want to say."
"I do," Deanna admitted, putting down her teacup. "I assume you've thought about the unique circumstances that come with dating an android."
"Yeah. Well, I mean I know it's going to be different than dating a human," Faith said. "There's a learning curve of course, but it's not like I'm a huge dating expert either. Be decided to take it slow, together."
"It sounds like there's a lot of communication," Deanna smiled. "That's a great start."
"You know Data. Sometimes there's too much communication," Faith admitted, going back to her breakfast as Deanna chuckled. "But he's cute and he means well. I'd rather talk a lot than not at all."
"Commander La Forge to Lieutenant Diaz."
Faith put her coffee down and tapped her communicator. "Diaz here."
"If you're up, you might want to meet us in the Brig. There's something you're going to want to see."
Faith and Deanna shared worried looks. "On my way." She stood. "Counselor, maybe you should come with."
"I think so too. Let's go."
The two women headed to one of the few areas of the ship Faith hadn't visited. Her brain immediately went to a dark place. Was Data alright? Did something attack him? What's in the Brig? Oh god, is he in the Brig? No that's dumb. You're overreacting.
When the doors to the Brig opened, she heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Data standing next to Geordi and Captain Picard. All three stared into one of the cells and when Faith approached, she was met by a strange sight.
At first, the cell looked empty. She couldn't see anyone until something on all fours threw itself against the forcefield, appearing in mid-air as it flew backward from the force. 
The creature was small, barely four-feet tall with a long dirty tunic and goggles that made its eyes look huge. It looked like it had welded bits of metal to itself, creating a makeshift armor. Its teeth were sharp when it bared them to her, crooked and yellow as it got back up and attacked again. The forcefield held. It snarled and jabbered in an unknown language, suddenly walking upright as it paced. It waved its hands, its four-fingered hands.
There was a shimmer of light and then it was gone, cloaked by either technology or its own abilities. Faith guessed the latter.
"What the hell is that?" she asked.
"We do not know," Data answered as she moved to stand by his side. "We tracked its signature around the ship for an hour before Lieutenant Worf was able to subdue it."
"How did it get on the ship?" Picard asked.
Geordi held up a device that looked like a wristwatch. "This transporter. At first Data and I thought it traveled inter-dimensionally, but it used regular transport technology. It must have tapped into our computers in order to use the transporter frequency."
"Luckily I included transporter readouts into the device I created. It boosted our sensors which caught the creature moving around the Enterprise," Data explained.
"Is it at all connected to the ship that attacked us?" Faith asked.
"It would seem so," Data answered. "I detect similar technological signatures between this creature and that ship."
"But why?" Deanna asked. "Why is it here and why did its ship attack us?"
"Maybe it bummed a ride and its comrades thought we kidnapped it," Geordi suggested. 
"Regardless of the reason, we must assume it will return," Picard said. "And we need to find out how it got on in the first place."
"I did not think it was possible it transported with the away team," Data said. "However, based on its technological know-how and natural cloaking features, one can conclude that that is the most logical way."
"Counselor, can you sense anything?" Picard asked.
Deanna took a tentative step towards the cell, focusing on the alien. "Anger and fear mostly," she said. "Both are very strong. It is a sentient being, it knows where it is. But beyond that, I can't tell."
"Now we need to find out which planet it came from," Faith said. 
"Well, we can't get very far until our repairs are done," Picard said. "Let's figure out where it came from so we can return it."
"Is it secure in there?" Faith asked, unable to keep from worrying.
"We have removed anything that can be used as a weapon and reinforced the forcefield. It will not be escaping," Data assured her. 
"Good to know," Picard said. "La Forge, Diaz, report back to Engineering to prepare for the repair crews. Mr. Data, report to the Bridge and have Security increased in this area. Let's not take any chances."
"Aye, sir," they said, recognizing a dismissal. 
The three of them left the Brig, although Geordi seemed to walk ahead of Faith and Data, giving them their space.
Faith fell into step with Data. "Missed you this morning," she said under her breath. 
"I did not wish to wake you," Data said. "I understand sleep is difficult."
"Thank you for the flower. It was very sweet."
They reached the turbo-lift and stepped in with Geordi. When it stopped at Engineering, Faith told him, "You go ahead. I'll be there soon."
He gave them a smirk. "Take your time," he said, stepping off the lift.
When the door closed and the lift began to move, Faith said, "Computer, pause lift."
It stopped and she turned to Data, who gave her a quizzical look. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "The captain told you to report to Engineering."
Faith smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I will. I just wanted a minute alone with you." Looking into his eyes, she allowed herself to enjoy the moment, letting fear and uncertainty wash away.
He was so much more handsome than she ever realized. The flawlessness of his features never ceased to amaze her.
"I see," Data said, placing his hands on her waist. "Would you like to make out?"
Faith laughed at the blunt question, feeling her face grow flush. She thought about declining but really, she'd only be hurting herself. "Yeah, okay."
Data cupped her cheek and drew her into a kiss, harder than she anticipated. She nearly stumbled backward, letting out a muffled noise of surprise, but his free hand caught her, palm pressed firmly against her lower back. 
Data drew his mouth away at the sound, looking at her questioningly. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?"
"No, no. Not at all. You just took me by surprise," Faith said, already breathless. 
"It was my understanding you enjoyed when I took charge. Has that changed?"
"Nope, not at all. Come here."
She kissed him this time, moving her lips against his. Her desire was overwhelming, muddling her mind yet heightening her senses. Her body erupted with goosebumps, heat coursing through her veins. Data's hand slid into her hair, cradling the back of her head as he increased the pressure of his kiss.
Faith lost herself in the feeling, giving over complete control. He accepted it, massaging her lips with near-perfect precision while holding her flush against his chest. She felt like putty in his clearly very capable hands. It was suddenly way too hot in the turbo-lift, every inch of her body craving to be free of her uniform so she could feel Data's skin along hers. 
Her head spun and she suddenly remembered she needed to breathe. She broke the kiss, gasping. 
"Hooboy," she panted. 
Her chest heaved, lips slightly damp with spit. Data stared into her eyes, seemingly unfazed by what just happened. But she knew better. She had already begun to learn to read his expressions. It was his eyes. They looked at her differently each time they kissed. She couldn't explain it, but she felt it deep in her bones.
"Your temperature has increased dramatically," he commented.
"That's because I am extremely turned on right now," she blurted out. 
His eyes widened, head cocking to the side. "Interesting. So you do not require manual stimuli to become significantly aroused?"
"Maybe you're just a damn good kisser, Data," she smirked. 
"Perhaps we should test that theory."
"Stars, yes!"
She went in for another kiss, grabbing his wrist to bring his hand to touch her somewhere anywhere. But before anything else happened, the lift beeped, signaling it was being called. 
"Damn it!" Faith growled, resting her forehead against his.
"Perhaps now is not the best place and time," he said.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Data allowed her to stand up straight and step back. She fixed her disheveled hair as his arms slipped from her waist.
"We'll finish this later," she promised.
"I would like that very much," Data said with a soft smile. "Computer, resume."
The lift continued to move and as soon as the doors opened, she slipped past Ensign Ro who stepped on. Faith shot Data a smile and small wave, which he returned. 
She took the long route to Engineering so she could cool off a bit. Kissing had never produced such instant lust before. She needed to be careful or she was going to throw her whole "going slow" plan out the airlock.
Geordi was in his office when she arrived. He waved her in. "Diaz, we'll be reaching starbase soon. I want you to coordinate the repairs to the shields. Barclay and I will handle the warp repairs."
"Will do, Commander," she said with a nod. "Did they give us a timeframe on when this will all be done?"
"A few days at least," he said, getting to his feet so they could walk. "We won't know for sure until they come aboard. All non-essential personnel are being evacuated to the base. Some of the power systems are going to need major repairs so it'll be safer if fewer people are on board."
As she made a move towards the shield console, Geordi stopped her. "Hey, one more thing."
He smiled and leaned in close. "I'm really happy for you two."
She couldn't help but smile. "I'm happy too."
After that, the focus turned to ship repairs. 
In fact, Faith wasn't able to think about anything else for the next two days. It turned out that the damage was a lot more extensive than they originally thought. Faith and Geordi spent hours working with the repair crews trying to get things done as quickly as possible. 
Data was required on the Bridge as he tried to solve the mystery of where their alien prisoner came from. She only saw him at night when she went to visit him in his quarters after her shift.
They'd have dinner while he filled her in on the search, then she'd pass out while he worked.
On the third day, Faith joined the senior officers in a briefing meeting to share the results of his search. 
"In scanning the Modrore system, where it is highly likely this entity came from, I narrowed down the possible planets to one," Data said, showing them the planet in question. "While most of the planets in the system had abandoned ruins, the second planet had considerably newer ruins than the others. I compared the organic DNA and fingerprints Faith and I found to our prisoner. They are a match. There are traces of that same organic matter in high levels on that planet."
"As I recall, the atmosphere there was a little choppy," Riker said. "If a storm rolls in, transporting may be difficult."
"We are also not moving anytime soon," Picard said. "Data, what would you suggest as a course of action?"
"The planet is not far from here," Data said. "I suggest I take a shuttle to the planet to gather more evidence. Anything larger may attract unwanted attention. It will take fifty-two hours with a shuttlecraft. By the time I get there and survey the planet, the Enterprise's repairs should be complete."
"And then we can meet you," Picard finished.
Data nodded as he took his seat next to Faith. "Exactly."
"I don't like the thought of you going there alone," Riker said. "Someone should go with you to help."
"I can go with him," Geordi suggested. "Data and I know exactly what we're looking for."
"No," Picard said, shaking his head. "I need you here to help finish repairs. Lieutenant Diaz will go."
Up until then, Faith had been silent. The idea of Data going out alone had not sat well with her either. But never in a million years did she expect she would be the one to go with him.
"Sir?" she asked. "Me?"
"I agree," Riker said. "Diaz is great, don't get me wrong, but the Away Team should be led by me."
"I need you here, Number One," Picard said. "Unfortunately this isn't the only important mission on our hands. We are receiving a special visit from Starfleet and I need my First Officer with me to attend. Lieutenant Diaz is well-versed in the alien technology and has shown she can handle herself in a crisis. I think she'll do just fine."
Faith's head was spinning. She could feel the other officers looking at her and tried not to let her anxiety show. "I can handle it, sir."
"Excellent. Well, that's settled then. Mr. Data, Ms. Diaz, prepare for your mission and let me know when you're ready to go. Dismissed."
Faith felt lost and numb as she got up from the table. She had never been on a mission or an Away Team before. Not to mention, the idea of being in an enclosed shuttle for a long stretch of time did not appeal to her.
She didn't say anything in the turbo-lift, too lost in her own thoughts. In fact, she didn't even realize Data had followed her to her quarters until they stepped inside and he took her hand.
"You are nervous," he stated. "I will say there is a twenty-percent chance of encountering danger on this mission."
"I've never been on an Away Team," she said. "I'm just surprised the captain picked me."
"I am not," Data said. "It made the most logical sense. Geordi and Commander Riker could not attend, Lieutenant Worf must stay behind to guard the prisoner. Counselor Troi and Doctor Crusher do not possess the necessary knowledge and skills. That left you and me."
She followed his logic. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She took a deep breath. "Well, at least give me a little warning next time. I got really worried when you said you'd be going alone."
"I have gone on missions alone in the past."
"Yeah, but I wasn't your girlfriend then."
Data studied her. "Are we officially using those terms? I was unsure."
Faith hadn't realized what she said until he pointed it out. "I mean...I'd like to if you're comfortable with that."
"It does seem to describe our relationship accurately."
"Great. Good. Great." She cleared her throat. "I guess we better get ready."
"Yes. I must ask Lieutenant Barclay to care for Spot while we are gone. I shall meet you back here in an hour." He leaned down and kissed her cheek, before taking his leave.
Faith took a few deep breaths before she began to pack. She had just finished closing her bag when the door chimed. "It's open!"
Dr. Crusher entered and greeted Faith with a smile. "I thought you might need this for the trip," she said holding up a hypospray. "Since you haven't had any side effects from the medication, I put together a long-lasting dose so you don't have to worry about taking it every day."
Faith breathed a sigh of relief. "I was worried about that," she said. "How long will this last?"
"Two weeks. Much longer than I hope you'll need," she said, pressing the hypo into Faith's shoulder. "Figured longer would ease your anxiety. One less thing to worry about."
"Thanks, Doc."
"So? You excited?" Beverly asked, sinking onto the end of Faith's bed.
"Anyone would be about their first mission," Faith said. "I'm a little nervous but…"
"No! Not about that," Beverly said, waving her hand. "About being alone. For hours on end. With Data…"
Faith caught the insinuation in her tone and her eyebrows shot up. "Beverly!" she said in a scandalized voice. "You minx."
Beverly laughed, getting to her feet. "All I'm saying, you two are going to have a lot of time on your hands."
"Which I didn't think about until just this moment so thanks for that."
The doctor laughed again and gave Faith a hug. "You'll be fine. And when you get back, you, me, and Deanna will have wine so you can tell us all about it."
"This isn't a romantic weekend, Beverly. It's an away mission."
Beverly gave her a sly smile and patted her cheek. "Could be both," she said, wagging her eyebrows.
"Don't you have patients to heal or something?" Faith asked, shooing the doctor out of her room. "Go do your job. Stop being a perv."
"I'm going, I'm going," she said, hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying...think about it."
Faith watched her leave before sinking onto the couch with a whole new set of anxieties.
Trust me, that's all I'm going to be thinking about now.
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steebrogurz · 6 years
The Snow in Winter Chapter 10
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Matt Murdock x Reader (a small part)
Summary: When you wake up in a dark room with no memory of who you are the Avengers come to your aid as you try to adjust to your new life with them.
Word count: 2920
warnings: elements of cheating, smut, angst, violence, blood, minor character death,
Masterlist | series masterlist
a/n: this is a long one :) also please don't judge my choice of name for a certain character (you'll know who it is) and I want to thank everyone who has stuck with my story so far and I hope you're enjoying it 😊 and I always welcome your feedback so let me know if there's anything else I you'd like me to write!
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The party was in full swing when Matt arrived and I rushed to greet him at the door. We kissed in greeting and I guided him into the main area. “Foggy says hi,” Matt said as I led him through the groups of people talking and laughing. I smiled and caught sight of Nat and Clint talking by the bar.
“Come on, there are some people I want you to meet.” I pulled him towards the bar and introduced him to my friends.
“Matt this is Clint, and you already know Nat.”
They shook hands and started talking as I broke away to order drinks for us. When I rejoined them Clint was telling a story about how I nearly froze the pipes in the bathroom the first week I was here. Matt laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist as he kissed my temple.
“Thankfully that hasn’t happened at my place yet.” He kept his arm around me as we chatted and I introduced him to more of the team.
Steve was polite and shook hands, his lip had stopped bleeding and looked like it was healing but it was still swollen. I apologized again. Tony offered to build Matt a pair of glasses that would help him to see like Geordi in Star Trek, to which Matt politely refused saying he got around just fine. Wanda hugged him telling him how happy she was for us. After a few more drinks and introductions the last person I needed to find was, of course, Bucky, but my hopes weren’t that high since he had been avoiding me for the past month.
“So what do you think?” I asked once we found a semi-private place to sit and talk.
“You fit in really well here,” Matt stated before taking a sip of his wine. “Wanda is your friend from childhood, right?”
“We grew up together, yeah,” I said nodding,
“And what about this Bucky I’ve heard so much about?” He gave me a coy smile.
I sighed, “I don’t know anymore he’s been acting weird and avoiding me.” But at that moment I saw Bucky walk into the room and join Steve at the bar. “Actually never mind, he just walked in, let me get him.”
I patted Matt’s arm as I walked past him and found Steve and Bucky talking to Thor about his thousand-year-old Asgardian ale. Bucky was laughing and I took that as a good sign but as soon as he saw me approach his smile vanished. “Hey guys, how’s the party?” I asked as I joined the group. Thor looked down at me and smiled.
“Y/N you look very beautiful tonight. Barnes, does she not look beautiful?” Thor nudged Bucky who gave a tight smile and looked at me.
“She always looks beautiful.”
My heart skipped a beat at his remark and I had to look away to hide my blush. “Um...Matt and I found a place to sit and I’d love for you to meet him.”
Bucky looked towards the area I had pointed to then looking back at me with a hard look in his eyes. “Haven’t I already met him?”
I fixed him with a playful glare. “You met Daredevil, I want you to meet Matthew.” When he hesitated I grabbed hold of his hand. “Come on, everyone else has met him and he’s been asking about you.”.
“Ok fine.” He downed his drink and allowed me to lead him to where Matt was sitting.
“Bucky this is Matt. Matt, Bucky.”
Matt stood up from his seat and extended a hand but Bucky didn’t take it. “It’s nice to meet you Bucky. Y/N speaks very highly of you.”
Bucky arched an eyebrow at me. “And that doesn’t bother you? Your girlfriend speaking so highly of another man?”
I stared at Bucky in surprise and Matt’s smile faltered slightly. “Uh...should it?”
“I guess that depends on how confident you are in your relationship.”
“Bucky!” I warned but he shook his head took a step towards Matt.
“Let me tell you something: there are a lot of people here who cared very deeply for Y/N. If you do anything to hurt her, I can personally guarantee that life will be very hard for you.” Bucky clapped his metal hand on Matt’s shoulder. “It was great meeting you I hope you enjoy your evening.” He gave me one last look before he turned and walked away through a door leading away from the crowds.
“Well, he seems nice.” Matt stated in surprise after a few seconds.
“Oh my god.” I exclaimed as my eyes followed Bucky out the door. “I’m so sorry, he’s not normally like that. Are you ok to mingle with everyone for a bit I just want to talk to him.”
Matt smiled and kissed my cheek, “Go. I’ll be ok.”
I gave him another kiss before running after Bucky. I found him sitting on the bottom steps of the staircase away from the party goers. He looked at the sound of my footsteps and stood up to walk away but I moved to stand in front of him, blocking his way and forcing him to look at me. “What the hell Bucky! Why are you acting like this?”
Bucky crossed his arms. “Does it matter?” He looked me right in the eye and that softness I saw earlier in the week was gone. He tried to move past me but I put my hands up to his chest and pushed back.
“No! You do not get to walk away from me right now!” I was almost yelling and I could see a few people at the edges of the party look in our direction so I pulled him further down the hall and into an empty room. “Tell me what’s going on, Bucky. I miss you. You’ve been avoiding me for weeks and I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you.” I had to blink back tears. His face never gave away his emotions but his eyes showed a war that raged inside him.
“It’s nothing you’ve done Y/N,”
“Then what is it? Let me help.” I reached out for his hand in an attempt to show him I was serious but he pulled away again and looked at me.
“Y/N stop. You’re with Matt.”
“What does he have to do with this?”
“He has everything to do with this!”
“Bucky please, I don’t know-”
Suddenly he closed the space between us in one step and pulled me against his body. His lips were on mine so fast that it almost knocked the wind out of me. It took a second for my brain to recover from the shock but then I sank into the kiss. Thoughts of the party outside vanished, it was only me and Bucky. My hand gripped his bicep while the other rested on his chest as one of his hands held my waist and the other ran up my back into my hair. He kissed me with an urgency I had never felt before as if he was afraid I’d disappear at any moment but he was also very gentle. His hand moved from my waist up my body to cup my breast and I gasped against his mouth at the feeling of his hand move against the fabric. This was never how it felt when I was with Matt.
My eyes flew open and gasped again. “Shit!” I pushed against Bucky and took a step back. “Oh god, Matt!” I looked around the room and finally realized it was a bedroom like the one they put me in the first night I was here. I ran to the attached bathroom and groaned at the sight of my hair. The up-do I had for the party was ruined so I pulled all the pins and let my hair fall around my shoulders. As I tried to fix my makeup, Bucky came up to stand behind me. I glared at him in the mirror and he frowned, recoiling from the chill that filled the room.
Tears threatened to spill down my cheeks as I emerged from the bathroom, Bucky was gone and I took a deep breath to steady myself before rejoining the party. I scanned the large room looking for Matt and found him talking with a small group of people I didn’t know across the room. I weaved through the crowd towards him and slipped my hand into his when I reached him.
“Hey, there you are I was starting to think you and Bucky ran off together.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek but I stood there frozen to the spot. “What’s wrong?” He asked sensing my hesitation.
“Let’s get out of here,” I said pulling him towards the door and into the crisp autumn air. The fresh air was like a shock to the system and helped to clear my head as I breathed in the cold air, but nothing could clear my head of that kiss. I took a deep shuddering breath and turned to face Matt. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“That's fine we can go somewhere else if the party is too much for you right now.” He reached forward to rub my arm.
“No, I mean this." I gestured between the two of us, then remembered he couldn't see me. "Us.” Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes.
Matt nodded as he understood. “It’s Bucky. Isn’t it.”
My breath hitched at the sound of his name. He touched my hand and gave me a sad smile.
“It’s ok, I had a feeling. He likes you too.”
“Why didn’t you say anything? Why put yourself through this?” My voice quivered.
“You needed to figure it out for yourself. I hope you find your happiness.” Matt gave me one last kiss on the cheek before walking away. “Take care of yourself Y/N.” As soon as the door closed behind him I broke down. The tears ran freely down my cheeks now, I sank down onto the grass as the sobs wracked my body.
“Y/N?” I jumped at the sound of my name. I turned around to see Bucky standing at the door. I furiously turned back around and stared out over the large expanse of the lawn.
“Are you happy now?” The sun had set some time ago but orange light still streaked across the horizon. “Matt just left.”
“I’m sorry Y/N I never meant for this to happen. I thought I could handle seeing you with him but turns out I couldn’t.” I heard his footsteps rustle in the grass as he stepped forward. “You must be freezing.”
I shook my head refusing to look at him, “I don’t get cold.”
Bucky sat down next to me and I bowed my head so my hair would fall forward blocking him from view. “I really am sorry.” He began, “I’m sorry, I made a mistake.”
My heart stopped and the air grew colder around us. “So kissing me was a mistake then?!” I stood up and walked away from him leaving frozen footsteps in the grass. By now my tears were frozen to my cheeks and frost spread through the grass.
“No Y/N. That’s not what I meant.” I heard Bucky call after me. I could hear his footsteps crunch the frost on the grass but I kept walking until I reached the edge of a small forest and the trees obscured the light from the compound.
“He said you like me too, is that true?” I whipped around to face him and crossed my arms. It had started snowing and a blanket of snow now covered the ground where we stood. Snowflakes swirled in the light breeze around us and caught in my hair and on his eye lashes.
Bucky came to a stop in front of me, he sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Yes.” He said after a few seconds.
I looked up into his blue eyes and found that softness I had only been once before. “Why didn't you say anything before?” I whispered.
Bucky took another step forward and placed his metal hand on my cheek. “It took me too long to figure it out.” I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch. “I never meant to cause you any pain, Y/N.”
I looked up at him and dabbed at my eyes, careful not to smear what was left of my makeup. The snow had stopped falling but still clung to our hair and skin, I took a step closer to him and leaned up onto my toes to brush my lips against his. He responded instantly by pulling me closer. He kissed me with the same urgency as before. I hardly noticed the rough bark of a tree scraping against my skin as his fingers ran across the neckline of my dress. My skin felt warm wherever he touched me and I moaned against his lips.
He moved his way down to press kisses against my jaw then my neck leaving me breathless. I looked out through the trees as he continued to kiss my neck and chest and froze when I saw a figure move in the distance. Bucky stopped when he felt my body stiffen and straightened up looking around. I grasped his arm and pulled him to the ground just as the bark from a nearby tree exploded.
I looked up to where the bullet came from and found nothing. We quickly sprang into action and slowly moved further into the cover of the trees. Bucky pulled a knife from his boot and ice slithered up my arms ready to strike. Another explosion from a tree near my head pushed us further back. Bucky's eyes darted around trying to get a sense of where our attackers were coming from.
Suddenly I felt the barrel of a gun press against my back and the edge of a knife against my throat. I glanced at Bucky and found he had the same. Our eyes met and l nodded, then at the same time Bucky threw the man over his shoulder and into a tree. Just as I grabbed hold of the knife to my neck and twisted until he let go while at the same time stepping out of the way of the gun to reach for his other hand but was too slow and a bullet grazed my side. I yelped in pain as a knife flew past me and into the man's chest.
Bucky rushed to my side ripping off his jacket to hold it to my side. He pulled the knife from the man's chest just as more figures stepped out from the shadows pointing guns at us.
“You left us too soon, Y/N.” A chill ran down my spine and my head whipped around to see a man step out from the shadows. “You were not ready to join civilization yet. Come home with us we will complete you.” He motioned for his men to separate us.
They pulled at our arms and Bucky immediately punched one of them holding him but was quickly tackled to the ground by three more men. They wrestled the knife out of his hand and pressed a gun to his temple. The pain in my side was all but forgotten.
“Bucky.” My voice quivered as I watched it all happen, afraid he would be shot. His eyes met mine and I shook my head pleading him to stop. I could see the rage in his eyes, he was ready for a fight.
“Now, now. There's no need for secret plans I'd hate to have to put you down.” The man gripped my chin and pulled my gaze away from Bucky. “Besides, I'm sure Mr. Barnes would rather rejoin the party?”
“Don't touch her!” I could hear Bucky struggle against the men holding him down.
“What do you want, Ketch?” I demanded through gritted teeth.
“You, my dear.” He let go of my face and I fixed him with a had glare.
“If I go with you will you leave them alone?” His smile made my stomach twist. “I will go with you if you and your lackeys leave everyone else alone.”
“Y/N…” Bucky was cut off when the butt of a gun connected with his nose with a sickening crunch.
“Tell Wanda I'm sorry,” I whispered as someone placed some kind of collar around my neck and as soon as the ends snapped shut I could suddenly feel the chill in the air. My powers were gone. They put me in handcuffs too, for good measure I guess.
I was pushed forward and forced to fall into step with the team of men that now surrounded me. Blinking back tears I could hear Bucky struggle to follow us, and we didn't get far before I heard the pop of a silenced gun. I stopped in my tracks and my blood ran cold, I looked back to see a figure slump to the ground with no more fighting. I knew in my heart that figure was Bucky lying motionless on the ground and I screamed. Rage, pain, and fear erupted in my chest as I threw myself against the wall of bodies behind me. Arms wrapped around me holding me in place but that didn't stop me from kicking and struggling against my restraints. I managed to kick a few heads and break some noses before a needle stuck into my arm and my vision faded to darkness.
Chapter 11
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“All Roads Lead to Rome”
Originally published 21 April 2016
“Don’t ask for whom the bell tolls; for it tolls also for thee.” So quote Nicky and Mick together, under the immense parasol pine bordering the driveway, (an “umbrella pine” states Gabriella from Italy). We are all sitting outside under the setting sun, drinking white wine and eating cured olives, talking of America, obscure politics and dental care.
Nicky and Mick, my hosts for this Workaway adventure, are both sociologists and retired professors. Can you still be considered a sociologist if you’re retired? Well yes, of course you can! Next week Mick will go to Cambridge to give a few lectures, hindered by the recent thievery of his computer on the fast train from Paris, and then it’s off to receive an honorary degree from an Irish university.
What did you do to earn that, I ask, and receive the reply, “Only a life’s work,” to which I sat and pondered the strangeness of asking to know more about something. Any way you phrase a general question you sound naive. As with children, you should never guess when observing their drawings, as what you think to be an elephant is quite often their mother instead. No, best to ask them to “tell you more” about the drawing. So it is the same with us all. Tell me more about that, you might say, putting patience before curiosity.
Earlier today Mick took me up to see the Chapelle Notre-Dame de Constance, high on the hill with incredible views of the four “Golden Islands” out in the Mediterranean. Notre-Dame means “Our Mother,” so it makes sense that every small village I have encountered in France so far has one of their own. But why are all specified besides the Notre-Dame de Paris, which only distinguishes its name by location?
To the left of the hillside sit the Mountains of the Moors, confirming my suspicion that there is an Arabic influence to this area. However, with a village almost 1000 years old, how could there not be? Mick is happy to tell me more about the history of the area, and we talk off and on about war and times passed, interspersed with conversations about aging.
I want to find a book written in English concerning the area, maybe the whole Var region, as it is customary with me that history slips in one ear and falls out the other if I’m only listening. I used to think this was because I wasn’t clever enough to stay abreast of things, but now I think it is more that history feels like a story to me, and in order to listen to a story I have to abandon myself over to it in a way, be willing to believe. But with history we can’t do that, can we? We have to remain vigilant with history, always comparing what we think we know with what we are being told. Maybe it’s like that with everything.
Or maybe I am still too busy thinking about aging. Aging and time. And of T. S. Eliot in The Four Quartets, how he says, “Time past and time future / What might have been and what has been / Point to one end, which is always present.”
I open my mouth to tell Mick this particular verse but he beats me to speech. Now, if I were a terrorist, he says, I’d bomb those two high rises, pointing over at the La Lavandou industrial area, which I suppose is the natural train of thought for a macrosociologist. Leave the thoughts of time to the poets.
At the bottom of the hill beneath the chapel, I leave Mick and Mikey the dog to walk back to the car alone. I will traipse my way down, along Pilgrims Way–the Via Francigena pilgrims route, I wonder? Mick tells me to look for the little chapels on the way down.
The path is steep, rocky and treacherous; I lose my balance several times and make a note to tell Mick he needn’t worry slipping down this path is a reflection of age and losing one’s coordination. As I walk I think about pilgrimages and I wonder about this path. How many others have walked it before me?
I ponder briefly whether or not I am on a pilgrimage and decide that’s too grandiose a comparison. However, I will meander east through France the rest of my journeys, and then move over to Italy, ending eventually in Rome. Perhaps I ought to think of what kind of pilgrimage I could be on, or designate one for myself.
Every ten feet or so I pass wild pig scat drying on the rocks. Gabriella told me she saw a huge boar in the village square the other day, and suddenly I am terrified I will turn the bend and run into a mother with her little wild pig babies — it is spring after all. Every noise in the woods makes me jump. I can’t get the boar hunt scene out of my head from Outlander, when Geordie was gored by the boar and his stomach was ripped open. “His heart’s blood staining the same leaves dyed by the blood of the beast that killed him.” Perhaps I shouldn’t have read that book at the ripe age of eleven, but I don’t think I would have studied herbal medicine without it.
Halfway down I begin to run. I make it to the castle at the bottom of the hill in no time. I don’t look inside the castle but walk down the stone steps back toward L’Orangerie instead.
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clove-teasdale · 7 years
change of scenery
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A/N: super late practice challenge two! just posting because it’s kinda relevant to character backstory. i hate my new schedule :) hopefully, this isn’t too big of a mess, sorry if it is <3 Thanks, @claraeclair @phaniecastello and @ladyallegrahannon for the plane rp.There’s also a tease for an rp with @brooks-schreave at the end, but the full rp will be in a separate fic later. 
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When I tried going downstairs for water I heard my parents’ voices in the dining room. It might seem stupid to assume an argument was happening without even understanding the words being said, but by this point, I just know. Otherwise, I would have heard the rustle of utensils against plates or mugs. The occasional laughter. My dad’s amused voice. My mom's soft chuckle. 
Lately, they’ve been arguing more and it kind of makes sense considering I will be leaving soon, no longer to be a part of the family trio we are. Whether it be to become a film student or a possible future lady, only time will tell. I considered eavesdropping, slowly making my way down the staircase, but after the palace was mentioned alongside my name I realized I was somehow weaved into the whole discussion and headed back upstairs as fast as silent steps enabled me. 
Now I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling, music flooding my ears, but it's not enough to drown my thoughts away. That means it’s time to let out some steam. I sit up and cautiously glance at the door like someone will barge in any second. As usual, the door remains unopened and I walk to my closet to grab a jacket. My cell phone is carefully placed in a zipper inside it as I lock the door, ensuring no one will be able to come in while I'm gone. The last thing to do is turn off the lights and whoever passes by will assume I'm asleep and keep walking 
Then I go to my balcony, taking in some fresh air as I watch autumn leafs fall gracefully. Seems like a perfect night...would be a pity to spend it in my room sulking. 
Better sulking with the stars.
I let my hand trace the railway around the balcony, feeling the cool of the metal under my grip before pushing myself up and swinging my legs past it to jump into the night.
The wind is cold against my skin when I’ve been running for a while, but I welcome it with a smile. The heat of going around the province jumping over dumpsters and climbing fences makes the air refreshing. Eventually, I reach the abandoned building I usually go to and make my way up the fire escape ladder. On the roof, the adrenaline slips away and sit in my spot, legs dangling over the darkness of the streets below as I stare at the darkness of the sky above.  
It is well known the less populated areas of the city are the best for stargazing, especially past curfew when everyone’s supposed to be in their houses. I’ve had an encounter with policemen only once for being out after hours and running away from them into alleyways was both thrilling and horrifying. If word of that had gotten out, however, every magazine would’ve talked about it. Thankfully I’d kept enough distance not to be recognized with a hoodie as I ran.
After I finally catch my breath and my thoughts settle, the overwhelming feeling comes. A few years ago I thought I’d never want to leave Columbia. That I’d miss the comfort of home, of what I knew, what I was used to...even my family as fragmented as it was sometimes. The past few months that has changed. Not because there aren’t still good moments, but because I’m done with it all. I need a break. 
Today I wish I could just leave.
I steal some popcorn from Wilson as he sits on the floor. He's trying to pick the movie we’ll watch when "The Report" is over. Meanwhile, Mrs. Grayson, aka Wilson’s grandmother, is chatting it up with my parents in the living room. It's always nice to be invited to dinner at her house. It has that comfy feel to it and it's where I get to call Wilson by his first name. According to him, his dad was an even bigger nerd than himself, hence the Star Trek reference on it. Sometimes he seems embarrassed by the fact, but I know he's fond of the memory he has of his dad.
On screen, Nate is starting to pick out envelopes with names, but even though his smile is on point, it’s pretty obvious he’s not really focused on what he’s saying. It's good to see even he gets hit by nerves on camera.
“He’s on C’s now,” Wilson points out as he spares me a glance.
I flip over a CD box in my hand to read the synopsis and pretend not to care that Colombia’s Selected will be announced soon. “I know the alphabet, Geordi.”
He rolls his eyes with a sigh but focuses on reading a synopsis of his own. I stare back at the TV then. I can’t believe how much I want this now. I want to be Selected.
Soon enough they’re in our province and Nate takes out a card from the chosen envelope. I’m not sure if I see recognition on his face, but the name that comes out of his mouth is unmistakable.
“Clove Teasdale.”
Wilson yells a “WHAT?” as he looks back at the screen and my photograph appears. A grin spreads across my face as my head wraps itself around the news.
“I’m in.”
Humanity is stupid and cruel, that’s a fact. A fact only some manage to avoid and yet it's not avoidable for long. You slip up. You mess up. You suck sometimes. I suck sometimes. Thing is if you notice it. If you change it. My dad? He’s probably never going to be able to change and become prince charming for my mom. Do I think that’s good? No. Will I shut him down for that? No. Will I accept the “I’m being nice today because I was an idiot with your mom earlier and started a discussion” tea? Also no.
I take a sip of it though. “Why are you offering me yours?”
“You said you’re not going for yours until later...and the water might get cold again if you wait. I can go for more right now,” he states with a shrug.
Usually, my dad is the kind of person that would ask me to get him his tea. Especially if I’m ‘not busy’.
“So you’re actually saying you’re gonna give me yours, go back to the kitchen, and then serve yourself another cup?” I ask. He doesn’t notice my hidden skepticism.
“Yeah, your mom heated water for herself. I heated what remained in the teapot after washing the dishes.”
And there it is. “You washed the dishes, huh?”
“Yeah.” He says it like it’s not a big deal. Either he doesn’t know I notice his biggest guilt-tell or he doesn’t realize it’s a major tell. Or maybe he denies it to himself. “There’s more water so you can keep my cup.”
Okay, fact about myself: I’m a lazy teen sometimes. But then again, aren’t we all? I don’t really want to get up for a tea I never planned to have, however, tea is nice. Now I want it and here’s my dad standing in front of me, offering me one that’s already prepared. I’m sort of in the middle of watching a movie. A major bad guy just turned out to be one step ahead of everyone so this might not be a bland one after all. Forgive me if I don’t want to go all the way to the kitchen for a drink right now.
That line of logic makes me want to accept his tea, but it’s prepared like he likes it and it’s an ‘I’m-compensating-out-of-guilt’ tea. After a silent debate that takes a matter of seconds I offer him the cup back. “I’ll just go in a few minutes to get my own, but thanks.”
He takes it and reminds me the water will get cold. I point out I don’t really mind if my drink isn’t burning with the intensity of a thousand suns like he and mom like theirs to be and he leaves.
My farewell was fun with how flashy Columbia decided to be with its parade and I managed to pull off the “inspirational, I’ll be amazing at this and make you proud” speech, but saying goodbye was probably the hardest part. Going on trips with my parents wasn’t the same as going alone. Still, even with the nostalgic feeling of leaving, there was excitement. The kind of excitement that makes you nervous at the same time.
Dad seemed a bit sad to watch me leave but smiled all around. Mom gave me a long pep talk, but I know I’ll miss those long conversations. Even Wilson surprised me with a hug out of nowhere yet for once I didn’t mind. I’d miss him too. Now it was time to actually interact with people I don’t know.
A blonde girl is standing alone at the airport with a plate I realize is filled with cookies when I arrive. Usual greetings happen except they involve skeptically staring at cookies. It turns out she actually made them for us and I can’t help but hesitate to take one. Even if she looks like the living personification of a cupcake, taking food from strangers seems inadvisable. The cookies look okay, don’t get me wrong, but Dad’s attempts at cooking look pretty good too until you taste them. I stare at the cream frosting for a while before taking a small bite, feeling the sugar pretty quickly. “Oh, they're not bad.”
I keep eating as she talks. Turns out her name is Clara Èclair so either her parents were really into tongue twisters or they were obsessed with alliteration. She almost gets my name right, but I decide to laugh at the mistake.
“It's Clove actually, but close enough.”
“Oh no! Guess my flashcards didn't work as well as I thought.” She giggles at her own words but I wouldn’t put it past her to be serious about flashcards hid somewhere in her clothes. I’m almost sure the third girl that arrives is Stephanie Loretta, the daughter of an old, infamous Selected. 
She’s more eager than I was to accept the offered cookie and the fact that Clara gets her name right on the first try further strengthens my suspicion that she made actual flashcards. The exchange of greetings, cookies, praise, and gratitude go too fast for me to follow so I just wave at Stephanie and contribute to the conversation when I’m able to. When we’re finally done waiting for the last girl--that turns out to be named Allegra--we board the plane.
As interesting as the clouds outside the plane window are it’s hard to ignore the sick look on Clara’s face once we take off, so I remove my headphones again and mumble, “You okay?” That gets the attention of the other girls, who quickly get concerned for some reason.
“I've just never been on a plane before,” Clara admits. “I’m a little nervous.”
Allegra goes with the “it’ll be okay” attempt at comfort while Stephanie goes to the extreme of... maybe getting medicine for some reason? I wave the suggestion aside and lean closer to the edge of my seat. “She just needs to calm down.”
Clara seems to agree with me on that, but when Allegra suggests water she declines, saying maybe a cookie will be better since sugar might calm her down. I don’t think Clara was the best at chemistry class.
“This is a nicer tin can than you think, don't worry too much about it,” I say, reaching for another cookie and leaning back on my seat. “Think of it as a means of transport. Like a car per say. You're not scared of cars, are you? Sure, things can go wrong in both, but the probabilities of it are slim so you don't worry about it when you get in a car. Why should you worry about it on a plane?”
My words seem to work and she goes into a ramble that boils down to “There's nothing to actually worry about.”
I take a bite of my cookie with a “Mhmm” as Stephanie tells her the first time is the hardest one. Somehow that leads to Clara realizing she’s a Three now and yet again her scattered thoughts lead to her complimenting each of us. 
Apparently, I could be an excellent queen because I’m level-headed. Also, Allegra is regal and Stephanie sweet enough for all the people to love. I can’t help but blink a couple of times at her sudden praise for each of us and swallow the piece of cookie I was chewing on. “Glad you think so..”
They chat for a while after that about how their nerves got a better hand over their sleep. That makes Allegra mention we have a couple of hours as she looks down at her wrist, but there is nothing to look at. “Darn I forgot my watch.”
“That's probably going to be the most annoying thing of being here,” Clara mutters, though it’s unclear if that was only meant for herself to hear. “Slowly noticing we forgot little things like watches.” She has some pretty weird concerns.
As if we haven’t had enough 180 degree changes in our conversation, Allegra suddenly mentions, “It’s scary to think we might not be the same people at the end of this.”
“Now I’m not feeling as better,“ Clara mumbles.
Well, this is getting deep. “At least you didn't forget your watch like Allegra. True tragedy there.”
Make overs were done as soon as we got to the palace but with my hair already short and well kept, there wasn’t much of a drastic change for me. 
The next day I decide to wake up early to scout the palace with no one around, only a few maids or butlers to be seen and none of my own maids in my new room making suggestions of what I should wear. 
When I arrived yesterday I realized I barely remember this place. Though it has been a while since I’ve visited. Being too busy with school work was the excuse I came up with to avoid trips to the palace as I got older--when arguing in front of me became less of a problem for my parents. 
The years haven’t made this building any less admirable fortunatly, so I walk in silence across the halls until I find the library. Even if you’re not an avid reader it’s one of the nicest areas here. It’s peaceful and there are books about basically everything you can think of.
My fingers glide over the old hardcovers, but I stop when I see a leather one with golden letters on it’s spine. I know you’re not supposed to judge books by their exterior, but every now and then I find it fun to judge covers as something completely seperate of their story. The empty spot the book leaves on the bookshelf, however, reveals something I was not expecting to see yet. Someone.
I can’t help but gasp at the sight of Brooks standing on the other side, flipping through a book casually. I duck before he gets a chance to see me, then roll my eyes at the luck I’m having. Why is he even up so early?
I don’t move for a while, hoping he will find it odd, but won’t question it. A few seconds go by and I start walking away, careful with my footsteps. I don’t need an encounter with Mr. snobby-pants right now. 
Why couldn’t I bump into Nate or Quinn? Heck, even Max would’ve been better than him. Just when I think I’ve been saved from having a meet up with the second prince, my back hits a stack of books on a desk and they fall to the ground. 
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notarelationship · 8 years
Size Isn’t Everything 1/4
Notes: The past week has been especially mentally and emotionally challenging and I’m choosing to combat that with a little Klaine PW(ithout much)P. So for the few dozen who might want to read some Klaine smut, this is for you. I hope this makes your evening even just a little bit brighter. Or something.
As always thanks to superbeta @mshoneysucklepink. Please blame me.
Summary: Kurt’s got a bit of a size-kink. Based on this prompt from the @prompt-a-klainefic blog.  Chapter: 1/3 (the rest should be up within a week) Words: ~2577 (this chapter) Warnings:  I guess? PWP, Size kink, 
“...and I swear to god he had a huge dick.”
Kurt walked up to the bar, waving at his friend Sasha and accepting the offered martini from his regular bartender.
“Who’s a huge dick?” he asked. A few of the guys from the ensemble of the last show he worked on had been getting together for a regular weekly bitch session, and it inevitably turned into not-so-wild tales of various attempted sexcapades. It was silly, and the guys were fun, and besides, everyone needed to let off a little steam now and then, right?
“No one,” Sydney answered. “Someone has a huge dick.”
“Oh, really? Anyone I know?”
Sasha, shook his head. “I don’t think so. I had a boxing class tonight at the gym and one of the guys in the class - Anderson - I think his name is? - anyway he wandered out of the shower without his towel, and I’m just saying, it was impressive.” Sasha held his hands up, about fifteen inches apart. “If you know what I mean.”
“Honey if he were that big he wouldn’t be at your gym, he’d be doing porn.”
Sasha feigned insult. “Who says guys at my gym can’t do porn?”
“I go to that gym too Sasha,” Kurt interjected. “I hope to god none of those men are in porn.”
Aiden had been quiet up until that point. “I don’t know, that’s too big, you know? I like to be able to walk the next day.” They all laughed, and the conversation rolled on to other important subjects, like auditions and diva roommates and who had just been hired for the touring production of Newsies.
The next week, Kurt found himself at the gym for an evening yoga class, not-so-coincidentally at about the same time as Sasha’s boxing class from the week before. His curiosity had got the best of him, and he really needed to see this dick for himself.  He wasn’t sure how he’d feel about fifteen inches, but it had been awhile since the last time he hooked up with someone, and as there were no relationship prospects in his current orbit, what was the harm?
The locker room was jumping when he arrived, so he went straight to his yoga class after changing. He hadn’t taken a class in a while, and this one turned out to be so challenging he almost forgot why he had come to the gym in the first place. In fact, after the class and a super hot shower, Kurt felt so loose and relaxed he wasn’t sure he still even needed the sex.
He was planning to stop by the juice bar and head directly home, so he just pulled on his extra pair of clean yoga pants and a thin zippered sweatshirt.  He was packing up the rest of his gym bag when a group of about eight guys came into the locker room, some carrying boxing gloves and wearing those funny boots.
“Those were some nice hits Anderson,” someone said.
That caught Kurt’s attention, and he turned to look directly into a pair of beautiful eyes and a head of curly dark hair, just as their owner spit out a mouthguard. His triangularly sculpted eyebrows raised slightly as he held Kurt’s gaze for a beat, then another, before he stepped toward the lockers on the other side of the room.
Kurt had hooked up at the gym before once or twice (well not at the gym exactly - guys did it, but he wasn’t quite that bold), but it was always a precarious proposition for him. He wasn’t always sure if he was picking up the right signals, and no one wanted to be the guy who thought he was being flirted with only to find out your object of interest was eyeing up the musclehead standing behind you. So he tried to be discreet when eyeing up a potential tryst.
Still. This guy was cute, even if he was a little short to have a fifteen inch cock. Kurt pulled in a lungful of air and let it out slowly. He should probably do something to his hair, right?
Kurt was still fiddling with his hair in the mirror when his target came out of the shower, one towel wrapped low around his waist while he squeezed his curls with another. He stood behind Kurt, catching his eye in the mirror, raising one eyebrow in what was an obvious question. Kurt could play that game, and raised his own eyebrow right back. Kurt watched in the mirror as he smiled and turned toward a row of lockers.
He could see him drop his towel and stand naked while opening a locker and pulling out some clothes. Kurt could see a neatly trimmed, fuzzy thatch of hair between his hips, and he could see that Sasha hadn’t lied. This guy had a very large dick. It wasn’t the biggest Kurt had ever seen (that honor belonged to Geordie Whitaker, his freshman year roommate. He was straight, but it had certainly piqued Kurt’s interest), but it was the biggest he had seen in some time.
Kurt watched him get dressed, even after he noticed Kurt watching. It was a bold move that Kurt would not normally have made, but this guy was cute and Kurt was very up for it. He finished his hair and went to gather his bag.
“Hey.” Anderson touched him on the arm. “Blaine.” He held out his hand.
Kurt shook it. “Kurt.”
“Are you heading out?”
“I am.” Was he being obvious enough? He tried a light smile. “I was going to stop at the juice shop.”
Blaine nodded once. “Oh, okay.” He hadn’t seemed nervous before, but the juice comment seemed to throw him off.
“Unless you have a better offer?” Kurt tried to encourage him to make a better offer.
“Well,” Blaine blushed just a little. It was adorable. “I live really close by.”
Kurt bit his bottom lip, smiling. “That is definitely a better offer Blaine.”
They weren’t inside a minute before they were pushing and pulling and tugging each other‘s clothes off and to the floor until they were naked. Blaine climbed over Kurt, pushing him onto his back on the bed. Kurt knew what he wanted and reached for Blaine’s erect cock as it bobbed in front of him.  Hard, Blaine was a generous eight inches, with a girth Kurt couldn’t quite wrap his hand around.  Blaine leaned forward, kissing him wet and dirty as Kurt continued stroking his cock.
“Oh, god,” Blaine hissed. “What do you want?”
Kurt opened his thighs, catching his ankles around Blaine’s thighs. “Fuck me please,” he whined.
Blaine kissed him again, laughing. “Okay, okay. I can do that.” He reached over Kurt to the bedside table, collecting lube and condoms and setting them on the bed. He came back to Kurt, kissing across his collarbone, down his chest, dragging his teeth across a nipple. But he didn’t linger, moving quickly down to suck at the base of Kurt’s cock, lick across his balls. Kurt arched his back and pulled his thighs, spreading himself open.
“God yes,” Blaine murmured, licking across Kurt’s hole with the flat of his tongue until Kurt could feel it clench and soften.
“Blaine -”
“Yeah, yeah okay.” Blaine sat back and Kurt twisted to look at him, his cock jutting out in front like an offering. Blaine ran a hand over Kurt’s leg, up his thigh. “You should turn over.”
Kurt nodded and scrambled onto his knees. He wasn’t stupid. Blaine was big and it had been a while. He buried his face in a pillow as Blaine spread lube on his fingers and dribbled it over his hole. “Start with two.”
“Yeah?” Blaine’s voice was rough.
“Oh yeah,” Kurt said. “Please.”  Kurt panted as Blaine did what he asked, twisting and pumping until he had two fingers buried to the last knuckle.
“You look so hot,” Blaine breathed. He carefully added a third, shifting his body so he was touching Kurt in as many places as possible. Kurt felt hot everywhere.
Kurt groaned. “Feels good.” He set his knees further apart.
“Is that good?” Blaine was spread over Kurt’s back, pushing four fingers in and out of Kurt’s ass. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Mmmmf,” Kurt mumbled into the pillow. “No feels good, great. I’m ready.” His ass throbbed in anticipation. “Lots of lube, and go slow.” Kurt put his face back in the pillow, gripping it with both arms, his ass in the air. From the corner of his eye he could see Blaine unwrap first one, then a second condom, and he heard rather than saw him roll them on and thought for a brief second that he would have liked to do that part, but then the blunt head of Blaine’s cock pushed into him. “Fuck.”
“Oh god.” Blaine had one hand against the wall, the other gripping Kurt’s waist. “Tell me if it’s too fast, Kurt, god, you’re just swallowing my cock. Fuck, so good.” Kurt could hear Blaine talking, but all he could feel was the stretch of his asshole as Blaine pushed inside him.
“Ah, ah, ah, Blaine!” he whined. “Don’t stop, okay? Keep going.”
“Almost there, oh yeah, wow, unh.” But Blaine did stop and Kurt could feel his hips and balls as they pressed against him. Kurt could feel him everywhere; it felt like his dick was pushed into his lungs. “Kurt,” Blaine’s voice was strained. “Tell me when I can move. God you feel good.”
Kurt was panting. His thighs were shaking and he wasn't sure if he could move his ass. “Mmm, yeah.” He twisted his arms until he could push up on his elbows. “Move, now, please.”
Blaine gasped and pulled out just a bit, or it could have been all the way. All Kurt could feel was the stretch and drag of Blaine’s cock and he had no idea what was happening. He wished he could see Blaine.
Blaine pushed in again, grinding against Kurt’s ass, causing him to gasp and moan. It felt good. “Keep doing that,” Kurt hissed. “Keep grinding - oh! God, oh god.” Blaine cock was pushing everywhere. “I, I, oh, can't, oh, stop, I can’t-” Blaine wasn't thrusting he was still just grinding against him, pushing his cock deep into Kurt and Kurt was sure he was going to come just from that. The pressure and the stretch and oh. right. there.
Blaine bent over his back and the angle made Kurt yelp. “Can you come without touching yourself? I want to keep doing this, it feels good, god you're so tight.”
“I don't know,” Kurt breathed out. “Never, never have...so close, like I can come and never stop.”
Blaine chuckled in his ear. “Let's see what we can do about that.” He nipped Kurt's ear with his teeth. “Don't touch yourself, okay?” Kurt nodded, and Blaine moved back, on his knees between Kurt’s thighs. He pulled out enough to add more lube and then pushed in, gripping Kurt's hips with both hands, thrusting and grinding until all Kurt could feel were sparks up his spine and in his balls, and his cock bobbing against his stomach and then he was coming, spurt after spurt across his chest, onto the bed.
Blaine pulled out and Kurt could feel fingers on his open rim, heard Blaine mumble “amazing,” and then the almost cold sensation of more lube and Blaine’s cock back inside. This time started slower, shorter thrusts that went deeper one after the next. “Still okay?” he asked.
Kurt nodded into the pillow, grunting affirmative. He wasn't sure he could form words yet.
“Do you need to change position?”
Kurt shook his head. “It's good,” he whispered. “Go on.” If Blaine hadn’t been holding him up by his hips he was sure he'd have collapsed on the bed. “Fuck me.”
Blaine chuckled softly, thrusting steady until the room was filled with nothing but Blaine’s soft grunts, Kurt's occasional whimpers, and the slap slap slap of balls against balls, flesh against flesh. Kurt didn't move; he just wanted to take it.
It didn't take long for Blaine to work himself back to the edge; Kurt could feel it in the change in thrusts and the shift of his legs. Blaine bent over his back and groaned, teeth nipping at Kurt's shoulder, his neck. Something sparked and fizzled inside of Kurt. Oh--
“I'm gonna come, god, oh oh -” Blaine thrust sharp and fast and Kurt gasped as Blaine stilled, obviously coming hard.
“Don't stop, keep going, fuck, I, ah!” This time Kurt reached for his cock, pulling at the half hard flesh. It took Blaine only a moment, then he was back at it, hard and fast. “Oh yeah, yeah, yes c-c-oh!” Kurt's entire body clenched tight as another orgasm ripped through him, just a few weak spurts of come dribbling over his fingers.
“Wow,” he heard, somewhere in the distance. He was vaguely aware of Blaine gently setting him on the bed, slowly pulling out of his ass; the slight twinge he felt from that mixed in with the total euphoric exhaustion that still rippled through his body.
“Don't move yet, okay?”
Kurt waved a hand weakly. “Gnnh.”
He was almost aware of Blaine moving around the apartment after a while, cleaning things up, bringing him a glass of water. He watched Blaine, still naked, pick Kurt’s clothes up off the floor where they had dropped them and fold them neatly, setting them on the only chair in the room. When he was done he came back with a warm washcloth and cleaned the come and sweat off of Kurt.
“Give me a minute and I'll get out of your hair,” he managed. He even ruffled Blaine's curls. They were gorgeous. Kurt blinked. Blaine was gorgeous.
“Hey, hey no. No rush.” Blaine blushed, which Kurt thought was adorable considering how they’d spent the past hour. “You can crash here. No worries.”
Kurt nodded. “Great. My legs thank you.” He grinned. “They feel a bit like rubber.” Blaine ducked his head, blushing again and giving Kurt's arm a soft squeeze.  Kurt dozed off after that.
When Kurt woke the next morning Blaine was lying on his back next to him, snoring lightly. Still naked. Kurt sighed and stretched, feeling every delicious post-sex ache ripple through his body. It was going to be a few days before he could do that again. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, only wincing a little.
Kurt dressed quickly; Blaine had set all of his things together on the chair the night before. Just before leaving he looked at Blaine, still sleeping. Should he kiss him goodbye? Probably not. It was just a hookup. He glanced around the apartment, picking up an envelope from ConEd off of a table by the door. After digging in his bag for a pen, he scribbled a quick note on the back, and left it in his spot on the bed before quietly letting himself out.
Blaine woke alone in his bed. He wasn't surprised that Kurt had gone, though he would have liked to say goodbye. It had been a great night.
He rolled over and smiled at the envelope on the bed. He hoped Kurt left his number. Blaine didn't even know his last name. He looked at the note and frowned.
Thanks! - Kurt
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torentialtribute · 6 years
RAFA UNCOVERED: Benitez reveals his love of Clint Eastwood films, Bruce Lee and solitaire
Rafa Benitez jumps to his feet, picks up an unsuspecting member of our group and shows how he would finish a judo match – a & # 39; I can fight if I have to fight … I am ready for it, says the Newcastle United manager, who takes a welcome break from talking
& # 39; When I was a boy, I loved Bruce Lee, I gave him a judo from six to thirteen. I got a brown belt but I had to give up to join ] Academy of Real Madrid . Three years later my brother did the Black Belt exam, so I did. You had to win three of the five fights. But they killed me because I no longer had the strength in my arms.
But there is, you think, frustration that he never reached the ultimate rank. The tutorial continues even though he is wearing a brace on his right wrist. He grabs the bewildered participant.
& # 39; But the most important thing in judo is the power. here (forearm). You must always hold the opponent. So if you do not practice the first fight, it is fine, but after three or four you have no control, especially not on the ground.
Benitez's future has yet to be determined. Ashley agrees to match his ambition. He wants more than one existence of survival, because the Spaniard is a fierce and obsessive competitor. Just ask his wife Maria.
& # 39; We had the big TV in the lounge with football and I and my girls would fight for what they had to watch.
He points to the ring. & # 39; I have had this (repetitive strain injury) for six months. It's not just that I always work hard on the phone and computer … I've also fought on the phone against my wife. She played solitaire, I wanted to beat her. She did very well and showed me her score. I asked, "What is the record?" I spent a month on that game! But believe me, I beat the record. It is not easy, but I defeat it. "
Benitez now has his phone in his hands The judo doll is allowed to sit down
& # 39; Here is a message from my daughter, an hour ago, told me about Instagram and said: "Listen, you're talking about his daughters Have no idea, put this and you'll get more followers."
& # 39; We're talking about Ant and Dec and she says, "Oh, it's are big Newcastle fans and talk about you, you have to follow them ". So Ant and Dec were easy, Alan Shearer too!
& # 39; In the past we had the big television in the lounge with football, we would fight for what we had to watch, but no more, I can not win If one of them looks at the Geordie Shore, I say, "What are you doing?" They love Big Brother , Love Island, all that nonsense, but they always win! "
Benitez, the football manager, sees with 58 the value of being around his daughters at their home on the Wirral. & # 39; As you talk to your daughter, you know how she thinks, it's very useful, players are like teenagers, many of them, you have to think, "What would I say to my daughters in this situation?" It really works. can be the same, run daughters and footballers! & # 39;
What about their friends? I criticize one of them, he learns Spanish at school, but he j can not say much. I say to him: "Come on!", "Benitez says, gesturing for the boy to clench his ear. & # 39; But they are fine. They know that I'm just normal. "
& # 39; She tells me that we must do the same thing, with the ball in the middle, forward and then attack.
Given the battle of Newcastle for the season of this season, she might be able to look up something.
& # 39; But they love football, they follow all my games. They only worry about me if we lose … "Dad, be careful!" I was ill (in 2017) and was at home, on the couch, "get me this, understand me". But they know that I can handle the pressure.
So what does Benitez do to relieve the stress? After all, they are abundant in Newcastle. I watch every cowboy movie. You have that channel, TMC, with Clint Eastwood, I like it. There are a lot of spaghetti westerners filmed in Spain, but they are not so good … you can still see the Indians wear their wristwatches! & # 39; Benitez's back-office staff say that he pauses films to emphasize such errors, his attention to details that go beyond the football field.
Another indication of escapism comes from the screensaver of his telephone, a photograph of a dog. & # 39; To be honest, they are three dogs, I can only fit one. & # 39;
& # 39; My dogs are Red, the German Shepherd, Goofy, a Spring Spaniel, and Clem, the Labrador. Goofy is the dog of my wife, he is the boss.
Did he ever consult his companions about tactics? I try it in Spanish and English, but they do not understand me, "he says, smiling. But talking about dogs leads Benitez to reveal the passion of life. It does not surprise you to learn how they have even trained them for competitions.
& # 39; I had a dobermann, he was very good. I was in my twenties and during my training I walked with him. He was very fast and very strong, but I lived on the fourth floor so I would take him for a pee and he would pull me off the stairs!
Benitez & # 39; s brother, sister and two uncles They are veterinarians, but it was never a career for him. Benitez the husband, husband and father, it always comes back to football.
This time, however, he talks about his playing career, a subject rarely visited. Sometimes it bothers him.
& # 39; People say: & # 39; You were never playing football & # 39 ;, but I played football all my life & # 39 ;, he says, before describing his career, from the youth and reserve teams from Real Madrid to the second-tier Linares and retire at 26 because of a knee injury. I made 158 league matches and made 17 goals.
I played as a midfielder, but my best position was the sweeper. I could see the game and talk. I was not the fastest, but I had the vision.
Benitez combined playing with a degree in physical education and represented Spain at the World Student Games in Mexico City in 1979. He stands up as if he were addressing a dead-ball. He took a few steps back.
& # 39; I scored a fine against Cuba. The goalkeeper told me: & # 39; Defender, I will stop the goal & # 39 ;, but … boom! But the best goal I ever scored was out-of-the-box, outside my shoe, the top corner, then it was out of the question for offside! & # 39;
Earlier in the day we saw Benitez conduct a training, including a fine header of his own. I admit that he played misses, but management was always his fate.
& # 39; My warm-up was at least finished by the time I got there. ! & # 39; After my retirement in 1986, I returned to Real and coached their youth teams to competition and cup success.
And so Benitez's life started the manager, a journey that brought him to the top but now at a crossroads. What a travesty it would be for Newcastle if they were allowed to go in a different direction.
As he leaves for lunch, Benitez spins. Be careful what you write … & # 39;
When you think back to the judo demonstration, you know what the consequences are.
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