#look at jimin making sure that we get a gcf tokyo part 2
mrspark7777777 · 2 months
But shaz.. if Jimin himself is saying this, then what can we do ? 🥲 Isn't it acting like tkkrs ? If Tae said these things we'll take it as it is and will call tkkrs still shipping tkk as Tae told he's lonely or whether he can even love someone and in search of a woman right? But why are we not doing that because Jimin kinda debunked jkk and even him being queer. I'm not asking you to convince me or other jikookers, but it's common sense isn't it ?
Jikook is based on our opinions while these are words from Jimin himself..idk I think what Jimin saying it the truth and not our theory about jkk.
Tihihihihi. I'm only answering you coz u said my name and I thought u sounded cute. 🤭 My dear anon, Jimin also said this
Why are we conveniently forgetting this part? This is the issue I have with u guys getting affected by this. And this anon here put it best
Rowebowl still exists, J17 interview still exists, satellite Jikook still exist. GCF Tokyo, them 2 holding hands secretly behind Suga twice! and so many other things. So to me anon, for you to insist that Jimin has a girlfriend, is to insinuate that Jikook broke up. And for me I just DO NOT SEE IT. Are you sure happened AFTER MUSE. Enlisting together happened AFTER Muse. You really think their chemistry would still be as good if they were in good terms? Heck no.
And I dont care how strong you are. You don't have a love like Jikook's, break up then go about being good friends pretending like the last 10 years didn't happen. That shit just ain't possible anon, it not. JK who's debunked Jimin dating rumors in the past would not have been able to fake happiness in AYS. I'm telling you.
We will never be like the vermin because they ship tkk from nothing. Absolutely nothing. Every reason that makes them believe V and JK are a couple they've done with other members as well. Or in V's case, he's done with the WS. Not to mention JK gives them nothing. Its all just V. So no, we are not like them and never will be.
If Jimin saw a Jikook ask and said "get out of your imagination" trust me I would. I would be very confused and would have a million questions, but I would. So again, we are not the same. Jikook have never and will never debunk us. I'm telling you right now for free.
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mimikoolover · 2 months
The "Feeling free" convo was my favourite part of the trailer. Honestly so far it looks like the show is exactly what I expected. Them bringing cameras, and som staff ofc, on semi spontaneous trips where they could just enjoy fun activities and each other's company before enlistment. A little escape in between their busy schedules. And they look so happy😭 That's the best part. All we could ever ask for is to see them this happy <3 Of course it's not a private trip, because they did choose to share this with us and make it into a show, it's two birds one stone. But anyone calling it just a work trip is so far off. You can tell how much this meant to them personally, and how excited they are about sharing footage with army. I might be going into delulu territory here but... I also kinda think them being so excited to gift this to us is partly because they feel very loved and validated when fans are supportive and excited over seeing them together and appreciating their special bond. I'm sure no matter how they define their relationship is it's nice to see. I don't know how much they see of fans reactions to stuff, especially not now while serving, but in the past too, it honestly seems like they love their jikook loving fans a lot. I hope they see all the love and as little negativity as possible.
also solos and shippers bending over backwards to pit them against each other, claim they're being forced into things, they're not actually close, all that bullshit, would honestly be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. like.... stay pressed stay miserable while they're out here sharing their happy vibes with those who get it like the unbothered kings they are byeee
gonna take your ask as a chance to kinda go into what I didn't end up saying in a long post if you don't mind lol
I agree with everything you said but I wanna take it a step further...it was a 'work' trip in that they knew this was going to be streamed on one of the biggest entertainment streaming platforms owned by one of the biggest companies on earth (disney). but their work is not the same as an office job or a retail job, they are artists and sharing their life, emotions, experiences through their art in multiple mediums is what they do. for example GCF in Tokyo was technically 'work' because jk ended up posting the video on a 'work' platform but clearly they were not doing what anyone considers as work in Japan. I think their trips for are you sure are similar in nature, just with the added factor of them knowing that it will go on disney+.
what I think we don't talk about enough is the context around these trips and 2023. jikook were not seeing each other as much as they're used to, that much is for sure. prior to 2023 they not only worked together but spent loads of time together outside of work which was their choice. then chapter 2 begun and jimin was working on his solo album(s) which meant that jikook were not spending the same amount of time together. take romance out of the equation and even then not seeing your best friend you're using to seeing everyday for 10 years must have been hard, especially as they don't exactly have a 'normal' life so I would argue as friends they are closer than usually friends are. we also have to take into account that while working on their solo material, they were working with many people, many new people as well, and jungkook was basically surrounded by people who were not korean and that must have been tough. like if you go spend a day in another country where you have to interact with people in another language for a whole day that's exhaustingggg af. that's why I'm glad they could do their trips between actual work. it must have been a big relief that they can spend time together again and do fun stuff which they wanted to before enlisting anyway.
I think they appreciate their bond being appreciated by us for sure. I have a (semi) delulu theory that when jimin used to post jungkook photos on twitter all the time it was because it bothered him when people would say that they're not close. when jungkook talked about doing something that we will really look forward to which we now know was their travel show, I think he meant it 100%. he only considers fans to be people who enjoy seeing jikook together and who support the content they make together.
2023 to me was very much about bts doing what they themselves want to do more than what the company wants them to do and I think it has to do with them signing new contracts, getting more say in what goes on within the company etc. in the soop friendcation is a good example. from a business point of view, was that a good move? I would argue not. tae filming with his friends who have nothing to do with bts is arguably not the greatest money-generator idea (I assume the wooga squad got paid too). it was clearly something tae wanted to do himself that the company agreed to. and that's what's funny because he could've done it with jk if he wanted (same as taekook could've enlisted together if they wanted to) and the company would've been all over that idea because of $$$ in their eyes. I always said it makes no sense that the company doesn't capitalise on jikook's chemistry and how they can work together so well and they love to do it as well. I still don't know why they didn't but it's probably to do with the aversion towards subunits within bts that comes from somewhere ??? but in 2023, when they were all doing what they wanted, we got jungkook going on lives being more himself than ever before, asking for jimin, reacting to jimin content, mentioning jimin and chatting with him when jimin was in chat, all of that, and then we got jikook travelling to 3 different places to film basically their holidays together. and yes taekook hung out too but that's not a big shock to anyone honestly. I think the private discussion is funny because it's so naive of people to think that jikook never saw each other in 2023. they most likely did but that was in private😂so obviously we don't know about it😭
when certain fandom actors call are you sure a work trip they do it because they want the underlying assumption that work means not genuine to come across and it's funny cause they want to act like because it was being filmed it wasn't something jikook did because they wanted to, when it was. they were having fun ffs not sitting in the same office writing emails all day long. they genuinely wanted to spend time together and they did.
the problem for these people is that the travel show is not a taekook show, let's be really bloody honest here. any shippers, not just taekook, would DIE to have a show like this from their ship, just like how they'd die to have their ship enlist together. jikook do stuff I've not seen any other 'ship' do and that's why people are so mad. as usual they want for their ship what jikook have together.
I'm not saying are you sure is going to be making some kinda statement because I doubt that but just the fact that they wanted to do this together says a lot. btw I'm half expecting for them to start on the 'they wouldn't have done this travel show and let their holidays be filmed if they were dating' agenda just like how they're now saying that couples don't enlist together even though they were wishing for years that taekook will enlist together lol
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jiminsass-istant · 7 months
"Why else did the fandom come up with the all member names theory? Because JM was so IN THEIR FACE that there had to be an explanation for it, right?"
Yup, spot on. No one bat an eye when he showed up with the ARMY tattoo, quite obviously. It was all wu wu it’s cute and so on. Which it was indeed! The theories all went crazy when he then added the J on top of the M. We can all see it, hence the need for another explanation than the first rational one 99% of us come up with: the JM refers to… Jimin. As it always did and still does in BTS context. And from a Korean pov the J in itself doesn’t make much sense, Jungkook’s initials are JK, not J. He was never referred as J before and still isn’t. (And yes for that specific case I think he didn’t tell the truth when he was asked about his tattoos and brushed away this one quickly saying it’s for his name. For very obvious reasons, but I know I could get canceled just for saying this ahem).
I personally have 2 tattoos referring to my birth date + birth place and it’s not that uncommon but tattooing your own initials on your ring finger? Never heard of it before lol seems all a bit narcissistic at this point lol. But I mean, who knows… some people just have weird tattoos, to each their own. Just, as you said JK isn’t an idiot. He knows exactly what it looks like. Just like he knew exactly how GCF in Tokyo looked like, and so on. When you look at the big picture, everything is quite clear imo.
Clubbing another anon here:
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Anon #1 you are right, I also feel like I should get cancelled for this lol. But what do I do, even from a non-shipping lens, it is what it is. I'm not blind, and I have an interest in design and photography myself. And dear anon, thanks for sharing about your tattoos.
Same for anon #2 , he never refers to himself as J. Always JK. And both jikook and BTS have referred to Jimin as JM.
I think the issue here is, most people refuse it and are more focused on finding reasons to debunk it, because this can lead to a ship being too real and not just for funs and giggles. But I really feel that to understand jikook, you have to look at them from a best friend POV first. How much they mean to each other. Then these kind of gestures like the tattoo and GCF T wouldn't be such huge topics of discussion.
Would I make a video of my bestie with a romantic song in the background ? Sure! Would I post it for the entire world to see where I have millions of fans? I WOULD TAKE A STEP BACK TO THINK.
My favourite part from GCF tokyo *sobs*
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yeshawithluv · 5 years
Does this mean that we are getting a GCF TOKYO 2.0?
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jikook-ramblings · 3 years
What makes jikook different?
The extent of mental gymnastics antis do to dismiss jikook's bond amazes me every single day.
"Jk breathed too close to Xyz member that means jikook's not real; jk posted a sad song so that naturally means jikook have broken up; jk and jm did not interact at all on social media, isn't it a given that they were never a couple to begin with?; Pfft I give hickies to all my siblings and relatives; all their actions are just a part of some elaborate fanservice contract; eww jk is NOT gay, look how shy he gets with women; didn't you see how jk pushed jm once 7-8 years ago? He hATeS him for sure"
This list could go on for ages and the utter vile hate directed towards them would still not be fully encompassed. It's heartbreaking to see those two being so despised simply for being who they are.
Shipping culture isn't something that started yesterday. It has been around for ages. Thousands of twisted analyses, theories, and ship wars about how real a certain ship is, are not uncommon to come across. Here's the thing though, jikook don't need it. They need no convoluted analyses, no false narratives, and no repetitive conspiracy theories about how their Company is the bad guy that's forcing them to do what they do.
They're affluent, successful, powerful, intelligent, mature young men who are no damsels in distress or pushovers.
You can disregard their loving stares and heart eyes, loud and proud moments like RoseBowl, GCF Tokyo, MMA 2018, or every single thing that we get from official content under the guise of Fanservice or a cover-up for something else entirely but you don't know that Jikook is so much more than that.
1. They talk to each other in the softest, most intimate voice possible. Even listening to that feels like intruding sometimes.
Name one more duo in bts who talks in shy, hushed whispers like these.
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2. Jk confided in Jm about his thoughts of pursuing dancing rather than debuting with BTS and the latter immediately put an end to his impromptu decision and convinced him to stay. You don't discuss something so important with a person you don't trust with your whole heart.
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3. Them being each other's emergency contact and taking charge whenever necessary. Please don't tell me bighit forces them to do fanservice even in vulnerable moments like these.
The way Jimin stayed with him from beginning till the end, even when the others left. He didn't even stop to give his ending comments to the camera just to be with Jk.
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Or the way he worriedly rushed to Jk when he heard about his foot injury, taking charge of the situation, assessing his wound, and telling the staff where he should be taken.
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4. Jk doing the goofiest things possible just to make jimin laugh. Why would you ever go this extra mile for someone you don't even like?
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5. The emotional comfort they provide to each other whenever one of them is sad, speaks volumes. It's almost as if they especially gravitate towards each other to gain emotional reassurance.
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6. The way they know everything about each other?? Like why would you know that if you're not glued to the other person 24/7 and observe them keenly? Why would you even bother learning about it in the first place if that person doens't mean something to you?
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Dang I would have added more images but these stupid Tumblr restrictions.
The point which I'm trying to make still stands though. Jimin and Jungkook love, trust, know and understand each other infinitely.
Nothing you and I say is going to change that. We may never know about the nature of their relationship but it goes without saying that it means a lot to both of them and nothing will ever change that.
Have a Good Day if you read till here! ^.^
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tokyokookmin · 3 years
I really loved your explanation regarding vmin it was retable. kanmom51 anon, Im using a little of your ask for @tokyokookmin to explain and narrate a lil about JIMIN shes a JM biased too so I felt that it would be appropriate to ask her.
"Because it’s no secret that JM doesn’t get any praise from the company, the choreographer, and all."
"When it comes to the members it’s a different topic. They hype Jimin up. We have J-Hope constantly praising JM. Jk completely in awe with JM dance. Jin thanking him for helping him rehearse."
"So for me Bighit for some reason doesn’t do anything for JM, no credit in his work, no acknowledgement, nothing."
I felt that every single word that this anon has said is pure truth and this remark deserves much more attention. We all know what's currently going on with JM, the situation is really bad and its getting worse, toxic solo stans are bashing him and they are comparing him to other members from every perspective + even the hate that he's getting bcuz of him "annoying jk" in that memories 2020.
I need you to explain on how a wonderful person JM is. Your impact makes a huge difference on people mindset. tysm keshhh.
Hey there anon!, I deeply understand your emotions. The hate that JM is going through is really bad and I have personally reported those accounts on twt etc. I even took a few snapshots of a tiktok video comment section... I will surely share them some day or another. Well then lets get started! I can't compare J-HOPE TO JM because they are my biases and both of them captivated my eyes, I just can't resist their flawless moves and they make a great dance unit... it would be incomplete without one of them + JK lol.
Most armies would say that JK is the golden maknae or he's the best overall in the team, well y'all took JM for granted, he's capable of doing so many things as well. But before that we need to talk about his dancing skills, I have made one blog about the 3J. Here's the link if you would like to know about their achievements/viral moments https://tokyokookmin.tumblr.com/post/654670945252933632/a-guide-to-the-dance-line..... this blog was mostly just me collecting info's lmao-.
1. DANCE ☝️
Well I found this incredible video from tiktok and I thought that this video would be perfect to describe his contemporary skills. Utmost respect to the creator for creating such a masterpiece!
Jimin Van Fleet Award!
Do we really need to talk about this? We all knew what impact he had given to audience with his remarkable traditional korean fan dance.He is extremely talented, after all he trained in contemporary.
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“I received many really big awards today. I sincerely appreciate it, and it was a day when I thought I would like to share it with you with better music and stage in the future. Thank you all for your support. #JIMIN# We have been unclear” #JiminWorldwideLoved 📷📷📷📷
"As emphasized by the ballet dancer, being lifted is not easy, just like in the case of Jimin in the said stage. A strong core, glutes, and chest are vital for the one being lifted." https://youtu.be/3RW91KT3bXw - another review from a japanese dancer.
He is extremely versatile and he can master any sort of genre.He excels in dancing,his moves and fluidity of his body is astonishing they way he moves every tissue in his body to perfectly to complete the cheoreo is just mind blowing, he is truly the embodiment of dancing! Believe me or not, you should pay more attention on his facial expressions... he keeps it graceful. His fingers and angle are on point.
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From MAMA 2016 Lie meets Boy meets evil to MMA 2020 black swan 🦢..I wonder what's coming up next.
2. Loving member
Jimin is the member that I connect emotionally to, he's a sentimental person but he just doesn't show it you just have to pay attention on his behaviour and actions. He consoles many of the members and he provides comfort for them. The picture I attached below sets a great example.
1. BTS MAMA 2018... It was a tough year for them. They were close to disbanding, and the members were emotionally drained. My heart sank when I saw hobi breaking down in front of the crowd, you can find tons of fancams but you should take a close look at Jimin. He handled the situation very well and I love the way he gives his subtle touch of love towards the other members.
2. Taehyung grandma death announcement
I don't think that I need to explain the about the situation. Taehyung was really sad and felt guilty as he couldn't mention his grandma name. He broke down and Jimin immediately noticed him and ran towards him and just gave him little pat/huggie.
3. The Final
Even by looking at the picture you can see the comfort. You know that GCF-TOKYO song “there for you’ which implies that Jk means he will be there for jimin but "you gotta be there for me too” which means jimin gotta be there for him too. So yeah, JM just know jungkook well and he comforts Jk pretty well.It was so cute and i wished i was a part of the audience, i would have had a panic attack looking at them being so cute,fluff,intimate ON STAGE . Too bad it’s impossible now .
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3.He's a badass [ athletic/ physical ]
Jimin has often talked about his experience in kendo,japanese fencing,Geomdo (검도, 劍道) “Way of the Sword” & hapkido. HAPKIDO: electid korean martial arts .It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, grappling, throwing techniques, kicks, punches, and other striking attacks.
https://youtu.be/oUcHghZQxiw - a video you may refer to.
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.4.Academic excellence
After Namjoon Jimin has the most remarkable academic achievements in bts. He was one of the top students in junior high and was THE top student in Busan arts high school from ALL the departments. Fun fact Jimin IQ is 128! He was valedictorian too.
"When he was in junior high, he was one of the top students so Jimin's dad thought of enrolling him in a foreign language school. When he decided to go to an arts school, his teachers tried to stop him and were disappointed. He was accepted as the top of his class and attended Busan High School of Arts. He was doing really good. Then he switched to K-pop dancing and decided to be a trainee in Seoul. Teachers also tried to stop him and were disappointed. Park Jimin's life is really something.
36. Our Jimin didn't spend a lot of time preparing for the arts school. He was dancing popping when he decided to go to the arts school. He then learned modern dancing for a little over a year and was accepted at Busan High School of Arts as the top of his class even though he was a dance majorπ TT TT Every member in this group could've been successful at anything. That group is our pride, BTS.
60. Wow! If there's only one dance class, it's really incredible~ It's hard to get a top student from dance department. And it was achieved by a male student and it's Park Jimin TTTT
67. That's what I know too.. I was looking into Busan Arts School before and one class for dance is probably correct. It was mostly music and art classes that I remember. So from Busan Arts School, one out of ten classes and a male student from dance department getting accepted as the top of the class...the percentage is just incredible. I know that the dance class has about 40 students? And male students could be 25:15 or 30:10. Jimin broke through this and became the top.
Namjoon and Jimin really made a huge gamble. They could've went the easier way. Truthfully, if they went their way, they both would have succeeded. But becoming an idol and not knowing what their future will be and BTS not being successful from the beginning must have been really hard for them. But now I'm glad they're successful and they can realize they've made the right choice."
cr @artimitatesjimin
I really respect and idolize him. His personality is unique and its different.He's been through alot. Being kicked from BTS for 8+ times, the members ranking his looks as the last and being called fat and ugly, that's really disturbing. He starved and went on diets just to please the audience and to have a jawline. He works his ass of and he really deserves more. He's obviously cutie,sexy,lovely,sweet guy! He prioritize his career, family and fans before anything. He has absolute heavenly vocals (+crazyyy high notes) and he is the definition of stage presence. PARK JIMIN IS THE STANDARD. Solo toxic fans are definitely going to attack on me but this is the reality.Jimin deserves more and he's such a sweet person. He performs with his whole heart and expresses it wonderfully,he goes all out and each performance comes out from his soul. He loves to perform. I MEAN FOR THE LOOKS, JIMIN IS THE FIRST FOR JUNGKOOK~.
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He once even wasn't able to attend THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW due to his sore muscles.
He went through alot and he deserves the #1 in brand reputation, who doesn't admire his determination?
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Each member is unique in their own way. I want no hate or malice on my platform ~
Bits and pieces I collected anon! love ya ~ stay safe.
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Pt. 1 There are two schools of thought regarding when Jikook started dating. First and primary theory is INU era/2016. Most jikookers believe they became official following JK's coming of age. Second theory is 2017/ GCFt. Some believe that jikook became official in 2017 but could have/probably were engaged in not so platonic relations prior. I write this bc I find myself torn and want to have a discussion about it. There are things that lead me to believe both but both can't be equally true
pt. 2 In 2016 there is definitely a shift in how jikook interact. The sexual tension is palpable and we get many moments that IMO confirm at the very least intimacy: osaka vlive, graduation song JK sings to Jm, stares and etc. However, nothing signals couple more than their post GCFt aura. Even the members began policing their interactions. So, I am more inclined to believe theory 2 BUT I have a problem with thinking Jk and JM would be okay just fooling around with no strings attached..
Pt 3. Neither JM or JK seem like the type who would be okay with that sort of arrangement. I could be wrong, and that could explain some of the insecurity I see from JK prior to 2017. If there is intimacy with no label then one could understandably feel uncertain especially if internally they've defined the relationship. But, I do struggle with accepting the possibility that either would be okay with an undefined relationship but that could just be me projecting. So I am pulled to theory 1.
Pt 4. To sum it up, based on what I see and how I interpret it I am more drawn to theory 2, they started dating on 2017 but were intimate prior. The intimate "prior" part is one of the things that puts me on the fence. Based off Jikook's words and actions it's hard for me to see them engaging in undefined intimacy. However, that post GCFt aura which screams new couple + evidence of sexual intimacy in 2016 really makes me pause. I have more reasons for me being torn but your Thoughts?
I’m kind of hesitant to touch this one but since you took all the effort I will give you my thoughts. I’ll be answering in terms of a relationship shift, because we don’t know if they are in a defined relationship so I can’t speak to that. We do know that their relationship at some point took a turn from bickering and brotherly to tender and caring. And I have made some observations on this relationship shift in the process of making my timeline. Let me speak on some milestones we’ve observed, and how they might fit into the picture of their relationship. 
In March of 2015, Jungkook made a song recommendation which caused some heads to turn, especially from LGBT fans. Over the past few days he had recommended some extremely depressing songs, but this song was both depressing, and about an unrequited love for another man. It’s called “Memo” by Years & Years. 
To me, this marks that something in Jungkook was shifting, in his mentality, in his personal attitudes, and in his newfound love for LGBT+ artists and music (which would become more and more apparent in the future). It doesn’t necessarily mean that something happened between him and Jimin but I think it’s an important milestone, especially for our perception of who he was as a person. He didn’t let us in on too much in those days. 
As per Jimin’s mentality, I actually think that it’s hard to see as much as a shift because he’d been pretty loud about admiring Jungkook since the beginning. However, I think a good example of timing for the other members catching on to the depth of his admiration is in this MV reaction video.
Jimin keeps mentioning how good Jungkook looks, and eventually Hobi, apparently fed up, just says “think about that by yourself”. It is just an interesting thing to say. Not as huge of a moment but just a little detail that has always stood out to me.
Around this time, Jikook started showing up at the airports in matching, but generic looking outfits. It could be nothing, but it was interesting to me that around the same time of these ‘milestone’ shifts in mentality, they also started wearing matching outfits. 
The next big milestone for me, which I’ve already made a post about, happened in August of 2015. I remember the timing because it’s marked by Jimin fainting on stage at a fansign, though this probably (maybe) has nothing to do with the actual shift itself. Though... maybe it does, because the very next concert, 2 days later, Jungkook flirted with Jimin on stage, and Jimin couldn’t hold back his smile in response. 
Then, just a few days later, Jungkook gave another song recommendation, and Jimin tweeted a reference to the lyrics of the song with a blush emoji and a music note emoji in response??????????
The lyrics Jimin referenced? 
"I will pick off the stars and into your two hands, I will give them fully to you”
After this, a string of very interesting concert moments happened between the pair. I can’t help but to think something drastic changed. 
That being said, I do think there were more things that had to happen between the pair to arrive at the state they’re at now. 
That being said, just a month or so later Jungkook discovered and tweeted about Troye Sivan, and from there it was all downhill. lol
I can’t speak yet for what the following turning points were, but I think this is the most important turning point that happened in their relationship, maybe prior to 2017 and GCF Tokyo, because it was the gateway for all of the intimate behavior to start occurring in front of the camera. 
I think that behind the scenes things really changed in 2015, and it was a process of them coming to terms with whatever they are, and then becoming more and more comfortable showing that truth to the camera and the public. This was a several year long journey, and they are still on it even now. Things have surely changed behind the scenes between August 2015 and 2020, but I stand by my belief that whatever happened in 2015 allowed those other changes to slowly occur. 
I know this doesn’t directly answer your question, but I can’t tell you “Jikook started dating HERE because we don’t even know if they are dating. 
I am guessing you are hesitant about the possibility of an undefined relationship between the duo, maybe because of a cultural taboo or just a personal moral belief, but you have to understand that we really can’t just assume that they’re dating and state that as fact, and there’s also a lot more variables in their lives than there are in an every day relationship. I’m not saying they’re not dating, but it also wouldn’t shock me if they were undefined, or still are now. 
I absolutely can see them engaging in ‘undefined intimacy’ if I’m being honest with you. Jimin is a hopeless romantic, sure, but they were also mid-20s boys, and let’s be real, Jimin had been yearning for a loooong time. 
And I’ll tell you from personal experience as a gay person, undefined experimentation is pretty much a GIVEN for us when we’re figuring out our sexualities. Straight people don’t have to really think twice about ‘is what i’m feeling real? is it just a mistake? is it a phase? am i just fooling myself? will it stop being real when it becomes sexual?’ and 100 other questions. If you really do think they are dating, I can pretty much guarantee you they would’ve experimented with each other prior to putting any sort of label on it. With a few exceptions I’m sure, this is just simply how a lot of LGBT+ people figure themselves out, and I urge you to not view that as a negative thing. 
Anyway I’m not sure I said everything I want to but I’m running out of steam, lol. Hope this somewhat helped :)
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jiminieloved · 4 years
UJT In Depth: Part 7
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Part 7
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1. 140102 Bangtan Bomb:
Can we just talk about how this is like.... the prequel to GCF Tokyo??? Lmaooo. Jungkook followed Jimin around with a camera for so long that the editor had to speed up the footage. Bye like 00:57 Jungkook is clutching his arm in pain (he wasn’t quite as beefy yet 🥴) Whatever narratives people have aside, Jungkook already had a stemming passion for videography, and Jimin was his muse since the very beginning. 
2. Trot singing:
The way Jimin is looking at Jungkook at 1:26. 😳I think it speaks for itself, really. Jungkook has nerves of steel. 
3. Group Vlog:
I included this moment because even though it’s not specifically a Jikook moment, it is our (second? third?) warning sign about Jimin’s eating habits. Tae was worried about it enough to bring up his dieting as a topic for their New Years wishes.
 I don’t like to talk about it too much because I dislike that this topic is often used in introduction videos to BTS and Jimin (this should NOT be the first thing new fans know about Jimin, it is absolutely not their right), and it’s absolutely not what defines him. But I do think it’s something worth noting in a comprehensive timeline about Jikook, since it did become a major part of his life. I think a lot of people tend to assume that Jimin’s detrimental eating habits began in 2016 when it became really obvious, but the warning signs started practically from the very beginning. 
4. School Luv Affair Making DVD
The main thing that stood out to me in these moments was the Valentine’s day moment. I wonder why Jungkook went to Jimin specifically to ask about Valentine’s plans? Was he teasing him for their prior vlog when Jimin complained about getting less chocolates than him? Was Jimin seeing someone at the time? Was he teasing for a different reason? I’m not sure. I just thought it was kind of interesting Jungkook chose to specifically ask Jimin about that topic. I want to know what was going on in his head. 
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