#look at aether and his lil smile
viaetor · 1 year
good evening, my name is myrrh and my love language is gift giving and i love commissioning my friend aya (r18 twt acc, be careful) for cute stuff and gifts for my friends such as lil chibi dash icons. thanks for coming to my ted talk, it will happen again!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
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yestrday · 2 days
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: ̗̀➛ DESPERATION INCARNATE yan! xiao / gn! reader
in every life, he had sworn to protect you. in every life, he had failed. in this life, he'll make sure that it won't happen again. to keep the you in this life from ever slipping away from him like you did so many times before.
in which xiao falls in love with you in every life and slowly goes insane.
( reincarnation au, w4r, lots of blo0dshed and decápitation, graphic description of vi0lence, mention of xiao's sl4very, deáth... lots of it, sort of enabler aether but for a lil bit, the beginnings of a yandere, angst. lots of it as well )
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“you know, yéyé says that if you make a wish on a dandelion seed, then your wishes will come true!”
the unnamed adeptus fixes his golden gaze on a fellow prisoner, sitting across from him with a bright smile. the prisoners around them have given up already, with their dull, glazed eyes and the repeated prayers of deàth spilling from their cracked lips. but this odd one, although their face caked with grime and their hair matted from bloòd, smiles at him from the darkness.
“... dandelion seed?” he goes, not bothering to wince or be embarrassed by his raspy voice. this dull life strips you of your dignity and pride. there’s no use in saving face when you’re looking at deàth right in the eyes. “i have never heard of such a thing.”
“oh, you don’t know?” the little prisoner cocks their head at him. “it’s a curious thing! it’s a flower with fluffy petals covering the middle part. yéyé said that whenever he takes a walk on the borders between liyue and mondstadt, he’d pick some for himself and make a wish!”
the adeptus scoffs. “wishes have no place in my world. actions must be taken if you want results. your grandfather sounds foolish. now be quiet, lest you want the god to take care of that noisy tongue of yours.”
his fellow mate sticks said tongue out at him and gives him a dirty glare. “how rude! my yéyé is the smartest one in our village, you know. he takes a record of all the crops harvested. he’s veeery important! besides, don’t you want to know what he wished for?”
he sighs. it wouldn’t hurt to indulge this one’s yapping for a little more time. the painful groans were starting to take a toll on him and conversation, no matter how foolish the premise sounded, was a nice change of pace. even if his throat was hurting from use because of the god’s neglect to give them drinkable water. “what is it, then?”
they grin at him. “he wished for mondstadt’s harsh winds to disappear! isn’t he cool?”
“why wouldn’t he use the wish for himself?” he cocks his head. “it seems to be more efficient and logical.”
the little prisoner stares at them from behind their bars.
“... what.”
“you are so dull to talk to.”
ugh, this little—! they were the one who started the conversation! before alatus could snap something back, they fall back dramatically and shake their head at him in a pitying manner. “wishes aren’t made to be efficient and logical, stupid! they won’t always work! that’s why they’re just wishes!”
he decides that this thing is absolutely aggravating to talk to, but he won’t deny that he likes their company. “then what’s the use of doing something so useless?”
they laugh. it echoes through their cell, a pleasant tune before it escapes through the bars and gets lost in the sad symphony of groans and lifeless pleas. they continue to laugh like they were underneath liyue’s vast blue skies instead of an underground tomb. “isn’t it obvious, mister adeptus? it’s for hope!
“if you wish on a dandelion and blow the seeds away, your wish will be carried for all of teyvat to hear! and then– and then! even if it’s just a teeny bit of hope, you’ll start to feel that everything can be possible!”
“sounds inefficient.”
“that’s why i said you’re so dull to talk to.”
“i don’t understand why you keep coming back down here, mister adeptus,” comes the familiar cheery voice of his once prison mate. the surrounding cells are all empty, filled with corpses of the dead long gone. the young god has no time to spare any thought for the useless mortals hanging in his underground prison. the adeptus slides a tray of milk and bread between the bars and into the lap of a grinning face.
even you, he thinks as he examines their sallow face and dry lips. you have been forgotten.
 “you have plenty of companions upstairs. shouldn’t you be celebrating and parading around with them? i heard through the cracks that you’ve got plenty of rice wine to waste.”
“they are not my companions,” he snaps, but they don’t flinch as they snack on the food. “they’re fools who waste their time mindlessly partying and deriving pleasure from the pain of the weak. and i’m… i am nothing more than the god’s plaything.”
he sinks to the ground, sighing. “... [your name],” he whispers, staring at them tearfully from behind bars. “i will get us out of here, i promise.” his hands, shaking and caked with blood, gently reach for their cheek. it’s rough and awfully thin, and something in his chest breaks whenever he sees such a beautiful thing covered in dirt like they were nothing. “i’ll get you back to your village. i’ll make sure that you’ll see your grandfather and your siblings again.”
their hands squeeze his lightly, not having the energy to reciprocate his tenderness like they used to. “i know,” they whisper back to him. they smile up at him, though it is now weak and shaky. “... your hair is green.”
his brows knit together in confusion, but they brush back a few stray strands and smile at the feel of it in their palm. “... i’ve never seen a dandelion, you know. but my yéyé says that dandelions are green. i don’t know if it’s this shade of green but…” you close your eyes and chuckle. “it’s nice to know that i have my own dandelion right in front of me.”
“my dandelion… i have a wish to make,” you mumble to him. alatus closes in, ready to serve you your heart’s deepest desires.
“anything… anything you want, [your name], i’ll make it come true. so…!”
“smile for me, will you?” you peer up at him, watching confusion take over his delicate yet rough features. “you always look so sad. as my dearest friend…
“my only wish is that i see you smile. even if it’s just once.”
the adeptus returns the next day, milk and bread on a tray once more. they are wasted on the floor.
a corpse smiles from the shadows of the cell.
he thinks back to the wish he couldn’t fulfill yesterday. try as he might, it’s hard to stretch his lips into a genuine smile.
maybe it’s because he’s collapsed on the ground, yelling in pain as his whole world blissfully sleeps in the corner.
maybe it’s because whenever he tries to smile, it doesn’t feel right.
not when there’s no one to smile for anymore.
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the end is nowhere in sight, yet rex lapis keeps pushing forward.
alatus’ spear plunges into the guts of the demons, spurting black blood over his lithe body as he pulls it out. around him, his fellow yakshas are also hard at work. bosacius tears bodies apart with his four bare hands, splattering more blood and leaving a gruesome sight behind. menogias clicks his tongue and furrows his eyes at the electro yaksha in disapproval.
“can’t you be a bit more graceful, bosacius?” he steps out of the way as bonanus and indarias team up to fling a particularly mighty foe across his way. “these corpses are dismal to look at!”
bosacius laughs boisterously, hoisting an enemy up in the air and cracking their skull on a rock in one fell swoop. “i can’t be bothered, brother! this is the way bosacius fights! with bare hands and strength! corpses are not meant to be looked at anyway!” crack. crack. the gruesome sounds of his fighting are lost in the sounds of war around them.
with a clever twist of his body, alatus sends a corpse to the four-handed idiot to which he skillfully catches without even sparing a glance. “less talking, more fighting,” he says ever so curtly. “rex lapis requires our immediate assistance. do not dally.”
bosacius and menogias send each other a knowing glance, quite familiar with alatus’ undying loyalty to their senior adeptus. the fighting continues and alatus continues to let himself get lost in the chaos, never minding the mysterious ache that binds his chest tighter and tighter with every demon purged. when the battle is won, no one celebrates. it’s hard to, when you feel the blood of the thousands you have massacred drying on your skin. alatus approaches rex lapis, his toned back shadowed by the rising sun as he overlooks the aftermath of the war.
“you’ve fought well, alatus,” rex lapis’ deep voice acknowledges him, brown eyes still steady on the horizon. “you do well to keep the contract.”
“i do not need a contract to serve you, rex lapis,” alatus starts humbly, lowering his gaze in respect. “i owe you my freedom and life.”
“you say that, yet i now have you enslaved to kill for another cause. to me, there is no difference.” rex lapis casts a glace on his most loyal follower. “yet you say that i have given you freedom.”
alatus takes note of the dry bitterness underneath rex lapis’ otherwise gravel tone. “i have signed the contract of my own free will,” he professes, daring to gaze his golden eyes into his lord’s similar ones. “you need not worry about me, my lord.”
rex lapis chuckles, before beckoning alatus to his side. “look at her harsh winds and cold peaks,” the senior adeptus muses. “our nation is blessed with vast plains and tall mountains, but our neighbors shoulder the bitter cold while fighting their side of the archon war.”
“indeed,” alatus could only say. “but your victory is sure now, my lord. soon you will rebuild liyue to glory once you’ve taken the seat of the seven.”
“mmm, yes,” rex lapis hums. “the war nears its end. seven victors from different nations, including bitter and wintry mondstadt. i wonder what sort of archon will rise from mondstadt. our borders are joined together— while violetgrass root themselves on the stony sides of our mountains, their dandelions withstand harsh winds even as their seeds threaten to fly. perhaps their new archon can give them a home where they can grow unbothered, while i build our citizens to be as resilient as a violetgrass.”
… dandelions…
“apologies for the unnecessary question, my lord, but… have you seen a dandelion?”
“oh, they’re curious little things indeed. native to mondstadt. if guizhong had time, she used to walk by the borders and pluck them to make a wish.”
alatus’s breath hitches at the familiar tale. “... what did she wish for, if i would be permitted to know?”
rex lapis’ lips turn into a half-smile, hardened eyes softening at the memories of a dear friend long gone. “she wished for liyue to prosper under my rule. never used a wish on herself.”
“... huh.” the wind blows back alatus’s matted hair, revealing forlorn eyes as they gaze at the sun. “... i wonder why they all do that.”
“does this all sound familiar to you, alatus?” the younger adeptus looks up to see his lord gazing at him with a soft look. alatus shakes his head and straightens his back, taking on the stance of a soldier once again.
“no. this is not the time for me to be concerned with another nation’s trivialities.” he bows his head to the adeptus and starts to make his exit. he doesn’t know why, but a gloved hand takes one of the stray strands of hair self-consciously and turns back to rex lapis. “another question… if i may be so impudent to ask.”
“impudence is not a word to be used on you, alatus. go ahead.”
for a moment, alatus’s confused and conflicted face makes him look like the young adeptus rex lapis saved from the hands of a cruel god. now he is not a battle-hardened soldier, but a lost boy who doesn’t know what to do. “... is the shade of my hair… similar to that of a dandelion?”
the older adeptus cocks his head at the unusual question. “far from it, no.” he studies alatus’s look of disappointment as he lets go of the strand. “why do you ask?”
“... nothing, my lord.”
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moments of respite like this are rare in this current era of warfare, so soldiers cherish every single second of it. but for alatus who has only known bloodshed ever since his days at the mercy of the young god, this temporary peacefulness is a waste of time. in a camp just outside of liyue harbor, alatus and his fellowmen idle around a crackling campfire.
“you’re too fidgety, alatus-gē,” pervases laughs as he takes a bite out of his grilled ticker fish. he raises one to alatus’s face. “care for one?” when the senior adeptus scowls and turns his head away, he shrugs and scoffs it down stick and all in one gulp. “more for me then.”
“those malevolent gods continue to let their underlings rampage as we sit here and idle,” alatus frowned at the seemingly peaceful campsite of his fellow yakshas and even a few outstanding mortal warriors. “we should be making plans and calling reinforcements. the war will not end unless we bring that monster down to its watery grave.”
“oh my,” comes a motherly sigh. a young woman with silvery gray hair smiles slyly at alatus. her slender figure stretches across the log serving as a seat in front of the campfire, the cleansing bell tinkling delicately at her side. “you youngsters are quite eager to get into danger these days. not everyone has the energy to keep battling, you know? why i—” she sighs mournfully, pressing her fingers to a supple cheek “— even i need my beauty sleep. charging into the fray daily with no rest is just too much!”
“ping,” he addresses the newcomer. “i see that you are as vain as ever. if you’re not willing to put your all into this war, why did you even enter the contract?”
“i am upholding my end of the contract,” huffs ping. “but only within reason! you’re the one who’s out of reason.” she waves him off with her hand, shooing him off like a stray dog. “take a walk or something. call it a night patrol to ease yourself. i’m afraid your scowl is going to affect me and give me wrinkles.”
alatus takes a good moment to ponder the suggestion before he feels ping’s eyes narrowing at him threateningly. with a deep sigh, he takes his spear with him and teleports himself to a quiet walkway some ways off the guili assembly. war had touched this side of liyue too, it seemed, with swords rusted with blood plunged to the ground and tattered kerchiefs belonging to soldiers waving solemnly in the air. alatus knows this place to once been the safe haven of rex lapis and the late guizhong’s people before the war took the sweet goddess’ life and perished her to dust. now it is mere ruins, a reminder of the evil deities are willing to commit for power.
alatus has years of battle experience under his belt, but it doesn’t make the feeling any better as he stares at these relics. he focuses his gaze on the moon and walks by.
… rumble rumble…
a weathering wall shakes just a few steps away, alerting alatus’s senses. he quickly arms his spear as he vigilantly approaches the spot. the place is teeming with ruin guards and other dangerous mechanisms and although mindless machines are no match for him, alatus is not one to underestimate an opponent. when he peeks around the corner, it is not the eerie glowing eye of a machine but a pair of eyes about to glaze over.
covered in soot and dirt, a raspy voice tries to speak out, “w… wa… ter…”
alatus blinks in surprise when he finds a human instead but quickly teleports somewhere to get drinkable water. in a moment, he appears again in front of them and swiftly tips the saucer into their mouth. gently lifting their head, he watches as they desperately glug down the water. some of it spills from the sides, but the light in their eyes quickly revives until they pull away with a gasp.
“ugh… ha! i thought i was a goner there!”
alatus freezes.
two shining [eye color] eyes peer up at him gratefully as a wide grin spreads across their face.
“thanks a lot, mister adeptus.”
they are escorted into liyue harbor. alatus does not talk to them or even spare them a glance, afraid of whatever feelings that may arise should he do so. he’s aware of the curious glance they send his way, scrutinizing his every inch. he doesn’t like how they stare at him with awe and absolute trust. this is an era of warring gods, where adepti like him dig into flesh and blood to pursue their ambition. fools who cling to whoever feeds them die easily.
they continue staring. it feels like fire as his guilt and memories long pushed away pour from his heart and threaten to consume him whole. his steps feel heavier, as if any second now and the earth will cave in and send him straight to hell. unconsciously, his eyes glance back to them and they… smile.
it hurts.
flashes of a corpse long gone come back to him and he tears his eyes away. he shakes this haunting feeling away, yet their stare that bears the weight of decades' guilt continues to burden him all the way to camp.
"ping," he says gruffly, catching the attention of the group. everyone's a bit startled at the arrival of a newcomer, a dusty and malnourished one at that, but even more so that alatus decided to trek uphill instead of just conveniently teleporting himself. "take care of this one," is all he curtly says before plopping down underneath a tree and closing his eyes.
ping huffs in disdain and gives him a dirty look, but quickly changes it to give the newcomer a warm smile. “come now, sweetie,” she coos, placing a comforting palm on the small of their back and escorting them to the bonfire. “you’re positively shivering! it makes sense, given that that yaksha’s always so cold.” at this alatus grunts, but she doesn’t pay him any mind. “here’s some soup and a blanket to cover you with. my gosh, you’re so dirty! what have you been doing? playing around in the mud?”
you eagerly take her up on her offer, and soon you’re swaddled in a thick blanket and bowl of carrot soup to enjoy in front of the fire. “i was actually studying some of the leftover ruins at the assembly. i thought that maybe i could get some useful things and use them for myself.”
ping gasps dramatically at your story– a young adult scrapping for leftovers in the middle of the war– and alatus rolls his eyes. “poor, poor thing!” she cries and draws you in for a hug. “don’t worry. here at morax’s camp, you won’t have to suffer through that anymore! you’ll be cared for until we can find a suitable place for you and the other survivors to live!”
you laugh. “i think you have the wrong impression, ms. adeptus, i’ve had it pretty easy compared to others during this war. what i’ve been scrapping are materials!”
ping cocks her head, and alatus even peeks out from the tree he’s hiding behind. “materials, darling?”
“yes! screws, tree bark, metal, you name it. i’m finding them so i can continue making my gadgets.” you fish into your bag, and they can hear the clanking of metal and other stuff as you sift through the mess. “ah, here it is, one of my favorites!” you pull out a curious box, the cuhui wood engraved with liyuean details. you gently snap the box open and reveal a little figurine made out of precious stone, frozen in an elegant twirl reminiscent of liyue’s traditional dances. you begin to crank the little knob at its side, and when you release it a pleasant tinkling of sounds fills the night air.
ping stares wide-eyed at the pretty treasure, listening to its sounds with a fond look on her face. even pervasive hums as he gnaws on his nth fish, his scratchy voice humming along with the old lullaby. other nearby campers close their eyes and let their minds wander for a while, to a place where lullabies such as this sang all day and wars didn’t raze grass and civilians to the ground. for a moment, they let themselves be deluded into a moment of peace.
when the tinkling fades away, only the crackling of the fire remains. “pretty, isn’t it?” it takes ping a moment to snap out of her trance before nodding enthusiastically.
“quite! oh, if it didn’t look so perfect slotted between your hands, i might have snatched it for myself! although,” she nervously chuckles, feeling the stern gaze of the silent adeptus lounging behind the tree. “i might not have the chance anyway. a certain someone has been glaring at me ever since i conceived the thought.”
“maybe he wants it for himself?” pervases jokes. “he could do with it, what with all that stress.”
“hmph, i’ve no need for such trivial things.” he goes back to resting against the trunk without another word.
ping sighs and shakes her head at you, like a disappointed mother. “he’s always like that,” she laments. “he’s morax’s most faithful servant, i’ll tell you that, but sometimes it makes me wonder what will happen after this war is over. surely he won’t be going around slaughtering monsters?!” she raises her hand to her mouth like the thought was too unforgivable.
pervases hummed, thinking hard and long about how his senior would act in a time of peace. “hmm… i think alatus-ge would like to fish. he seems like the type.”
the image of the bloody general fishing floats above your three heads. ping waves it away. “as if!” she scoffs. “he’d just spear the fish and be done with it!”
“what kind of person do you think alatus-ge is…?”
“alatus, alatus!”
something twists at his gut, a mix of anticipation and dread, but he stops in his tracks to wait for you. you catch your breath beside him. “you’re so fast for someone so short!” you complain. “how do you do it?”
“slowness isn’t an option on the battlefield,” alatus curtly says before turning to assess. you’re covered head to toe in dirt, and your fingers are covered in grime like you’ve been digging. he sighs and rubs a speck of dirt from your cheek. “another one of your foraging hunts? you can always tell me if you need something. it’s too dangerous outside the camp.”
“i used to tell you, didn’t i?” you pout. “but you can’t tell the difference between a cork and a screw!”
alatus blushes. he can’t really wrap his head around these machineries. whenever you and cloud retainer got into one of your excited conversations about tinkering and machinery, alatus could only pretend like everything you just said didn’t make his head spin. if you got into another of your rants about the intricacies of machines or whatever, everything you said went into one ear and out the other.
“but you still listen, don’t you?” ping and pervases teased him with knowing grins. he had hit them over the head after that.
“... tus! alatus! ugh, you’re not listening again!” you had gotten into a lecture of the differences between corks and screws, but now you shake him by the shoulder with furrowed brows. “you’re always like this. is machinery really too hard for you?”
“everyone has their strengths.” he ruffles your hair, smiling softly when you visibly relax. “you wouldn’t want me to tell you about how to efficiently kill geovishaps, do you?” when you make a face, he laughs slightly. “thought so.”
“they just… ugh. they just smell so bad!”
“... they smell like rocks.”
as the two of you finish the rest of his patrol, alatus doesn’t miss a moment to watch your every movement. here, under the red rays of dusk, you look so alive. your cheeks could be healthier, but alatus is comforted with the knowledge that you stuffed yourself full this morning. your eyes have a twinkle in them, not the last sparks of ember that you had tried to hold on for so long. and you smile… because you want to. not because you had to. not because you had to comfort your fellow friend in prison.
“looks like we’ve walked too far,” alatus comments, sighting the dandelions swaying in the distance. “we should head back to camp before it gets too dark.”
“oooh, dandelions,” you muse. you and alatus stand side by side, taking in the dandelions swaying in their pastel heads swaying in the wind. “i heard they were pretty, but seeing them in person is better.”
standing by your side, alatus takes in your countenance. there is an indistinguishable look in your eyes as you watch their seeded heads bob and sway, your smile somewhere between content and forlorn. the setting sun paints your face with an orange hue, only serving to make you look as if you’ve come out of an oil painting itself. alatus’s breath hitches and he tears his eyes away from you.
self-consciously, he rubs a teal strand of his hair before tucking it back. “do… does my hair…” you turn your gaze to him questioningly, and his pale face burns at the embarrassing predicament he’s put himself in. “does my hair look like the dandelions?”
you stare at him for quite some time, only blinking and not saying anything, before you tilt your head back and laugh. alatus’s face only reddens further and he hits you with his elbow in his embarrassment. you only continue to laugh, even as alatus is beginning to throttle you and beg you to pay no heed to his words. when you’re done laughing, alatus huffs at you and refuses to look at you.
“oh, you… silly adeptus, i would have mistaken you for a pure-hearted maiden there!” you giggle into your hand, and alatus’s brows knit themselves in huffiness as you continue to tease him. “come on, you have eyes. they’re not even close in color!”
he kicks you lightly in the shin, before turning around and walking off to the distance. “come on. let’s head to camp before night,” he says as if nothing’s happened. you stare at his back for a while, a teasing smile on your face, before shaking it off and hurrying to catch up to him. when you catch up to him, you leap at him with your arms around his neck, ruffling his hair with a bright smile on your face.
“don’t be too grumpy, alatus!” you laugh, even as he sends you a look of frustration. “once this is all over, we’ll come back to this place and make wishes on those dandelions!”
“don’t forget about me, mister servant,” you lightly laugh behind your bars. “bring me lots of food, okay? then once you get me outta here, we’ll have a big ol’ feast at my yéyé’s.”
one of the guards tug at alatus’s shackles but he clings to your cell even as they grunt and pull. “[your name], i’m not leaving you! i can’t! i won’t!”
you chuckle. “stupid mister adeptus. who’s going to swipe cake for me then? now go, shoo.” you wave him away, smiling weakly. “i know you’ll come back for me. you always will.”
you’ve always had a knack for being the unluckiest person alive. even if your smile was so bright that it seemed to ward off evil, tragedy always seemed to tightly coil around your neck like a noose. he wanted to be the one to cut it off, in both the last life and this.
once again, he always seemed to be too late.
“they’ve broken through the formation!” indarias yells, slamming a fiery fist through her enemies. the pyro-blessed yaksha, usually so playful and coy, looks at her comrades with panic. “there’s no one left at the camp to defend them anymore. they’re— they’re all—!” she swallows down the bitter reality, pervases and her other comrades’ gored bodies flashing through her mind. “the civilians can’t defend themselves from all those monsters!”
“shit.” menogias slices through a foe and turns to their youngest, standing atop a pile of bloodied corpses. karmic debt wraps him and the other yakshas like a dense fog, and it gets harder to breathe with every passing second. still, he calls out to him.
the young yaksha only spares him a golden glance, before slipping the bloodied mask on. “you don’t have to tell me twice.” and he disappears into the air.
you are not there when he reappears at the camp. no one is. everything is on fire, and he can barely see what’s in front of him thanks to all the smoke and ashes polluting the air. he hisses at the burning in his lungs, but he perseveres forward as he strains his ears for any signs of life. the faint clashing of weapons and maniacal laughter is far away, but they grow stronger as he continues.
he steps on something… fleshy. growing dread rises within him as he slowly looks down.
that… is a severed hand.
biting his tongue, he rushes forward through the sea of flames. more and more decapitated limbs and bodies litter the area. arms, legs, torsos, feet… the handiwork of psychopaths, no doubt. because an ordinary soldier would not do this. not to civilians. not to people who could not defend themselves. he sees no face to mourn for. he sees no head to remember.
roars of laughter peal through the air as he braves a wall of fire. as the sky is dyed red with both fire and dawn, alatus’ face pales when he sees the enemies marching around as they shout triumphantly into the chaos.
your head, beautiful as he had always remembered, parades past him on a wooden stake.
when karmic debt takes over, he doesn’t remember anything the next morning when he sobs and cradles your sleeping face, surrounded by the bodies of foes and allies alike.
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in your next life, you are both strangers. he looks high and low for you in liyue, but he does not find you.
celestia orders the seven archons to launch an attack on khaenri’ah, and alatus and whoever is left of the adepti is ordered by rex lapis to stand by in liyue and eliminate any escaped khaenri’ahns. although he has nothing against them, he is more than happy to follow his lord’s commands, because he has nothing else left to do but do his duty.
surely enough, the khaenri’ahns have found some escape route that leads up to liyue. unfortunately for them, alatus and the others are there to massacre them without hesitation.
in one of the escapees, his eyes widen behind his mask as he meets your scared eyes. in this life, they have diamonds in them, and they stare back at him with fear and unfamiliarity rather than mischief and friendliness. he thinks you still look beautiful.
even as he drives a spear through your chest.
when the massacre is finished, he tries to find your body. but there are too many of you, bodies upon bodies and the stench of death heavy in the air. he cannot find you, his pearl, in this bloody sea of corpses.
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years have passed, and he has not seen you since.
well, that would be a bit false. he does see you, but not… you. he does not walk with you in flower fields to admire your face bathed in sunlight nor does he watch you rummage through ruins for scraps of metal and machines. he does not idly chat with you behind bars to pass the time away nor does he help soft bread to your chapped lips as he comforts you with promises of your freedom and your yéyé.
he sees an image of you, the hallucination that his karmic debt has conjured for him in his nightmares. you smile at him ever so sweetly, joining him in his bed at wangshu inn. you’re always so pure and pretty in your nightdress when you sidle up to him to share in his warmth. but when you lean over to press a kiss to his cheek, alatus’ eyes shoot wide open as he feels your hand wrap around his neck and squeeze. he should fight, he could fight, but how could he? your face is twisted in hatred and disappointment, whispering to him about his betrayal and failure to save you. ‘you killed me, you left me, you fed me to the dogs.’
how could he fight back, when all you have said is the truth?
and so alatus, now named xiao, wakes up for another day drenched in his sweat and tears.
he is patrolling guili plains when he spots a familiar head of gold and the tinier head of white walking idly through the grasses. it’s not unusual for aether and paimon to be here, but they’ve thoroughly explored and exhausted this area of any treasures, and last he heard they were in fontaine. he hides away in a tree, observing their usual back and forth as they seem to wait for someone.
“like i’m saying, they’re an hour late!” paimon fumes, stomping the air as she throws a tantrum. “what if someone happened to them? oooh, paimon knew we should’ve picked them up from mondstadt! they’re always so clumsy!”
“oh, don’t get your crown in a twist, paimon,” aether says, nonchalant as ever. he glances towards xiao’s way and hums to himself, as if partaking in a fun little secret (he’s always been so perceptive, xiao muses), and takes a bite out of his sunsettia. “geniuses like [your name] are always like that. losing track of time, getting caught up in some curious thing they encountered on their way… they’ll be here soon, promise.” he hands out his half-eaten sunsettia to paimon. “sunsettia?”
“ew, gross! don’t hand paimon your leftovers!”
xiao perks at the familiar name, opening one eye as he lazily ruminates the familiar syllables in his head. [your name], [your name], [your name]... like he could ever forget that. he whispers it in his sleep, prays to your hallucination like a god, screams it every morning… [your name], [your name], [your name]... he watches aether finish his sunsettia and sighs to himself. he shouldn’t be silly. numerous people with your name have appeared in liyue ever since he’s last seen you, and not one of them was you. he shouldn’t get his hopes up.
“— iiii’mmm! so, so sorry!” a sobbed yelp breaks the peace of the plains from the distance. a hefty backpack overshadows the figure carrying it, running as fast as they can with the weight on them. they skid to a stop in front of the traveler and paimon, who greets the newcomer with an amused smile and a huffy face. the backpack ungracefully lands on the grass with a loud clang, and its owner falls alongside it as they try to catch their breath. “i’m so— huff— sorry! i was— hah— on my way here when i— huff— came across a travelling merchant. they had all these goods from fontaine and i— hah— couldn’t resist!”
paimon once again stomps the air. “well, you should try to be more mindful from now on! it’s rude!”
“i’m so~ory,” the eccentric figure whines pitifully. they rummage through their bag and pull out a pretty tin box, the kind used to store cookies. “forgive me, paimon?” in the usual paimon fashion, her eyes twinkle upon seeing the pretty sugar cookies stored inside, and upon the first bite all is finally forgiven.
“hm, is it just me or is someone watching us…?” they wonder, looking around the guili plains for any signs of life. “i feel this, uh, weird pressure. or am i just delusional…?”
when they turn, xiao catches their eyes through the canopy of leaves on the tree he’s occupying. his breath hitches, his eyes widen, and the world seems to halt to a stop.
you unknowingly lock eyes with the adeptus, cocking your head as you try to find the stranger peeking on your little group.
you blink when the pressure is finally gone, and you look back at the highly perceptive traveler in confusion. he only regards you with a small smile and shrugs.
“you’re awfully interested in the engineer, don’t you think?” aether playfully muses as he walks in on one of xiao’s rare times of relaxation. he lounges on wangshu inn’s balcony as he overlooks the scenery beneath him, almond tofu in hand. “why don’t you greet them for yourself then?”
xiao doesn’t spare him a glance as he brings a spoon of the silken food to his mouth. “unnecessary.”
aether rolls his eyes, taking the spot next to xiao as he studies the adeptus with a smile. “don’t be like that, you introvert. you’re always following us around while they go study liyue’s machines. i’m sure zhongli would be pleased to know that you have friends outside of us and the other adepti.” xiao scowls when aether uses his lord as a guilt trip, but doesn’t comment any further. “[your name]’s a wonderful person, if not a bit ditzy at times. i think they and cloud retainer would get aloong quite well if they ever met each other.”
he thinks back to your second life, where you chattered the night away with the crane adeptus about machinery and the like. bathed in the glow of the campfire, alatus would only dare observe from a distance as you talked passionately with stars in your eyes. aether observes as xiao’s eyes soften. “they did.”
the traveller huffs a laugh, slumping his cheek against the wooden railing as he looks out to the scenery too. “reincarnation, huh? there were things like that in other worlds as well.”
he’d never admit it, but he had always been pleased by the fact that aether had the shared experience of living for eras, if not longer. the other adepti were never close to humans, but aether and his sister had always walked alongside mortals in order to observe their stories. xiao lets the wind graze his cheek. “... did you ever have someone you wanted as well?”
“i made many friends but…” aether quirks a small smile, tapping his fingers on the wood lightly. “my sister was really all i needed.” he notes the hidden pain in his voice. “we’ve traversed many worlds together, and we will always have eternity together. but you don’t have someone like that.”
golden eyes meet golden, and xiao shudders at the sly look that aether gives him.
“well, unless you do something to change that.”
‘damn you, aether.’ the traveller’s always been sort of a bastard hiding behind gentle manners and a pretty smile, but he never thought that he’d stoop so low as to awaken the dark feelings that he’s kept repressed for so long. ‘sly dog.’ he makes a mental note to not react when aether calls for him next as some sort of petty revenge.
today, you are alone. your backpack is lighter, thankfully, otherwise you would not be able to travel through the huaguang stone forest’s cliffs and falls. he’s joined you on this journey since you started a few days back, but he continues to grow with paranoia every time he sees you walk too close to the edge. he’s also saved you a few times, summoning wind to stabilize a shaky glide or carrying you further away from the edge when you started rolling in your sleep.
his heart twists when he settles you back in your sleeping bag. he takes in your sleeping face, murmuring nonsense in your sleep, and the sides of his lips tug into an unconscious smile. you’ve always had that habit in the lives that he’s known you in, and he pushes aside the strands of hair to take a clearer look at your face. when the babbling subsides, your dopey grin relaxes itself, and the heartaches begin once again. so many times he’s watched over you like this, but the last time he had was… was when you were…
your face, peaceful and oblivious, overlaps to a bloody, dismembered one. xiao inhales sharply and shakes the image out of his head.
he starts with your cheek, caressing it softly with his calloused fingers as he revels in your warmth. they trace every feature— your fluttering eyelids, the in-betweens of your eyes, your twitching nose— until his thumb presses on your lip. this was not a luxury he could afford back then, but now, now.
‘i can protect you in this world.’ he thinks. his lips brush against yours, but he does not lean in further.
‘all my past transgressions, i will make it up to you.’
you smile in your sleep peacefully, just as you did... so many years ago.
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you appear in xiao’s dream once more.
it starts off the same as always. you are draped in fine liyue silk, batting those innocent eyes at him as you call him to your shared bed. he knows what will happen next, having relieved this for centuries on end. you will crawl upon him, you will wrap those hands around his neck, and you will admonish him. xiao stares at the alluring image of you and does not budge from the foot of the bed.
“[your name], come to me.” your image cocks its head in confusion, but you follow anyway. now that he’s met the real you, he can clearly see the difference. your hair isn’t that shade, your eyes are much too wide and— ah, his image of you has slowly been creeping away from his mind after years of separation. the thought of it twists his heart.
he watches you crawl over to him, tempting and innocent like a newly wed bride. you sit on your knees dutifully, awaiting his next command. he reaches out, strokes your hair— it’s not as soft as this in real life— and smiles darkly.
“i love you, [your name].”
you smile. “i know.”
“i always have. even after all these years.”
“i know.”
your eyes held so much light and passion than this blank-minded image of you. he inhales. “i’ll miss you.”
you furrow your brows, frowning in confusion at the sudden confession. “alatus, what are you talking about—?!”
xiao’s face is unmoving as he watches you choke on your blood, staring up at him wide-eyed as your hands shakily reach up to the spear embedded through your chest. “a– la– tus…?” he does not respond to your weak call, yellow eyes dull as you bloody his spear and heave with every gasp. “wh– how could…?”
“i’ve met you, [your name],” he whispers. he thumbs away the blood trickling from your lips. he breathes in slowly, knocking his head against yours. your image stares at him in betrayal and fear. “in this life, i’ve finally met you.” he feels your image dissipating and he brings you in closer. “finally. after all these years.”
“a… la… tus…”
“this time. this life. i promise you.” he entangles your bloody hand in his and presses a kiss to it. “we will finally be together.”
“no matter what.”
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heizlut · 1 year
Jealousy (part 1)
"Can you write about Aether, Gorou, Kazuha and Albedo getting jealous because the reader is not paying attention to them (like is busy that day and didn’t have time to be with them)?" (anon ask/answer)
a/n: so i kind of added a little twist to the prompt... i hope you don't mind, anon! (any extra character mentioned has a purely platonic relationship with reader with no hidden agenda, i promise!!)
cw: none! this drabble is sfw but is suggestive
tags: multiple chars x reader (separate), possessive!aether (he gets his own tag b/c he gets a lil mean with it), gn!reader, no specific pronouns used (just they/them), use of y/n (plz forgive me), not really proofread (r.i.p)
read part 2 here!
check out my masterlist here!
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You and Aether almost always took commissions together, but today was different. Kaeya had approached you personally with the hope that you would accompany him on his business trip Sumeru that he took on to help relieve Jean of some of her workload. What fully convinced you to accept was that Kaeya had told you to consider it more as a vacation with just a touch of business on the side. You happily accepted, excited to have a break and being able to spend it with someone you considered a close friend. Caught up in the excitement, you failed to let Katheryne know to tell Aether that you would be gone for awhile.
Imagine Aether's surprise when he ends up on a commission in Sumeru a day later and sees you with Kaeya at one of the taverns. Your laughter rings in his ears as though Kaeya had just said the funniest thing in the world. Aether finds himself becoming frustrated... no, jealous. Not only had you failed to let him know you would be travelling to Sumeru for who knows how long, you were also there with Kaeya. He made his way over to where you both sat, taking the seat right next to before even greeting either of you. Your eyes widen as you realize the mistake you had made when you had forgotten to inform him of where you were going and with who.
Before you can even apologize, Aether has a fake smile plastered on his face, but you're quick to notice how his jaw is tensed as he places a hand on your thigh under the table, giving it a harsh squeeze to let you know how he really felt, "Y/n and Kaeya, funny seeing you two here." The tone of his voice was saccharine and you shift a little nervously in your seat, only making Aether dig his fingers into the plushness of your thigh even more. Kaeya is quick to notice but chooses not to say anything about it, "Well hello, traveller. What brings you all the way here to Sumeru?" Aether holds that fake smile on his face as he tells Kaeya about the commission he was on and how it was oh so interesting that he couldn't find his lover who would normally accompany him. You look at Aether, a glint of possessiveness in his eyes as he steals a glance at you before looking back to Kaeya. "Apologies for whisking them away for a day. I simply wanted some familiar company around as I completed some business here", Kaeya offers a small smile. Aether hums in response, "Well then apologies for cutting this trip a bit short. I'm sure any remaining business you have here can be done without y/n" Kaeya nods in understanding, "You're quite right. Well then, I suppose I'll see you two when I return back to Mondstadt. Safe travels!" He stands up, excusing himself as he walks off toward the docks of Port Ormos. You seem to let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding as you turn to look at your jealous lover, "Aether... I'm so sorry." Aether simply tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear, "Don't worry. You can always make it up to me."
Gorou was already not the biggest fan of Heizou, especially now that you were spending the day with him, having stated that you were helping him with a new case that had caught your own personal interest. It was already nearing sundown when you still had yet to return and Gorou excuses himself from the other soldiers chatting with him, now on a mission to find you and bring you back home, away from that sneaky detective. As soon as he makes his way towards the entrance of the camp, Gorou hears the sweet sound of your voice. He almost breathes out a sigh of relief only for it to get caught in his throat when he hears his own name fall from Heizou's lips in a comment that Gorou couldn't quite pick up from this distance. His ears press flat against his head as he makes his way towards both of you, moving as if he's about to enter into a battle. You smile sweetly when you finally spot your lover, beginning to raise your hand up in a wave. But your smile flaters slightly when you see a look of anger and.. was that jealousy in his eyes? Heizou pays no mind to the demeanor of the approaching general, offering his typical sly smile, "Why hello there, General Gorou~"
Gorou fights back the growl that's trying to claw its way from deep in his chest as finally stands in front of you both. He grabs your chin, turning your head at various angles as if he was inspecting you for anything amiss. When he sees that you're perfectly fine, he tilts your head up to look at him, a stern expression on his face, "I think your time spent with that detective is over." Heizou dramatically feins offense, "Oh, so now I'm just 'that detective'? I'm wounded." Gorou shoots him a glare but your sweet voice draws his attention back to you. You reach up to gently caress his cheek, looking at him so sweetly, "Gorou, I'm fine. There's no need to be so hostile. I'm sorry I was away all day. We just got caught up on so many new leads we both lost track of the time." Gorou's expression softens slightly at your words, realizing that he's gotten all worked up over something that really shouldn't bother him as much as it does. He lets go of your chin, letting out a heavy sigh as he wraps on arm around your waist, pulling you away from the detective, "S-sorry... Let's just head back to the tent now, yeah?" You let him pull you alongside him as Heizou watches you both walk away with a shit-eating grin on his face, having been quite entertained by Gorou's antics.
Kazuha doesn't get jealous easily. He has always been such a laid back lover and felt secure with his relationship with you. However, you had spent almost your entire day with Thoma making sweaters for the cute little strays around Inazuma. He knows it's really such a silly thing to be jealous over, especially when you were simply helping Thoma care for the animals that most definitely deserved the love and care you both showed them. But what truly drove him to jealousy was that you seemed to have forgotten that you two had previously made plans to spend the next couple of days together before he had to board Beidou's ship that was heading for Liyue.
Kazuha did not want to interrupt you two, but the moment that Thoma had offered to knit you both matching sweaters, he felt the need to butt in. Neither you nor Thoma noticed Kazuha approaching, so of course you let out a small gasp when he came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist while pressing a kiss to your cheek, "Hello, my dove. Have you been having fun today?" Kazuha was definitely making it well known that you were his and his alone. "Kazuha! I-", you stop yourself, your mouth falling open slightly when you realize that you had forgotten about your previously made plans with him. "Oh archons, Kaz, I am so so sorry. I completely forgot-", Kazuha cuts you off this time as he puts his fingers under your chin, tilting your head back just enough for him to press a deep kiss to your lips. Thoma stands there a bit dumbfounded as he watches the scene before him, a blush creeping onto his cheeks when he quickly clears his throat awkwardly, "I-i'll just get going now. I'll see you around, y/n." Kazuha hides his satisfied smirk by nuzzling into your neck.
Albedo hadn't seen you all day and after one of his most prized theories ended up falling apart, all he wanted to do was hold you and let his frustrations melt away. When he got back to his lab up in Dragonspine after being at the Knights of Favonius HQ all day, he expected you to be curled up reading a book with a thick blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you usually would. His soft smile faltered when he realizes that you are not there. He pauses for a moment when he sees a note left on one of his alchemy tables. Picking it up, he recognizes your handwriting instantly, 'Albedo, I am out helping Aether and Diluc over at Angel's Share. I am unsure of when I'll return, but I will do my best to be back before it gets to be too late in the evening♡'
Albedo has never quite understood human emotions, so when this strange feeling emerged and made his chest tighten, he wasn't exactly sure what it meant. Why did you have to spend the day with those two, especially the traveller? While he considered Aether to be a friend, Aether was still a traveller from another world with a mysterious aura about him, leading Albedo to wonder if he could be completely trusted. He found himself making his way back down Dragonspine and into Angel's Share. There he found you happily chatting away with the two men as you helped them organize the various crates of wine in the back. Diluc was the first to notice Albedo's presence, "Albedo, I never expected to see you here in Angel's Share. What brings you here this evening?" Albedo forces a slight polite smile onto his face, "Y/n, here left a note to tell me they were here with you and the traveller" His eyes meet yours, but there is a darker glint to them that you had never seen in your lover's eyes before especially when Aether's hand brushed against yours as he helped you set down a particularly heavy crate of wine.
Aether can't help the blush on his face as he mutters an apology to which you smile sweetly in return, letting him know it was okay. No, it most certainly wasn't okay, Albedo thinks to himself as the feeling in his chest begins to nag at him even more. He swiftly moves to your side, wrapping an arm around your waist and holding your hand in his free one, moving it up to his lips as he presses a kiss to the top of it, "Love, I think it is time for us both to head back. It is quite late after all." His tone sounded sincere but had a hint of bitterness to it. You simply nod your head, letting your lover lead you out, but you don't fail to notice the cheeky smile he flashes back at the other two men as he raises his hand in a wave, "Have a nice evening."
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a/n: i went a little feral writing these… clearly
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
listen mate.... trans, subby bottom aether who definitely has a praise kink. he's such a good boy
You're so right, Aether has the biggest praise kink and lives to please you so you'll praise him more and more 💛
Good boy Aether who will happily sit between your legs and suck you off/eat you out for hours just to hear you tell him how good his mouth/tongue feels, even though he's a wet mess
He lives for the feeling of your hands carding through his pretty blond locks as you praise his endurance and obedience, smiling dumbly from being fucked over and over again
Saying things such as, “You're taking me so well, my good boy.” “You look so pretty on your knees like that, baby.” “So good for me, always doing what I tell you to, hm?” “Say my name louder. It sounds beautiful coming from you, love.” “You taste so damn good, keep moving those hips for me.”
All of these are surefire ways to make his pussy drip and clench even if there's nothing inside of him (yet)
You make Aether touch himself for you, sitting down on the bed and spreading his legs so you have a clear view of his cute lil pussy 💛
Slowly fingering himself open as you coo sweet words of encouragement. “That's it. Just like that. Faster, I want to hear those pretty noises you make.”
You force him to hump random pieces of furniture in your house/in the teapot and he obeys, of course, because he knows you'll say such sweet things to him. But he's far beyond embarrassed and whimpers the entire time
Even when you're not having sex his praise kink will kick in. Maybe you're taking on a commission together, and when it's finished you put your hand on the small of his back and tell him a simple, “You were great out there, Aether!”
Poor boy...his cheeks become so red so quickly... hopefully no one else is around to see how flustered he becomes 😳
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Reblogs are extremely appreciated <3
Please check my blog title to verify whether requests are closed or not! Thank you!
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bones4thecats · 6 months
Can I request Nikola, Qin Shi Huang, Buddha and Leonidas with a s/o that's like Nyx?
How Past! Them Met Their Nyx! S/O
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Nikola Tesla, Qin Shi Huang, Buddha, and Leonidas Name: How Past! Them Met Their Nyx! S/O Requester: Anonymous
A/N: I only have four of Nyx’s kids mentioned (Aether, Hemera, Thanatos, and Hypnos), so just roll with it. By the way, the reader here is considered (in thought) to be a female, but it is left ambiguous so that you male and other readers feel accepted.
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I am downright in love with this man
🧪 When you first met Nikola Tesla, you were just relaxing at night, taking a stroll underneath your sky as your long dark cloak faded into stars at the ends flowed in the air
🧪 You had just spoke to your old friend Hades during a meeting in the Underworld about your second-youngest son’s, Thanatos’, efforts of bringing souls down to the Underworld for Hades to handle
🧪 At the moment, you just wanted some peace, and knowing that your two youngest were busy with work, one being on guard for dying souls and the other watching over many different people in order to help them sleep
🧪 Though, hearing the sound of soft feathered wings moving, you looked up and noticed a bright white pigeon flying around while carrying moonflowers, chrysanthemums, lotuses, and sunflowers in its beak. These all reminded you of the cute flower crowns that the youngest Valkyrie sister, Göll, would make you and your children
🧪 You smiled gently as the bird landed on your outstretched hand and dropped a moonflower into your palm before flying off
🧪 The bird began to fly farther from your gaze as you heard the patter of small feet coming from behind you, making you turn around expecting to see a young child, and a young child you saw
🧪 He looked no older than 4 years in humans, and you noticed that he nearly had fallen older, making you lean down and catch him so he wouldn't crash and hurt himself, it reminded you of helping Aether walk all those centuries ago
" I am so sorry, ma'am/sir! " " It's alright, young man. If I may ask, why are you in such a rush? " " Oh, my pigeon flew that direction carrying some flowers I grabbed for my mother. It's so hard to catch up to, troublesome bird. "
🧪 You chuckled at his expression, he really was quite the interesting mortal, now wasn't he? You could see great potential in his soul, making you look back to where you once stood where the dropped flower laid on the ground
🧪 Picking it up, you opened the boy's palm, dropping the flower once again, not onto the ground, but into the soft hand of the young boy
" I may not be able to retrieve the rest of your flowers, but, here is one that the creature left. I also have something that may help you out! "
🧪 Reaching into your pocket lacing your cape, you summoned some flowers from one vase in your home that you shared in Valhalla with your sibling, Gaia
" Here are some flowers freshly picked from my sister's garden, they, by what she tells me, symbolize things such as motherly love and whatnot. I hope your mother enjoys them. " " Thank you so much! What's your name, if I may ask? " " I am... (Y/N). What is your name, young man? " " Nikola Tesla! " " Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Nikola Tesla. " " Nikola! Where are you, lil' brother? "
🧪 Looking up in shock as the boy turned around, you stiffened, being discovered by a mortal child was nothing, but a possible adult was something truly bad. A child could pass it off like nothing, an adult could not
" I'm over here, Dane! " " Oh thank God. Who were you talking too? " " The lady/man- where did they go...? "
🧪 Nikola looked around for the sight of the person who gifted him the glorious flowers, only for his older brother to pick him up and begin bringing him home in a rush
🧪 As the elder boy ran home with his brother in arms, the younger's mind wandered, where did that nice woman/man go? And will he ever see them again?
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👑 Taking a nightly stroll was something the Emperor of China was familiar with, it was a time that he could have to himself, no guards right behind him and no duties clawing at his door for him to deal with
👑 Just himself and the night sky that he admired
👑 Meanwhile, a cloaked being was walking through the woods, passing through the trees with ease, as they had been on the same path multiple times throughout their limitless lifespan
👑 Due to being in an argument with the Head of the Gods, a headache was pounding through the head of the person as they rubbed their temples with their fingers
👑 As they traveled through the shady lands, they stumbled across a large temple, one they recognized as the very one the Emperor of China resided in
" What a sight, I never realized just how dazzling these building looked from such a high point. "
👑 The star-covered eyes of the mystery person burst with light as the sound of another's voice came from behind them, causing them to turn around, gripping a blade underneath their cloak
" Whoa there! There's no need for that. I apologize if I startled you, uhm, whoever you are. I just saw you walking alone and decided to go with you. " " It's- it's alright, I suppose. "
👑 A stern silence cracked between the two individuals, allowing the pitchy sound of a blade being laid back in a case to echo across their ear-shots
👑 Looking at the stars, Qin Shi Huang sighed deeply and back at the cloaked person who decided to stay alongside him, and he had to ask himself; did this person not know who he was? Could they be a traveler of some kind?
👑 A traveler of some kind you were...
👑 Qin looked down at your feet and noticed that your skin was dipping into a very pale looking shade as your cloak became very faded, as if it was turning into dust
" So... to make this far less awkward and save us a few moments of boring silence, may I ask what your name is, possible traveler? " " It is Y/N, and yours? " " Emperor Qin Shi Huang, but you may call me Qin Shi if you wish. " " Alright then, Qin Shi. "
👑 Qin Shi Huang sat down on the grassy plain, his masked face still looking up at the star-littered sky with such happiness obvious, despite his eyes being hidden
👑 You smiled gently and sat beside him, crossing your legs as you manipulated a star to sway across the sky in what humans seemingly began to call a 'shooting star'
" Ah, it seems that a shooting star has crossed the sky. What shall I wish for? I know! "
👑 Looking at the Emperor, you were shocked at how normal he seemed. Normally the high-ranking humans that you came across were tyrannical and fairly crude in their words and actions
" There! What did you wish for, Y/N-san? "
👑 When Qin looking back over at you, he was shocked to see that instead of you sitting there, a moonflower stood bravely, its petals pristine without any scuffs, as if it bloomed just second before
👑 Where in China had you gone?
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🍭 Ever since Buddha first became a God, many weren't fond of him, though most of the Deities littered across Valhalla have only heard about the God of Buddhism through word of mouth from the few Gods that had met him so far
🍭 You, the Deity of the Night in the Greek Pantheon, had only hear about the man through your children's words, mainly Aether and Hemera, who were by-far your most patient children
🍭 And even during present time, you loved to stare at the stars and remember the first time you met your soon-to-be husband
🍭 It was a lovely night in one of the many fields in Valhalla, and normally you would watch over your domain of the starry sky as Humanity was being dealt with by your youngest boys, Thanatos and Hypnos
🍭 You had dressed yourself in your long star-covered cloak, hiding yourself from any prying eyes, since many feared you just by hearing your name. Even the strongest of all Gods, Zeus, feared the mention of your name
🍭 Holding yourself high while hidden, you walked through the grassy plain, brushing past tree by tree as the wind pulled the cloth covering you back lightly
🍭 To describe it in a few words; you were in Paradise
🍭 As you walked carefully around many plant-life and sleeping creatures, Buddha was laying in his hammock, starring at the same sky you controlled, admiring the stars as they flickered delicately in the vast land known as space
🍭 Sucking on a lollipop from his stash hidden away, Buddha sighed and stretched his back, allowing it to pop as he caught onto the sound of grass being pushed down and let back up in the form of footsteps
🍭 Grabbing his Six Realms Staff, the God held it up for whoever was around to see as he let out an annoyed groan. After all, having your peaceful silence interrupted would be annoying
" Alright, whoever ya' are, come on out. I don't wanna waste anymore time than necessary. " " I apologize, Lord Buddha. I was just taking a walk around to admire the stars and must have awoken you. "
🍭 Cocking an eyebrow at the light-and-honey-coated voice, Buddha looked up and noticed your form walk up from behind the one tree holding up the front of his hammock and once he saw your face, his eyes widened
" Holy shit! You're Y/N, the Deity of the Night! I never thought I'd be seeing you walk around in Paradise so late at night. "
🍭 Chuckling lightly, you nodded as you pulled down your hood, allowing your hair that faded into the dust of space to run out freely, making Buddha laugh at your smile
" I knew you were powerful and all from the stories told, but they never said how dazzling you looked~ "
🍭 Rolling your eyes at his attempt of flustering you, you just looked up at the sky as Buddha stood up and planted himself right beside you to look at the stars and moon with you
🍭 It was nice sharing such a moment with a lovely person like you, maybe you guys could do it again some other time?
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🚬 As one of the classic Greek Gods, you were held at a fairly high standard once your myth became the talk of the land
🚬 But, ever since Zeus and the rest of the Olympians came along and destroyed your whole time with your siblings and rest of your allies, you became more of a side-god when it came to standards of worshiping
🚬 Leonidas wasn't fond of the Gods ever since his demise, blaming the demise of him and his 300 (though really 299) soldiers on the Greek God Apollo, whom your oldest children, Aether and Hemera, served alongside
🚬 You, on the other hand, had no-one to place a blame onto, though you weren't fond when someone were to try offending Apollo, as you had treated the male like a son since he was a young God making his way in the Pantheon
🚬 Holding his title far from the grasp of the Gods, Leonidas despised being told what to do, so, when your second youngest, Thanatos, began to hold himself to a standard against Leonidas, you were called in by Hypnos to help out
🚬 Watching as parts of the sky began to fall down and form a humanoid shape was something far new to Leonidas, and because of that he stepped back and readied his weapon to protect himself in case something happened
" There is no need for that King Leonidas I, I am merely here to retrieve my pain in the ass son. " " Pain in the ass? But Mom/Dad, he- " " Enough! I will listen to your side of the story when you take a break in the next few millennia, Thanatos. "
🚬 The King of Sparta watched as you grabbed Thanatos' ear and tugged on it like a parent would when scolding a child for doing something badly, like hitting a kid for example
🚬 Watching a Deity of your stature just treat your son like a human parent would made Leonidas' guard come down slightly, sensing you weren't going to attack him out of nowhere, you had a sense of understanding radiating off you
" Hypnos, please bring your brother back home and also let Aether and Hemera know that he is grounded for the next few months. No using his scythe during that time, only his old training stick. " " What?! "
🚬 Sighing as Hypnos dragged his brother through a portal he summoned, you turned to look back at the human and you smiled nervously, holding your hands out in defense
" I apologize for my son's actions, he sometimes gets in his own head and begins to believe himself to be more powerful than he really is. I think he's spending to much time with the Olympian Brothers... " " It's... alright, I suppose. "
🚬 Smiling gently, you held your hand out for the mortal to shake, making his raise his eyebrows slightly, he was surprised that a Deity of your ranking would actually try touching a human
🚬 Allowing his weapon to lean back up against the building's wall, Leonidas shook your hand, making you mentally sigh, thanking your creators for allowing him to forgive you and shake your hand as a sign of that forgiveness, since every other human just tried disrespecting you for your parenting skills
🚬 Letting go of his hand, you pulled your cloak's hood down and allowed your markings of stars and the moon to shimmer out against the sunlight, making Leonidas mentally swoon; you were quite the looker, how could Zeus fear you and not admire you?
" I hope I see you once again, King Leonidas I of Sparta. " " Just call me Leonidas. And I agree, I hope we meet once again. "
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arisewanekosuki · 8 months
TLH -Extra-: The love is in the air! - Charlotte (Feat. Fontaine boys + Aether x Fem!Reader)
Finally found motivation to write this one! The idea came from conversation I had some time ago with my dear friend @shizukano , thanks Shizu (^ v ^)/)
Nothing can hide from Charlotte’s eyes, not even the way many guys look at you with adoration.
When Charlotte met your group in Mondstadt for the first time, she genuinely thought that you and Aether are more than only traveling companions. The soft look he always give you, making sure that you're always safe and sound. He will never let anything hurt you on his watch.
But then she noticed that you weren’t looking at him the same way. You treat him like your other friends and not only that but she started to doubt if she was right about Aether's feelings towards you as well. Because when you traveled around nations in search for Card Thief, she couldn’t help but notice other guys that your group met in other Nations, being very friendly with you too as well. 
But then, when you, Aether and Paimon came to Fontaine she saw it with her eyes. It wasn't immediately but after some time, the first ‘victim’ that got caught in your charms from the Nation of Hydro Archon was Lyney. At some point whenever he saw you taking a walk around Court of Fontaine, he would in fast speed approach you, making small ‘magic shows’ just for you. You always end up with flowers adoring your head or you clothes after them. The magician always ‘invites’ himself to whatever your little group has planned. Going for dinner? Nice, he’s hungry too! Diving? Sure! He knows some nice places that his younger brother told him about. Oh you need some Fatui insignias? Magically they are in his hat just for you!
Another ‘victim’ was the talented diver, Freminet. Charlotte was surprised to see this shy guy who seems to prefer being alone, catching the same feelings towards you like his brother. Freminet is always ready to help you with anything. But there are moments when his shyness seems to go away. In those moments he ask you for his next orders, waiting with anticipation for it, no blush and no stutter, looking like a servant that would give his own life for his master than just a boy in love. The diver is rarely smiling but if anyone would like to see his face adored with smile they have to see the moment when you invite him to join for your ‘little adventures in Fontaine’.
The most unexpected 'victim' was the Iudex of Fontaine, Monsieur Neuvilette. At first glance Monsieur Neuvillete didn’t looked interested in you in such romantic way. But then Charlotte notice, those small things the Iudex was doing for you. Inviting you for dinners, always making time if you need his help, giving you some pretty shells and rocks and other gifts that seems the Melusines helped him to pick up for you. If you feel tired, suddenly there is room prepared in hotel for your group and you don’t have to worry about cost. The only thing that Charlotte can’t understand is why whenever it rains and you meet Neuvilette, the rain immediately stops.
Another even more unexpected ‘victim’ was the Administrator of the Fortress of Meropide, Wriothesley. At that point she really wished she could change into fly and saw what happened when your lil group was in prison. She only learned of new victim after seeing him with you and Aether while taking commissions from Katheryne. She followed to see if the Duke truly become charmed by you and he indeed did. For you, both guys were just doing their job at commissions but she saw the rivalry between them, especially when there were enemies to beat. And let’s not forget about him inviting only you for some tea party. Of course Aether won’t leave your side, much to Duke disappointment.
The journalist couldn’t help but wonder… How are you doing this without knowing you are stealing these men's hearts?! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-“Paimon had a feeling that lately… many people are watching us…” the little girl said while looking around. Aether did noticed it too, like all Fontaine started to be so interested in your group but nobody is really approaching you to ask for something like always. -“You think so? I didn’t notice anything.” you said while eating the cake that Aether bought. You all decided to take a break and eat something at Café Lutece. Suddenly Mr. Arouet approached your group table, bringing some more cake. -“But we didn’t order this one?” Aether said to the man, who only smiled and winked at him -“It’s on the house.” Then he whispered so only Aether could hear it “Don’t give up! I know you can win her heart!” And with that he went back to serve other clients. The blond traveler was confused by it, but you and Paimon seemed happy for getting another cake and for free.  
While you were looking at books with Paimon, Aether by accident overheard conversation of two women that were standing not that far from your group. -“Traveler have the best chance of winning her heart! Both of them are always together!” one said -“But they been traveling for so long and they still are not together, I think at this point Lyney have better chances of winning! He can be really charming if he wants!” the other said. For a moment Aether was wondering if he heard it correctly. Why are they talk about your group and friends like this? Then he heard Paimon gasp, he turned around to see what’s going on. You were asking her as well, what did she read on the paper to bring such reaction but the little girl poorly lied that she remembered that she left book at café and asked if you can go bring it back. You didn’t question her and you did go. Then the little pixie flew over Aether, showing the news paper in his face!
“One girl steals hearts of men without knowing it!! Who will be the chosen one at the end?!
Wherever she goes, new ‘victims’ appear. This time she came to the Nation of Justice and managed to charm many fontainian men without knowing it. The traveler always by her side, still fighting for her heart but right now the magician, diver, Monsieur and the Duke joined in this race towards her heart.
It is some kind of her power? Or maybe curse? Or maybe we can even call it a blessing that she’s not aware of it? Or maybe she’s just that a lovely person that after knowing her better those men can’t help but fell in love with her? Whatever it is, now is the biggest fight over her and she doesn’t even know it! So who will be with her at the end?”
-“This explains a lot…” murmured Aether. -“Yeah! Paimon was wondering why two guys were placing bets on Freminet and Wriothesley! After all those two have nothing to do with each other! …Well that was Paimon first thoughts back then…” Aether sighed, at this moment he’s even more grateful that you can’t read Teyvat language. He wonders if he should talk about it with Charlotte, she didn't even hide that well identities of people involved in it and he doesn’t like the idea of whole Fontaine being interested in ... this whole ‘love race’.
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
metal mouth
a lil pairing for @yesandpeeps's comic here about my beloved mountain getting braces. he's so fuckin cute i can't stand it
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1.3k of grumpy mountain under the cut:
"Now, caro, there is no need to be upset," Copia soothes. "They will help you, si? I do not want you to be in pain, my earth ghoul, that is no good for any of us."
Mountain shrugs, gaze downcast. “It just seems so . . . trivial.”
“Your health is not trivial; it is simply unfamiliar, or perhaps, er, too human?” Copia offers. 
The ghoul looks the man in his eyes, apprehensive. But he nods, agreeing. 
Braces. What a mortal thing to be burdened with as an ancient hellbeast. 
Mountain had started to complain about mouth pain a few months ago. His teeth, especially his fangs, had never been perfect. None of theirs were. Crooked teeth were not high on his list as far as complaints about appearance. Fitting oversized, monstrous bones into a mortal mouth certainly isn't a comfortable thing. 
But they all managed. Mountain managed. Until, that is, they started shifting, crowding in on each other and messing with his bite. The perfect space that his fangs fit into was suddenly too snug, the points of them clacking together if he chewed wrong or made a funny face at Swiss over his cymbals. His bottom incisors had begun to tip forward, threatening to give him an underbite. 
Suddenly, his teeth were just . . . wrong. And once they started becoming tender and sensitive to his favorite meals, Aether determined it was time for Copia to get involved, much to Mountain’s chagrin. 
“You know, I had braces as a child,” Copia muses now. “Quite bulky things. I could never pick out the right colors.” He chuckles a little, but stops when he catches the frown starting to form on Mountain’s face. He reaches up to pat him on the shoulder and scritch under his chin. “Not to worry, they will not look as bad as mine did, my ghoul.”
But they’ll still look bad, is what his brain translates Papa’s words to. 
Mountain’s already regretting complaining about it all.
The afternoon and evening after getting them placed is spent alone. Mountain is none too kindly reminded of the first time his horns shed, hours spent hiccuping through tears as he stared at his foreign reflection. 
They look . . . weird. They feel weird. Little bits of metal poking at his gums, his tongue, the inside of his mouth. His teeth look too small, too human for his liking. Mountain couldn’t fathom adding some unnatural color on top of it all, so he chose the translucent, slightly frosted elastic chain. It may yellow overtime, the orthodontist had said. Mountain had nodded, accepted this potential side effect, but he really didn’t care. 
He’s thankful to have an entire drum kit to hide behind. But his pack? Well, he can hide from them at least for the next twelve hours. 
Mountain steps away from the bathroom mirror with a sigh and goes back to uselessly pruning the ferns hanging over the windows. 
He rises the next day from a fitful sleep just as the sun peeks through the leaded panes. His mouth is screaming at him, gums sensitive and too much pressure everywhere. Lines of pain shoot up his jaw when he rubs across a nerve, and Mountain winces with a curse on his tongue.
Begrudgingly, he gets dressed for the day, despite the urge to crawl back into bed and sulk for as long as he can. But he can't very well do that with tour starting up again in a matter of weeks, so he pulls on some sweats and slumps to the kitchen. 
Tea. He needs tea. And probably a few hours alone with a quintessence ghoul.
No one’s in the common area when he arrives, and he silently thanks the devil below for a moment of solitude. The earth ghoul huffs a sigh through his nose and rifles through the teabags for something smooth and spiced. 
The warm scent of chai and orange zest hits his nose as Mountain waits for his cup to steep, smiling ever so slightly as the fragrant steam wafts over his face. It makes him feel better, even if just for a moment. 
Mountain cringes internally as he hears small feet padding down the corridor. He knows it’s Dew before he sees him, the little ghoul often rising with the sun most mornings. He tucks his face further into his mug, caging his forearms around his face.
The fire ghoul lets out a big yawn as he rounds the corner, stretching to brush the top of the short archway as he enters. Dew chirps when he sees the earth ghoul hunched over at the table. 
“Mornin’ Mount,” he mumbles. He inhales a lungful of air, sighing with a happy hum. “Hm, smells good. Mind if I join?”
Mountain shakes his head, mussed-up waves falling in front of his face. 
“Thanks,” Dew says. He makes his way over to the cabinets with a lilt in his step, humming some indiscriminate tune as he selects his favorite mug. Tired, but still too cheery for how early it is. It’s quiet between them for a few moments, save for the clinking of ceramic and Dew’s song. Mountain lowers his shoulders a little. 
And promptly raises them back up under his ears when Dew asks: “How’re the braces?” Mountain knows the fire ghoul is looking at him expectantly, ears perked. He doesn’t have to look to know his eyes are kind, rather than filled with malice or ill-intent. Dew wouldn’t make fun of him he knows, but he would love nothing more than to escape to the forest and bury his head in the dirt right now. 
“Fine,” he lies. “Kinda hurts,” he mumbles as an afterthought, doing his best to speak with the least amount of mouth movements. 
Dew tuts empathetically. He doesn’t speak again, but Mountain still feels his eyes on him. He chances a glance at him, which was really the wrong thing to do, considering the way Dew’s face perks up when he does. His arms are folded across his chest as he leans nonchalantly against the kitchen counter, hair and eyes glinting gold in the rising sunlight. 
Dew gives him a knowing grin and raises his eyebrows, attempting to prompt the earth ghoul into sharing his new set of braces. Mountain stares back, shy. But, against his will, there's a smile tugging at his lips, like he simply can't help it when Dew looks at him like that.
He smiles wider. "Come on big guy, will you show me?" Dew shuffles over to him at the table. "Please?"
Mountain bites the inside of his cheek, eyes steely. He shakes his head sheepishly, already pushing away from the table, chair legs scraping against the floor as he moves to make his escape. 
He doesn’t get very far. The fire ghoul steps in front of him, one hand grabbing Mountain’s sweater sleeve and the other reaching up towards his face. Dew waggles his fingers under his chin with a stupid giggle, bouncing on his toes as Mountain jerks his head away from his hand.
“Dew,” he warns, unable to escape his little fingers. “Swear t’ Satan, ‘f you don—”
“Ha!” the smaller ghoul exclaims, grabbing Mountain’s cheeks at last and squishing them together until the earth ghoul can’t help but bare his teeth, a grimace more than a grin. Mountain pulls at Dew’s wrist to try and dislodge him.
“Stooop,” he groans. Dew gives him a few squeezes before releasing him, opting to wrap both arms around Mountain’s middle instead and nuzzling against his chest in apology.
“But you look fine, Mount. Cute, even,” he laughs, looking up at him. 
“Do not,” Mountain responds, shaking his head. He rolls his eyes, sighing. He brushes a stray strand of hair out of Dew’s face, holding back a laugh when Dew purposely bats his lashes and nods solemnly back at him.
“You do. It’s different, yeah. But you’re still you,” he offers. 
“Thanks,” Mountain says in a small voice. 
Dew gives him one last squeeze before pulling away and sitting down at the table. He smiles and waves his earth ghoul back over. “Come on, finish your tea. I’m sure Aether’ll be up soon, and I’m sure he’ll need no convincing to help you with the pain.”
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st-danger · 1 year
I need quintosis daddy Aether/Swiss. Mayb wreck Swiss a lil, at your discretion, but like Aether's still a sweetheart, ykwim?
I am desperate. Please.
Aether kisses him and Swiss feels the quintessence bloom within, a pleasurable glow that starts in his stomach and rapidly branches out, as if carried by his blood. He can't help but to moan, a noise Aether licks, and Swiss feels the tingling, intense and so good from his ears to his toes. He arches up against Aether, trapped between him and the many blankets that cover Aether's bed, and lets the sedation claim him. Were he still clothed, he would be begging to be stripped now; his skin is wildly sensitive, every nerve singing in the nicest way possible, every point of connection he makes with Aether lying on top of him, with the bed-
He throbs against Aether's belly, and hears him huff a laugh through the fog that encompasses his brain. He can't even raise his arms, which lay splayed out beside him.
"What do you think?" Aether asks, like he doesn't know.
"Unholyshit," Swiss slurs, stumbling over the words. His tongue feels thick in his mouth. He feels useless. He feels like he could cum right now, if Aether would let him. Aether shifts above him, pushing himself up, and the loss that comes with the movement actually makes Swiss sad. He can't remember the last time he's felt so needy.
"Hang on," Aether says, amused, smiling down at him with that sweet look that gives away how utterly besotted he is, eyes crinkling in the corners. "Can I suck you like this? Is that okay?"
Swiss nods, gathering strength enough to tilt his head up so he can watch Aether spread his legs to make space for him. To watch him lie between them. Aether wraps his fingers around Swiss's thick cock, and he expects to see and feel pretty lips closing around the head, but what he gets instead is Aether nuzzling his sack, and then drawing his tongue over his balls.
It's agony he couldn't possibly have prepared himself for.
He tries to swear, to form anything resembling a real word, but all he manages is noise, a low groan pulled from the very pit of his stomach, his abs clenching.
"You're so hard," Aether murmurs, and Swiss notes the pleased tone, the pink cresting on Aether's cheeks, right before his head hits the pillow again, pressing into the soft down. "Dick's so pretty like this."
"Please," Swiss begs. "Suck me, unholy fuck."
He can't bear to look when he feels lips brush against the head, pressing a sweet kiss to the tip.
"Can you say it? And I will," Aether promises, sounding almost shy. "I'll suck it as long as you want, I'll make you cry."
Swiss would say absolutely anything right now. He'd recite the Lord's Prayer, say a Hail Mary or five if that's what gets him inside that hot mouth. Under different circumstances, if he wasn't so narcotized on the magick Aether has drenched him with, he might find it funny. Goofy.
"Daddy," Swiss manages, summoning the willpower to clutch at the bedspread. Aether makes a small noise.
"Oh," he whispers. "Yeah, daddy's here. Gonna make you feel so good."
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skele-bunny · 1 month
idk if u ever like. expanded on it but how would phantom Be if like. In that last lil phantom/aether fic, if aether rlly breeding him deep Took?? I feel like he'd either be super flighty abt it OR bask in the princess treatment to come.
Ohh Phantom would be absolutely losing his shit. He's nervous, unsure what to do, just crying in Special's arms. He found out when doing blood work and YYEEAAHH, not the best way to find out you're knocked up. They're calmed down and given a little pamphlet (fucking Phil and his damn pamphlets.) about his options, but Phantom is heavily urged to talk to Aether, so he does!
Just chewing on his nail, curled up as they have Aether in his room, explaining what he found out. Aether's eyes just blow up, and his tail starts wagging, the biggest smile growing.
And Phantom just nods, and Aether can smell their uncertainty. He composes himself and brings his bat in his arms, calmly explaining exactly what Phil did. He has options, and no matter what he does, Aether will be there to love and support him. He's explained a bit more about what each option will lead to wether termination, keeping, or fostering. They talk for a HOT minute before Phantom finally decides.
"I think I want to keep it... What if I change my mind? What if—"
"Tommy, if you want to keep it, then I'll be there. If you change your mind, I'll be there. I will love you no matter what."
A little breathy cry. "Okay.... Okay, I want to keep it..."
"Then we have appointments to make now, don't we?"
Now both of their tails are wagging.
Phantom is still very nervous, super jumpy about everything, but with Aether and the others help they're able to start calming down and take things a bit easier. The pack is over the MOON, just the biggest ghoul pile (gently) when Phantom tells them. They wait a bit after 9 weeks to start looking at baby registries, things they'll need and want, and Aether just can't stop laying his head on Phantom's tummy and purring, whispering to their little kit about how excited he is to meet them.
Oh boy, tour though? Leading up, Phantom is a mess and just trying to convince Aether to swap spots with someone so he can come on tour too, trying to see if even Delta will come back so he and Aether can stay, he doesn't want to leave. He's a non-stop crying mess, Aether holding him so so much. But!! They make a plan. Mountain and Dew are people both of them trust no matter what, and they've made a promise to Aether to watch their darling bat like a hawk! The others are informed and doing their own part, just carefully treading and making sure Phantom stays comfortable.
Irritated when his uniform starts having him loosen up the lace, and feels like he's not a good performer since he can't do all his splits/jumps/bends like he used to, but he's reassured nonstop about it.
14 weeks, he's calmer now. Absolutely cuddled up in his nest on the bus, quietly chirping if he needs help with something. He's gotten much better at asking for help now! Back at the abbey? They're running to Aether faster than ever before, of course Aeth would usually bop them for it, but he can't lie—he missed Phantom, too.
So many cuddles and scenting over one another, Aether checking their little "tater tot." Nickname courtesy of Swiss as he watched Phantom down two whole bags of tater tots on his own, with one of the bags being frozen.
Quint ghouls eat rancid mixtures of food already but a pregnant quint? DEAR GOD. Pickles and mayonnaise, sour cream and onion chips with hot sauce and mustard, orange juice and Oreos, even to the point of whipped cream on LASAGNA.... LASAGNA!!!! Mountain will never forgive the horrors his cooking experienced. /Silly
One of his favorite things is the backrubs, as unfortunately he's a LOT more prone to aches from his height and anatomy being small. Aether using his magick to ease the pain but also his hands. Has a specific pregnancy pillow so Phantom can lay on his tummy without squishing, moaning from relief as Aether gets every kink and sore out.
When he starts lactating? He wakes everyone up in the den with his cries wjejkdkd even though they've accepted he's carrying, it's never fully hit until then. How close he is to popping, how round he looks, and the fact they can feel them MOVING..... Oh he's miserable. Can't control their bladder, hurts to walk for long periods of time, he's having magick surges which is giving him bad headaches, his morning sickness is back full swing, you name it. Lots of more comfort and princess treatment.
Phantom would probably want to have a nest-birth rather than in the hospital, and only wants Aether and Special. See, Phantom's never had a true grasp on his magick. But when he starts pushing, everyone gets freaked out as the lights flicker, TVs going to static, turning on/off randomly, and with one last scream a light bulb explodes.
He's crying, Aether's crying happy tears, and another confused cry is joining them. Little damn furball is squirming in Special's hands, being so delicate as he tries to finish up before laying the bloody kit on Phantom's chest. Phil going back to work while he lets Phantom and Aether slowly groom their baby boy.
Oh he's so perfect in every aspect. Little toe beans that are black and white, tiny fangs poking out, and despite all the fur, has such pretty skin with little white freckles like Aether. Constellations. Also Aether's big ears!
Probably name him after a constellation because of the freckles :3 I'm thinking Comet.
They're holding each other close, Aether claiming their son with a quick nip and going back to scenting, just laughing and crying in disbelief and pure happiness. Their own little family!
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kisscara · 1 year
can i req scara w a motherly s/o? like he gets a lil injured and s/o just babies him? i feel like that would be funny lmao
doctor, help me! [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ fluff, wanderer!scaramouche
a/n: keeping everyone safe from the angst.. for now. anyways thank u for requesting, anon :3 it's short and simple but i still hope u like it nonetheless ^__^
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"kuni..." you cry out, "if you keep on doing this, i'm going to end up leaving you!"
scaramouche merely stares at you with a deadpan expression from across the dinner table. "(name), i pricked my finger on a stick." he furrows his brow and watches as you continue to dramatically throw a tantrum.
"it doesn't matter!" you continue to furiously dab a ball of cotton that's lightly wettened with alcohol against his fingertip. scaramouche draws out a tiring sigh, muttering, "sometimes, i wonder whether you're my lover or my doctor."
but he has to admit, he likes seeing you like this. distraught by his safety and running all over the place, looking for the first aid kit if he got something as simple as a paper cut. "your skin is so beautiful and your safety is my top priority, yet you get into these types of dangers on the daily!"
ah, there you go again. your endearing praise for him mixed with your tone of worry. what would he do without you? scaramouche doesn't reply this time, but it's more like he's struck with silence. with his lips slightly agape, he admires your face.
you're always telling him how pretty he looks, how soft his face is, how alluring his eyes are, but not once has he seen himself that way. scaramouche doesn't notice how a smile tugs at the corner of his lips when he sees you gnawing on your bottom lip in fixation, continuing to nurse his tiny wound.
you straighten your posture and put away the cotton ball. pressing a kiss to his finger, you gently blow on it afterwards. "there, all better. that must have been hell for you to go through!" you exclaim with a frown, tightly embracing him in your arms. scaramouche could only remain silent.
the next day, he'd gone to help the traveler with their commissions. of course, he had to go through the usual routine, with you clinging to his arm, whining his ear off to refrain from hurting himself too much. "oh, what a worrywart," he mumbles aloud, catching the attention of his traveling companion.
"is it about (name) again?" aether queries with a laugh. scaramouche gives him a side glance before loudly exhaling. "i just don't understand why they're so protective of me and my well-being. it's not like my body belongs to them, does it?"
paimon floats next to aether and while shaking her head, she says, "you're right, it doesn't belong to them. but they are your (s/o), correct?" aether looks back to scaramouche, who gazes towards sumeru's wide horizon and nods as a response.
"then it makes perfect sense! they're your (s/o) as much as you're theirs, so of course they'd want you to stay safe! right, traveler?" paimon carefully nudges aether against the shoulder and aether smiles, "do you understand now, wanderer?" scaramouche knits his brows together.
love is still such a foreign concept to him.
paimon claps her hands together for a few times, "here, i got a more simple way of explaining it! say, someone were to hurt them, physically or verbally, would you want that?" scaramouche instantly replies and faces the odd fairy while crossing his arms, "no, who do you think i am?"
paimon points out, "there it is! see, that's how (name) feels about you. with you... erm, getting into physical brawls everyday, they'd definitely feel concerned, don't you think?" scaramouche's pupils dilate in realization. is that how much you mean to him, for you to constantly baby him over the littlest things?
a pink tint arises on his face and he holds the brim of his hat, head turning the other way. "tsk, i wouldn't expect any less of them." scaramouche grows flustered when he realizes paimon giggling and aether attempting to hide his wide grin.
"(name)? i'm bac-"
scaramouche lets out a muffled noise of surprise when you rush to him, your arms immediately enveloping his torso. "i missed you..." you bury your face into his shoulder and scaramouche chuckles. "i missed you too, my dear." he tilts your chin upwards with his finger and you frown.
"did you hurt yourself?" you ask. this time, of all times, he doesn't fail to notice the way you tighten your grip on his clothes. scaramouche holds your hand against his face and sighs, "no. i tried my best not to." you beam, "really?" scaramouche kisses your fingertips one by one and he closes his eyes.
"thank you, (name), for loving and caring for me."
© kisscara
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slptkns · 2 years
Summary: After several instances of being oblivious, you are faced with the fact that Aether and Dewdrop like you. Both of them happen to be going through their rut at the same time, giving you the perfect opportunity to help help them.
Warnings: OH BOY 18+!!! MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Oral (f! and m! receiving!), PiV sex, unprotected sex, cream pie, threesome, not so friendly ghoul banter (they love each other i promise), horribly translated italian probably (please let me know if i forgot one, I'm forgetful and do not mind fixing it!!)
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: I love all the nameless ghouls, so i'll be writing more! This is my first fic for Aether and/or Dewdrop, so please go a lil easy on me thanks! This started out as something silly and became something way more than I imagiened.
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You were sitting in the Ghouls’ den, snacking on some fruit Copia had gotten for you. You were sprawled across the loveseat, and noticed Aether and Dewdrop staring at you. You looked at them and tossed a grape in your mouth.
“Would you like some, Aether?” You asked him first, as he was closest.
“Why not.”
You leaned over and put out the bowl of fruit towards him. He picked out a raspberry and plopped it in his mouth. You smiled widely at him and looked at Dewdrop. You sweetly asked if he would like some as well.
“No thank you.”
And it was in that moment, you decided you were going to fuck with him. You pouted at him and pulled the bowl back towards you. You huffed and looked at him through your lashes, angrily. “Is it not good enough for you?”
“I said ‘no thank you’-” Dewdrop was confused, and you immediately interrupted him. “It’s healthy for you!” “I’m being polite!” He snapped at you. And when you frowned at him, he sighed. “Fine. Give me a fucking strawberry.”
Your frown dropped and you stood up, giving him a deadpan look. You walked past Aether and over to Dewdrop. You grabbed a strawberry from the bowl and Dewdrop extended his hand towards you. You, while still showing no emotions, stuck the strawberry in your mouth. You harshly sucked on it, and then pulled it from your mouth. The ‘pop’ echoed throughout the room.
“Here ya go.” You gave him a shit eating grin.
There was a heavy silence, Aether and Dewdrop both watching you. Aether looked from you, and then to Dew, seemingly knowing what he was about to do. Dew snatched the strawberry from your hand and threw the whole thing in his mouth. He looked up at you from his seat and you watched in horror as he swallowed the strawberry you had just sucked on.
Aether let out the loudest laugh you had ever heard when you turned to him with nothing but pure terror in your eyes.
“That strawberry was actually better than a regular one, cara. Grazie.”
“I don’t know why you expected something different!” Aether was almost doubled over at the look on your face.
“I- I just-”
Aether calmed himself and gave you a soft look. But, you could tell whatever was about to come out of his mouth was going to deal psychic damage to you. “Can I try one like that?”
You inhaled sharply and looked around for a way out. “I think I just heard the Cardinal calling,” You began to make your way towards the exit of the ghouls’ den. “I’ll, uh, see you later.”
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A few days later, you were caught up with Dewdrop and Aether again. It was slightly more normal. Until it wasn’t.
You were goofing off with them, messing around after one of the rituals. You were back in the ghouls' den, and had been hanging out with all of the ghouls after their celebration. You were slightly tipsy and having the time of your life.
You hiccuped and let out a little laugh. Dewdrop’s head snapped towards you, and he asked if you were alright.
“Yeah, why?”
“I thought you gagged.”
“Oh no,” You shook your head, and smiled, “I don’t even think I have a gag reflex.”
Everyone stopped and turned towards you. You were too tipsy to even care that they were staring. You furrowed your brows and, unknown to you, Aether and Dewdrop tensed. You may have missed it, but the other ghouls did not.
“What do you mean ‘you think’?” Swiss questioned you, “Isn’t that something you’re supposed to just know?”
You shrugged. “Haven’t had to gag in a while, it’s like…  way back there though.”
The ghouls were losing their minds. Swiss crouched towards you, extended two fingers, and outstretched his arm, laughing. “I can test it for you.”
When you responded with an ‘okay’ and an open mouth, Swiss wasn’t sure how to respond. Dewdrop and Aether sure did know how though. Aether pulled you away from Swiss and Dewdrop inserted himself between you and the other ghoul. You let out a giggle and fell back into Aether’s arms.
“I think it’s time you retire to bed, cara,” Aether looked at Swiss with an anger you did not register. Swiss gasped and plopped back down on his ass.
“Why, we’re having fun! I wanted to play games! I mean, I thought we were still celebrating.”
“We can play them next time.” Dewdrop’s eyes did not leave Swiss. “There will be plenty more times to celebrate.”
When you did register that you were still in Aether’s arms, you were sure they could hear your heart begin to race. You almost sobered, almost. You tried to stand and Dewdrop helped you up.
“Maybe I do need to rest.”
And with that, you left, headed back to your room.
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The next day, you woke up remembering the night before. You lied in bed and groaned. You sat up and scratched your head, wondering why the fuck you were going to let Swiss gag you. You ignored that and got up, getting ready for the day.
You walked towards Copia’s room and once you reached it you knocked on the doorframe. He sat there playing his game and once your knock resonated through the room he looked over and paused it. He waved you in and you obliged. He motioned for you to sit down and he immediately grew uncomfortable.
“Um,” He rubbed his hands down his clothed thighs and you furrowed your brows at him, “I wanted to warn you.” Then he paused.
“Copia?” You cocked your head, “You can’t say that then stop talking! What’s wrong?”
“A few of the ghouls, uh,” he couldn’t look you in the eyes, “they are going through it-”
“Can I help? Which ones-”
“No, I don’t think you should. They are in their ruts right now, it may be dangerous for you.” You wanted to intervene and reassure him they wouldn’t harm you, but Copia seemed to understand you were about to say that. “I know they would never intentionally hurt you, but this is for everyone’s good, amore.”
You quickly remembered what a rut was and began to ask a question. You were stopped.
“Please do not ask me any more questions about it.” Copia was uneasy, “Now, if you don’t mind, there is cleaning that could be done-”
“Yes, sir,” You got up and excused yourself from his room. You were going to find out more about this from someone else.
Your mind was reeling. You had been cleaning here and there, while also keeping an eye out for someone, anyone you could ask about the ‘ruts’. You had seen Sister Imperator first, but decided that approaching her about it was a horrible idea, so you gave her a gentle smile when she spotted you and kept going on about your business.
Then, your eyes hit Swiss. He was out and about, so he was definitely not being affected by a rut. You approached him with an awkward smile and the memories of his fingers coming for your mouth resurfaced. He gave you his toothy grin when he saw you and noticed you wanted to talk so he began to make his way towards you.
“Swiss,” Your paused, lips slightly parting, then closing again. You decided to get right into it. “What’s a rut, and who’s going through it right now?”
Swiss grinned wider, if possible, and seemed absolutely ready to have this talk with you. “I’m not sure where you heard that, but I’m assuming you aren’t allowed in the den right now, are you?” When you shook your head Swiss let out a guttural laugh, “Ghouls, we have heats or ruts. Aether and Dewdrop are going through their ruts right now.”
“I’m assuming that means, they’re just extra horny? Why can’t I go in there? I like hanging out with all of you-”
Swiss laughed louder, cutting you off. “They’re not just horny, cara (Y/N), they’re looking for a mate. They will do anything and everything to get one, and it wouldn’t be very pretty if they started fighting over a human. Especially one they both adore.”
“They adore me?”
Swiss grabs your shoulder, “You’re so funny!” His grip tightened a little bit, “Oh, you’re being serious… I thought it was obvious with how they acted- You want to go in there don’t you…?”
You gave him a small smile and nodded.
“Well, you’re lucky you found me first. I’m already fucking tired of them moaning and wailing out for you. And no one else is in the den right now, should be easy getting in.”
You nodded and began to follow him down the hall towards their den. You weren’t sure how much you believed the ‘wailing’ thing at first. Swiss did seem annoyed, but it had only been overnight their ruts really hit, how long could they have been wailing for anyway?
When you reached the door of the den, Swiss fished for a key to unlock it. He looked back at you and his eyes peered at you through his mask, “Are you sure? No turning back once you’re in there. You’ll be locked in.”
You bit the inside of your lip and nodded. Swiss unlocked the door and opened it for you. You walked in and the door was immediately slammed behind you, a click coming from the otherside, indicating it had been locked. You inhaled sharply and stood there a moment, back against the door.
Your eyes scanned the area and you noticed how trashed it was. It looked like someone, presumably Aether, had turned it upside down. You took a step forward, then you heard it. The screams, or ‘wailing’ as Swiss referred to it. It was haunting. You realized Dewdrop was the one howling out for you and your stomach flipped. Your heart was in your throat and your breathing was heavy.
Then it went silent.
The howling, the creaking. Everything stopped. You turned back to the door and jiggled the knob, really testing if Swiss had locked it. Definitely locked. You rested your forehead against the door and let out a soft whine.
Closing your eyes, you exhaled slowly. Then you felt it. Something was pressed against your back and hands were on either side of you on the door, blocking you from leaving. Your eyes shot open and you froze.
“Hi?” You couldn’t even turn around, but you knew it was Aether caging you in. You could tell by his forearms alone.
“What are you doing?” His voice growled into your ear. Every bit of air pushed itself from your lungs. His nose hit your shoulder, the one Swiss had grabbed, and you heard another growl. You realized he wasn’t wearing his mask and your heart was pounding against your ribcage. “Swiss let you in?”
You nodded, no words coming out. Aether nuzzled your neck and inhaled your scent. “I think you would smell more delightful without his scent on you.”
“Aether!” A loud howl came from across the room and down the hall. Dewdrop.
You felt Aether shift, but you did not dare move. You had never seen one of them without their masks, much less two of them. You did not want to intrude. Even though you most definitely already were. “Who’s fucking heartbeat-” He stopped. His footsteps, his words, everything stopped.
“Oh, by Lucifer…” Dewdrop knew it was you. You let out a nervous laugh and felt Aether growl against you. Your eyes widened and you remembered what Swiss had said. You did not want them to fight.
Aether moved, facing Dewdrop, and you stood there. Dewdrop let out a low guttural noise and you knew it was about to get ugly. “Wait!” You yelled, still facing the door, forehead against it, and eyes shut. They both stopped and looked back at you. You could feel their eyes on you. “I didn’t ask to come in here for you two to kill each other over me.”
“You asked to come in here?” Dewdrop snorted.
“Yes, I heard the den was off limits, and Copia wouldn’t share why other than ‘some ghouls are going through it’, so I asked Swiss-”
“And he explained that you two were in ruts, and I asked for him to let me in. So I could help… Help the both of you.”
“You won’t even look at us,” Dewdrop snarled, “How are you supposed to help?”
“I thought it’d be inappropriate to look at you without permission-”
Both of them laugh, “Inappropriate? You’re throwing yourself at us. And you don’t want to be inappropriate?”
“Well, yeah…” You pouted. “I mean, I can call Copia and get him to come let me out-” They both growled at that. You smiled to yourself.
“Turn around.” They both spoke at the same time.
You were slow to do so. Your arms fell from the door and to your sides. You inhaled shakily and exhaled loudly. Your eyes locked with Aether’s first, and then with Dew’s. Both of their eyes were dark, full of a hunger and lust you had never, ever seen before. Your back hit the heavy door and you stared at them. They wore nothing but boxers. And you could tell that they had to put those on to even come out to see you.
Dewdrop smirked at you. “Aw,” He feigned sympathy, “not having second thoughts are we?”
“No.” You snapped back at him.
“If you do, let us know. I’m not sure you are aware of how serious this is…” Aether looked at Dewdrop.
“I mean, you just wanna fuck, right?” Everything Swiss had told you earlier had gone in one ear and out of the other. Dewdrop and Aether looked at each before looking back at you. Dewdrop took a step forward, predator towards prey, and you could not back up any further.
“Oh, amore mio,” Dewdrop’s voice dropped, leaving you weak in the knees. He placed his fingers under your chin, getting you to look at him, and he continued. “We are not just wanting to fuck, we are looking for a mate. And that just so happens to be you-” He angles your neck up further, causing your breath to hitch.
“What does that entail… Exactly?”
Dew swallowed hard at the thought, “Well, a ghoul’s mate is serious. You would become mi-” He stops himself when Aether growls at him, “Ours.” Dewdrop rolled his eyes.
“Okay,” Your voice was barely above a whisper.
“Okay?” Dewdrop questioned you.
“I’m all yours. Both of yours.”
That was enough to send them into a frenzy. They were both on you in an instant and you were sent reeling. Dewdrop was quick to pull you from the door and go for your mouth, his tongue easily slipping between your lips. Aether, on the other hand, ended up behind you and attacking your neck; his fangs almost breaking your skin.
Nails clawed you and you easily became puddy between the two of them. You moaned into Dew’s mouth as Aether nipped your soft flesh. He smiled into the kiss. One of your hands grabbed Dew’s left forearm, while the other reached back for Aether. You needed to know it was real, that it was really happening.
Dew pulled away and looked down at you. His hands cupped your face and tilted your head back, in turn, leaving your neck more exposed, giving Aether more places to bite and suck on. Dew placed his nose to yours and ever so slightly tilted his head.
“You taste way sweeter than that strawberry,” He smiled at you. He looked towards Aether, “Would you like to try?”
No answer was needed. Of course he wanted to try. You leaned back for him and Aether eagerly kissed you. His hand moved to cup your cheek and you realized how much gentler he was than Dewdrop. He was still slightly rough, but he seemed to be more careful, to have more control, than Dew.
Dewdrop momentarily stepped back, and you turned your body to Aether, getting wrapped in him instead. You cupped his face and deepened the kiss. Your hands fell to his neck and slid around it.
“Ok,” Dewdrop snarled, “That’s enough.”
No response. You kept kissing Aether. Dew’s lip twitched and he let out a low hiss. Once again, no stopping. As if Aether was about to let you go, after all that waiting. But, Dew had done his waiting as well.
His hands moved towards your hips and he pulled your ass towards him. He let out a low grumble in your ear and began to grind against you. Dew, Aether, and you were going at it against the door. Leaving all of you out in the open. That didn’t really bother Aether or Dewdrop. But, you on the other hand, were very vulnerable already.
“Excuse me!” A bang came from the other side of the door.
Your eyes shot open and you pulled back from Aether. Cumulus…
“You’re in the way! I’m assuming that’s Aether… And-” She stopped. “Oh… there’s another- Oh.”
You swallowed hard and Aether pulled you from Dew’s grasp, the other ghoul’s nails scraping you as you left his reach. Dewdrop looked ready to attack as Aether began leading you away.
“You can come in now.”
The door slowly opened. Cumulus picked up her pace, stepped in, and slammed the door behind her. She began to walk towards you and Aether, when Dewdrop snarled at her.
“Don’t-” She snarled back. “Sister is looking for (Y/N).”
“It can wait,” Aether and Dewdrop responded, one response a little more violent than the other.
“What did she need?” You tried to turn to ask but as soon as you stopped walking Aether picked you up and kept going.
“I’m just the messenger. I don’t know. Seemed important though.”
“It can wait,” you replied this time, causing Dewdrop and Aether to smile.
Cumulus grumbled a ‘whatever’. You weren’t sure if she’d cover for you, but you didn’t care. Not at the time. That was something for future you to worry about. You heard the heavy door shut and lock again.
“I think it’s funny how they lock you in-” You giggled as you reached Aether’s large room.
“It’s to keep people like you out.” Dewdrop informed you.
“People like-” You’re stopped. Aether set you down, steadying you and you looked at him and Dewdrop. They both watched you with an amount of lust you were sure a human would not be able to feel. Your stomach flipped and your legs buckled. “How do you wanna do this?”
The weight of the situation at hand hit and you were positive your brain briefly short circuited. You were in front of two ghouls, ready to give yourself to them, body and soul. And they were more than willing to take it. While you were fully clothed –you knew that wasn’t going to last much longer– you still felt vulnerable.
Your arms wrapped around you, tightly, and your eyes fell from theirs and hit the ground. Dewdrop and Aether tensed, very quickly picking up that you were suddenly very closed off.
“Are you needing to leave?”
“Cumulus literally just locked that big ass door!” You answered without thinking. “But-” You put your hands up, “no, I do not need to leave. I was just,” Your hands fell to your sides, “I’m very excited!” You knew they could tell that. “I’m also- Uh, I’ve never done something like this before.” You motioned to the ghouls.
“Non preoccuparti, amore. We will take care of you.”
“You’ll never want to be with any human ever again.” Dewdrop dripped confidence. You believed him, you knew it wasn’t just the confidence. “Now,” Dewdrop stepped towards you, “how about we get you out of your clothes?”
You let out a squeak instead of an actual answer, and nodded. Aether and Dew were on you once more. Tearing at your clothes, like rabid animals, it wasn’t long before you were standing there in your underwear. Aether had dropped down to his knees, littering kisses across your soft stomach and making his way towards your panties. Dewdrop was kissing you, ravenously, bruising your lips.
You were brought back to reality when you felt your panites being pulled down your legs. Your legs clenched out of instinct and Aether’s large hands gently pulled them back apart. You let out a soft mewl as his fingers pushed past your folds and into you. With half lidded eyes, you looked down at Aether. He was kissing your thighs, one of his fingers moving in and out of you.
Dewdrop’s lips moved to your jawline, and up to your ear. He nipped your earlobe before whispering into your ear. “Sei bellissima, amore mio, and you are going to look even more beautiful sucking my cock.”
You did not argue. In fact, you nodded in agreement. As Dewdrop stepped back from you, Aether shifted under you. Suddenly, he was lying flat on his back and he was holding you above his face. You gasped at the change and then realized Aether and Dewdrop must have been on the same wavelength..
You were at eye level with Dew’s now exposed cock. Your thighs were tense as you held yourself above Aether’s face. His hands were on your outer thighs, holding you himself, but you were all the sudden self conscious and could not relax. His grip tightened and he brought you down to his mouth.
Dewdrop’s hands tangled in your hair, “Relax, Aether would rather enjoy you sitting on his face.” His words made your breath catch in your throat. You swallowed hard and allowed yourself to fully relax. As soon as you did, you did not regret it. Aether’s tongue was working wonders on you. You reached out for Dewdrop, to hold onto something, and his hips were the first thing you grabbed.
Dewdrop took his chance. “How about we check that gag reflex?” His chest rumbled. You looked up at him through your lashes and he smirked down at you. You were eager to take him in your mouth once you were able to concentrate on something other than Aether licking stripes up your pussy.
One of your hands moved from Dew’s hip and to his dick. You held the base of it and licked up the vein. You looked up at him as you took him all the way in your mouth and he reached the back of your throat. You let out a loud moan, Aether’s thumb connecting with your clit, and Dewdrop lost his cool momentarily.
Dew’s hips bucked and he was fucking the back of your throat. Your jaw went slack and you choked as his hand, tangled in your hair, kept you at a steady pace. Tears pricked your eyes, everything easily becoming too much. The feeling of having your clit sucked while being throat fucked was one you hoped could be reoccuring.
“Fuck,” Dewdrop hissed, his hips bucking a little harder as he came close to cumming. You let out a guttural noise, sending Dew over the edge. He came inside your mouth and tried to swallow as best you could, but some escaped, slipping down your chin and onto your chest.
“I’m gonna-” Your eyes rolled in the back of your head, Aether’s tongue not slowing. Your hands fell from Dewdrop and onto the floor, a little above Aether’s head. Your eyes locked with his and you let out a sob, your orgasm hitting hard and fast.
Your stomach knotted and every inch of you was tensing. You cried out for Aether, sure that if the ghouls’ den wasn’t soundproof the whole Clergy would have heard you. Once the wave of ecstasy passed, Aether’s tongue slowed. You were twitching on top of him, leaned over and whining.
Aether easily picked you up, and placed you in his lap. You rested your head on his shoulder and caught your breath. And then, hit the realization this was nowhere near over, you peeked back up at him.
Dewdrop made his way towards you and crouched down. Two fingers pushed inside you and you gasped, unaware what he had even walked over for. His fingers were quick to withdraw and he popped them in his mouth. You locked eyes with him and he smirked.
He pulled his fingers from his mouth, “Next time,” he looked at Aether, “(Y/N) gets to sit on my face.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Aether rolled his eyes at the other ghoul, “Right now, I think a reward is deserved though. Especially after dealing with you.”
Something tells you to not laugh at that comment. Dewdrop let out a grumble and mumbled what you could only guess was Italian swears. Aether placed his attention back onto you, his fingers tracing up and down your arms.
“You’ve been so good for us,” Aether stood and picked you up, carrying you towards the wall. Your back touched the cool surface and Aether pressed himself against you, “I can tell you’re still wound tight,” Aether angled his hips with yours and you swallowed hard, “how about I help with that?”
“Please,” Your voice broke, “please fuck me-”
Aether pulled back a little further and, with one swift movement, he thrusted inside of you. You let out a strangled whine as he kept thrusting in and out of you. One of your legs was wrapped around his hip, while the other was barely touching the floor. You were on your tiptoes. Your arms were draped over his shoulders, and your nails scratched at his bare skin.
“Scream for me,” Aether’s pace quickened, “I want everyone to know who’s fucking you.”
You did not have to be told twice. His name fell from your lips, every bit of air on your lungs releasing for him. You were seeing stars. You had never felt that amount of immense pleasure all at once.
Words became hard to form, until eventually the only thing understandable was ‘Aether,’ and even that was becoming difficult to say. Your brain was becoming mush with every thrust. You felt him lift your hips slightly, and you were positive he was somehow going deeper.
His forehead pressed against yours, and the sound of his groans and low rumbles were sending you over the edge.
“Look at me-” He didn’t even sound out of breath. You opened your eyes and found purple ones staring right back at you. “Cum for me.”
You would not deny him that. His thrusts became more animalistic. You cried out for him as you orgasmed, everything in you on fire. In your mind were begging and pleading for more, but you were sure the words were not coming out the way you wanted.
“You- ugh- Cum inside!”
A primal sound came deep from Aether’s chest. You felt him release, his thrusts briefly sloppy. He never faulted holding you up though. Even as he came, you never slipped away from him, you were not about to get away. 
Your head leaned back, and Aether placed a soft kiss on your neck. Your breathing was ragged and you were leaning all of your weight onto Aether now. His grip tightened on your thigh, “You take me so well-”
“Fuck off, Aether,” Dewdrop reminded the both of you he was still there, “My turn.”
Aether’s eyes darkened and he looked over his shoulder, “You can wait.”
“Uh- Maybe I should go see Sister-” Aether and Dew both look at you with a possessiveness, Aether’s grip tightening. “Maybe I shouldn’t go…” They both relaxed, “How long do these ‘ruts’ last?”
“About a week. Now, please, Aether, let (Y/N) go.” Dewdrop sounded like he did not want to ask again. Especially not nicely.
Aether really did not want to let go. His instinct was to not let a single drop get out of you. He was going to stay with you pinned against that wall for a little longer.
Dewdrop let out a groan, “You’ve done practically everything but mark-” Aether let out a growl and Dewdrop laughed.
“What is he talking about? Mark? I’m assuming he doesn’t mean bitemarks and hickeys…”
“No, when we mate… We mark the mate, letting others know they aren’t to be messed with. Normally there is one mate, but-”
“You’re stuck with both of us. I’m not about to fuck off, and neither is he. So, you’ll have two mates and we’ll have to share.” Dew was smirking at Aether, trying his best to fuck with him.
“That’s fine,” Your answer shocked them, “We have a week to talk about it!” You gave them a genuine smile. “But… maybe I should talk to the Cardinal and, uh, tell him my predicament…”
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ghuleh-recs · 6 months
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It's @chapel-of-rizztual's birthday!! So obviously I had to make us a mixtape of my favorite rizz fics. I was stoked to make this one because it meant I got to reread some of my favorite ghoul smut 😈 If you follow rizz you know what a joy it is to realize you're both on tumblr at the same time. You'll notice your feed slowly being taken over in the best possible way by a wonderful stream of consciousness reblogging spree. I have to add that chapel-of-rizztual is so damn supportive of fellow creatives, as well--sharing anything and everything we make. So let's all treat ourselves to some s tier ghoul smut in rizz's honor and maybe leave a comment or two as a lil' bday treat. ♡
recs under the cut.
In the heat of the moment - phantom x rain x mountain (polyghouls)
“Shit, I’m sorry-I didn’t realise.” He raises his arms as Rain pulls a clean hoodie on him. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.” Rain chuckles lightly, running a hand across Phantoms chest, smoothing out the hoodie. “You’re in heat, darling. I wouldn’t expect anything different.” He blinks up confusedly at Rain trying to take in what he’d just said to him. “I-what? What!?” Or…. Phantom goes into heat onstage but doesn’t realise because it’s his first one topside.
The only exception - aether x dewdrop
Aether smiles sweetly at him, brushing a few stray hairs from his face. “You feel better after that, Honeydrop?” Dew nods, not trusting his voice. His eyes drop down to Aethers lips for a spit second before looking back into his eyes. Aether chuckles lightly. “You want a kiss, darling?” Dew nods again and Aether surges forward to capture Dews lips in his. He gives Dew a few little pecks before pulling back. Dew whines and follows his lips. “More.” He whispered. Aether cradles his cheek and pull him in for another kiss, a proper kiss thins time, not just little pecks. Dew let’s Aether lead the the kiss, letting himself melt completely into it with a contented sigh. Or… After a stressful day Dewdrop finds himself seeking comfort from the one ghoul he trusts the most.
tumblr ficlet - lingerie - cumulus x mountain x swiss x phantom x rain
“I-uh- well, we? We all saw it in the shopping centre the other day. And we all thought- well it’s just- we all thought of you? So…yeah.” Mountain fidgets nervously as he edges his way towards the door. “I’m-uh- going back to my room, the other are also there. You can-Uh-you can join us when you unwrap it.” He seem to snap out his nervousness for a second. “If you want! There’s no pressure! I just..yeah, no pressure.” He gives her an awkward thumbs up and slips out the door without another word. Cumulus would laugh at him if she wasn’t so excited to find out what was making him so nervous. She tears the paper from the box, giggling and rolling her eyes when she recognises the lingerie brand that’s stamped on the box. Typical Boys.
Don't want to close my eyes - mountain & aether (& dew)
Mountain’s insomnia has been flaring up recently, the past few weeks he’d been getting less and less sleep each night, which led to the last couple of nights where he’d been unable to sleep. Tossing turning in his bed, eyes heavy, unable to switch his brain off. He’d given up trying to sleep tonight. His room felt too suffocating, too familiar, the endless tossing and turning had become boring. Or… Mountain hasn’t been sleeping. Aether helps.
With desire flowing through my veins - copia x mountain
After realising no one had seen Mountain for almost a week, Copia, riddled with anxiety and worry, sets out to find the Earth Ghoul. He gets a little more then he bargained for when he does eventually find him.
tumblr ficlet - first time - dewdrop x phantom
Despite what everyone thought, Dew liked the new ghoul. Sure, he wasn’t Aether, but Dew didn’t think that was a bad thing. He liked how easy the new ghoul was. How desperate for attention he was, how he’d do anything with a simple command, no fighting back. Dew liked how much control he had over him, something he never really had before, he liked how he could do anything to the new ghoul and he didn’t even question it, he’s just happy to be getting the attention he desperately wanted.
tumblr ficlet - body worship - copia x dewdrop
It was a joke. A self deprecating one, but a joke non the less. And it had made the congregation at mass laugh, all be it an awkward laugh, but it was a laugh and Copia was taking that as a win.  Dew didn’t find it funny. If he’s being honest he didn’t really understand what Copia was trying to get at, he’d always viewed the man as some above godly creature, so to hear him say something so…low about himself made an uneasy feeling swirl in his belly. 
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yestrday · 6 months
sklfhjk i'm loving the little hc/lore posts you're doing about the different aus, i'm a huge sucker for those. may i ask about your hybrid venti thoughts?
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well! how could i refuse! i love venti sm as my first ever 5* and i love writing him as my perverted lil boy. i havent written much for him in the hybrid au so!
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"I'd appreciate it if you didn't dirty the young master with that perverted fondling of yours, old friend."
You laugh awkwardly as Zhongli's admonition only spurs Venti to snuggle even closer to you, sitting on your lap with his bare legs brushing against yours. He sends a sly smile towards the old dragon and revels in the way his gold-brown hands tighten on his teacup's handle.
"Hmm... you might not know since you came later than me, but me and our young master here have a ve~ry intimate relationship," the dove hybrid says, wrapping his arm around your shoulder with smug look. "Why, you should've seen them when they were smaller, always begging and crying for me to hug them. It's only natural that we've become close— both physically and emotionally!— throughout the years."
Venti nuzzles his cheek against yours. "Aren't I right, ma~ster? ♡"
"Venti's right, Zhongli," you try to alleviate his concerns, though the disgusted look on his face grows more and more palpable. "This is natural for us. Although, uh." Your face reddens when you feel Venti's hand slip and take a feel on your tummy. "I... I have to admit that he's handsier tonight than usual."
Venti giggles. "Whatever are you talking about? You're way handsier with me when you're in bed~"
Your face almost explodes as the horrified expression on Zhongli's face grows. "Th– That! It's not what you think, Zhongli, I promise! Venti's just teasing me about how clingy I get when I asleep. Aether knows about it too. There's nothing else to it!" By the way Venti is laughing but not denying your words, your secretary can tell that you're telling the truth. Nevertheless, he schools you with a stern look.
"You ought to be more wary around us hybrids, [Your Name]. Especially around... this one." Venti pokes his tongue out at him and Zhongli only scoffs into his teacup. "You don't know how out of hand he was back in his days, and he's every bit as wily before as he is now. So keep your guard up and don't be seduced by him."
The subject of his admonitions gasps dramatically, turning to you with a can-you-believe-this-guy look on his face. "That's not true! You don't believe him, right, master? After all, I am the epitome of all things pure and innocent!" He places your hand on his bare thigh and looks up at you with those darling green eyes and ever so gently caresses your cheek.
"If there's anything perverted here, I think it's how you eat me up with those eyes of yours, ma~ster ♡."
Venti's delighted giggling erupts when you finally explode and hide your face in Venti's shoulder in shame. "Venti..!"
"Ahahaha! You're so easy to tease!"
Zhongli shakes his head, taking another sip to ease his nerves. He doesn't know whether or not he should report your corruption to your father and risk his wrath.
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the-travelling-witch · 10 months
hello miss witch, i have a question for you if you don't mind c:
i've read about that sweet ask left by the snowflake anon and then the compliments (?) from another anon about that work with scara ending up late because of morning kisses and cuddles
this actually had me wondering how would the anemo boys react to a sudden sneak attack consisting in kisses all over their faces, no spot/inch left untouched
if you need an example, this one: aether is minding his own business, maybe sketching a new tattoo idea, or drawing for fun, or doing whatever maybe while sitting, and his sweet lil partner comes behind him, engulfing him in a warm hug before leaving numerous (very numerous, almost too many one could say) kisses and smooches all over his face, so many that no inch is left untouched: cheeks, cheekbones, eyes, forehead, temples, nose, lips as the final touch, before stopping satisfied and go back to whatever this partner was doing before this sudden love shower, their lover boy probably short circuited by this
no need to answer at all or for all the boys if you don't feel like it, it was just a curiosity that came to mind c:
have a nice day, miss witch
hi there, i never mind asks about the modern au, i just might not answer requests for drabbles immediately bc i need to be in the right mood to write more than a few paragraphs for a specific scenario :>
i won’t write for all of them bc i have a lot of requests for the modern au (and that’s considering i don’t actually take requests) but modern! aether needs more love <3
warning: a little suggestive at the end (or you could just get your mind out of the gutter hshsh)
holly's modern au masterlist || holly’s modern au tag
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Aether’s sketchbook lay discarded on the coffee table, having to make room for you to scoot into the place it previously occupied. With his hands now free to hold you, you could easily rest your head on your boyfriend’s slowly rising and falling chest.
Catching up on a show you were watching together, your hands were tangled in the ends of Aether’s long hair, the blond strands soft but still showing some of the colour that had washed out over time. 
When the show hit a bit of a sag in tension and nothing really happened to move the plot further, your gaze landed on the empty mugs in front of you and you untangled your legs from Aether’s to push yourself up.
But your decision to grab new drinks was delayed as you glanced down at your boyfriend underneath you, looking ethereal with his golden hair splayed around him like a molten halo, his bright eyes focusing on you at your movement.
“Hm, what are you-“
His breath hitched as you leant down to plant a soft kiss against his temple, his skin warm and smooth against your lips. Not able to resist, you trailed more kisses over his temple, all over his cheeks dimpling with his smile, his melodic giggles floating through your living room until you reached the corner of his mouth.
You attacked his nose next, simultaneously pushing the loose strands of his hair behind his ear with the hand not used to support yourself, just so you could flutter a swarm of butterfly kisses over his pierced ears.
The skin underneath the pad of your thumb grew steadily hotter as you caressed the arch of his cheekbone, your lips busy mapping out the path from behind his ears, over his jaw and down his throat. 
By now his heart beat was thumping faster against your chest than before and you know Aether was trying to control his breathing, only to be betrayed by his own shaky exhale. He swallowed hard as you lingered over the sensitive spot where his neck met his shoulder, before continuing south as far as the collar of his shirt would let you.
As you sat up on your knees between his legs, you studied your boyfriend’s flushed face, seeing how his brain tried to catch up to what happened just now, his fingers twitching without his arms complying to bring them any closer to you.
“I’m getting up to get new drinks, of course,” you cheekily answered his previous question, moving to unfold your legs from underneath yourself and slinging them over the edge of the couch. 
Aether mumbled something under his breath as you stood up and you urged him to repeat himself, louder this time. There was more clarity in his eyes when you looked back at him, subconsciously licking his lips.
“I said, didn’t you forget somewhere?” The question was airy in the delicate atmosphere, as if any more force could shatter the bubble you found yourself in, where only him and you existed.
Pretending to contemplate for a moment, you agreed with a grin but didn’t bend down over his mouth. Instead you quickly lifted the hem of his shirt and your lips made contact with the cool metal of his belly button piercing, giving it more attention than the others before. With your hand splayed on his warm stomach, you could feel the sharp intake of air under your colder fingertips and you followed his skin relentlessly before letting up with a smirk.
Satisfied with the state you left your boyfriend in, you turned towards the kitchen to actually fetch new drinks but the action left Aether outside your field of vision. 
So, when his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist, a surprised gasp left your lips and you were quickly spun back towards your couch and flipped over to have your back meet the couch cushions.
Perhaps with your boyfriend now hovering over you and his blond hair tickling the side of your face, it was a good moment to remember how unassumingly agile he was.
There was a competitive sparkle in his eyes as a grin playfully curled around his lips and you closed your eyes when he leant down to mirror your actions. But instead of starting from your temple like you did, the featherlight touch of his soft lips against your earlobe sent a shiver down your spine as he whispered to you.
“It’s my turn now, beautiful.”
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© the-travelling-witch 2023 - do not repost, translate, copy or edit
if you like my content, reblogs, comments and asks are always much appreciated ♡
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uplatterme · 2 years
I feel like aether is definitely the more denser one out of the twins.. so imagine dense!aether never taking any of the very obvious hints of you wanting to fuck the shit out of him !!!! and by the time he does, u js don’t have it in u to be patient anymore :(
blowing his back out on the night of an expedition!!! idk if that makes sense i quit playing genshin a long time ago but absolutely destroying his lil boy cunt!! he’s such a cutie 😣 trying his hardest to ground himself by grabbing onto anything in his vicinity
him making u smth to eat the next morning with a smile on his face and is acting all buddy buddy w u as if u didn’t give him the most mind-blowing fuck of his life 🙄 dw about it though! from now on he’s thinking of you and your delicious dick 😋
omg i’ve never written anything suggestive b4 but i hope u like it
aether is so DENSE.
you could be like, “you’re so beautiful, aether” and he’d just be like “oh, thank you.”
or “i wanna kiss you so bad.” and he’ll think you’re joking, replying. “as a friend, right?”
he’s also so painfully slutty, the way he moves his hips, the noises he makes while fighting, it’s unbearable.
so when you finally pin him down, his back fully arched, sobbing as he takes you in, it’s as if the burden is finally lifted.
he reaches his hand out, searching and looking for something to grab onto. only for you to slam even deeper inside of him, tears in his eyes as he whimpers and pants.
after all, you’ve waited this long. you should be able to have as much time as you want with him, even if he could barely stand anymore, being milked out and the pleasure dumbing his mind.
he wakes you up with a meal to your bedside, still bearing that smile that he gives to everyone he meets. making you wonder if last night’s events were something you had made up.
the way he flinches when you take the plate says otherwise.
you appreciate his efforts nonetheless. although that apron he wears is making it hard to focus on the meal he gave you, when you could just devour the one who cooked it instead.
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