#look alicent calling for luke's eye was fucked up
dowagergreen · 2 years
so i really have to explain why alicent asking for the eye of the child that took her son's eye is different than daemon ordering assassins to kill a child that had nothing to do with luke's death but somehow I am the one who is being unreasonable/biased ???
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lauraneedstochill · 2 months
if I see one more post about Aegon “bullying Aemond his entire life”, I will go fucking ballistic, I swear to g—
scratch that, I will actually go ballistic right now. this is the “Aegon doesn’t deserve such a shitty treatment” club and I’m the self-proclaimed CEO. we are about to do some analyzing and reading so BUCKLE UP.
gonna make one thing clear first — Aemond was bullied when he was a child. no one denies that, no excuses can be made for that. I’d only like to note that there wasn’t only one bully. here’s a quick reminder:
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now that we successfully counted to three, let’s look over Aegon’s other horrible crimes relationship with Aemond throughout the years.
📍 the night Aemond lost his eye (S1EP7), Rhaenyra suggests he should be “sharply questioned” (she means tortured) so they can learn who told him that her sons were bastards. Viserys, in his perpetual denial, angrily asks Aemond “who spoke these lies” to which he replies that it was Aegon. it is clear that Aemond does that to deflect suspicion from their mother but his words come as a surprise to Aegon.
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he’s in a tough spot — Viserys demands the answers “as their king”, not their father (to signify his authority and pressure them into telling the truth). and Alicent screamed in Aegon’s face and slapped him just a minute ago, so he may be less eager to defend her. he can easily lie and say that he overheard some maids gossiping or that he can’t remember where the rumor came from. instead, it takes Aegon about 5 seconds to back Aemond up.
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📍 we didn’t get many scenes with young Aegon and Aemond in general, but here’s a short bit people keep overlooking: when Harwin and Criston start fighting, Aemond and Aegon instantly gravitate toward each other. and moreover, Aegon puts a hand over Aemond’s back (which to me is either a protective or a comforting gesture). what a horrible brother, truly.
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📍 next we see them all grown up before dinner in S1EP8. I think it’s safe to assume that if Aegon has been bullying Aemond all these years, Aemond wouldn’t want to spend a second in his company. he’s seated between Helaena and Otto, both of whom are dear to him, so Aemond can stay at the table and chat with them. and YET, not only does Aemond voluntarily talks to Aegon, but their conversation seems friendly (you can barely hear it in the show so here’s the enhanced audio). Aemond makes a joke about Aegon’s drinking habits — Aegon quips back — and then, what a shocker! Aemond starts venting his frustrations to Aegon (“Even when the noose is so tight, they expect us to break bread”). nothing would’ve stopped him from venting to Otto but Aemond stays with Aegon. he wouldn’t have done that if there hadn’t been some level of trust between them. he wouldn’t have done that if he hated Aegon’s guts.
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📍 at dinner, when Aegon pisses Jace off and the brunet springs to his feet, Aemond stands up too, which forces Jace to act as if nothing happened and come up with a toast. Aegon watches him with a shit-eating grin on his face. it’s the face that screams “I know you won’t dare to act up in front of my brother and my brother has my back”.
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when Aemond makes a toast and calls Rhaenyra’s sons “strong”, Aegon raises a cup to that. he can sit this one out — Aemond has his personal vendetta against the boys, and it would be safer for Aegon not to meddle. but what does he do instead? when Luke gets up from the table (clearly intending to go to Aemond), Aegon instantly stands up, comes up to Luke and not just stops him but slams his face into the table right in front of Rhaenyra without thinking twice. and it doesn’t look like Aegon is just messing with him — no, it looks like he wanted to do that for a while. like Aegon finally got his chance to stand up for his brother too. AND he also stops Baela from joining the fight.
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📍 S1EP9 is when we get a glimpse of Aemond’s ambitions: he deems himself better than Aegon, he thinks he deserves to be king. but once he finds Aegon and they get into a fight, it turns out that Aegon knows that Aemond is a better choice. he doesn’t want to fight him, he begs Aemond to let him go. and Aemond can do that — Criston has his back to them, so Aemond could’ve pretended that Aegon managed to break free. and even once they caught Aegon, I have no doubt that Aemond could’ve helped him escape. but it seems that, despite his displeasure, Aemond values his family the most. he can’t betray his mother’s trust, and he knows Aegon is the first in line to the throne. Aemond envies him, yes, he may even hate him because of that. but he values his family the most.
📍 as @florisbaratheons noted, during the coronation scene, when Aegon glances at his family, Aemond looks right at him and gives that tiny nod that says “I may hate this and think I am better for the job as king. But I’ve got your back.” I like that Aemond is the one who keeps eye contact in that scene. He could’ve turned away to signal his dissatisfaction with the situation, there wouldn’t have been any consequences for that. But he didn’t.
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📍 what I find interesting about S1EP10 is the beginning of Aemond’s dialogue with Luke. that’s the boy Aemond wished to get back at for years and yet, he starts by saying “Did you think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother’s throne at no cost?”. Aemond could’ve skipped that part — imagine him saying smth along the lines of “Wait, Lord Strong! Don’t you think you and I have other matters to discuss?” (to which Luke answers that he doesn’t want to fight and the conversation goes on). instead, Aemond makes a point to remind Luke: my brother is the king, and I came here on his behalf. you can argue that Aemond doesn’t do it for Aegon specifically but for his family in general. but Aegon is a part of the family, and S1 Aemond has his priorities straight.
📍 as much as I hate comparing the show and the book (these are two different things and should be viewed as such), I’d like to remind you that Aegon was the only one who stood by Aemond’s side after Luke’s death. I wonder why we didn’t get that scene… I guess it’s because it would be kinda hard to call Aegon “the main bully” after he literally throws Aemond a feast. but we do get to see Aegon supporting his brother: in S2EP1 he welcomes Aemond at the small council meeting despite his mother’s protests (“Aemond is my closest blood and my best sword”). and he trusts Aemond wholeheartedly, that much is obvious.
📍 let’s get to the most controversial part — the brothel scene in S2EP3: some people believe Aegon is being a bully at that moment. those people seem to forget one little detail:
it’s been only a few days after the death of Aegon’s son whose murder was a direct result of Aemond’s ruthless actions. does Aemond ever address it? does he express his condolences? does he mayhaps help to catch the killers, being the skilled fighter that he is? the answer is NO.
I do think Aegon’s joke was cruel (I wrote a whole post about it) but that’s all it ever was — a JOKE. the humiliation comes not from the things he says but from the fact that Aemond is found in a vulnerable position and surrounded by a group of strangers while his brother laughs at him. TGC explained it best:
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I also love @notbloodraven’s take on that scene:
Aegon lashing out so cruelly at Aemond seems to be an effort in making Aemond feel as badly as he does and blaming him for Jaehaerys without actually saying the words.
would this be the right way to act? no. but there’s no right way to grieve and to cope with the loss — and HIS SON WAS BEHEADED so maybe take 1% of the sympathy you show your favorite character(s) and cut Aegon some slack.
+ other things worth talking about:
📍 @bietrofastimoff23 analyzed S2EP3 beautifully and I can’t help but mention the scene that happens before Aegon goes to the brothel. it’s the moment when Larys suggests that Alicent and Aemond are plotting against Aegon. he isn’t surprised by the idea that his mother can do that — but the second his brother is mentioned, Aegon’s face falls and he shakes his head no. because there is no way Aemond would ever do that to him. and instead of asking for any proof, he asks Larys “who spreads these lies?” and then commands him to “tend to them.” Aegon can ask him to spy on Aemond, to find any dirt on him, find any weaknesses he can use — he does not.
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📍 it turns out to be true — Aemond was plotting behind his brother’s back. which is treason btw (I don’t think Criston intended to keep things from Aegon — he probably believed that Aemond would let Aegon in on their plan). and Aegon does have the power to remind Aemond of his place — he can throw him off the council with a snap of his fingers, he can take offense at Aemond’s attempt to publicly humiliate him (their conversation in High Valyrian — Ewan himself calls it a “public execution”). but that’s not what happens: as TGC phrased it, Aemond’s betrayal “breaks a bit of Aegon’s heart off”. an actual bully would’ve immediately pushed back, but Aegon silently sits down and doesn’t argue, he’s so defeated he can’t utter a word. he has the means to be a bully but he doesn’t contemplate it for a second.
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📍 I don’t want to talk about S2EP6 because it makes me sick but I will reiterate one thing: never ONCE Aegon made fun of Aemond’s disability or tried to cause him any physical harm. just want to point that out.
there is no moral to this story, I guess. if you managed to read till the very end, thank you. if you still hate Aegon, that’s your opinion and you are allowed to have one — but please, for the love of god, just stop making shit up. no, Aemond was NOT bullied as an adult, absolutely nothing suggests that he was. Aegon was naive to blindly trust him and it backfired on him, that’s the actual story. and if you are so eager to hold Aegon accountable for his mistakes, maybe it’s time for Aemond to take responsibility for his actions too.
+ some of my favorite critical posts about Aegon and Aemond: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x.
P.S. I will not argue with anyone so please don’t waste your time — I consider all my arguments solid and that’s enough for me. if you are thinking of sending me anon hate, pls go take a walk instead, it will do you more good. 🌿
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greer2301 · 2 months
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Eye for an Eye
Rhaenyra’s!Daughter Reader
Everyone stood in the throne room, maesters tending to Aemond children squabbling and adults trying to figure out what happened.
“May I speak, your grace?” Daemeara asked as she held her hands clasped in front of herself and walked to the front of the crowded room. “Of course my girl, go ahead” Viserys said breathily as he looked to his darling granddaughter. “Prince Aemond claimed Vahgar, Baela and Raena attacked him. Jace and Luke went to defend them, Aemond called my brothers Bastards heavily implying an affair between my mother and Ser Harwin Strong. Aemond was going to kill Jace, bashing his head with a large stone Lucerys found my blade that I dropped in the scuffle, he swung the blade blindly and hit Aemond’s eye. It truly was an accident but it was self defense.” Daemeara said as she looked over the faces of her grandfather, his wife, Aemond and her mother.
Daemeara zoned out as she watched the Maester finish fixing Aemond’s eye. “I will have one of her son’s eyes in return!” Alicent shouted as she looked over to Luke and Jace. “My Queen, if it would please you. As the eldest child and only Daughter born to my mother I offer my left eye as payment for Aemond’s. On the condition that you are the one to remove it” Daemeara offered as she stood in front of the crowd, her dagger offered by her outstretched arm the handle facing the Queen. “My mother has Three sons, Aemond is merely a second son. I am my mother’s heir, I am her only Daughter, truthfully this offer is more than what Aemond’s left eye is worth.” Daemeara taunts as she waves the dagger in Alicent’s face.
Daemon leant against the pillar in the shadows a smirk on his face as he finds amusement in the short girls words. “You would give your purple eye, to save your brother?” Alicent asked as she stepped closer to the girl. “I know you cannot understand it, but I would burn this world to save my kin” Daemeara told her placing the blade in her hand and holding her arms at her side. “However, we wouldn’t be here right now if you would stop calling my brothers bastards Ms.Hightower.” Daemeara said loudly as she looked up at the redhead with a raised brow. “What have I told you Alicent, questioning my Daughter. Disarm her!” Viserys commanded, his guards following his order. “On the act of treason committed by Alicent Hightower, I King Viserys Targaryen Order a public lashing commencing at dawn” Viserys said as he took a seat on the throne.
“But there is no proof my King” Otto tried to defend her, but his words fell on deaf ears. “Would you like to join her?” Daemeara asked, picking her nails as she watched Alicent be hauled away. “You don’t have that authority” Otto told her Smugly. Daemeara shrugged, taking a knife off her thigh and slicing her neck shallowly before thrusting the blade into Otto’s hand and screaming while backing away from the man. Rhaenyra was at her side first, Daemon following and disarming Otto having seen the whole exchange he couldn’t help the proud smile on his face. “I didn’t my king I I” Otto stammered as he tried to figure out what to say. “Attempted Murder of my Granddaughter, in my fucking throne room are you serious! I want them dead, the whole fucking Hightower name!” Viserys roared as he stood, making his way to Daemeara and watching as his guards escorted Otto away.
In their chambers away from prying eyes Daemeara talked with her mother, confessing every dark scheming moment she caught the Hightowers in and she couldn’t help but laugh as she remembered the look on the old cunts face as he was walked off.
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starogeorgina · 4 months
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𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬
Pairing: Harwin Strong × Targ oc
Warning: Childbirth, mentions of violence, swearing, blood, character death
“If he wasn’t my kin, I’d have his head on a fucking spike!”
Harwin gently tilts your chin up so you’re facing him. His fingers are coated in your blood from your nose, but it seems insignificant in comparison to what your son has suffered. “You need to have a maester check you over, Vaella.”
“And take them away from our sons?” Feeling overwhelmed with his hand on you, you brush it off and start pacing again, using the movements as a way to not only cope with the adrenaline of anger bubbling inside you but also the pain slowly seeping across your body. You felt as if a sudden fever was coming on, but you refused to let up. “I don’t understand why he would do such a thing to his own flesh and blood.”
“Some people are just inherently bad.”
“But he’s my brother,” you weep. “That should mean something.”
Tears sting your eyes as you look at your sons through the doorway as they speak with the maesters. Aerion's eyes were red and puffy from crying, and when you excused yourself to go clean up your nose, which had started bleeding again, distressing Aerion further Harwin asked Elinda, your sister's handmaiden, to stay by your side. The young woman was coddling him as if your eldest son were her own. Vaegon was lying flat on his stomach in a deep slumber due to the high volume of milk from the poppy he had consumed, with maesters surrounding him. Each of them is trying to figure out the best way to treat injuries to his lower back.
“Oh, my baby, my baby.”
Harwin chokes back a sob. You had expected him to be full of rage, but instead he looked defeated. Exhausted from the worry and frustrated from not being able to help. The palms of Harwin’s hands had small crescent-shaped cuts on them from him clenching his hand so tight.
When you feel your nosebleed has stopped, you go and sit beside Aerion again, holding him close to you as he sobs, “It’s my fault. I couldn’t stop him; I couldn’t protect my brother.”
“Shh, none of this is your fault.”
“He called us bastards,” Aerion sobs. “And Jace, Luke, and Joff. He said I was the only one who didn’t know.”
You look up at Harwin; his eyes are glimmering with what you suspect is fear. Harwin crouched down to be level with him and spoke softly, “Listen, lad, I will tell you the truth. This isn’t about bastardy, the greens... They don’t want a woman sitting on the throne. They will say anything to discreet princess Rhaenyra and her sons, so the king's firstborn son sits on the throne.”
Aerion looks from Harwin to you, confused. “But if anything happened to Princess Rhaenyra and her sons, the throne would go to my mother before it did to my uncle; she’s the second-born child of the king.”
The sweet innocence in his voice breaks your heart.
“They would just do the same to your mother, lad. The Hightowers want the firstborn of Alicent to rule.”
“Will they kill us so Aegon will be the heir?"
You kiss the crown of his head multiple times and say, “No, SweetPea, it won’t come to that.”
You let out a sharp breath as the maester explained the extent of damage your son was suffering. Vaegon had snuck out to confront his uncle after overhearing Aemond say Aegon would be king one day. When Vaegon told him he was wrong, Aemond called your son’s bastards, then pushed Vaegon down the concrete steps.
Aerion squeezed your hand; your poor boy blamed himself. He saw his brother leaving and chased after him, but Vaegon inherited your stubbornness and refused to go back to their rooms.
“Unfortunately, it’s too early to tell if the price will ever walk again.”
Tears sting your eyes, making your vision slightly blurred. “Is he able to travel, or will it cause him more pain?”
“I’d advise a high dose of milk from the poppy for the boat ride back to avoid any distress... but in truth, Princess Prince has lost feeling below the waist.”
You grip tightly onto Harwin’s arm; none of it seems real. You glance at the door when Elinda enters the room; she reminds you of a frightened mouse with how she trembles as she walks over to you. The handmaiden had been sent to bring your daughter and to inform your sister and father that they needed to come as a matter of urgency.
“Where is Ada?” Harwin is alarmed.
“Ser Harwin, Princess... She is with Princess Rhaenyra in the great hall. There has been another incident involving Prince Aemond.”
All eyes are on you when you burst through the Great Hall’s main door. The handmaiden who informed you of the incident was running not far behind; she had briefly filled you and Harwin in on the conflict that transpired between the children and the adults. The first thing you notice are the drops of blood on the floor and Rhaenyra holding her bleeding arm while your father's dagger lies by Alicent’s feet. There was a clear divide in the room, with your family standing on one side and Greens standing on the other.
“Ada?” You call for your daughter, and panic sets in when you can’t see her among the various bodies in the room. “Ada!”
“I’m sorry!” She comes out from behind Lord Lyonel and runs to you, her cheeks flushed from crying. She clings to your growl and sobs, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
You brush her hair out of her face and say, “It’s alright, my sweet, it’s alright.”
You clap your hand over hers, keeping her firmly by your side; she grabs ahold of Harwin’s hand as well. You look to your father for any kind of indication of what he was planning to do, but he seems lost in his own thoughts, so you turn to Alicent.
“Did he tell you what he did to—”
“The king already knows about the slander hurled towards my sons,” Rhaenyra says.
You feel blood dribble from your nose onto your lip as you stare at Rhaenyra, speechless. You quickly wipe it away with the sleeve of your dress. An insult was the least of your worries. But she didn’t know; none of them did. One son suffers in agony, while the other's heart fills with guilt. All the while, your brother went off and happily claimed a dragon. You glance at your Aemond, feeling void of sympathy that he’d lost an eye. He was smiling beneath his bandage; he was proud of what he’d done.
“Do you have any remorse for what you did to my son?”
Your father finally finds his voice. “Vaella, what happened to my grandson?”
Aemond looks down at his feet, the smugness on his face fading, which only infuriates you further. Your voice cracks as you speak, “I’ll give you one last chance; tell them what you did.”
Alicent looks at you stunned; it’s clear she has no idea what you’re referring to. She waits a beat, then speaks thickly, “My son was attacked by Prince Lucerys. He lost an eye.”
“An eye? Prince Aemond said the Hightowers were planning to usurp my sister's throne, and then he almost killed my son. ” You turn to face your father and say, "Your grace, your grandson has been maimed and may never walk again! And his brother is traumatized from witnessing such a horrendous act.”
Madness and rage were spreading inside you like poison; perhaps you should have listened to your husband and stayed with your sons.
Harwin tries to say something to you, but you storm over to the king, who looks just as defeated as the rest of you. “Father,” you speak in High Valyrian. “This is them; this is the greens. I’ve told you again and again about the agenda that they have been pushing. That a woman isn’t fit to rule and your grandsons are bastards, and now the lies have run so deep that her son thinks it’s okay to physically attack mine and Rhaenyra’s children.”
“Vaella,” he sighs. “I cannot change what has been done; I cannot mend the wounded.”
“Do something.” Tears roll down your cheek. “Aemond is just a boy repeating what his mother and grandsire said. Alicent has just assaulted the heir to the throne and attempted to harm Lucerys. Arrest her, and I’ll feed that traitor who dare calls himself your hand to Varos!”
“Alicent is my wife.”
“Your wife?” You scoff. “The Hightowers are parasites feeding off dragon's blood. My love for her children is the only reason I’m not bringing fire and blood down upon their entire house.”
Harwin places his hand over your chest, urging you to step back. Harwin wasn’t fluent in High Valyrian, but he knew it well enough to recognise the threats you were making. “The king wishes to do nothing.” He picks Ada up with one arm and takes your hand with the other. “The best thing we can do is get our family back to Dragonstone.”
“I’ll have a ship prepared immediately,” Lord Corlys says. “It will be ready within the hour.”
Harwin nods and says, “Thank you.”
You felt your heat tearing itself apart; not only were your sons suffering, but your father had become so weak he was no longer able to defend your house. Shaking your head, you go to leave the great hall with your daughter and husband but stop when you reach the doorway. You thought you could handle the pain in your lower abdomen, but a sudden sharpness causes you to claw at the fabric of your dress. You sway on your feet slightly, and Harwin wraps his arm around you, keeping you up right.
“Send for a maester!” Daemon calls out.
“Fuck,” you grit your teeth and squeeze his arm tightly, feeling blood trickling down your thighs. “The babe is coming.”
“You need to push, princess.”
“I am fucking pushing!” You bark. “This shouldn’t be happening; it’s too soon.”
You grit your teeth and try to focus on the warmth of your sister's hand on your back, grounding you in the present moment. Harwin was waiting in the next room with your children; you were glad. You couldn’t bear to look at him, not when this was your fault. You should have made sure the knights posted outside the room your children were supposed to be sleeping in were capable of stopping them from sneaking out. You shouldn’t have allowed yourself to become so upset. If anything happened to your baby, it was your fault.
Rhaenyra’s eyes were focused on the bloodstained sheets below. You had been pushing for hours with no results. “Don’t let them do it to me,” you sob. “I don’t want to die like our mother.”
Tears roll down her cheeks, but she forces a smile. “You will have a baby in your arms soon, and the pain will be over.”
The contractions come hard and fast now, like waves crashing against rocks. Sweat trickles down your forehead; the pain intensifies, but you know it's nature's way of telling you to start pushing again. You bear down with each passing moment, feeling the muscles in your abdomen tense and release as if they were being pulled apart.
A few more moments of agonizing pain pass, and then the room is filled with a baby’s cries. The midwife cuts the cord and then places the baby on your chest. “It’s a girl.”
“Cassandra, her name is Cassandra.” Tears of happiness streamed from your eyes. Your beautiful girl had thick, dark hair and eyes to match her fathers. “She’s perfect—oh fuck, I think another one is coming.”
One of the midwives pushes your legs open and says, “The princess is crowning.”
The room fills with the sound of people rushing around, and blood starts spilling onto the ground. The bleeding was heavier than before. One of the handmaids gives you an apologetic look as she lifts the baby from your chest and says, “I’ll clean her up, princess.”
“Take her to Harwin.”
Rhaenyra wipes a cloth over your forehead. “Sister, are you sure?”
“I don’t want her in the room when I die.” You let out an agonizing scream. “Just take her and go!”
Your eyes become heavy, and your vision fades as you watch the handmaid wrap your daughter in a blanket. Rhaenyra shakes your shoulder, yelling for you to stay awake, but your sight is locked firmly on your newborn. Before she disappears from sight, your vision goes black.
Feeling his wife’s absence, Harwin opens his eyes and sits up in the bed, squinting. He looks around the room, hoping to see her, but Vaella is nowhere to be seen. He looks down into the crib next to him and sees Cassandra scrunching her face up while sleeping. His little girl was smaller and sickly-looking, but she has fed well from the wet nurse and is now sleeping soundly. Getting to his feet, Harwin goes straight to the door and is about to order the knights on the opposite side to search for her, but hearing a humming noise, he stops.
He follows the noise to the balcony and finds Vaella sitting on the ground, rocking, and Rhea in her arms, as if the dead baby would take comfort in being in her mother's arms. When the handmaid brought Cassandra through to the other room, he knew something was wrong and went to be beside his wife. The maester and midwife tried to force him out of the room, insisting it was no place for a man to be.
“And which one of you is going to make me leave my wife’s side?”
Rhaenyra interjects before anyone else can respond, “Ser Harwin will be staying by my sisters side.”
Harwin had felt so helpless when he first saw her laying on the birthing bed, with him unable to do anything to help his wife, who no longer had the energy to scream. Aerion, Vaegon, and Ada needed their mother's strength and courage, something no amount of love from him could provide them. Vaella was covered in sweat and blood; he was so sure he’d lose her. But his princess was a fighter and pulled through, yet the second girl she gave birth to did not.
Harwin was conflicted; he didn’t want to disturb her, but he didn’t want his wife to feel alone.
His decision is made when Vaella looks up at the sky, watching the dragons flying above, and begins talking out loud. “The golden dragon is Sunfyre; he’s bonded with your uncle Aegon. The blue one flying beside him is Dreamfyre, your auntie Helaena’s dragon. The largest one is your brother Vaegon’s dragon, Nightmare.”
Harwin fights back at Sob when Vaella’s voice breaks when she mentions Vaegon. He backs off slowly. She needed the time with Rhea as their daughter's funeral would be held once they arrived on Dragston. Ser Laenor and Rhaenyra had left on Dragonback, so arrangements would be made for their arrival. The maesters advised waiting until Vaella was fully healed before traveling home due to her blood loss, but she was desperate to return home. So did he. Harwin didn’t doubt the masters of Driftmark’s capabilities since they worked miracles to save his wife, but he also didn’t trust any maesters he didn’t know to care for his children.
Hearing a soft knock at the door, Harwin goes over and answers. His mouth goes dry. “Brother.”
“I hope I haven’t woken the princess.”
Harwin steps into the hallway, closing the door behind him. Without being asked, the knight on duty goes and stands at the bottom of the hallway, giving them privacy. From the way the sun peeked through the clouds, Harwin guessed it was roughly five in the morning. “Is this an urgent matter?”
“Yes.” Larys puts his weight against his stick and whispers, “My bees have been busy. And I’ve heard whispers.”
“I’m not interested in gossip.”
Hints of a smirk appear on the clubfoot’s face. “It involves Princess Vaella and the unfortunate events that took place last night.”
Rage burns inside of him, and Harwin fits a clench at his side. “What do you know?”
“Do you remember what type of tea the princess was drinking?”
The question throws him off. “It was red and had a horrid smell to it. Vaella said it was her first time tasting it.”
“Hmm, that’s what I feared. One of the ladies cleaning the room said the smell reminded her of barberry.”
“A fruit tea?”
Larys nods, as if the answer were obvious. “For you and me, it’s perfectly safe, but not for pregnant women, as it can trigger miscarriages. Tell me, did the princess suffer from any vomiting or nosebleeds prior to going into labor?”
Harwin gulps down. “She spat the tea out.”
“But she may have ingested it in small doses without knowing,” Larys leans in again. “Between us, brother, I find it rather particular that princess Vaella was perfectly fine on Dragonstone, but as soon as she arrived on Driftmark, she’s poisoned.”
“My daughter is dead. We will speak of this another time.”
Harwin enters the room and presses his back against the door. If what Larys said was true, then this was... He couldn’t even begin to process what it all meant. Not now, not when he needed to grieve.
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whereisdoriangray · 1 month
visenya targaryen (ii.)
warning: mention of weapons, death, profanities. not proofread. the author is not responsible for the content you choose to consume.
note: the character of visenya targaryen is purely fictional. all rights to house of the dragon belong to hbo/fire and blood to grrm. my fanfiction is based primarily on tv series, but also takes some information from the books. in this version, cregan stark was aged up. if you find any valyrian phrases incorrect, let me know!!
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when a raven came announcing the death of harwin strong, visenya was with rhaenyra
"īles vala hen rigle," [he was a man of honour.] she admitted as a consolation to her grieving sister, "se iā sȳz kepa." [and a good father.]
that day, visenya ruminated in her chamber, late at night, at last calling upon one of her trusted servants;
"send this letter to you know who. tell him his princess will be especially generous if he does his job well."
that's how she found herself on driftmark with a small piece of parchment slipped into her hands just before the funeral of her friend laena
visenya excused herself briefly from conversation with a distant relative, finding a vacant spot where she wouldn't be disturbed
"bona orvorta..." [that cunt] she whispered as her eyes traced the two words the message contained;
"larys strong"
during the funeral, visenya stood by her sister's right side, quietly observing the people present
when she heard daemon's laughter, it took everything in her not to throw his way a disgusted look
once the procession was over and everyone gathered on the castle's terrace, visenya noticed her little cousins, baela and rhaena, sitting with their grief, away from everyone
"i am deeply sorry about your mother," she approached them, "she had a kind heart...and held much love for you." the two princesses thanked her with their eyes full of sadness
"when i was around your age, she gave me this," she opened up her palm, revealing a delicate set of penchant and comb, both symbolizing a dragon and a seahorse. "i believe it's time i pass them on to another who can honor them."
from afar, rhaenys noticed the princess gently putting a comb into rhaena's velaryon hair and then turning to baela with a penchant, clasping it around her granddaughter's neck
aside from the gaze of the queen who never was, visenya was stalked by another pair of watchful eyes
when she turned around, taking her leave, visenya met aemond's intense stare as he approached her
no one knows what the two of them spoke about on that day, but one thing they did remember - later that day, aemond claimed a dragon and lost an eye for it
"i shall have one of her son's eyes in return," alicent proclaimed, rising her chin
"over my dead fucking body," visenya spat as she unleashed a sword she had hidden underneath her skirts, tilting it downward and leaning onto it
alicent's reaction was one of horror, but before she could say anything, her husband, the king, intervened
later that night, servants whispered that when the queen demanded criston cole bring her the eye of lucerys velaryon, he looked upon visenya's sword and disobeyed the command.
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to say that visenya was displeased at her uncle's intention to marry her sister was an understatement
and yet, because of her love for rhaenyra, she gritted her teeth and gave them her blessing
to this day, some people believe that visenya allowed for such a union to happen because she realized that daemon, as the heir's husband, would be a powerful ally if anyone were to challenge her sister's claim, all the while satiating his thirst for power
and they might be right
and so visenya stood on the moors of dragonstone with her nephews and cousins, holding them close, as her sister and uncle exchanged vows
not long after the union, urgent news reached dragonstone
"luke's claim to driftmark is being challenged," visenya told her older nephew. "what are we to do now?" asked jace, anxiety creeping up his spine.
"jī naejot dāro vilinion." [we are going to king's landing.]
the city's foul smell hit her as soon as she landed. vermithor roared, obviously as much displeased as she. "lykīri," visenya commanded, petting him
as she entered the red keep, visenya couldn't help but notice the seven pointed star installed above the entrance
"what the fuck is that."
before she could ruminate on it any further, visenya heard silent cries somewhere in the distance
it was one of the maids from the red keep, she found out
"what is the meaning of this? why are you crying?" her eyebrows furrowed at the sight of a teary-eyed young girl
"i am... sorry, princess..." she managed to say through the sobs
visenya's quick eyes noticed clumsily hidden bitemarks, scratches and bruises all over her body
"who hurt you?" she whispered, taking the girl's hand in hers
"'tis...nothing...i swear, princess," the maid stuttereed, making visenya sigh in frustration
"what is your name, sweet girl?" she asked, this time more gently than before
"dyana, my princess."
"BY THE OLD GODS OF VALYRIA, i swear i will cut off aegon's cock," she barged into her sister's quarters. whilst rhaenyra looked at her sister with surprise, daemon only laughed at her rage. "and his balls too. that..." she struggled to find the word, "...that dimwit shouldn't procreate."
to cool off, she decided to accompany her nephews to the training yard
"everyone's staring at us," luke murmured with a pained look on his face
"as they should. jace is your mother's future heir, you are the future lord of the tides and i ride the second largest dragon in the world. it would be strange if they didn't," visenya smiled at him, but it didn't seem to soothe him as much as she would like
"no one would question me being heir to driftmark if..." he paused, looked around and then continued in a hushed voice, "if i looked more like ser laenor velaryon than ser harwin strong." her smile quickly dropped. "it doesn't matter what they think. their opinions are of no value," she replied sternly.
suddenly, a thud reverberated throughout the training yard and the two boys, excited, decided to find its source
it was aemond and cole, duelling
visenya wasn't half as enraptured as her nephews at the sight, but decided to let them savor the moment
when aemond won, people clapped and cheered, making visenya sneer at their sycophancy
"well done, my prince," praised cole, "you'll be winning tourneys at no time." visenya wanted to punch his face. hard. she had always disliked dornishmen, but there was something about criston cole that made him especially disagreeable in visenya's eyes
"i don't give a shit about tourneys," aemond spat with a stoic face, not putting his sword down, "nephews..." his gaze shifted to where she and the boys stood, "have you come to train?"
before any one of them could reply, the gates opened and through them passed vaemond velaryon with his men
"gods," she thought to herself, "this place is littered with dickheads."
once the gates had closed and vaemond was nowhere in sight, visenya spoke up
"it is i who came to train..." all the heads turned to her in disbelief as she unsheathed her sword, digging it into ground gently as she leaned on it, "aemond."
visenya couldn't have known that that single movement forced aemond to reminisce about the night he lost his eye - the night she defended luke and jace, threatening to kill anyone who dared touch them, even though they were in the wrong
it was the night when aemond got renounced by everyone, but in a way, her betrayal stung the most in his heart
since early youth, he heard stories of visenya, the paragon of targaryen bloodline - living in their ancestral home, mounting the second largest dragon at the age of barely nine, being fluent in both language and history of her ancestors - in aemond's eyes, she had it all
visenya was the bane of aemond's existence; not a day had passed without him thinking about how he could measure up to his half-sister
the only thing aemond despised more than visenya was his admiration of, and struggle to be more like, her
of course, visenya had no knowledge of any of this - perhaps if she knew, she would detest him a little less
"hm," aemond eyed her from head to toe without an ounce of emotion, and then took his leave, not looking back at the three of them
when the driftmark succession was to be settled the next day, mushroom recounted visenya standing behind rhaenyra as if her shadow, brows furrowed and gaze sharp the moment otto hightower sat upon the iron throne
what he also couldn't help but mention was that whilst the red keep whispered about daemon's execution of vaemond, no one saw rhaenyra's silent command to visenya to not draw her sword
that evening, the whole targaryen family gathered for a supper
visenya's seat was opposite her sister's, flanked by jace and, much to her dismay, aegon
the servants dared not speak about it, but when queen alicent, in her piety, included vaemond in her prayers, daemon and visenya exchanged looks, snickering under their breaths
after the toasts had been proposed and music started to play, visenya watched with a hint of smile on her face her nephew and half-sister dancing joyfully
her smile faltered, however, when she saw aemond's outstreched hand, "may i, princess?" he muttered in a low baritone
visenya looked at her sister, seeking her silent counsel; only after rhaenyra's eyes glinted with a subtle approval did she take aemond's hand
back then, no one knew that the next time the two of them would dance, it would be in the skies
when the king left and music ended, aemond reached towards his cup, proposing a toast
the quarrel that followed was quickly dispelled by daemon; once visenya made sure her nephews were unharmed, she left them to their devices as they sulked
instead, the princess approached her half-sister, haelena
that night, as mysaria's spy told her of the royal supper, she didn't fail to mention visenya holding her half-sister's hands lovingly, telling haelena that there would always be a place for her at dragonstone
visenya was ready to take her leave when one of the maids came to fetch her at the king's command
"my daughter..." viserys breathed out, as if every syllable caused him immense pain
"i am here, father," she said with her eyes blank
"aegon...the conqueror...." he closed his one good eye for a second, "he withstood...because of visenya."
"why are you telling me this?" she asked, confused
"your sister is the heir. once the time comes..." he hissed and took a long moment to continue, unnerving his daughter even more, "she will need… protection,” he pointed his finger at something in the distance
visenya would've dismissed it if it weren't for the slight red glow that captured her attention
in between ragged breaths and incomplete sentences, viserys gave his second daughter the sword that maegor stole from his father's funeral pyre; the sword that rhaena targaryen gave to her son jaehaerys who passed it on to viserys
now, blackfyre —the sword of kings past— belonged to visenya targaryen, whom people would soon come to know as aegon with teats.
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pterodactylterrace · 6 months
Why exactly did they decide to make Aegon SA the maid? In the books he never assaults anyone. He is known to have a “large carnal appetite” but it’s never mentioned that these women were forced in anyway. The closest we get is when we hear that he won the virginities of two maidens at an auction in flea bottom. Which, by my understanding, means he paid extra to be a whore’s first customer. It wasn’t some sweet innocent girl like we see in the show. The girls already worked in the brothel learning their trade. They don’t just yoink girls off the street and out their virginity up for sale.
So why include it in the show? Was it because they realized Aegon wasn’t nearly as horrible as Rhaenyra, so they had to do something?
Rhaenyra has 3 bastards that everyone knows about, but can’t say anything. Just committing open treason and no one is allowed to point it out.
She had beef with a literal 2 year old. She had multiple tantrums at her little brothers second name day hunt. Also looked right at him and compared the death squeals of a boar to the crying to children.
Suspected of killing her first husband. In the show, she shows Laenor mercy, but has no problem killing off one of his servants because they needed a body. You don’t understand! She reconnected with her uncle by fucking him on the beach at his late wife’s funeral! She just HAD to marry Daemon instead! Who cares that Laenor was in the process of recommitting himself to their marriage when she sprung this idea on him? He gets to live penniless with his boyfriend in Pentos or something! All he had to do was give up his family, his inheritance, his power, his place at court and all his wealth, along with the life of one of his father’s servants. Sure, he could have kept all those things, but then Daemon would get all broody about how he can’t openly fuck his niece!
Her second eldest is adamant he doesn’t want the Driftwood throne. She forces him to fight for it anyway rather than just quietly sending word that Luke is willing to allow Vaemond to inherit in his place.
Suggesting Aemond be tortured to learn where he heard her sons being called bastards after Luke just slashed out his eye. Not to mention that snobby “Thank you, father” that was totally inappropriate, unnecessary and sent Alicent over the edge.
In comparison, Aegon is a teenage boy who… likes drinking and jerking it. The worst thing he has done was mock his brother with a pig. Alicent corrects this behavior, and from what I can tell, the two boys were friendly towards each other after the time jump. Aemond and Aegon are chatting before dinner. Aemond stands to defend Aegon when Jace acts like he may try something. When Aemond gets punched by Jace and then pushes him to the ground, Aegon grabs Luke before he can do anythjng. Clearly they have grown close.
We see the twins at the fighting pit where Aegon allegedly goes often. How can they know that, though? Earlier in that episode Otto asks his personal guard (either Erryk or Arryk. Their names sound the same and they have the same face, I don’t know who is who) where he is and his guard admits that Aegon exploits his authority to order him away and then evades him. He admits he doesn’t have a clue what he gets up to. Then, later we see a boy with blonde hair and purple eyes, and it’s Aegon’s. No doubt in anyone’s mind. Clearly Aegon is knowingly breeding child fighters for the pit. Weird how he wasn’t there, though.
Matter of fact, the white worm just found him drunk off his ass and stashed him in the sept. That’s what he was getting up to. Getting drunk and likely paying for sex.
Now let’s analyze the scene where Alicent confronts Aegon.
Alicent is IRATE and Aegon is half asleep. Looks like he hasn’t moved in a while, tbh. Aegon asks if something happened. Don’t you think he would know if he did something? His mother reminds him about Dyana, and he seems very nonchalant about it. Not the kind of reaction you would expect from someone that just forced himself on a struggling servants. He saw it as just a bit of fun. His reaction just seems… off.
Now, we know GRRM likes to repeat plot points. One in the original series was Cersei only laying with Robert when he was drunk so she could finish him off some other way, and he wouldn’t remember. Aegon is a known drunk. There were no witnesses. Who’s to say Dyana isn’t a spy or a mole sent to fuck shit up?
She is in season 2. Why bring back an SA victim in season 2 if she doesn’t have more to add to the story? Sure, there could be a revenge arc, but from my understanding, Dyana is at a brothel in season 2. Now, did she wind up there after the Aegon incident (hard to believe considering she was given a pouch of coin to start a new life and she only made it to the end of the palace driveway) OR she went back to where she came from. Back to her mistress, the White Worm. We see she employs young women in her service. Who’s to say they didn’t make the whole thing up to try and sway more people towards Rhaenyra’s cause? Nothing makes a man look worse than SA.
So all the horrible things Aegon has done so far, has been hearsay. We don’t see anything other than him bullying Aemond when they were kids. So either the writers had to do something totally awful with his character, or it wouldn’t be such a landslide siding for Rhaenyra.
You know if they hadn’t decided to assassinate his character, it would be much closer to a 50/50 split. They also had to whitewash the hell out of Rhaenyra to make her more likable. In the books, SHE orders Vaemond’s death and feeds him to her dragon. So in the same episode they blackwashed Aegon and whitewashed Rhaenyra so the audience would root for her. Then they had the balls to say WITH THEIR WHOLE CHEST that they aren’t biased in their writing.
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Hiii can you write anything where like the reader is Aemond’s older sister, she’s kinda a bitch to him (in the way older sisters always are, not like vile just rude and sometimes mean but like in a “only I can make fun of him” way), but they’re betrothed and it’s their wedding night and she’s nervous
Lmfao I love Aemond and characterizing his persona of I Am The Toughest Targ Ever But I Am Socially Awkward. Thanks for the request, hope you enjoy xoxo
Get a load of this guy!
Rating: Explicit at the end. Other than that SFW
Tags: Teasing, Incest, Frottage, pnv!sex, Aemond’s religious issues, Aemond’s social issues, targaryen!Sister, background sibling stuff aka Aegon is still an idiot, she’s mean but loves him
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You poked him in the shoulder in court. More of a jab really. Aemond’s sulky purple eyes glared at you. He mouthed, “What?” You smirked and leaned down, as he hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet and whispered, “Bow a bit harder to father and you might lick his boots next time.”
Aegon dissolved into a fit of snickers, hiding his smile behind a ringed hand. Helaena held hands with mother, staring off into the distance. Aemond grimaced and hissed, “Very funny. At least I show some decency.” He held his pointed chin up high, but you could see the embarrassed flush on his cheeks.
You grinned and shoved him, earning a sharp look from mother.
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You sat with your father and Lord Strong, watching Aemond twirl his sword around. You had to admit he had…grown into a handsome young man. He was your betrothed. At some point it might’ve been Jacaerys, but that ended long ago with the loss of your brother’s eye. Seeing your nephew gawk at the much more skilled, handsome, and elegant Aemond made you not question the betrothal one bit.
“Nephews? Have you come to train,” he called with that dead serious look he always held.
The boys looked apt to soil their breeches. You would too, especially if you were little Luke. They stared in shock. You smirked and leaned over the stone, shouting, “Better run lads! Aemond here is of the touchy sort!” That got a smile on their face but a sword pointed up at you.
Your brother frowned deeply, brow furrowed. He sourly replied, “You’re a very becoming jester sister!” You shrugged and laughed, Viserys’ own laughing dissolving into a haggard cough. Aemond snapped back around to get settled by Ser Criston. He was so easy to rile up, regardless of how Aemond tried to act calm and collected.
Still, he was doing better than drunkard Aegon. Drunkard Aegon was entertaining in his own ways, but no fit for a king. Everyone knew that. You hoped Rhaenyra could take the throne and that was that. Emphasis on hoped.
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Your mother had informed you that the wedding was to be rushed forward. She claimed both you and your brother were past age to procreate, since Hel and Aegon had already pushed out three. You raised a brow, wondering if Alicent considered she was 19 when she had Aegon. Aemond was eighteen and you twenty. Plenty of time.
“No more questions my child,” Alicent said.
You nodded, flexing your fingers to stare at your nails. It was something to focus on. Viserys’ ill health was the real reason. You opened your mouth to speak, earning a smack to the hand.
Still you uttered.
“Aemond know?”
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Aegon was plastered. Again. But that was perfect for you to get any information on your soon-to-be forever twerp’s sexual history. He lazed on a bench in Maegor’s Holdfast, stinking of the streets and sex. You wrinkled your nose and kicked him in the thigh.
He spluttered and hazy violet eyes stared up at you. Aegon sleepily slurred, “Whahyowan?” Rolling your eyes you sat down and tucked your legs to the side. You probably smelt of dragon, hopefully the dullard wouldn’t puke. Petting back his wild locks you said, “You took Aemond to a brothel, yes?”
His pouty lips curled into a tipsy grin, manic laugh bubbling out into the high ceiling. Aegon mused, “Yea! Like a’lil maid’n!” You moved your gloved hand in jerks to get him to keep talking. Aegon sat up a little and hummed, “Ya’ scared Aem’s gonna be impotent?” He shrugged, “Refused ta’ go back w’me but he can get the job done, dear sis!”
You flatly stared while the prince giggled and slapped his knee in hysteria.
“Ha-ha very funny Aegon. Good news he’ll be able to get it up,” you poked him, “Unlike someone I know!” Aegon gaped for a moment before laughing harder, clutching his stomach. You couldn’t help but join in with him, he had always kept you laughing.
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A couple days before the wedding you approached Aemond in the library. He was pouring over scrolls per usual, one eye intense and rapidly moving across the words. He stiffened and sat up, primly addressing you, “Princess.”
You hopped onto the wooden table, placing your hand over his readings. Aemond huffed, crossing his arms and pursing fine lips. In an exasperated tone he asked, “Will you drop the terrorizing older sibling act when we are to be wed?” You almost laughed in his face before registering the tone of uncertainty, the dead honesty in his eye.
Slowly, softly, and quite nervously you placed your hand over his much bigger one. Aemond inhaled sharply, tilting his blonde head away. You sighed, “You know I mean nothing by teasing you right? It’s just fun to see the golden child get flustered.”
Aemond narrowed his one eye, lovely hair swaying as he snapped his head up, but didn’t move his hand away. He stated, “Golden child. Hm.” His jaw ticked as the second son thought over your words. You leaned in with a secretive smile, whispering, “Well obviously Aegon’s not fit and Hel is taking care of his kids, playing with bugs.”
Aemond scoffed at your dismissal of Helaena. He filled in, cocking his head, “What does that make you then? The troublesome elder sister who should’ve had offspring by now?” You smacked his shoulder lightly in dismay.
“Easy now Aemond,” you teased. His lips quirked slightly, that cute blush from embarrassment rearing it’s head. He stared at you quietly, cheeks pinkened. You raised a brow, nervously joking, “What? Why are you looking like that?”
The chair scraped back with a jolt, you yelped and jumped in surprise. Aemond’s big hands covered your shoulders as hard lips pressed to your own. He softened slightly, you moving your lips against his own. Your hand came up to tilt his head so his nose would stop mashing against yours. Little fool.
The kiss grew heated, Aemond’s hands squeezing softly. He tentatively lapped against your tongue, you gasping in excitement. The pair of you lazily moved together, pressing closer and closer. Your brother made a soft sigh, twirling his tongue against your own. You spread your legs to let him closer. He grunted and gripped harder, growing desperate. When you reached down to palm his hard length Aemond pulled back with a sharp gasp, readjusting himself.
You gasped in shock, biting out, “The hells Aem? Something wrong with you?”
He heaved, composing himself back to that cold demeanor. Aemond declared snootily, “We must wait until our wedding. As the gods intended.” A purple eye flicked down while he continued, “I think it’s best if you go for now.”
You were annoyed now. The bastard got you riled up and your cunt wet. What did it matter if the wedding was days away? You snapped, “Others take you! Do you always have to be so damn proper? Imp.”
Indignantly hopping down the table you couldn’t help but feel scorned, tugging your stays into place. Aemond stood stiff as a board, like his obviously interested cock in his trousers. He avoided your angry glare. You scoffed and stomped off. Atleast you knew he was hung.
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You were properly wed now. Also very clothed with your nuisance of a brother pacing around— clothed too. He had forbidden the usual bawdy act of the bedding ceremony. Aegon had loudly complained the entire time, damn pervert. Nerves shook your body. Aemond muttered to himself, “Okay. Duty. I will fulfill my duty.”
You began to take off your beautiful dress, a bit dejected at his utilitarian approach to this. You had hoped the passion he had in the kiss earlier this week would come back.
Once your second stocking was off Aemond stopped pacing and gawked at you. He deadpanned, “What are you doing?” You spat, “Undressing myself so you can ‘fulfill your duty’ husband!” He looked upset, lips pursing in distaste. Aemond said almost imperceptibly, “Wait.”
You stopped and raised a brow. He came closer, now much larger frame crowding your own. He murmured, “That’s my job to undress my wife.” Your gaze softened, a hand reaching blindly for Aemond’s calloused one. You squeezed his hand gently.
As if struck by a force Aemond lifted and pushed you onto the bed. He yanked off his boots frantically, calling, “One second, okay? Stay still.” You couldn’t help but laugh, some of the nerves dissipating at the rigid brother hopping around stripping like a madman. Your laugh stopped as his hardened body was revealed to your eyes.
Fuck. He was handsome. That cock was terrifying to think about fitting inside of you. He stilled and asked, “I know I’m all scarred-,” you interrupted and hissed, “Take off the damn patch and undress me like you promised.”
He did so and busied himself ridding your dress and underclothes with steady hands. You complimented, “I love the sapphire, dolt.” He smacked your bare ass, yanking off your chemise. You moaned at the sharp pain, cunt beginning to ache.
Aemond flipped you over and crawled onto the bed, his sureness melting away. Like your own as the gravity of the situation hit you. Man and wife, naked as the day they were born, about to consummate their union. You shook with anxiety, panting under his strong body.
Aemond blinked slowly before saying, “It’s just your ‘imp’ of a brother, relax.” You closed the gap between your faces, closing into his lips like before. Aemond settled between your thighs, hard cock slotting against your bare cunt. Both of you gasped into the kiss, hands running wild across pale bodies. You deepened the kiss, licking inside Aemond’s warm mouth.
He responded with a low noise and a rut against your slick entrance. The tip of his cock drug against your bundle of nerves, drawing a surprised whine out of you. Aemond seemed to smile against your mouth, doing it again, even grabbing your hips to get a better angle.
You wrapped your thighs around his slim waist, moaning softly. Everything felt so nice. You nipped Aemond’s lip and begged, “Aem, Aem, ah- kiss my neck?” He hummed and lowered his mouth down your jaw and to the sensitive thin skin of your throat.
You threw your head back and let out a long whine, rutting back against him roughly. Your belly was tightening like it did when you pleasured yourself late, late at night. Aemond groaned quietly, sucking a mark onto your collarbone, one of his hands curiously groping your breast.
Your clit was growing more sensitive from the friction, gasping out, “Fuck! Aemond you better not stop!” He laughed breathily, “I won’t dear sister.” He snapped his hips a couple more times before you cried out and locked your thighs tight around him. Your cunt pulsed and wetted further along his cock.
Aemond groaned, “Gods, fucking hells. I need to fuck you.”
You nodded in a heated daze, begging, “Yes, yes, fuck me brother.”
He reached down to ease himself in, breathing going stuttered and harsh. You whined at the pinch, clinging to his wide shoulders, grabbing onto long blonde hair. He slid in until fully seated as best as he could in your tight pussy, desperately panting and kissing.
“Oh my,” was all he could utter.
The pair of you kissed until Aemond began to stroke into your now relaxed body. The pain had subsided, your slick easing the way. He gritted out against you, “Not- fuck- going to last my lady.” You babbled, “Don’t care, go wild you idiot.” He growled and wetly slapped harder into you, balls hitting your ass. You smiled— still so easy to piss off that one.
Aemond roughly fucked you, focusing all his energy like in the training yard. You yanked at his silky strands, moaning with abandon, crying his name with delight.
“That’s it! Fuck! Yes brother!”
Aem slapped your ass again, biting your lip until it bled. He groaned, “Yeah? Good?” You nodded with an echo, “Yes, s’good!” Aemond’s eye seemed to roll up as he fucked deeper, face falling to the sweaty crook of your neck. He grabbed so hard at your waist it would bruise later, snapping his hips with feral grunts.
You praised him along, the twitching of his cock growing more frequent. Aemond panted, “Close.” Squeezing around his length, you kissed at the tender scar around the bad eye. Your younger brother slammed into you a final time, filling you with his hot seed. The blonde rasped your name in a low timbre, mumbling nonsense as he shook.
He relaxed and slumped onto you, petting your hair in a haze. You’d never seen your brother so worn out, pliant. He sucked in breath, palms soothing the skin where he was practically tearing at your waist. You sighed at the feeling of completeness. It was done, and quite fantastic at that.
You couldn’t help but pinch Aemond’s sharp cheek and tease, “If only you fucked as well as you interact with others.” His annoyed grumble lit up your heart. So, so easy.
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Watching this video essay about Yellowjackets and somehow HOTD came up and I saw the tweet and I roll my eyes so hard
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Uh. Yeah. Bc she uses the faith (basically Catholicism or Christianity) to act as this pious queen when she is paying maids to keep their mouths shut about her own son raping them.
And she didn't just hang up some four pointed stars, if I remember, she REPLACED, the targs sygils with the faith of the seven stuff.
Alicent stans just love to forget her fanaticism until they can use it to make her look more pathetic. I have to say, accusing Rhaenyra of religious fanaticism is a new to me lmao. I've only ever seen people call her a godless whore, but I'm not on X, so maybe I've been spared.
Targaryen antis don't seem to grasp just how much of the Valyrian culture the Targaryens have given up for the sake of Westeros. Calling the Valyrian wedding ceremony an "arcane marriage ritual" is not only insulting to the Valyrian culture but also completely hypocritical.
Valyrian culture was steeped in magic, they themselves have magic in their blood. Is it any surprise their marriage customs would be the same? That's like expecting the Starks' ceremonies to happen separate from the Old Gods. The Targaryens have given up their gods, most of their magic, their language, and their marriage traditions. They never forced other people to follow their traditions, they never forbade following the Faith and the Old Gods, they fucking conformed as much as possible aside from the incest, which was the only way they know to preserve the last bit of Valyria's magic.
Alicent wouldn't be seen as a religious extremist if she didn't actively repress and hate other religions. She badmouths the Valyrian traditions, not just the incest, but also their love of dragons and their art. She removes all the Valyrian and Targaryen heraldry and artifacts and replaces them with the the symbols of a religion known for being intolerant and repressive.
As I said earlier, the Valyrian culture is dying out and the Targaryens have given up so much of their mother land. Removing the last pieces of someone's culture just because you follow a different religion is fucked up. Alicent isn't even the actual ruler or a Targaryen, it's not her place to choose to abandon their Valyrian heritage while her husband is too sick to interfere.
But the real issue of Alicent's actions are her motivation. She doesn't actually care about morality and her own religion, she cares about supporting Aegon and undermining Rhaenyra. That's why she criticizes Valyrian incest then turns around and forces Helaena to marry Aegon. That's why she calls Jace and Luke savages when her own son bullies his siblings constantly and later rapes women. That's why she harps on about honor and decency while actively protecting and covering up the actions of a rapist, a murderer, and a kinslayer. That's why she removes the Valyrian heraldry while Rhaenyra is gone and replaces them with the symbols of the Faith.
She's literally the definition of the hypocritical woman for Trump. She harps on and on about morals then turns around and does reprehensible things for her own gain. She complains constantly about a culture different from hers and actively tries to remove its influence. She hates people who don't conform to her ideas.
Alicent isn't a good person, period. She's a hypocrite, constantly upholds the patriarchy, sacrifices others for the sake of her interests, and is xenophobic. The efforts to take her flaws and project them on other characters, usually Rhaenyra, by her stans is ridiculous and really shows how little they actually like her character. They like her aesthetic and the idea of a perfect suffering victim.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
life is awesome, i confess, what i do, i do best
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Visenyra is betrothed to an uncle she despises, but she has other desires she wishes to fulfill. Perhaps Aemond is the key to her calling after all? // Main Masterlist
Warnings: smut, murder, enemies to lovers
Word count: 1500
A/n: crack fic, just for shits n giggles
Visenyra stomped into the small council chamber. She shoved the doors open, marching her feet loudly on the floor and flicked her silver Valryian hair over her shoulder in an angry puff.
“I don’t want to marry Aemond!” She shouted angrily. She was furious.
She and Aemond had been betrothed the previous evening, when her grandfather, Viserys, announced to the whole family that they were to be married.
She didn’t want to marry Aemond. He was weird and a loner, and her brother Luke had cut out his eye when they were children, leaving their uncle with a stupid grudge. What was so deep about the eye anyway? It was just an eye and anyway he looked kinda hot with an eyepatch.
“Visenyra!” her mother shouted. Rhaenyra was sitting next to Daemon, her husband. Visenyra had been born after her brother Jace and before her brother Luke, and even though her brothers were Velaryons and had the dark haired features of Harwin Strong, she knew with her beautiful silvery locks, bright purple eyes and pale, pale, like translucent pale, like veins visible pale, like milk, like straight up freshly fallen snow, like that’s how white she was, skin. 
“I’m not happy about this either,” snarled Alicent Hightower, the bitter old hag, Aemond’s mother and Viserys’ second wife. She didn’t want her son to marry Visenyra because she was mean and all she cared about was power. It didn’t matter that Visenyra was the most beautiful girl in the whole of the known world, she was even more attractive than her mother, “the realm’s delight.” People loved Visenyra so much they called her “the realm’s sweet angel baby bomb pussy.”
“Shut it, Alicunt,” grinned Daemon. Rhaenyra cackled and gave her uncle-husband a high five.
“My decision is final!” bellowed Viserys. He was here too, his bestie Otto Hightower sitting sneakily by his chair. Otto had a gloved hand on Viserys’ shoulder and was whispering to him. Visenyra often wondered if they were fuck buddies because they kinda acted like it.
“Ugh I hate this!” screeched Visenyra, tossing her hair over her shoulder and putting her hands on her hips.
“Hate what?” came a slimy sick voice. God she hated him so much.
She turned around with her hands on her hips and Aemond was standing in the doorway.
“So… we’re getting married?” she said annoyedly.
“Hmm.” said Aemond.
“Don’t ‘hmm’ all the time,” she snapped, “you sound stupid. Go train with the sword or something.”
“The wedding is in three days!” Viserys called and she shoved past Aemond’s shoulder and exited the room. There was only one place she wanted to be right now. 
She sprinted all the way to the dragonpit and plopped herself into the saddle of her dragon, Dorgonelkoryos, the biggest, oldest, most fearsome, most powerful dragon. Viserys said he was double the size of Balerion and she had claimed the dragon when she was six months old, making her the youngest dragon rider ever, younger than her mum and no one else even had a chance of beating her record ever. 
She flew the dragon over King’s Landing, screaming into the air because she was so angry. “Dracarys!” she screamed and blew up the Sept because Alicent liked the Sept and she hated Alicent. 
The poor people scum didn’t hate her though because then she went to an orphanage and read them some books. They all told her how much they hate Alicent and how they wanted Visenyra to be Queen. She smiled because she knew she’d be a great queen, way better than Aegon would be because all Aegon did was get drunk and go to brothels and watch children in fighting pits. Freak. She kinda thought she’d be better than Jace too because she was smart and level headed. And also super hot. And she had a big dragon, bigger even than Vhagar. That always made her laugh because she knew Aemond wanted the biggest dragon. 
When she got home she went to her bedroom and masterbated to the thought of Cregan Stark. She hadn’t met him yet but she knew he was honourable and that was the kind of man she wanted to marry. Not Aemond, ew.
“What are you doing, niece?” came his creepy voice.
Visenyra screamed, her hands under her skirt and covered in her pussy juice. The thought of Cregan Stark turned her on so much, but as Aemond appeared from the shadow in the corner of the room she was kinda aroused?
“None of your business, cyclops,” she said.
“What the fuck is a cyclops?” Aemond asked because Greek mythology wasn’t a thing in Westeros.
Visenyra giggled because he was so stupid. “I can’t believe I have to marry you,” she huffed angrily, crossing her arms and pouting like a child.
“Really? Because I’m really happy about the whole thing to be honest,” Aemond said, walking towards the bed.
“Ugh, you’re a freak, why would I want to marry you?”
“Because I love you,” Aemond said.
Visenyra’s chest felt like it was going to explode. She launched herself off the bed and collapsed onto her knees and started crying into her hands.
“This is all too much!” She screamed. “I just want to ride my dragon, Dorgonelkoryos, burn my enemies into ash and eat cake!”
“Don’t you see?” Aemond said, sandwiching her face between his hands and kneeling. He licked her tears off her face. “We’re basically the same person. I want to do war crimes too–”
“NO!” She roared like an angry dragon, shoving him away until he fell on his back. She took out the knife she always had strapped to her leg and put it at his neck. “We’re not the same! You want to usurp my mum because you hate women! You do war crimes for unethical reasons, I do war crimes because I’m a girl boss!”
“The most beautiful girlboss in the Seven Kingdoms,” Aemond breathed like he couldn’t breathe. He put his hands on her thighs and she shuddered because she was so turned on. “You’re literally Visenya born again.”
Visenyra gasped. That was all she ever wanted to hear. 
She kissed him harshly, the knife still digging into his neck until he started to bleed from the cut. He didn’t even care because he thought it was sexy. They fought a war with their tongues, battling for dominance, two dragons locked in a dance of hate and desire.
“Fuck,” she moaned, “maybe I do want to marry you after all.”
“I want to marry you right now,” Aemond wailed. He flipped her onto her back and ripped off her dress. Then he took the knife and made a cut on his lip and did the same. Like the Valyrain wedding ceremony.
Vinseyra shrieked, not because she was in pain, she didn’t feel pain, but because she was so overwhelmed. “Oh my god, Aemond, I think I might love you?”
“I always loved you,” Aemond said as he took his cock out of his trousers. “Even when your bastard brother took my eye I couldn’t stop loving you.”
“But… we’ve been enemies all this time,”
“Yeah,” Aemond said with a smirk, “funny how that works out innit.”
Then he shoved his dick into her wet cunt and fucked her brutally. She started bleeding and he moaned at the sight of her blood and her pussy juice on his cock as he fucked in and out of her.
“Holy shit!” she squealed, “that feels really great! Fuck me like that daddy!”
At being called “daddy” Aemond snapped, and fucked her even more wildly, like a wild beast, like some kind of one-eyed sex monster.
“Fuck I’m coming!” he bellowed into her ear, and then he came and squirted all his jizz into her. She came too, wailing and howling with pleasure. Then he put his hand on her stomach. “You’re gonna be so hot when you’re pregnant. I’m gonna fuck you every day, fill you up with my cum, my little bitch to breed, yeah?”
“Yes daddy,” Visenyra said. “Then can I go girl boss on my enemies?”
“I guess,” Aemond said, and kissed her.
After the wedding ceremony three days later, Visenyra took Dark Sister from her dad-uncle, Daemon and cut off the heads of all the Greens and had their heads served on silver platters to Aemond at the feast. He was sad for a bit but he agreed that she did the right thing, and he loved her now so he didn’t even care that his family died. In fact if anything he was disappointed because he wanted to be the one to do it in the first place.
When Viserys died, Rhaenyra THE TRUE QUEEN OF WESTEROS succeeded without a challenge because all the people who didn’t like her were dead. Then Visenyra and Aemond rode off on their dragons into the sunset to obliterate Oldtown for good measure. 
She hopped off Dorgonelkoryos mid-air and jumped onto Vhagar. Aemond bent her over the saddle in front of him and slid his cock into her cunt. They fucked for hours, him filling her over and over again. He groped her breasts, saying he was really looking forward to sucking her titty milk, and then they both came.
He was still inside her when they flew over Oldtown. 
They gave each other a loving look before they said together, “Dracarys.”
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eddiemadmunson · 2 years
Traitor - part 1 of 2
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Summary: Y/N and Aemond are betrothed and in love, but when Aemond kills her brother Lucerys and is captured on Dragonstone, everything changes. Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon reader Warnings: Incest, there is no smut in this fic, only angst and sadness. My only warning for this fic is that Vhagar is going to do something unusual for dragons from ASOIAF universe. Word account: around 3000 words A/N: English is not my first language, let’s pretend that ** means that they are talking in High Valyrian
Y/N Velaryon was the only daughter and legitimate heir of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Laenor Velaryon, she was born 9 months after the wedding. Rhaenyra and Laenor had tried to sleep together couple times before she started her romance with ser Harwin Strong who was the father of Y/N’s siblings and by some miracle, Y/N has been born. She grew up along with her brothers,uncles and aunt in King's Landing, growing into beautiful young, clever and kind woman. When she and Aemond were 16 years old their mothers decided to betrothed them to achieve peace between the two parts of their family. Y/N stayed in King’s Landing after that infamous incident between Aemond and her brothers and cousins, Rhaenyra wanted to take her with them but Y/N begged her to let her stay there with Aemond and Rhaenyra eventually agreed, leaving her only daughter with the Greens. Y/N and Aemond has loved each other since they were kids and everyone assumed that they will get married soon and live happily ever after. Aemond often flew with her to the Dragonstone so she could visit her family, but he always stayed at the beach or flew back home and came back few days later to get her back to King’s Landing. Everything seemed perfect, but then Aemond called her brothers Strong bastards at the family dinner and her mother forced her to go back to the Dragonstone with them. Y/N followed her because she was also disappointed by Aemond’s behavior and wanted to stay with her mother for a while so he could think about his actions. But couple days later King Viserys died, Alicent and Otto placed Aegon on the Iron throne and Aemond killed her brother. Aemond tried to talk to his beloved Y/N, he flew to the Dragonstone on Vhagar’s back as usually but he was caught when he tried to get inside the castle and Blacks captured him and took him as a prisoner at the Dragonstone.
Present time:
You were sneaking to the prison walls, carefully looking around if you are not being seen by your mother’s guards. It seemed that everyone was placed around the castle walls, expecting attack or some kind of rescue mission from the outside. They did not expect that the real danger was lurking inside the castle walls. The night was dark and cold, you were tired, so fucking tired. You almost cried your eyes out. Your dear brother, your baby brother was dead. You will never hear his jolly laughter again, see his eyes sparkle in excitement while riding his dragon, you will never see him grow up into a fine man, lord of the Driftmark, husband of a beautiful Rhaena, father of their future children. But the worst thing about this situation was that it was your lover, your Aemond who murdered your brother. His dragon Vhagar snapped your brother and his dragon in half above the Storm’s End. Lord Borros Baratheon sent a raven with the devastating news to your mother, along with the message, that his house supports Aegon as a true heir to the Iron Throne. You still couldn’t believe that Aemond would be able to do something like this to you. Sure, he hated Luke and he wanted his revenge for such a long time, but killing him? The Aemond you knew wasn’t a stone blood killer. He was impulsive, arrogant and could be cruel to those who wronged him, but he wasn’t a murderer. You had to talk to him you needed to know what happened, what changed so much in those ten days you two were apart. You slipped behind the guard’s backs and silently walked towards the prison cell. You saw Aemond sitting on the cold prison cell floor and your heart ached. You wanted to hate him for what he did to Luke, but your heart was a traitor and it started beating loudly when he looked up as if he could sense that you are near. “Are you serious, Y/N?” Jace said and walked out of the shadows. “What are you doing here?” he demanded answers and you gulped in shame. “I... I just need to talk to him, Jace. I need to know what happened above the Storm’s End, I need to know why he did it,” you tried to reason with your brother.  “It doesn’t matter why he did it Y/N! He murdered our brother. Lucerys is dead because of him. We couldn’t even give him a proper burial because we couldn’t find his body, only pieces of Arraxes wings were found on the ground!” Jace hissed and each word was like a dagger to your poor heart. “I know, Jace, do you think that I don’t know it? Do you think that I didn’t cry myself to sleep the last three nights? You think I don’t care about Luke? And that’s why I need to know the answers,” you tried again, but Jace was cold as a stone. “I won’t let you go anywhere near him!” he stated. ”Jace, please, just couple of minutes,” you begged. “No, mother and Daemon will execute him tomorrow, nobody wants to hear his excuses or explanations. There is nothing to explain. That’s why he is gagged, nobody wants to hear a word from murderer’s lips,” Jace said coldly and your heart squeezed in your chest.  “Execute? You can’t just execute him without a trial! Aegon and Alicent will want revenge; we will be stuck in a death circle, Jacerys! If you kill him, they will find a way how to hurt you, or Joffrey, or little Vicerys and Aegon. And what we are going to do next? Kill Helaena, Daeron, Aegon or his kids? This is madness! We need to find calmer way out of this!” you grabbed his shoulders, shaking him with desperate tears in your eyes. Jacerys was looking at you with disgust in his brown eyes, his father’s eyes. “Why are you defending him, sweet sister? Is it even possible for you to still have feelings for him? After what he did to our brother?” he hissed and you blushed. “I just want to talk to him,” you tried again. “No, go to sleep. I can’t even look at you,” Jace was adamant. You sighed and looked at Aemond who was sitting in his cell, his hands tied up behind his back, his mouth gagged, so he couldn’t say a word, but he didn’t make any efforts to say something, he was sitting there calmly, his eye never leaving your figure, his blue eye was looking at you with the familiar adoration and unknown urgency to talk to you.  “Y/N, hey Y/N!” Jace shouted at you, you realized that he said your name couple of times before you started listening to him, too lost in Aemond’s eye. Jace grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. “How can you still look at him like that, sister? With so much love and adoration? Are you insane?” Jace’s voice was cracking, he was so mad at you or on this whole fucked up situation. “I love him since I was a kid, Jace. I can’t just turn it off, I am not saying that I want to forgive him or forget what he did, I just need to know why!” you were crying now, hot tears running down your cheeks. You felt Aemond shifting in his cell but you didn’t dare to look at him, your eyes focused on your brother’s face. “I have never understood why you fell in love him, Y/N. He is cruel, arrogant, weird,” Jace started listing the reasons why he didn’t like your betrothed . “He was like this to you, because you mocked him when you were kids and teenagers. You, Luke and Aegon were making fun of him all the time, he was only reacting to your behavior. Luke mutilated him and he never even felt sorry for it, you can’t blame him for not being really warm to you,” you defended Aemond as always. Since you were a child you were always on his side that was the main reason why he fell in love with you.  “He calls us bastards all the time, Y/N,” Jace shouted and you said something what you immediately regretted. “The word is nasty, but the truth is that you are not Laenor’s sons. No matter how many times our mother or grandfather try to deny it, it’s a truth,” Jace acted fast before he had a chance to think about his actions, he slap you hard across your face. You gasped and fell on the ground. Your ears were ringing, your face was hurting, but it was nothing in comparing to the pain in your heart. Aemond went feral in his cell, you heard the clinking of his shackles against the iron bars as he tried to get to you or to Jace, but he was trapped there, but he somehow managed to take off his gag. “Touch her again and I will rip your hands off your body, bastard. Fucking coward!! Y/N, are you OK?” he was shouting and Jace was too shocked to react to him. He tried to help you, but you pushed him away, tears filling your eyes. “Don’t touch me, don’t you ever dare to touch me again!” you whimpered and run away, leaving them both in the cell. 
When you woke up the next morning you tried to talk to your mother about Aemond, but she told you the same thing as Jacerys. She wanted Aemond dead, there was no other option for her. Your kind and cheerful mother was now full of sorrow and blood thirst. You tried to explain to her that his death will only lead to another deaths and it will destroy your whole family but she wasn’t listening to you. All she could hear in her ears was “revenge, revenge, revenge”. When she asked you why there is a bruise on your cheek you told her, that you slipped and the door hit your face. She didn’t look convinced, but she let it go for now, she had other things on mind. She wanted to execute Aemond today, when the sun will set. You didn’t try to visit Aemond again, you were sure that Jacerys put a guards in front of his cell, expecting you to come back. He obviously didn’t tell your mother that you tried to visit him, he was too embarrassed that he hit you. He tried to apologize to you this morning but you ignored him. You were wandering around the Dragonstone walls, trying to figure out what to do. You could send a Raven to Aegon, but he wouldn’t be able to do something to save his brother in time. You wanted to help him escape by yourself, but you weren’t a fighter and even if you would be the best swordswoman in the Seven Kingdoms, they were outnumbered. And yes, you came to the conclusion, that you want Aemond to live. You were heartbroken and shaken that he killed your baby brother, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to wish him painful death. You wanted him to escape, fly back to King’s Landing and never show his face in front of you again. But you had no idea how to do it. Suddenly you heard a distant roar. You could recognize her roars everywhere. It was Vhagar. Well he obviously got here on his dragon. She was too big and dangerous so nobody tried to get to her yet. You quickly got on the horse back and rode towards the giant she-dragon. This was probably a stupid idea, but you were desperate. She was resting on the beach, looking your way as you rushed to her, but she remained calm. She was used to you, you and Aemond visited her almost daily, you rode with him on her back many times, he loved to see your happy face when you two were together in the air. Your egg has never hatched and you didn’t claim any dragon, but you didn’t mind, you weren’t rushing anything, you were sure that your dragon is waiting for you somewhere, you just had to wait for the right time. You slowly walked to the old dragon lady.  **Hi, Vhagar, it’s me, Y/N. Do you remember me, beautiful girl?** you asked her, your voice shaking slightly. You always felt respect to this magnificent beast. She always let you pet her and walk to her, but it was always with Aemond behind your back, talking gently to her, calming her down. She watched you carefully, her old eyes didn’t show any emotion. **I need your help big girl. Aemond is in danger. Your rider will die very soon if we won’t help him. Aemond is in danger!** you talked slowly to her in High Valyrian. You felt like a fool, dragons were smart but they were just animals, she probably didn’t understand a word you were saying. Vhagar looked at you with her ancient eye, not moving a muscle. **Please, we need to help him,** you begged her, slowly getting closer to her, she was now watching you carefully. This was stupid idea, she will probably burn you alive, but you didn’t want to live in a world where your own mother killed the man you love. You stopped dead in your tracks when Vhagar opened her mouth slightly and you noticed the hot flames forming deep inside her mouth. **No, Vhagar, be a good girl Vhagar, obey me, for Aemond. You are his only hope. Vhagar please!!** you pleaded with tears of desperation in your eyes. You weren’t afraid to die but you wanted to save Aemond first and he will die without your help, you had no doubts about that. Suddenly the wind blew wildly behind you, sending your scent straight to the old she-dragon’s nose. Vhagar hesitated and started sniffing, the look of confusion evident on her scaled face. She closed her mouth, the flames died in her throat. You let out a breathe you didn’t know you were holding. Vhagar’s massive head moved towards you and you stood your ground even though your survival instinct was screaming at you to start running away as quickly as possible. She sniffed you slowly and gently nudged your flat belly. Your eyes widened when you realized why the dragon is acting like this. **Oh, you can sense it do you? You can sense that I am with child,** you smiled softly and patted her nose as she kept nudging your almost nonexistent baby bump. **You can smell Aemond’s blood in me, that’s why you didn’t burn me alive** you realized and more salted tears were rolling down your cheeks. You have never cried so much in your whole life as you cried in the last 2 weeks. You were so happy when you didn’t bleed in the last 3 months, you waited until you were sure and you wanted to tell Aemond on his birthday next week. And now everything was ruined. You were expecting your first child with a man who you loved more than anything on this world but also with a man who killed your brother and whose brother usurped your mother’s throne. This felt like a fucked up story from one of the books you read in the library when you were spending your time with Aemond at his favorite place. You sighed and proceed to the next move. **I need to get on your back, big girl. Please cooperate with me, we are doing this for Aemond. Please don’t eat me or burn me alive,** you sent a silent prayer to the gods and slowly approached the rope ladder on her back. You touched it and she growled in warning. **Good girl, Vhagar. Please, obey me, the sooner you obey me, the sooner you will be able to have Aemond back in your saddle** you soothed her and slowly started climbing on the old dragon. Vhagar clearly felt uncomfortable, you were not her rider, you weren’t Aemond, but you smelled like him, she felt that you were carrying his child and maybe she somehow understood that you want to help him, so she let you climb up into her leather saddle. You were breathing heavily, the climbing took a lot of your strength. You took the reins in your hands and yelled. **Fly Vhagar, as fast as you could to the castle, before it’s too late,** Vhagar didn’t move for few moments and you thought that your efforts were futile but then she slowly started moving. You had to grip the saddle when the dragon started running on the beach, slowly spreading her massive wings, and before you knew it you were in the air. You made it, Vhagar listened to you. You quickly directed her to the castle, you were praying that you are not too late to safe Aemond and make your whole family hate your guts.
  Next part coming soon
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thedeathlysallows · 9 months
Is It Over Now? (7)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: Say the one thing I've been wanting
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest. Smut. Aemond finally gets it wet lol. Dom!Aemond. Oral (f!receiving), female masturbation, breeding kink (because of course Aemond wants her pregnant asap), name calling, dirty talk. Warnings aren't exhaustive. Proceed with caution.
This one... ended up hella long, I'm not gonna lie. 2.5k words. Here's what I listened to for vibes and inspiration!
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"Robert Tyrell is nowhere to be found," the King proclaims as morning drags into early afternoon. He sits on his throne, looking down at his family assembled before him. "His family offers no help, claiming their son simply vanished. We can't have a wedding without a groom, can we?"
You sit with your head down, feeling every bit as pathetic as you look. Robert must have heard about you and Aegon. That's the only thing you can come up with. Why else would he just disappear as he has? He knows his duty as well as you know yours.
"I'm sorry, Mother," you whisper. "This is all my fault."
"Nonsense." Rhaenyra's voice is sharp as Valeryian steel when she speaks. She holds her head high, allowing no weakness to shine through. "Clearly this was an unfit match."
Aegon scoffs. "Unfit. Cursed. Take your pick, sister."
"People are expecting a grand wedding." Alicent glares at Aegon from her spot beside her father. "What should we do, your majesty?"
Aemond steps forward, hands clasped behind his back. He shoulders are squared and he speaks with all the assurance of a second son. "I will take Robert Tyrell's place if it pleases the King."
The room erupts into chaos in an instant. Jace and Luke are yelling obscenities while Daemon and Rhaenyra plead with Viserys not to listen. Aegon screams at his brother, his throat going raw and his hands shaking with the effort of not hitting Aemond.
And you?
You take a step back from all of it, from all of them, and simply watch it all unfold.
Helaena steps beside you and loops her arm through yours. "They'll destroy themselves."
"Over a fucking wedding of all things." You can't hide the bitterness in your voice. "I'm sorry. About Aegon."
"Don't be. He's more of a brother to me than a husband. I like it that way." She tilts her head and looks up at you. "You were never going to marry Robert Tyrell."
You don't quite know what to say in response to that, so you pat her hand and say nothing.
"Enough!" Viserys' voice carries over the loud din of your family. He looks exhausted from the effort of being that loud. "I've decided Aemond will take the place of our runaway groom. Maybe this match will teach you all the importance of family and getting along."
Helaena gives you a look that seems to say see? I told you, but you aren't looking at her. You're eyes are glued to Aemond and the way he stares straight back at you. When you were younger you always joked that it seemed like he could look straight through a person's soul. Now you aren't certain it was actually a joke. Even with one eye missing it still feels like he's tearing the very essence of you open layer by layer as he stares at you.
Eventually, you find your voice and manage to say, "if it's the King's will then so be it."
"The children have more sense than the adults." Viserys stands, breathless and in pain. "Get these two to the sept before anyone else disappears."
The next few hours of your life are a blur. You couldn't remember most of it if you tried. Very few things manage to stick, but you can recall the anger on Aegon's face. He burns righteous and villainous in your mind. And your mother... she's devastated as she watches you dance with Aemond. Jace and Luke don't fair much better.
Yet, through it all, Aemond's face is what stands out the most. Because of course it does. Your new husband never leaves your side, his hands lingering at your waist or the small of your back as people celebrate around you. He's charming and lively beside you, but you can sense the burning just below the surface of his skin. His expression could almost be considered victorious as he looks at the assembled crowd. It confuses you and you try to store the thought away for later, but then Aemond looks down at you and presses his lips to yours.
He's soft and determined. Dornish wine lingers on his lips, but he's nowhere close to drunk.
You're his.
He succeeded.
Well, almost.
You will be after-
"The bedding ceremony!" Aegon slurs the words, taking a long drink from his cup before grabbing you by the arm. His grip is punishing. His fingers dig into your skin so painfully you'll be surprised if there aren't bruises in the morning.
There are jeers and whistles from the crowd as men and women surge forward. You're quickly separated from Aemond, a group of lords headed by Aegon dragging you to Aemond's chambers. They jostle and paw at the crushed velvet of your white dress. The fabric gives easily. The night air is cool against your skin, sending goosebumps all over your body.
In your panic you search for your mother, but you can't find her over Aegon's towering form. He leers down at you, wine stained lips lifted in a sneer. He's never looked at you with so much disdain before. It turns your stomach and leaves your blood running cold.
"Don't touch," Aegon snaps at some lord on your left as you feel fingertips brush against your arm. "Think you're good enough for a princess, Bolton?"
You don't hear the young man's reply. You don't hear much of anything honestly. It takes everything in you to pretend you aren't naked in front of the entire court, being escorted to your new husband's chambers by your uncle. You're feet stumble over the granite floor while your mind goes fuzzy. You can almost pretend this isn't happening.
Until a set of familiar dark wooden doors are flung open in front of you and you come chest to chest with Aemond.
With your husband.
Women tug at his clothes, but he bats their hands away with a practiced ease that makes you wonder how many times he's done that before. He doesn't take his eyes off of you as he dismisses everyone.
Only Aegon lingers.
"Shall I test her maidenhood for you, brother? Will you believe me when no blood comes from between those pretty thighs?" Aegon wraps his fingers around your wrist and tugs you closer to him, knee nudging your thighs apart as he presses up into your core.
Aemond observes him with a bored gaze. "If you're finished causing trouble, I believe you have your own wife to tend to."
Aegon's face flushes and he hisses something under his breath in Valeryian that you can't quite make out. He releases you with one last glare leveled at Aemond before storming out. Presumably to his own chambers. Or maybe Flea Bottom.
You know it isn't your problem- it never has been- but you still feel you're heart tug painfully when you think about him drowning his sorrows in alcohol and whores.
"Did they hurt you?" Aemond's voice snaps you from your depressing thoughts and you turn your attention to him fully.
You rub your arm. "Only Aegon. But isn't that always how it goes?"
"He won't bother you any longer."
"You sound confident, uncle."
"I am... wife."
Aemond's expression turns fond when he says the word, his one good eye sparkling with mirth in the firelight. You hum softly and your gaze drifts to his other eye. Briefly, you wonder if you'll ever be brave enough to see what you and your brothers did. You aren't sure. Maybe one day you'll be brave enough to face the consequences fully, but for now you simply reach out and touch the jagged scar covering his face.
"I'm sorry," you say simply. It's not enough, but it's what you can think to offer right now. "I'm so sorry, Aemond."
Aemond's muscles tense instinctually when you touch his scar, and he has to fight the impulse to shove your hand away. But that's no way to start a marriage, is it? So he stands still as stone while your fingertips on his skin starts to feel less foreign. He lets you apologize to your heart's content.
"The past between us means little to me now," Aemond says when your babbling slows. "It's our future I'm concerned with."
You blink, surprised to hear him say that considering how antagonistic his relationships with your brothers is. "Oh?"
He smiles, one hand cupping the back of your head as his other grips your waist and pulls you flush against him. His lips press to yours in what starts as a gentle kiss. He works you up slowly, nipping at your bottom lip and teasing his tongue against your own. You melt into him with each stroke of his tongue.
"Fuck," He moans out as he pulls away.
You simper out his name and a quiet please as you press closer to him, growing desperate for more despite any previous misgivings. Aemond's hand moves from the base of your skull to your throat. His fingertips dig into your pulse point in warning.
"Don't," he tells you. "I've waited for this. For you. I'll take my time and you'll thank me for it, understood?"
You nod pathetically, his words sending a wave of arousal through you.
His hand drops from your hip to your ass and he smacks you once before turning you around a softly pushing you towards the bed. "On your back. Spread your legs for me."
You do as he says, flushing with heat at the way he licks his lips while taking your body in.
"You're beautiful," he mutters almost to himself. "Better than I ever imagined."
"You've imagined me naked?" You know you should probably be upset, but all you can manage to feel is a selfish sort of pleasure that he's dreamed of you before.
"Many times, lovely girl." Aemond kneels on the bed and puts each of your legs over one of his shoulders. His lips are wet and plush as he kisses his way from your calf to your thigh, nose nudging the soft curls of your cunt.
"What else have you imagined?" You're breathless when you speak.
Aemond smirks, enjoying the way you squirm in his grip. "Would you like to hear about one of my favorite dreams?"
He hums in reply, teeth digging into the skin of your thigh. "It's you. Just you. You're alone in your chambers, night shift sticking to your skin as you sweat in the summer air. It's so hot you can't take it and strip naked. Your hands find their way to your cunt, bringing you pleasure but no relief because deep down you know only I can save you."
Aemond's eye flickers from your hand to your cunt and he says, "let me see if it's like my dream. Touch yourself for me."
Your hand is shaky as you move it down your body. Aemond eats up every second eagerly, tongue darting out to wet his lips. "That's it. Fuck, what a good girl you are."
"Aemond..." You say his name breathlessly, sighing in relief when your fingers meet your clit.
He watches closely as you toy with yourself, fingers dipping in and out of your wet core, arousal shining on your skin. You've never enjoyed getting yourself off, always preferring Aegon's help, but with the way Aemond watches you so intensely you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge of absolute pleasure.
"Don't cum," he tells you when he notices your movements getting sloppy. "Not without my cock inside you."
Aemond presses your legs back so your knees meet your shoulders. You readjust to the new position, looking down as he teases you with the tip of his cock. He's bigger than Aegon. Thicker too. His tip is flushed a pretty pink and you've never wanted something inside you more.
"Aemond, please," you cry out. You're wet and throbbing and desperate and so, so close.
His expression darkens. He had no plans to make you beg tonight, but it sounds so pretty that he just can't help but to switch tactics. You want his cock? You can beg for it like that desperate whore you are.
Aemond buries his face between your thighs, lapping at your juices. His tongue swirls around your clit before dipping between your folds and coaxing more arousal out of you. You scream, a sob wrenching itself out of your chest as your fingers slip into his hair.
"Please! Please, please, please!" You're pleading as loudly as you can. "Aemond, please!"
He pulls away just enough to look at you, his fingers taking over for his mouth. "Please what? Use your words and maybe I'll give it to you."
You let out another sob, tears of frustration pricking at your eyes. You're so fucking close.
And Aemond can tell.
The bastard.
"Aemond, please, I want..." You moan when his long fingers brush a spot inside you that has your walls flutter around him.
"You want lots of things don't you, lovely girl?" Aemond presses reassuring kisses to your face. "Focus. What do you want the most?"
"Y-you... inside me..."
"I am inside you."
"Your cock! I want your cock inside me! Please!"
Aemond's breath hitches. The only outward sign of his self control slipping from his grip. Hearing those dirty words come from your mouth makes his cock twitch in anticipation. You're such a good girl for him. He kisses you deeply as he presses his cock inside you, swallowing your moans with his tongue.
"Gods, yes," he moans when he's fully inside you. "You're cunt was fucking made to take me. I knew it."
You're crying now, feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated as he thrusts inside you. You swear you can feel him deep in your stomach. Maybe it's the angle. Maybe it's the fact that he's just that big. Whatever it is, you find yourself thanking the gods for it as he brushes up against that spot from earlier with each stroke of his cock inside you. You say his name over and over and Aemond thinks it's the sweetest prayer he's ever heard.
"You take it so well," Aemond praises as he brushes hair from your face. He watches as your breasts bounce with each snap of his hips. They'll be so full when he has his baby inside you. And fuller still when your milk comes in.
He wants you round and heavy with his child and he wants it now.
"Aemond," you moan out his name as you grasp his forearms, nails digging into his arm. The coil that's been building in your belly snaps and your eyes flutter shut as the orgasmic high washes over you. Your body turns to pudding and you sink further into the mattress.
Aemond watches your expressions with rapt attention, his own orgasm taking over when your walls clench around his cock. He slumps down on top of you and welcomes your absentminded petting.
"We're married," you say as if the realization just hit you.
"As we should be. You're meant to be mine."
You don't know what to say to that declaration, so you say nothing and hope the morning won't be awkward. You'd hate to lose Aemond a second time.
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Playing a little game with the HOTD S2 teaser trailer called "can I identify scenes". Nothing but spoilers (major, major spoilers) under the cut:
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Rhaenyra at Storm's End looking for Luke's body, as reported in leaks.
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Stokeworth and Rosby shields - this is the Sack of Duskendale / Battle at Rook's Rest. From leaks (re what happens to Meleys, um) we know that BRR is this season, probably near the end of it.
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Criston cutting some guy's head off - possibly the execution of Lord Staunton after the battle of Rook's Rest. Staunton's head and Meleys's head were taken to KL and paraded.
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may be Nettles, but I think more likely to be Addam of Hull, as that's Seasmoke.
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It's a bit blurry, but pretty sure those are Darklyn shields. (<nerd> incorrect Darklyn shields, too many white shields for this point in history, they haven't had that many Darklyns in the Kingsguard yet.</nerd>) More from the Sack of Duskendale/Battle of Rook's Rest.
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Possibly executions during Daemon's Assault on Harrenhal? Although that was Aemond who killed the Strongs in F&B... that's definitely a weirwood, though... but then, most castles have weirwoods, not just Harrenhal. Could also be part of the Taking of Stone Hedge.
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Something in the North, almost certainly, but not sure what. Maybe the Winter Wolves leaving?
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Seasmoke's back, back again. Rumors are that Laenor just gives him up or something? Lore nerds will freak ("a dragon never has two living riders!"), but babes, this is where you have to just relax and remember the show is not the books.
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Nice establishing shot of the Dragonpit. The Storming will not be this season, but it'll be useful to compare once the show gets there.
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This is either Prince Jaehaerys' funeral or the parade after Rook's Rest, but I think that's the carriage that was carrying Alicent and Helaena in mourning clothes (as seen in leaks), so possibly the former. OTOH leaks had a drum being beaten while Meleys's head was paraded, so it might be the latter. We'll see I guess!
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Probably at Rook's Rest, trying to get the fuck away from Meleys's fire.
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speaking of which. Rosby shields on the ground, that early scene where they were standing is probably right before Rhaenys and Meleys arrived.
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yay Baela gets to do something. Wonder if she arrives at BRR too late to help, but in time to see Rhaenys's body? Would be a good setup for her and Aegon later.
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KG doing the Secret Service thing with Alicent. Some kind of public panic, this may be in relation to the Meleys parade because the book says it made everyone want to leave KL, so they may have changed that up a bit.
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Brackens, probably the Battle of the Burning Mill / Taking of Stone Hedge.
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Assault on Harrenhal, probably.
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well we all know what this is. 😭
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ah shit, Erryk fighting in someone's bedroom? Cargyll twin vs twin, probably, I knew it was early in the war, but I liked him. 😔
Not screencapping this bit, but the cut that makes it look like Aemond is fighting Rhaenyra on their dragons is oh-so-clever to play with audience expectations.
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Rook's Rest, the ground is all smoky because of Meleys, and shit here comes Vhagar to make it worse.
A few scenes I have no idea what's happening yet, like the Helaena underwater scene and Alicent in her nightgown at the Gods Eye... are we getting dream scenes at last? Would be a nice changeup. Could be POV prophecies also. Well, looking forward to it!
edit to correct: Helaena's not underwater, that's a veil, undoubtedly a mourning veil. 😭
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flowerandblood · 4 months
Review from the Vatican
House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 1
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AGHHHH!!!!! I LOVED IT. I LOVED ITTTTT. I don't care what others think, I had tears in my eyes throughout the entire episode! I couldn't imagine a better season opener, really. It was fantastic first episode, better than the one from season one in my opinion.
Below are my spoiler thoughts and my husband's impressions – beware, comments section is not spoiler free.
Alicent x Criston???? Honestly, that's the only spoiler I got, but it was still worth it, lol! Their relationship is very interesting! I like the idea that Alicent kind of get what she always envied Rhaenyra. Scene in the Sept with her burning candles made me very emotional. And her trying to justify Aemond and Aegon? Her sending apologize letter to Rhaenyra? Heartbreaking!
Aegon trying to be a dad who cares and a good king in his weird, boorish way? Helaena saying that she is afraid and his response, that there's nothing to afraid of – then when she says that she is afraid of rats he looks around the chamber as if thinking that there are really rats there. When he nor the servants sees none he is going back into joking mood, not knowing what to do with her words. I love, loooove that we get a scene between them!
Helaena giving away her boy not knowing what to do? Helaena running away with her daughter? Helaena in complete shock, entering her mother's chamber, not even caring what is going on there?
I really like the change that they wanted them to kill Aemond, not Helaena's children. It has a lot, lot more sense for the plot for me (I know that some Team Green people will complain that they make them "look better" – I'm not any team and for me it just look more logical that you want son for a son that actually KILLED YOUR BABY.
Rhaenyra finding Luke's body and grieving? Jace talking to Cregan on the wall? Aemond being Aemond?
As to the Aemond: Aegon calling him a hound, but like, in some tender way, like: my brother will fucking destroy our enemies and protect our family. I love the feeling that Aemond deep down, as Otto said, want to PROVE himself, because he FUCKED UP so much.
And him teasing Criston Cole? My fucking God that was hilarious.
I loved Alicent × Otto conversation a lot too.
My husband really enjoyed the entire episode. Overall, I'm proud of him for understanding what was going on so well and we both laughed during the scene in the Throne Room with Aegon and Otto. He was surprised that Helaena gave up her son so easily and didn't really believe she did it: in my opinion, she just knew that if she didn't do it, they would kill her and her daughter too.
The next episode looks completely crazy. We'll see what happens in the brothel, aghhhh.
If you want, write about your thoughts, but please take into account that I will simply delete and block messages/comments that insult other fans or me. I invite you to a joyful and pleasant discussion!!!!!
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
Regard this post
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It's funny that some fans believe that Rhaenyra and the green children didn't have any relationship because of Alicent( in some fics they depict her as Cersei, and if she was a Cersei in the show, Nyra's children and Viserys wouldn't be still alive😑)
Some fans need to accept that Viserys and Rhaenyra have never cared for the green children at all(we have forgotten that Rhaenyra was going to make tortured her 10 year old brother for calling her childrens bastards? Her brother that has lost an eye to one of her children and called it a regrettable accident.
Rhaenyra never once looked apologetic because she doesn't care.
It is frustating to see the narrative treating Rhaenyra as a saint, when she isn't, she's not a hero.
Some of hers and Daemon's fans justify every actions they do because they are morally grey but when Alicent does it, she deserves to die????
exactly. Rhaenyra was never a good sibling, never wanted to be, never made herself someone Alicent could trust her kids to be around (after the hunt at least, where we saw her happy to see her and Aegon in the same space, showing she wanted there to be good will before Rhaenyra went and showed she was more than unwilling to be there sister).
Rhaenyra couldn't feign care or compassion for her 10 year old brother, couldn't pretend to feel sorry, not even before she found out about the comment Aemond had made. after that she held no anger towards Luke, forgot about the 4 on 1 fight where her son brought a knife, and only sought to punish Aemond.
other than that she was never in their lives other than when she was making their lives harder. she was no saint they looked up to as a sister or wanted to even engage with.
she was living her life and they were living there's and they crossed every now and then and in that time Rhaenyra would only serve to fit her divide them. that's just the fact of the matter.
and that part about Rhaenyra and Daemon? so fucking true. they've murdered, maimed, and faked people's deaths to get what they want. Daemon was a vile man I could spend forever listing off his crimes. the things they do compared to Alicent are fucking wild, yet she gets treated like the god damn devil and they practically have the ground they walk in worshipped.
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mhsdatgo · 7 months
Coming from a Team Green stan, people using the term "bastards" to refer to Luke, Jace and Joff as if that was an excuse to hate them makes me fucking snort. Yes we know they're bastards, so what. It's what they've heard and been told all their life. If that is enough reason for you to think they deserve shit thrown on them then Imma need you to take off your Westerosi lord "they're born of lesser flesh" whore's best friend heart shaped sunglasses real quick and see them as actual characters because you sound no less blood purity obsessed than TB thinking that "Hightower blood" is enough reason to hate anything regarding Alicent's children.
To think that they aren't deserving of lands and titles is perfectly fine when you look at it from Westerosi people's point of view, but that's no reason to hate them at all? (This also applies to some TB stans who storm the posts of maybe a guy who's chilling reading a book and make it their LIFE MISSION to protect them like they're their mama anytime someone barely mentions it.)
One may find various reasons to like or dislike them. You may dislike Luke for slicing Aemond's eye and never feeling a shred of remorse about it, you may like Luke because you think he did what he thought was best in order to protect his brother (although they could've escaped to their mom the moment he was blinded by dirt, but at least they spared themselves a scolding for being up and about at 3 AM going for someone's throat with a real dagger).
You may dislike Jace because he picked after his mother's "who cares what others think we rule lmao" ass line. You may like Jace because when he said that, he was trying to uplift his little brother who was growing self-conscious about the way other lords and ladies were staring at him. It's understandable. They aren't 2D characters everyone must either love or hate.
If you really want someone to blame for how things turned out, why don't you blame Rhaenyra for thrusting them into failure and sending her 13 year old out knowing the Greens would've sought allegiances as well? I don't know, at least send someone who would've been able to outrun Aemond, idk. You call yourself Queen, girl. Choose someone else, that ain't my job. Why don't you blame Daemon for wanting to send kids as envoys when they've got no experience whatsoever and their dragons are literally just babies?
Remember they were never part of a war until their mother pushed them in. They weren't "thieves" for "stealing" Driftmark. Luke didn't even WANT Driftmark. They just wanted to beef with their uncles in peace for the love of God. That they grew up spoiled brats is another story, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
Personally I don't love or hate Jace or Luke. We've been given wayyy too little scenes for them to look anything else other than Aemond's and Aegon's punching bags, respectively. Except for Jace who got me cheering and screaming for him when he was literally THE ONLY ONE WHO STOOD UP FOR RHAENYRA IN EP.10 but yeah, that was the end of it.
Find new reasons to like and dislike characters. Anything that doesn't involve sounding like an aryan race supporter, thank you.
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farity · 2 years
Family is Everything
Family is Everything
Pairing: Modern AU BabyDaddy!Aegon x you
Summary:  Inspired by pic of TGC with an adorable bebe
All fluff and lots of swearing.  -  Part 2  -  Part 3
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He heard the commotion the  moment he opened the car door.  
“Aegon, she’s gong to start crying if they’re screaming like that.”
“I know, babe.  Hold on.”  He started typing on his phone as you walked around the car to open the back door and get your daughter.  She was a happy baby that had brought so much joy to your relationship with Aegon.  Your little family meant the world to both of you.
“Done,” Aegon said, taking the baby from you.  She cooed at him as she always did, and instinctively, he patted her bottom.  “We’re clean and dry, let’s do this.”
You had to admit, you had your doubts when, after two years together, Aegon had said, “you know, maybe we should stop the birth control thing.”  You were both very young, but you both knew you were together for life.  
“Is this because Jace got Baela knocked up and you don’t want them to have all the glory?”
He’d laughed, but then he’d gotten serious, which he rarely did.  “It’s you and I, you know that.  You’re my soulmate, my heart.  I want to enjoy my kids, take them up on the plane, play with them in the park.  All the things my dad never did.”
You understood.  His father had been older when Aegon and his siblings were born, and he’d been distant, and then, too sick to truly spend time with them.  You wished he’d lived to meet your baby, but at least you had honored him in her name.
He slung the diaper bag over his shoulder while carrying your daughter, and knocked on his mother’s door.  The football final was today and you were all rooting for King’s Landing ,of course.  
The door opened and there was surprisingly little noise anymore, only the sound of people eating and drinking and having quiet conversations.  His mother, Alicent, immediately began cooing at the baby, completely ignoring both you and Aegon.  He turned to you, rolling his eyes.  “I told you we don’t exist anymore.”
“You don’t, asshole, you’re just Vizzy’s parental units.” his youngest brother Daeron said.
Baby Vizzy was babbling back at her grandmother, and soon a couple of dark haired young men began circling Alicent and the baby.  “Is this the same baby?” Aegon’s cousin Luke asked.  “She looks so much bigger.”
“It’s called growing, moron,” Aegon replied.  “I know you’re stuck at the same size from when you were ten, but she’s still growing.”
Aegon’s brother Aemond came over to give you a hug, and took the diaper bag from his brother.  “I think Criston is going to propose to mom.  He is so freaking out,” he whispered.
“Oh my gosh, how exciting!” you whispered back.  You headed over to the food table, knowing well your daughter was safe and happy with Aegon’s family.  They had taken you in the moment Aegon brought you over for the first time, and as someone whose parents had died long ago and had no siblings or other relatives, it was nice to finally have a family again.
“Mom, relax, I know what I’m doing, go get food.”  Aemond took Vizzy out of his mother’s arms and began to throw the baby in the air.  The baby squealed and giggled, and you took out your phone to take a little video of niece and uncle having fun.
“Aemond, you fucking asshole, why are you wearing that?”
“Statistically, House Manderly has a 53% chance of winning, given the injuries to-”
Aegon groaned, “oh my fucking god, you nerd, unhand my daughter, I don’t want her near a blue shirt!”  But he smiled, watching his brother tickling his daughter’s neck.
“She’s still bald?”
Luke smacked the back of Daeron’s head.  “That’s fucking rude, you’re going to hurt her little feelings.”
You started laughing, “she doesn’t understand a word.  Thank god, because we all swear like sailors.”  You fixed a plate for Aegon as well, and you both headed to the dining table where, for once, you could both eat together peacefully.
“She’s adorable,” Alicent said, sitting next to you.  “Thank you for taking me along on her doctor’s visit.”
“Of course!”  You had made it a point to include Aegon’s - your - family in as much of your daughter’s life as you could.  They all got pictures and videos on the Vizzy T WhatsApp thread, Alicent babysat often so you could finish your degree, and even her longtime boyfriend Criston had installed door cameras and alarms at your house after she was born.  Helaena was constantly shopping for the baby, who was better dressed and accessorized than you had ever been.
“Babe,” Aegon said, “you want another one?”
Your jaw dropped, and Alicent coughed, standing up to leave the table.  “Aegon, what the hell?”
“I’m just saying, you are amazing with her,” he leaned in to kiss you, grabbing the back of your neck.  “You’re a fucking great mom.  And,” he lowered his voice, “your boobs got huge when you were pregnant.”
“I knew it.” you kissed him back, smiling.  “You’re a fucking pervert.”
He smiled.  “Think about it.”
You nodded.  You were graduating in a few months.  Maybe a sibling for Vizzy wouldn’t be a bad thing.  
There was a muffled squeal and Helaena walked in the door, arms full of shopping bags.  “She’s here, she’s here, give her to me!” she took her from Aemond and began covering the baby in kisses.  Vizzy giggled and then farted loudly.  “Oh sheesh,” Helaena blinked, “what are you feeding this kid?”
* * * * *
You looked at your watch.  Vizzy was due for her nap in about thirty minutes, and Alicent had already gotten her bed ready for the baby, started the white noise machine, closed the curtains.  
“Hey,” Aegon said to Luke and Daeron, currently playing peek-a-boo with your daughter.  “Quiet time, she needs a nap soon or she’s going to turn into a fucking dragon.”
Aemond strolled over, picking up his niece before either Luke or Daeron could stop him.  “I’m going to read her something.”  He walked over to the fireplace, sat where Alicent usually liked to read, and opened one of the books Helaena had bought for her niece.  “This one is called, ‘Quantum Physics for Babies’”
“Yeah,” Aegon said, “that will put her to sleep.  Would put me to sleep.”
“Wait, wait,” you grabbed your phone, “before she goes down for a nap, can we take a picture with the uncles and auntie and cousins?”
Helaena shook her head.  “I have a zit the size of my fist, maybe just the guys?”
The men gathered, Aegon took his daughter, holding her confidently.
“Here, Vizzy!” you said, snapping your fingers above your phone camera.  Your daughter and Aegon looked at you, smiling, as they were surrounded by love.
“Let me stand on this.”
“Luke, just fucking own your height deficiency.”
“We all know I’m her favorite uncle.”
“Shut up, Aemond.”
“But why is she still bald?  Ow!”
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