#look Bea is genuinely puzzled and kinda worried someone of her age and stamina should not be having these kind of symptoms out of nowhere
sistertinysips · 1 year
Headcanon that Bea's body knew she had a thing for Ava before Bea's brain was even any close to having any clue.
After having to hug Ava in mother superion's office and walking Ava to her quarters, Bea leaves and runs into Camila in the hall.
Camila: Beatrice where are you coming from? are you ok?
Bea: yes, why do you ask? I'm coming back from leaving Ava in her room, I had to comfort her, she actually clinged to me and she would not let me go for about 5 minutes... poor thing she's quite upset
Camila: your face is kinda red and your eyes look a bit dilated... *putting two and two together faster she can hack into the neighbor's WiFi net*
Bea frowning and thinking: now that you mention it, I do feel a slight shortness of breath and... *pressing her fingers to her carotid artery* my heartbeat frequency is sort of high as well *taking her hand off her neck and rubbing her hands* and there is perspiration in the palms of my hands. But I do not feel ill, perhaps a glucose drop? But that can't be I had a hearty breakfast. What an oddity. I should report to the infirmary for a blood pressure check *walking briskly away*
Camila sighing and looking in the direction of the infirmary: sometimes constantly being two steps ahead of everyone does not feel like a gift for me. I'll just let her figure it out herself
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