#loo loo land was virtually a perfect episode and no i do not accept other opinions
dellinah · 4 years
Hazbin hotel for the fandom thing
Dumbass appearing again to answer for HELLUVA BOSS on this one bc im dumb enough to switch them rip me
1. First character I ever fell in love with:
For obvious reasons, Loona lmao. This is going to sound bad but I didn't get AS invested in the characters from the pilot as I could have been bc the format didn't really allow for that I think. 2 episodes in and I love them a lot more
2. Character I used to love and now do not:
Literally none, what happened was the other way around. I wasn't invested in any of them, and now I am in pretty much all. Especially Stolas, that was a full 180 that punched me in the face from 'character that exists I guess' to 'I WILL DIE AND KILL FOR YOU'
3. A ship I used to love and now do not:
Same thing, it was the other way around. I started not caring for any but now they got mee ;3;
4. Ultimate favorite character:
Blitzo!! ESPECIALLY after Loo Loo Land. And honestly so much of it comes from Brandon's performance, his delivery adds SO MUCH personality to the character. You can tell what he feels regardless of what he's saying by HOW he says it and he's got so much depth to him anyway I love him. But honestly I love them all so much he's just a bit more bc of how layered and just fun he is to watch. Also in the end he IS so caring still, he's like a cat being an asshole but lovingly
5. Prettiest character:
That one wolfman from the teaser. He can get it
From the main cast I think Loona and Via look pretty cute!
6. Most hated character:
Stolas' wife. This is going to bite me in the ass later if they give her a character but eh,,, very few things get under my skin more than 'parent who screams and fights in front of their child' and while I CAN understand she's mad for being cheated on can you please not discuss it in front of the child. Look at what you did you ruined a perfectly good Octavia. She has depression now
7. My otp
Stolas/Blitzo bc Stolas deserves better and Blitzo deserves a family and shut up they love each other. I do think Blitzo having a crush on Moxxie is lowkey kind of cute, but I would never want them to actually happen bc Millie/Moxxie is too precious to be broken apart
8. My notp
Somehow, Blitzo/Millie doesn't do it for me? I think Blitzo has a bit of a crush on both the m&ms (maybe bc he's lonely and wants love so bad he crushes on everyone that is close to him, or maybe just bc he does bc horny bastard) but while Blitzo/Moxxie is cute, Blitzo/Millie is... eh
9. Favorite episode
Loo loo land! It was the ep that really sucked me in and made me see this as a good layered show. I think Murder family tried to give Moxxie more of a personality and while it is a good ep it didnt go as deep with characterization as I think it could have, other than Moxxie at least. Loo loo land did it better and did more and I hope it keeps going from there!
10. Saddest death
The teacher oof. I feel so bad for her and all the shit she went through before she died and after. She literally did nothinh wrong and deserved better
11/12. Least/fav season
Well season 1 is being pretty great so i dont have a least fav :P
13. Character everyone loves and I hate
Again, none, all the fandom favs are my favs. I guess of the main cast Millie is my least fav but I love her so much still and she's absolutely relatable bc I too, want a thing I dont know what is just bc it looks cute
14. Piece of trash but still a fav
Loona oops. I mean i know she is a bit of an emo edgy asshole but she cute so its all forgiven
15. Deserves better than this lil cinnamon roll character:
Octavia. To think of what she went through in her household that turned a sweet lil baby into a depressed teen just makes me want to give her a hug :( I'm so happy she has a good dad but honestly growing up to realize your parents hate each other and are possibly in an arranged marriage (I personally think it was a status thing which is why his wife seems more upset that he cheated with an IMP than that he cheated at all + needing an heir thing. I'd say Stolas is gay and sad he was forced into a straight marriage but let's be honest literally everyone in that show is at least bi lmao) just messes one up and growing up in that household sounds like hell in hell
16. This ship is wrong but I love it
Uhh Moxxie/Blitzo? Again idk if it counts bc i dont want them to be endgame AT ALL and I just think Blitzo having a crush on him is cute. But. They be cute. I love how Blitzo invades Moxxies personal space more than everyone else's (Watcha dreaming about? :3) and Moxxie is SO DONE with him its a cute dynamic
17. They're kinda cute but I don't really ship it
I guess same as the previous one lmao. I like them platonically/one sided but def not when they're portrayed as actually together
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