#lonsdale symbols
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astroartmuse · 2 years ago
Another goodie
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sicher-stark-team · 2 months ago
Mein Kind ist rechts, was tun?
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Was tun, wenn sich Jugendliche oder sogar schon Kinder der rechtsextremen Szene zuwenden, wenn plötzlich bisher geteilte gemeinsame Ansichten und Werte abgelehnt werden. Wenn Kinder sich menschenverachtend äußern, so dass es über die bekannten Rivalitäten unter Kindern hinaus geht? Anzeichen, dass Kinder in den Einfluss von Rechtsextremen geraten, gibt es in vielfältiger Weise. Angefangen beim Kleidungsstil mit bei Rechtsextremen beliebten Marken wie Lonsdale oder Thor Steinar, bis hin zu aggressivem Verhalten gegenüber Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund oder antisemitischen Sprüchen. Andere Auffälligkeiten sind das sprunghafte Austreten aus den bisherigen Freundeskreisen. Musik mit rechten Parolen und Songtexten sind ebenso Grund für Aufmerksamkeit, wie auch Broschüren oder Flugblätter mit rechtsextremen Inhalten. Eine rechtsextreme, rassistische oder demokratiefeindliche Orientierung bei Jugendlichen ist für Eltern eine besondere Herausforderung. Vor allem dann, sobald sie Meinungen und Verhaltensweisen ihrer Kinder kritisch hinterfragen. Es ist nicht einfach, die eigene Position unmissverständlich deutlich zu machen und gleichzeitig den Kontakt zum Kind nicht zu verlieren. Jugendliche und gerade Kinder haben in frühen Lebensphasen oft noch keine gefestigten Einstellungen und sind unsicher in ihrer politischen Orientierung. Teilweise steht am Anfang der Wunsch, die rechtsextreme Erlebniswelt als Spaß zu sehen, anders sein zu wollen und zu einer vermeintlich elitären Gruppe zu gehören. Die extrem rechte Szene weiß, wie man Kinder an sich bindet und ihr Interesse weckt. Sie geben Kindern das Gefühl, dass sich jemand für sie interessiert, dass sie wichtig sind und einflussreich sein können. Kinder gehen ihre eigenen Wege in das Erwachsensein, was nicht heißt, dass Eltern alle Entscheidungen ihrer Kinder gutheißen müssen. Konflikte sind notwendig. Die Tochter oder der Sohn brauchen Signale und eine konstruktive Auseinandersetzung. Wichtig ist dabei in jedem Fall, dass Eltern zeigen, dass sie für ihr Kind da sind und auch immer da sein werden. Einige Orientierungshilfen beantworten häufig gestellte Fragen von Eltern. Auch um ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie mit ihren Unsicherheiten und Sorgen nicht alleine sind. Die Inanspruchnahme fachlicher Hilfe kann oft eine wichtige Unterstützung sein. Mit einer klaren demokratischen Haltung können Eltern bei ihren jugendlichen Kindern Widersprüche aufzeigen und Zweifel wecken. Suchen Sie frühzeitig das Gespräch mit Ihrem Kind und fragen Sie nach der Bedeutung bestimmter Symbole oder Kleidermarken. Auseinandersetzungen, die nur belehren wollen, scheitern regelmäßig und zerstören Bindungen. Jugendliche wollen mit ihrem Anliegen ernst genommen werden, so hanebüchen es auch sei. Sie wollen merken, dass sich jemand für sie interessiert. Beschäftigen Sie sich mit den Inhalten und Argumenten Ihres Kindes, suchen Sie die Diskussion auf Augenhöhe. Es ist ebenso wichtig, einen Ausgleich zu finden, das Thema mal ruhen zu lassen und keine Dauerdiskussion zu führen. Sie können nicht 24 Stunden am Tag um die politische Orientierung streiten! Sorgen Sie lieber gelegentlich für gemeinsame „Auszeiten“: Pizzaessen, Kochen oder Ausflüge ermöglichen wieder abschnittsweise ein normales Familienleben, geben beiden Seiten Kraft und können Vertrauen herstellen. Für Eltern ist es aber wichtig, die eigenen Grenzen ernst zu nehmen und die Kontrolle über die Situation zu behalten. Sie müssen nicht alles aushalten und sollten auch klarstellen, wenn Ihnen etwas zu viel wird. Wenn Sprüche zu aggressiv oder menschenverachtend werden. Grenzziehungen oder Verbote sollten jedoch klar und fair begründet werden. Bei aller Belastung sollten Eltern für ihr Kind ansprechbar bleiben und ihrem Kind nach Möglichkeit zur Seite stehen. Wenn auch Entscheidungen und Meinungen des Kindes nicht immer nachvollziehbar sind. Bleiben Sie in Beziehung und nehmen Sie auch Leistungen, Erfolge und Entwicklungen Ihres Kindes wahr und vermitteln Sie ein Gefühl von Anerkennung. Rechte Ideologien sind mit zugespitzten Geschlechterbildern verbunden. Gerade für Jungen kann es verführerisch sein, sich an einem zur Schau gestellten starken, rechtsextremen Männerbild zu orientieren. Gerade Jungs, die auf der Suche nach männlichen Vorbildern sind, können davon profitieren, wenn sie Kontakt zu Männern haben, die für mehr stehen als Härte, Brutalität und Hass. Doch Rechtsextremismus ist nie ein Kinderspiel. Jugendliche müssen lernen, die Verantwortung für ihre Entscheidungen zu übernehmen. Jede Handlung hat bestimmte Konsequenzen, über die jeder Mensch am besten im Vorhinein nachdenken sollte. Machen Sie Ihrem Kind gegenüber deutlich, dass dies zum Wunsch nach eigener Entscheidungsfindung dazu gehört. Vielleicht gibt es im Umfeld Ihres Kindes Menschen, die einen besseren Draht zum ihm haben, eventuell auch, weil die Beziehung weniger belastet ist. Das können Menschen aus der Verwandtschaft sein, in der Schule oder in der Ausbildung, in der Nachbarschaft, im Sport oder im Freundeskreis. Zum Glück können die Beziehungen zur rechtsextremen Szene auch von selbst wieder enden: durch neue Kontakte oder Freundschaften außerhalb der Szene. Verlassen sollten Sie sich besser darauf nicht. Vor allem Eltern und Angehörige können mit Mut und Ausdauer helfen, Wege aus der Szene aufzuzeigen. Professionelle Hilfe zu suchen und anzunehmen ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche, sondern zeigt, dass Ihnen etwas an Ihrem Kind liegt. Auch der Austausch mit anderen Betroffenen kann entlastend sein. Sie sind nicht die einzigen Eltern in dieser Situation. Speziell für Rechtsextremismus bei Kindern und Jugendlichen bietet die Initiative „Eltern Stärken“ Hilfe und Informationen an. Online unter „www.mein-kind-ist-rechts.de“. Oder wenden Sie sich an das Sicher-Stark-Team. Lesen Sie auch unseren Artikel über Gewältpräventionskurs in Köln. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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polibry · 1 year ago
okay so prev asked for a source on the North Face thing, so let's make this post longer :3
here is my source (in french). disclaimer: the website also index symbols from the left, such as antifa stuff so don't be surprised to see antifa symbols next to nazi ones.
The North Face is liked by neo-nazis because they love Scandinavian/viking iconography/references. A neo-nazi group from Southern France was called The South Face and they used an alt version of The North Face logo, it also happened in another french city.
Another brand neo-nazi love is Lonsdale, because the brand contains the letters "NSDA" which stands for 'National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei' (National Socialist German Workers Party).
Those two brands are VERY mainstream but neo-nazi will glue their ideas onto anything. Basically, wearing The North Face clothes does not make you a nazi but neo-nazis LOVE wearing the brand, tying it to white supremacy.
(so it's not really a dogwhistle, but part of that "un-evilify" strategy which slowly but surely puts the alt-right agenda forwards)
the other point i referred to in the post is that some antifa are trying to reclaim those (and other) brands that are not in themselves neo-nazi. (i don't have a source). it's a strategy to actively de-nazify brands so they don't become dogwhistle and neo-nazi stop having an interest in them.
and if i remember correctly, it's exactly what lead to Clement Meric's death (tho grain of salt bc i couldn't find the brand or anything on that reclaiming-brands aspect)
Clement Meric was a young antifa student in Paris. He was murdered in June 2013 by neo-nazis. (source, in french, by one of his friend who was there that day)
He was with friends attending a private sale, they saw neo-nazis (racist shirts and skin-head looks) with knuckles in their bags. Clement's friend group chose to not stay indifferent, but didn't use violence (even told security they wouldn't bc it was a fairly busy street with cameras so it'd be extra stupid). After the sale, the neo-nazis tragetted Clement (& they had called friends, they were all armed), they beat him up in the middle of the streets and when Clement arrived at the hospital he was declared brain dead.
if i remember correctly, the store never spoke in favour of Meric, nor on the neo-nazis side, trying to remain "neutral". (i still don't know which store/brand it was)
Meric's death is a bit of a turning point in the representation of antifas in the mainstream medias/in the average french person's mind, it propelled the "violent antifa" (ie, toxic masculinity, violence for the sake of violence etc.) and the "antifas aren't better than nazis" myths in France!
Hello friends, there's a dogwhistle I've seen used a couple times on tumblr that I want to discuss.
Fellow neurodivergents especially, please listen-- towards the end of this post I describe how some in our community have been using it without knowing what it means.
A fairly common antisemitic dogwhistle used amongst alt-right circles on the internet is being a "noticer," "noticing patterns," "pattern noticer," etc. I've seen this from a couple Tumblr blogs I follow reblogging memes and such that use this term but don't provide any context about what sorts of "things" they may be noticing.
Here's the meme that I saw a blog I'm following reblog last night.
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Seems pretty harmless, right? It's a meme with a cute cat.
In alt-right circles, what they are referring to "noticing" is the conspiracy theory that Jews control the world/"noticing" evidence of an imagined globalist (read: Jewish) world order/etc. If you see a meme that uses terms like "noticing patterns" that doesn't elaborate what those supposed patterns are-- just leaves you to fill in the blank yourself-- take a look at the types of things OP might be posting. The alt-right has an idea that it's forbidden to talk about who might be behind the "conspiracies" they talk about (again, the target is frequently Jewish people) so lack of context is often a red flag.
I sent the blog who reblogged this an ask informing them that the meme was a dogwhistle. If you see someone reblog something like this, check what they've been posting. If this seems like an isolated incident, the person probably reblogged it not knowing what the term actually meant. That's why dogwhistles are so effective-- to the average person they look harmless if you don't know what to watch out for!
Let's take a look at how alt-righters use this term.
Here's an alt-right definition of it from Urban Dictionary.
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Oh boy, this one gets a bigotry bingo for all the dogwhistles used here. If I miss any, feel free to comment. Here are the ones I found:
-Noseticing: Noticing plus nose, based on the stereotype for Jewish people to have large noses.
-"those who cannot be named"/skirting around saying Jew: again the idea that it's forbidden to talk about who they think is behind their conspiracy theories.
-"world events and agendas": idea that Jewish people have a Globalist agenda etc etc
-Degeneracy: Nazi term to describe the behaviors/people they find undesirable.
-Early life: refers to the section in a person's Wikipedia page. If a person was brought up Jewish, it'll usually say so there.
-Oy vey: a Jewish exclamation of exasperation that Nazis have unfortunately co-opted when talking about Jewish people.
Here's probably the most obviously antisemitic meme I found.
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The title and first bullet point include the "noticer" term. This meme also talks about a "group" who controls wealth. Who might the poster be referring to here?
Here's a Twitter account with many similar alt-right terms. Explicitly identifies as a Nazi and ethno-nationalist, etc etc.
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A couple other pages. I clicked on them to see if I could find any more examples but the first seemed pretty blank and the second... Well, I don't have a twitter so I couldn't view.
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Let's unpack these a little. The first one has "13 outta 52," a statistic used among white supremacists to depict Black people (especially African-Americans) as "savage": 13 referring to the percentage of America that is Black and 52 referring to the alleged percentage of murders in the U.S. that are committed by Black people. "109 countries" refers to the idea that Jewish people have been expelled from 109 countries during history. (Which isn't entirely true. Some "countries" in this count are actually cities, regions, etc.) Some white supremacists may use the number 110 instead to suggest that it should happen again.
The second one has a blurb alleging a global sterilization effort and concerns of fertility. This is likely in connection to pro-natalism for white people. If Nazis want a so-called "Aryan nation," they're going to want white people to populate it, and so they encourage white people to have babies for their cause. Nazi Germany employed this tactic as well, even awarding "Aryan" German women who had four or more children for their contributions to the Nazi cause.
The reason why I'm emphasizing that context matters is that some neurodivergent people have seen this and co-opted it into neurodivergent circles. As a person who is Jewish and autistic, this is pretty alarming to me. I'll show a couple examples from Tumblr:
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I've left out the URLs of the OPs because I want to give the benefit of the doubt-- they both explicitly refer to being a "pattern noticer" in terms of neurodivergence. And it's easy to see why introducing this term to ND folks would be an easy way to get a dogwhistle passed off as harmless! Since autistic people often have analytical minds, we often make connections that others might not be able to see. But unfortunately, using terms like this only makes it much easier for antisemites to fly under the radar.
Stay safe and let's keep Tumblr free of this shit.
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stanvanwoerkenss · 1 year ago
Luxurious Living Awaits: Explore the Exquisite Lonsdale Duplex for Sale
Nestled in the heart of North Vancouver, the Lonsdale Duplex presents a rare opportunity for those seeking a harmonious blend of modern elegance and timeless sophistication. This meticulously crafted residence epitomizes luxury living, offering an unparalleled lifestyle in a prime location.
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Property Overview: 
TheᅠLonsdale Duplex for Saleᅠis a testament to architectural brilliance, boasting a contemporary design that seamlessly integrates with its surroundings. With meticulous attention to detail, this residence stands as a symbol of refined taste and opulence.
Key Features:
Spacious Interiors: Step inside and be greeted by expansive living spaces that exude warmth and comfort. The open floor plan enhances the sense of space, making it an ideal setting for both intimate gatherings and grand entertaining.
Gourmet Kitchen: The heart of the home, the kitchen, is a chef's dream. State-of-the-art appliances, custom cabinetry, and premium finishes create an environment where culinary excellence is not just a possibility but a pleasure.
Luxurious Bedrooms: The Lonsdale Duplex offers a sanctuary for rest and relaxation. The bedrooms are generously proportioned, featuring large windows that invite natural light to illuminate the space.
Master Suite Retreat: Escape to the master suite, a private haven designed for ultimate comfort. A spa-inspired ensuite bathroom and a walk-in closet complete the experience, providing a luxurious retreat within your own home.
Outdoor Oasis: Embrace the outdoor lifestyle with a meticulously landscaped backyard. Whether you're hosting a summer barbecue or simply enjoying a quiet evening under the stars, the outdoor space is designed for both beauty and functionality.
Location: Convenience meets luxury with the Lonsdale Duplex's prime location. North Vancouver finest dining, shopping, and cultural attractions are just moments away, ensuring that every facet of urban living is easily accessible.
Finishing Touches:ᅠImpeccable craftsmanship, high-end finishes, and thoughtful design converge to create a residence that is as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional. The Lonsdale Duplex is a canvas upon which a life of luxury and comfort can be painted.
Conclusion:ᅠExplore the epitome of sophisticated living with theᅠLonsdale Townhome for sale. This exceptional residence is not just a home; it's a statement of refined taste and a testament to the artistry of modern architecture. Don't miss the opportunity to make this exquisite property your own and elevate your lifestyle to new heights. Schedule a viewing today and step into a world of unparalleled luxury.
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qualitycigarboxes · 1 year ago
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Presenting the Charter Oak Lonsdale medium amber stained wood cigar box. It comes with a sliding removable lid stamped with the iconic tree and its roots. A symbol of strength and peace to admire in your home, office, or studio!
Measures 7.75" x 7" x 2"
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whenerosmetpsyche · 5 years ago
DIY Intuitive Horary for Pisces Season
It’s the end of the astrological year and we are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. I've felt the need to quiet my mind and really feel into where I need to redirect my energy in preparation for the frenetic pace of Aries season. So to everyone who has asked me a horary question during my unintentional hiatus, I apologize. I could not answer over the past month plus for a number of reasons. One of them being the Saturn/Pluto connection that is manifesting as the Corona virus panic. I felt like I was tapping into that fear and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Since then I’ve been refocusing more on finishing school (another Saturn/Pluto activity) and letting the astrological weather work its magic in the back of my mind.
So as I have been studying and wondering how to get to the next phase in my life, an amazing insight came to me yesterday through a number of beautiful synchronicities. As I was sketching out my thoughts, I suddenly had the impulse to read the stars right then. The message I received was profound and so comforting to me that I wanted to share a part of the method I generally use so that all of you may receive some helpful Mercury retrograde messages from the stars this Pisces season (and beyond).
First off, this type of horary insight works best on something you have been pondering for a while. I receive the most meaningful insights when I am suddenly and clearly struck with the impulse to pull a horary chart for myself. 
When inspiration strikes, here’s what you do:
Simple Horary
1) Pull an astro.com chart for the exact time and location that the insight struck. I have an entry that I use for the moment and routinely edit the date and time on the spot.
2) Read the angles’ signs and degrees. 
The ascendant is you. Where is the ruler of the ascendant? That tells you what area of your life this read is concerned with. Depending on how well you understand astrology, the condition of the planet will give you more details.
The descendant is often a message of insight from the universe. Sometimes it’s a warning. Sometimes it’s the outcome. Again, look at the descendant’s ruler and its condition.
The MC tells of how your situation appears in the physical world.
The IC is a reflection of your feelings and of deep inner psychological changes associated with your question.
There are of course loads more we could read into a horary chart, but this is a great starting place. If you read Tarot, you can look at the angles similarly to a celtic cross and derive meaning that way as well (this is controversial, but I truly believe that life calls to us in the languages we speak).
3) Match the ASC/DESC and IC/MC degrees to a set of channeled symbolic messages derived from the zodiac. My favorite set are Sabian Symbols channeled by Elsie Wheeler and reinterpreted by Dane Rudhyar (probably the most widely known). A close second are the Lonsdale set (more straightforward and poetic). 
With the set you choose, look first at the ascendant angle. Remember, this represents you!
Add +1 degree -- so if your ascendant is at 6 degrees and 25 seconds, round up to 7. I also recommend that if the angle is in the first 5 seconds of any degree, to look at both messages.
Look up the other angles and identify themes among them. Are similar words used? Is there a unifying message among the stories? I also like to use numerology on the degrees -- I find the most meaningful messages will add up to the same number on both axes.
Occasionally I will look up the symbol for the degree an important planet is sitting in.
4) Finally, check the nodal axis, particularly the houses it lands in. This will give you an emphasis on the direction your concerns are taking you in. For example, a north node in the 4th house tells me that changes to my living situation and inner psyche -- even my close family will be most affected. 
Most importantly, start regularly pulling charts when your intuition is telling you to!
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askwhenerosmetpsyche · 5 years ago
Zodiac Symbols
Someone on the web managed to collect many of the symbolic degree interpretations of the zodiac. I use Elsie Wheeler’s mainly in horary as part of my interpretation, but there are so many others. The document is available online if you want to peruse them yourself!
It was fun finding patterns in my own sun and moon degrees. Here’s what emerged:
melancholoy astrology desire to travel freedom clairvoyance Hmm. As a side note, the Sepharial, Wheeler, and Lonsdale symbols seem to be the most used for interpretive purposes. I don’t really place a whole lot of weight in the particulars of what they say; rather, I think it’s fun to look for commonalities.
Be sure to check out the medicine-based Henson degrees.
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argentvive · 2 years ago
The Imagination Chamber - Alchemy
The most obvious bit of alchemical symbolism comes toward the beginning of the book, in a passage that describes Lyra hanging out with the gyptians.  She observes Piet Van Poppel painting a traditional “rose-and-lily” pattern onto his boat.
...back in her room trying to paint it on her second-best dress before realizing that it would be better embroidered. And very soon after, having pricked her fingers countless times and snapped the threads and lost all patience with the task, throwing it away in disgust, and having to explain its absence to Mrs. Lonsdale. (p. 7)
The lily is a symbol for the albedo, the White stage of the alchemical process; the rose symbolizes the rubedo, the Red--final--stage.  Both are female names and have been used to mark characters in fantasy stories.  For example, Lily Potter, Harry’s mother, who saves her son but perishes herself, and Rose Cotton, who marries Samwise Gangee in the matrimoniathon at the end of Lord of the Rings.
It’s not clear exactly how old Lyra is at this point, but alchemically she is firmly in the nigredo, the Black stage.  Her attempts to reproduce the lily and rose fail miserably.  She even injures herself in the process.  An embroidery needle may be small, but it is a piercing instrument, just like a sword, and as such is a symbol for the fire of the coagula.*  Perhaps this is even a foreshadowing of injuries she will suffer in the Secret Commonwealth (”Little Stick”). 
At this point Lyra is far from the transformation she will experience at the end of the Amber Spyglass:  she is impatient, rash, reckless, and not ready to don a lily- and- rose emblazoned garment.  
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Rosa rubea, the Red King in his red robe.  
*As Lyndy Abraham explains in her Dictionary, “weaponry” is “a symbol for the action of the philosophical fire, especially at the initial stage of the opus known as the black nigredo.” 
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neurotypical-karen · 4 years ago
Top Ten Hawaiian Shirts To Wear If You Want To Make All Black And Indigenous People Feel Uncomfortable ““While the Hawaiian shirt is more commonly associated with midlife crises (and sometimes manic hipster energy) and, in some interpretations, American colonialism in Hawaii, it has become a campy kind of uniform for members of white extremist groups who adhere to the idea of the “boogaloo” — or, a second civil war in the United States”
At first I wasn’t sure that this was a troll, but I went ahead and read the New York Times article you pulled that quote from, and it mentions that hawaiian shirts have only been worn in that context by neo-nazis since this february. And even then they’re explicitly pared with preexisting white nationalist calling cards like ski masks and military equipment.
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The article also has this paragraph: “How best, then, to reclaim the Hawaiian shirt? Mr. Nakagawa [of a racial justice think tank] would take the Lonsdale approach to extremists. ‘One way to recapture the Hawaiian shirt is to come out in masses against them and remove all credibility and meaning,’ he said. ‘Overwhelm them.’”
They also had a quote from an internet trends researcher that voiced against trying to reclaim hawaiian shirts, whose argument mainly hinged on the fact that Hawaiian shirts aren’t associated with any other youth subcultures, which is untrue as Hawaiian shirts are very much a part of queer and trans fashion. 
But this shouldn’t be about whether or not it’s still Woke™ to wear Hawaiian shirts. If we take a step back and look at the Real World Impact of letting Nazi’s co-opt Hawaiian shirts, if something as ubiquitous as a Hawaiian shirt becomes a symbol that nazis can just... wear to signal that they’re nazis in public? And they can do that without Big Consequences because it isn’t explicitly a nazi symbol? That fucking sucks for a whole lot of minorities. The way to fight symbol grabs like this has always been for progressive communities to co-opt it so it can no longer be used as a calling card. We’ve done it with punk, we’ve done it with paganism, we’ve done it with ((( ))). And my queer ass who already owns 8 floral prints is gonna do it with this.
Now excuse me while I sew a BLM patch onto my most obnoxiously loud Hawaiian shirt.
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circe-poetica · 4 years ago
Chandra Symbols
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sicher-stark-team · 2 months ago
Mein Kind ist rechts, was tun?
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Was tun, wenn sich Jugendliche oder sogar schon Kinder der rechtsextremen Szene zuwenden, wenn plötzlich bisher geteilte gemeinsame Ansichten und Werte abgelehnt werden. Wenn Kinder sich menschenverachtend äußern, so dass es über die bekannten Rivalitäten unter Kindern hinaus geht? Anzeichen, dass Kinder in den Einfluss von Rechtsextremen geraten, gibt es in vielfältiger Weise. Angefangen beim Kleidungsstil mit bei Rechtsextremen beliebten Marken wie Lonsdale oder Thor Steinar, bis hin zu aggressivem Verhalten gegenüber Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund oder antisemitischen Sprüchen. Andere Auffälligkeiten sind das sprunghafte Austreten aus den bisherigen Freundeskreisen. Musik mit rechten Parolen und Songtexten sind ebenso Grund für Aufmerksamkeit, wie auch Broschüren oder Flugblätter mit rechtsextremen Inhalten. Eine rechtsextreme, rassistische oder demokratiefeindliche Orientierung bei Jugendlichen ist für Eltern eine besondere Herausforderung. Vor allem dann, sobald sie Meinungen und Verhaltensweisen ihrer Kinder kritisch hinterfragen. Es ist nicht einfach, die eigene Position unmissverständlich deutlich zu machen und gleichzeitig den Kontakt zum Kind nicht zu verlieren. Jugendliche und gerade Kinder haben in frühen Lebensphasen oft noch keine gefestigten Einstellungen und sind unsicher in ihrer politischen Orientierung. Teilweise steht am Anfang der Wunsch, die rechtsextreme Erlebniswelt als Spaß zu sehen, anders sein zu wollen und zu einer vermeintlich elitären Gruppe zu gehören. Die extrem rechte Szene weiß, wie man Kinder an sich bindet und ihr Interesse weckt. Sie geben Kindern das Gefühl, dass sich jemand für sie interessiert, dass sie wichtig sind und einflussreich sein können. Kinder gehen ihre eigenen Wege in das Erwachsensein, was nicht heißt, dass Eltern alle Entscheidungen ihrer Kinder gutheißen müssen. Konflikte sind notwendig. Die Tochter oder der Sohn brauchen Signale und eine konstruktive Auseinandersetzung. Wichtig ist dabei in jedem Fall, dass Eltern zeigen, dass sie für ihr Kind da sind und auch immer da sein werden. Einige Orientierungshilfen beantworten häufig gestellte Fragen von Eltern. Auch um ihnen zu zeigen, dass sie mit ihren Unsicherheiten und Sorgen nicht alleine sind. Die Inanspruchnahme fachlicher Hilfe kann oft eine wichtige Unterstützung sein. Mit einer klaren demokratischen Haltung können Eltern bei ihren jugendlichen Kindern Widersprüche aufzeigen und Zweifel wecken. Suchen Sie frühzeitig das Gespräch mit Ihrem Kind und fragen Sie nach der Bedeutung bestimmter Symbole oder Kleidermarken. Auseinandersetzungen, die nur belehren wollen, scheitern regelmäßig und zerstören Bindungen. Jugendliche wollen mit ihrem Anliegen ernst genommen werden, so hanebüchen es auch sei. Sie wollen merken, dass sich jemand für sie interessiert. Beschäftigen Sie sich mit den Inhalten und Argumenten Ihres Kindes, suchen Sie die Diskussion auf Augenhöhe. Es ist ebenso wichtig, einen Ausgleich zu finden, das Thema mal ruhen zu lassen und keine Dauerdiskussion zu führen. Sie können nicht 24 Stunden am Tag um die politische Orientierung streiten! Sorgen Sie lieber gelegentlich für gemeinsame „Auszeiten“: Pizzaessen, Kochen oder Ausflüge ermöglichen wieder abschnittsweise ein normales Familienleben, geben beiden Seiten Kraft und können Vertrauen herstellen. Für Eltern ist es aber wichtig, die eigenen Grenzen ernst zu nehmen und die Kontrolle über die Situation zu behalten. Sie müssen nicht alles aushalten und sollten auch klarstellen, wenn Ihnen etwas zu viel wird. Wenn Sprüche zu aggressiv oder menschenverachtend werden. Grenzziehungen oder Verbote sollten jedoch klar und fair begründet werden. Bei aller Belastung sollten Eltern für ihr Kind ansprechbar bleiben und ihrem Kind nach Möglichkeit zur Seite stehen. Wenn auch Entscheidungen und Meinungen des Kindes nicht immer nachvollziehbar sind. Bleiben Sie in Beziehung und nehmen Sie auch Leistungen, Erfolge und Entwicklungen Ihres Kindes wahr und vermitteln Sie ein Gefühl von Anerkennung. Rechte Ideologien sind mit zugespitzten Geschlechterbildern verbunden. Gerade für Jungen kann es verführerisch sein, sich an einem zur Schau gestellten starken, rechtsextremen Männerbild zu orientieren. Gerade Jungs, die auf der Suche nach männlichen Vorbildern sind, können davon profitieren, wenn sie Kontakt zu Männern haben, die für mehr stehen als Härte, Brutalität und Hass. Doch Rechtsextremismus ist nie ein Kinderspiel. Jugendliche müssen lernen, die Verantwortung für ihre Entscheidungen zu übernehmen. Jede Handlung hat bestimmte Konsequenzen, über die jeder Mensch am besten im Vorhinein nachdenken sollte. Machen Sie Ihrem Kind gegenüber deutlich, dass dies zum Wunsch nach eigener Entscheidungsfindung dazu gehört. Vielleicht gibt es im Umfeld Ihres Kindes Menschen, die einen besseren Draht zum ihm haben, eventuell auch, weil die Beziehung weniger belastet ist. Das können Menschen aus der Verwandtschaft sein, in der Schule oder in der Ausbildung, in der Nachbarschaft, im Sport oder im Freundeskreis. Zum Glück können die Beziehungen zur rechtsextremen Szene auch von selbst wieder enden: durch neue Kontakte oder Freundschaften außerhalb der Szene. Verlassen sollten Sie sich besser darauf nicht. Vor allem Eltern und Angehörige können mit Mut und Ausdauer helfen, Wege aus der Szene aufzuzeigen. Professionelle Hilfe zu suchen und anzunehmen ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche, sondern zeigt, dass Ihnen etwas an Ihrem Kind liegt. Auch der Austausch mit anderen Betroffenen kann entlastend sein. Sie sind nicht die einzigen Eltern in dieser Situation. Speziell für Rechtsextremismus bei Kindern und Jugendlichen bietet die Initiative „Eltern Stärken“ Hilfe und Informationen an. Online unter „www.mein-kind-ist-rechts.de“. Oder wenden Sie sich an das Sicher-Stark-Team. Lesen Sie auch unseren Artikel über Gewältpräventionskurs in Köln. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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adelaideautorecycling · 11 months ago
Adelaide Auto Recycling: A Green Oasis for Sustainable Material Solutions
Introduction: Situated in the heart of Lonsdale, Adelaide Auto Recycling emerges as a symbol of environmental stewardship, leading the charge in responsible recycling practices. With expertise in handling various materials such as aluminium, brass, copper, heavy steel, stainless steel, electric wire and cable, and lead batteries, this article delves into the unique environmental significance of recycling each material. Integrated links guide readers to detailed information about specific recycling services.
Aluminium Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Adelaide Auto Recycling takes pride in excelling in Aluminium Recycling in Lonsdale. This service not only ensures responsible disposal but also significantly reduces the carbon footprint, contributing to a more eco-friendly manufacturing process.
Brass Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Committed to fostering a circular economy, Adelaide Auto Recycling efficiently recycles brass scrap in Lonsdale. The Brass Scrap Recycling services actively contribute to resource conservation and waste reduction, setting a high standard for sustainable living practices.
Copper Scrap Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Recognizing the intrinsic value of copper, Adelaide Auto Recycling ensures responsible Copper Scrap Recycling in Lonsdale. This section emphasizes the importance of adopting a sustainable approach to material usage, highlighting the critical role of recycling in minimizing environmental impact.
Heavy Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: In the realm of durable materials, Adelaide Auto Recycling specializes in the responsible recycling of heavy steel in Lonsdale. This service provides an eco-friendly solution for businesses and individuals, promoting responsible disposal of heavy steel scrap and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Stainless Steel Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Acknowledging the diverse applications of stainless steel, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers efficient Stainless Steel Recycling services in Lonsdale. This service meets the demands of various industries and actively contributes to the circular economy, showcasing the company's dedication to responsible material management.
Electric Wire & Cable Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: Addressing the challenge of electric wire and cable waste, Adelaide Auto Recycling champions Electric Wire & Cable Recycling in Lonsdale. This service ensures responsible disposal and recycling, actively contributing to minimizing the environmental impact of technological advancements.
Lead Battery Recycling Lonsdale | Adelaide Auto Recycling: With a focus on careful handling, Adelaide Auto Recycling excels in Lead Battery Recycling in Lonsdale. This specialized service offers a safe and eco-friendly solution for the disposal of lead-acid batteries, preventing potential environmental harm and showcasing the company's commitment to responsible recycling.
Questions You Need to Ask Before Booking a Junk Car Removal Service: For those considering the disposal of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides valuable insights with a guide on the questions to ask before booking a junk car removal service. This comprehensive guide ensures a smooth and environmentally responsible process, reflecting the company's commitment to customer education.
Reasons To Sell Your Scrap Car for Cash in Adelaide: Delve into the compelling reasons to sell your scrap car for cash in Adelaide with Adelaide Auto Recycling. The company outlines both the environmental and financial benefits, making a strong case for this eco-friendly practice and encouraging individuals to contribute to sustainable practices.
Most Useful Tips For Selling Your Junk Car for Cash: Navigating the process of selling your junk car for cash becomes seamless with Adelaide Auto Recycling's most useful tips. Gain valuable insights to maximize the profitability of your transaction, ensuring a win-win situation for both the seller and the environment.
A Guide to Sell Your Cars for Cash in Adelaide: For those considering selling their car for cash in Adelaide, Adelaide Auto Recycling offers a comprehensive guide to navigate the process. This step-by-step guide ensures a smooth and informed selling experience, reflecting the company's commitment to customer satisfaction and environmental responsibility.
Conclusion: Adelaide Auto Recycling stands tall as a leader in responsible recycling in Lonsdale, offering a diverse range of services to contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Whether recycling specific materials or disposing of an old car, Adelaide Auto Recycling provides efficient and environmentally responsible solutions, shaping a greener tomorrow.
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earthdove · 5 years ago
How do you learn so much detail about the degrees and houses and aspects and like what they translate to? Are there books on this? Or like blogs/online things
@ ijaadee on twitter is extremely insightful! I’m learning but it’s mainly just having knowledge on the house/degree/sign traits and functions, then coming to your own interpretation. I don’t know of any books but there’s a lot of online resources.
degree correspondence:
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traditional house meanings:
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other sites
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disorderofsevenstars · 4 years ago
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Degree symbol divination for August 2020: 17 Sagittarius (Strength, The Star; Fire/Air)
Kozminsky: Cupid, holding a broken arrow in his right hand and a miniature anchor in his left. "Denotes one of an artistic and romantic temperament, fond of the poetic and beautiful, and of that branch of science which lifts the soul of man beyond mere worldly limits up to the star-lands and the mountains of the moon. He may leave an enduring work of science, poetry, or romance. Whatever he does he has faith in, and whatever he does hits the mark. It is a symbol of Imparting." (Kozminsky)
Sabian: An easter sunrise service. "Spiritual living in conformity to natural law. Coming out of doubt and despair. Unwavering faith in a near higher power." (Cornerstone) "Extremes of experience are known by finding the lowest place, the darkest time, the emptiest space - and then out of the darkness, something is born. The original note card for Sagittarius 17 shows a main entry of 'An Easter service' written in large letters, with a smaller entry written and circled above reading 'early a.m.' Amongst the themes within Sagittarius 17, we find a sense of having broken out, broken free. However, there may be  a sense of utter failure... perhaps the break-out or out-break has not been successful. In this case, there is a suggestion of extremes, such as darkness and light, failure and the return of success, loss and a rebound for gain. Consequently, look for individuals who have a tendency to hit bottom and nearly give up through despair, only to find that they have a renewed life. For example, imagine petitioning a governing political body for a cause, but fail entirely in your aims. You may feel all is lost, then, it dawns upon you that all is not lost. Your efforts have given a new life to the matter, but in entirely unexpected ways." (Bovee)
Omega: A flame dancing at the top of a man’s head. "This degree lives in a state of being constantly reminded of source, of the spiritual light from which all has been generated. It realizes that no matter how diverse or in conflict the world of phenomenality may seem, that all is ultimately one, and that union with the light is a fact which we only need acknowledge to dispel darkness." (Sandbach)
Chandra: A monkey dressed in a brocade coat. "Playing with roles, masks, and the tricky side of life, you simulate whichever facet will optimize the situation. You're permitted great latitude in improvising and going off on tangents. Becoming constructively chaotic, harnessing the forces of the collective madness. Ingenious and witty and bright. Devoid of substance, virtually pure image. Having fun, and trying things on for size. Slipping in and slipping out. Playing games. You are also empowered from within to throw off all solemnities, and to free up situations whichever way it will work, without moral standards to inhibit the free flow of inventive enthusiasms." (Lonsdale) "The monkey is dressed in a refined and sophisticated garment but beneath that garment he is wild, playful, and free. This degree often clothes itself in outer trappings that are unlike its true nature. This is a means of hiding, when needed, as well as taking on roles just to imagine what it would be like to be something else very different from the self. It is good to be a light in the world, just as the man of the Omega Symbol has become like a candle. His flame is not steady – it dances, and as it dances at his crown chakra what is signified is the highest most spiritual type of play. Life is always and eternally joyful, and only becomes serious when we lose contact with this truth." (Sandbach)
Azoth: In a fireplace, a fire flares up for a moment and a baby phoenix hops out of it.
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rosebagbyastrology · 4 years ago
11/30 Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
The Full Moon and penumbral lunar eclipse will be exact at 4:30AM (precise midpoint at 4:43) at 8’38° Gemini. This marks the midpoint of the current lunar cycle which began on 11/14 with the New Moon in Scorpio.
This is a north node eclipse, and it is actually the FIRST north node eclipse in Gemini. The last north node eclipse with the node in Gemini was the summer solstice eclipse at the 1st degree of Cancer. Whatever House is ruled by Gemini in your chart is extra highlighted right now.
With this eclipse widely conjunct the north node, there will be revelations about our path of growth and evolution. Unfortunately, coming to these realizations may not be entirely pleasant, especially if the Universe is trying to show us what is karmic and keeping us in the past, preventing us from growth. This eclipse is showing us what we need to let go of.
This eclipse also makes intense aspects to the separating Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, which urges us to be aware of power/control dynamics operating behind the scenes, the way we perceive things, and how our thoughts are being influenced by others, especially the media. The moon will be sextile Chiron, so healing is possible, as long as you are willing to put in the work, see other people’s perspectives, open your mind, take accountability for your actions and face your shadows.
The south node will be conjunct asteroid Icarus, the mythical man who flew too close to the Sun. This exacerbates our karmic tendencies to self righteous thinking and the desire to escape responsibility/accountability. Watch out for impulsive actions and consider the consequences of what you say and do.
Neptune will be at a standstill, having just gone direct on the 28th. Now, Neptune will begin to inch closer into a T-square with the nodal axis in January 2021. With Neptune in Pisces and the south node in Sagittarius, our beliefs (spiritual, political, philosophical and more) can be founded on escapism and avoidance of reality.
Think about areas of your life where you may (consciously or subconsciously) refuse to see the truth. Where are you so myopically focused on your own perspective or desire to see things ONLY your way that you may be missing part of the bigger picture? Taking off the rose-colored glasses of Neptune will be the theme of the next couple months.
Interestingly, this eclipse also conjuncts Uranus in the United States’ chart. This can make for some unexpected and chaotic energy playing out in the country. In addition, Jupiter parallels Uranus just over an hour after the eclipse, which further accentuates the unpredictable Uranus energy at play.
This eclipse is preparing us for the winter solstice conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius. It is the yearly rebirth of the sun, and the start of a new Jupiter-Saturn cycle. It is also the consummation point of the Age of Aquarius. It’s incredibly rare and incredibly potent. A huge shift is coming.
The Sabian symbol for Gemini 8-9° is titled “a quiver filled with arrows” which represents mastery over the self. The keynote is man’s aggressive relationship to life as a basis for survival or conquest. This is what we need to change about our society: domination, power and control, war, aggression, etc,.
This keeps us divided, not unified and safe. If we view the mind as something to conquer, control or dominate, then we will continue to be stuck in the same old paradigms... but if we surrender the mind into the heart, something new will come forth and change us and our world forever, for the better.
by Ellias Lonsdale
“Gemini 9° ~ Wild flowers growing around the ruins of a temple.
When one cycle is over, another cycle can begin. As soon as we have remembered, we are onto something the previous patterns passed right over. What seemed almost trivial, decorative around the edges, now takes on the central prominence. We are divested of what had seemed to be our life. And now everything can begin.
Yet it’s not so neat and simple after all. It takes a tremendous burst of new life to overthrow the old forms and structures. And once we make way for that kind of wild momentum, it will tend to take charge completely, and before you know it, nothing is as it once was, all facets of self and world are completely up for grabs.
The sensation of cracking through into this permission for new worlds to be is more than intoxicating. It is a flooding, a rapture. We cannot contain it, control it, harness it. We are meant to become it’s seed bearer. And this may turn out to be a very tall order.
For everywhere we go, everything we do is radical, is transformative, is profoundly unsettling and provocative. We cannot stop stirring up the shared currents and making our whole world ripple with what we are experiencing. For we know it’s not ours, we know we must let it rip through freely.
There are so many ways we can cover this up. There are so many cycles we can tap to escape from the velocity of perpetual change. There are so many tasks we can take on, to turn this into more of a surfacey charm and a fascination with special effects.
But we are pursuing our own selves through the maze of time. The ecstatic one must be born. The conditional distancer has had their time. And so it does turn out that the brightness can no longer be discounted or denied. It turns up everywhere, turning the world inside out.”
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lifejustkeepsmewanting · 4 years ago
symbolic °s of the zodiac + their interpretations
featuring: Sepharial, Adriano Carelli, Charubel, Walter Henson, Kozminsky, Leinbach, Matthew, Weber, Muir, Dane Rudhyar & Elsie Wheeler, Janduz, Franz Bardon, Ellias Lonsdale, Cochrane
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