#longboard d fin
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#surfboard fin#longboard d fin#single fin for longboard#longboard pivot fin#longboard fin#longboard fins#single fin longboard#surf board fin#single fin#longboard single fin#single fin board#longboard surfboard fins#fin longboard#longboard fin types#d fin longboard#fin#best longboard fins#best longboard fin for noseriding#longboard fins for noseriding#types of longboard fins#best longboard fin#longboard vs shortboard#surfboard with fin#how to choose surfboard fins#how to choose a longboard surfboard#discountcode#20%discount#discount20%#deals#20%off
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dimanche ennui donc liste (certainement pas exhaustive) de moi à moi des artistes que j'ai déjà vu en concert, de ceux que je vois bientôt, de ceux que j'aimerais voir et de ceux que je RÊVE de pouvoir écouter en live un jour:
concerts faits dans un ordre totalement approximatif:
julien doré (petite, j'étais amoureuse de lui et je me souviens d'avoir eu mal au cœur quand il chantait winnipeg)
jeanne cherhal (petite aussi, j'étais absorbée car elle avait chanté quelques chansons suspendue à un cercle en l'air)
olivia ruiz (toute mon enfance)
la grande sophie
the dedicated nothing (ils ont fait un album on en a plus jamais entendu parler et je les avais vu dans une boutique longboard comme c'était des surfeurs mdr)
the dø (dans un festival paumé en vendée, j'étais la plus heureuse)
george ezra
the black lilys
radio elvis 2x
feu! chatterton 3x (j'ai l'impression de faire l'amour quand j'entends arthur teboul chanter en live, un des trois concerts était en plein air vers l'océan c'était beau et poétique)
grand blanc
clarika (toute mon enfance, dans la voiture avec ma mère)
the limiñanas (inattendu, jamais écouté avant de les voir mais si cher à mon cœur maintenant)
girls in hawaii (souvenirs d'adolescence)
genghar (concert avec mon père dernièrement, j'écoutais beaucoup adolescente aussi)
sallie ford 2x
norma 2x (elle fait fondre mon cœur j'aimerais qu'elle perce)
the twilight sad
las aves
prudence (la chanteuse de the dø, on avait gagné un concours avec ma sœur!!)
cate hortl
clara luciani 3x
pomme 2x
franz ferdinand 2x
arctic monkeys 2x (dont une fois catastrophique à rock en seine, des amitiés se sont brisées, des crises d'angoisses, un son merdique)
the strokes (son merdique et problèmes techniques car rock en seine mais j'étais au max)
ledher blue
the cure (que dire de plus??? 3h de the cure en live c'est le paradis)
depeche mode (que des bangers, je m'en remets pas encore)
pi ja ma (choupette, je l'aime depuis la nouvelle star)
delilah bon (à la fin de son concert on a eu droit à tous les chants de manifs de gauchos sans aucune raison pendant 20 minutes et c'était génial)
fontaines dc (je veux les revoir)
ethel cain (c'était thérapeutique)
angel olsen
lucy dacus (très vite)
tamino 4x (je l'adore de tout mon cœur mais je fais une pause je l'ai trop vu)
ko ko mo 7x ou plus?? (découverts dans un festival paumé en vendée, depuis on les voit tous les ans)
jesse jo stark (trop sexy)
clemence violence
jen cloher (lesbiennes australiennes je vous aime)
dynamite shakers
odezenne (j'ai pu chanter je veux te baiser en live c'était fantastique)
georgio (marque le début de la fin d'une amitié mais j'étais tellement heureuse ce soir là)
frank carter and the rattlesnakes (ma sœur qui se fait une entorse dans un pogo)
the mysterines
yeule (premier concert toute seule, il m'a fait du bien)
sorry (chanteuse toute timide toute choupi mais génial et j'ai pu crier les paroles de there's so many people that want to be loved)
alexandra savior (écoutez là c'est un ordre)
sarah maison
sextile (concert génial soirée traumatisante)
wunderhorse (de vrais anglais qui s'en branlent de tout c'était cool)
no elevator
emma peters (j'écoute pas mais sympa)
skip the use (j'y allais en mode souvenirs, j'avais jamais écouté ses récents albums et le gars est trop chaud en live)
agar agar
nada surf (le chanteur est trop gentil <3)
adrien gallo (à défaut d'avoir pu voir les bb brunes... et j'étais aussi amoureuse de lui petite)
therapie taxi
nova twins (un de mes meilleurs concerts elles avaient une énergie trop folle)
la femme (mes meilleurs pogos)
tori amos (concert avec ma mère, icone)
l'impératrice 3x (2 fois sans que je veuille vraiment juste ils étaient dans des festivals et j'en peux plus leur scéno c'est toujours la même et c'est mou)
snail mail (mou)
parcels (j'écoute pas mais en concert c'est fou)
tame impala (l'impression d'avoir pris du lsd pendant 1h30)
gaz coombes (le chanteur de supergrass!!)
idles (de loin mdr)
foals (mouais)
wet leg (absolument génial premier rang à crier toutes les paroles, tellement qu'il a plu et qu'on a fini le concert dans la boue)
yeah yeah yeahs
the murder capital (amoureuse)
suzie stapleton
maddy street (une copine de ma sœur, c’est trop bien)
origine club renommé bonne nuit (à revoir c’est des vendéens et j’adore les vendéens pas fachos)
alice et moi
prochains concerts:
stoned jesus
dionysos (cadeau de noël pour mes parents, ils nous ont bercé avec)
ethel cain (encore)
mannequin pussy
cherry glazerr
lana del rey!!!!!!!!!
ko ko mo (pour la millième fois mdr)
eartheather (j'ai eu une place alors qu'il n'y en avait plus??? yaayyy)
artistes que j'aimerais voir:
the marias (ils avaient annulé la seule date qu'ils faisaient en france alors qu'on avait nos places avec ma meilleure amie, on leur en veut encore)
anna calvi
bar italia
the last dinner party
coco & clair clair
dora jar
king krule (on m'a empêché de prendre une place la dernière fois car apparemment il chante mal en live)
beach house
lebanon hanover
japanese breakfast
sally dige
tove lo (je l'ai raté à rock en seine...)
tv girl
sir chloe
portugal. the man
last train
baxter dury
sophie meier
thao & the get down stay down
fka twigs
yelle (je serai une femme accomplie le jour où je l'aurai vu)
artistes que je rêve de voir dans mes rêves les plus fous:
soko (elle soignerait tous mes maux)
fiona apple (c'est beau de rêver)
the smashing pumpkins
courtney barnett (c'est une nécessité je connais tout par cœur)
siouxsie sioux
björk (ratée en septembre dernier...)
eels (mes parents y sont allés sans moi et sans me le dire????)
alt-j (j'écoute depuis trop longtemps pour ne jamais les avoir vu)
iggy pop (icone, il faut, et je suis amoureuse de lui)
new order
massive attack (si je craque pour rock en seine...)
emiliana torrini
she wants revenge
hope sandoval
sigur rós
arcade fire (je crois que le chanteur est un agresseur sexuel. bon.)
the last shadow puppets
the white stripes mais bon... ou jack white
madonna...... mais je suis pauvre
si une ��me charitable a tout lu et veut me fournir de quoi me payer des places de concerts je suis preneuse lol merci
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DORSAL Rudder Surf SUP Longboard Surfboard Fins (D-Fin) - Black
DORSAL Rudder Surf SUP Longboard Surfboard Fins (D-Fin) – Black
Rudder Fin (D-Fin) – Black This straight off the vintage floor, the 8.5″ D-Fin longboard fin is perfect for your old school longboard or collectible. With the most stability of any fin youre sure to enhance that nose ride. Gloss Finish modified version of the traditional D-fin. Ideal for the Surf Thump, and comparable pig style influenced shapes. Made in California by Dorsal.
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Beginning to foil a D fin for logging days. Always in the pursuit of trim. #longboard #fin #design #santabarbara #trim #dailyslide (at Santa Barbara, California)
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Picked up my new Go Green Surfboard today and went right to Sano. Wow! So much fun with this magic board! Stoked! Thank you Jim! 10'2" 19 lb rounded pin, single D fin. #gogreensurfboards (at Huntington Beach Longboard Crew) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vFcQZn76Ftoo7RcguuDIdTVe2l-B-InI6oc80/?igshid=18cjl9sf19vza
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Enfin j’ai compris.
Cette fois est bien différente des autres, je l’espère et j’y crois.
Depuis quelques années ma vie semblait être un piège qui se refermait lentement sur moi. Pourtant j’avais tout pour être heureuse, des amis, de l’argent, un appartement, des vacances en famille, des études intéressantes... Mais je n’étais jamais pleinement satisfaites. Comme une poignée de sable, le bonheur glissait sans que je puisse l’attraper. Je n’étais heureuse qu’ivre, ou adorée. Et le reste du temps, je me sentais misérable. Je me sentais misérable quand les autres ne me prêtaient pas d’attention, pas autant que celle que je leur accordais. Je n’avais jamais l’impression d’être assez.
Je pensais qu’en bientôt 6 ans de fac j’avais évolué. Mais j’ai retrouvé un journal de ma première année, car j’avais oublié le mien chez mon père et j’avais besoin d’écrire. Les choses écrites dedans sont si triviales... si bêtes! Je ne parle que de mon poids, de la nécessité de faire un régime, de ce que j’ai mangé, des fringues que j’ai envie d’acheter, à quel point la fac c’est duuuur même si je n’y foutais pas les pieds et ne travaillais que ponctuellement, et les seuls moments de lumière sont ceux où j’ai passé quelques bons moments avec mes amis. On est loin du cahier philosophique.. Ce qui est drôle, c’est que récemment, traversant une période difficile, je repensais à ces premières années de fac qui me semblaient si insouciantes.. et pourtant en relisant mon journal, certaines pages indiquent “je n’ai rien fait de la journée”, “journée vide”...
Et c’est à ce moment là que j’ai compris plusieurs choses :
- Je fais dépendre mon bien être des gens qui m’entourent ;
-Alors au lieu de me lancer dans des projets, j’attends que quelqu’un m’en proposent;
-J’essaye d’être quelqu’un d’autre, de copier au lieu de me découvrir moi même;
-J’étais une enfant “en avance” et on m’a souvent répétée que j’étais intelligente jeune, mais en relisant ce journal de 1ère année je me suis rendue compte que j’étais quelqu’un de bête, et de superficiel et que j’avais trop compté sur mes atouts sans chercher à les approfondir. Il faut se rappeler de ne jamais rien prendre pour acquis et d chercher à apprendre quelquechose tous les jours;
-Je ne travaille pas assez à la faculté, vraiment pas. Le travail passe au dernier plan, et comme une énorme corvée. Sans finalité, sans approfondissement, mes études ont perdu tout leur sens.
-Je ne prends pas soin de ma santé, je mange trop, je me laisse aller. Je fume un paquet par jour depuis 6 ans.
-Tous ces rêves que j’ai eu, faire du longboard, du surf, jouer de la guitare, prendre des photos... A force d’attendre se tarissent et j’en arrive à oublier même mes envies et désirs.
-Je n’ai aucun sens de l’argent, je suis toujours à découvert, sans avoir l’impression d’en profiter finalement, et je n’économise pas pour les choses que je veux vraiment.
-Les gens se détournent de moi, car mon manque d’activités et de passions, me rendent dépendantes des autres pour me nourrir. Sans cesse être obligée de me vendre en étant gentille et en faisant des blagues pour combler une personnalité en manque de réalisation personnelle.
Il est donc grand temps de prendre mes responsabilités et de combler cette vie, morceau par morceau, heure par heure, envie par envie, désir par désir, projet par projet.
Il me faut donc respecter quelques principes cardinaux désormais :
-Perfection is the enemy of the good
- Je prends en main ma santé, arrêter de fumer et arrêter de trop manger. Prendre soin de moi, de façon consciente et responsable.
-J’arrête de dépenser l’argent dans des bêtises et que je le place intelligemment dans ce que j’ai envie de faire et d’avoir et que je travaille si j’en ai besoin de plus,
- Je travaille régulièrement, 8-19h tous les jours avec l’envie d’apprendre et de devenir une personne singulière avec un esprit affûté,
* J’apprends mes cours au fur et à mesure
*Je fais mon travail en TD
*Je lis le journal tous les jours.
-Je deviens une personne autonome
*Je cherche un travail
* Je cherche un stage
* Je passe mon code et mon permis
-J’arrête de penser aux autres et je me concentre sur moi
-Quand j’ai du temps libre, j’écrit ou je lis, ou je sors, je fais du sport, de la musique. Internet est BANNI.
-Mon corps doit servir mon esprit et pas l’inverse. La beauté n’est qu’un moyen pas une fin.
-Je n’oublie pas mes RÊVES et je me concentre dessus. Mes rêves, pas ceux des autres, pas ceux qui incluent des autres. Les miens uniquement.
Sur ce je vais me coucher, je ne sais pas comment je vais tenir avec 3h de sommeil demain mais vive le café!!!
Bonne nuiiit.
#P/S : Her tan is so beautiful and calming!!!#pic credit#matilda djerf#feeling better#recovery#french#focused#calm and happy#and serene
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Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates]
Rigid Epoxy 10'5" width="337" />
This mannequin presents a generous width and thickness in a basic longboard shape; it’s a one-board answer for paddlers wanting stability and versatility in both flat water and small-to-medium surf. This board is each durable and light-weight, so it’s very straightforward to transport and maneuver.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Comes with Traction Pad, Adjustable Carbon Shaft / Plastic Blade Paddle, and Middle Fin
Ultimate for paddle board yoga, surfing , fishing, carrying youngsters and beginner to intermediate talent ranges.
Outside Tuff SUP OTF-10326SUP Inflatable Paddle Board
Though not one of many more widespread manufacturers within the business, this iSUP provides durability and a excessive weight restrict at an reasonably priced value.
The Outside Tuff SUP Inflatable Paddle Board is moveable and durable, making it good for any water sport fanatic. Gliding by way of the water on this board is the right method to unwind and take within the scenery. At only 40-pounds, this board is designed to be light-weight and ultra-portable, making it straightforward to move and store in the included backpack.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Consists of backpack, removable fin, aluminum paddle that adjusts from 61.5-inches to 80-inches, (5) D-rings and bungee for storage, ankle leash, and restore package
The massive non-slip pad keeps you snug and safe
Pau Hana Oahu Woody Stand Up Paddle Board – 10′
While a bit costlier that some fashions, this Pau Hana board is a magnificence that performs properly in the water and helps heavier individuals.
A basic nostril rider with critical island fashion, the Pau Hana Oahu Woody get up paddle board helps hold you above the water as an alternative of in it—and appears nice hung up after a day of paddling.
Prime features:
263 lbs weight restrict
Epoxy fiberglass sandwich development is made with bamboo veneer and EPS; board is completely wrapped with 100% wooden veneer
The 5-fin setup lets you configure the board as a single fin, thruster or quad, giving choices for progress and performance
SeaMount® patented accent attachment system makes it simple so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and bungee tie-downs to your board
Pau Hana Malibu Basic Stand Up Paddle Board with Paddle – 10’6″
Considered one of our favorite SUPs for 2019, this Pau Hana mannequin is perfect for these with somewhat additional weight that needs supported out on the water.
Constructed for every part from touring to surfing, the 10 ft. 6 in. Pau Hana Malibu Basic get up paddle board with paddle is right for entry-level paddlers in search of a cushty and durable board.
We love that it’s a highly durable board—at an reasonably priced worth—that can stand up to taking a beating from paddles, elbows or rocks.
Prime options:
249 lbs weight limit
Vacuum Shaped Know-how (VFT) and ABS plastic sandwiched across the EPS core makes the board extremely sturdy
Features SeaMount®, an adjunct attachment system that makes it actually easy so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and easy-to-thread bungee tie-downs
Comes with the Malibu adjustable aluminum paddle
Isle Cruiser 10’5 Mushy Prime Stand Up Paddle Board Evaluation
Another nice selection for a short board iSUP for heavier individuals is this mannequin from Isle. General, Isle makes fairly nice paddle boards, however this one is the most effective for individuals over 200 pounds. The load restrict on this one is slightly decrease than the Tower Adventurer at just 275 kilos. Still although, it is a good selection for lots of massive guy and women out there.
In contrast to the Tower Adventurer, this board isn’t an inflatable. It is a inflexible board made out of a delicate serve foam that’s 5-inches thick. So, the steadiness is nearly nearly as good because the Tower iSUP and higher than numerous other SUPs out there. You truly get really good stability in all kinds of water with this Isle SUP. So, take it out on the river or within the ocean for some small waves.
>>Click on right here for Amazon worth
With this Isle get up paddle board, you get an adjustable paddle, a carry handle, the removable fin, and a surf leash. So, principally you get every part that you could immediately hit the water once this thing arrives at your own home.
Editor’s word: Sadly the iSUP under is not out there in 2019.
airSUP 12’6″x30″x6″ Inflatable SUP Evaluate
This airSUP board is an effective selection if you would like an affordable get up paddle board for heavier individuals. Until you’re browsing, the load limit is 400 pounds. For surfing, it’s only 220 lbs although so that you’ll need to get a unique board for those who wanna surf some waves together with your iSUP.
This inflatable SUP comes with a pump, repair package, fin and carry bag. So, there isn’t a paddle included however that’s okay cause you should purchase one for reasonable on your own. General though, this can be a fairly good worth iSUP for the money in case you are an obese paddler.
>>Click here for Amazon worth
The design of this board makes it perform nicely in small waves in addition to racing. But, additionally it is an excellent selection on your just your common flat water cruising – just take into account that if you wish to take out in the ocean, then you’ll be able to anticipate good things from the board on the subject of efficiency in the water.
Shawna Newman
Shawna presently lives in Las Vegas where she will get in a lot of great climbing at Purple Rock Canyon and Valley of Hearth State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to go to every one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoor exercise is mountaineering and her favourite Nationwide Park (to date) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
Latest posts by Shawna Newman (see all)
The post Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates] appeared first on DWJ Tech.
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Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates]
Rigid Epoxy 10'5" width="337" />
This mannequin presents a generous width and thickness in a basic longboard shape; it’s a one-board answer for paddlers wanting stability and versatility in both flat water and small-to-medium surf. This board is each durable and light-weight, so it’s very straightforward to transport and maneuver.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Comes with Traction Pad, Adjustable Carbon Shaft / Plastic Blade Paddle, and Middle Fin
Ultimate for paddle board yoga, surfing , fishing, carrying youngsters and beginner to intermediate talent ranges.
Outside Tuff SUP OTF-10326SUP Inflatable Paddle Board
Though not one of many more widespread manufacturers within the business, this iSUP provides durability and a excessive weight restrict at an reasonably priced value.
The Outside Tuff SUP Inflatable Paddle Board is moveable and durable, making it good for any water sport fanatic. Gliding by way of the water on this board is the right method to unwind and take within the scenery. At only 40-pounds, this board is designed to be light-weight and ultra-portable, making it straightforward to move and store in the included backpack.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Consists of backpack, removable fin, aluminum paddle that adjusts from 61.5-inches to 80-inches, (5) D-rings and bungee for storage, ankle leash, and restore package
The massive non-slip pad keeps you snug and safe
Pau Hana Oahu Woody Stand Up Paddle Board – 10′
While a bit costlier that some fashions, this Pau Hana board is a magnificence that performs properly in the water and helps heavier individuals.
A basic nostril rider with critical island fashion, the Pau Hana Oahu Woody get up paddle board helps hold you above the water as an alternative of in it—and appears nice hung up after a day of paddling.
Prime features:
263 lbs weight restrict
Epoxy fiberglass sandwich development is made with bamboo veneer and EPS; board is completely wrapped with 100% wooden veneer
The 5-fin setup lets you configure the board as a single fin, thruster or quad, giving choices for progress and performance
SeaMount® patented accent attachment system makes it simple so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and bungee tie-downs to your board
Pau Hana Malibu Basic Stand Up Paddle Board with Paddle – 10’6″
Considered one of our favorite SUPs for 2019, this Pau Hana mannequin is perfect for these with somewhat additional weight that needs supported out on the water.
Constructed for every part from touring to surfing, the 10 ft. 6 in. Pau Hana Malibu Basic get up paddle board with paddle is right for entry-level paddlers in search of a cushty and durable board.
We love that it’s a highly durable board—at an reasonably priced worth—that can stand up to taking a beating from paddles, elbows or rocks.
Prime options:
249 lbs weight limit
Vacuum Shaped Know-how (VFT) and ABS plastic sandwiched across the EPS core makes the board extremely sturdy
Features SeaMount®, an adjunct attachment system that makes it actually easy so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and easy-to-thread bungee tie-downs
Comes with the Malibu adjustable aluminum paddle
Isle Cruiser 10’5 Mushy Prime Stand Up Paddle Board Evaluation
Another nice selection for a short board iSUP for heavier individuals is this mannequin from Isle. General, Isle makes fairly nice paddle boards, however this one is the most effective for individuals over 200 pounds. The load restrict on this one is slightly decrease than the Tower Adventurer at just 275 kilos. Still although, it is a good selection for lots of massive guy and women out there.
In contrast to the Tower Adventurer, this board isn’t an inflatable. It is a inflexible board made out of a delicate serve foam that’s 5-inches thick. So, the steadiness is nearly nearly as good because the Tower iSUP and higher than numerous other SUPs out there. You truly get really good stability in all kinds of water with this Isle SUP. So, take it out on the river or within the ocean for some small waves.
>>Click on right here for Amazon worth
With this Isle get up paddle board, you get an adjustable paddle, a carry handle, the removable fin, and a surf leash. So, principally you get every part that you could immediately hit the water once this thing arrives at your own home.
Editor’s word: Sadly the iSUP under is not out there in 2019.
airSUP 12’6″x30″x6″ Inflatable SUP Evaluate
This airSUP board is an effective selection if you would like an affordable get up paddle board for heavier individuals. Until you’re browsing, the load limit is 400 pounds. For surfing, it’s only 220 lbs although so that you’ll need to get a unique board for those who wanna surf some waves together with your iSUP.
This inflatable SUP comes with a pump, repair package, fin and carry bag. So, there isn’t a paddle included however that’s okay cause you should purchase one for reasonable on your own. General though, this can be a fairly good worth iSUP for the money in case you are an obese paddler.
>>Click here for Amazon worth
The design of this board makes it perform nicely in small waves in addition to racing. But, additionally it is an excellent selection on your just your common flat water cruising – just take into account that if you wish to take out in the ocean, then you’ll be able to anticipate good things from the board on the subject of efficiency in the water.
Shawna Newman
Shawna presently lives in Las Vegas where she will get in a lot of great climbing at Purple Rock Canyon and Valley of Hearth State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to go to every one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoor exercise is mountaineering and her favourite Nationwide Park (to date) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
Latest posts by Shawna Newman (see all)
The post Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates] appeared first on DWJ Tech.
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Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates]
Rigid Epoxy 10'5" width="337" />
This mannequin presents a generous width and thickness in a basic longboard shape; it’s a one-board answer for paddlers wanting stability and versatility in both flat water and small-to-medium surf. This board is each durable and light-weight, so it’s very straightforward to transport and maneuver.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Comes with Traction Pad, Adjustable Carbon Shaft / Plastic Blade Paddle, and Middle Fin
Ultimate for paddle board yoga, surfing , fishing, carrying youngsters and beginner to intermediate talent ranges.
Outside Tuff SUP OTF-10326SUP Inflatable Paddle Board
Though not one of many more widespread manufacturers within the business, this iSUP provides durability and a excessive weight restrict at an reasonably priced value.
The Outside Tuff SUP Inflatable Paddle Board is moveable and durable, making it good for any water sport fanatic. Gliding by way of the water on this board is the right method to unwind and take within the scenery. At only 40-pounds, this board is designed to be light-weight and ultra-portable, making it straightforward to move and store in the included backpack.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Consists of backpack, removable fin, aluminum paddle that adjusts from 61.5-inches to 80-inches, (5) D-rings and bungee for storage, ankle leash, and restore package
The massive non-slip pad keeps you snug and safe
Pau Hana Oahu Woody Stand Up Paddle Board – 10′
While a bit costlier that some fashions, this Pau Hana board is a magnificence that performs properly in the water and helps heavier individuals.
A basic nostril rider with critical island fashion, the Pau Hana Oahu Woody get up paddle board helps hold you above the water as an alternative of in it—and appears nice hung up after a day of paddling.
Prime features:
263 lbs weight restrict
Epoxy fiberglass sandwich development is made with bamboo veneer and EPS; board is completely wrapped with 100% wooden veneer
The 5-fin setup lets you configure the board as a single fin, thruster or quad, giving choices for progress and performance
SeaMount® patented accent attachment system makes it simple so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and bungee tie-downs to your board
Pau Hana Malibu Basic Stand Up Paddle Board with Paddle – 10’6″
Considered one of our favorite SUPs for 2019, this Pau Hana mannequin is perfect for these with somewhat additional weight that needs supported out on the water.
Constructed for every part from touring to surfing, the 10 ft. 6 in. Pau Hana Malibu Basic get up paddle board with paddle is right for entry-level paddlers in search of a cushty and durable board.
We love that it’s a highly durable board—at an reasonably priced worth—that can stand up to taking a beating from paddles, elbows or rocks.
Prime options:
249 lbs weight limit
Vacuum Shaped Know-how (VFT) and ABS plastic sandwiched across the EPS core makes the board extremely sturdy
Features SeaMount®, an adjunct attachment system that makes it actually easy so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and easy-to-thread bungee tie-downs
Comes with the Malibu adjustable aluminum paddle
Isle Cruiser 10’5 Mushy Prime Stand Up Paddle Board Evaluation
Another nice selection for a short board iSUP for heavier individuals is this mannequin from Isle. General, Isle makes fairly nice paddle boards, however this one is the most effective for individuals over 200 pounds. The load restrict on this one is slightly decrease than the Tower Adventurer at just 275 kilos. Still although, it is a good selection for lots of massive guy and women out there.
In contrast to the Tower Adventurer, this board isn’t an inflatable. It is a inflexible board made out of a delicate serve foam that’s 5-inches thick. So, the steadiness is nearly nearly as good because the Tower iSUP and higher than numerous other SUPs out there. You truly get really good stability in all kinds of water with this Isle SUP. So, take it out on the river or within the ocean for some small waves.
>>Click on right here for Amazon worth
With this Isle get up paddle board, you get an adjustable paddle, a carry handle, the removable fin, and a surf leash. So, principally you get every part that you could immediately hit the water once this thing arrives at your own home.
Editor’s word: Sadly the iSUP under is not out there in 2019.
airSUP 12’6″x30″x6″ Inflatable SUP Evaluate
This airSUP board is an effective selection if you would like an affordable get up paddle board for heavier individuals. Until you’re browsing, the load limit is 400 pounds. For surfing, it’s only 220 lbs although so that you’ll need to get a unique board for those who wanna surf some waves together with your iSUP.
This inflatable SUP comes with a pump, repair package, fin and carry bag. So, there isn’t a paddle included however that’s okay cause you should purchase one for reasonable on your own. General though, this can be a fairly good worth iSUP for the money in case you are an obese paddler.
>>Click here for Amazon worth
The design of this board makes it perform nicely in small waves in addition to racing. But, additionally it is an excellent selection on your just your common flat water cruising – just take into account that if you wish to take out in the ocean, then you’ll be able to anticipate good things from the board on the subject of efficiency in the water.
Shawna Newman
Shawna presently lives in Las Vegas where she will get in a lot of great climbing at Purple Rock Canyon and Valley of Hearth State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to go to every one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoor exercise is mountaineering and her favourite Nationwide Park (to date) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
Latest posts by Shawna Newman (see all)
The post Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates] appeared first on DWJ Tech.
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Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates]
Rigid Epoxy 10'5" width="337" />
This mannequin presents a generous width and thickness in a basic longboard shape; it’s a one-board answer for paddlers wanting stability and versatility in both flat water and small-to-medium surf. This board is each durable and light-weight, so it’s very straightforward to transport and maneuver.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Comes with Traction Pad, Adjustable Carbon Shaft / Plastic Blade Paddle, and Middle Fin
Ultimate for paddle board yoga, surfing , fishing, carrying youngsters and beginner to intermediate talent ranges.
Outside Tuff SUP OTF-10326SUP Inflatable Paddle Board
Though not one of many more widespread manufacturers within the business, this iSUP provides durability and a excessive weight restrict at an reasonably priced value.
The Outside Tuff SUP Inflatable Paddle Board is moveable and durable, making it good for any water sport fanatic. Gliding by way of the water on this board is the right method to unwind and take within the scenery. At only 40-pounds, this board is designed to be light-weight and ultra-portable, making it straightforward to move and store in the included backpack.
Prime options:
275 lbs weight limit
Consists of backpack, removable fin, aluminum paddle that adjusts from 61.5-inches to 80-inches, (5) D-rings and bungee for storage, ankle leash, and restore package
The massive non-slip pad keeps you snug and safe
Pau Hana Oahu Woody Stand Up Paddle Board – 10′
While a bit costlier that some fashions, this Pau Hana board is a magnificence that performs properly in the water and helps heavier individuals.
A basic nostril rider with critical island fashion, the Pau Hana Oahu Woody get up paddle board helps hold you above the water as an alternative of in it—and appears nice hung up after a day of paddling.
Prime features:
263 lbs weight restrict
Epoxy fiberglass sandwich development is made with bamboo veneer and EPS; board is completely wrapped with 100% wooden veneer
The 5-fin setup lets you configure the board as a single fin, thruster or quad, giving choices for progress and performance
SeaMount® patented accent attachment system makes it simple so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and bungee tie-downs to your board
Pau Hana Malibu Basic Stand Up Paddle Board with Paddle – 10’6″
Considered one of our favorite SUPs for 2019, this Pau Hana mannequin is perfect for these with somewhat additional weight that needs supported out on the water.
Constructed for every part from touring to surfing, the 10 ft. 6 in. Pau Hana Malibu Basic get up paddle board with paddle is right for entry-level paddlers in search of a cushty and durable board.
We love that it’s a highly durable board—at an reasonably priced worth—that can stand up to taking a beating from paddles, elbows or rocks.
Prime options:
249 lbs weight limit
Vacuum Shaped Know-how (VFT) and ABS plastic sandwiched across the EPS core makes the board extremely sturdy
Features SeaMount®, an adjunct attachment system that makes it actually easy so as to add cup holders, paddle clips and easy-to-thread bungee tie-downs
Comes with the Malibu adjustable aluminum paddle
Isle Cruiser 10’5 Mushy Prime Stand Up Paddle Board Evaluation
Another nice selection for a short board iSUP for heavier individuals is this mannequin from Isle. General, Isle makes fairly nice paddle boards, however this one is the most effective for individuals over 200 pounds. The load restrict on this one is slightly decrease than the Tower Adventurer at just 275 kilos. Still although, it is a good selection for lots of massive guy and women out there.
In contrast to the Tower Adventurer, this board isn’t an inflatable. It is a inflexible board made out of a delicate serve foam that’s 5-inches thick. So, the steadiness is nearly nearly as good because the Tower iSUP and higher than numerous other SUPs out there. You truly get really good stability in all kinds of water with this Isle SUP. So, take it out on the river or within the ocean for some small waves.
>>Click on right here for Amazon worth
With this Isle get up paddle board, you get an adjustable paddle, a carry handle, the removable fin, and a surf leash. So, principally you get every part that you could immediately hit the water once this thing arrives at your own home.
Editor’s word: Sadly the iSUP under is not out there in 2019.
airSUP 12’6″x30″x6″ Inflatable SUP Evaluate
This airSUP board is an effective selection if you would like an affordable get up paddle board for heavier individuals. Until you’re browsing, the load limit is 400 pounds. For surfing, it’s only 220 lbs although so that you’ll need to get a unique board for those who wanna surf some waves together with your iSUP.
This inflatable SUP comes with a pump, repair package, fin and carry bag. So, there isn’t a paddle included however that’s okay cause you should purchase one for reasonable on your own. General though, this can be a fairly good worth iSUP for the money in case you are an obese paddler.
>>Click here for Amazon worth
The design of this board makes it perform nicely in small waves in addition to racing. But, additionally it is an excellent selection on your just your common flat water cruising – just take into account that if you wish to take out in the ocean, then you’ll be able to anticipate good things from the board on the subject of efficiency in the water.
Shawna Newman
Shawna presently lives in Las Vegas where she will get in a lot of great climbing at Purple Rock Canyon and Valley of Hearth State Park. When she has time, she visits National Parks in a quest to go to every one in the U.S. Shawna’s favorite outdoor exercise is mountaineering and her favourite Nationwide Park (to date) is Badlands National Park in South Dakota.
Latest posts by Shawna Newman (see all)
The post Best SUP For Big Guys (and Ladies, Too!) [2019 Weight Limit Updates] appeared first on DWJ Tech.
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Arrow Longboard Single Fin (excelsior / outer mission) $675
Logging waves are upon us so come take this log of my hands. It's too big for me but someone will enjoy this single fin. It's not the CJ model but it's close. Blended concave, foiled, noserider. Comes with fin. Some minor scratches and tiny breaks in ... from Craigslist https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sfc/spo/d/san-francisco-arrow-longboard-single-fin/6871297448.html Fraud Bloggs made possible by: http://circuitgenie.wix.com/techsupport
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Beginning to foil a D fin for logging days. Always in the pursuit of trim. #longboard #fin #design #santabarbara #trim #dailyslide (at Santa Barbara, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BeEk9GAnEPA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=42jezp9tlr5o
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Les vagues rapides et creuses d’Hossegor attirent un nombre croissant de surfeurs du monde entier. La plage d’Hossegor s’étend sur trois kilomètres, et bien qu’il ne s’agisse que d’une seule étendue de sable, il y a quatre spots de surf très particuliers sur Hossegor. Au sud des Estagnots, Les Culs Nus comble le fossé entre les plages de Seignosse et les légendaires tubes d’Hossegor de La Gravière. En son jour, La Nord, peut maintenir la forme jusqu’à 6 m. La Sud est l’endroit le plus convivial pour les débutants.
En tant que destination de surf, Hossegor répond à toutes les attentes: belle plage, eau chaude, houle régulière et bancs de sable qui remuent régulièrement des vagues turquoise de 2 mètres. Ajoutez à cela une dose de style de vie à la française, du café et des croissants, deux heures de déjeuners et de bronzage après le surf et il est facile de voir pourquoi les surfeurs comme le vétéran de l’ASP, Kevin Olsen, sont venus ici.
Le meilleur moment de l’année pour faire du surf à Hossegor
Hossegor est l’un des spots de surf les plus constants de France et vous aurez une vague ici quelle que soit la période de l’année. Cela dit, il y a une énorme variation dans les conditions entre les saisons.
En juillet et août, les vagues sont petites et amusantes mais les principaux sommets le long de la plage seront remplis de surfeurs qui voyagent. Quand c’est sur, vous aurez toujours une belle vague punchy à La Graviere et Les Culs Nus, mais ce sont les mois d’été de pointe où vous êtes le plus susceptible d’obtenir un spot plat. Vous devez être vraiment malchanceux pour ne pas avoir de vagues pendant une semaine de vacances à Hossegor, même en plein été.
Mai et juin sont de beaux mois pour un voyage de surf à Hossegor. La houle houleuse de l’hiver et les grandes marées printanières se sont calmées, mais il y a toujours une bonne poussée vers les vagues, l’eau se réchauffe et les touristes doivent encore arriver.
Septembre et octobre sont sans doute la meilleure période de l’année. L’eau est encore assez chaude pour surfer, les vagues commencent à prendre de l’ampleur et les hordes de touristes sont rentrées chez elles. C’est à ce moment que se déroule le WSL Quik Pro France et il y a toujours une bonne ambiance en ville.
De novembre à avril, on peut s’attendre à de gros tonneaux lourds, à une grande quantité d’eau qui se déplace et à des bancs de sable toujours changeants dans les grandes marées printanières. Vous devez être en forme pour surfer sur Hossegor en hiver, ou vous vous retrouvez à faire beaucoup de plongée sous-marine avec de très petites vagues. Si vous êtes en forme, il y a d’énormes récompenses à avoir et vous pourriez surfer la vague de votre vie.
Hossegor Prévisions de Surf
Prévisions météo Hossegor, Les Culs Nus – bulletin d’état et les conditions de surf les 3 prochains jours avec les conditions de neige, y compris la hauteur des vagues, la direction des vagues et la période des vagues, la direction du vent et les prévisions météo.
Mick Fanning prend l’air au Quik Pro France
Le Quik Pro 2017 se déroulera principalement à La Gravière, le fameux hotspot du barrage de Hossegor au sud des Estagnots et au nord de La Centrale. Le site de compétition mesure 200 m de large, sur la longueur de deux terrains de rugby. À La Gravière, plusieurs bancs de sable fonctionnent et les pics sont toujours aussi lourds. Attendez-vous à quelques gouttes radicales et de superbes tours en baril.
Comme toujours avec les compétions de surf en France, vous devez être flexible et prêt à passer au meilleur endroit dans un bref délai. En gardant à l’esprit que nous sommes en territoire beach break et que la houle est prévue pour les gros surf, si les berges de la Gravière se déplacent et qu’aucun de ces pics ne fonctionnent, la compétition pourrait se déplacer vers le nord aux Culs Nus.
Comme nous l’avons vu fin septembre, La Gravière sort cette année des vagues de classe mondiale. Et, avec une grosse houle attendue pendant la première semaine de compétition, nous devrions être dans un bon spectacle. Les surfeurs seront comblés car La Gravière est la vague avec les meilleurs barils d’Hossegor. La Gravière est juste en face de la plate-forme continentale du golfe de Gascogne qui crée une vague unique et puissante qui semble parfois se briser sur la plage. Idéal pour les spectateurs et excitant pour les surfeurs. Mais que la compétition reste à La Gravière ou déménage aux Culs Nus ou encore plus au nord à Seignosse, vous pouvez garantir qu’il y aura des tonneaux.
À la fin de la journée, le vent peut changer, les berges peuvent bouger et la houle peut monter ou descendre. La seule chose dont vous pouvez être sûr avec le Quik Pro France, c’est que vous ne pouvez pas prédire le surf! Cependant, les bancs de sable semblent bons et quelques vagues sérieuses sont attendues, au moins pendant la première semaine de la compétition.
Les spots de surf d’Hossegor
Hossegor reste fidèle à sa réputation de destination de surf difficile. Les bancs de sable en constante évolution, les énormes marées, la direction variable de la houle et le vent en constante évolution vous permettent de faire face à une grande variété de conditions lors d’un court voyage de surf.
Hossegor a ce facteur «on ne sait jamais ce qui va se passer». Les sections de tube peuvent rester ouvertes pour vous ou elles pourraient venir s’écraser sur votre tête. En conséquence, Hossegor s’adresse aux surfeurs en paddle qui recherchent activement leur position et se préparent à l’emporter sur des décollages 50/50.
1. Les Culs Nus
Les Culs Nus se transforment en nudiste, et oui, le décor peut être un peu distrayant quand vous essayez de vous concentrer sur la prochaine section de vague! Réputé pour être l’endroit le plus “chaud” d’Hossegor, il y a des vagues qui se chevauchent ici d’un demi-mètre à plus de 2,5 mètres. Il fonctionne à marée basse, à marée haute et dans une houle du nord ou du sud. Vous pouvez vous attendre à une vague rapide et percutante avec une pente abrupte qui comble le fossé entre les beachbreaks classiques de Seignosse, plus au nord, et les tonneaux d’ Hossegor de La Gravière.
2. La Gravière
Incontestablement l’un des meilleurs beachbreaks du monde, La Gravière est le rêve du Surfeur. Rapide, creuse et à lèvres épaisses, la vague aspire le sable du fond et claque sur la plage. Ajouter des déchirures puissantes et locaux de protection au mélange et vous avez une tache nouée réservée aux surfeurs experts seulement. La Gravière fonctionne mieux sur une marée descendante et peut maintenir une forme jusqu’à 2,5 mètres. Sur une marée montante…
3. La Nord
La Grande vague d’Hossegor, La Nord, peut garder une forme jusqu’à 6 m et est l’un des seuls spots de surf de cette partie de la côte landaise lorsque la houle atteint 3 m. La Nord est l’endroit de prédilection pour la compétition annuelle de surf hivernal Rip Curl Challenge de La Nord qui réunit quelques-uns des meilleurs surfeurs de grandes vagues de France, dont Benjamin Sanchis et Eric Rebiere pagayant dans des monstres de 5 m.Se garer devant le Boulevard de la Dune, l’endroit se trouve en face du club de surf d’Hossegor.
4. La Sud
Au sud de La Centrale, vers le phare, se trouve l’endroit le plus abrité d’Hossegor. Pour les débutants, La Sud est populaire auprès des écoles de surf et des kamikazes pour la première fois et c’est un pandémonium absolu en plein été. La vague à l’extrémité sud de la plage a un décollage moins profond qui plaît aux longboarders. D’autres pics ont tendance à jeter surtout des gauches. La pause fonctionne mieux quelques heures avant la marée haute et cesse de travailler à marée haute. Hors saison, quand il fait grand plus au nord, La Sud attire la foule intermédiaire.
L’article Surf à Hossegor : La gravière, La Nord, La Sud, Les Cul-Nus est apparu en premier sur Les Landes.
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stand up bodyboarding
It is reliable and exceptionally resistant up to its polyethylene core made from medium density foam and closed cells of solid polymer chains that make this board suitable Both with hot water and cold water. Several models are available which include panels of 48 and 54 ha..
It is built exceptionally strong to handle the heavy person (over 220 pounds) or too large (more than 6 people), but it floats like a longboard and maneuver like a short board.
As the board catches, place the heels of your hands along the rails of the board just under your chest and jump upward with your upper body, and press evenly on both hands to hold stable board.
Paddle for a wave mainly with your arms and kick with your legs.
In a quick motion, bend / lift your lower body out of the board with your hips, and use your core to stain your body and rotate your legs underneath you as you would for surfing.
These lightweight panels are made with a water-resistant double core and have a polyethylene bridge and a high-density polyethylene lining.
These features - strength and agility - with an incredibly light weight, are monumental for it to be a high-performance array.
When this yellow flag with the black ball is high at the beach to signal the surfers out of the water, take your Stubbie and come back there for more waves. Like a bodyboarder, you do not have ailerons on your board. A core of kinetic polypropylene and two CFT rails give the 46 or 56 ft table its rigid and solid construction. Other features include a premium Wave Cushion Air NXL luxury deck, a high density polyethylene bottom with channels and a crescent design.
As with both of these activities, you must learn to read the waves and access the position to catch them.
With this panel, you can go without end or add a single fin or two ailerons. These boards make the most of the small, sweaty summer waves, shoreline waves and beach breaks.
As surfing, you do not carry fins on your feet.
A well-designed and constructed panel, the longer length available facilitates the autonomy and the quilt for those who are just beginning to learn.
Featuring BZ patented Dual Variable Flex Stringers (VFS), an innovative chest lip and an exclusively blended BZ version of a polypropylene core called Zero-G, this card is incredibly durable and strong, but flexible and fast to ride. The maneuver relies heavily on the weight of the hip and heel more on the tail, as on a surfboard.
Catch Surf Beater Board
The Beater Boards of Catch Surf are ideal for people who have never surfed, have limited knowledge about surfing or who teach others to surf. The placement of the feet is also essential in the fact that one foot is more advanced than the other and each point more towards the rail, as in surfing, but stays close enough.
A high density polyethylene bottom gives you speed, and its rising tail and channeled bottom provide a smooth and controlled ride down the line.
This board will adapt to an intermediate or advanced permanent bodyboarder seeking to defy and improve their skills.
The strength of the card is derived from a unique high-quality, high-density composite carbon stringer that adds a solid base to bodyboard and improves its stability. The panel has a soft top to facilitate the transition from the apartment to the standing.
VS-Stubbie Stand Up Bodyboard
Faithful to his name, the council has a nosed-out nose. It also has a crossed crotch, a polyhedron bridge with contoured wave cushion, and a wrapped bottom surlyn.
The sides are curved, but less than other bodyboards, giving much speed on the waves with more control for the rider.
Finally, if you are on average in size and weight, this table will work incredibly well for you too.
As soon as the feet are in place, lie in the table and stay in a deep squat position until you feel balanced, then resist completely.
The thicker plywood struts increase strength and stiffness, a double channel crescent tail provides endless stability and the conical D-rails reduce interaction with the waves.
BZ Big Bruddah 45 € bodyboard
This table is unique among the tables used for permanent bodyboarding for many reasons.HE 4 BEST STANDUP BODYBOARDS
Morey Big Kahuna 44 € Bodyboard Made for the big rider who measures 5 \\ 10 \\ or more in height and weighs heavier than 185 pounds
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Used 1950’s Safari D-fin longboard for sale. Found in the Mojave Desert , buried in the dirt, surfed by JJ Wessels in Ventura and skated by the Matix team on Mike Anderson’s mini ramp. Pick up only, no shipping, wax included (what’s left on the deck). •disclaimer – this board is not for sale, watch the video and enjoy! Stay tuned for the Holiday Backyard Jam featuring the 1950's Safari D-Fin and the Matix team
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Bon weekend, fellow Shredderz! If, like me, you’re in rainy California, I’m here to deliver some sunshine in the form of what looks to be a vintage surfboard in pretty primo condition.
Pictured here is a Hobie longboard that is currently for sale on eBay. It’s not going to be cheap -- there’s a reserve on the auction and the buy it now figure is at $1,700 -- but it’s a beautiful board.
The poster claims this 9′6″ longboard was purchased in 1965 and kept in pristine conditions in the 50 years since then.
It’s hard to find detailed knowledge on vintage Hobie Surfboards online, mostly because Stoked-n-Board doesn’t have its usual wealth of information on the brand. While there’s a serial number visible here -- looks like 16837 (probably?) --one of the few tidbits S-n-B offers for Hobie is that the numbering is not reliable.
To me, it seems extremely likely that this board hails from the 60s. Stoked-n-Board has two other data points that are interesting. First, S-n-B claims that Hobie offered glass-on mahogany fins in 1964, which matches up well with the timeframe for this board. Second, S-n-B claims that Hobie offered 3/4″ spruce stringers in 1966. I can’t say whether or not the stringer is spruce, but it looks 3/4″, and again, this is in the ballpark of 1965.
The board is clearly a pig shape, defined by Surf A Pig as having “weight, belly, wide point aft, a skeg (D fin) and a narrow nose.” There aren’t enough pics to see the bottom of the board and a belly, but the other criteria have been met. The pig silhouette also matches up to the 1965 date mentioned in the post.
If you’re the paranoid type, the one concern is that the board is in almost TOO good of a condition. It is exceedingly rare to see 50 year boards that have aged this well, with no damage or dings anywhere. I can’t say for sure either way, but if I were looking at buying this board, I would be interested in doing some research as to whether or not it had been restored or re-glassed in any way. If the board is indeed all original, this is a pretty stunning example of an original 1960s Hobie.
You can check out the board here.
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