#long story short I’ve chosen a different path in my recovery and I was laughed and mocked
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I want to shake it off.mp3 but alas I’m tired and on the verge of tears
#long story short I’ve chosen a different path in my recovery and I was laughed and mocked#by someone#and I feel so confident in my choice and didn’t let it get to me and did so much self talk and spoke to therapist and friends that backed me#but I’m here now at night feeling like crying and I guess I might have to let myself#I’ve been doing so well mentally so this is a setback? I guess even though it started with being mistreated#ok I’m going#personal
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93% Atheist
I frequently joke about being 93% Atheist, the reason being is very simple; I’ve seen and experienced far too many “miracles” over the past 5 decades. To deny such things wouldn’t just be arrogant of me, it would be irresponsible. The truth (though the more cynically inclined loathes hearing this) is the Science DOES NOT have all the answers. There are numerous things in this world alone, science cannot explain but then, it wasn’t all that many centuries ago that the intellectuals of society (a.k.a. Wizards, Sorcerers and Witches) attributed electricity and magnetism to otherworldly dimensions and these are but two of the “finer invisible energies” that humankind would, after much mystical faith, come to understand and control is amazing ways. That being known why can’t we simply accept that science will, in time, sustain the other claims of mystics and psychics about similar “fine energy” and subtle influences that can’t be explained now, but may very well be explained and understood within a few short generations?
Right now Elon Musk and several of his affiliates are developing technologies that will literally allow us to speak via an assisted form of telepathy which will, by the middle of our current century, replace Cellular technology as well as bring us into a more Roddenberry future when it comes to GPS technology and literally being able to know where every human being is, on the planet. It is something both, exciting and frightening at the same time.
A few years ago there was a game which was very popular in the Northern European countries that was similar to air hockey. The objective was to land the puck in your opponent’s goal by lowering your biofeedback levels; the more relax you are able to be, the easier it is to control the disk.
Again, we are looking at technological support of a recognized psychic or mental ability. Mr. Musk & Co. likewise addressing this idea, tying that Telepathic tech previously mentioned, in with your home PC terminal and basically, by thought, allowing you to control your living and work space in what can be best described as being Psychokinetic influence.
What the Cynic’s “Forget” . . . is the fact that most mysticism was understood by our primitive ancestors in very analytical terms FOR THEIR ERA. Much of what science has “discovered” was known to them; the difference being terminology, not mysticism vs. science in that they are one in the same. . . PROVIDED you have the integrity to step back and look at the greater picture vs. the myopic view of a niche group of individuals. Some of whom have proved themselves outrageous in their claims, even denying the fact that so-called researchers have purposely tampered with data so as to negate Psychic or Spiritual claim around a given phenomena; their tests, frequently designed so as to create positive failure.
COLD READING is one of the biggest cop-out explanations used by cynics, in regards to those that do Readings with cards, stones, bones, etc. This “theory” being based on some experiments conducted in the late 40s by Bertram R. Forer that revealed how NEWSPAPER HOROSCOPES were written in a manner that “mirrored” information; given positive-negative extremes. This “test” has been done regularly in many Universities by intellects that want to taint the pool of public opinion because it is exceptionally convincing and gets people to laugh at their gullibility. What these critics don’t explain is why every divination system (not to be confused with Astrology, which is not one in the same thing) offer both, positive and negative associations and have for centuries. . . in other words, their “explanation” is nothing new, it’s actually how it was all designed to work.
The other things the cynics fail to distinguish the differences in, is the contrast between Divination vs. Prophecy. The latter of the two is exceptionally rare and typically spontaneous, such as those stories you hear about people canceling a flight because things don’t feel right to them, only for something horrible to happen with the plane in question. I bring this up because of my experiences as a Reader in the weeks following the 9/11 attack on NYC. I had no fewer than 3 total strangers come in for Readings and because of the spread of the cards, I discovered the connection NOT as the result of some kind of manipulation or advance knowledge.
Reader’s frequently get “psychic flashes” and insights that Cold Reading (Barnum Statements, Demographic Averages, etc.) cannot explain away and yet, the naysayers will do their best to belittle your perception in order to create doubt in your mind that there is something in this universe that goes beyond man’s ability to explain it all.
Anyone that wants to, can learn basic divination using tools like the Tarot, Pendulums, Runes, etc. With time and daily practice this foundation allows us to slowly open up and become more aware and sensitive when working with a client which in turn, improves accuracy for most. The thing is, Divination does not rob a person of their free will -- it is not revealing a set destiny such as prophetic Readings will do.
Prophetic Readings for individuals, relate to the pseudosciences of Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry and in more recent times, Graphology. These are formula based systems based on hundreds of years of constant R&D via which each individuals finds themselves set into little niche points i.e. Being born a Libra or having a 5 harmonic within your Numerology, etc.
Did you know the primary creases in your palm were there BEFORE the hand was able to flex in the womb? This is why many an occultist believe the lines of the hand and your zodiac are interlinked, kind of a cosmic software that programs our character traits, spiritual perspective and other karmic factors which ultimately manifest in the who and what we are in life. This is also where we find our Destiny Appointments -- indicators that we will excel in certain fields, a general overview of our life course, and even insight when it comes to special people and relationships. But no, you’re not likely to find any place in those overviews, in which you remove a magickle sword from a rock. . . such things are fantasy. . . we forget that sometimes.
What About God?
Firstly, “God” is title, not a name; there is a myriad of gods and goddesses in our world and just as many societies/races claiming to be “the chosen” of whichever deity it is, they worship and fear. The reality being quite simple; If you were raised in Turkey, you’re probably going to be Muslim whereas those native to India will most likely be Hindu or Buddhists while 75% of all White Europeans (including Americans) are Christian. There is NO FREE WILL in these scenarios, just osmosis and culture-based brainwashing.
This is the reality, most all of us are conditioned before we are 5 years of age, as to our beliefs and self-identity, all of which gets constant reinforcement for the rest of life. Fortunately though, more and more young people are waking up to this complication thanks to the internet and access to factual information concerning religion and it’s typical bloodsoaked history.
My views on GOD are simple; I don’t know what it is but I know it’s all things. It has no dogma and yet, there is a Universal sense of framework that can be found as a constant in most all the world’s paths of faith, the Golden Rule being foremost as a constant.
Unfortunately there are religious zealots in every brand, the people that embrace the darker, more dangerous aspects of a given cult tradition; the Abrahamic faiths being amongst the bloodiest in history. Today, it tends to be those identified as “Zionists” that are placing the world in peril, most, due to their desire to fulfill the biblical prophecies pertaining to the end times. The current U.S. administration having no qualms in destroying the long standing separation of church & state, with the goal of establishing the U.S. as a theocracy with very strong fascist leanings. . . something I’ll address in another article in the next few days.
Yes, I believe in something but I cannot label it. Like Crowley and numerous saints in history, I’ve found that “God” is beyond our comprehension because it is all and yet, in the same instant, it’s nothing. More than this, I have discovered that GOD is something that detests weakness in people (those that are constantly asking for its favor). The key prophets of the bible and most heroes in world mythology were those that were independent of the gods; people that stood up for righteousness as protectors of the masses and challengers of nobility and lawmen. It has likewise been my experience, when walking in life based on said model, that the miraculous comes if we’re willing to see it, accept it and enjoy it.
Miracles Happen
I am a walking talking miracle; though limited, I spend most of my time these days, not using my wheelchair, my MS is in remittance currently and that’s awesome. My recovery from Pancreatic Cancer has been well above the norm (I’m completely cancer free after 3 major scares last year); my A1C is down from 10.2 to 7.3, a goal most thought I’d never reach because of missing so much of my pancreas. I could list several other instances in which I am a walking talking miracle, but so can you. . . we all can if we just want to see such things. Sadly, there are a lot of really myopic intellects out there that refuse acknowledge such; losing out on the promise that our belief and faith in the simple things will make us masters over life’s greater challenges.
Over the years I have seen people beat death dozens of times because of the power of prayer, magickle workings, crystals, and various forms of alternative health treatment. I’ve likewise investigated more than a few hauntings, helped clear properties of bad mojo and seen the downtrodden stand up with new life and impetus to move ahead.
Miracles are real, they happen daily but, as the old saying goes, you cannot change the mind of the cynics nor the faith-filled, both are like rusted jaw traps. It is however, the one’s that resided in the middle that will raise that eyebrow in recognition of what is and is not of genuine grace.
Be blessed!
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