#lomo walk
liverpoollomo · 1 year
A town centre walk. Lomo LC-A+. Fuji Velvia 100F.
Not all of my cameras are pocket sized. In fact, most of them are bulky and inconvenient. However, I love them all the same.
One of my more convenient to use cameras is the Lomo LC-A+. It is automatic and small. Recently I had it loaded with Fuji Velvia and pointed it at the well lit buildings. There where no mad colour shifts but plenty of contrast.
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Prison For Life pt. 2
Paring: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina Reader
Summary: more of Walter and Y/N’s relationship
A/N: there are probably many spelling mistakes
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I'm no damsel in distress, no But I like assertiveness, so
Y/N and Walter have been dating for almost a year now and she was sleeping over at Walter's house. It was the middle of the night and Y/N woke to get a drink of water when she heard a noise that definitely did not come from her. She walked to Walter's side of the bed and started shaking him awake.
"Guapo, guapo, wake up." Y/N whispered as she shook him.
"Mm, baby girl, its late, we'll play later." Walter said, snuggling up to the bed and Y/N slapped his shoulder.
"No seas payaso, I heard something coming from downstairs, I’m gonna check.” Y/N said. She grabbed the hockey stick that Walter keeps in the closet but Walter got up from bed and took the hockey stick out of her hand. He rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up.
“Darling, I’ll go check downstairs. Relax, stay calm, I’ll be back.” Walter kissed her forehead and he walked downstairs to check where the noise was coming from to see his daughter raiding his fridge. “Faye? What are you doing her? I thought you were supposed to be with your mom.”
“I was. But then I went to this party and your house is closer. What is this?” Faye asks Walter, holding up a Tupperware full of food Y/N cooked.
“It’s lomo saltado.” Walter said, Faye shrugs her shoulders and starts beating up the food in the microwave “Does your mom know you’re here?” Walter asked.
“I called her before getting an Uber here, I am not that irresponsible, father. Is she upstairs?” Faye asked.
“Yes, she woke me up because of the noise she heard downstairs.” Walter said.
“Sorry, it’s hard to raid a refrigerator quietly when there is so much Tupperware, when does she find the time to cook?” Faye asked. She took out the food from the microwave and started eating it. “It’s really good, I’m glad you stopped eating those frozen dinners.”
“Just wash it when you’re done, do you need me to set up the guest bedroom?” Walter asked.
“I can set it up myself, dad. Go with your girlfriend, get some sleep, love you.” Faye said, hugging Walter.
“Love you too, don’t stay up too late.” Walter said, kissing her forehead and went upstairs. He entered his bedroom and saw Y/N in bed. “Everything is fine, it was just Faye.” Walter gets under the covers.
“Thank you for checking.” Y/N said.
“I’ll always check downstairs for strange noises, either with a hockey stick, baseball bat, or my gun.” Walter said, he wrapped his arm around Y/N.
“Do you even play hockey or baseball?” Y/N asked.
“It’s Minnesota, the police department has hockey games with the fire department.” Walter said and Y/N laughed.
“Oh, que funny, that’s hilarious. Okay, Goodnight, oso gruñón, i love you.” Y/N gave Walter a kiss.
“You did not just call me ‘grumpy bear’, baby girl.” Walter said.
“I’m sleeping, can’t hear you.” Y/N said and Walter laughed to himself and just spooned her, falling asleep peacefully.
Wrap your arm around me babe And say that you’ll keep me safe
Walter was making popcorn while Y/N was on the couch with a blanket over her, they were watching a scary movie, 16 months of dating.
"Walter, te lo juro juradito if you don't get your ass back here." Y/N started
"Mi vida, the popcorn is almost done." Walter said,
"Why the hell are we watching a horror movie?" Y/N asked.
"I distinctly remember you saying that you could handle a scary movie, I told you that we could watch one of those romcoms that you like, but you insisted. So we are watching a horror movie because of you. Besides, aren't you a big fan of Supernatural? Horror movies should be no problem." Walter said, pouring the popcorn into a big bowl.
"Supernatural is different, it stops being scary after season 5, honeslty. Most of the episodes are about monsters and demons, the scariest epsiodes are when it was humans behind the killings. Also, there was a fucking crossover with Scooby Doo, not scary, now sit, I don't like where this is going." Y/N said
Walter leaves the kitchen and sits beside Y/N, immediately wrapping his arm around her, pulling her to snugglie into him, which she does gladly. There was a jumpscare and Y/N hid inthe crook of his neck. Walter chuckled, rubbing her back attempting to soothe her. Walter the leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"It is just a movie, I'll always be here to keep you safe, no matter what." Walter kissed the top of her head and changed the movie. "You clearly need to watch 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' after that." Walter said and Y/N perked up.
"I love Hugh Dancy! He was so cute in that movie, but he will always be prince Charmont to me." Y/N said.
"Is he the reason why you like British guys?" Walter asked,
"Yes, yes he is." Y/N said.
"I need to send him thank you letter, maybe a gift, lets watch the movie." Walter said, getting comfortable again with his arm wrapped around Y/N.
I know it's bad to fantasize About robbers and bad guys But if he were there to save the day, ha Think I'd let that man marry me
Walter was cooking in Y/N’s apartment and shewas sipping wine, watching him, a year and a half into the relationship.
"Oso, are you sure you don't want help?" Y/N asked.
"I'm fine, hermosa, I really want to get this recipe right, I don't want you to have to do all the cooking." Walter said.
"Thats sweet, Oso." Y/N said, she walked over to where he was standing and kissed his cheek. She went back to where she was and like most women do, she asked a hypothetical question. "Hey Oso, what would you do of someone broke into the house?"
"What?" Walter turned away from the stove, looking at Y/N
"If we were home and someone broke into the house to try and rob us or kidnap me, or whatever, what would you do?" Y/N asked.
"Why are you asking?" Walter said.
"I dont know, curiousity, boredom, just answer the question."
"If they try to rob us, I'll put you behind me and tell you to call 911 or text Harper so he could send squad cars immediately. I'll keep you out of harm's way. If they try to kidnap you, I am putting my fight training and gun to use, because anyone who lays a finger on your head, theirs would be on the ground next." Walter said.
"That was such an amazing answer." Y/N said.
"What can I say? I am very protective." Walter said and he turned away so he could focus on the sauce.
I know I can protect myself (Ah) But when you do it for me, it's hot as hell (Ah) You got my heart, you know me too well (Ah) Think I'd even send you love letters in jail (Ah)
Y/N was at the bar drinking with her friends to celebrate Monica's promotion.
“Hey, I think I'm gonna call it a night. ” Y/N commented.
“Of course you are! If i had a man like yours, I would be dying to go home and let him do whatever he wanted to me.” Y/N's bestie. Isabela slurred, the other girls laughed.
"Yes! Girl, you gotta tell me something, how is he in bed? How BIG is he?" Monica asked.
"Okay I'm not answering that." Y/N said, walking away so she could call Walter.
"He has to be amazing and pretty big, I've seen the way she walks after she spends a night with Walter." Another friend, Tori, said. Y/N shook her head giggling before calling Walter. It took two rings for him to pick up.
"Hey baby girl, how's your night out with your friends?" Walter asked as he was making a coffee.
“Hey Oso, my night is good, my friends are a little tipsy, I'm spent though, can you pick me up?” Y/N answered, folding the laundry.
“Sure thing, baby girl, let me just coat, which bar are you at again?” Walter asked as he put on his coat and got his keys.
“You know the bar that's by the ice cream shop where we had our first date?” Y/N asked, sitting at the bar to wait for Walter, Walter smiled at the memory.
“Yeah, I know the one, I'm on my way, baby girl, love you.” Walter said before hanging up the phone, leaving the house and getting into his truck.
Y/N stayed at the bar so Walter doesn't have to look for her but it looks like it was a bad idea because an older man sat next to her.
"How you doin', doll, can I buy you a drink?" he asked her. She could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"I'm fine, but I don't accept that drink, thank you though." Y/N said, trying to be polite and avoid confrontation.
"Oh come on, whats the matter? A sexy woman like you alone in a bar amd you're not accepting my drink?" the man asked.
"I am not alone and i have a boyfriend." Y/N said, again rejecting the man.
"Every woman says that." The man said and Y/N had enough so she got up from the chair and tried to walk away when the man grabbed her wrist, thats when Y/N's friends spotted her and went over to the bar. The one time Y/N doesn't bring her knife, what a nightmare.
"Let go of our friend right now." Monica said.
"Tori, go get security." Isabela said. Tori did as she asked. Walter then entered the bar and spotted that his baby girl was in a situation.
"Your friend here was being a bitch." the man said.
"She has a boyfriend, now let her go." Monica demanded.
"I don't see him." The man said and thats when Walter appeared next to the women.
"Now you do, what seems to be the problem?" Walter asked. Walter easily towered over the man.
"This cabrón is pissed that i said no to a drink and now he won't let go." Y/N addressed Walter, looking up at him..
"Let go of her sir before we have a real problem." Walter threated. The man let go of Y/N and she went with Monica and Isabela.
"Next time don't let your girl leave the house dressed like a whore, bitch was asking for some attention." That was when Walter said 'fuck being civil' and punched the guy in the face."
"Don't ever speak that way about my girl again or it will be the last thing you do." Walter said over the man on the ground.
Looks like this man wasn't going down easily and he got up, trying to punch Walter but Walter had police training and it became a full blown fight between these two men. When Tori finally got security, he called the police and Walter and the man were put in different holding cells because Walter knew if that dumbass kept running his mouth, Walter was going to spend the night in jail. Y/N came in and posted bail for Walter, an officer walked out to Y/N with Walter and his belongings.
“Since Detective Marshall explained the man had his hands on you and of course him being an officer, this is a warning.” The officer said. "Next time its a cell." He warned Walter.
“Thank you, officer. Vámonos Oso.” Y/N said, holding the door open for Walter so they could leave. Once they’re in the car, no one spoke a word.
“I’m fine, baby girl.” Walter said, breaking the silence. “I’m not hurt at all.” Y/N was still silent. “Listen, I’m sorry i scared you, I lost my temper and I wish you didn’t see that. But he doesn’t get to badmouth you in front of me and walk away with his teeth still intact.”
“Im not scared that you hit him.” Y/N said.
“Then what scared you?” Walter asked.
“It scared me how much I liked you going all protective like that.” Y/N said and Walter paused for a second.
“You’re telling me that me going all caveman on that bastard is attractive to you?” Walter questioned.
“You know I can protect myself, but you are always there to protect me, and I find that very hot. It was very primal in a way.” Y/N said. “And for some reason I like it.”
“But how far is too far?” Walter asked, genuinely curious.
“I’ll tell you this, Walter, if you end up in jail for murdering a guy because you’re defending me or protecting me, I will write you love letters.” Y/N said seriously. Walter out his hand on Y/N’s thigh, rubbing his thumb over it before grabbing her hand and kissed the back of her hand.
I'm a feminist obviously (Oh) But I wouldn't really mind him savin' me (Savin' me) And I know that I'm fine without a man (Without a man) But I think I'd like his protection And God knows that I don't need no one But pretending that I do is kind of fun (Kind of fun) Yeah, I know that I'm fine without a man But I think I'd like his protection (I'd like his protection) I'm just bein' honest, can't change what I like I'll never forget it, he told me one night (Night) "If anybody hurts you, oh I'm goin' to prison for life"
Y/N’s friends were over for hot chocolate and pan dulce and Walter was busy installing a new light in Y/N’s bedroom.
“Hey love, can you get my toolbox? I left it in the living room!” Walter called out.
“Sure thing, Oso.” Y/N said. “I’ll be right back, ladies.” Y/N got the toolbox off the living room table and went to her room where saw saw Walter on a ladder, wearing a gray t-shirt, blue jeans, and his tool belt.
“Thank you baby girl.” He got down from the ladder to kiss her. “Save me a concha please, the chocolate one.”
“Of course, Oso.” Y/N said, she got into the kitchen and her 3 friends stared at her. “What? Like you don’t have husbands doing this stuff?”
“Yeah, we have husbands, but didn’t you tell us that your dad taught you how to fix this stuff so you wouldn’t depend on a man?” Tori said.
“Well I know how to do things but I don’t want to have to, you know? Like can i take my car to the shop? Of coarse I can! Do I want to? No, Walter takes it for me and I don’t get hustled.”
“Love that for you.” Isabela said.
“Yeah, he’s the best, would do anything for me. He’s protective.” Y/N said. “But seriously, don’t eat all the conchas, Walter wants a chocolate one.”
An hour later, the friends left and Walter finished the maintenance in Y/N’s room.
“Ooh yes, a chocolate concha.” Walter said as he sat at the table to eat it.
“Thanks for installing my light.” Y/N said.
“Yeah of course, as long as your with me, apartment maintenance is my job.” Walter said, kissing her.
“Thank you. Quick question; you remember what you said to me a year ago? When you saw my scar?” Y/N asked.
“You mean where I said I would go to prison for life to protect? Of course, and I still mean it, and I’ll always mean it.” Walter did, kissing her again.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @nerdyreaderpapi
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johbeil · 1 year
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Near Divino Amore
On a walk near Divino Amore with the Lomo Fisheye. Ilford XP2 400 B&W film, scanned from negative.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Farscape rewatch ep 2x09: Out of their Minds
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One of my faves and is a rare just plain hilarious ep which is just pretty wild and joyful, though even it manages to have that little heartbreaking moment with D’Argo and Pilot and it’s very on brand that logical talking solves nothing for Zhaan and she has to resort to violence.
But yeah, it’s a very hard ep to discuss, almost as hard to write about as it is fun to watch because what is there to analyze in a goofy, crazy ep where everyone switches bodies?
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Of course, it says something that for the Moya crew, switching bodies with each other while on a ship about to be blasted to pieces counts as a good day. In a way it’s parallel to S1’s ‘Through the Looking Glass:’ near death and craziness and off-kilter stuff with a happy ending and we know the angst is about to hit, with the Gammak base and torture. (The same happens in S3. After the lovely, hilarious LoMo ep, it’s all angst from there. S4 doesn’t have that as the whole thing is pretty grim).
Lots of caps and long so behind
  I think OOTM is a wonderful acting ep: the actors must be having a blast and they are pulling off a really difficult feat, acting like each other, and they do it brilliantly. Ben Browder gets Rygel’s intonations down pat, Claudia Black’s imitation of Crichton’s guy mannerisms and the thumb to the mouth is awesome. And Anthony Simcoe’s body posture is spot-on Chiana.
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  Another thing I love about this ep is that reactions of the characters are so spot on about what they would do in other people’s bodies but most shows would never go there: Rygel in John’s body needing to use the facilities, John in Aeryn’s body ‘trying out the equipment’ (I love that scene) etc etc. And of course, this ep reconfirms that Moyans listen to John more than to anyone else. Zhaan refuses to follow the plan to change them all back, until she thinks it comes from John (in reality Rygel in John’s body). Though Rygel does show unexpected depths when he talks about revenge being his goal. We forget often that he is a former Dominar, but he is. Hmmm, what else. Zhaan once again proves compassionate but ruthless when necessary. The ending is awesome. One of the funniest, most perfect ones. Chiana and D’Argo finally deciding to get it on:
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Love D being bashful and Chi teasing and the dawning look of comprehension on John’s eyes as he watches him running after her. 
And ohhh, the sheer joy of the bit with John pretending to still be Rygel and then going ‘joke, Aeryn’ and she jumps on him and they wheel around the floor, laughing. So much giddy joy.
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But yes, as I mentioned I so love that when characters switch bodies, the show brings up the stuff shows normally do not but would totally happen. Like Rygel needing to pee while in Crichton’s body and having no idea how and Crichton (in Aeryn’s body) having to walk him through it. Hilarious but also no other show would go there.
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And the way the two of them get to play with each other’s bodies in a way neither probably thought they would. First we have Crichton in Aeryn’s body spellbound by boobs - they jiggle. Ahahahahaha. And then feeling them up as Aeryn in Rygel’s body watches irascibly. This show was WILD.
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And of course, they are equal in body curiousity as we see in one of the best tags ever. Crichton saying ‘You gotta walk a mile in someone’s shoes’ and Aeryn replying wryly that she knew what he was doing when he was in her shoes (feeling her up) and his grinning ‘give me a break’ and then her sly little comment that it’s OK ‘you were in my shoes, I was in your pants…’ and his laughing and running after her and just…joy.
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I always wondered what the status of their physical relationship before Look at the Princess was. I do think A Human Reaction was a one-off sex thing, but they do seem very comfortable with each other - I bet they are in the not saying or thinking anything on the conscious level (at least Aeryn is only subconsciously thinking about it; John is clearly way more attuned) but giddy stage and it’s so lovely...
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tinytourist · 11 months
Loving Lima
The parents and I arrived in Lima on Friday afternoon. We relaxed in our beautiful adjoining hotel rooms with a view of the water before getting ready for the main event, dinner. Peggy had thoughtfully made us reservations a Kjolle which is ranked 28 on the world's best restaurant list!
Kjolle is in the same building as Central, the number one in the world and is owned by Pia León who is the business and life partner of Virgilio Martinez, the owner of Central.
Entering Kjolle ellicited an eerie feeling in my gut like I was walking into the restaurant from the movie “The Menu”. Maybe it was the etherial background music or the fact that they had exactly the number of chairs at each table that the reservations required. It was evident that they thought about every detail - maybe even the best way to murder us?
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While they do have a tasting menu, we opted to pick our own dishes with the help of the wait staff. Below I have posted a picture of the menu and highlighted the dishes we ordered (note that the prices are in soles). With each dish, including the potato bread, the staff brought out a jar or plate with one of the primary ingredients of the dish as a presentation of the food and where it came from.
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The most memorable dishes for me were the scallops and squash and crustaceans. The presentation and flavors of these two dishes were special. For dessert we of course picked the chocolate option which was deconstructed different formations of cacao.
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We survived the experience! The next day we ventured to Parque Kennedy where they feed and protect the stray cats. It was fun seeing the cats roam free in the park. There was also an art market where we browsed. Unfortunately I had bought too much art in Cusco but there were a lot of nice pieces and my parents considered buying a big piece.
As the morning progressed, we began to process the news about the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel. We slowly understood the scale of what happened and started reaching out to our Israeli family to check in on them. We spent the rest of the day talking and walking and reflecting.
For dinner Peggy selected another great restaurant, number 32 on the top restaurants list, Mayta. The service and ambience were that of a nice restaurant but not nearly as impressive as Kjolle; however, we enjoyed the food there more. The cocktail I ordered was served over a box of dry ice which did create a bit of a fun show.
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What we ordered at Mayta: a zoodles dish, eggplant, the BIGGEST oysters I've ever seen in my life, scallops, lomo saltado, sea bass, and a heavenly cacao dish with mousse, nibs, and more. Just thinking about it now makes my mouth water.
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Sunday was our last day together in Lima which was spent walking around town, visiting the Parque del Amor, stumbling on the botanical gardens, going to the MAC museum, and eating at the hotel's restaurant.
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thedroneicles · 1 year
24 Hour ban from Technology
6:30am, I woke up, had my cup of coffee, and proceeded to hit the gym bright and early. First, I am never at the gym this early, but I decided to switch my day up considering I was trying something new (not technology).
8:00am, I get home, shower, and change, eat breakfast, and do some light book reading. A book that I haven’t finished in like 3 months.
9:30am, after I settled in, I took my dogs for a walk at the dog beach. I decided to take the day off work as I knew that going into work, I had to use technology, so I wanted to make sure that I was doing this experiment correctly with no distractions.
11:45 after spending an hour at the dog beach and playing with my dogs, I decided to have lunch with a friend. I called him and told him to meet me at 12:30 at a place in Huntington Beach, California so that we can catch up and grab some lunch. Told him about my experiment about not using my phone and social media and he agreed to do the same during our lunch hour.
1:45 Around this time, we finished lunch, had a great conversation about life, business goals, family and it was great that both of us were not totally distracted by our phones during that time. We were able to really get into our conversation.
2:30, I decided to take my dogs home, since they had lunch with us, and hit up a local batting cage and take a few swings on some softballs.
4:00, I drove to the grocery store as I wanted to make dinner. I specially made a Peruvian dish that I have been wanting to try for years. It was called Lomo Saltado. I am not Peruvian, but I love their food.
5:30 I start making dinner for my wife and me. As I was cooking, I remembered I had an old radio that I had kept stored that I decided would not interfere with my technology as it only used antenna and had like 4 basic radio stations.
7:30 we eat dinner, I talk to my wife about my day, what I liked about not using my phone and the pros and cons of this experiment.
9:00 we finish dinner, we clean, and get ready for bed. I shower and relax and call it a night.
To be honest, the whole experience was an eye opener for me. I understood that my life can live without the use of technology. I was able to get out in the open and experience the world without my face being on my phone all day. The cons, unfortunately, is that I go to school online and my job is a tech business working with websites, so having to stray away from technology in total would not be possible at all for me. I will continue to monitor my time spent away from my phone in the mornings and right before bed as I think those benefits will outweigh the negatives. Not to say that I cannot be focused with technology, but my focus was strictly on the task at hand, and it made me aware of how distracted we can be using our phone. I would recommend everyone trying it out for at least a day. #nosocialmedia #nointernet #onlyphonecalls
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bigdumbanimal · 1 year
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The day was shit, I was in a bad mood, it was raining, and I had just dropped off a bunch of film. I still had my day to day camera with the Lomo Metropolis so I decided to throw on some loud music and walk from the plateau to the old port and then to the bus terminal. These were taken on the Lomo Apparat.
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Takuya is slowly but surely getting used to being around the Baji family.
As she sat on the couch as the big and very busy family made moves all over the house. Chifuyu cooked the lunch for the day along with Yūto and Akina helping feed the crowd of 11 people and a baby . As the 3 spoke in one of the many languages, he spoke in the house(which made her head spin a lot). Tsuyoi came on the side of her and gave a smile to the younger girl.
"Hey Taku! Nice to see you around again we've been missing you" She teased. Takuya face got warmed as she gave a sheepish smile.
"Yeah just been buying with school since our last year of high school" She gently detangled her hair with her fingers. She had a wash day coming up soon, she would need to get some more shampoo soon.
Tsuyoi scoffed at that before leaning into the couch more,"Oh yeah I'm glad I'm done with that shit I hated going to school"
"How come?"
"Not my thing to be honest only went through with it cause of Dad and Papa wanted me to at least have my high school diploma. After that I could do what I saw fit"
That's the one thing she loved most about this family the way they went against the norm of this country. Keisuke and Matsuno only cared about a few things in life, their family, their friends, and making sure to uphold good morals. They didn't care how people side eyed them cause of their large family unit or how they always made comments about how their kids acted mostly the girls. They never paid them any mind, and she loved it so much, one of the biggest reasons she fell for Kazue.
"Well that's to be excepted Uncle Baji and Chifuyu really only cares that you guys are happy and can support yourself" Takuya replied.
"Yup thats- Holy shit Kie put some pants on." Tsuyoi hissed as he looked at the stairways behind them. And she didn't know what made her look behind her at the statement, but she most definitely did in a moment of lack of common sense.
At the halfway point of the staircase was the eldest of the Baji brood, Kie. The 27 looked like she just got out of bed from her messy long curls and drowsy face. She was wearing a tank top and very small boy shorts that almost didn't exist as they ride up between her thick thighs. She stretched and swiped at her younger sister before going back upstairs to do just that.
"Geez what's her problem"
"Cmon Tsu relax on her she's been through a lot lately", said Akina says as she left the kitchen with a few dishes in her hands.
"Yeah you could be a bit more compassion about that you know~" Yūto teases as they placed more dishes at the table. They heard the door open and a few people walk into the house.
"Were home!" Said a very deep voice. It was Keisuke, Hewai, Kiyoko, and Kazue. Takuya lit up as she saw her boyfriend waving at him with a huge sweet grin on her face. The youngest did the same as he returned the wave and helped to put up the groceries in the kitchen. Chifuyu came out with more dishes in hand as he spoke out to his kids in what she assumed was Korean to do something as Hewai revoked to him.
"Chifuyu were the rest for the Lomo Saltado?" Keisuke yelled out.
"Kie and Nonoka ate the rest of it a little after you guys left!"
"What!?!? Dammit I was looming forward to that" at that moment said two people made their way down the stairs Kie wearing some sweats pants with her infant son in her arms.
"Papa what are we eating today?" Nonoka asked making her way to the chabudai asking her siblings set up the table.
"We're eating tempura, yakitori, cold soba, mandoo, Korean fried chicken, vegetables, and rice," he lists off.
"Ooh hell yeah!" She said happily. Asahi babbles happily at as he clapped his hands at the steaming plates of dishes as he bounced in his mother's arms.
"Alright everyone let's eat !"
As everyone made their way to sit, Kazue grabbed Takuya hand and gave a slow thumb rub against the back of her hand in a loving manner. She held on tighter as they sat down and began eating as everyone talked about their days as the passing of dishes around the table and filling up cups.
Takuya is an only child, so dinner wasn't this loud and rowdy and kinda of chaotic, but she liked it a lot. The almost yelling banter between them that ended up with laughter between them with no malicious intent in the jokes. Asahi little fists filled with food that he took off his mama plate and smashed into his mouth, getting it all over the place. Keisuke and Matsuno whispered to each other and held hands as they looked at each other with the kind of love she hoped to have in the future.
"Hey, you ok?" She snapped out of her daze and looked over at the pair of worried brown eyes.
"Yeah just thinking is"
She was quiet before she spoke, "Just how happy I am to be here"
Takuya belongs to @insomniac-jay
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onusjott · 2 years
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Some photos taken on a walk around town. Taken on a Canon EOS 500n with Lomo ColNeg 100 and a Promaster 28-70mm lens.
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liverpoollomo · 2 months
Derby Square. Lomo LC-A. Kentmere 400.
It was in 2021 when I first posted photos of Derby Square here. It remains one of my favourite places in the city as the contrast between the Victoria Monument and Queen Elizabeth II Law Courts is quite striking. There is a historic picture of this area after World War 2 that shows it pretty much flattened except for the memorial.
As the weather was good and I had the LC-A in my pocket I took the opportunity to snap a few frames when i walked past in April.
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adrienneleclerc · 1 year
Pairing: AU Ajax Petropolus x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: in an AU where Ajax and Y/N live in an apartment together near their college, they get into a fight and Ajax was watching the news about a car crash, the car matching Y/N’s, and Ajax gets very worried, thinking Y/N was in the accident
A/N: inspired by @luci-in-trenchcoats Jensen Ackles imagine, definitely one of my favorites. In this AU, Ajax is not a gorgon so he has his beautiful hair
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Ajax and Y/N have been dating since they were 15. When they found out that they were accepted to the same college, they decided to get an apartment together near campus, both having part time jobs. The rest was paid by Ajax’s parents (the rich Greeks) but this way, Y/N didn’t feel like she was mooching off her boyfriend.
They were now 20, in their junior year of college. Ajax’s parents give the a budget to spend on groceries and other things. Y/N was making the list of groceries to get because they were almost out of milk, eggs, etc.
“Estoy jodida, there’s no way I can buy food before class tomorrow. Ajax, amor, do you have class tomorrow morning?” Y/N asked from the kitchen counter. Ajax walked out in pajama pants, with his toothbrush in hand.
“No, my Monday class doesn’t start until 5. Why?” Ajax asked before going back to the bathroom to spit and rinse.
“I need to get groceries but I don’t think I can get them before my class tomorrow and if I go around 3, there’s going to be a lot of people in shop rite or stop and shop. You think you can go?” Y/N asked. Ajax came out of the bathroom and sat next to Y/N.
“Yeah of course. When is your class tomorrow?” Ajax asked.
“It’s at 10, ends around 1, there’s enough eggs for a quick omelette with some quesadillas for us. I was planning on making lomo saltado so I need you to go to a butcher and ask for a pound of steak, unless you can find them at the grocery store, everything should be on the list, I’m already soaking the potatoes I cut in salt water so i need to make it tomorrow.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, I have everything handled.” Ajax said, kissing Y/N. “Now let’s get to bed so you can feel rested before your class tomorrow morning.” Ajax said and they walked into their bedroom.
Thursday morning came, Y/N left a note for Ajax to get the groceries and she drove to campus. Ajax woke up a few minutes after Y/N left when he got a phone call from his friend Kent.
“Hey Kent, what’s up?” Ajax asked.
“Hey, you think we can meet up for paintballing? Danny canceled on me and I would hate to waste a ticket.” Kent said.
“I cant, I have to get something for Y/N.” Ajax said as he made his breakfast.”
“It’ll be quick, please.” Kent said.
“Alright fine, text me the address.” Ajax said and hung up. He ate, got dressed, and went to his car to meet up with Kent.
At 1:20, Y/N arrived at the apartment.
“Ajax, did you get everything?” Y/N asked as she entered. She then saw the dirty dishes in the sink. “You couldn’t have washed the dishes? Did you take your car to the shop, I don’t see it in the garage.” Y/N walked around and saw that Ajax’s shoes was missing, there were no grocery bags, his keys were gone. “Hijo de la chingada.” Y/N said.
Ajax and Kent were on the final round and Ajax won.
“That was awesome! We have to do it again.” Ajax says.
“Come on, let’s get dressed” Kent said as they went to the locker rooms to change into their regular clothes. Ajax checked his phone to see that the time was 3:30 and he had 16 missed calls from Y/N.
“Shit, I’m dead, I gotta go, Kent, Y/N is going to kill me.” Ajax said.
“Maybe i Can say it was my fault, would that make her less mad at you?” Kent suggested.
“I doubt it.” Ajax said. He left in a hurry and arrived to the apartment to see Y/N on the couch, watching TV.
“Where the hell were you? I asked you to do one thing, Ajax.” Y/N said.
“Sorry, I was with Kent and completely forgot.” Ajax said. “You went to the grocery store?”
“Of course I did, I wasn’t going to starve and we need to stock the fridge. I bought everything because apparently you were too busy to do it.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, whats the difference between me getting the groceries in the morning with you cooking at 1:30 and you getting the groceries and cooking later? Either way, you got groceries and we have food.” Ajax said.
“The difference is instead of helping me, you goofed off. Instead of us eating TOGETHER, now I don’t have enough time to do homework until I come back from work. My shift starts in 20 minutes, I gotta go, we’ll talk about this later. Food is on the stove, when you’re finished, pour the rest in the Tupperware, put it in the fridge, and clean the pots.” Y/N said and she left. Ajax was upset because Y/N was upset. Ajax served his plate and did what Y/N asked.
It was 9pm and Y/N was getting home. She put on her pajamas and washed her face. Ajax went into the bathroom after she came out.
“Y/N, why is the floor wet?” Ajax asked.
“I was washing my face, it happens.” Y/N said.
“You couldn’t wipe it off after?” Ajax asked.
“Do you want to fight now, Ajax?” Y/N asked.
“No, of course not.” Ajax asked.
The rest of the week, Y/N and Ajax were fighting over little stuff, leaving their shoes on the floor, not washing the dishes, not wiping down the stove after frying, stuff like that. It was Saturday when it started bubbling over. Y/N had a morning shift and asked Ajax if he could vacuum the apartment and do the laundry. When Y/N came home, the floor was still dirty and their clothes were still in the laundry basket, and Ajax was playing video games.
“Turn it off Ajax.” Y/N said, walking in front of Ajax’s blocking his view from the TV.
“I’m about to win.” Ajax said and Y/N unplugged the TV. “Hey! What is your problem?”
“What’s my problem? Oh my god, my problem is you. Tengo que estar detrás de ti diciendo que es lo que tienes que hacer como si fuera tu madre (i have to be behind you, walking you what you need to do like I am your mother)! You couldn’t even vacuum? VACUUM!” Y/N shouted.
“What about you? In Thursday I had to be the one to out gas in your car because you won’t even do it until there’s a quarter left. A quarter! Wait any longer, I’d have to pick you up with a tow truck. I even cleaned out your car, why the hell did it look like the inside of your purse?” Ajax said.
“Gas prices are ridiculous and as long as the car gets me form pint a to b, who cares who clean it is? You won’t even clean the table or stove after you make yourself breakfast! I had to work while you literally do nothing!” Y/N shouted.
“I started my game 20 minutes ago! I was studying for a text I have on Wednesday and I needed a break!” Ajax shouted back.
“It’s almost 2, how come you didn’t make yourself something to eat. We’re you waiting for me to cook you something, is that it?” Y/N asked as she opened the fridge. “There’s nothing.”
“Yeah, i cant cook if there’s nothing to cook.” Ajax said.
“Is there anything in the freezer?” Y/N asked as she opened it. “There’s just ice cream. You couldn’t have gone to shop rite?”
“Oh my God, all week we’ve been fighting! Is it your period? Is that why you’ve been irritable all week?” Ajax asked and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I can’t believe you just said that, I’m going out to get groceries myself, AGAIN, because you couldn’t be bothered to do it, AGAIN!” Y/N said, taking her car keys
“I could go and get groceries since apparently I don’t do anything.” Ajax said trying to get the keys out of Y/N’s hand.
“No no, I’ll get the groceries, I wouldn’t want to bother you while you’re studying for a test. Plus, you still have to vacuum the apartment and do laundry, unless that’s too much for you.” Y/N asked, condescendingly.
“Fine, Don’t use up too much gas.” Ajax says as he went to the living room to continue his studying and Y/N went to the garage to drive to Stop and Shop.
“Ugh, he better be in a good mood when I get back.” Y/N said. She turned on the car and her phone was connected to Bluetooth, half way through the drive to Stop and Shop, her phone died. “Chingada madre, i Don’t have the car charger. Oh well, time to drive in silence.” Y/N parked her car, got the shopping cart, and went in the store.
Ajax finished studying and moved on to do some homework. He turned on TV for some background noise and was about to change the channel when he heard something that caught his attention.
“There has been a car accident in the Hutchison Parkway, the car was a (whatever your car is, or, a light blue 2020 Honda CR-V), the driver of this car is in critical condition but we haven’t been able to inform the family members or identify the person.” The news lady said and Ajax’s heart just drops.
“That’s Y/N’s car, please Can she be alright.” Ajax got off the couch, ran into the room to where his phone was charging and called her but it went straight to voicemail.
“Hi, you’ve reach Y/N L/N, sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, leave a message.” Y/N’s voice said and Ajax panicked even more.
“Please be okay, please be okay.” Ajax said. The news was still talking about the accident and he couldn’t just sit still. He vacuumed, did the laundry, he called Y/N 5 more times in the last hour, still went straight to voicemail.
Another hour has passed and Ajax was worse, she never took this long to get food, Stop and Shop was 20 minutes away in car. Ajax felt like crying, they’ve been fighting too much, he felt like it was his fault, if they didn’t fight, if he did what he was supposed to do, she wasn’t supposed to die at 20, they were supposed to get married when they graduated.
Y/N was driving back when she saw the accident. Damn, that poor soul. She had to go to the detour route and went to a shop rite to get some of the fast meals like ramen, Mac and cheese, bertolli (freezer meal pasta, I love it), and shop rite was closer so the cold stuff won’t get warm.
Ajax was in the bedroom, watching his phone, waiting for a call from the hospital. It’s been 4 hours since Y/N left, he was about to call his parents when he heard the keys jingle.
“Y/N?” Ajax asked as he wiped his eyes.
“Papito, Can you help me with the bags? I still have more downstairs..” Y/N placed a bag down when Ajax hugged Y/N, and spun her around.
“You’re okay.” Ajax mumbled in Y/N neck, placing kisses. “Thank God you’re okay.” Ajax said, his voice breaking a little, refusing to let Y/N go.
“Mi vida, are you okay? Did something happen when I was gone.” Y/N said, trying to see him but Ajax squeezed harder, burying his head in her neck even more, Y/N then felt something wet on her neck. “Papito, why are you crying? It’s been a long day, we haven’t eaten anything, of course we were going to fight. I’m sorry I took so long, there was an accident and I had to go to another store because they didn’t have those bertolli things in Stop and Shop. Baby, I feel you shaking, want to tell me what happened?” Y/N asked. Ajax put Y/N down to look her in the eyes.
“Um, when I was doing homework, the accident was on the news, it was the same car as yours, you take that parkway to go to stop and shop, youths news lady said that driver is critical but they weren’t releasing a name, you weren’t answering your phone. Baby, I thought something happened to you. I was waiting by the phone, I was about to call my dad, I didn’t know what to do.” Ajax said, his eyes tearing up and voice breaking as he explained to Y/N
“Papito, It’s alright, I’m here now, okay? In one piece.” Y/N hugged Ajax, petting his hair.
“I know.” Ajax said. “I’ll bring up the stuff.” Ajax went downstairs to pick up the rest of the grocery bags. He came back up and placed everything in the kitchen. “I vacuumed and did the laundry. I was going to order food earlier but um…I couldn’t eat.” Ajax said as he out the groceries away. Y/N hugged Ajax from behind, leaning against his back and Ajax played with her fingers.
“We didn’t get to kiss and make up.” Y/N said. Ajax pushed her hands and away and turned around so they were facing each other.
“Can you do me a favor, my love?” Ajax asked.
“Yeah of course.” Y/N said,
“Next time we fight, please don’t drive. If you need the space, just go into our room our go to the building’s pool, but please don’t drive. I could even go the building’s gym if you really need the space until we’re both good, just don’t drive. You have no idea what was going on in my head when you weren’t answering,” Ajax said. Ajax kissed Y/N’s forehead and she hugged him again.
“I promise I won’t drive. Do you want to order some Chinese food? It’s been a long day and I think we both deserve some take out,” Y/N said.
“Of course, I love you. You know that I love you, right?” Ajax asked.
“Of course I know that you love me. Do you know I love you?” Y/N asked.
“I do.” Ajax kissed Y/N. “Okay, let’s order some food, I am absolutely starving.” Ajax said.
Hope you liked it! A little angst, that’s something I’m not used to writing
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theempanadasking · 3 months
Enjoy Authentic Argentine Food at Our Restaurant
Immerse Yourself in Argentine Culinary Culture
At our restaurant, we offer a unique culinary experience where each dish is a masterpiece of authentic Argentine food. Our passion for argentina cuisine drives us to create flavors that will transport you directly to the pampas and the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires.
History and Tradition of Argentine Food
argentina cuisine is a fusion of indigenous and European influences, especially Italian and Spanish, which have created a diverse and rich array of flavors. Beef is the cornerstone of the Argentine diet, thanks to the vast expanses of pampas ideal for cattle ranching. But argentina cuisine is much more than just beef; it’s a celebration of fresh ingredients and culinary techniques perfected over generations.
What Makes Argentine Food Unique?
Argentine food stands out for its diversity and richness of flavors, influenced by a fusion of European and American cultures. From tender grilled meats to crispy empanadas and delicious desserts, each bite is a celebration of tradition and innovation. The passion for cooking is reflected in every dish, where fresh, high-quality ingredients are the stars.
Star Dishes on Our Menu
Argentine Parrillada
The parrillada is the heart of argentina cuisine. At our restaurant, we offer a variety of the highest quality cuts of meat, perfectly grilled on our parrilla. From juicy bifes de chorizo to tender lomos, each cut is a delight you cannot miss. We accompany our meats with a selection of traditional sauces, such as chimichurri and salsa criolla, which enhance the natural flavors of the meat.
Our empanadas, made with traditional recipes, are the perfect appetizer. We offer a variety of fillings, from beef and chicken to vegetarian options, all wrapped in a golden, crispy crust. Empanadas are a symbol of Argentine hospitality, and each bite will make you feel at home.
The milanesa is another iconic Argentine dish. Whether beef or chicken, our milanesas are finely breaded and fried to a perfect golden crisp, served with fresh and tasty side dishes. Try our milanesa a caballo, topped with fried eggs, for a complete experience.
Homemade Pastas
The Italian influence in argentina cuisine is reflected in our homemade pastas. We offer a variety of options, from stuffed ravioli to gnocchi, served with homemade sauces that will make you feel like you’re in a Buenos Aires trattoria.
Dulce de Leche and Desserts
No Argentine meal would be complete without a sweet touch. Our dessert menu includes classics like alfajores, chocotorta, and artisanal ice creams with dulce de leche, perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. Dulce de leche is a star ingredient in our pastries, and its creamy, caramelized flavor is a true delight.
Argentine Beverages and Wines
To complement our culinary offerings, we have a selection of Argentine wines that pair perfectly with our dishes.
Why Choose Our Restaurant?
Fresh and Quality Ingredients
We pride ourselves on using only the freshest, highest quality ingredients. We work with local suppliers and carefully select each ingredient to ensure every dish reflects the best of argentina cuisine. Our commitment to quality is reflected in every bite, guaranteeing a memorable dining experience.
Cozy Atmosphere
Our restaurant offers a cozy and elegant atmosphere, ideal for enjoying a meal with friends, family, or a partner. The decor, inspired by Argentine culture, will make you feel like you’re in the heart of Buenos Aires. From the walls adorned with photographs of Argentine landscapes to the tango music that fills the air, every detail is designed to immerse you in the experience.
Exceptional Service
Our team is committed to providing you with an unparalleled dining experience. From the moment you walk through the door to the last bite, we strive to make your visit memorable. Our staff is knowledgeable and passionate about Argentine food and are always ready to recommend the best dishes and pairings.
Special Events and Private Dinners
In addition to our regular menu, we offer options for special events and private dinners. If you’re planning a celebration, a business meeting, or just an intimate dinner, our team can help you create a personalized experience that your guests will never forget. We have private spaces and special menus that cater to any occasion.
Ordering Online
We know that sometimes you prefer to enjoy the best Argentine food from the comfort of your home. That’s why we offer a quick and easy online ordering service. With just a few clicks, you can have your favorite dishes delivered straight to your door. Our online ordering platform is intuitive and secure, allowing you to customize your orders and select from a variety of delivery options.
Discover the Best Argentine Food in Town
When it comes to experiencing authentic Argentine food, our restaurant stands out as the premier destination. We take pride in offering a menu that showcases the diverse and flavorful cuisine of Argentina. Whether you're a fan of succulent grilled meats, crave our signature empanadas, or want to indulge in delectable desserts made with dulce de leche, every dish is crafted with passion and precision. Our commitment to quality and authenticity ensures that every visit is a memorable culinary journey. Join us today and discover why we are the top choice for Argentine food lovers in the area.
Customer Reviews
Nothing speaks better for us than the words of our satisfied customers. Here are some reviews from those who have already enjoyed our food:
"The best parrillada I’ve had outside of Argentina. Every cut of meat was perfectly grilled. I will definitely be back!" - Carlos M.
"The empanadas are amazing, with a crispy crust and delicious filling. The restaurant’s atmosphere is very cozy, and the service is excellent." - Lucía R.
"I ordered online, and the food arrived hot and delicious. The milanesas are spectacular. Highly recommended!" - María G.
Visit Us Today
We invite you to come and experience the best of Argentine food at our restaurant. Whether you’re looking for a place for a special dinner or just want to enjoy a good asado, we are here to offer you an unforgettable culinary experience.
[2992 Spring Street, Redwood City, California 94063, United States]
[650 264 5966]
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Follow us on social media to stay updated on our promotions, special events, and menu updates.
Reserve Your Table
To ensure your spot, we recommend making a reservation. You can do so by calling us directly or through our website. Our reservation system is quick and easy to use, guaranteeing you a table on the date and time you prefer.
Discover the authentic flavors of Argentine food. From juicy roasts to traditional empanadas, explore the rich culinary culture
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peru-perusals · 4 months
Day 17 - Part 1 - Amazon Rainforest & Lima
The next morning, I once again woke up to the sounds to birds and monkeys at 5:28 and Haley’s monkey impression from next door at 6:20.
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We moved out of our rooms and hung out on the hammocks before it was time to leave.
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Photo by Holly
Just before we left, Bernadette spotted another Scarlet Macaw!
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Photo by Holly
We said our goodbyes to the resort and set off on the two hour trip upstream to Puerto Maldonado.
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Our conversation on the long boat ride was expansive, ranging from Webkinz to PBS kids shows, brainstorming all of the Word Girl villains we could remember.
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Photo by Holly
We got on the bus back to the headquarters, where we picked up the rest of our luggage, including the luggage that had been left in Cusco.
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Photo by Holly
We entered the absolutely tiny airport and waited at one of two gates.
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We got empanadas for a quick lunch and ate bananas to celebrate national banana day.
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We arrived back in Lima and were greeted by the giant shoe!
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As we drove across town from the airport to Miraflores to the hotel, we were alongside a Dutch woman that had flown with us from Puerto Maldonado. Claire had helped reunite her with her luggage in the check-in line and her husband had watched the movie over Austyn’s shoulder the entire flight, so we felt like we had a connection. We waved excitedly each time we passed her.
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We arrived at the hotel and rested for an hour! We were exhausted.
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At 5:00, we were picked up by our good friend Shayla in a black van up for a fancy farewell dinner! We walked through a new part of Lima that had a beautiful view of the sunset past the train tracks, river, and Pan American highway.
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We reached Plaza De Armas, Lima’s central square. The horse drawn carriages were very reminiscent of Sevilla!
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Photos by Holly
We sat down at a restaurant with a balcony overlooking the square.
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Photo by Holly
I got ceviche, an iconic Peruvian dish of raw fish and onions in a lemon juice. I didn’t like it very much, but luckily I was able to munch on Claire’s lomo saltado and Alyssa’s french fries.
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Shayla ordered us a salchipapa for our final course.
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Photo by Holly
We picked up yet another style of churros on our way to Lima’s equivalent of the Fountains of Bellagio.
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Continued in Part 2!
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alpacaexpeditions · 4 months
Discover the Best Lima Peru Tours Package with Alpaca Expeditions 
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Are you dreaming of an unforgettable adventure in South America? Look no further than a Lima Peru tours package with Alpaca Expeditions. Lima, the vibrant capital of Peru, offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modern attractions. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or an outdoor enthusiast, a tour package to Lima will leave you with lasting memories. 
Why Choose Lima for Your Next Adventure? 
Lima is a city that beautifully marries the old and the new. Its historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a treasure trove of colonial architecture, museums, and churches. A stroll through the Plaza Mayor reveals the grandeur of the Government Palace and the stunning Cathedral of Lima. Nearby, the Larco Museum offers an impressive collection of pre-Columbian art that provides deep insights into Peru's rich history. 
Exploring Lima’s Culinary Scene 
One of the highlights of any Lima Peru tours package is the city's renowned culinary scene. Lima is often hailed as the gastronomic capital of South America, and for good reason. The city boasts several world-class restaurants that have earned spots on the prestigious list of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. From traditional dishes like ceviche and lomo saltado to innovative fusion cuisine, Lima's food scene is a paradise for food lovers. We ensure that your tour package includes dining experiences at some of the finest eateries, allowing you to savor the diverse flavors of Peru. 
Adventure and Nature 
For those who crave outdoor adventures, Lima is not disappointing. The city’s coastline is perfect for surfing, paragliding, and beach relaxation. Miraflores, a district known for its scenic beauty, offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and is ideal for leisurely walks or bike rides along the Malecón. With us, your Lima Peru tours package can include guided excursions to these beautiful coastal spots, ensuring you capture the essence of Lima's natural charm. 
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Cultural Immersion 
We take pride in offering immersive cultural experiences in their Lima Peru tours package. Visit the bustling local markets, where you can interact with friendly vendors and purchase unique handicrafts. Experience traditional music and dance performances that highlight Peru’s vibrant cultural heritage. Alpaca Expeditions' knowledgeable guides provide fascinating insights into the local customs and traditions, making your trip both educational and enjoyable. 
Tailored Tours for Every Traveler 
Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or as part of a group, we have a Lima Peru tours package to suit your needs. Their customizable itineraries ensure that you can explore Lima at your own pace, focusing on the attractions that interest you the most. From historical tours and culinary journeys to adventure-packed outings, we have something for everyone. 
Why Choose Alpaca Expeditions? 
We are renowned for its exceptional service and attention to detail. Their experienced team provides an unforgettable travel experience, ensuring that every aspect of your trip is seamless and enjoyable. With us, you can rest assured that your Lima Peru tours package will be a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. 
In conclusion,  
as Lima Peru tours package with Alpaca Expeditions is your gateway to discovering the wonders of Peru's capital. From its rich history and delectable cuisine to its stunning natural landscapes, Lima offers something for every traveler. Book your tour today with Alpaca Expeditions and embark on a journey that you'll cherish for a lifetime. 
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keithdevereux · 5 months
Some digital aerochromes with the Canon Powershot A720, 22 April 2024
It was a lovely day today, with a clear blue sky and not too hot. I took the opportunity to head out for my customary ‘walk around the block’ intending to take some photographs using the Lomo Smena 8M loaded with Harman Phoenix film and an Instax Wide photograph with the Polaroid Big Shot. I also took along the Canon Powershot A720 digicam and a collection of filters to make some digital…
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davewhenham · 5 months
A Lomo-Day
I met up with good friend Jon in Leeds recently for a photo-walk and darn good natter. As has become traditional on these occasions, Jon brought a camera from his collection for me to play with. Lomo LC-A 120 | Fomapan 100 | Pyrocat-HD This time it was a Lomo LC-A 120 medium format camera and I’d come armed with a couple of rolls of Fomapan 100. As an aside I’m trying a new-to-me film/developer…
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