exaltbound · 4 years
-ˏˋ 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐼𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖 ˊˎ-
starter for @lolucina
          Ever since arriving at Garreg Mach, there'd been no shortage of things to do. Between the classes, and the missions, and the meetings, and the toddler in his room, Chrom had worn himself thin—and he was glad of it. Something about living through strife made it hard to sit still, yet he could honestly say that he was much happier building something than he had ever been when he was holding it together.
          Gods, Em. How'd you do it? The Grimleal nipping at their heels, half of Ylisse in ruins to pay for their father's judgement, and not one but two children in her care when she herself had barely had ten years behind her. She had never admitted to being anything less than fine, and for the life of him Chrom had no idea how one could be so close to another who held so many secrets. Every day, he learned more about his late sister, and every day, that was all he could do. It was just a matter of taking up the reigns of those who'd come before you, accepting their successes, and their failures, and praying you were doing it right. King to daughter, sister to brother, and father to...
          All of a sudden, he was breathless. The handful of papers he'd been clutching drifted to the floor like confetti, and with nothing else between his hands, they reached for her. It was a simple matter of putting one foot in front of the other, until it was eight, ten, fifteen steps—what a small price to pay to have her there again, and to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that this was no dream.
         “It's you—I mean, you're here,” he said. Then, there was his laugh. It bubbled up from his throat, light and deep and airy all at once. In the span of that sound his grip moved from her back, to her shoulders, to her face, until warm and calloused fingers ran down the ridge of her ears and the ends of her hair. “You cut it?”
          He didn't know what else to say, or at least, he didn't know what to say first. There must have been a thousand little things, each as small and vapid as the last, but in this moment they were everything to him. Questions like where she'd been, and how long she planned to stay? For now though, he'd have to settle for just two.
         “How are you?” he asked, and as though only just realizing how close he'd pressed them, Chrom detached himself from her. He really shouldn't have rushed at her like that, but the truth was that he couldn't help himself. Eyes tired, and head shaking, all he could do was beam at her, even as he moved away. “I'm sorry. I just didn't know if you’d... well, I left a letter for you in Ylisse. Did you get it?”
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fortuitousflowers · 4 years
🍽 to experiment in the kitchen with my muse
send a beach ask! ( accepting ) | @lolucina
          “The trick to a perfect pie, is a perfect pie crust.” Sumia opened several cabinets, searching through the contents. The kitchen wasn’t the first place that called for exploration, admittedly. But upon looking through what was available, she found that the pantries were well-stocked with fresh ingredients in several varieties. She was no master chef… but there was fun in trying to put a recipe together. It reminded her of baking with her mother when she was a girl.
          “Let’s see…” Flour, butter, salt, and sugar. Sumia laid them all out on the counter. A deceptively simple lineup. She knew how to bake a decent pie now, but it was only after hundreds of hours of practice (and nearly breaking a tooth). Hopefully Lucina wouldn’t have to go through the same ordeal. Or, dream-Lucina. Maybe real-Lucina knew all this already, or didn’t care to learn at all. But for now, Sumia could pretend she was useful.
          “That’s everything! Now we just need to put it together…”
          Into a bowl went measured-out flour, sugar, and salt. Mixing them quickly, Sumia glanced at Lucina.
          “You combine the dry ingredients together first so everything is dispersed evenly… Oh!” A grin. “Lucina, why don’t you choose the kind of filling it’ll have?”
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
I will be dropping Maribelle, Cordelia, and Lucina. Thank you for having me :)
Maribelle, Cordelia, and Lucina have been dropped and are now available!
- Mod Ree
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arcstral · 4 years
┊♕ .┊   𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡.
Marth  &  Lucina.          ◞           @lolucina          ◞          Lancing +1.
              Carried with the flash floods and snow melts of a molting winter, a brand new spring, the monastery had arranged for a bout of festivities to liven up the inauguration. By such a purpose, the merchant’s square lying a few paces beyond the entryway invited the most foot traffic by far. Carnival stalls and pavilion tents straddled either flank of the cobble walkway, unfurling to the eye with enough vivacity to match the colorfully variegated components of a tulip bed.
              Here, perhaps, was every hue known to every species flowering within the greenhouse and one could feast their senses upon it all. As Marth loitered pleasantly through the strands of the crowd, he observed that the same variety could be attributed to the activities spanning across each station. Pin the tail on the wyvern, goldfish scoop, darts, apple bobbing in horse troughs filled solely with water or a nefarious accompaniment of cuttlefish, cornhole with stuffed bags of kernels or coal, and much, much more; what a selection!
              Towards the end of this long and amusing series of stops, the prince encountered a quaint little booth nestled between two larger ones. A minute curiosity tugged his gaze skyward to the main attraction.. The paper mâché donkey gummed from head to toe in tacky strips of purple and pink, noosed to the fairly low-hanging rung of a tree. Noticing its fair observer the owner clasped his hands together, shot him a toothy grin, and shortly explained the ropes from his chair: ‘Hail, me’lord, one gold for an honest try! Simply wack the donkey with a baton until ya’ spill its guts! Perhaps you’ll soon find your arms heavy from a prize or two by the rubble..!’
              Marth, with his polite and habitual smile, was inclined to trek onward despite the stall master’s overeager come-hither gesture. A part of him thought it merely reasonable by such an outward spirit of violence, but hardly a soul at all appeared to catch their fancy from the game..
            Or at least, none except for precisely one. The single other visitation beyond his own belonged to a young noblewoman with some inkling of a high-bred Altean air about her. Though, in truth, he would have only said so by how alike they looked. Deep blue hair in marginally different swatches, followed by the harmonized slopes of androgynous jawlines, noses, and mouths; even the same glistering brand of gold adorned their heads! Beside him, she seemed to face a curiosity of a dilemma, frantically patting away at her person. At the angle he was positioned he could surmise that she hadn’t a gold coin to spare for the moment.
              Strung along by his kindness in more ways than one, the prince shuffled two fingers into his inner lapel and moved to place a coin in the man’s hand before he could even give it a second thought. Well, not that he ever would have. “-So be it, sir, but let it not be for me. Allow this maiden to try her luck so much as I see she is eager to do!” After a few more seconds of this transaction, an elegant pivot pointed his feet towards the young woman as he faced her in full. He snapped his wrist, flipped over the baton, and then offered it to her hilt-first. “I am called Marth. You arrived at this stall with a purpose, I can imagine. It should please me to see it fulfilled just as well as you.”
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forlornwyvernrider · 4 years
» feytouched
starter for: @lolucina
Mission Task Board: For the last several weeks, hunters from a nearby village have been going missing without a trace. The villagers have warned them of the local folklore, that the forests of the region are protected by spirits sent by the Goddess herself to ensure that the land has time to recover and grow in the springtime rains… You set out to investigate these disappearances, but as you step into the woods, rain begins to fall.
It’s the ominous voices that made it clear they were trekking down the same path as the hunters they were actively trying to look for. Some were childlike, some were faint whispers, but what they all had in common was that they can’t seem to find who they came from. The voices kept trying to urge them to move a certain direction, and by this point, it was evident it was meant to lure the gullible and the unwise. Even with the knowledge this was most likely a trap, their objective remained the same: they had to find the hunters.
The rain continued to fall, and the ground they walked on grew a bit muddy as the day continued. Still, the tall trees spread out its branches and leaves far enough to provide decent enough cover. It felt more like a light shower as rain fell on them, and for now, it was hardly a concern. 
“Stay close.” He’s leading the way as they follow the directions of the voices, a step ahead of Lucina. He does not fear spirits, nor does he underestimate them. These ones seemed to be playful in nature, but it could all just be a guise meant for them to lower their guard. Gerome keeps his poleaxe ready at all times, even if the voices seemed to be that of children’s.
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thievingstalwart · 4 years
treasure grove: lucina&annette&sothe
beach purgatory | @l-bloomed-overachiever-l and @lolucina asked:
🌴 Well, everyone was stuck at this beach, so Annette figured that she might as well make the most of it and do everything she can. A few trees in the distance caught her eye, one in particular seemed to have little orange dots among the leaves. She turned to the person closest to her, which happened to be Sothe, and said "Hey! Do you wanna race to that tree over there? I think I might've seen some fruit!"
He was a bit startled by the sudden address, but looked over in the direction she was pointing in. Indeed, he could see fruit handing on the branches high above around and dang, there was much. The resources of the island seemed to be infinite, but even what they had available at all times was a lot. 
“Should we get some for everyone?” he asked, immediately regretting the question. That would be a lot of oranges. “On second thought, we might need more help with that, to gather and later carry them. Can’t say I’m weak, but I can only hold so many,” before the mountain becomes too high and collapses on the person carrying it.
Sothe looked around for more people. Most everyone was out at sea, but there were a couple people walking around. The first of them he called out to. “Oi, Lucina! Want to climb some orange trees?”
(next: Lucina!)
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forlornwyvernrider · 4 years
❝ Gerome. ❞ She starts, a look of mirth reflected clearly in cerulean blues. It took her multiple trips to the market to find the perfect one, and a seamstress to help with the second one, but she made it just in time. ❝ I've noticed you're fond of flying with Minerva near sundown and I'm sure the mountain is far colder but... ❞ In the box Lucina presents him is are two scarves, both a mix of light orange and purple hues: the color of the sunset. [1/3]
They were long, beautiful scarves with the addition of a black mask and a black dragon sewn like spread out patterns across the cloth. ❝ Does it not look warm? This way, you'll be comfortable no matter the temperature. And you'll be matching with Minerva as you fly. That and if you'll allow it -- ❞ Lucina unfolds the smaller one and wraps it around Gerome's neck. It was long enough too, to which she shows by taking the other half around her. ❝ -- you can share with a friend. ❞ [2/3]
A soft smile that erupts into a short laughter. This was rather silly, wasn’t it? She’s sure he’s not a fan of it, but perhaps he’ll forgive her for today. ❝ Happy birthday, dear friend. I’m grateful you’ve stayed by my side all this time. I look forward to our year in Garreg Mach together. ❞ [3/3]  
And yet again, two wrapped boxes greets him in the face, and behind it, the joyous expression of an old friend. He’s starting to get shy, even among friends. It was embarrassing to have this kind of attention on him, and the warmth in his chest is starting to become too much for his poor heart.
Gerome watches in silent awe as Lucina presents the scarf she got him, the color a magnificent orange with hints of bluish purples. He’s always loved the sunsets. It was the perfect way to end the day and begin the night, and no matter how many times he witnesses it, from no matter where is, he never tires of the sight of it. As silly as the wyvern rider and wyvern tandem placed as patterns looked, it made it all the more endearing for him.
Lucina admittedly had questionable tastes, but this one... this one he appreciates in full. It’d be embarrassing to wear, but there’s no one to bare witness to it when he’s up in the sky anyway. The other use, however--  
“--!” He doesn’t flinch when she wraps the scarf around him, but for her to connect it to herself? That takes him by surprise, a touch of color painted on his cheeks. The warmth from today must have been piling up. He can’t imagine himself sharing this with any of his friends, close or not. Still, he doesn’t pull away and chooses instead to look to the sides and avoid her gaze. “...you should know how unlikely that’d be.”
Her laughter is responded with a grunt, discomfort springing up, mostly due to self-consciousness. This scarf must have been made from the finest material. It was getting warmer and warmer by the second. He clears his throat, and mentally slaps himself to get a grip. Her statement takes him back to older times, to more than a year ago, to a much more chaotic time. “There’s no need for thanks. I meant what I said back then. The situation might have changed, but my sentiments remain the same,” In comparison to back then, things were much more peaceful. Confusing, with memories he can’t seem to piece together, but peaceful all the same. “You needn't look far—I will stand beside you, as always.”
He should have chosen a different time to say that, but alas. He’s the first to remove the scarf from himself, and then from Lucina. The scarf immediately gets put back to the box, and the wyvern rider mentions a quick excuse. Something something Minerva, duties, training... something. He needed to leave. Fast. He just couldn’t take the heat from his face anymore. 
It must have been the scarf...
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
Hello, I just took in Lucina but I'll request for a hiatus just for formalities. Work forced me to take in more hours to make up for a sudden lack of manpower. I'll be back soon!
Lucina is on hiatus until September 4th! Please make sure to message the Masterlist once you return.
- Mod Bren
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