#lol yeah i remember alexandra ASSHOLE
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Shitty that I kinda miss 2019-2021 era bc my ex made me so horrifically depressed I was actually Skinny for a hot minute.
#wren.txt#feelin bad about my body continues#'jokes' aside i hope he breaks all his teeth.#i hope no one ever smiles at him on the side walk.#i hope everytime he needs to get blood drawn they cant find a vein and have to stick him 5+ times#i hope he hears taylor swift and thinks of me#i hope he knows he is the smallest man who ever lived.#i hope his current gf finds out about everything hes ever lied about#i hope that girl he statutory raped presses charges#i hope every pet hes ever killed rises from the grave pet semetary style and gets revenge.#i hope he loses his tongue and can never lie to anyone again. or gaslight them. or manipulate them. or pressure them.#i hope the cra gets him for tax evasion#i hope he gets an STD bc surely hes cheating on this woman too#lol yeah i remember alexandra ASSHOLE#i take solace in knowing he will get fired from his current employment same as he gets fired from every job#i hope his baby mamas get ANGRY and start demanding more money from him.#bc they've been WAYY too fucking nice
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A friend shared this lil' meme on a server we're in so I kinda wanna do it lol
SOME EXPLANATIONS below and beware of controversial takes!
Ship That I Love At First Sight -- I'M A KORRASAMI TRUTHER SINCE BOOK ONE. Very controversial take, but I really hated how Mako behaved and how he was positioned on that stupid love triangle but Korra and Asami's interaction felt so genuine. It felt like they were genuinely so interested with each other and wanted to become (at least) friends, but felt a little awkward considering their situation. I remember saying to my friend "UGH I wish they're the ones being shipped by the show instead". I continued having no hope and watched the show in "eh" although I loved how their relationship finally developed. AND LO AND BEHOLD. People say them being endgame is not valid and not deserving can meet and fistfight me at 3 PM in the school's football field.
Ship That I Initially Don't Like - This is going to be another controversial take because hhh ok. So I started only shipping Akihiko and Shinjiro because who doesn't love tragic gay childhood best friends who were torn apart due to trauma and life choices and one of them died in a way to sorta atone their mistakes etc etc. Like THE ANGST -- especially when you play this game at FUCKING 16 and only slowly opening the closet door. I invest to them greatly. Surprise surprise, even though she's my type I initially didn't get to like Mitsuru immediately but I realized it's not Misturu that I hate but... Something about her relationship with Yukari bring the worst out of each other (yeah I know they get better at P4A but 1they do have a long way to go I feel like). Turns out I just don't like it when Mitsuru interacts with Yukari but her interaction with other characters is fine to me. So I didn't pay P3 attention for a while but revisited it somewhere in 2010 and I realized how in sync and deeply connected Akihiko and Misturu were. They're so parents-coded to SEES (and boi do I love a dilfxmilf coded ship). That November 4th event did appealed to me the first time but it appealed to me even more. And I thought about how both have lost everything but still have each other and get each other's back almost in a non verbal way. The only person who can love and understand Akihiko in and out the way Shinji does to me is Mitsuru and the only person who would have all the grace, compassion, and patience to Mitsuru with all her burden is just Akihiko. So yeah, I guess they're otp too now. It's okay if you don't agree with this or if you're disgusted by the fact that I don't really vibe with the popular wlw ship in P3. Sometimes you just don't vibe with something, you know. I'm sure there are things you just don't vibe with too and that's cool. That's just human. But if you call me lesboph*bic or h*mophobic for this and think I deserve harassment... WOAH lmao. Are you okay?
Ship That I Don't Like Anymore - Siegfried and Cassandra is a ship of the past when I was still a stupid literal child brainwashed by cisheteronormativity and I just shipped the emoest conventionally attractive BOY with the boisterous sunshine of a conventionally attractive GIRL. As I became an adult I just lost interest in it completely and realized, HEY. Cassandra Alexandra is BIG LESBIAN. No way that girl is straight. Besides, if I wanna see conventionally attractive blonde people getting hooked now, I can just look at Husband and Wife Courtney Miller and Shayne Topp Miller.
Favorite Popular Ship - I think this doesn't need much explanation.
Favorite Rarepair - So is this one.
Controversial Ship - Okay, so, maybe they're not that controversial, but OMG people hate villains and people just can't grasp the fact that sometimes we read books and watch shows and find the villains entertaining because they're complexly written. Do we condone all the fucked up things these two assholes had done? Nah. Do we find character dynamics and development interesting to pay attention to and how the story makes us wanna know what happen? Yeah! But still, people hate me for finding these particular fictional rocks interesting ๐๐ Other than that, there are people with the headcanon of them being sisters and you know how people treat different headcanons than theirs online, harass the fuck out of anyone who has that different headcanon.
Ship That I Want To Become Canon Most - Sometimes an enby just wants to enjoy a non problematic ship where two adults fall in love and be parents. Sometimes I just wanna enjoy a found family and adoption ever after. Like that sweet dream stepmom headcanon or a girl adopted by loving parents and gets a younger sister thing. Like man. Sometimes you just want simple things. Llsten, I don't think my favorite, even close to canon queer cookie ships can have the chance so Devsis. I'm begging you. At least the breeders are ok with this one, just give it a greenlight.
Comfort Ship - This also needs no explanation lol. They're my foster parents.
A Ship That Deserves More Attention - I'm generally a casual Jojo shipper and most of my favorite ships are the common ones but I really enjoy the KakPol dynamic. Something about a chill guy and a disastrous guy feels kinda sweet to me. To be honest, I find Part 3 Jotaro is hard to ship with anyone (yes, including Kakyoin -- I'm ok with the ship tho!) because of how edgy and distant he is. Like, he's just being his cool main character self and no one can touch him (and Jotaro is my most favorite beside Lisa Lisa lol, but sometimes it's just weird how you just like a character but can't really ship em with anyone). So I just pay more giggles to KakPol and sometimes PolAvdol.
First OTP - I'm torn between Jason and Kimberly from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Rei and Minako from Sailor Moon or THEM. But I feel for a fact that I was a hardcore Xena x Gabrielle stan at 6-7 years old is so interesting to me. First of all, this isn't a kids show, unlike Power Rangers or Sailor Moon anime. Second of all, I still understood nothing and my idea of romance were soooo limited, yet I wanted these two to hold hands and go on dates. NO ONE TOLD ME HOW TO BE GAY but somehow I AM. I tuned in to Xena every Sunday afternoon. Like I just wanna see Xena and Gabrielle be badass and flirt with each other and somehow frustrated why they keep pairing them with uninteresting men lol ๐ but yeah. Look where I am now!
Current OTP - And to wrap it and sorta make it funny, of course I gotta involve another ship that has a Gabriel on it ๐ Of course this is my choice of current otp. I invest to them a lot and I still can't get enough of them. I want them to kiss forever and I'm grateful they have all the time to kiss ๐ฅฐ
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