#lol surprise trendy toys
sakurapika · 7 months
How TWST characters would react to getting money for New Year
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Author's note: I originally wrote this around January 1st and intended to post it at that time. However, I never had the chance to finish, as I was too busy actually celebrating New Year's Day with my family. Luckily, the Lunar New Year has rolled around, so I have another chance to post this!
🧧🎊Some fun facts about this tradition: 🎍🎉
New Year's Day, or お正月 ("oshogatsu") is the biggest holiday of the year in Japan. Since most Japanese children aren't given their own allowances, getting an envelope of money from your relatives is a big deal. This tradition is called お年玉 ("otoshidama"). At this time of year, there also tends to be a lot of sales, hence the New Year Sale event in the game. Of course, if your parents are like mine, your money goes towards your education instead of toys, lol.
I grew up in an area with a large Chinese population, so sometimes I would also get red envelopes on Lunar New Year from family friends. However, the typical money envelopes in Japan, which are called "pochibukuro" are usually white. They tend to feature patterns with images such as daruma dolls, ribbons, origami, popular childrens' characters, or the yearly Zodiac animal.
Pochibukuro are usually given by adults to children to symbolize good luck and to thank them for their hard work over the past year. However, we're going to imagine a scenario in which you give the TWST boys money for fun.
If you also have special traditions on January 1st or Lunar New Year, whether in Japan, China, Vietnam, or another country, please let me know what they are! Also, if you'd like to buy some pochibukuro of your own, you can find them at shops such as Daiso or Kinokuniya.
Riddle Rosehearts: He would be surprised by the idea of receiving such a gift, and would thank you profusely. He would likely save the money for something in the future like medical school expenses or textbooks, but he would keep the envelope as a bookmark to remember your kindness.
*I like to headcanon that Riddle is of Japanese descent on one side of his family. At some point, maybe one of his relatives gave him something for New Year's, but his mother stored it away for "safekeeping." At NRC, when he meets you, he has a chance to hold onto his own money. Maybe he'd even indulge just a little, and buy himself a strawberry tart or two.
Ace Trappola: He'll shamelessly spend it all that day, but at least he'd buy something high-quality and useful, like some shoes or a new basketball.
Deuce Spade: Like in Chapter 6, Deuce would likely say something about how he'd like to give the money to his mother. "But this is for you," you would say. "Spend it on something you like." In that case, he'd buy a snack at the mall or a new shirt. He'd also buy you something small in exchange.
Trey Clover: It's hard to imagine what Trey would spend his money on...maybe a new hat, a fancy kitchen set, or a motorized toothbrush. He'd probably ask about where to get money envelopes so that he could get some for his younger siblings.
Cater Diamond: He would probably hug you if you gave him such a gift. I imagine that he has been looking forward to all the sales on New Year's Day and has been looking forward to buying trendy new clothes and accessories. Maybe he'd even bring you along.
Leona Kingscholar: Why are you giving money to a prince?! Leona has no need for this little herbivore tradition, but he'd at least thank you. He'd also misplace the envelope before he could spend it, but he probably wouldn't be bothered.
Ruggie Bucchi: Luckily, Ruggie would find Leona's missing otoshidama. Finder's keepers? There's about a million things Ruggie would like to buy, but he'd probably end up using the money for household things like laundry detergent and toilet paper. Leona would most likely keep his, in addition to the envelope that you give him.
Jack Howl: Jack may be surprised to get such a gift and have a hard time accepting it from you until he understands that it is tradition. Like Ace, he would make sure to spend it on something practical, such as workout clothes, but he'd also buy a few cacti--and maybe give you one as well.
Azul Ashengrotto: A tradition...involving free money? Say no more. Like Jack, Azul would say he has a hard time accepting such a gift, but it is a clear façade. Deep down, he'd be delighted that you thought of him. He'd likely save the money for the Mostro Lounge's expenses, or he would treat himself to a new book or fancy skincare. He'd also try to take Floyd's and hold onto it before he spends it recklessly. Maybe he'd feel as if he'd owe you something as well, which is a feeling he hates.
Jade Leech: Jade would act like Azul, except he is better at hiding his delight. He might even scare you a little while asking whether he owes you money in return! As for what he spends it on...who knows? (My guess is a tea set, a fancy knife set for threatening people the Mostro Lounge, or some new hiking gear).
Floyd Leech: Giving Floyd money is like freeing every animal from the zoo and unleashing them at the mall. He'd most likely ransack the shoe stores first, but he'd also wreak havoc at the arcades and toy stores.
Kalim Al-Asim: Again, why are you giving the richest people at NRC money?! Kalim would be intrigued and would want to adopt this tradition, giving his money to everyone, young and old. He’d probably be like Trey and try to get some envelopes for his siblings, too. Honestly, though, you’re better off giving the money to Jamil, because like Leona, Kalim is definitely going to misplace that envelope.
Jamil Viper: Hmmm, this one is difficult. He’d probably take it with hesitation, asking whether you’re trying to bribe him or if there’s something you’re asking from him. Once he realizes that you’re being sincere and that the money is actually for him, he’d likely save it in a secret bank account. I imagine that he has some money saved for if ever he has a chance to leave the Asim family, even if just temporarily. After all, money is power, and anything he can get would make a difference. Don’t worry Jamil—the world awaits you!
Vil Schoenheit: Vil is a smart man—he has likely heard of these traditions before after working with actors from different countries and watching movies. Although he may be a bit baffled at being on the recieving end of an otoshidama, he’d instantly reciprocate by giving you traditional deserts, like a box of mochi wrapped in tasteful wrapping paper.
Rook Hunt: You wouldn’t even have a chance to speak, let alone actually show him what you have. The (one-sided) conversation would go something like this: “Trickster, arrête! What is that in your pocket, hmm? An envelope with my name on it? Judging by the weight, you’ve given me about one thousand madol* for New Year. C’est bon, merci! Alas, I know not what to do with it. I would purchase something beautiful to look at all year, but true beauty is something you behold, free in nature. I know! The true beauty is your thoughtfulness! Merci beaucoup!”
*I assumed that madol/thaumarks are equivalent to Japanese yen, so that’s about 1,000円, or roughly $10 USD. That's really not a lot of money, but hey, you're just a college student, and you have 22 classmates. I think the conversion rate depends on the translation, though, as the ENG version of the event implies that the currency is closer to USD/GBP/Euro instead.
Epel Felmier: Epel is the type of kid who has been raised around older folks, and not a lot of kids his own age. I like to imagine that he would visit his neighbor's farms and help them with chores, and they'd give him pocket money in exchange. If you gave him a money envelope, he would be reminded of his hometown and probably send some of the money to his grandmother (he's a good kid). Otherwise, I think the boy would benefit from getting some new athletic wear.
Idia and Ortho Shroud: Like Vil, Idia has probably heard of this tradition from watching anime/donghua or reading about it somewhere, but he'd still be caught off-guard by receiving one, feeling every emotion from flustered to excited. While Idia would go on a full-speed rant about how he wants to spend his money on this and that, Ortho would thank you politely. The two brothers are very close, so I'd imagine that they'd combine their money to buy something that they would use together, like a two-player game, manga from a series that they both like, or merchandise of characters from their favorite gacha game.
Malleus Draconia: Before giving him a money envelope, you greet Malleus with a "Happy Year of the Dragon!" Malleus proceeds to lecture you about the difference between dragons and longs (or 龍/"ryuu" in Japanese) again, but in a lighthearted way. Like Riddle, he is not used to receiving gifts. However, he is a very sentimental person, and would probably keep the pochibukuro in a special place, just to admire the shiny golden long on the envelope every once in a while. He wouldn't even realize that there's money inside until Lilia tells him about it.
*Yet another side note: I am once again begging the TWST developers to make a special Year of the Dragon card for Malleus (the next time they'll have this opportunity is in twelve years!!!). I know he'll eventually get a New Year's Sale card, and already had Qing Dynasty-style clothing for the Halloween event, but I really, really want to see him wearing hanfu.
Sebek Zigvolt: Sebek was secretly waiting for this day because he also knows that it is the Year of the Dragon, and is leaping at the chance to celebrate his liege again. In fact, I'm sure he has already gone all-out in decking the Diasomnia dorm in dragon/long/ryuu-themed decorations. He would still be genuinely excited to receive money envelopes, and tell you about how Lilia used to give them to him and Silver as children. He would then remark that although you're a human, you clearly know your stuff, and thus have the honor of being invited to the party he is throwing.
Silver (Vanrouge): Of course, Silver was dragged into planning the party with Sebek, but he's enjoying it as well. He'd accept your money envelope graciously and tell you about how it reminds him of his father doing the same thing when he and Sebek were children, as well as other stories he heard about his father's travels in The East. I like to imagine that you'd talk for a while with him while standing in the kitchen, preparing kagami mochi and soba, and desperately trying to keep Lilia out of the kitchen.
Lilia Vanrouge: Lilia has always been on the giving end and never on the receiving end of the money envelopes--after all, he is...quite elderly, and people usually give money envelopes to those younger than them. But who knows? I gave my grandmother a money envelope once, and it was fun. Knowing Lilia, he'd probably tease you, saying, "Yes, indeed, I am a very youthful boy!" Of course, Grandpa Lilia won't let you leave empty-handed. He'll give you your very own overfilled pochibukuro too, and won't let you go until you've had some of his special, homemade, traditional New Year's cooking! (Good luck.)
Do you have more ideas about how the cast of TWST would celebrate oshogatsu or the Lunar New Year? Please let me know!
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To everyone reading this, happy New Year, and happy Year of the Dragon!
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome 4 (Jack x Joe x Reader)
Part 4 in this series. This chapter contains kinkier sex scenes than the other three. This includes spanking, the use of sex toys, and pink fluffy handcuffs. (Is anal sex a warning?) Enjoy my smutty brain. The last 3 chapters in this saga will be more like the first 3. This chapter was mixed with the "Jack with pink fuzzy handcuffs" prompt based on his instagram photo.
Jack and Oli had a wild night at the Moxy hotel. The new location for this trendy Hotel chain was throwing a week long party and inviting all sorts of celebrities for the opening night. Jack and Oli thought they had seen it all. They walked through rooms with people dressed in gimp suits, rooms with handcuffs and riding crops, and a room with blindfolds and feathers. While the opening night was amazing, Jack learned that for the rest of the week you could rent private time in an assortment of rooms for you and a partner.
Jack - "Anyway you and Y/n can get away for a couple of days?"
Joe - "I'd have to reschedule a few videos. Why?"
Jack - "I want you to come to Berlin. By tomorrow night."
Joe - "I swear you and Y/n are the most random people I've ever met. Why on earth should I rush to Berlin, lol?"
Jack - "Look at my Instagram post."
Jack - "Now."
Joe scrolled through his Instagram feed looking for Jack's latest post. Finally finding it, he saw the pink fluffy cuffs and something leather in the background. "Moxy?" Joe said outloud, pulling up the website. Reading about their rather risqué themed week, Joe text Jack back.
Joe - "When do we need to be there?"
Jack - "I knew you'd come. ;) Tomorrow night has an opening for a private session in two rooms. Be here by midday?"
Joe - "I'll look up flights. Don't tell y/n."
Jack - "My lips are sealed. Text me when you have your tickets."
Booking the plane tickets, Joe sent their itinerary to Jack. "Babe?" he called, walking downstairs.
"Yes, love?" you replied, washing your hands. You were currently cleaning up after dinner.
"I have a surprise and I don't want you asking any questions." He said, walking up and hopping onto the counter next to you.
"OOooo, tell me what I need to do." you smiled up at Joe, drying your hands.
"First, come here." Joe opened his arms. Walking to stand between his legs, you slipped your hands under his shirt to rest on the skin of his sides. "We're going on a trip, but I'm going to pack our bag. That way you can't try to figure it out." He continued, pulling you in for a kiss.
"I love your surprises, so I'm okay with that." you smiled against his lips. "Anything I need to do?" you asked, noticing the obvious bulge in Joe's shorts.
"Just don't post anything about it. In fact, stay off of social media. It'll ruin the surprise. We have to have to fly under the radar." he answered, his fingers tangling into your hair to gently pull your head back, exposing your neck. "We're going to go have some fun with our boy." Joe said, sucking pink marks into the sensitive skin of your neck, a chill running through your body.
Joe was very gentle with you 99% of the time, but when his demanding dominant side slipped out, you were putty in his hands. Your moans assured him you liked where his surprise was going. "OOooo, a sneaky surprise. When do we leave?" you asked, feeling Joe grip your hair just a bit tighter.
Joe sat up and looked down at you, running his fingers over the marks he had left. "Car will be here in the morning at 8." He answered, letting go of your hair and pulling you in for another kiss. "But for now..." Joe trailed off, hopping off the counter and pulling you to the bedroom.
After some much enjoyed one on one time, you and Joe decided to get some sleep. Joe woke up a bit early to start packing. All you knew is that you were going to meet Jack somewhere. Joe told you to dress comfy and that he'd pack everything you needed. "Love." Joe sat down next to where you were curled up on the couch. "Wake up, babe." Joe gently shook your shoulder.
"Time to go?" you asked, stretching.
"Car will be here in a minute." he smiled at you, kissing your cheek. "I'm so lucky." Joe said, reaching over to tuck your hair behind your ear.
"What are you on about?" you smiled at your boyfriend.
"Just you. I couldn't have asked for someone more perfect for me." He answered, looking to the door when a car horn sounded. "Come on, love."
"I'm the lucky one." you replied, reaching up to peck him on the lips before helping him load the car up.
Thankfully, Joe had given you time to pack your own purse. You grabbed a large handbag, your toiletries and your make-up would in smaller bags inside your bag. A few weeks back you had decided to make a personal purchase at your local adult store. You had been thinking about what it would be like to have both Joe and Jack inside you at the same time and you knew that it was on Joe's list of things he wanted to do. You had started using your new little toys in your private time, just starting to get comfortable with the bigger of the two wearable plugs when Joe surprised you with this trip. "Perfect timing." you thought, packing the larger of the two in your make-up bag.
The two of you watched The Goonies in the airport while you waited for your flight. The flight wasn't too long, so you stayed awake, cuddling up and talking. "Babe, you'll never guess what Emily told me." you said, remembering the conversation you had yesterday with your best friend. She was going to try to move to London soon, so she would be staying with the two of you for a while.
"Her boyfriend is moving with her?" Joe scoffed, hating the guy she had briefly dated. Joe had met Emily on the same L.A. trip he met you on. She had only joined in on your bedroom shenanigans once since she had started dating someone straight after, but Joe always felt really protective of her. Partially because she was your best friend, but she really was just a great person and she didn't deserve the crap guys she put up with.
"She dumped him like a month ago, thankfully." you laughed. "No, she likes Jack!"
"What?!" Joe turned to face you with a big smile on his face. "Does she know about US and Jack?" he whispered.
"Nope." you replied. "I want to try to hook those two up when she finally gets to London."
"Definitely." Joe pulled you closer to him. "They met in L.A., right?"
"They did. And I happen to know that Jack fancied her a bit." You added.
"Oh, we're definitely going to have some fun with those two."
The conversation was tucked away for a later date when it was announced over the loud speaker that you'd be landing soon. "I'm so excited." You said, putting your seat belt back on.
"You don't even know what's going on." Joe laughed.
"I'm flying with MY favorite person to be with OUR favorite person." You said, pulling Joe into a sweet quick kiss. "I don't need to know anything else."
Joe smiled, putting his arm around you to wait out the last bit of the flight. "I told you. I am so lucky."
Finally able to turn his phone back on, Joe text Jack.
Joe - "Hey, buddy. We just landed. What's the plan?"
Jack - "I'm still out with Oli, but he leaves in a few hours. Go to the Moxy and give them my name. They have a note in there to give you a key. Make sure you eat lunch. We have dinner reservations at 5 :)"
Joe - "Will do. See you in a bit. ;)"
Jack - "Don't have too much fun without me."
Joe - "Wouldn't dream of it, love."
For the most part, the hotel was inconspicuous. From the entrance and lobby you couldn't tell that anything special was going on aside from the hotel's grand opening. After eating and settling into the room, you hopped in the shower, leaving Joe to sort out the bag.
Pulling out your toiletries and make-up bags, you slipped out your little toy, adding a bit of lube to your fingers and to the toy. While one hand gently and slowly pressed it's fingers into your ass, first one and then two, the other hand was getting you off. Each making the other better. The still unfamiliar sensation of something in your ass made your orgasms unbelievable and your orgasm relaxed your body and made putting your toy in a lot easier. Once it was secure and you were comfortable, you hopped in the shower.
Joe set out one of your dresses and his favorite lingerie for dinner and an outfit for himself, crawling into the bed in his boxers to wait for you to finish drying your hair in the bathroom. Walking into the room in just a towel, you saw the nice clothes Joe had laid out. Not wanting to wrinkle your dress, you picked up one of Jack's shirts and slipped it on over the lingerie.
Joe got up to take a shower, but walked to you first. "You look good in his shirt." He said, pulling you to him and connecting your lips. "I'll be out in a few."
"You could have just joined me." you said, not letting him go.
"All in good time, love." He replied, tickling your sides so you'd let him go. "Jack should be here soon."
"I'm excited for whatever you two are planning." you called out, exploring the room you were staying in. Not long after the shower started, you heard the hotel room door open.
"You look good in my shirt." Jack said, dropping his stuff by the door.
"That's what Joe said." you replied, going up on your tip toes to kiss him. "He's in the shower."
"Is he now?" Jack asked, starting to strip out of his clothes. "Behave." Jack said, leaning down to kiss you again before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.
"NOT FAIR!" You called out, walking up to the door to listen, not really able to hear anything but the shower.
"Y/n, I know you're right on the other side of the door." Joe laughed. "We can't plan if you're listening."
"Fine, fine." You sighed.
Joe cracked the door and stuck his head out. "Why don't you start getting ready, love." He said before making a 'yip' noise. "Jack, that is not yours." Joe laughed.
"It just looked so cute." you heard Jack reply.
"You guys are so mean to me." you pouted at Joe, wanting to be on the other side of the door with them.
"You'll get yours, love. I promise." Joe pulled you into a quick kiss.
When everyone was finally dressed and ready, Jack called for a car. He had planned a nice dinner out for the three of you in a restaurant with small private rooms. The last thing he wanted to worry about was someone spotting you being too intimate in public. Dinner was very relaxed, but you couldn't really eat much. The anticipation of what was coming later kept your stomach full of butterflies. The fact that you could feel your toy inside you every time you moved wasn't helping.
"Room for dessert?" The waiter asked.
"None for me, thank you." you answered, looking to the other two. They both declined and Joe asked for the check. "So am I allowed to know anything yet?" you asked, Joe shaking his head no and smirking. "Not even a little hint?" you said, sliding up to Jack. "Just a tiny clue?" You whispered in his ear, catching his earlobe between your teeth, your hand sliding up his thigh.
"You're going to love it." Jack groaned.
Joe slid up beside you and put his hand over yours on Jack's thigh. Putting his lips against your ear, he spoke in a low firm voice. "Baby girl, I will put you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours right here in this restaurant if you ask anymore questions." You could feel goosebumps rising on your skin. Turning your face to his, you nodded, seeing the glint of mischief in his eyes. Whatever they were planning had Joe beyond excited. Joe pressed his lips against yours before moving back to where he was originally sitting.
When you looked back at Jack his wide eyes were staring at Joe and he had put his hand over yours, still on his upper thigh. "You two are going to be the death of me." he said, his eyes moving to your lips.
"Not a bad way to go." you laughed, pressing your lips to his.
When you got back to the hotel room, you excused yourself to use the restroom. Slipping out of your dress, you gently started wiggling the toy that was still inside you. Now that you had been wearing it for a few hours, just moving it turned you on. Wanting to surprise the boys, you decided not to wear it for whatever they had planned. You'd be able to keep your plan a secret for a bit longer. Grasping the base of the plug, you slowly pulled it out, moving it in and out of you a few times to make sure you had fully adjusted to the size. You couldn't help the few moans that slipped out of your mouth, hearing the boys go silent on the other side of the door.
"Love, are you starting without us?" Joe called from the room.
"Mind your business." you replied, laughing. You washed the toy and put it back in your make-up bag, making sure to keep the tiny bottle of lube with you. Redressing, you walked out of the bathroom and were greeted by Joe and Jack, sitting on the edge of the bed. "So what's next?" You asked.
"Are you ready?" Joe asked, standing up to wrap his arms around you.
"More than ready." you smiled up at your boyfriend.
"Lets go, lovebirds." Jack said, smacking Joe on the ass and walking to the door.
"Hey, you behave!" Joe laughed, turning to Jack. "Don't think I won't spank you, too."
Jack laughed, but you could see him gulp and his cheeks redden. "It looks like he likes that idea." you said, kissing Jack on the cheek.
Jack led you and Joe down to the elevator and up to the top floor of the building. When the doors opened, the corridor was lit with pink lights and decorated in all black and white. "Do you have a reservation?" a lady dressed in all black asked Jack.
"We do. It's under Maynard." Jack replied, handing her a two pink cards. He leaned closer to the lady and whispered "It's a surprise, so don't read the reservation out loud."
"Of course, sir." she smiled, handing Jack two room keys. "There is another desk at the end of this hall. They will get you anything you need and can answer any questions." She pointed down the corridor. "Will you be needing any assistance?"
"We're good." he said, thanking her and leading us down the hall. When he found the first room, he slid the card in the key reader and opened the door.
You walked in and stopped a moment to take in the scene. There was a king sized bed fitted out with all black bedding and pink furry pillows. There was a wall full of things to play with, too. Furry handcuffs, massive feathers, leather switches, blindfolds, etc. When you turned to face the boys, they were just watching you explore the room. "What are you thinking, love?" Jack asked.
"I'm thinking that I'm a very lucky girl." you answered, walking up to the pair.
Jack pulled you in for a kiss, his hands reaching around and unzipping your dress. You realized it was a distraction when Joe slipped a blindfold over your eyes. "Do you trust us, love?" Joe asked, pulling your hair to the side to kiss down the back of your neck.
"Of course." you answered, holding on to Jack in front of you. Joe slipped your dress off of your shoulders and jack steadied you as you stepped out of it, your lingerie following the dress.
"Keep the heels on." Jack instructed, holding you steady as he walked you backwards to a specific spot.
"Babe, you have to tell us if you're uncomfortable, okay?" Joe asked, his fingers circling your wrists. Joe always made sure you felt loved and safe even when he wanted to be in charge.
"I know, love." you said, feeling him secure something fuzzy to your wrists. "OOooo, I already like where this is going." It was weird not seeing what was going on, but you trusted both of them and knew that you were going to be taken care of.
Jack connected the handcuffs to a loop that was hanging from the ceiling, leaving you standing in just your heels with your arms secured above you. "We're going to play a game." Jack said behind you, his fingers barely grazing your skin as they traced down your sides, making your body shiver.
"One of us is going to touch you and you have to guess who it is." Joe said, his hands sliding up your ribs to caress your breasts. "If you get it wrong, you're going to get a little punishment." He leaned in and kissed your lips. "Okay?"
"Bring it on." you smirked.
You could feel a hand slowly sliding up the inside of your thigh. "That's Joe." you said quickly, feeling his fingernails and knowing that Jack didn't have any.
"Good guess." Jack said.
"Not a guess. I know you boys pretty well." you smiled. The next touch was a mouth, sucking one of your nipples to a hard peak. "That's Jack." you said confidently, knowing that Jack had a tendency to use his teeth. Something that you quite enjoyed.
"Right again." Joe said, standing flush against you and sliding his hands around to squeeze your ass. "I doubt you'll get this one." he said, backing away. The only thing you could feel was a tongue pushing it's way between your folds, lapping at your clit.
You moaned and tried to push forward for more friction, but the person moved back, leaving you wanting more. You couldn't think of any way to figure out who that was, so you decided just to guess Jack.
"How on earth did you get that?" You heard Jack ask from below you.
"I told you, I know you boys very well." you smirked, faking confidence in your guess. Jack leaned forward and started pleasuring you with his tongue again, holding you still by the backs of your thighs.
"You look a little too smug." Joe said, Jack pulling away from you. "I think we're going to up the ante and distract you a bit." You could feel something soft start to tickle the skin of your stomach.
"A feather?" you guessed. "Joe, you know I'm ticklish." you squirmed, feeling a second feather tickle the inside of your thighs. You could feel someone's hands groping at your breasts.
"Joe?" you guessed, still squirming from the feathers teasing your skin.
"Wrong." Jack said, the feathers leaving your skin. You didn't feel anything for a second before you felt a light stinging ripple across your ass cheeks.
"Oh, fuck." you let your knees buckle a bit before catching yourself. "I don't think I'm going to mind getting a few of these wrong." you said, feeling someone's hand trace over the faint pink lines the flogger left on your skin. That earned you a second go with the flogger. You groaned, backing your ass up into the hand that smoothed over your skin.
"God, you're so sexy." Joe said, placing a kiss between your shoulder blades. 'So it was Joe' you thought, loving that your boyfriend was getting to explore something new you two hadn't done together before.
You could feel the feathers tickle your skin again, and then you felt a pair of lips sucking a mark into your collarbone. "That's Joe." you said, feeling like you were pretty certain. Joe loved leaving little temporary marks.
"Good job, baby." He said, capturing your lips in a kiss.
The feathers moved to both of your breasts, lightly tickling your nipples until they were hard and sensitive. You could feel someone pressing light kisses up the back of your thigh, starting at the knee. "I don't know. Umm..Joe." you guessed, too distracted to really tell the difference.
Joe answered you from right in front of you. "Nope." he said, popping the P.
"I've always wanted to do this." you heard Jack say behind you before lightly sinking his teeth into the flesh of your ass.
"Oh, fuck me." you said, feeling Jack's playful bite and the feathers disappearing. This time you didn't just get one swish. You got two, back to back. One from each side. "Do it again." you said, without thinking.
Joe slipped his fingers between your legs, feeling just how turned on you had gotten. "I didn't expect to discover a new kink, baby." Joe chuckled, kissing you. "You really like it?" He asked. When you nodded yes, he put his now wet fingers to your mouth "Open up and we'll do it again." You could taste yourself on his fingers. "Good girl." he said, pulling his fingers away.
You felt two more lashes with the flogger, this time just a little harder. Sure, Joe had spanked you before, but never with anything but his hand. This was an entirely new feeling. "Your skin looks so angry." Jack said, smoothing his hand over the now dark pink lines on your ass. "Did we do it too hard?" he asked.
"No." you answered, shaking your head. "Do it again." you stood with your ass sticking out a bit. You could hear them whispering before you felt the flogger hit your ass again. You felt someone kneeling in front of you, sliding their tongue over your clit and sucking it with their lips. The blindfold made everything so much more intense. You didn't even know who was doing what until you moaned, feeling another softer hit of the flogger.
"Are you alright?" Jack asked from in front of you.
"I'm more than alright." you answered, feeling him continue to pleasure you with his very talented mouth. Your senses were completely overwhelmed and you were about two second from cumming. "Joe." you moaned, letting more of your weight rest on the cuffs around your wrists.
Joe dropped the flogger and put his arms around you from behind, holding your weight. "Come on, baby girl." he said, pressing his lips to the side of your neck.
"Ah, Jack. It's too much." you cried out, your orgasm washing over your body. You laid back against Joe and felt Jack stand, his fingers replacing his tongue. He slowly rubbed up and down your clit, your body shaking with each wave of your climax.
"You are dripping wet." Jack said, pressing his lips to the other side of your neck.
You could feel Jack unclip the cuffs from the loop holding your arms up and they fell to rest around Jack's neck. When your breathing finally calmed down, you giggled a bit. "You two are definitely going to be the death of me."
"Like you said, it wouldn't be a bad way to go." Joe said, slipping your blindfold off and kissing your cheek.
You let your eyes adjust to the light and stood, holding your own weight again. "Come here." Jack said, ducking down a bit to lift you by your thighs, letting you wrap your legs around his waist.
"I like the blindfold, but I kind of like getting to look at you." you said, noticing that they were both completely nude.
Jack walked to the bed and sat down on the edge of it, your legs still wrapped around him. Joe climbed onto the bed behind Jack and removed the cuffs from your wrists, rubbing the pink marks they left there. "You get to choose what's next." Joe said, pulling you into a kiss over Jack's shoulder.
"I may have a surprise for you, too." you said, climbing off of Jack and kicking off your heels. "But first, I want to watch." You scooted up to the headboard of the bed and instructed Jack and Joe to stand up and face each other. "You can't get each other off, but I want to see my boys play a bit."
"Your girlfriend is a fiend." Jack laughed, walking towards Joe.
"She just knows what she likes." Joe smiled, looking Jack up and down. "And what I like." he added, making Jack blush. Joe pressed open mouth kisses down jack's neck, his fingers digging into the flesh of Jack's tiny love handles.
"Aye, don't play with those." Jack laughed, running his fingers up into Joe's hair.
"You like it and you know it." Joe replied, going up on his toes to kiss Jack.
You loved watching the the two of them together, especially now that Jack was so comfortable with Joe. Jack's hands slid down Joe's back to caress his ass, causing Joe to moan. You had a feeling from Jack's earlier reaction to Joe's spanking threat that he might actually want to try it.
"Hey, Jack?" you asked.
"Yes, love?" he answered, turning his head to face you. Joe continued sucking little marks into Jack's skin, his hands roaming Jack's body.
"I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me." you said, piquing Joe's interest. Joe turned to face you as well, his arms resting around Jack's middle. Jack nodded, yes. "Do you want to be spanked?" Jack's cheeks flushed red, but he slowly nodded yes, still looking at you. "By me or by Joe?" you asked.
Jack's whole face went red, but he answered. "Either." Jack kept looking at you, not making eye contact with Joe.
"Hey." Joe said, lifting his hand to turn Jack's face to his. "You pick, love. Don't be shy."
Looking back at you and then back to Joe, Jack ducked his head down to hide his face in Joe's neck. "You." he said, kissing his way up Joe's jaw to his lips.
"Bend over the bed and spread 'em." Joe said with a massive smirk on his face. "Flogger or my hands?" Joe asked after Jack had assumed the position.
"Oh, fuck." Jack said, feeling Joe's hands squeezing his ass cheeks. "Hands." Joe startled Jack with the first quick smack, immediately rubbing the skin straight after. "Are you good?" Joe asked, making sure Jack still wanted to do it.
"Fuck, yes." Jack answered.
You watched Joe's slaps get a bit more rough. You decided to reveal your surprise while they were distracted. Dripping lube onto your fingers, you got on your knees and gently pressed your fingers into your ass. You were happy that wearing the plug earlier had made it much easier and feel a lot better. Your moans were what caught the boy's attention.
"Jesus, y/n." Joe said, soothing the red hand prints on Jack's ass with his hand. "Are you..?" he trailed off, watching you close your eyes and throw your head back as you added a third finger.
"Don't stop." You said to the boys. Jack moaned, being caught off guard by Joe's next smack.
"Are we both going to...?" Jack started asking, his hand slowly stroking his now throbbing erection, but he was interrupted by another smack of Joe's hand. "Fuck, that one was hard."
"Sorry, love." Joe said, massaging the cheek he had just slapped.
"Not complaining" Jack said, standing and turning to pull Joe into a kiss.
You grabbed two condoms and your little bottle of lube. "Be gentle with me." you said with a smirk, scooting to the edge of the bed, Joe walking up to slip his arms around you. "I know you wanted me to try taking both of you, so I've been..." You were cut off by Joe's lips smashing against yours.
"You. are. so. amazing." He said between kisses.
You smiled against his lips and pushed him back. "Put these on." You handed each of them a condom, telling Joe to add lube to his once it was on.
"How do you want me, y/n?" Jack asked.
"On your back, here." You instructed him to lay with his back on the bed and his feet on the floor, his ass on the edge of the bed.
Crawling over to straddle his lap facing him, you slowly lowered yourself down onto his impressive girth. Jack was thicker than Joe, so you knew it was best to have Joe in your ass for your first go at this. "I'm not going to last long." Jack said, having been hard since he put you in handcuffs.
"Don't worry. I won't either." Joe added. Jack's hands explored your body while Joe walked to stand behind you, between Jack's legs. "Y/n, you have to tell me what to do." Joe said, slowly and gently slipping one, and then two, fingers inside you.
"Holy shit." You moaned, feeling full just with his fingers. You hadn't practiced having something in both places. "Just go slow."
You leaned forward, resting your weight on your elbows on either side of Jack. Jack pulled your face down to distract you with kisses while Joe slowly pushed himself into you, bit by bit. "Are you okay?" Joe asked, his hand rubbing up and down your back.
"I'm good." You said, burying your face in Jack's neck.
"Babe, you are incredible." Joe coo'd, finally fully sheathed in your ass. "Is it weird to say 'I love you' when you have someone else's dick in you?" Joe asked, making you and Jack laugh.
"Fuck, don't make me laugh." You said, moaning at how weird it felt to feel both of them inside you. It was a lot, but it wasn't too much. "Joe, don't move yet." You said, adjusting how you were holding your weight. "Jack." You smiled down at him. "Start slow, okay?"
"Of course, love." He leaned his head to press a kiss to your lips. Jack lifted his hips, slowly thrusting up into you, making sure you were okay before putting a little more force behind it.
You wanted to speak, but all that came out were incoherent moans. "Talk to us." Joe encouraged, his hands resting on your lower back.
"Joe, move slow." You replied, resting most of your weight on Jack.
Joe only pulled out an inch or so before carefully thrusting back into you. "This alright?" He asked, repeating the motion.
"Fuck, this feels better than I thought it would." You answered. Jack moaned, feeling Joe's thrusts against his own. He threw his head back on the bed, muttering incoherent swears.
"You're so amazing." Joe continued talking, telling you how perfect this was and how much he loved you. He gradually pulled out further with each thrust, speeding up along with Jack.
Your entire weight was resting on Jack as you felt each of them filling you, falling into the same pace. "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." you heard Jack swear, his arms holding you tightly to him as his thrusts fell out of rythym.
Joe stilled, waiting for Jack to finish. "God this is a great view." Joe said, looking down at you and Jack. His hands rubbing your, still red, ass.
When Jack came, he met your lips with his in a rough kiss, slowly pulling out of you. You moaned into the kiss as Joe started thrusting into you a bit faster than before. "Oh, fuck me." You called out, burying your face in Jack's neck, again, his hands rubbing circles into your back.
Joe came a moment later, burying himself in you without pulling out. "Y/n!" He moaned your name, taking a moment to come down before very gently pulling out of you. "Are you alright, love?" Joe asked, coming to lay beside you and Jack.
"I'm perfect." You replied, not wanting to move. "I'm probably crushing Jack, though." You giggled.
"Not at all, gorgeous." Jack replied, wrapping his arms around you, again. "I know THIS one" he continued, pointing to you. "...is going to want to shower and go to bed, but I have one more surprise for the two of you."
"Mmmm, bed." You said, resting against Jack.
Joe smiled, watching you and Jack. "What's the surprise?"
"I have to show you, but we can rest here for a little bit." Jack answered, sitting up, with his arms still around you. "Come on, love." Jack stood up, your legs wrapped around his waist. He laid you down further up on the bed and Joe pulled you to lay across him, your head on his chest.
"Are you really okay? Do you need anything? Did I hurt you?" Joe was fussing over you.
You laughed, lifting your head to look up at him. "Babe, I'm good. I promise." You answered, laying your head back against his chest. "I'm definitely going to be sore for a few days." You chuckled. "But I would do that again. On occasion."
After the three of you had rested a bit, Jack got up and started cleaning up. Throwing away the condoms and sorting everyone's clothes out.
When the three of you got dressed, he took you to the second room. When you walked in, you saw a wall full of weird lights, a camera, and a table full of markers and paint. There was also paint splattered everywhere.
"Okay, so basically." Jack clapped his hands, turning to face you and Joe. "All of these are glow in the dark." He pointed at the table. "We'll strip down as much as we want and we can write words and draw and such on each other..." he walked over to the lights, flipping a switch. You realized the wall was full of black lights. "We turn these on and turn the room lights off and we get to take a few pictures. There are funny masks over there so you can't tell who we are. The Moxy theme is bunnies and bears." Jack finished explaining and looked a bit nervous. "We don't have to do it if you're too tired or think it's a stupid idea..." he continued.
"I love it" you said, walking up and kissing him on the cheek. "I think it's neat. A good way to commemorate the occasion." You walked over to the table and started going through the paints and markers.
Joe joined you, picking out a neon pink tub of paint and a brush. "You gonna join us, pretty boy?" He asked Jack.
Stripping back down to your undies, the boys drew and painted on you first, and then Joe, and then Jack. When the three of you were satisfied, you each picked a mask and flipped the black lights on.
"Ready?" Jack asked from the door.
"Let's do this." Joe said, picking up the clicker for the camera.
Jack turned off the normal lights and the three of you posed for a handful of photos. The paint looked cool when there were only black lights on. "Hey, I want to take one more." Joe said, telling everyone to jump on the count of three.
When Jack turned on the lights, he turned on the computer monitor in the corner. "We can see them here." He said, clicking through them.
"I love this one." Joe pointed at the one where all of you jumped. Joe had painted a massive pink heart on your upper chest, above your bra. Jack had drawn flowers all down your arms and legs. The two of them had written words like Beautiful, Strong, and Loved across the skin of your stomach. You could see the hearts you had painted on the fronts of Jack's thighs and the words Genuine, and Amazing written across his chest. Joe had filled Jack's arms with designs and Jack had drawn fake ab lines on his stomach, making the rest of you laugh. You had drawn a heart over Joe's heart with little words you couldn't read in the picture all around it, like Love Of My Life, Friend, and Loyal. You and Jack had filled the rest of his skin with stars, drawing a big smiley face on his stomach. You really couldn't tell who it was in the pictures. The three bunny masks you had chosen covered your faces and just added to the absurdity of the photos.
"These are amazing." Joe said, pulling Jack in for a proper hug.
"They really are." You agreed, throwing your arms around the both of them.
"There's a shower through here." Jack said, disappearing around the corner.
"Come on, love." Joe pulled you by the hand to join Jack in the bathroom.
"I'm glad you two flew out for this." Jack said, pulling you to his chest under the hot water.
"Me too." You replied, letting The two of them wash all of the paint off of you. "How do we get copies of the pictures?"
"They'll email all of them to me, but they'll mail me a big printed copy of the one we like the most." Jack answered, helping Joe get all of the paint off of him. "We can order more prints if we want them. "
"I want to hang a copy of the jumping one in the house." Joe said, smiling at Jack. "Thank you for inviting us. This was awesome."
Jack smiled and got a little blushy. "Of course. I wouldn't have wanted to do this with anyone else."
Making your way back to your hotel room, you stripped out of your clothes and threw Jack's t shirt back on. The three of you snuggled up in the bed, Jack in the middle and the two of you both laying against his sides, your feet all tangled at the foot of the bed.
"Goodnight, you two." Jack said, leaning to each side to press kisses to your's and Joe's heads.
"Goodnight, loves." Joe said, his hand reaching over Jack to twine his fingers with yours.
"Goodnight, boys." You replied. "Love you."
"Love you, too." Jack and Joe said in unison.
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funkidscollection · 4 years
Full Video https://youtu.be/fYDwRYvOM_U
 #lolsurpriseootd #lolsurprisewinterdisco  #lolsurprise  
 In this video, will be Unboxing LOL Surprise Winter Disco #OOTD with LOL Surprise OOTD Advent Calendar Winter Disco Style. This advent calendar and includes 25+ surprises inside and includes outfits, accessories, and it’s a Limited Edition doll.  This is The new Lol Surprise Winter Disco #OOTD. 25 days of fun fashion countdown set. Let’s open each spot to find shoes, accessories, outfits, & many more. Inside it’s an exclusive doll.    
Funkidscollection.com is a child safe and family-friendly kid channel for people of all ages. We love unboxing and reviewing all kinds of toys. We are committed to bring The Most Trending Toys and The Most Popular New Toys. Enjoy and have a look around at our great channel and subscribe if you wish to see more. We hope you enjoy the video and don’t forget to Subscribe (+bell) to our YouTube channel, so you never miss a new video. Thank you!
******************************************************************************   Te Dashur Camarroket. Ne kete video, do te hapim LOL. Nje Loder ne formen e kalendarit me 25 dite, ku ne cdo kuti te dites jane te fshehur 25 surpriza te kendshme si kepuce, bizhuteri etj nga version i LOL Surprise OOTD Winter Disco. Le ta zbulojme kete lode rte bukur!  
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Children’s Day 2021 E-mails and Moments
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released in EN 🍒
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Title: Old-school Snacks
There’s a newly opened shop selling old-school snacks. I wonder if they have your favourites from childhood. Want to have a look together?
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Gavin’s Post: Those colourful jellybeans from childhood have recently become trendy again. But they don’t seem to have that taste from childhood. 
MC: From the lenses of childhood, it seems that flowers are especially fragrant, and candy especially sweet.
Gavin: Maybe it’s because of nostalgia.
Gavin’s Post: Those colourful jellybeans from childhood have recently become trendy again. But they don’t seem to have that taste from childhood.
MC: I’ll leave those jellybeans to my childhood self. Now, I have even more delicious chocolates!
Gavin: The brand you like has released a new product for Children’s Day. I’ve already bought it.
Gavin’s Post: Those colourful jellybeans from childhood have recently become trendy again. But they don’t seem to have that taste from childhood.
MC: Maybe it’s because we’ve already eaten too many things, and our tastes have changed too.
Gavin: But some feelings remain consistent from beginning to end.
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[ KIRO ]
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Title: Challenging Fears
When I was young, haunted houses scared me the most. Are you willing to accompany me, who has turned strong after growing up, in challenging it once?
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Kiro’s Post: Could a larger serving of the kid’s meal be released on Children’s Day to satisfy us big kids?
MC: If there’s a larger serving of the kid’s meal, would you then want a large kid’s playground?
Kiro: That’s correct! I can’t fit on the small slide, and my heart aches!
Kiro’s Post: Could a larger serving of the kid’s meal be released on Children’s Day to satisfy us big kids?
MC: Actually, you could get two servings if one isn’t enough.
Kiro: Good idea. Let’s order one of every set meal and eat them together!
Kiro’s Post: Could a large serving of the kid’s meal be released on Children’s Day to satisfy us big kids?
MC: You can’t do that, dear one. Just because you’re Kid-ro doesn’t mean you’re really three years old.
Kiro: ?? You’ve given me another strange nickname?
[Note] Kiro’s name in CN is 周棋洛 (Zhou Qi Luo), but what MC calls Kiro here is 周三岁 (Zhou San Sui), where 三岁 means “three years old”. I replaced this with “Kid-ro” and I’m very proud of it LOL
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Title: Maintain a Childish Heart
There’s no need to worry about the world wearing down your curiosity and passion. By my side, you can maintain that childish heart forever.
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Lucien’s Post: When you own the first toy that you don’t want others to have, it means that you have a sense of monopolisation.
MC: This reminds me of how I used to get into fights with the kid from next door when I was young.
Lucien: Having the courage to protect the thing you treasure since young shows that you’re a very strong person.
Lucien’s Post: When you own the first toy that you don’t want others to have, it means that you have a sense of monopolisation.
MC: I was pretty okay with toys. Since young, I’ve only been unwilling to give my food up to others!
Lucien: I seem to be an exception to this principle of yours?
Lucien’s Post: When you own the first toy that you don’t want others to have, it means that you have a sense of monopolisation.
MC: Does Professor Lucien have something he won’t give to others?
Lucien: When it comes to things I care about, my possessiveness might reach a stage that would leave you shocked.
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[ SHAW ]
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Title: Kindergarten Overlord Boss
I was once an all-powerful overlord in kindergarten. No matter what, you should call me “Boss” today.
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Shaw’s Post: Collecting cards seems to be something everyone likes doing in their childhood.
MC: I’m just surprised that we actually had the same hobby when young.
Shaw: Want to compete in quantity with me? I have the entire collection.
Shaw’s Post: Collecting cards seems to be something everyone likes doing in their childhood.
MC: I didn’t expect to discover so many interesting things just by tidying your cabinet with you.
Shaw: Are you treating tidying of the cabinet as an exploration? 
Shaw’s Post: Collecting cards seems to be something everyone likes doing in their childhood.
MC: You have such a complete collection - it’s basically my childhood dream!
Shaw: If you tell me a few embarrassing things that happened in your childhood, I’d consider giving them all to you.
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Title: The Right to Play Without Restraint
You will always have the right to have unbridled and silly fun. Not just today.
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Victor’s Post: Seeing how a certain person looks when she’s rushing out reports, I can imagine the scene before every vacation ended during her childhood.
MC: It’s too difficult for me! I request for a “lighter burden”!
Victor: From my understanding, a “lighter burden” and “school renovations” typically happen in the year after you graduate.
[Note] I think what Victor means by “school renovations” (学校翻新) is when lazy students realise they have to work harder and “renovate” themselves to become more studious!
Victor’s Post: Seeing how a certain person looks when she’s rushing out reports, I can imagine the scene before every vacation ended during her childhood.
MC: Other kids are celebrating Children’s Day while I’m living in misery!
Victor: You can celebrate it once you’re done writing.
Victor’s Post: Seeing how a certain person looks when she’s rushing out reports, I can imagine the scene before every vacation ended during her childhood.
MC: Hmph. Back then, many people kept me company while we rushed to do homework!
Victor: Aren’t I keeping you company while you “rush your homework”?
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yaypinecones · 4 years
_-My First Impression on Danganronpa Characters Pt.1-_
Makoto Naegi:
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When I saw his art design, I was wonder why his shoe came off and looks like he’s gonna fall down. Pretty normal, nothing unique about him. Then when I played the game I was like “Man, imagine this guy being the main character because everyone else looks interesting...well besides Sayaka” (but we’re not talking about her yet). To me, he looks like the guy you’d pass by class or didn’t know he even existed in your school.
Aoi Asahina:
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Hmmm yummy, I like donuts. I think we’re gonna be donut buddies. Yea this my first impression on her art. Plus she’s a swimmer that loves eating a ton of crazy amounts of donuts. When playing, it was pretty interesting that she writes Makotos name on her hand to remember him. Also, o thought the logos on the boxes of donuts say Crispy Creams lol. I love her already and I wanna be her friend :)
Byakuya Togami:
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“Is a spoiled brat or some blonde rich asshole?” I think those two figures on the chair legs say so. Is he some kind of a prince??? Looks like he could be the antagonist of the game. I hate this man, I wanna punch him in the face for literally insulting everyone and thinking he can be better than everyone else because he’s the heir of some corporate.
Celestia Ludenberg:
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OooOo I love her style! Her outfit looks like mix of a maid outfit and goth vibes lol. Also I thought she was a magician or dark magic kind of ultimate, but nah that can’t be it. To me, she gives off a mysterious aura or is it just goth vibes again??? I don’t know why she has those drill pigtails, it’s giving flash backs of a certain purple haired twin drilled girl from another game.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
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She looks cute lol. That’s pretty cool the she’s some kind of programmer or hacker. I don’t really have much of an opinion about her other than the computers. In game, she’s so adorable and her introduction was nice. She really looks down on herself when she mentions that Mokoto has that look. Must protect!!!
Hifumi Yamada:
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I gotta ask...why does he have 4 arms??? He looks so cartoony compared to all the other characters. Hyper realism gone wrong really. I have so many questions of this guy....like why is his hair look a nail, why is using the printer as backpack, and don’t even tell me why there’s a tissue and Clorox wipe???? Also on the right, is that a game or some kind of reference because that doesn’t match up the art style. I feel he’s some kind of pervert or creep. On game, he’s ok on his introduction I guess.
Junko Enoshima:
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I like her style too. She reminds me of those trendy girls and those people that buys pumpkin spice lattes. Plus that skirt is waaaay too short girl. I think she’s a rich girl too? Like some kind of famous model or stylist or a popular toy maker? Cuz the bear is there. Seeing her in game, she’s pretty cool and she’s the first person I wanted to hang out on the free time event.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
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Why is this guy crying? Also I wish I could read what the word says. He seems he needs emotional support because he looks stressed which is why he’s crying. Is he like one of those kids that takes over the class when the teacher is out? A class president I think? Definitely and probably a goody two shoes. Meeting him, was a lot to take a bit. He’s pretty loud at everything and seems he doesn’t have any friends, which is sad :( If I met him in real life, I wouldn’t want to talk to him too due to how loud he is and following the school rules all the time :/
Kyoko Kirigiri:
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Ok, she’s more mysterious and interesting character. Love her hair color. I can’t really get anything from her as she doesn’t explain what her ultimate is and it wants me to dig more information about on the wiki. But, I didn’t so I also tried spending time with her on free time events too.
Leon Kuwata:
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Eh I’m not really lnto baseball guys. The style looks cool and his face looks punkish tho. I’m surprised that his sleeve tore off from throwing a baseball thats now on fire, but pretty sure thats an exaggeration. I was confused that his art was different since his character art is just a punk guy. Then he explained that he doesn’t like baseball and wants to be musician. Aight good luck dude. That is all from this guy.
It sucks that I can’t stuff the rest of the other characters. Ima go make a part two. See ya guys.
Heres Part 2
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letsjanukhan · 3 years
Father sparks debate with TikTok about clothing choices for LOL Surprise! dolls
Father sparks debate with TikTok about clothing choices for LOL Surprise! dolls
A father has sparked a debate about children’s toys after he criticised the outfits worn by popular LOL Surprise! dolls as “inappropriate” in a viral TikTok. Last month, Patrick Johnson, who goes by the username @official.patrick.johnson on TikTok and who describes himself as a pastor, addressed the design choices for the dolls, as some come dressed in fishnets and other trendy outfits, in a…
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furederiko · 7 years
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Countdown Counter: 11. Kyuranger 38 is a martial art fan-service fest! And a story of a Commander and his hesitation regarding his chain of command...
- The downside of having a large team is that every now and then, several members would be eclipsed by the others. Such is the case for Commander Xiao who unfortunately happens to be NOT Red, thus his leadership is being overshadowed by both Reds. Tsurugi is calling the shots to the operation, and Lucky gets to lead one Away Team. Xiao (and his rigged Kyulette) is definitely ignored! - There are some neat little things in the opening scene. Though it's disappointing that all of them are seemingly male, we get to see the 4 Barrier-breaking Sages in Tsurugi's story. I don't know about you, but I would love to see more of the 88 Warriors of the past, like these guys and also Kuervo whom we'll see more in the episode. And then there's that bit with Lucky taking off his new white royalty coat, and exchanges it with the usual Rebellion jacket. He might be a King he says, but when he heads out for mission, he's a regular Kyuranger like everyone else. No special treatment. Nice excus... I mean attention to details! - The team is split in two as they head towards different directions. Tsurugi, Garu, Naga, Hammy, Raptor, and a slumped Xiao head to the Yin-Yang landscape of Planet Atchaalk in the Cepheus System, while Lucky and the others depart to play video game Planet Ghem in the Perseus System. The latter team immediately runs into a newly upgraded Mecha-Madako. She's now the Menaster of the system and is exclusively tasked to stop their mission. Hmmm... first Akyanba, now Madako, Toku designers sure are obsessed with mechanical boobs, huh? - Team Tsurugi arrives at the Kyulin Temple. In the past, Tsurugi and Kuervo had to overcome the Nine Trials of Cepheus before they could gain the trust and assistance of its warrior. This time around, the Kyurangers need to defeat Menaster Deathgong, if they ever want to move ahead to locate the Constellation's power. Let the trials begin!!! Fun fact: Setting for Kyulin Temple is a commonly used Chinese-themed location in Tokusatsu. In Super Sentai alone, it has been used plenty of times, most notably in the wushu-themed "Engine Sentai Go-onger vs Juuken Sentai Gekiranger". Then again, I think pretty much every scenes involving Gekiranger's Rin JuuKen practitioners were filmed here! As for the 'Trials', it's obviously just another playful use of the number 9, and doesn't have anything to do with mythology. In the Greek stories, it's Herakles who had to undergo 12 Labors, and none of those was even related to King Cepheus. Sure, the demi-God hero DO know of a King by the same name, but he's a completely different person unrelated to this Constellation. - 1st Trial - 'Hellish Chamber'. The team needs to defeat 99 Indavers in just one minute. Phoenix Soldier takes care of this in a zippy, by Phoenix End-ing more than 1/3 of the army. Gotta love Garu's reaction to being outmatched by Hammy. LOL. Draco Commander's back gets in the way, so he only gets 5 Indavers. Ouch! Tsurugi tells Xiao to don't mind that, because Kuervo also scored the same number back then. Team encounters the first crossroads, so they pair up and split into three groups to take on challenges in separate paths. - 2nd Trial - 'Muscle Building Chamber'. Basically, they need to perform 9999 sit-ups. Tsurugi gets to deliver another sweaty shirtless fan-service scene, while Raptor... cheers. Yep, lately the extra member seems to be in charge of shirtless fan-service spree, and Tsurugi firmly joins Zyuohger's Misao and ToQger's Akira in this category. To be honest, what he's doing is a little cheating, because a proper sit-up requires to lean a liiiitle bit lower. This is more in the line of abs-crunching. But I guess there's no definite rule for this trial, and it's still a demanding task nonetheless. Hold on... I wonder why Raptor doesn't take this challenge instead? She's an android, so doing repetitions like this shouldn't be 'exhausting' for her, right? - 3rd Trial - 'Kitchen Chamber'. Hammy and Garu are tasked for a cook-off and impress the Indaver-judges. This one is another cheat, because they immediately contact Spada for clue despite being star systems away. Hammy whips up the Pisces Kyu Globe, and the two serves... fresh SUSHI to win the trial. For the record, making Sushi isn't as 'easy' as this episode suggests. But it's reasonably quick, and can be done by people with limited cooking skill and utensil knowledge. So uhm... you get the point. LOL. - 4th Trial - 'Game Chamber'. Red Light, Green Light. I'm personally not familiar with this game (we don't actually play it in my country... but I'm an introvert, so who am I to say XD), but once again, the team has an upper hand in Naga's ability. Xiao and his weak back might not be up for this posing game, but that's not a problem for Naga's freeze glare. - 5th Trial - 'Dance Chamber'. The title says it all, as the team unites for a quick rock n' roll... I mean Kyulette the Chance 'Just Dance' session. Daang, I wish this scene is muuuch longer. Seriously producers, we need a Kyuranger Musical!!! - 6th Trial - 'Resilience Chamber'. Hammy partners up with Raptor for... a nice hot spring bathhouse challenge! Yep, we finally get the ladies moment, and it's totally fan-service. Aaaawwww.... *v*. But really, I wish this scene plays out muuuuuch longer too. Not because I'm pervy or anything, but because we rarely see the female members in this show hug... I mean hang around casually like this. I could be mistaken or anything, but we haven't had that annual girl-power trope episode so far, have we? By the way, I'm surprised that Raptor can endure this challenge without getting... rusty. Oh well, carry on! - 7th Trial - 'Funny Face Chamber'. Garu and Naga engage in a staring fight against the Indavers, a challenge that even yours truly would lose pretty instantly. It's a nice callback to the fact that neither of them knew the Indavers are wearing masks! Naga is hilarious, and it's even moreso because he doesn't realize it. LOL. - 8th Trial - 'Shooting Chamber'. Tsurugi steals Xiao's thunder all over again, by blasting all the targets away... with his SHIELD-BLADE. I did NOT know his armaments can do that. Even Deathgong sees Tsurugi as the only major threat of this group, a premature assumption that would backfire very harshly. - Before they head to the last one, Xiao and Tsurugi have a sweet heart to heart moment that pretty much serves as the highlight of this episode (at least for me). Ignoring how or where Tsurugi can even obtain those canned coffee, it's a surprisingly stark metaphor to real life situation. In all honesty, Xiao is like an old man whom his family slowly ignores the more they grow up, while Tsurugi is that hip trendy outsider who just recently becomes a new addition to the pack. This sweet intimate moment gives Xiao a chance to reflect on his limitations, but also allows Tsurugi to prove his kindness and wisdom. "You assembled the brightest stars in the universe into a single team", he praises. To which he also reminds Xiao that the Commander has his own way of handling thing. As in, everyone has their own role and place in the world. That's a strong message right there! - 9th Trial - ''Infighting Chamber'. Expecting a Jark Matter MotW to play fair and square would be a fever dream. Deathgong has captured Garu, Naga, Hammy, and Raptor as soon as they completed their challenges, and now pits them against the Cold-Sleep Duo. This is where the Menaster learns that underestimating Xiao becomes his fatal error. True to his words, Xiao knows each and every Kyuranger thoroughly (most of them at least... am I right, Naga?). It doesn't take long for him to realize that the seemingly-controlled Kyurangers attacking them are nothing but FAKES. This is how he's be superior than Tsurugi, because he has the power of perceptive! Aside from spending more time with the team to know that their reaction feels off, of course. LOL. - Freed from Deathgong's clutches through Xiao's signature sleazy trick, the four Kyurangers get to perform wushu-style attacks against the Indavers! Aquila Pink uses #81 Grus, Chamaeleon Green uses #85 Lynx, Ophiucus Silver uses #65 Hydrus, and Lupus Blue gets to shuffle (to genuine hilarious effect) both #52 Canis Majorand #66 Canis Minor Kyu Globe. Totally neat! Too bad Tsurugi doesn't get a part. He could've used the Bird of Paradise or Peacock constellations, if you ask me *grins*. - Draco Commander closes the curtain with a flashy end though. In a neat wushu-showdown serving as a cool homage to "Gosei Sentai Dairanger", Draco Commander utilizes his 'RyuKenpou' and blasts Deathgong to defeat with a Kameham... er, Dragon Ba... I mean, Energy Ball! - A fun trick is also utilized in the mecha battle. Ryutei-Oh has always been limited as a three-people robot. By borrowing Phoenix Voyager's rocket booster components (that form the hands of Kyutamajin), Draco Commander turns it into a FIVE-people combo. While benching out Phoenix Soldier on the ground as a cheerleader passive spectator. LOL. It's a nice change of pace that probably only toy collectors are aware of. I do hope we'll get to see this form more often, but that likely won't be the case and just a one-off thing. - On the other planet, Mecha-Madako uses a special controller to trigger Champ's malfunction. A not-so-mysterious person handed it to her earlier. Things are only starting to get serious there, but that will be our story for next week. On the bright side, the Kyulin Temple's Head Monk (at least, he looks like one?) is freed. As a token of gratitude, he grants the Constellation System's power to create the #54 Cepheus Kyu Globe. That means TWO down, and two more to go...
Overall: This episode was Goofy Fun! I'm a little disappointed, because I was expecting it to be 'crazier' and MORE comedic. But overall, it had truly fine fan-service heavy moments that once again, would've been even awesome had they played out a little bit longer. Garu and Naga were the MVPs, they stole the scenes and made me LOLed real hard. The warm interchange between Xiao and Tsurugi also worked in favor of elevating this rather hectic episode into a different level. Yep, this was a fantastic focus episode for Xiao, that smartfully harkened back to his early dilemma in the series. Being a hero is what Xiao had always wanted, so it's only natural that he started recognizing his own limitations and doubted if he's even right for the job. I think we can all safely say that this was a nice wrap to Xiao's personal arc. Next week: Fight on R.P.G. Knights, and reclaim your Champ!!!
Episode 38 Score: 7,8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: November 22nd, 2017 - Version 3.06. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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