#lol opps😃
sageistri · 3 months
Saw a kid in the sgmb being happy about getting to work with jm and keeping the excitement with him till now since the song was filmed. As jm is not from my own country and as he's soo humble you don't feel like ur stanning a big world wide celebrity u know he feels like a frnd to me. But when i see someone talking about jm specifically jm as a dancer and perfomer (as I'm a sucker for dance and jimin is my most fav performer) i always wonder how they must feel that they're getting the chance to work with someone like jm. I remember the girl opp of jm in LC perfomances posting her clips with jm that were tagged by fans on her ig story. I wonder how big they must feel that opportunity is for them. All the people especially dancers that works with jm acts like they have some crush on him (who wouldn't lol). If it was me i wouldn't let anyone forgot that i shared a stage with jm. He's soo big but since he's too humble you just don't get that while stanning him. He feels someone who's ur family or ur frnd and Never that attitude of big celebrity. How they must feel working with the man who's known for his performances in the whole industry. i wouldn't even recover for yrs ig 😅
Also did you see today's charts? It was good day for us but I'm kinda dreading that drop tmrw cause first time thai armys had worked for him and coming 2.2m from them is something i never expected. nothing will change how i feel about thai stream no matter if they give this to jm everytime. But I'd be more fine without them too. But since no one gives a shit if ur getting 1-2M from thai but only focus on overall number ig we can too for one time 😃
Yes one thing about Jimin is that us die hard fans don't see him as someone who's larger than life. But we would probably feel like he us if we did get the chance to meet him in person.
Right now it's "Jimin my baby" and we talk about him so casually but personally I think I would turn into a nervous wreck if I met him in person.
And the numbers from Thailand is something to cause worry because we know how they move but Jimin getting those streams from there was a long time coming. Like I doubt we did all that complaining because we wanted them to keep on ignoring him. And anyways he still got huge streams from countries that matter so I don't care.
With never let go the second day drop from Thailand wasn't bad at all, so it might not be too bad for sgmb. Most of the drop from nlg came from other countries.
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delusinaldreamer19 · 4 months
✨Intro post✨
Hello! Welcome to my blog. Here’s a little about me,
General stuff:
Cis fem irl, but online I prefer they/them because I don’t really want to attach a gender to myself & would like to be viewed more neutrally. But don’t be surprised if I say things like “I’m just a girl!”
I’m an adult, but still on the younger side. The same as pronouns, I don’t really want to attach much of an identity to myself when it comes to age. I don’t want for something I make to be ignored or judged just solely by the age I was/am when creating it. Not that that would necessarily happen, but in my little anxious head it would.
I sadly don’t have a fun quirky name for you to call me 😭. I’m incredibly tempted to say “just call me delusional!” because I think that’s hilarious. But I have a smidge 🤏to much self respect to do that lol.
About me:
I have ADHD, the not-fun, shitty, neurodivergent kind that makes everything hard.
I suck at spelling. Auto correct is my biggest opp.
I'm an equestrian 🐴
I am a maladaptive daydreamer. Meaning that I have extensive, sometimes (more often then not) compulsive, daydreams that are very vivid and can last for hours on end. That’s what my user name is referring to.
I've been so aggressively hyperfixated on Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji for the past 6 years it's not even funny.
That seems like a good place to transition onto the next segment…
What's on my blog?
A lot of my daydreams revolve around black butler, whether it's the characters interacting or story lines I've come up with. And I've discovered that writing them out helps me from becoming so enwrapped in them, sort of like getting it out of my system. CASE AND POINT I have a few fanfictions :)
Fanfic masterlist
Other then that,
I sometimes have funny thoughts
I sometimes like to make long analytical rants about things in black butler
Fanfic Recs
and yeah I think that's it 🤗
Things of note:
There may be some suggestive comments or jokes on my blog, but I don’t post smut. Same goes for fanfics. (That may be subject to change some day)
⚠️I do not ship Sebaciel ⚠️ I don’t like it, but I can’t stop you from liking or commenting or following (Oh yeah I look through all y’all’s blogs to see if u got Sebaciel on there), just don’t bring it into anything I post. ie, no tagging as Sebaciel or commenting sum in favor of it. BUT MOST OF ALL, if you ship sebaciel pls DNI with any of my fanfics. The thought of anything I write bring perceived through the lens of that ship makes me extremely uncomfortable. That is a boundary of mine, please respect it.
Also, please do not send me hate. Not because I’m a little bitch and can’t take it, but b/c I have weird paranoia and the one time I got sent anon hate from sebaciel shippers I convinced myself that these random ppl on the internet were going to find where I live and 🔫me 😃. So yeah, please don’t do that.
I occasionally make little vent/complaining post about random things. Feel free to disregard them. I often just need to get it out of my system and don’t have many outlets. And lord knows my mental health is in shambles. But they don’t include triggering topics, and if they do I’ll add warnings.
Shit this post is long asf my bad
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shrimpin-aint-easy · 1 year
Opps forgot to mention (I just sent a message about fossil prices) I am a palaeontology student in my fifth year specialising in arthropods. Shrimp are too "modern" for my area of real expertise, but I do know about the fossil market and just how difficult such animals are to preserve
that is actually rad as fuck
Lol modern shrimp
thank you for your insight and expertise, it is very appreciated, keep up the good work!! 😃😄💞
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icchampreigns-blog · 7 years
rolleigns is better than ambrollins, ambreigns and ambrollreigns, and you don't need to pass it on because everyone knows it 😏😏😏
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