#lol only a 3d modeller would get excited - how wrong u were frend
cwarscars-a · 10 months
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"Initially, the wound over his right eye was redder and painful looking, so we touched up the colouring to make it look like an old scar. A lot of time and labor goes into 3D modelling, making sure the edge of the hair blends into the skin, and with Heidegger we did a lot of careful adjusting with the hairlines on his forehead, sideburns, beard, eyebrows and so on. With older male characters, it's easier to bring out the texture in their 3D models, and they tend to look great in closeup shots - though I suppose only a 3D modeler would get all excited about a closeup of an old man's face…" - Daiki Hayasaka
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