#lol listen let me live i am but a simple fangirl
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fangirls-fanfiction · 5 months ago
I just finished up chapter two lol
Story below undercut:
"Will you quit crying?"
The Devil dragged a sobbing Queen Dice into her office, looking her over just to make sure all the fire was completely out. Aside from a small ember on the top of her head, everything seemed to be fine. Though what wasn't fine was Dice's clothes being burnt and smoldered, along with a good portion of her hair burnt much shorter. She was a downright mess.
"I don't know what you were thinking—" The Devil scoffed as she closed the bedroom door behind her. "What were you expecting to happen when you got close to Hellfire?!"
"I— I— "
"Do you have any idea what could've happened if I hadn't gotten there in time? You could've died! Or worse!"
"... W— Worse than dying...?" Queen Dice asked.
"The point is that I told you to stay put!"
"I— I know... I should've listened... I'm sorry..."
"Damn right."
The Devil rolled her eyes, quickly changing the subject. She put the small flame out atop Dice's head, taking care of the rest if the fire.
"Are you alright?" She asked, impatiently.
"I was— I— I was nearly burnt to— To— To smithereens by y— Your Hellfire, do you think I'm— I'm ok?" Queen Dice hiccuped as she spoke through her tears, though still managed to sneak in the snide comments.
"Hey, I don't need the sass." The demon snarled back at her. "Now, let's get you cleaned up."
"What— What am I gonna do?" Dice sniffed, looking down to her ruined dress. "This was one of my m— Mamas favorite dresses..."
"Well, I think you could used a new style anyway. A show woman like you doesn't wear things like..." The Devil gestured to her dress. "That."
"But... B— But I've always worn dresses like these... If— If my mama were to find out I disobeyed her, she would— She— She would— "
Queen Dice was cut of by a loud groan from the Devil.
"For Hellfire's sake, following your parents' rules is so... Boring." The demon rolled her eyes. "What's life without getting to choose things for yourself, huh? For Hell's Sake! You're a grown woman, you don't need your mommy's approval."
Queen Dice thought for a moment, but didn't say anything.
"So what do you want to do? You can wear that stupid dress, or you can try to think for yourself for a change."
Lucifer sighed, noticing her rather unsure expression. "Look, why don't we start with the hair? Hm? Why don't we cut it all at the same length, and if you don't like it, I'll turn it back to normal. Deal?"
"O— Ok..."
"Great, now let me see."
Hesitantly turning around, Queen Dice gave the demon a better look at what she was working with. Though to the demon's horror, it was going to be a rather tough battle.
"I'm going to have to cut a lot off of this to make it even."
"What are you, a hair stylist?" Queen Dice asked.
"When living on this miserable planet for so long, one must have different hobbies." The demon explained nonchalantly.
"Besides stealing souls?"
"Yes, besides stealing souls. Now, hold still."
With a simple wave of her hand, a pair of scissors and a comb appeared in the demon's hands and she got to work. Queen Dice flinched as she cut her hair. The scissors being about level with her shoulders; quite a bit was being cut off indeed. Dice began crying again, obviously trying to keep her emotions at bay but letting a few hiccups slip through.
"I said hold still." The demon tugged on her hair slightly.
"S— Sorry." Queen Dice wiped the tears away.
"Can't you do things right the first time you're asked to?"
"So— Sorry..."
"Stop apologizing."
"S— I mean... Ok..."
Rolling her eyes, the Devil continued. A few minutes later, the demon finished, putting the scissors and comb aside.
"Turn around, let me see."
Dice's curls were much more pronounced with the shorter hair, giving it less weight and more freedom for the locks to curl every which way. The poor girl's hair looked an absolute mess. She'd hate for Dice not to feel confident about her new haircut, especially to prove her point. So she thought up a way to make it look better at its current shoulder length compared to the long length it was.
"Hold still."
She took Dice by a couple of locks of hair in each side of her face, pulling her hair out of her eyes. Those beautiful, emerald green eyes. The demon stared, tilting her head to one side for a moment. She really did look nice with the shorter hair, even with her longer hair Dice was a very attractive lady. A very very attractive lady. Especially her green eyes. They complimented the purplish-pink color to her hair so well, especially with this short hair. A familiar feeling began to grow in the pit of the demon's stomach.
Though, realizing she'd been staring for too long, the demon let go of her hair
"Turn back around for a second."
Doing as she was told again without even a word, the only sound Queen Dice made was a small sniffle as she seemed to be still crying.
Summoning a hair clip, the demon did her best to pull back Dice's hair to keep it out of her face. Satisfied with her work, a mirror appeared, the Devil facing Dice towards it.
"How is that? Do you like it or do you want to change it back?"
Queen Dice stared at her reflection, blinking. She seemed surprised, intrigued even. She stared for so long that the Devil was convinced she hated it.
"Look," The demon sighed. "If you don't like it, you don't have to give me the silent treatment."
"No!" Queen Dice turned around to face her. "I love it. Thank you... Boss."
The Devil's narrow gaze widened slightly, her ember eyes staring at Dice for a moment. That feeling in her gut returned unexpectedly, this time accompanied by a weird sensation in her chest. Though strange, it wasn't a feeling that the demon particularly hated. It felt nice. Scary, but nice. Perhaps it was because— No, it was a simple thing that she'd never experienced before;
She'd never been thanked before. Not that she regularly did nice things but in the occasion that she did, she didn't usually receive very positive feedback. Why, just the other day, some dumb baby had dropped its favorite toy without the mother realizing. Feeling rather kind that day, the Devil decided to return it to its rightful owner... Only to receive a blood curdling scream and a smack across the face from the mother's purse in return. Mortals were just too quick to jump to conclusions when it came to the ruler of Hell.
The demon's neutral expression returned with that thought.
"Whatever." The Devil rolled her eyes as she began to walk away. "Go get yourself cleaned up and come back to my office." She stopped as she opened the door for Dice. "I have a special job for you; if a self-proclaimed, show-woman such as yourself can do it right."
"Wh..." Queen Dice decided to ignore the comment. "What 'special job' do you mean?"
"If you're such a connoisseur of music and dance, then you're going to use that to get me souls. A lot of souls."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Get yourself dressed, you look like you just crawled out of a house fire."
"Ok..." Queen Dice walked out the door, the demon slamming it behind her.
Once she heard Dice's footsteps far enough away, the Devil sighed loudly, slouching back to her desk.
"C'mon, Dev, get ahold of yourself... You can't do this to yourself again..." She told herself as she sat down in her comfy chair behind her desk and leaned her chin on her hand.
"It's never worth it when you're the Devil..."
♠️ ♠️ ♠️
Queen Dice let out a deep breath, knocking on the door of her new Boss' office. Her nerves were a wreck. Especially after a near-death experience, making a deal with the literal Devil, nearly getting burnt alive from Hellfire, and getting this new haircut and style in roughly the same week— She was particularly tense.
Though after wearing this new suit her boss had so generously given to her, she found a new sense of self. All her life, she was just another Dice from that family of hers. But looking in that mirror, her name meant something. It gave her a new found confidence.
But that confidence was quickly lost when she knocked on her Boss' door. What was left slipped through her fingertips when the door opened.
Offering a smile at the demon, Lucifer only seemed to glare at her as she opened the door wider and walked off back to her desk.
"So, Dice," The Queen of Hell started, sitting on her rather comfy-looking chair. "About that job I was talking about?"
"You're a Dice, right? You've lived your life on the stage. And you've got talent like no other."
"Y— Yes? You know about my family...?"
"Let's just say that I've gotten to know your father pretty well." The demon smirked.
Queen Dice blinked, grimacing at that thought, though not saying anything.
"Not in that way." The Devil frowned, seeming to read the woman's mind. "I mean that he's made quite a few deals with me. Where'd you think he got all his money?"
"Hard work and dedication?"
Old Scratch rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
"Anyways, about that job."
"I want a way to bring in unsuspecting souls. In a town as bland as Inkwell, no one can resist a pretty little lady who dances and sings."
Queen Dice didn't say anything, still she felt the heat rise to her face. Something about her Boss calling her a 'pretty little lady' left her rather speechless and surprisingly flattered.
"A game show. One that no one can lose. Hosted by a pretty doll no one can say no to."
"M— Me?" Queen Dice asked, pointing to herself.
"Yes, you, you blockhead!"
Backing a step away, Dice shut her mouth, nodding.
"A person plays three games— Incredibly easy, anyone, even the most incompetent person can win them— " The Devil continued to explain, standing from her seat. "And after they win, they get to go to the... The..." The demon stopped, seeming to have not thought up the finishing detail.
"The... Mystery... Surprise Room...?" Queen Dice offered on the spot.
"Yes! The Mystery Surprise Room!" Lucifer seemed excited by that idea, putting a smile on Dice's face.
The things that seemed to make the Devil happy were very... Odd. Not everyone was obsessed with getting their hands on every soul in the world. Though seeing that spark of excitement and joy on her Boss' face made Dice want to keep her happy. Please her in any way possible, even if the things that made her happy were very... Unorthodox.
"And do you know what the surprise will be, Dice?" The Devil got closer, her smile turning to a sneer.
"That's when I snatch their soul."
"O— Oh..." Dice's gaze fell to the floor.
It felt wrong. So wrong. Just plain evil to lure people in with her charm and talent just for them to get their soul snatched away from them.
"I'm— I'm not so sure if I can— "
"When you work for me, you do as I say. And you do it perfectly. Unless you'd like to know what Hellhounds eat for their breakfast."
"N— No! I'll do it— I'll host the show for you." Queen Dice panicked.
"Good, good... Now you'd better go get some rest. Opening night is tomorrow night." The demon started back to her desk.
"T— Tomorrow?! B— But I can't— How am I supposed to know what to do by tomorrow?! Don't I get a script or— Or— Or something?!"
"You're the show woman, figure it out."
"Buh— But— Boss!"
"But Boss!" The Devil mocked her. "I'm not the one who made the deal. You work for me, you follow my rules."
Queen Dice was close to tears at this point. She hated her Boss. God she hated her. There was no reasoning with her, no matter how batshit insane her standards were, there was no talking her out of it. Still, Dice refused to cry in front of her Boss, she hated to see what would happen if she found Dice crying. No doubt mockery would come soon after. So she held them back, only letting a small, shaken breath slip.
"Yes, Boss." She managed to choke out as she walked out of the office.
The door clicking behind her, a few tears ran down her face. Silently crying, she quickly wiped them away, in fear that a demon or an imp might see her.
Every moment since the beginning of all this, the same question ran through Dice's mind.
Was death really worse than this?
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benefaris · 5 years ago
*stirs from slumber* I heard there was new DA4 related content (a book or something?) and I am thirsty and in need of details
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triptuckers · 4 years ago
Two Homes (part 5/7) - Nikolai Lantsov
Request: no Pairing:  Nikolai Lantsov x reader Summary:  even though you were determined to leave the palace as soon as you could, you now find yourself waking up in a luxurious room of the palace months later  Warnings: angst Word count:  4.7K..... yea A/N: for the sake of this series, nikolai never gave alina the lantsov emerald lol also this turned out longer than I planned it to be but do I regret it? maybe a bit not in the slightest, enjoy reading! :) (also I know I posted part 4 like yesterday but I want this one out there cause a lot happens & I want to post part 6 & 7 so bad) PREVIOUS PART | NEXT PART TAG LIST (two homes and/or all grishaverse fics): @godsofwriting@im-constantly-fangirling @ayushmitadutta @mrs-brekker15@dancingwith-sunflowers @thegirlwiththeimpala @parker-natasha @story-scribbler @romanoffstarkovs @daliareads @meiitanoia @itsnotquimey (if your name is in bold it means I couldn't tag you) @sanktaesperanza @whymyparentscheckmyphone @aleksanderwh0r3 @ilovemarvelanne1 add yourself to my tag lists here 
For someone who had dreaded going to Os Alta, you find yourself starting to actually like it. After pulling you aside, out of earshot of your father, Nikolai explained to you why he told your father he’d picked you as his bride.
When he told you it was to ensure he couldn’t control your life any longer, you got confused, asking him why he would do such thing. In response, he recalled the conversation you had at the gardens, when you told him your father had been controlling your entire life, and how people had made decisions for him his entire life as well. 
Nikolai merely said he thought you deserved to make your own choices for once. Even if it meant living at the palace, far away from Ketterdam.
You had agreed to stay at the palace. You knew you couldn’t go back to Ketterdam now. The news of Nikolai picking you as his bride would probably travel faster than you’d like to.
While you did like Nikolai, and you enjoyed the little time you had spent with him, you made it clear you still didn’t want to marry him. That a part of still longed for Ketterdam. 
Nikolai listened to you explaining your choices, and respected them. While both of you knew all eyes would be on you after announcing the engagement, you also knew you couldn’t push it back any further. Not after all the rumours. 
He did agree to wait with picking an actual wedding date, giving you enough time to get used to your new life. You had told him you had no intention of marrying him, but over time you found yourself thinking more and more about it.
You’re amazed by the palace, and the life you live now. Every day, you walk around the palace, finding new routes and rooms. You start to think you might never see all of it in one lifetime. And you visit the gardens as well. 
You keep the yellow flower Nikolai had given you next to the mirror in your room. But you’d never tell him that, he’d tease you endlessly about it. 
As more weeks pass by, you spend more time with Nikolai, as well as his triumvirate. He’d invited you to few of their meetings, telling you if you ever did get married, you’d have to attend them as well. And the sooner you got used to it, the better.
At first, it felt a little weird. You walk around with Nikolai and everyone knows you as his future bride. While it feels odd, Nikolai’s presence is a comforting one. And the more you get to know him, the more you actually start to like him. Maybe staying at the palace wouldn’t be so bad as you thought it would be.
He spends a lot of time getting to know you. You have long conversations about your life in Ketterdam and his time in the army. About both of your dreams for the future, and what you want to achieve. But you also talk about small and simple things such as your favourite dish, or a book you love. 
Most of the talks take place in the gardens or your room. You like getting to know the Nikolai beneath the mantle of king. You start to realise the two of you aren’t so different. If you had been born in a different city, you might have been childhood friends. 
On a particularly sunny spring morning, the two of you walk around the gardens again. Nikolai doesn’t even have to offer his arm to you, you already place your hand on it. After some time, you’ve slipped into an easy morning routine, which sometimes includes a walk through the gardens.
‘How long until the Summers Week blooms again?’ you ask him as you walk past the familiar bush.
Nikolai glances at the same bush. ‘Probably a couple of months.’ he says. ‘Why do you ask?’
‘I think they’re beautiful.’ you as the two of you sit down on the same bench you sat on so many months ago, when you had escaped the ball. ‘It really is a shame they only bloom for such a short period of time.’ 
‘Do you still have that one flower I gave you when we met?’ asks Nikolai.
You glare at him. You just know he’d never let you forget it if he knew you kept it. ‘Yes.’ you say. ‘I wouldn’t throw it away.’
And indeed, a smug look appears on Nikolai’s face. ‘I’m delighted you didn’t throw it away.’ he says. 
You playfully roll your eyes. ‘I expect a new one when they bloom again.’ you say.
‘I’ll make sure to give you one, sweetheart.’ he says with a smile. 
You feel your cheeks heat up at the mention of the nickname. He’d called you nicknames on more than one occasion. You still weren’t used to it. Maybe it had to do something with the fact that Nikolai seems to always look good.
You look at the bush again, getting lost in your thoughts. Nikolai seems to notice. After a while of silence, he speaks up.
‘What’s on your mind?’ he asks you.
You wonder when get got so good at reading your face. ‘I’ve been thinking about, well, all of this.’ you say, gesturing to the gardens and the palace behind you. 
Nikolai turns so he can properly look at you. ‘And?’ he says.
‘I have to admit, life at the grand palace isn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And it has been nice not to have my father following me around all day long. I still miss Ketterdam, but maybe not as much as I used to.’ you say. 
You briefly look at Nikolai and notice a faint smile on his lips as he’s listening to you.
‘Plus, the company isn’t so bad.’ you say. ‘I know I made it clear I didn’t want this. But the time I've spent here has been very nice. Everyone is so kind, and I love the walks around the palace.’
‘What exactly are you saying, Y/N?’ says Nikolai, though the look on his face tells you he already knows. 
You take a deep breath. ‘I’m saying I’m willing to do this. I think I could be happy here. I’m willing to marry you. Even it it’s just for the sake of Ravka. I’d rather marry you than some old merchant back in Kerch.’ you say.
Nikolai smiles. ‘That’s good to hear.’ he says. ‘Was it my dashing smile or charming personality that made you decide to stay?’
‘Don’t get cocky now, Nikolai.’ you chuckle.
‘Sweetheart, have you actually met me? I’ll always be cocky.’ he says. 
You laugh and Nikolai reaches out to take one of your hands in his.
‘But on a more serious note, I really am glad you decided to stay. I didn’t lie when I said you’re nice company.’ he says. ‘And now I can finally give you this.’
He gets something out of his pocket and holds it in his closed fist.
‘Close your eyes.’ he says.
You slightly raise your eyebrows. ‘Really?’ you say. 
‘Really.’ says Nikolai, smirking at you.
You do as he says and close your eyes. You feel how Nikolai lifts your hand and slides something on your finger. You feel the weight of it on your finger and can tell what it is before Nikolai tells you to open your eyes.
A ring with a beautiful green emerald sits on your finger. Your lips part in surprise. He doesn’t even have to say it, you know this ring.
‘This is the Lantsov emerald.’ you say as you look at him.
‘It’s really just an emerald like any others.’ says Nikolai, looking at your hand which is still in his. ‘But that is what most people call it, yes.’
You admire the ring on your finger. ‘It’s beautiful.’ you say. When you look up, you see Nikolai looking at you with an odd expression on his face.
‘What is it?’ you say.
He simply smiles at you and shakes his head. ‘Nothing.’ he says. He gets up and offers you his arm again. ‘Shall we go back to the palace? It’s almost lunch time.’ 
You nod and get up as well but instead of laying your hand on his arm, you grab his hand and intertwine your fingers with his instead. The two of you walk back to the palace, and you try to ignore the way people look at your left hand, clearly eyeing the emerald ring. 
This would be yet another rumour that would spread impossibly fast. You had to write another letter to the Crow Club soon. You’d rather have your friends find out through you, than because of rumours. 
You’d been writing letters to the Crows since you decided you stay at the palace. You told them about your life at the palace, and in return they told you what was going on in Ketterdam. 
You loved receiving letters from them. They each took turns writing you, and all of them signed the letter. 
Once you had lunch, Nikolai got called away to another meeting, and you went to your room to write a letter to Ketterdam. As usual, you started off by asking them how they were doing, if any jobs went wrong, and a new prediction on how many card games Jesper had lost. 
You then wrote about finally accepting the fact you’d marry Nikolai. Despite the chances being low they could attend, you invited them to the wedding anyway. You told them you’d send them a formal invitation with the date as soon as you picked a date. 
And then the chaos started. Genya insisted on being in charge of the planning, and she also sketched you a few designs for your wedding dress. They were all equally stunning, and you couldn’t pick one. Eventually, Nikolai picked the one he thought would suit you best.
Zoya was in charge of putting together the guest list. When she asked you who you wanted to invite, you gave her the names of the Crows. She seemed a bit taken aback you’d invite them because after all, they were criminals. You hadn’t yet told her you’d been part of the Crows for many years as well.
When you looked at the list she was writing, you noticed your father’s name on it as well. He’d sent you many letters, which you ignored. You took the pen from Zoya’s hand and crossed his name off the list without a word. 
Time seemed to fly by at an alarmingly speed. Before you know it, you wake up on the morning of your wedding. Until this day, it seemed like a strange concept somehow. As if you couldn’t fully realise it. 
But when your eyes land on your wedding dress, you feel like for the first time, the realisation of what’s about to happen finally sinks in. You would marry Nikolai. You would take his name and you would become a queen. Of a country that’s not even your own.
A knock on your door catches you off guard and you call for them to come in. Genya enters, followed by a few servants. She’s beaming at you, clearly excited about today.
‘Are you ready?’ she says.
‘More like the most nervous I’ve ever been.’ you say.
Genya smiles at you as she sits down on the bed next to you. ‘I understand you’re nervous.’ she says. ‘But I promise you it’ll be alright. We’ll all be here right beside you. And it’s just one day.’
‘One day of ceremonies and traditions and then I’m a queen.’ you say, having an uneasy feeling in your stomach. 
‘Nikolai will be there by your side. And we will be there as well.’ says Genya. ‘Now let’s get you in that dress.’
She rises to her feet and motions for you to get up as well. You hesitate. 
‘Could you, um, go and get Nikolai?’ you ask her, avoiding her eyes. ‘I want to talk to him.’
‘Of course.’ she says and she immediately leaves the room. You get up and start to pace the room, ignoring the servants who are patiently waiting for you. It doesn’t take long for Genya to return with Nikolai. 
Nikolai smiles at you and asks the servants and Genya to leave the room, which they do. 
By the looks of it, Genya caught him while he was getting dressed. His hair is still messy and his shirt is hastily tucked into his pants. He walks up to you, looking at you.
‘What can I do for you?’ he says. 
‘I’m nervous.’ you say.
‘If it helps, I’m nervous too.’ he says.
‘But you always manage to hide it behind a curtain of flirty comments and confidence.’ you say. ‘I wish I could do that.’
‘Y/N, just because I always know what to say, doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous.’ says Nikolai.
He reaches out to take your hand in his and walks you back to your bed, where you sit down. 
���Listen, it’s completely normal to be nervous. It’s a big day. A lot of important people are going to be present. But I want you to be okay with this, so do you still want to do this?’ he says.
You look at him and frown. ‘Yes, of course!’ you say. ‘We’re not going to cancel this whole thing because I’m nervous. I just hope I won’t throw up because of the nerves.’
Nikolai chuckles. ‘I’m sure you’ll be fine.’ he says. ‘If it makes you feel better, we could practice.’ 
You frown again. ‘Practice what? I know how weddings work, Nikolai.’ you say. 
‘It wasn’t the entire wedding I was talking about.’ says Nikolai. 
You look at him, waiting for him to continue. He looks at your lips instead. 
‘Oh.’ you say softly. That was what he meant. 
Nikolai slowly inches closer to you, leaning in. His eyes switch from your lips to your eyes, silently asking permission. You give the barest of nods and Nikolai closes the remaining space between you, softly pressing his lips against yours. 
You close your eyes and focus on the feeling of his lips on yours. All of the nerves seem to leave your body as you easy into him. When he pulls away, your faces are still close to each other.
‘Well if that’s what you call practicing, I wonder what the real thing is going to do to top that.’ you say.
Nikolai laughs at your words. ‘You’re getting better at your comebacks with every passing day, sweetheart.’ he says.
‘I learn from the best.’ you say, smiling at him.
‘Are you ready for this?’ says Nikolai.
‘I am now.’ you say with a hint of newfound confidence. 
Nikolai nods and gets up. ‘I’ll call Genya back.’ he says.
You get up as well and walk with him to the door. Before opening it, Nikolai takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to your knuckles. With a wink, he opens the door and steps out into the hallway.
Once Genya and the servants enter, she immediately drags you over and pushes you into a chair to do your hair.
‘You don’t seem nervous anymore.’ she says. 
‘I’m not.’ you say. ‘Nikola and I, uh, talked about it.’ you say, unable to stop your cheeks from turning red. 
Genya smiles knowingly at you. ‘I’m sure it was a good talk then.’ she says, emphasising the word “talk”. 
‘It was.’ you say, avoiding her eyes.
The smile never leaves Genya’s face as she finishes with doing your hair. The servants help you to get in the dress, and you finally look at yourself in the mirror. Genya had really outdone herself with the dress. It looks beautiful on you, as if it was meant to be.
You turn to look at her. ‘Thank you.’ you say. ‘Truly. It’s perfect.’ 
‘Don’t thank me. Nikolai is the one who picked the dress.’ she says. ‘Are you ready to go?’
You take a deep breath and nod. Genya links her arm through yours and you start walking toward the small chapel on the palace grounds. The guests had already arrived and were gathered inside. You can hear them talking and chatting excitedly even outside the chapel.
Genya hugs you tightly and disappears inside the chapel. After a few deep breaths to calm yourself again, you firmly plant your feet on the ground. No going back now. 
The doors to the chapel open and you watch as the guests all rise. A last deep breath, and you start walking. Were there really this many people on the list Zoya had put together?
You start to feel nervous again, but then you see Nikolai looking at you. He’s smiling brightly, and looks very handsome. You remember the feeling of his lips on yours, and find your confidence once more. 
You slowly walk down the aisle, smiling as well, and your eyes are fixed on Nikolai. When you finally make it to the front of the chapel, Nikolai smiles as you stop walking. 
‘Still nervous?’ he whispers softly, so only you can hear it. 
‘Not anymore, thanks to you.’ you whisper back. 
You take a quick look at the crowd. You only recognise the people that lived at the palace as well. Thankfully, you don’t see your father in the crowd. But your heart sinks as you don’t spot your Crows either. They didn’t come. 
You had invited them. Maybe they feared being captured if they risked coming to Os Alta? Whatever their reason was, you’re sure it was a good one. You’d send them a letter after the wedding, asking them if maybe an important job had come up. But still, it hurt a little they wouldn’t attend your wedding. 
The wedding itself seems to last minutes. You’re only focused on Nikolai. He holds your hand and you’re grateful he does. It helps keep you grounded. You had expected the wedding to be grand because after all, it is a royal one. But once you leave the chapel, hand in hand with Nikolai, you realise it turned out to be even better than you expected. 
The two of you are silent as you walk through the halls of the palace. You see the door to your room in the distance, but Nikolai walks right past it. When you raise your eyebrows in question at him, he points at the door to his room in the distance.
‘They’d expect us to share a room. It’d be a bit weird if we got married but sleep in separate rooms.’ he says. ‘Don’t worry, the bed is large enough to fit both of us without having to cuddle close. Not that I would mind if you did.’
You chuckle at his words as he opens the door to his room. You’re thankful to be away from all the guests. You appreciated that they all came to attend the wedding, but you got tired of listening to their congratulations over and over again. 
Once the door closes behind you, you immediately bend down to take off your heels. You watch as Nikolai shrugs off his suit jacket and runs a hand through his hair. 
‘That wasn’t so bad, was it?’ he says. 
‘It wasn’t bad at all.’ you say. 
Nikolai studies your face. ‘But there’s something on your mind.’ he says.
‘I just...’ your voice trails off as you try to find the best way to voice your thoughts. Nikolai takes your hand and pulls you down to sit on the bed with him. 
‘I thought they would come.’ you say softly. ‘I invited them, and I know I haven’t seen them in a while, but I thought they’d at least come to my wedding. I spent years with them.’ 
‘Maybe something else got in the way? Maybe something came up and they simply couldn’t make it?’ suggest Nikolai.
You shake your head. ‘Even if Kaz would plan a job, Jesper and Nina would burn down all of Ketterdam if a job prevented them from attending my wedding.’ you say. ‘I can’t think of a single reason why they wouldn’t come. I thought I meant more to them.’ 
‘What if you write them another letter? I’m sure if you just ask them, they’ll explain why they couldn’t be there.’ says Nikolai.
‘I was going to write them about it anyway.’ you say. ‘But first I want to change. As beautiful as this dress is, it’s incredibly heavy.’
‘I had a servant move some of your belongings here already.’ says Nikolai. ‘A part of the closet is now yours.’
‘Thank you.’ you say and you walk over to the closet, opening it. You pick one of your comfortable dresses and go to the bathroom to change. When you get back, you see Nikolai hasn’t changed yet. You didn't mind. He really looked good in a formal suit. 
You move to sit behind Nikolai’s desk to write a letter to Ketterdam. You try to sound polite, but a part of you wants to just write what you’re actually thinking. But the Crows mean the world to you, and you don’t want to hurt them or piss them off. 
Once you finish the letter, you seal it and hand it to a servant, telling them it’s urgent. 
When you get back to the room, you find Nikolai sitting at his desk, fidgeting with something in his hands. Curiously, you walk over to him. 
‘What are you doing?’ you say.
Nikolai looks up and holds out his hand to you. On his palm is a small boat, made out of a piece of rope. You carefully take it from his hand to examine it.
‘How did you learn how to make this?’ you as him.
He shrugs. ‘A lot of practicing.’ he says. 
You smile and hand the little boat back to him. ‘It’s nice.’ you say. ‘Could you teach me how to make one?’
Nikolai nods and pulls out a second chair for you. He spends the rest of the evening trying to teach you how to make a boat out of a piece of rope. While his fingers move smoothly and create the boats with ease, you struggle with it. After all, he had probably done it for many years, whereas you’re only trying it out for the first time. 
When you successfully finish your first boat, you decide to call it a night and go to sleep. Nikolai hadn’t been lying; the bed was big enough to fit the both of you comfortably without invading each other’s personal space. 
Your usual routines don’t change much. Except for the fact you know share a room and a bed. And you notice there are more lingering glances between the two of you. 
Like Nikolai had said, you’re expected to attend important meetings as well. You try to listen to it, but sometimes the meetings just aren’t interesting in your eyes. Luckily you always sit next to Nikolai, who is able to nudge your leg with his boot if he thinks you’re starting to zone out.
You have breakfast together every morning, expect for the mornings when Nikolai isn’t at the palace. You practice making boats out of rope, and you’re improving. Nikolai’s still turn out better than yours, but you’re getting there.
Every day, you ask if there’s mail for you. But somehow the Crows don’t send letters as frequently as they used to. And they had never given you a proper explanation as to why they didn’t attend your wedding. 
Most of the times when you’re lost in thought, you’re thinking about Ketterdam. You hadn’t been there in months, not since the ball. It’s as if the longer you stay at the palace, the more you miss Ketterdam. 
The city had always felt like home. And no matter how much you like spending time at the palace with Nikolai, you can’t help but to feel guilty for being away from Ketterdam for so long. You miss the city, and you miss your Crows.
Nikolai must have noticed something is bothering you, but you dodge his questions. You try to come up with excuses, but eventually, he pulls you aside and stands in front of the door, preventing you from slipping away.
‘Out with it.’ he says. ‘What is going on?’
You look at him, not sure what to say. 
‘Is it our marriage? Do you regret it? Is that why you’re avoiding talking with me?’ says Nikolai.
‘Of course not!’ you quickly say. ‘Nikolai, I do not regret our marriage. I happen like you a lot.’
‘Then what is it?’ says Nikolai. ‘You’re not yourself and I can tell something is bothering you. Let me help you.’
‘I don’t know where to start.’ you say softly, lowering your head and looking at your feet. It all seemed so childish now. 
‘I miss Ketterdam.’ you say softly. You feel tears burning behind your eyes. ‘I miss the harbour, and the tourists flooding the docks. I miss playing card games with Jesper, and going out with Nina. I miss talking with Inej and going over Kaz’ plans with him. I even miss reading to Wylan and trying to win a drinking contest from Matthias. I miss the Crow Club, and their laughter. I miss all of it.’ 
You see how Nikolai’s feet step closer to you and his hands cup your face, tilting it upward so you look at him. He brushes a tear away with his thumb.
‘It’s alright to miss Ketterdam.’ he says. ‘You left everything behind, I understand it if you miss it. It’s been your home for so long.’
‘But this is my home now.’ you say, your voice trembling slightly. ‘Here in Os Alta, with you. I shouldn’t long to go back to Ketterdam as much as I do.’
Nikolai smiles at you, but there’s a hint of sadness in his eyes. ‘I told you a long time ago I won’t let anyone else control the choices you make in life, sweetheart. If you want to go to Ketterdam, I think you should go.’ he says.
You stare up at him, letting his words sink in. ‘But I’m your wife. You’d let me go just like that?’ you say.
‘You are indeed my wife. But I’m not going to tell you how to live your life. If you think you’re happier in Ketterdam than you are at the palace, then you should go. Go and be happy.’ he says. 
‘But I'm happy with you too.’ you say. ‘I just miss my home, that’s all.’
He smiles again. ‘Then you should go home. This is not goodbye forever, you know.’ he says. 
‘Not goodbye forever.’ you say, repeating his words. 
You stand on your toes and lean up to kiss him. Nikolai pulls you closer and you wrap your arms around his waist in response. When you pull back, he rests his forehead against yours.
‘Go.’ he says softly. ‘Go to your Ketterdam, go to your Crows. I’m sure they’d love to see you again.’
You nod and pull yourself out of his embrace. Nikolai watches you as you quickly pack a bag with some essentials. You can’t bear to look at him again as you walk past him, out of the room.
You didn’t know Nikolai followed you from a distance, to see you off. As soon as you got on a horse and left the gates, he stands at the top of the stairs that lead to the entrance of the palace. 
He watches you as you become a smaller and smaller dot on the horizon. The triumvirate, who had seen the two of you leave, joins him on the steps, wondering what Nikolai is looking at.
‘Was that Y/N? says Zoya. ‘Where is she going?’
‘Back to Ketterdam.’ says Nikolai.
Zoya turns to Nikolai. ‘You let her go?’ she says. ‘Saints, Nikolai, why did you let her go?’
Nikolai doesn’t say anything and continues to look at the horizon. Genya is studying Nikolai’s face as he looks at you in the distance. Her lips part in surprise, but her eyes are sad.
‘Because he loves her.’ says Genya.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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amesstm · 4 years ago
I’ll Carry You
Pairing: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
Word Count: 1376
A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while, my ADHD said “Hey, let’s hyperfocus on something that is not writing fanfiction.” So, we’ll see when I have a phase of writing fanfiction more consistently lol
First part: https://amesstm.tumblr.com/post/647216128109723648/nose-bleeds-part-1
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Ushijima didn’t know what to do when you asked, “Is this heaven?” So, he did what he thought was best.
“No, this is Shiratorizawa Academy,” he replied with his eyebrows furrowed in concern. Did he really hit you that hard?
You chuckled, but winced from the pain. “I know, Ushijima.”
Not paying too much attention to whatever joke went over his head, Ushijima silently folded up his shirt to put over your nose. The scent of mint and sweat overwhelmed your senses. Ushijima was simple, so of course he would smell like mint. Minus the blood pouring out of your nose, you could get used to this smell.
He lifted you up from the ground, but then you stumbled. A strong hand clutched onto your waist, trying to steady you. But then you almost fell forward. “I can walk just fine.”
“I’ll carry you.” Ushijima stated as a fact, leaving no room for argument.
His arms lifted you with ease. You pouted, annoyed that this was becoming a common occurrence now. He softly chuckled under his breath from looking at you. When he stepped out of the gym, everyone stared at the spectacle.
Why in the world was Ushijima shirtless? Why was he carrying the girls’ team’s libero? Why was she clutching onto his shirt for dear life? You were sure those were the questions swarming your peers’ mind. Surely, the fangirls would’ve loved this indirect fan service.
A protest was about to erupt from you, but then you looked up. His jawline was on full view. Could that cut you just from one touch? Possibly. Okay, maybe you can get used to this view. So, you stayed silent.
“Why are you staring at me?” Ushijima asked, starting to blush now.
You squirmed a bit when his eyes looked at you. Something about his eyes were so piercing yet so gentle all at once. “I’ve just never seen you up close.”
“That’s because you always run away from me.” Again, he was just stating a simple fact. Yet, there was a twinge of hurt in his voice. Ushijima was a paradox in one living body. You made a mental note to know every side of him.
Whatever fright you had dissipated into guilt. Thoughts that you should’ve tried harder to get to know him – no, truly know him – flooded your mind. Was he always so soft despite being so rough? Did he hurt on the outside despite looking stone-faced?
Your eyes softened, “Sorry about that.”
He didn’t reply. Perhaps he accepted your apology, or he didn’t want to pry. Once you were at the nurse’s office, she looked shocked to see the spectacle; a crowd had formed with people taking pictures. No doubt, those pictures would end up on gossip blogs or shared between friends.
The nurse instructed Ushijima to lay you onto a bed inside a room. “You’re free to leave if you have something else, Ushijima.”
“No, I did this. So, I’ll stay,” Ushijima replied to the older lady.
After undergoing an examination and interview, you were allowed to rest. Ushijima refused to leave your side, sitting in a chair near the bed. The regular-sized chair looked so small underneath Ushijima’s huge body that you could laugh, but you knew that he wouldn’t appreciate it. His mouth formed a small frown, with eyes distantly looking at the floor.
You softly spoke up, “Hey, it’s fine, Ushijima. You really don’t have to stay here.”
“I’m staying,” he replied. You waited a second, but he didn’t go further.
You frowned looking at him. He only really looked like this when his opponents got a few points ahead of him. Speaking of his team, an idea popped into your head that would make Tendo proud. You hummed, “Okay, then I guess you owe me a favor.”
He turned from his stare-down with the floor to gaze at you. You continued, “For as long as I’m showing symptoms, you should help me. We have plenty of classes together, anyways.”
“I would help you even if you don’t have a concussion,” Ushijima declared in a low tone. Your eyes widened slightly.
The door swung open, with the nurse not looking pleased. “I’m sorry to say but you have a concussion.”
After the news, Ushijima helped you back to your dorm. Apparently, you weren’t supposed to strain your brain too much with sports or too much thinking. Yet here you were – overthinking the fact that you couldn’t practice with your team like usual. The sounds of the volleyball would be too much to even sit in to watch.
As you walked to your dorm, the other students stared at you and Ushijima walking together. The sunglasses were a dead giveaway that you had a concussion from earlier. Now, the students understood why Ushijima carried you to the nurse, shirtless and all. Unfortunately, he was given a shirt by the nurse.
Going up the stairs made you feel nauseous, so you reached for Ushijima’s hand by accident. You stopped walking, so he stopped, too. His olive eyes grew a color of worry as he looked down on you. His warm hand literally swallowed yours whole, forming a secure fist. He hummed, with an inflection of confusion. After collecting yourself, you managed to mutter, “O-oh, sorry, just going upstairs makes me feel sick.”
“I can carry you tomorrow if you want.”
“Paron?” A sting spiked your brain. Yep, definitely shouldn’t think too much about what was going on around you.
“I’ll take care of you,” he reiterated. You simply nodded your head. It was useless trying to argue with him, especially since it was your idea in the first place.
Against your wishes, a blush formed on your cheeks. “I better see you tomorrow then.”
Ushijima stopped in front of your dorm room, avoiding the whispers and stares from the other girls like he always does. He seemed pleased that you were finally showing your confident side to him. For the longest time, he only saw that side of you when you were around Tendo. Now, he was able to experience it firsthand.
Was this a smile? As soon as you thought that, you felt another string. You cringed and clutched your head. Of course, this would happen when you had a concussion.
“Don’t forget to take your medicine and rest,” Ushijima advised, holding out the medication bag towards you.
You smiled, “Thank you.”
Luckily for Ushijima, the sunglasses made it hard to tell that he was blushing.
“Goodbye, Ushijima.” As customary, Ushijima nodded his farewell.
Tendo called you in the evening, making you cringe when you heard how loud your ringer was. Your roommate Yuki went out to the cafeteria, promising to get you food, as well. Thank goodness she wasn’t here to listen in on Tendo ripping you a new one.
“How could you get a concussion?” Tendo cried. You put a bit of distance between you and your phone when you heard him about to start ranting. Tendo acted like an older brother, so of course he would start to scold you.
“Thank you, Tendo. It’s like I wanted a concussion,” you responded sarcastically.
“Did you?” You heard a deep voice that could only belong to one person.
“Tendo, am I on speaker?” You asked, suddenly feeling nervous.
There was a pause on the other end. “Maybe.”
You could envision the evil grin plastered on Tendo’s face. You sighed, “Well, Ushijima is making it up to me until my symptoms disappear.”
“Oh?” Tendo said. You hated when he got this way. Even after being friends for a few years, you couldn’t tell what went on in his head sometimes. “Ushijima failed to mention this to me.”
“Now you know,” Ushijima replied.
Tendo whined, “It would’ve been better to hear it from my own roommate first!”
“What happens between Y/N and I will stay between us.”
You blushed, secretly enjoying what he was insinuating. Then you remembered. “By the way, Ushijima... I will be leaving to meet up with my cousin after school tomorrow. So, you won’t need to help me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to be hounded by him.”
“Okay, now back to me-” Tendo said before he started rambling about his day.
A/N: Any guesses on who the cousin is? 👀
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zkfanworkweek · 5 years ago
ZFAW Fan Content Creator Interviews: HayleyNFoster
Hey everyone! We hope you’re all excited for ZFAW, and to honor (ha!) ZFAW’s commitment to supporting and celebrating fan content creators in the Zutara fandom, we’re going to be rolling out a series of interviews with well-known and widely-beloved content creators over the next few weeks. We’ve got artists and fanfiction authors, some names you recognize as well as a few phenomenal up-and-coming talents, and we can’t wait for you to meet them all!
For the second interview in this cycle, we have our best propaganda creator and this fandom’s hottest new artist/undisputed queen of the animatic, @hayleynfoster!
1. Tell us about how you came to ship Zutara. What does this ship mean to you?
When I was around 14 or 15 and caught Avatar: The Last Airbender on television, I was drawn in by the art style, the humor, and the wonderful characters. I caught the episodes out of order, and the first one I saw and wasn’t prepared to be sucked in by was The Waterbending Scroll. It intrigued me at that age, and the line “I’ll save you from the pirates” combined with the tension between Katara and Zuko in that whole scene was electrifying. I remember my teenage self thinking these two have so much chemistry! And when I saw a commercial on Nickelodeon that featured fanart submitted by fellow Avatar fans, I realized that I could do that to! So I set about making Zutara fanart for myself. I stumbled onto Youtube, practically in its infancy, and discovered that people set clips of Zuko and Katara set to music (And this was still in season 1 days… so people who made these amvs were the real mvps because they were able to make compelling narratives in their amvs with like practically nothing to work with!). The AMVs really spurred my interest in this couple, I remember distinctly one Zutara AMV using the Dido song White Flag utterly capturing my imagination. I found fandom shortly after, getting into deviantart and forums. But the ship really began to mean something to me when, as I was working on my drawings in the computer lab at school, a buoyant presence hovered over my shoulder noticing my Zutara art on the computer screen. The girl was someone I had never really talked to and had only seen from afar but she immediately started excitedly saying she shipped Zuko and Katara too! In this simple shared obsession, I made one of the best friends I’ve ever had and we’re still friends to this day. We would theorize and fangirl over Avatar like it was nobody’s business; we poured over bootleg San Diego Comic Con footage that showed spoilers for season 2 before it aired; we lost our freaking minds when we finally saw The Crossroads of Destiny. We had watch parties every week as Season 3 of A:TLA aired, and comforted each other when the show ended as it did (much ranting was shared). Those are some of my happiest memories from high school… all because this one pairing from this wonderful show. Even though Zutara didn’t happen, we still chat every now and then about it. Zutara will probably be a lifelong obsession, always bubbling under the surface. And without it, I would have never realized that animation was a viable career path. It really did inspire everything including the work I’m doing to this day in the animation industry. I owe a lot to this ship and to Avatar: the Last Airbender.
2. What inspires you to create zutara fanworks?
The resurgence of Avatar: The Last Airbender this year really helped sort of spark that dormant love I had for Zutara. The show’s ending still disappointed me on the rewatch, but Zuko and Katara’s relationship arc was as captivating as ever, so I turned to some fanfiction and looking at people’s pretty Zutara art and AMVs to just revel in fanon instead of getting to hung up on the actual ending of the show. But then I realized, with quarantine and my work load being pretty light, I had time to actually make all new Zutara art for myself, art I was never fully capable of making as a kid, but now could do with my 7 years of industry experience and just… life experience. And I was inspired to do some corrective animatics to satisfy my own desire for a different ending. I just really like exploring these two characters, doing different and interesting things with them, and frankly I’m inspired to make cute, fluffy, romantic art simply by virtue of living in a really sad and depressing world. Things are so crazy right now, creating art about two characters I love being in love, is comforting. And it helps to have inspiring music and amazing Zutara amvs to just sort of stir up my emotions and imagery in my head to make into animatics and art.
3. Be selfish - if you could request one fanwork based on your own art/fanfic, what would it be? What would you absolutely love to see someone create?
Ohhhh… Well, It’s always nice to have people write fanfiction that puts words to my animatics. I am not that great at coming up with dialog myself, so I’ve just chosen to indulge in visuals and emotions for my boards. But when I read things like RideBoldlyRide’s take on my Reunion Animatic, it makes me pretty giddy. (They finally have voices!) :) And this is the MOST selfish thing I could request, but I’m not shy about saying how much I love well done amvs, so I will literally kill for someone to make Zutara AMVs to songs I like… Like, most of AURORA’s songs but especially Exist for Love, Sunseeker by The Naked and Famous, Promises or Take Me by Aly & AJ, Adore You by Harry Styles, Human Enough by ONR, Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, and/or Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier just… I can see the AMVs so clearly to any of these songs in my head, but I don’t have the tools or skill set at my disposal to make a compelling fan video. When I was in high school, I originally thought I wanted to go into video editing simply because I loved making very crappy AMVs (they were so bad you guys), but I figured out being a storyboard artist was more in my wheelhouse. haha
4. Any words for people who are new to the fandom and/or nervous about sharing their work for the first time?
If you’re new to the Zutara fandom, just have a good time! Don’t waste too much time arguing with people over your shipping preferences. I wasted so much of my teen years having pointless shipping wars with people on DeviantArt, and I’m just so much happier nowadays because I’m just making Zutara art in my little corner of the internet, and honestly, in the politest of ways, I don’t give a shit if people don’t like my art or Zutara. haha I think that’s sort of a key thing for people thinking of posting creative works here in the fandom, just make art for yourself, satisfy your own desires for the pairing, get your creative sparks flying, and create just for the joy of creating. It’s always nice to get comments and such, but simply making the art should be what spurs you on, not the external validation. And have a good time, don’t worry too much - I say as someone who worries about EVERYTHING. But honestly, making art for A:TLA is some of the most relaxed I’ve been because I make it just for me. I’m lucky others seem to like it too!
5. What’s an idea for a fanwork that you have but haven't gotten around to making?
I have an idea for a second generation storyline with my Zutara kids that involves Kya (the eldest firebending daughter) falling in love with an airbender boy (tentatively named Gora in my headcanon who’s a bit of a rabble rouser and one of Aang’s kids he had with a Kyoshi Warrior), and then they start a socialist revolution in the Fire Nation in order to dismantle all of the hierarchical societies across the Avatar world… Together Kya and Gora Fan the Flames of revolution… ehhhhh... Get it?? Oh! Oh, and then Katara, who had put in legit liberal reforms in her time as Fire Lady listens to her daughter after resisting in the first part of the story, but then realizes she can actually play a part in the dissolution of the royalty and is also active in the revolution realizing that moderate liberal reforms are no substitute for a society free of serving royalty (which she had always been uncomfortable with but had rationalized with herself that she was doing good in her capacity as Fire Lady.) I just feel like there’s a lot of cool potential for discussing these ideas and also having some aspirational change in the Avatar world. lol For aesthetics and just happy fluffy times, I can indulge in Fire Lady and Fire Lord Zuko stuff, but really at the end of the day, I take issue with the structures in a society that have to exist for monarchies to exist. Soooo, I kind of want to do my own corrective story for that… if I ever have the time or guts. On a less ambitious note, I would love to do a Zutara sparring animatic to practice doing action, but I need a good story; I am not good at doing fights just for fighting’s sake. Those are just some things I have rattling around in my head.  
6. Are you participating in ZFAW? If so want to give us a hint as to your plans?
Yes! The most I can say is I have one animatic almost finished and one that’s still being thumbnailed. The rest are probably going to be comics or emotive single pieces based on the fanfics I really like right now. :)
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letshaikyuu · 5 years ago
hii i was wondering if your could do oikawa with a reader who’s like “one of the boys” and hangs out with him and iwa a lot and they’ve been friends for a long time, and he realizes he likes her and its just him pining + happy ending where they end up together? 🥺👉👈
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 // 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮
𝐚/𝐧: this is such a great idea, thank you so much for requesting! I believe there's not as much pinning as either of us would have liked, but I hope you like it 💕
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: slight angst with happy ending; female reader
𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦
× midnight writes with Kat ×
. . . • . . . . ✿ . . •
"What do you think I should do?"
His question is met with silence as Iwaizumi's gaze is fixated on the TV, not registering his best friend's frustration. Oikawa huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, repeating the question.
"What do I think you should do about what? I don't know what goes on in your brain, Crappykawa."
Iwaizumi throws a stray chip at Oikawa's face, smirking at the disgusted look on his face, swatting in case Iwaizumi throws any more. Finally, his hand moves to the 'mute' button on the remote, turning his attention completely to his best friend.
He watches as Oikawa heaves out frustrated sighs, one after another, his hand gripping tightly at his curls. His eyes avoid Iwaizumi's owns, looking directly at the white, blank space above him.
"I think--no, I know. I know that I like Y/N." Iwaizumi's eyes widen in surprise, but he's soon to realise and recollect all the meaningful moments during the latest gatherings of said trio.
Y/N has been in their lives for a significant number of years already. What people see as two best friends playing volleyball together, fail to take notice of a third party right by their side. Unlike Oikawa's fangirls or Iwaizumi's admirers, Y/N was more familiar with hanging out with boys.
It has been a few months since she was proclaimed as 'one of the boys', but she didn't mind the nickname at all. She felt safe, being in the company of her two closest friends and whatever title she is given, she doesn't mind. Hardly anyone has friends like Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
And that was were Oikawa's problem started to arise.
They were sitting on the couch in Iwaizumi's house, a cheesy chick-flick playing as Oikawa and Y/N bicker about the synopsis of said movie. Iwaizumi, as always, enjoyed the reality TV he got to experience everyday with the two crackheads he called his best friends.
That is the word Oikawa hated to be associated with. A friend. Just a damn friend. If you were to ask Oikawa what Y/N was to him last year, he'd say a friend, no doubt in sight.
If you were to ask him now, Oikawa would stutter, not knowing the exact term of whatever was going on between him and Y/N. In his eyes, it was complicated. In her eyes, they were just best friends.
"You like Y/N? Like, you like like her?" Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow, sipping on his bottled water as Oikawa groans in frustration.
"Iwa-chan, stop talking so, so complicated! I don't understand what you mean."
"I mean," another chip comes flying towards Oikawa's face, this time, successfully hitting him on the forehead. "Do you like her in a more than a friend way?"
They lock eyes, Iwaizumi's eyes holding the reassurance Oikawa really needed at this point. When his best friend only gives a meekly nod in return, Iwaizumi's lips twitch into a rare, soft smile he hardly shows anyone besides his two closest friends.
"Tell her."
"What!? No, no, no fucking way am I doing that." Oikawa's arms comically flap around, immediately regretting telling Iwaizumi about his little problem.
Iwaizumi's eyebrow quirks, "and, why not?"
Oikawa looks Iwaizumi dead in the eyes as he speaks, "and ruin the friendship I have with her? And possibly ruin the friendship I have with you!? No, Iwa-chan, that's an awful idea."
As if he didn't listen to a word of Oikawa's rant, Iwaizumi's hand grips his panicked friend's phone and throws it at him, catching Oikawa's surprised expression. "Text her, call her, do anything. If you really care about her, you won't let her and yourself suffer through whatever is going on in your confused brain right now."
The silence that came after was anything but pleasant to either of them, Oikawa's hands sweating at the mere thought of texting you about his true feelings. He looks up, eyes locking with Iwaizumi's as he grips the phone tightly. "Should I? Should I really?"
Iwaizumi's own nerves got the best of him and he only nods, but Oikawa trusts him enough to go through with this crazy idea.
His fingers type out the simple message a hundred times, never missing a typo in any of the words he wrote.
"Y/N, I can't say this any differently or keep hiding it, but...I like you. Please, please tell me what you think about...all of this." sent 10:35pm
If it weren't for Iwaizumi's hand gripping his forearm, Oikawa would have pulled out every strand of hair on his head or bite all of his nails. Both of them knew that you weren't someone who goes to sleep early, so both became more nervous as the minutes kept ticking by.
Neither were ready when the familiar sound of a new message rang across the room, but Oikawa's fingers were already opening the message.
"You sound like such a romantic, Shittykawa lol...but, if it makes you feel less nervous, I believe that my feelings for you are also more than just friendly ;)" sent 10:47pm
Looking at the huge grin and loud squealing coming out of his best friend's mouth, Iwaizumi didn't stop his own grin from decorating his face.
Who knew he could be such a matchmaker?
. . . • . . . . ✿ . . •
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @masako55, @tiggyybee, @nekoglasses, @peppermintkiddo, @maramalademadara, @kitasluvr, @parolesdesanges, @hakueishirei
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violent-optimism · 3 years ago
Some scrambled thoughts on Midnight Mass
Sorry (not sorry) for the insane amount of Midnight Mass spam. But you guys have to understand that I honestly can’t remember the last time I finished a show, and then was compelled to immediately re-watch it from the beginning because of how much I loved it.
I enjoyed Hill House and Bly Manor a LOT, I’ll say that first. But Midnight Mass had a much greater impact on me for whatever reason. It’s been living in my head for the last couple days and so I thought I would just say a few words (or a lot).
And yes, I know I’m a little bit late to the Midnight Mass train. Netflix decided to be a butt and release this and Squid Game at almost the exact same time and I wanted to finish one before starting the other.
Anywho, I digress. I’ll try and make this shorter than my usual reviews and just cut to the chase plain and simple about what I loved so much about this show.
I am convinced by this point that Mike Flanagan is extremely picky about which actors he chooses for his productions. I mean, he has to be. Why else would all his shows consist of some of the finest actors of our time? The ability to memorize an insane amount of dialogue for SUPER long takes is not something that just any actor can do (at least, I don’t think so).
Obviously every single actor in this show does an absolutely phenomenal job, but I cannot write this thing without talking about Hamish Linklater as Father Paul/Monsignor Pruitt. I know the internet is losing their minds about him right now, both for acting reasons and...let’s say more “fangirl” ones. All I know for sure is that he fucking stole the show for me. From his very first scene, all the way until his final moment in the last episode I was captivated and mesmorized by his performance and character. Even when he was doing horrific things I couldn’t help but root for him because he was just so charismatic and likeable.
I am just so glad that the casting directors took a chance on him. Nothing Hamish (or any of the other actors for that matter) says sounds like he’s acting. Every word sounds so organic and real. He knows exactly where to put every stutter and stammer in such a delicate and methodical way. It’s just incredible.
And I also cannot talk about acting without mentioning Samantha Sloyan as Beverly Keane. I know nothing I say is original and it’s been said a hundred times before. She fucking DISAPPEARED into that role. She was just so insufferable and horrible and she played it so well. I really hope both her and Hamish get nominated for something because they both deserve it so much.
I mean you could honestly pick any scene with either of those actors and you would be instantly blown away; the same can be said for the other actors too. So yeah, long story short I just really loved the acting in Midnight Mass.
This show just had everything for me. The soundtrack was beautiful and haunting (I’m listening to it right now in fact). The cinematography was absolutely stunning and I lost track of how many amazing shots there were. The themes of the show: Life, Death, Religion, Redemption, it was all handled so beautifully and with such care. I know this show has offended some people for religious reasons but I think that just kind of proves how powerful the messages are and how much it hits home.
This was Mike Flanagan’s passion project and it shows. It really does. There is just so much attention to detail and passion for authenticity which makes the show even greater. This show had (and still does) such a profound effect on me that I have not felt about a piece of media in a long time. I don’t mean to big it up or anything (actually I do) but if you haven’t seen this show yet you really should because it is just amazing.
Okay that wasn’t really that short but I tried my best lol So there you have it, that’s why I’ve been reblogging about it non-stop, and more will probably be on the way lol
Thanks for reading!
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softnaruto · 5 years ago
Quick! Who’s your top 10 most fave Naruto characters? And who are the top 5 that you dislike the most?
Character Rating
author: Hello! I decided to explain why I like each character! I will bold the characters if you don’t want to read though! Thank you for asking this!
Top 10: 
For #1… I’ll definitely have to say that it is Kakashi. Why? Is it a fangirl issue? Is it just a think about looks? I honestly really admire his strength. He’s emotionally and mentally strong and although he has trouble with communicating his feelings, he’s just such a good person. I just appreciate that after everything he’s been through, he is so selfless and will do anything just to help other people. He’s also gorgeous!
Tenzo!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. He gives me such dad vibes and he’s so awkward at times it’s absolutely adorable. I relate to his sense of being—wanting to act tough and as if everything is under control but on the inside, it is so hard to forget the tough times, you know? And also the fact that he’s so pure just makes me so happy. I mean, ultimately, he just wants to feel as if he belongs, which is just so relatable. He’s so strong, dorky, intelligent, and such a warm soul. (P.S. I hate that he was put through so much and ended up being stuck to the worst person ever)
IRUKA! My cute baby boy! Wow, I have so much to say about Iruka. He works hard, he tries to teach his students as much as he can, and he is just so dedicated to teaching. He is such a sweet person and even though he was orphaned at a young age, he still manages to wake up every day and continue to work hard. He makes others feel at home and he was Naruto’s true father figure.
 Itachi. HE DESERVED SO MUCH MORE. He deserved to figure another option out, to be able to be with his family, to be able to LIVE in peace without being haunted by the horrible actions he was forced to do by some irresponsible pieces of—you get my point. Itachi has such a sweet, old soul. He would be the type of person to just listen to you. Also, he’s so intelligent and his actions are ALWAYS planned. Also, his dark, emo self just attached to mine and made me so soft. I would recite him dark poetry anytime.
Obito! He was definitely such a sweet-natured kid and I feel like he was always a good person. Deep down inside all he ever wanted to do was be loved and to be friends (to fit in.) I just want to make him feel as if everything is okay, you know? It’s okay to help others and be late. It’s okay to not be #1. And also, just his entire story made me literally despise evil-natured people. How could someone brainwash such a helpless sweet baby? 10/10
Kiba! He is just so aggressive and wants to be the best at everything, which is really relatable. I am more of a soft-spoken person, so seeing him yell and be chaotic makes me feel safe, lol. Also, Kiba is such a WOMEN WORSHIPPER. He was raised by women and he respects women, PERIOD. In this house we absolutely love respect!!! Also his love for Akamaru makes me soft. 11/11
 HINATA. Hinata was talked down to all of her life but in the end she just didn’t give up. She walked forward and stood tall and WORKED so hard. I admire her strength, her diligence, and the way she carries herself with pride. She’s also so adorable and fierce at the same time? Like she could punch me and I would blush.
Now this one is… controversial. Madara. HEAR ME OUT. I believe he is a good-natured person that was just hurt and completely mistaken. I mean, he wanted peace. He wanted people to not be afraid of him. He also just wanted respect and equality. Let me say that the government of the leaf village did discriminate against the Uchiha and who would’t be upset? It makes sense that he would be upset and try to change his world to what he believes is right (which is messed up but in his point of view he’s fixing the world, right?) Also… Tobirama did kill his brother and that caused Madara to also go insane. If my brother was murdered, I don’t think I could just be okay with everything, especially if my heart work isn’t credited and I am to just be a simple “civilian” and not the Hokage (he created the village too!) He’s not one of my top 5 because he completely destroyed Obito and I also dislike him for that.
GAARA! Gaara is such a wonderful character? He did not deserve anything in his past. The fact that his father hated him and the whole village absolutely despised him and he was still able to change and become a better person is just so… admirable. He’s such a cutie and I love him to death.
NAGATO NAGATO NAGATO! He DESERVED better. He is such a sweet person and was manipulated as well. All he ever wanted was to be at peace. I mean, after all his parents died for NO REASON! He was orphaned at a young age and had to fend for himself. He really just grew up wanting to belong and be in a family and all he was left with was manipulation by a man who was pushed to the brink of insanity. (You see the circle? God the circle makes me CRY)
Top 5 I dislike (this was hard because I'm a very... “they had their reasons bc trauma affects people differently” type of person, so these are just the ones I hate! It’s hard for me to hate any character:
Danzo. Do I need an explanation? He messed EVERYTHING UP. EVERYTHING. He needed to be cut off long before he did. Actually, before anything ever happened. Thanks.
The elders! MAN I DISLIKE KONOHA’S ELDERS SO MUCH. They are selfish, despicable, and who would even agree to such extreme measures?
Orochimaru. He’s a pervert who’s obsessed with children. Nope.
Jiraya. I liked him for some scenes and I hated him for other scenes. He would steal Naruto, AN ORPHAN, money. He sexualized Konan when she was a kid. Just so much that was not okay. 
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WhatsApp? Part 1. (Steve Rogers x reader)
Description: You've never been lucky with guys. You just wanted to catch someone's eye, to be loved. One day, that's about to turn completely - with one fake, completely imagined number a guy gave you.
A/N: It's three a.m. here ok? As always, I can't sleep for shit. And I'm really productive. This idea popped up randomly during listening to one Czech rap song. Oh, shoot, I know. Just enjoy okay?
Warnings: None for now. ;) Some arguing Bucky and Sam and gentleman Steve.
Word count: 2 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme 
Series masterlist: H E R E
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You couldn’t believe it.
You talked to a guy who was nice, handsome and really well mannered. You were on cloud nine when he wrote his number down and gave it to you with a little bitting his bottom lip.
Little did you know that that guy was a total a-hole. The worst kind of them. He and his fellas just made that freaking number up; and he bit his lip because he holding his laugh, not to appear sexy at all.
But it lined up. The number was reserved for New York. So you were convinced that you got one guy to go to date with and have a nice time. And your friends were totally thrilled when you told them. Literally, no-one could believe it; you were gorgeous in your own way, you were nice but… So naive at times. But now? You have nailed it. You got to score.
And maybe you’ll score with the guy eventually?
That’s what you told to yourself in the morning, sitting on the edge of your bed, writing that number down to add it into your contacts. You almost fell off the bed when a strange name appeared in your WhatsApp contacts.
You didn’t recall him being Steve, but that was alright. You just edited his name in your contacts. Maybe you overheard him yesterday at the club? You tried to study his photo - it was a huge dog, Bernardine you assumed, catching a frisbee with his mouth. You awed. Was that Steve’s dog? Damn, that was cute as hell.
You looked at the name and quote he chose to describe himself on WhatsApp. Steven Rogers: Your patience is the most important thing you have. Don’t lose it. It can bring you great things.
You were in slight awe again - he seemed to be wise and smart. Which only went hand in hand with his good looks you remembered.
Y/N: Hey, handsome. How was the night? Doesn’t your head hurt too much?
You typed with excitement in your moves and then you put your phone down. You were sure that Steve will not text back soon. Only if you knew that you have woken up and completely confused a strange guy on the other end of the line.
Steve hummed into his pillow as his phone vibrated on the nightstand he had next to his small bed. He liked to keep thing simple - a small flat with two bedrooms, a kitchen combined with a living room and a small bathroom. It looked exactly how would you expected guy’s nest to look - always a bit messy and it barely felt like home. It needed a woman’s hand badly.
He decided to share his flat with Sam in order not to feel so alone in his flat in Brooklyn. As time passed, they bought a bigger sofa for Bucky. There was three of them living together when any mission was occurring. Steve loved his little place.
Steve searched for his phone with his eyes completely shut. He finally managed to get some sleep after some sleepless nights only to be woken up with a WhatsApp message? Was Tony fucking with him again? It was hardly 8 a.m. But dear God - it wasn’t Tony. It was a completely strange number which popped up and starting a new conversation, having box directly above the Avengers text group.
Steve slowly sat up and frowned.
X: Hey, handsome. How was the night? Doesn’t your head hurt too much?
His first instinct was to block that someone and ho back to sleep. But something temped him to text back. So he went for it. Steve Rogers answered a strange text.
Steve: The night has been pretty good. I slept like a baby, maybe a bit better. My head doesn’t ache, should it? Who am I texting with anyway?
He was proud of himself. That was a huge move forward from a guy that barely could use Google. Tony will be out of his mind when Steve is going to tell him about this. He could text back to a strange person. That excited him.
He waited for a bit, silently listening if the person texts back. There was a silence for ten long minutes; then Steve got up and went to the bathroom. It was a delight to be first in there. Sam took a hilarious time in the room and Bucky always left long brown hair behind him. Using a clean bathroom was a special thing in this flat. And Steve was not willing to let that slide.
The shower was quick, he showered every morning and every evening. Sam always made fun of him being a princess obsessed with his looks. That made him always chuckle. The rest was fast - quick shaving to keep his beard completely under control, a quick brushing of his teeth and then he slicked his hair on its place. It was getting too long - so he knew he would have to visit barber any time soon.
After that, he silently sneaked through the living room, trying not to wake Bucky up from his beauty sleep. He had plenty of time to make breakfast for his fellas. That was his concern until the phone vibrated again. Steve opened the text slowly, expecting everything from it.
He expected a message from an obsessed fan, he expected that that text was only a mistake and that that person clarifies that soon after. Steve embraced himself and prepared himself for seeing something Sam called a ‘nude’, which should be an image of someone’s naked body to please the second side of the conversation.
But it was none of that. It was a normal text and Steve even felt some insecurity from it.
X: Sorry, I can be so dumb sometimes. Lol. My name’s Y/N, we met by the bar yesterday? Did you tell me about the stars? Remember?
Okay, then it was Steve’s time to panic. She had probably mistaken his number with his own. What for god’s sake should he do? What should he text back to that lady? Steve calmed down a bit shrugging his shoulders.
Just as Steve wondered what should he answer, one of his best friends (Sam) walked down the kitchen with his primadonna manoeuvres, looking like a piece of shit.
“I heard that you are making some breakfast,” - Sam sat down on one of the chairs, looking Cap himself down with a playful look. Steve just let it be, watching him, trying to form a question in his head. - “I hope that you will leave some for yo boy Sammy.”
“Stop playing around, Sam. I need advice.” - Steve answered in a firm tone, letting the thing for preparing that delicious breakfast be as they are and sitting opposite to Sam.
“I am a bit overwhelmed that someone like you need help from someone like me.” - Sam playfully wiggled his eyebrows. - “Okay, what do you need, Cap?”
“So, I got a text message from someone this morning,” - Steve started to explain and ignored Sams grinning face. He was implementing much more into the situation than what actually happened. - “And I don’t have a single idea what should I answer that person. Are you willing to help me?” - Steve asked shyly.
“Okay, Iceberg. What’s the issue?” - Sam leaned his elbows into the kitchen table and once he had a very serious expression.
“It is a girl. A miss is more on point I guess. She wrote to me that we have… Met. But I don’t recall that. She must’ve met someone different and then misspelt his number.” - Steve recapped most quickly and Sam hummed, quietly offering Steve that he will read her texts. He let him do that.
“Okay Cap. Are we sure it isn’t some crazy-ass woman fangirl? Like one hundred percent sure?” - Sam looked him in the face and gave him his phone back.
“My fan mail of this sort looks way different. I’ve seen things, Sam. She just seems to be clueless.” - Steve sighed.
“Yeah, I’m getting that vibe too, I was just testing you.” - Sam joked and leaned his body closer to Cap, earning a moron look from Steve. - “And you have obviously passed, gee. Spare me those moral looks. Now, what would I do? I would play along. She doesn’t have a clue of who she is writing to, your formal name isn’t that known. I would be the guy she met. Give it some time, you’ll see if she’s hot, and then, maybe some mingle can happen, if ya know what I mean.”
“First of all, champs.” - A humming could be heard coming from the sofa which meant that Bucky is up as well. - “You two are so fuckin’ loud. Second of all. Do you really want to just lie to that lady, Steve?” - Bucky sat up, looking at those two fellas camping at the table; he looked like a Jesus Christ Superstar as Sam used to call him when the morning came.  
“Get those Jesus moral thoughts out of here, Buck. I didn’t say to hurt her, did you even listen to a word I said?” - Sam looked Bucky down with his judging stare and proceeded to frown at him.
“Nobody talked about hurting somebody, birdbrain. But I and Steve were raised with manners back in the good old days. And this isn’t how we would have behaved.” - Bucky leaned into the back of Sam’ chair, looking Steve directly into the eyes. - “You’re the biggest gentleman I know, Rogers. Steve would not lie to a lady.”
“Yeah, Jesus. But he can’t just say Hey! I am Captain America! That girl could just sell his number to some interviewers. Do we want that? No!” - Sam and Bucky had their fight fully on and Steve knew that he can’t stop them at that point. Both were speaking the truth - he was a gentleman, indeed, but he couldn’t say to her who he really is. She must have not connected two dots - not many people knew that Captain’s name was Steve Rogers. Maybe in the sixties, but now?
Yeah, he was taught about in school in history, but usually, the young ones had no interest in it. There was a huge probability that the girl didn’t even know who Steve Rogers was.
“Okay, stop it.” - Steve shouted in panic, looking at those two arguing like a married couple. Bucky and Sam immediately stopped, watching him. - “What should I do?”
“Well, do you want to text with that lady?” - Bucky raised his eyebrows. It was a simple yes or no questions and yet Steve sat there like he couldn’t count to five. Then he nodded lightly.
“I guess so. I don’t know who she is, but she seems to be fun with those nicknames. Let’s give it a shot.” - Steve smiled a bit, relaxed about that situation.
“Listen up, Iceberg. I will tell you what to write.” - Sam leaned closer and started talking.
Steve: I don’t really know what you’re talking about, sadly. Maybe you have met someone different and he didn’t write his number, right? My name’s Steve by the way and it’s really nice to meet you. If you want, I don’t mind to keep this texting on. :)
And he was especially proud about that emoji in the end.
You almost jumped on the phone when it vibrated again. It was from Steve. Did he recall meeting you? As you read the text in your car, you hummed sadly. It wasn’t that man from the bar after all. This was some strange Steve who was well mannered and who was obviously pleased to meet you. That was nice. He wasn’t trying to cut the conversation down, which was lovely as well.
Y/N: Nice to meet you Steve and I’m sorry for waking you up.
And this is how it all has started.
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huangels · 7 years ago
i won't let you down - mark
request: Can I request a Mark fluff? I just really need some fluff and maybe some humor too because I’ve been having the worst week. Thank you (◕ᴗ ◕✿)
a/n: aww i hope you’re ok!! and i hope this helps you or cheers you up !?? (also i think i’ve seen this idea in a show or something but i thought it’s cute and funny?) (also pt2 sorry if this pic seems a lil rushed, i tried to write it before my class lol) (also pt3 sorry for any typos or mistakes :p)
summary: The most popular boy in school, Mark, takes interest in you and decides to confess after years of admiration. Though, the way he confesses can use a little more work. 
genre: fluff, humor
warnings: none
word count: 2.2k
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You fidget around with the metal lock of your school locker while explaining to your best friend about a math assignment for your next class.
"So, you basically just cancel out the x and then add-. Hey! Are you even listening to me?" you say putting your books away into the now opened locker, but see that your best friend is staring at the direction of the entrance of your school. You then notice that everyone else in the hallway is also looking in the same direction. They all seem to be gawking at someone, girls whispering and giggling to each other. Curious, you look as well and see a boy walking down the hall overflowing with confidence, a smirk plastered on his golden face.
"Oh my god, he's gorgeous," you hear a group of girls say, waving at the boy as he strolls past them. He doesn't wave back but shoots them a quick wink before continuing down the hall.  
"Y/N! Look at him! Mark is such a god, I swear he gets more and more attractive each day," your best friend blabbers on, shaking your shoulders rapidly. With a "tsk," you brush off her hands but don't respond, taking out your math book before slamming the locker door closed.
Math is near the entrance of the school, which means that you have to walk pass Mark. Without waiting for your friend, you walk towards him, yet avoiding his gaze. Everyone else in the hallway is frozen, you two being the only things in motion. Right as you walk past Mark, you meet his daring brown eyes for a split second. He expects you to stop as he turns toward your direction, but you quickly break the eye contact and continue walking to class.
As can be clearly seen, Mark is the most popular and attractive student in your high school. Although he is really good looking and all, you can't see why everyone fangirls over him as if he is some idol. You don't care much for time-wasting high school relationships or drama anyway. You'd much rather focus on graduating high school, applying for multiple scholarships to your dream university, attending said dream university, so you can just live a wealthy and plentiful life with ease. Though, with this mindset, your friends call you the 'nerd'. You roll your eyes and shake your head free from the thought.
Having math first thing in the morning is always a pain in the butt. You slouch in your seat, hand under your chin, as you stare off into space. The teacher babbles on about derivatives and integrals, but you tune it out, toying with your pencil. Your mind wanders with its freedom from not paying attention to the lecture. For some odd reason, it wanders to Mark, who isn't even in your current class.
Mark and you have been attending the same schools ever since the first grade, along with many other people of course, since you all live in a small town. You do have to admit Mark has grown up beautifully throughout his years you've known him, with curly hazelnut hair, thick eyebrows, large eyes, and chiseled features. It would not come to a shock if Mark actually does become an idol somehow. He does already have what seems like fans surrounding him anyway.
Over the 12 years of school with Mark, you both have crossed paths more than you would like to admit. Mark is always outgoing in a way where he wants to befriend everyone, at least that was what it was like when he was young. During your first few years of school, you and Mark were close friends, but not to the point of hanging out outside of school though. It was after Mark started gaining more friends and becoming popular that you slowly distanced yourself, not wanting to share the spotlight, or even be in it at all. For years, Mark still talks to you, but now in a teasing and sometimes insulting way. It seems as if he became more arrogant with the on growing fans that he has. It annoys you every time he would stop you in the hallways or in class just to point out that your hair is a mess or your school uniform isn't tucked in all the way. It makes you feel uncomfortable and slightly irritated so you try not to cross paths with him in school.
Soon, lunchtime rolls around as you get pulled back into reality, away from your thoughts. You make your way to the end of the lunch line in the large cafeteria, looking over the heads of students to see how long the line is. There are many people already waiting and you question yourself how they got here so quickly. Then, people start lining up behind you as well. The line moves slowly, but eventually, you reach where the food is being distributed.
You grab a plastic tray and start packing the school food onto your platter. Your school, surprisingly, has many varieties of foods to choose from and they don't taste that bad either. Your glad because your stomach grumbles in anticipation of food.
You reach for an apple but see another hand reach for the same apple. Your palm lands on the red fruit first. Both of the hands touch as you look up to see who it is. Mark stares back down at you, his mouth is slightly opened and a dazed expression spread upon his face. You quietly cough, causing him shake his head before retreating his hand from its position on top of yours.
You pick up the apple and place it on his tray as you glance up at Mark, flashing a small smile.
"T-thanks," Mark stutters before you continue forward in the line. I thought he was the almighty most popular guy in school? You silently chuckle, facing the front of the line.
Shortly, you reach the register at the front of the line. You're about to pull out your wallet from your backpack until a hand, that's holding a credit card, reaches past you. The lunch woman hesitantly takes it and swipes before you can say anything, then hands it back to the owner. You whip your head around to find Mark taking back his card and putting it away in his wallet.
A small "Uhh" is all that comes out of your mouth.
"Don't worry about it," Mark coolly remarks before winking. He quickly pays for himself and leaves the line, heading towards the lunch tables. You regain all your senses before bowing your head to the lunch lady and making your way to your own seat, heart rate racing unknowingly.
"Hey Y/N, what's up?" your friend asks as you sit down with a blank expression. You sigh and stretch your arms over your head once you set your tray onto the crowded table filled with different lunch foods.
"Nothing much, boys are just...weird," you answer, plopping a spoonful of macaroni and cheese in your mouth. Your friends 'oooo's' and smirks at you.
"Someone has a crush," one of them sings teasingly, with a wiggle of an eyebrow. You roll your eyes but unconsciously bite your lips.
"No, you douche baguette," you say stuffing more macaroni in your mouth, not wanting to have to further think about it. "I said they're weird, not 'I want to make out with every single one of them'."
Your friends laugh as a couple of them elbow each other with the 'yeah right' face. You kick them under the table and continue with your lunch, ignoring their stupid comments.
As your friends instantly move on from the topic, now chattering about some music artist, you're left quietly eating your lunch, with different thoughts ramming around in your head that you don't quite understand, or want. For some reason, you're curious as to where Mark sits during lunch since you've never paid much attention to him. You look up and scan the school courtyard. All the students are huddled in their own cliques and friends groups. You spot who you assume are Mark's friends, but he isn't with them. He's probably off somewhere flirting with other girls or buying their lunches too, you scoff.
After everyone finishes lunch, the class bell rings. You stop by your locker to grab your textbooks but pause when you see some roses sticking out of the little slit openings on your locker. You look around the hallway with scrunched eyebrows, but everyone else is either walking to class or minding their own business. This is my locker right? I mean I did forget once and tried to open someone else's locker.
You slowly approach your locker, as if someone will pop out and yell, "It's a prank bro!"
Warily, you collect the few roses and examine them. Nothing that seems like it can kill me, that's good...
You let out a short breath before opening your locker. A folded up note lays on top of your textbooks. Your head tilts to the side as you place the roses down to grab the note. It's a simple note, written on a ripped off piece of loose leave paper from some notebook. You unfold it and start reading.
To the beuatiful, Y/N:
Im writing this note to explain to you how I feel (at least Ill try) I am starting to fall for you and it is driving me crazy becuz I cant seem to tell u how I really feel, It might seem weird but you've just caught my eye ever since the begining. Im starting to develope stronge feelings towards you, and I dont know why
I love you're eyes, you're smile, you're hair, and your laugh! When I here your voice my heart skips a beet.
I need to kno how u feel about me? Could you posibbly feel the same towards me? or can this never be? I just want u too be mine. I want to be able too say that ur mine girl. Well now you know that I am secretly falling in love with you. I just wish I could hear those same words from u. Maybe one day I will but until than I guess all I can do is wait. Please, dont make me wait to long!
Mark :D
You scrunch your eyebrows at all of the errors. This kid...
The late bell rings as you fold back the note before you have any time to criticize it and head to class.
The last class of the day is reading and you guys don't do much in the class. The teacher gives the class 'free time' to do other homework or start reading the book we're assigned to. You try to focus on reading the book, but all that crosses your mind is the confession letter Mark gave you. He seems so cool, how can he look like such dumbass and make so many errors? What does he learn in school? Nothing apparently...
You take out a red pen and start writing on Mark's note.
The final school bell sounds as you pack up your bag and set out to find Mark, folded note in hand. It doesn't take you long to find him since he's waiting for you right outside your classroom door. You almost run into him. Mark flashes a smile before pulling you aside by your wrist, away from the door as students are exiting to go home. He has the biggest look of anticipation on his face, eyes wide and lips spread from side to side. Without saying a word, you hand him back the folded note. He raises an eyebrow but takes it and starts reading. A long sigh escapes his mouth.
"I gave you the most heartfelt and sincere love letter, but you returned it to me with spelling and punctuation corrections?!" he exclaims, looking down at me with an unimpressed expression.
"How heartfelt and sincere is it really if you didn't even proofread," you mock with your arms crossed over the blazer of your school uniform, a smile teasing your lips.
"Well, I wrote it quickly because I had to run to the convenience store down the street to buy roses and I had to put them all in your locker before lunch ended," he explains, face falling for a split second. He averts his attention to the floor, leg bouncing hastily.
A small grin grows on your face as you say, "What do you do in your classes, dummy? You should be paying attention or something. I couldn't take it seriously with all the errors."
Mark bites down on the sides of his cheeks as they hollow out.
"However, I will let you redeem yourself...with a date," you say with a big smile. Mark quickly looks up at you, his face gleams and he smiles brightly.
"I won't let you down!" Mark replies as he jokingly salutes to you.
["Y/N? What are you doing here so early?" Mark asks, opening the front door to his home, still in his baby blue lion pajamas. He rubs his sleepy eyes as the harsh sunrays beam from the opened door. You step in and close it before Mark can further complain about the brightness.
"I'm here to tutor you because you seriously need it."]
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pathetically--aestheticc · 7 years ago
Thank you
My friends have thanked people, and I feel guilty so let’s thank people!
First, I want to thank the four people who have made the biggest impact on my life: @sevenwalkingmemeslover My potato, my non biological sister and one of my best friends. Thank you so much for sticking with me and everyone else through the emotional roller coaster called 2017. Shamya, you brought out the fangirl in me, introducing me to Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, BTS, SEVENTEEN, BLACKPINK and Dan and Phil. Without you, I would probably still be crying over Newt’s death. We’ve fangirled, cried, danced and been memes together and it was the best! I hope that without me there, things don’t get to hectic! Thank you and I love you Patricia! 
@a-kangaroo-on-drugs Hayley, than you for staying with me and keeping our friendship alive. We’ve been best friends since birth and I hope we never lose our friendship. Rousija thanks you (lol). We’ve had our ups and downs but somehow, we’re still friends! YAY! Keep dabbing on them haters, my living meme. Good luck surviving 2018 without me!! Thank you and I love ya Jeff! (CLUTCH JEFF CLUUUUTCH)
@smol-green-sparrow Felix, Felipe, Lil’ Mexico, That Mexican, whatever. Thank you for being there with me. We’ve done the dumbest shit together but it was all worth it. We’ve been besties since the good old kinder days and back then, we were simple women with simple wants and needs. Now we’ve grown up, we’ve changed. I’ve stuck with you through your transition from girl to boy and you stuck with me through my multiple heart attacks from Korean men. To be honest, I wouldn’t be who I am without you. Life will be different an I hope you get the best out of life and what it offers you! Thank you so much and I love you Mexican Dude! (New nickname lol)
@honeykea Thank you Will for what you do and who you are. You are so strong, brave and you brighten my day when I see you. You are the glue that keeps the friendship group together and I’m extremely grateful for that. You’ve introduced me to people like Halsey and Marina and The Diamonds and I’m so happy I took your advice and listened to their music. You aren’t afraid to show your true self and stand up for what you believe in and that shows incredible strength. Life won’t be the same without my aesthetically pleasing strong-willed friend. I’ll miss you and good luck with all the challenges that you will face! Thank you and I love you Gertrude!
Secondly, I want to thank @twentyoneparades-to-panic-at, @marksandrec, @pandacatxd, @incorrect-seventeen-quotes and @muchdan for blessing my dash whenever I come on Tumblr. Thank you for making me laugh, fangirl and have multiple heart attacks.
Lastly, I want to thank @bts-trans for translating everything that BTS tweets, all the Bangtan Bombs and BTS things in general. You people have me becoming an ARMY so much easier and so much more accessible.
I would thank more people, but it 2am and I need sleep. Everyone can make 2018 amazing and I know you will.
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dabblinginmarvel · 8 years ago
The Muse
Plot: You, a writer struggling with a creative block, meet the hero Steve Rogers and he becomes your muse.
Blog Tag: @purececiliaosophy
A/N: Lol, uh, I kinda had writer’s block during this one, so Steve as my muse was kind of appropriate. Romantics, as requested.
Warnings: None. Fem!reader, if that counts?
Word Count Total: 1160
Short Imagine #141
Title: The Muse
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You fiddled with the keyboard in front of you, then deleted the sentence. Then retyped it, then erased it again. Nothing was good enough and you would be damned if you let this writer’s block kill your passion for writing, but you may not have had a choice until you could break it.
You sighed, sipped your coffee, then glanced around the coffee shop, trying to get inspiration. Nothing stuck out to you and you sighed again.
It wouldn’t have been so hard, you decided, if you had chosen a new environment. Obviously, visiting the same every day was not going to work. The same coffee beans ground every morning, the same faces in and out at the same times…. You packed up and made a move to head out, just narrowly missing bumping into someone as you went.
“Oh, sorry.” You look up to the face of the person and you freeze. The blue eyes and dirty blonde hair gave it away, along with the strong physique.
“Oh, it’s okay, no problem,” Steve Rogers chuckled. “Is this your normal coffee shop?”
“Yeah, but I’m considering changing it up a bit. Struggling writer and all.” You grinned sheepishly.
He looked at the counter where the line had just emptied. He walked closer and said, “One black coffee, please. Medium.” Back at you as he paid, he smiled and said, “Well, that’s too bad. It would be nice to see a friendly face when I come back tomorrow morning.”
“Well, then, I suppose I will have to hold off on the change of scenery for one more day.” You winked as you smiled back.
“Tomorrow, then.”
“Tomorrow.” You toasted him with your drink and left the coffee shop. He was really handsome and maybe he was just what you needed to get back on track. You went about your day, the overcast day not getting you down, letting yourself become filled up with the possibilities of what meeting up with him again could mean.
The next day when you went back, another overcast day with the sun starting to peek through, he was already there waiting for you.
“How did you know what time I would be here?” you asked. “This is the time I normally get here.”
“I took a chance –” he shrugged, opening the door for you “– because I wanted to buy you coffee.”
“Well, that is very kind of you. Thank you.” You told him your drink and he let you choose a table. When he came back, he set your order in front of you and sat across from your seat.
“So, you seemed to recognize me. That means you know who I am.” He took a sip of his coffee. “Tell me about yourself.”
“Oh, well, I like to write for fun, but lately it hasn’t been as much fun with all I have going on and this writer’s block. I am a student at the local university and I love the smell of fresh-made family recipes.”
He smiled. You two spent two hours getting to know each other and prior to parting ways, you traded numbers. That night, you wrote a short story about a mysterious man coming to town with no names and no distinctive features to tie him back to Steve.
You two kept meeting up and the story began to evolve at night between you and your computer. More and more elements were added to the story until the story came together. With Steve as your muse and you changing details to the point that he and Steve could not be mistaken for each other unless a close examination was taken, you had little to no issues writing again.
And while your story came along, so did your relationship with Steve. He got closer to you and you to him before you both started dating. He needed a little prodding because he was still shy about relationships and wary about getting close to people, but he made an exception for you.
As your relationship continued to progress, so did your story. Versions one, two, and three came about and you got closer to finishing your college degree.
Then came the day that he wanted to know about your story. You spoke with a brightness in your eye when you talked about writing for fun, so he figured it was time to support you in more ways than just listening to you talk about writing. After all, he shared sketches of his (and you were in fair few). Some days he sketched you as you wrote or did homework, and you visited each other in each other’s homes often.
You waved your hand. “O-oh, that? It’s good. I-it’s coming along.”
“Can I read it?” He looked at you with a bit of a smirk and a look in his eyes that sparkled, trying to lull you into a sense of security. Not a false one, but convincing, nonetheless.
“Well, it’s not quite finished.”
“Is that what you’re afraid of?”
“Afraid? Me?”
He stuck out his lower lip. “Please?”
You sighed. “Oh, alright. It still has edits to go through, because there is at least one scene still needing to be revamped.” You thought a moment, then decided, “I’m going to let you read an excerpt instead because it’s really long.”
He pouted again and you blushed, preparing the excerpt on a separate document on your computer.
He sat down and read it. And reread it.
Your stomach churned uncomfortably.
“Y/N… this is really good.” He looked up from your computer.
You blushed again and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I do have to ask you, did you just use some of my characteristics for this character?” he chuckled.
You rose your right hand. “Any and all relations to persons and events living or dead is completely coincidental.”
His chuckles turned into belly laughter. “Okay, that’s fine.” Quickly, he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You froze and looked up to him. You two had been through hugs and a variety of embraces and simple, romantic touches over the past few weeks, but you hadn’t moved to kisses. Yet.
“I-I’m sorry, I just got really excited.” He let go of you and rubbed the back of his neck.
You grabbed his free hand and held it in yours. “Excited is good. Maybe we could try out some new stuff.” Slowly, you brought his hand up to your cheek and your hand to his face as you looked him in the eye.
“Sounds good to me.” Without further ado, he leaned forward to kiss you. Briefly, he paused, waiting to make sure you were ready. Yeah, you were ready. You met him in a kiss and melted into him. There, in his living room, you were holding onto each other and having your first kiss as a couple. A warm, enticing kiss with no tongue but hands around waists and on cheeks.
When you pulled apart, both of you had stupid grins on your faces, the good kind, and he was searching your eyes.
“Don’t worry; I could go for another one,” you reassured.
And you both did.
 - - -
Permanent Tag List (please alert me if you change your username, want to be tagged for only one character, or if you want to be untagged): @abbybills22, @allineedisconnor, @beccaanne814-blog, @dreamer821, @everything-but-the-not-natural, @elxrini , @fangirling-equestrian, @feelmyroarrrr, @hellomissmabel, @iamwarrenspeace, @mindlessnerd89, @mylittlefandomfanfictions, @starsepot, @wxnchestervevo (tag list is open!!)
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ynibytina · 5 years ago
Meet Spencer Kane!!!
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I fell in love with Spencer Kane's voice when I heard his song "One Of THE Kind" on Youtube. The message of the song is simple: everyone is different, so stand out and be yourself, and don't be a bully. I recently got to interview this Kendallville, Indiana native that is a spokesperson for PACER's National Bully Prevention Center and also is just about to perform on the 2013 iShine Live tour. If you want to learn more about him, you can check out his personal website, YouTube channel, or Facebook & Twitter pages.
Favorite Musicians: Tobymac, Lecrae, Trip Lee, Jor'Dan Armstrong, Jason Derulo, Capital Kings, The Ground Above.
Favorite Movies: Ace Ventura Pet Detective (#1) & any action movies.
Favorite Books: I Am Number 4 Series.
Favorite Color: Blue.
Favorite Holiday: Christmas.
Mac or PC: Both.
Twitter or Facebook: Twitter.
Blackberry or iPhone: iPhone.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Pancakes or Waffles: Pancakes.
Math or Science: Math.
Past, Present, or Future: Present & Future.
What's your favorite song off your new EP besides "One of THE Kind?"
Move-In The Right Direction is my favorite on the EP because even though I wrote 4 of the 5 songs on the EP, that is the one which I was most involved in creating the music and overall production. The other songs I sang and gave input, but they were more directed by the Executive Producer and Producer. I like them all, but Move In The Right Direction was almost like I was able to help assemble each piece of the song the whole way through. The others I would sing my vocals and then kind of wait for the producer to give me a rough cut with music that I could critique and just kind of wait to see what happened. MITRD was very hands-on in the studio in Nashville for me and that will always be my best memory of this EP.
What made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in music?
I believe it was when I was 13 and auditioned for a local version of an Idol competition in my county. There were like over 100 people who tried out in my age category (under 16) and I made the top 10 and actually finished 2nd place. (The video of this performance is on my Youtube channel). I sang Sunday Morning by Maroon 5 and the judges of that competition were professional artists and voice trainers. They all said I did well. So when I look back and see that someone other than family felt I may have a chance to do something with music, it sort of made it easier to choose to pursue it. But even then and until the past 6 months, I was still not sure if it was something I'd do as a hobby or pursue professionally. Once I met with iShine in Nashville and Robert Beeson (founder of Essential Records who originally signed Jars of Clay and Third Day, and like the winner of 6 Grammys and a bunch of Dove Awards) I was told I had good potential. So, I guess that made it even more clear that I should take it more seriously. I'm such a jock athlete, it's been hard to walk away from a life in sports and dream of playing at the highest levels, but right now I'm just like taking it a step at a time and hopefully this upcoming tour starting on February 15 will make the picture even more clear. LOL.
What can you expect to see in the fourth season of iShine Knect?
The show is based on a school of performing arts and students who are talented in a lot of ways. It centers around The Rubyz, Mission 6 and a few other regulars. This new season was my first and I play myself in the show (Spencer Kane). I have a few episodes where I have more speaking lines than not, but many where I am just an extra in the background. I do know we filmed me performing my entire EP on stage at a concert at TBN Studios in Nashville the beginning of December 2012. I know they will be showing me singing on some episodes. I really liked the scripts and the topics of each show and think the over 1 million kids who tune in each week will like it too.
Your song "One of THE Kind" is about bullying. You recently became a spokesperson for PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center. How did that come along?
Yes. That song was based a lot on my own personal experiences in junior high and still even now being bullied for things. But it's also about some of the sad stories I've been told by fans around the world who face bullying in their own country just like here. Some places it's worse than here, but bullying is bullying. So the song is kind of my way of telling people to reach out and be kind and talk to people who may be hurting. PACER was a site that we submitted my song to in hopes they would tweet it or at least post a link on their site of the music video since it was based on what they are all about. That kind of led to a few phone calls from them to learn more about me and after a conference call with my manager in early December along with my dad and I, we sort of agreed to move forward in them helping me with bullying prevention curriculum to share at my live performances and them having me become a national spokesman for their organization. It's quite an honor since Demi Lovato has been their primary spokesperson for the past 5 or 6 years. They work with Disney and The Ellen Show as a partner against bullying, so it's really cool to know that they believe in my message enough to want to join together in our efforts to prevent bullying.
Someone once said write what you would want to perform over and over again. With that in mind, if you could only sing one song on stage (one of your own songs and one cover song), what would it be and why?
Great question. Right now I'd have to say "Be Alright" by Justin Bieber is one that I relate to and think I can sing well in a live performance. Reason To Be from my new EP is one that I actually like to sing because I believe the producer helped me to get the best out of my vocals on that song. I think people that hear the song really connect emotionally and in a live concert, that's what you really hope for.
What does a current day in your life look like?
Haha! Well, thank goodness right at the moment it's not been as crazy as it was from June until Christmas in 2012. But the tour is coming up in February and March and I'll be on the road for nearly 5 consecutive weeks and that will probably be crazy. But I'm a full-time H.S. student and varsity basketball player. I wake up early for school at like 6:15am and have to travel like 20 miles to get there one way. I usually have practice or a game 6 days a week, so I can usually plan on being up until 10pm working on homework, home chores, or cramming whatever other free time I have into something to do with music like chatting with fans online, or rehearsing music, writing music, listening to music, filming music videos or Vlogs, or even doing interviews or performances somewhere. Most people don't know HOW I fit my life in, but we seem to manage as a family right now. I'm sure my schedule after the tour may look different.
Besides music and sports, what do you like to do for fun?
I'm an Xbox gamer. I love playing online against friends or people I don't know. I'm very competitive so I like being able to try to beat my personal best score or be able to talk smack to a friend if I can manage to beat them. I play sports games or Call of Duty. Otherwise, I'm a movie guy. My parents and I watch a lot of movies when we have the time. I have a pretty beast-man cave in my basement where my dad and I just chill, so that's fun. Sometimes I go to the mall or hang with friends, but not very often.
What does your family think of your performances and how do they support you?
Well grandma's, of course, think I'm amazing. LOL. But honestly, my aunts and uncles are pretty supportive too. My best friend is my cousin Evan who is also 16 and he and I go to the same school. He is a huge supporter of me too. But my mom and dad are probably my biggest help. Dad owns a marketing company and is a photographer and videographer. He films all my music videos and edits them. He also does all my pictures so that is a huge help. He manages my marketing stuff like album cover art, and posters, and making my website. He like takes care of a lot of the business stuff for me like contracts and stuff. Mom is my cheerleader and is always checking out the "fangirls" to make sure they aren't up to something that will hurt her little boy. LOL. But I'd say that a lot of what I do with music is because God put me in a great family. My parents always try to make sure I have time to be a kid and have as normal a life as possible. So I guess that is a huge help too.
What's the best part about working with iShine?
I think the fact that I can be the artist I want to be and don't have to meet a stereotype that people expect when you're working with a Christian media group like iShine. I mean, the first time we ever met I explained that I'm definitely a Christian and always want my music to be morally positive, but I have NO plans or call to be a "Christian Artist". Like I don't envision me making albums of praise and worship type songs. It's not who I am or how I want to make music. iShine owners and management said they appreciated my sincerity and honesty and that it made them even more supportive of working with me. They believe my music will reach a broad group of young people who may or may not be Christians and that, I guess, is a good thing for them. So, they have been amazingly helpful in developing me and teaching me about the music industry. They let me work with Jeff Savage (Tobymac's Grammy Winning producer from the album Momentum and Diverse City and the writer of Irene and J Train). That alone was amazing to know I was working with him. He's awesome. He produced One of the Kind, 413 and Blue Sky from my new EP. So just working with him and then working with Zach Hall (producer of Newsboys "God is Not Dead" album) was also amazing. So I just think our goal in 2012 was to be able to work with professional and experienced producers who could help my music get to the next level, and iShine has definitely helped me to do that.
If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would you play and why?
I think anywhere in a huge venue with like 100,000 fans would be incredible. Even like 20,000 fans would be insane. I think the location isn't as important as knowing I would be able to perform for people who really wanted to see me perform. That's going to always be my goal. I love making music videos and seeing people like them on Youtube, but performing live in front of a huge audience would be fantastic.
0 notes
hoonface · 8 years ago
Tagged by the beautiful @s-lay-ing !! Thank you so much for tagging me and I hope you get to know me better through all these games! (I’m sorry if I missed one or two omg I’m gonna go check after this) and it was so fun! I really enjoy getting to know everyone a bit better and I hope you like my...eccentricities? This was so fun to do, and thanks again! 
Tagging: @wonuthewhale @healinghoshi @jisoosmeoli @jisoominghao and my new friend, @vitaminniedk !!! And of course anyone else who wants to do this because I would absolutely love to get to know you all better <3  
Here’s the thing: either you answer the questions I answered OR you answer the questions I made at the bottom, as simple as that. Then create another 11 questions IF you wish 😅
a8, here we go:
• What are your five favorite songs from your bias group? Seventeen: Mansae, Adore U, Very Nice, Pretty U, Healing & Smile Flower
• What are your five favorite songs (kpop) not from your bias group?
Bangtan’s Not TODaY
BlackPink’s As If It’s Your Last
Hey Mama – EXO CBX
Love Paint – Nu’est Cause that song is SO GOOD YALL ARE SLEEPING ON TALENT
BTS’ Lost
Honourable mentions: Twice’s TT CAUSE ITS SO CATCHY, Infinite’s The Eye (lord my first thoughts on Sungjong were “Yoon Jeonghan when he had blonde long hair”, Jin’s Awake.
• What are your five favorite non-kpop songs? oh goDDDD YOURE DIGGING UP MY PAST XDD
You just want ATTENTION YOU DON’T WANT MY LOVE – Charlie Puth’s Attention
Cake By The Ocean – DNCE ( I don’t know it’s just catchy leaf me alone)
Of course you can’t have Justin Bieber not here even though I don’t really like him himself XD – Cold Water
Jess Glynne’s Hold My Hand
Immortals – Fall Out boy
• Who is your bias and why do you like them?  LEE JIHOOOOOOOOON OH MY GOD okay.
I love baby because as much as I love all thirteen of my dorks, I can’t imagine having anyone else as my bias. Yes, I had stanning issues and I admittedly still do, Choi Seungcheol is still my main bias wrecker after lol what 11 months? You can’t just forget your first bias. Anyway, because. Lee Jihoon makes my heart so soft, every time he’s adorable, he doesn’t even have to try. He makes me so happy and he’s just such a hard working person and what is there he cannot do? Like what 5 instruments? Studied classical music? Dances like an adorable little fluff bumblebee BUT IS ACTUALLY OKAY BUT HIS BODY MIGHT BE SMALL BUT HIS CHARISMA IS NO JOKE AND YOU ARE NOT LIVING IF YOU HAVEN’T HEARD HIM RAP. He’s just so talented, I mean like violin with EDM and Jeonghan’s voice, he’s just such a genius. I have never heard so much music that I love and admire and appreciate so much and it just feels like a blessing to love him. I mean like you mean I get to love him? For free? Like there’s no catch? Are you kidding me? I still can’t believe he’s real and we get to love him. He’s just I just love him. I can’t really explain why, but I can tell you that as much as I do love all 13 of my sunshines, I can’t imagine not being Jihoon biased. As much as I am in danger of becoming Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and anyone else trashed, at the end of the day I still love Woozi the most. I hope that word vomit of fangirling made sense.
• What do you usually wear for winter/autumn/spring/summer? What’s your “style”? My style is “black.” Like actually, I wear a LOT OF BLACK AND yeah hoodies, jumpers, sweaters, pullovers, leggings and sometimes jeans, the like.
• For your bias group, what was your favorite hair style/era for each member? Seungcheol: hmmmm well I really liked the black hair he did during Caratland and the brown hair he had during Weekly Idol.
Hannie: fight me on this, but I think Jeonghan looks like a majestic gorgeous angel with any hair colour. I mean like okay Adore U Killed me so hard because WHAT THE HELL. HOW CAN HE BE SO DAMN PRETTY IM CRYING BRB MY HEART IS BLEEDING ok im back anyway I also really love the short brown/red hair he had like in between Going Seventeen and Al1 hold up let me get a photo to bless you all:
Jun: honestly, like now? I really like his hair now. Junhui always just looks 1000103293%
Hosh: now as well? I really like him with black hair, he looks cute af LETS NOT FORGET THE BROWN HAIR TOO
DK: his Adore U hair. Thank you.
Mingyu: ok Mingyu was my second bias after Seungcheol and tbh Seungcheol wasn’t my bias for long but it feels like it was long because I died a lot because of him and not just at the time he was my bias like for example, last night when It was revealed HIS HAIR IS SILVER WYD SEUNGCHEOL anyway but the Mansae era ^tm goD THAT WAS A BLESSING and him with brown hair is really cute too but I also really like him with black hair heck basically almost everything
The8: tbh like now? I didn’t really like his metallic greeny silver hair he had near Adore U and his ramen head wasn’t the best XD but lord MINGHAO IS KILLING ME THESE COUPLE ERAS
Dino: now. He looks so damn good and I can’t say I miss his astro boy hair back in Mansae XD
• How did you “discover” kpop and how did you discover vixx? OK SO IT WAS A FATEFUL AUGUST 25TH 2016! A THURSDAY AFTERNOON AFTER SCHOOL! I hopped onto my computer after school. So like theres this Korean girl group at my school that walks around sometimes singing songs or just yelling at each other in Korean XD and at first I was like …kpop? DON’T KILL ME FOR THIS BUT LETS BE REAL EVERYONES FIRST THOUGHT ON KPOP IS GANGNAM STYLE. And so since I do like watching choreography very much, I searched on YouTube, hardest kpop dances. One of the videos there showed Mansae hide ver. Of the dance practice and I was like oh this looks nice and its catchy too *makes mental note to youtube that later* *youtubes it* it starts to play the MV and I was like is this song I was looking for? And then I got to the chorus and I’m just like ALSDHJLASDKJLSKAJKLJ and I BASICALLY CRASHED INTO THE FANDOM OVERNIGHT AND IT WAS SO FUN BECAUSE I GOT TO SLOWLY DROWN MYSELF IN EVERY MEMBER LOL and Vixx? Uhhh I just heard about them somewhere XD but Shangri-la sounds really nice, it sounds like Chinese music but it’s in Korean, I like it. • What does your phone case look like? Fun fact about me: I actually don’t have a phone case. My parents are the type to not spend money on “useless things” and a phone case is one of them (well for me anyway) and I have a vintage iPhone 4S, and all the cases that I do have are from my relatives or something and I don’t like the cases XD there’s this one black one that I would use except I can’t turn it off cause the off button part of the case is really hard. So yeah! No phone case and it makes it even thicker ._. oh yeah I lost my phone lmao
• Do you normally browse Tumblr on your phone or on pc? PC. Depends if my phone/tab has been confiscated or not tbh XD but normally PC so I can save photos and it’s a lot faster.
• How are you doing? Got any plans for the day/night? eh. Alright I guess, tonight all I have to do is practise piano and because I just started school again, there’s no homework~~~
Now, my questions:
1_ a girl group choreo you’d love to see a boy group do
Tbh I don’t watch girl group choreo (NOTE: I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GIRL GROUPS AND THEIR CHOREO I JUST DON’T WATCH IT FOR SOME REASON BUT I LIKE BLACKPINK AND YEAH) I’d like to see Seventeen dance to Boombayah XD THAT HAIR SWINGING HAHAHAHA I WANT JEONGHAN DOING THE HAIR SWINGING THING 2_ a boy group choreo you’d love to see a girl group do
Any girl group dance to Mansae pls and thank you 3_ sm, jype, yg and pledis do a world tour individually and set up their concerts on the same day, different venues obviously: which one would you attend? (as in smtown, happy pledis etc)
Definitely Pledis. Actually tbh its not Seventeen I won’t go, cause I only stan one group and wouldn’t spend money on a concert showing a group I don’t stan. 4_ a kpop song that is a guilty pleasure for you? Uhhh tbh I don’t really have any guilty pleasures in kpop, but I mean like I guess TT? Even though I wouldn’t feel guilty listening to that? 5_ a dream kpop x western artist collab? …I would like to see Seventeen collab with one of their idols :D 6_ monster/lucky one or lotto? Pretty u or very nice? Beautiful or shine forever? (Repackage edition B) )
I haven’t heard Lucky so I’m going with Lotto. WHY ARE YOU ALL SO MEAN HOW COULD YOU MAKE ME PICK BETWEEN PRETTY U AND AJU NICE kahsdkjsh …lord this is so hard- pass. I haven’t heard Shine Forever, so Beautiful. 7_ what’s the sickest you’ve attended school/uni/work etc?
Sickest? Uh I have been sick enough to stay home but I went to school because I’m a responsible girl who takes schoolwork seriously. Or was it cause it was exam period lol. 8_ adore u or shining diamond? mansae or rock? pretty u or chuck? very nice or healing? boom boom or smile flower? don’t wanna cry or crazy in love? (I’m running out of questions 😂)
Adore U, Mansae, Pretty U, Healing, Smile Flower, Don’t Wanna Cry. (that was s ohard omG) 9_ are you some sort of patriotic? (Not the “fuck the rest of the world we’re number one and we’ve never done anything wrong” kind, but idk, do you identify with your country? its customs, traditions etc?)
…I don’t even know what patriotic means omg I feel uneducated. Ahh…um no not really XD 10_ have you watched studio ghibli movies? If so, which one is your favorite?
I watched Spirited Away when I was very young I think and I watched it in Japanese with Chinese sub which I cannot read ._. 11_ if I traveled to your country, which places would you recommend me to visit?
…honestly there’s nothing that good in Australia XDD but I guess if you like steak, go for it? And the Gold Coast and we have a couple theme parks, Sydney Opera House I guess? To see where seventeen SHOT THEIR HEALING MV AKSDHASKJDH and Luna Park? Tbh I haven’t been that much around Australia I am a crap tour guide I apologise sincerely.
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sangcreole-archived · 8 years ago
Tagged by: @lestatamelprince​ (tagged my personal but I’m bored as hell so I’m putting this here)
Tagging: Whoever the hell hasn’t done this yet! My dash has been flooded with this meme lately lol
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME? Louis 2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME? …Louis. Louis de Pointe du Lac 3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU WERE CALLED THAT? My parents liked the name. It was one of the most popular names in the 18th Century. French origin, of course. 4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? Taken 5. HAVE ANY ABILITIES OR POWERS? Superhuman speed and strength. I’m one of the few vampires who was not blessed with the Mind Gift, though I’m certainly not complaining. 6. STOP BEING A MARY SUE/GARY STU. I don’t even know what that is… 7. WHAT’S YOUR EYE COLOR? Green. Or emerald, if you ask Lestat 8. HOW ABOUT YOUR HAIR COLOR? Black 9. HAVE YOU ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? Not living, no. 10. OH? WHAT ABOUT PETS? None besides the stray mutts Lestat occasionally brings home 11. THAT’S COOL I GUESS, NOW TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. I don’t like people invading my space. I can be rather territorial. 12. DO YOU HAVE ANY HOBBIES/ACTIVITIES YOU LIKE DOING? Reading, going to movies, listening to whatever music Lestat insists upon 13. EVER HURT ANYONE BEFORE? Constantly. 14. EVER… KILLED ANYONE BEFORE? Of course. 15. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? I don’t know, I hate these sort of questions. Perhaps a snake? I don’t know. 16. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. I slip into states of dissociation after facing the most minor inconveniences.  17. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE AT ALL? Lestat and Armand 18. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? There are more than three sexualities, I hope you’re aware? I detest labels, I honestly couldn’t tell you what I am now. As a mortal, I was bi and it was simple, but now I lean slightly more toward gay, but it still fluctuates and is very…complicated.  19. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? Not anymore, no. 20. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS ONE DAY? I tried that once. It didn’t exactly work out.  21. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANBOYS/FANGIRLS? I don’t really know, I don’t keep up with the “fandom,” these days. That’s more of Lestat’s venue. 22. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? I am not publishing my deepest fear on the internet. 23. WHAT DO YOU USUALLY WEAR? Jeans and a sweater or a button up dress shirt. 24. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Lestat, of course. Always Lestat. 25. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WET YOURSELF? Unfortunately it was a regular occurrence the last few months of my mortal life, seeing as I drank myself sick every night.  26. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? (HIGH CLASS, MIDDLE CLASS, LOW CLASS) Technically upper, with the money Lestat and I have. But we live a middle class life. 27. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? True friends? Let’s just say I can count the number on one hand. 28. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? It looks rather good, and is a staple American dish, so…good? 29. FAVORITE DRINK? Blood 30. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE? New Orleans and San Francisco (though NOLA will always come first) 31. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SOMEONE? I suppose so. I fluctuate between loving and hating my partner.  32. WHAT’S YOUR BRA CUP SIZE AND/OR HOW BIG IS YOUR WILLY? Honestly, why on earth would anyone share such information? Why must people use the internet as an excuse to be vulgar? 33. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? Lake. I like the stillness of the water.  34. WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? Arrogant blond French assholes, apparently. 35. ANY FETISHES? I’m sure Lestat has a running list somewhere… 36. SEME OR UKE? TOP OR BOTTOM? DOMINANT OR SUBMISSIVE? Both. Depends on my mood. Lestat and I trade off fairly often. We may even switch mid-session. I actually think it’s quite funny that everyone tends to think of me as a submissive creature when at times, I am the polar opposite. 37. CAMPING OR INDOORS? Indoors 38. ARE YOU WANTING THE QUIZ TO END.
Yes. I’ve shared far too much about myself and I hate typing on modern computers with my nails, it’s incredibly frustrating.
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silentmight · 8 years ago
BTS LIVE Trilogy Episode III the WINGS TOUR in Bangkok 2017
Sometimes, all it takes is a little faith and the wings you never knew you had will fly.
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About a week and a half ago I YOLO’ed to Bangkok for BTS’ Wings Tour, and it’s a decision I absolutely have no regrets on. Just gonna keep this here as a diary post and concert impression of sorts!
The BTS Wings Tour in Bangkok holds special meaning for me in many ways, but I'll get to that later.
I haven't been to a concert this massive, no not even the local rock bands and gigs I attended while in Singapore can rival this full house of screaming fangirls. Queuing was intense and really stuffy, as Bangkok's weather can really fry you but thankfully I met up with Fonnoi (the girl I bought my ticket from; I randomly saw her post on FB) and then joined her for the concert!
I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS PAYING FOR THE STANDING TICKET. We positioned ourselves to the back and could learn against the guard rails, which makes for good viewing cause everyone crammed to the front and I'm glad my height's at an advantage here lol :3 Also I guess I must be old because I was on energy saving mode until the lights went off; the younger fans were all screaming when their bias appeared on screen when they played the MVs to pass time.
As an introduction, they played Spring Day’s MV and when the first verse kicked in I started tearing… IN FACT I WAS SILENTLY CRYING THROUGHOUT MANY SONGS, PLEASE DON'T JUDGE ME idk man this is the first time I've cried multiple times during a concert because you can feel the atmosphere and I just have too many FEELINGS.
The boys came on stage and kicked off with Not Today- great way to get the crowd pumping and it's also my fav (hell all of it is). The playlist is pretty much faithful to the one listed on the wiki, you can go check it out there… Hearing Bapsae and DOPE live is such a treat. Anyway I'm, so very glad to be able to watch the BTS boys perform their solo songs from the Wings album, coupled with visuals and stage props that are reflective of their personality and song.
Jungkook’s ‘Begin’ displayed his smooth dancing, which felt like a silent sort of strength. Right after was Jimin's ‘Lie’, which holy shit I've been waiting to watch in person ever since this kid became my no.2… I cannot explain in words how 色っぽい sexy it is, goddamnit! Stop attacking my heart! I cannot fathom how Jimin can look like a marshmallow one minute and then like a wolf!! *tears hair out* My favourite part of the dance was when he was blindfolded onwards /COUGH and when he was lifted into the air by the backup dancers too.
And then… my angel Min Yoongi, aka SUGA’s solo. I usually am unable to listen to 'First Love’ because he outputs a ton of intense emotions when he raps, so when I'm stressed I skip it. Hearing it live is no shortage of his raw feelings, and just listening to him rap it live is truly amazing.
The singer line then performed Lost and Save Me, in which during Lost they started to walk all over stage and I'm glad I… am just less than 10 feet away from them… just seeing Jimin sing live, I can die happy. OH and after this was 'I NEED U', aka the one song that I love to butcher with @hweiro and @wataksampingan in the car. Their pronunciation of “I need you gurrrr” hasn't changed IRL either lol.
Rapmon’s solo really did it for me. The introduction was of him looking at a whale, and this is just my assumption: Was he looking at the loneliest whale in the world? Which he wrote Whalien 52 in the previous album? Is it an allusion to himself, because we all know his song 'Reflection’ is melancholic by nature? As the song progressed, it felt like some deep acid trip going through the ocean and the universe and finally Rapmon ends it by walking into an elevated phone booth… however hearing him repeat, “I wish I could love myself” with the concert visuals truly struck a deep chord within. I don't have a deep soul like him but I can resonate with the feeling of looking at life pass you by, you want to love yourself but it's hard as fuck.
V's “Stigma” was next, sorry my attention here died a bit so I don't remember much lol. The last two solos had me in a silent tearing mess though- J-Hope and Jin. J-Hope is SUCH a good performer, his stage charisma is great and we're treated to his childhood photos as he sang ’MAMA’. He had a long pause before finishing off the song, but in that last verse, he sang it with the intensity of his gratitude and love for his mother I just.. my eyelids were like a leaky tap okay. You can totally see the look of admiration and adoration when he looked up after the song ended. J-HOPE!!! ;____;
Jin… oh Jin. It took me so long to appreciate 'Awake’, but after watching him perform live, I see this song in a new light. He and the violinists/cellists were on individual raised platforms, while the backdrop is pretty simple. It felt like a dreamy sky, and on the front of the platforms were projected feathers. Tbh, from what I know of Jin is that he was mainly the visual, who can't really sing or dance so people were like, why is he even there? And perhaps Jin himself feels it too, being the oldest in the group. The line “Maybe I can, can never fly… I Can't fly like the flower petals over there” just struck me of that train of thought.
But to me, Jin, at that very moment you're flying- flying so high and you could touch the sky.
Feelings of inadequacy and yet wanting to keep on keeping on resonates too much within. This song really punched me in the gut and I was trying to not sniffle (and guess what my eyeliner didn't run lmao)
'Cypher 4’ was the rapper line just doing their thing and going wild, then next was FIRE. OMG I've waited so long to also see this dance in person and also sing along T_Tbbb The next couple of songs had them singing yet running all over stage and I took the opportunity to sneak some photos lol but I'm sad that Suga didn't really come to our side of the stage 🙁 Speaking of Suga, this fella is really funny... as for most of his rap lines he just held his mic up and let the audience fill it in woi wwwwww
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I managed to sneak some photos of Jimin as he came over to our side of the pen during ‘LOST’- when the singer line started walking around.
Anyway, I have also been looking forward to the main dances of the night: J-Hope’s insane solo for ‘Boy Meets Evil’ and finally, ‘Blood Sweat and Tears’ in the FLESH. I love BST a lot so getting to see it live is just too much for my heart to take.. even with Wings Outro right after. Tbh I wanted to jump up and down like at a rave party with this song (and Dope/Fire) but.. no one else was doing so.. guess no one jumps at a kpop concert lmfao
I got to see everyone up close though, in particular Jimin, J-Hope, V, Jungkook and Rapmon. Damn, Rapmon gave a flying kiss to the small area of 4-5 i was squashed in and the girl in the front went BERSERK. lol Jimin also high 5’ed a very lucky person!
After a short intermission, they returned with ”There Will Be Better Days” and I was already expecting to bawl at this song because of how easy you can sing along to the lyrics (and their meaning), and fucking bawl I did! Before performing this song Rapmon was like, don't be sad, we'll walk together always in our hearts and towards better days always and damn, I'm moved. I could mainly understand whatever RM was saying cause he's the only one speaking in English haha…
Last song of the night was 'Spring Day,’ which was a fitting end to the entire concert. And with that, the Wings Tour has come to an end.
If I didn't take leap of faith in messaging a total random stranger, who is now a concert goer and new found friend, I would never experience this. People precaution one against randomly asking and buying something from online strangers but if I never spotted Fonnoi’s post on the IME thread, I would never have this experience. I've been shown so much hospitality and warmth throughout, and I'm glad we could establish that trust. I'm really thankful to her for selling the ticket at an ok price!
I guess this concert and trip alone fulfills one of my small dreams; to YOLO to another country solely for a concert and to also solo travel before I'm 30. Honestly I thought I'd never be able to do it but just slog away and slave at work- growing old and letting all my youthful dreams die as I leave behind the vestiges of youth. It might have not been to Japan for sakanaction (still a dream), but I'm infinitely grateful that I was able to watch another one of my favourite groups perform live… not to mention seeing Suga, my ultimate BTS crush and also Jimin in person.
Here’s some sneak shots I took:
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Rapmon!!! He’s so charismatic.
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