#lol i wan't to die
ndostairlyrium · 8 months
1, 7, 19 for the DA trio? :]
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thank you so much dear ;u;
1 - What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Already replied here
7 - Is there any significance behind their height?
Not really o: I mean, um In Ela's case my thought process was, if she has to carry a waraxe she needs to be tall and strong. For a Human, at least :' In general, I like the "tol <3 smol" trope, so most of my OCs' height is probably different to their LI's. I just find it cute
What is your favorite fact about your OC?
I do have many, but I'll limit myself to one lol
Ela: She's clearly bi/pan, she's the last one figuring that out
Kerry: He's probably an earth sign, but his favorite element is fire
Ankh: Her relationship with death. She respects all things related to Her, but she's madly afraid. I always pick "I don't wan't to die" in the last dialog with the advisors during Trespasser
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sappho-ism · 2 years
Hi There !! I really Like your blog I think I feel Good at this moment I've been in pain for a while and by a while i mean a looong time.. dying for who I am anyway the thing is that I've been in a relationship with a Bi Girl and I really loved her (unfortunately) but it's over and it's me who ended up that shit I'm a Demisexual Lesbian And it really my whole life to finally love someone that much but whatever the problem is that one day when we've been talking about sexualities she said : are you sure you're a lesbian cz it's weird for me i can be with girls as well as boys we're just people who loves people the gender doesn't matter and all Girls are bi the thing is that some girls choose to be hetero and some like you choose to be homo I replied: No I'm sure i don't like men and i don't have any attraction it's just like that i can't change it and i didn't choose to be who i am she said : well maybe you don't think about it maybe you didn't find the right type tell me how it feels to think about a relationship with a guy i replied :nothing i'm not going to feel anything other than being disgusted and i really don't like where this conversation is going it's ok if you don't understand i don't understand your feelings and attraction for boys as well but it's fine you know at the end we're all different. she said: daamn you think a relationship with a guy is gross and you don't have attraction you're faking it aren't you lol y'all Homosexual girls just pretending stop faking it ommg you know All lesbians suffer from mental illness you're really sick you need treatment . i didn't say anything i was like wait wtf is this?!! after that she tried to fix it she said : you're not thinking I'm a homophobic right? it's just what i think we're all bi and by choice some choose ... and guys are..
i didn't know what to say or.. so i just start thinking about her words and my broken heart and all the shit she did and said before and then i realized --well that wasn't the shittiest thing-- i was just closing my eyes every time about all that shit -- anyway i decided to end it cz it won't work obviously i need someone to love and accept me for who i am not the opposite . after that she tried to fix it by sending me some pics but then i realized that my feeling are gone my attractions as well i don't feel anything like if it's all gone i just distanced myself and start to hate myself everyday for who i am cz everyone is against me my family , society and the only one i was in love with i hated life+ the way people are i just wanted to die i stayed away from anyone i wasn't talking to anyone wasn't eating or sleeping as i should...anyway after a few months we started talking again i apologized for not talking to her (stuuupid me -yeah i know-)then she changed she became more shitty than before or maybe it was since then i v got my eyes open she was giving me less time and she said i guy kissed her and she kept talking with him anyway and when i say something she says you're overreacting you're a lesbian you're mentally ill but you know that i love you and i wan't you but now i just don't know what i wan't we don't have to be like this it's toxic you have to be open minded life isn't just about one thing and she start talking about another guy who have a crush on her and how she likes spending time with him wearing his clothes and taking pictures with him --looked soo happy when i was crying for her everyday-- tells me about the way he looks with jealousy at her when another guy was playing with her hair... --but yeah she was against me being jealous cz lesbians are mentally ill and crazy in her (shitty) opinion--. since then i distanced myself again and this time for good . but since then i stayed in my room never been out it's been months.. almost a year i don't talk to anyone and my english is really bad sorry for that i kinda forgot how to talk or write but i think i'm healing i'm feeling more better since i've created an account on tumbler i know that it's not my fault it's just who i am and i'm not alone i'm not the only lesbian in this universe and i don't have to feel shitty i'm proud of who i am i didn't deserved that shit all that pain i still feel it but it feels like if i'm starting to get better thank you all of you for creating such a save place
was it the right thing to do? what's your opinion about all of this ?
All my love
First of all, holy shit, that sounds like a lot and I’m sorry that happened to you… It sounds awful. I know that breakups are probably one of the worst feelings and healing is a slow process, you don’t need to rush yourself on that. It’s just something that comes with time. But regardless, you didn’t deserve that at all.
Since you asked, I do think what you did was the right thing. You did what would protect you and honestly in that situation I would’ve done the same thing. In a relationship you deserve to feel understood and appreciated by your partner. What your ex-girlfriend was doing was just wrong. I don’t think I have another word for it. It’s just not what someone should do, not to people they don’t know and especially not towards you, her partner. She clearly doesn’t understand how damaging and just straight up ignorant she was.
I’m glad my blog and blogs like mine have become a safe space for you, I mean this is what we are here for after all. So people can feel connected. You’re valid and accepted here and I’m glad to hear you’re starting to feel a bit better and hopefully you’ll start feeling even better soon too. ❤️‍🩹
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iindieiinfestation · 13 days
Sapphic love story about a vampire and a human. (Pending Title)
So, one of my favourite things to read is paranormal romance. And something I felt I've been lacking on my shelf are queer romances of women loving women but one of them happens to be a vampire. So I have decided to take the liberty (again) to try to create a story about two roommates who slowly discover that they love each other- while the other has no idea that she's a vampire.
In essence I mainly made this account to give a crack at motivating myself to write and post after a few years hiatus from the internet. I am excited to share with the world my ideas for stories and my love of reading, art, and literature!
About my vampire universe:
(BIIIG work in progress things may change in the future as I hash out more ideas and flesh out lore.)
In this universe, humans know of the existence of vampires and have since the dawn of time. Often the vampires are believed to be born from darkness, while humans were born of light. Humans believed that vampires were born as a mockery of the human race and were thought to be only capable of evil. Most, lived in fear of their corroborators- the "wretched" they shared the Earth with. But as times moved on, may wars ebbed and flowed over the centuries-. rival species fighting for dominance, control, power and blood. Eventually they struck a truce...
Present time, vampires live with humans- peaceful for the most part but the stigma of the species still lingers in some spaces; making existence difficult for some. The main heroine of the story is Lilith, the daughter of a large political figure in the vampire world. Lilith wan't nothing to do with her family's business and desires to live with the humans and try to salvage a normal life for herself. She works a night shift at an undisclosed location (until I figure out were I want her to work, lol!) and lives with her roommate, Aurora.
What I hope to convey in this story is a tale of light and dark, two unlikely people coming together and honestly kicking some ass. A sweet romance that will make people laugh, cry, and fall in love with my characters and universe. (even if I abandon this idea, I hope future ideas pique interest in others!!! I also draw so stay tuned for that!!)
Some things to note about this universe!
Vampires are born, not made. It is not a disease. They burn in the sunlight, and the sclera (the whites) of their eyes turn a deep black when agitated, excited, eating. they have fangs that are *not* retractable. Their body temperature is lower than a humans, causing them to be colder as well as healing slowly unless they recently fed on fresh blood. They cannot die of old age (like a lobster lol) but can die from substantial blood loss. Also they have black blood, which when agatated, pumps faster in their veins causing black lines to appear in their skin.
Will add more later! have a lovely night!
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wttv · 11 months
so much to do and all I can do is think about how I should kill myself
if we believe a meritocracy is the best way to organize things (lol), I should be killed and removed from existence(?), cause I'm certainly not contributing anything lol
why are my parents so lenient with me when they (particularly my dad) seem so against people who are unemployed, or homeless, or etc. Like, if they truly believed that these people should be killed (literally things he has said, probably in hyperbole after running into someone who was going through some sort of episode)
Truthfully, I'm not better than those people. I'm unemployed, not contributing, incapable of applying myself to anything, I'm self loathing to a degree that is uncomfortable for people to be around, I'm awkward around my friends and loved ones, I'm incapable of replying to anyone, I make people for uncomfortable (by being too quiet and also unclear about my intentions, which fair I just don't know who I am or what I care about or what I should do, I fucking suck brrroooooo, I want to be run over by a big ol' truck.), and like look at this post how can one person be so fuck ing self-obsesed
me me m em e I I I I I I - can't wait to be dead. I can't disappoint anyone if I don't exist any more (this is a lie, I will die and leave a presence, like a grave stone or an entry in old census data, I wish every sing piece of my existence could disappear)
my mom said to me it's time to stop having fun and get a job, and I wish I could get a job where I could actually be good and not feel like Im constantly failing everyone and feel terrible that I can't fucking talk to anyone ever. I've hated myself so much over the past several years, Im not having fun I haven't been fucking relaxing. Ive been trying to distract myself from how bad I am at everything, which also isn't good and not the correct way to go about things.
I can't focus on anything, I can't fucking get out of bed and brush my teeth in a reasonable time.
I have so much to do and I can't sleep and
bro's got a mental issue athat he refuses to diagnose (it ain't cheap? and also feels very personal, like wjat if I get an asshole of a therapist? I have to shop around and tell how I feel to strangerst? I can't do that. I can't fucking tell my friends or family how I feeel I just say fucking nothing. I just clam up and refuse to fucking communicate. complete asshole behavior
i'm so angry at myself
i wan't to cry and ic an't sleep
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a-cold-rose · 1 year
6, 28, 30
6. How do you want to die? I don't?? lol, but let's say "peacefully"
28. Have you ever been cheated on? yes, once in high school. Wan't a big deal really.
30. What's irritating you right now? I can't find one of my boot socks and I'm pretty sure the pup has found it first...
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lesbianlotties · 5 years
so... how do i stop this whole week from happening?? any tips?
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thedyslexicbard · 2 years
Tears Of Entropy: Chapter 2 - Do I cry?
the sequal to We Cry
Part 3!!
lol i created a character i might write some more if you want a par 3
Tony stark x Child reader Gender neutral
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Some say death is the end, some say when you die a reptile weighs your heart to see if you deserve a peacfull end in a vally of reeds. other say death is just another door and when you see the light its your new life awaiting you. when war came Y/N Stark was left to defend Earth with the ragdoll team of avengers, Y/N had a feeling they would not make it to see another day as themselves. Y/N asked each of the avengers what they thought of death. each confession was as elabrate and whimsicle as the next, so when Y/N destroyed Thanos and the winged chariot of death came. Y/N simply greeted the figure like an old friend.
But as the ride went on Y/N found that this didn't feel like death, it wasnt cold or bright, it wasn't an endlass vally full of happy faces. it was wrong all of it, the clouds wern't soft and inviting there was no sweet voice that felt like warm caramel to tell them it was okay. Y/N looked at death in the eyes as their door came into existence in this plane of dread and nothingness "i shouldn't be here" their voice differed into the abyss.
"this is the way it is, everything must come to an end." Death's ink silked voice spilled out
"so i will see my mother on the other side?"
"no, once you go through that is it you had your life"
the silence was loud as Y/N looked at their door, it was the door to their bedroom, a safe place, a happy place.
"oh... can, can I stay here for a while?" a child like question, but death understood, Death always understood. Y/N sank to their knees staring at the height chart on the frame.
The scent of freshly cut grass and damp forrest floors breezed throught the abyss, soft cold rain began to shower Death and Y/N
"Oh Death, i wasnt expecting to see you here" a doe eyed creature danced over, she brought life to the chamber as patches of grassy wildflowers sprang and withered as she walked over to Death and Y/N
"nor was i expecting you"
"i never thought i would be greeted by life and death" Y/N chuckled standing to face the two entites. Death stared at life a silent exchange before doe eyes met Y/Ns
"who said i was life and who said he was death?" her gental voice cut like glass
Y/N looked at the two figures the vast expanse behind them changed, it was the tower. no. it was the living room in the compound. no it wasnt the expanse kept chnaging it was everywhere and nowhere inbetween. Y/N began to panic then a cold wet feeling washed over them, their bedroom door began to convulce as gooey black ink oozed out from underneath the door
"I wan't to make a phone call" Y/N spoke then ran to the room infront seeing the rotary phone Steve insisted on having for a sense of "normality" Y/N yanks the reciver to their ear leaning on the wall
"Dad!... Dad are you there! Dad i need you!"
"Y/N?" It was Tony who picked up, he sounded tired
"Dad!!! you going to save us right? your going to come back, i called you and your coming to get me!" Ink began to fill the room
"Y/N why did you call me, im in space i can't save you" his exasperated voice woke Y/N up from their denile they walked around the toom the phones curly cord was endless just like the ink consuming the memory of the room
"it's because you didn't pick up when I finally needed you" Y/N stopped at the window the flash of every time thy rolled their eyes at Tony's fatherly expresses of love
"It went to voice mail"
"And then I went to go save vision" Y/N opens the back door to the final battle, smoke and debrie litter the playing field, Thanos is sat smirking on a rock.
"It's to late kid, What's done is done" the cord coils around Y/N neck as they look out to the battlefield the in contained in the room behind them "No"
"there is nothing i can do to help you, im not real. none of this is" he lets out a humorless breath, Y/N watches as the ink begins to take over the false memory.
"So what do i do know?"
the line went dead, the abyss returned.
"im not dead, am i" it wasnt a question. Life opened her mouth to speak but death was the first to talk
"no. your body was destoryed but the mind stone rembered you, it kept a piece of you alive. "
Y/N didn't know why a tear fell down their cheek. "where am i?"
"you are safe Y/N, we are here to keep you safe" the glassy voice of life chimed.
"i want to go home"
"we can't let you leave" death was next, his reply was like salt in a wound.
"then i will escape" a dark energy rippled from Y/Ns body, it was pure power. they felt it once befor as they used the infity stones to destory thanos. it wasn't a gift given to them. it was a power stolen from someone. but who? Y/N did not know or care.
"but you are home silly, do you not know who you are?" curiosity replaced the glass as life's ears pricked as the scent of unearthly power. Her smiled turned toxic as she slitherd to Y/N "you are the twin to a chaos that wants what it can't have" she smiled licking her lips.
Death vanshied.
"you are malice, you are death, you are Discord the eternal chaos."
Y/N heard what life said but did nto listen, they only asked one thing "tell me how to get home"
Life's sickening smile faded as untamed power snuck its way into her mind.
Part 1
Part 3!!
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angloie · 3 years
Rivals. Nothing more. (1/2)
> Percy is annoyed on how Annabeth always was. Her passion to win, to suceed, to be better than him. He hates that. It's totally not hot, or whatever.
> Warnings: swearing and kinda (?) suggestive undertones, my writing
> Genre: fluff, mutual pinning, Percy having a huge fat crush on Annabeth.
You can find the second part here!
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Percy wasn't very fond of smartasses who talked back.
I mean, who wouldn't? They were truly insufferable; acting like they knew everything and spat out facts here and there, all high and mighty.
Annabeth fit that description perfectly.
She's such a stuck up nerd; always beating his spot just opened place higher than him. When they spar, Percy can't help but feel a overwhelming urge pushing him to win. Annabeth struck back with the same passion, every strike, slash, push, thrust, holds her need for victory.
And when Percy does win after a long match? It feels amazing. The refreshing mood when you get exactly what you want- for once beating enemy number one. Annabeth shakes hands with him after and it infuriates him all over again. Why can't she feel more embarassed? Devestated? Shame? She walks away from the training arena calmly like she won over him.
Oh, Annabeth does feel embarassed. Devestated, too. But the look in Percy's eyes when she acts all stoic- seated stop her high horse- is simply electrifying. No better feeling than antagonizing your rivals, right?
They first meet at twelve. Both still young and insufferable, being the natural rivals they were. After all, their godly parents were two of the biggest rivals between one another: Athena and Posiedon.
Then they’re thirteen. Rivals, yes, but they can get along better now. Much better, in fact. Annabeth just feels the tiniest bit of attraction. It's just platonic. That's what she likes to tell herself, really.
Fourteen and Percy and her still bickering and arguing like usual. They can respect each other's boundaries still, all while they make crude jokes about the other. People say that they might be best friends, but the two of them shoot their ideas out of their heads. Who would wan't to be friends with that loser, anyways?
The ripe age of fifteen. Same old Percy, and same old Annabeth. They grow stronger together, and even more stronger as they progress. It's such a heartwarming thing to watch. Annabeth becomes more aware of how Percy looks. His apearance. Once a couple inches shorter than her becomes level-height. And then Percy has the audacity to grow taller than her. 
He likes to tease Annabeth about it. Holding books above her head, or anything he can grab that's hers. It's more blood-boiling when you remember the fact that people in ancient Greece associated height with power. Percy? Have more power than her? Unaceptable.
Percy on the flip side becomes more aware of how his endearing his rival becomes. Annabeth puts him in awe sometimes, incredibly witty and smart. But the snobbish attitude from her makes him want to gag. Maybe not as much as it did in the past other years. Annabeth, (as much as he hates to admit it) is someone he can trust. After years of being partners in both battle and else, that was expected. Percy still can't trust Annabeth with his blue cookies though.
Sixteen, finally. A confusing year for Percy. It becomes a growing problem for Percy when his heart beats erratically when Annabeth is near. Her shampoo smells so heavenly from where he's sitting, which is at the end of her bed. Annabeth sits crossed legged from him, flicking the pages of a book. Percy just saw the lights on from her cabin and crawled through the window. That would make her annoyed, right? No other reason; just to annoy her. Totally not because he wants to see her again.
Annabeth doesn't have the slightest clue in her mind about why she let him in. Or why he opted to sit on her bed directly, instead of sitting on one of the very comfortable seats in the large room. Annabeth doesn't complain. The cabin is empty; her other guests singing along at the campfire or elsewhere. 
Percy gets up wordlessly as Annabeth continues to stare at her book. Words are flowing through, forming, but she can't seem to focus to comprehend the book.
She notices his arrival when the bed dips with his weight. Percy has a blob of water in mid-air, floating just above the palm of his hand.
“You better not get that on my bed,” Annabeth chides, “Or I'll make sure to kill you.”
“Really now?” Percy makes the water floating towards her, threatening to soak her face. It stops inches before her- stopping from wetting her clothes along with it. She doesn't flinch.
Annabeth gives a sticky sweet smile, but her eyes say otherwise. Something along the lines of 'You better be digging up your grave now'. Percy flinches back in surprise, hands braced in a defensive position. The water shifts and floats back to him... to only float around the room aimlessly.
It's times like this when he feels truly at peace. The air is tense, sure, but he feels calmer than ever before. It's liberating.
The water leaks a bit from the moving. Annabeth is amazed how it moves so effortlessly. It's Percy moving it, but that didn't matter. Sometimes Annabeth wished she had powers... Her smarts and wits were amazing, but she felt that she could achieve even more if she had them. It's a painful thought.
Percy sits back on her bed, staring at the white celling. Different coloured sticky notes and red strings are hooked together by flimsy thumb tacks. Talk about being a nerd.
Both lost in their thoughts and a good book, the water comes back around the room to splash on-
Just fucking peachy.
On Annabeth.
“Percy!” She screeches, hair damp with liquid and some finding it's way on her white shirt. Due to the thin fabric and cool water, he shirt becomes a little more. How do you put it? transparent. Translucent.
“Oh shit-” Percy jerks upwards, moving his hands around frantically. If he stares any longer, he might become more aware of the now visible uhm- undergarments. He also might notice that they are blue, his favourite colour, and how it looks so fucking good on her. 
Okay, he's noticed all of that in a matter of seconds.
“Quit staring!” Annabeth protests more, as Percy gets up to face the wall and cover his eyes. 
“I didn't mean to!” He says, still facing away from her. “I-it was a accident!” I swear!”
“Quit you're blubbering and get out!”
“Sorry!” Percy says again, and again. “I’m really sorry!” Until he finds his way to the large mahogany door and steps out.
“I- uh-" He tries to reasonate, tries to make up with her. But it's quickly shut off when Annabeth slams the door in his face. Leaving a very stuttering and blushing Percy.
Seventeen. It's a dreadful year for the two of them.
It becomes painfully clear why Percy had been a blushing, embarrassing mess around Annabeth. Clear on why he feels like he's on cloud nine when she pins him down in the sparing arena. And incredibly clear why Percy thinks about her eyes, her smile, her everything. Even the random facts he always thought was annoying and stupid leave marks on his brain. 
The oblivious son of Poseidon denies his feelings. Just some rivalry feelings! Some of which include him wanting to kiss Annabeth so bad sometimes, or even wanting to hold hands while walking along the sand. Maybe he does have the occasional dream of some less than appropriate things. Percy's rather embarassed about that.
It's when Grover, his reliable and trustworthy best friend finally makes him realize his true feelings. Ones hidden layers of sarcasm and sharp jokes.
“You think about her twenty four seven,” Grover starts, leaning back on the thick trunk of the oak tree. Percy had just came to him mid-spar to tell him how Annabeth was absolutely destroying him.
“And you also blab about her nonstop. I dunno dude, that sounds like a crush to me.” Grover sighs heavily. Percy blinks once. Then twice. And then three times.
“Do you get jealous when you see her with someone else?”
“Yeah! It's sickening! I feel all weird and stuff, so I-”
“You have a crush~” Grover teases.
“No? I think it's just-"
“Its a crush, Percy. You're so oblivious that it'll never progress more than that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Percy scowls at him. A bead of sweat trails down his forehead, caused from the hours of training.
“It means you have to confess.” Grover simply states, getting up. His hooves clomp down on the hard-packed earth as he trails away. “You gotta do it sooner or later, before someone else does it!”
That thought makes bile rise in his stomach. Annabeth? Go out with someone's else? Other than him? No way. Negatory.
But what if she declines? Annabeth is completely free to do that; but Percy would probably die of heartbreak. And if she started to date someone? Percy would explode.
It's settled, then.
He's going to confess.
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- a/n:
(re-uploaded to fix some mistakes, lol)
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wxndverlxnd · 5 years
Holy shit its not like i wasnt exactly expecting that but i kind of did??
Like first wtf is this and why is no one talking about it.
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She doesn't look good at all in my opinion lol. Like i know the others are kind of busy af right now but who is going to help her? She can't die yet right? I hope she is protected by the plot or else
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Dude stfu why are you C R Y I N G. You're not doing shit right now. Why are you not on the battlefield? Busy doing some bad guys stuff? btw, do we even know his quirk?
Though i can't blame them bc Curious's death is kind of a waste. Her Quirk was great - the same as katsu baby but nvm- she basically died for nothing but for the hope of having a scoop. I need the same motivation for school lol.
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Hey give him a break asshole you tortured the guy for months. I feel bad for laughing bc i first thought that he was kind of roasting this anime thing of repeating sentences in a dramatic way, like in the movie i was sooooo mad whenever someone appears and Deku was like ".. Kaachan.... Iida..." but anyway
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Dabi being an asshole, no surprise but omg we stan a worried Twice, the only one who seems to give a fuck about toga even though she is DYING omg please someone go help her
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Damn the tea is hot today
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Fuck i didn't ask for those feels. And is that Shiggy's dad? Probably if we look a the newt panels
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So thats interresting
Shiggy's dad doesn't approuve something. I guess its probably Tenko's dream of becoming a hero (just a guess huh). So why is his dad not approuving?
First i'm going to assume that his dad is Nana's son. I think it may have to do with the fact that Nana died while fighting AFO, like his dad may think that heroes are stupid peoples who dies for no reason, like Kota. We don't know when that memory happened so once again just a guess. Or it could be that his dad put the blame of Nana abandoning him for her hero duties.
Either way, his sister is sooooo cute little Hana you're so precious. She look soooooo much like Nana
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Wait. THAT is interresting
So what, is the LoV getting an upgrade to be able to actually be a threat to deku and his 7 Quirk? First Toga then Tenko? Bc damn we stan.
So Shiggy can now what? Send a massive wave of decay in one direction? Bc thats OP af. Btw i juste can't stop laughing when i see all of those extras thinking that m a y b e it wasn't the best idea to go after the guy who turn everything he touch into dust
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Wait so YOU didn't killed anyone yet? I know you don't want to be here but damn do you mind giving a hand no? Or did he actually made some effort to not kill anyone bc he wasn't sure if he could?
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omg is dabi next for the LoV upgrade?? OR ARE WE FINALLY GETTING THE DABI IS TOUYA BC I'M NOT READY
What if we got some rei and dabi flashback next week?? I CAN'T I'M SO HYPED
Also i saw someone saying that this ice dude may be Natsuo NO GOD PLEASE FUCK NO LET IT BE SOME RANDOM GUY
this would make s e n s e dammit but i don't want shouto to lose his big bro after finally having some contact also natsuo is such a sweatheart i don't wan't anything to happen to him ok
I'm so hyped for next week chapter
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angelosblood · 6 years
I want to amputate all your limbs until your just a fuck pillow. I want to pluck out all your teeth so you can never bite down on my cock. I want you chained up so me and my friends can use you whenever, over and over again until you fucking die. No food, No sleep. Only abuse and fucking. Because thats what you wan't right? After a point, you won't be able to say otherwise anyway.
(Tumblr flagged my art for you lol, but here it is on twitter!!)
Just give me some water and i might even last for a few weeks! And yes, ofcourse its what i want! Id kill for my last time alive to be fucked and abused whenever, all the time, by anyone! Id fucking love to just be beaten and abused and broken til i pass through begging for more, crying for it to stop, to just lying and taking it, back to begging for more. Break my body and then break my mind, please
Make me regret begging for it
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per1shed · 8 years
do you really wan't to die?
yea but they took everything away from me so i’m not gonna do it and I promised my therapist not to attempt it so it’s not gonna happen sadly lol
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