#lol i think philip should be shoved off a cliff tbh
mermaidsirennikita · 11 months
Lol okay I have to ask who you think the worst bton hero is? (Is it Philip? For me it's Philip)
Yeah dude, it's Philip. I absolutely loathe him. Like, right off the bat, let's get one thing clear. He raped Marina. By his own account, she was just laying there (crying, I think?) non-responsive, absolutely in no mental state to consent. Do I think this is historically inaccurate? Nope. But this is... Br*dgerton. Like, there is hard stuff in this series (especially in When He Was Wicked) but it's never truly dark. Plus, there is zero commitment to seriousness or accuracy in these novels; Anthony and Kate marry because he got caught trying to suck bee venom out of her boob Benedict's book is a Cinderella retelling. In general, we don't expect romance heroes to act like--accurate. They're supposed to be romantic. And so much of TSPL is lighthearted, and to have this framed as something Philip had to go through~ (when like, he knew Marina didn't want it, and he absolutely did not have to do that; hell, even if we're going to argue "but heirs", which is not an excuse, he had! a son!)... gross as hell.
And on top of that, he's an exceptionally boring uncharming man, who's like "but plants", and seems to have little to no interest in raising his kids properly until Eloise swoops in. "But Maria and Captain Von Trapp" the difference being that like... aside from Von Trapp being an otherwise hot and clearly principled man, he IS involved in the raising of his kids--like, maybe too much lol. He's just too strict with them. He obviously CARES, or else he wouldn't have them so in line. And he caves IMMEDIATELY upon Maria setting him straight and like, becomes a teddy bear.
Philip is so flat. And so dull. Then you add in him doing what he did to Marina? His wife's mental illness and suicide (after he pushed her further by assaulting her?) being His Tragic Backstory? No.
I mean tbh, the only Bton heroes I truly like are Anthony (also a dick, for the record, but a fun one) and Michael (sexy lovely genuinely caring puts it down, the only Bton hero I buy as a seducer; she's all "Anthony is a rake" lmao okay the only woman we see him with besides Kate is an opera singer he's financially supporting... Michael doesn't need to put the money down, once he starts really trying with Francesca she literally has to run away to Scotland to avoid dropping her panties, and he still just follows her and makes her do it anyway). Everyone else ranges from "dislike" (Philip/Benedict/Colin) to "I forget him completely" (Gareth and Gregory... if it was death or recounting a single detail from those books... I'd be screwed) or "middling to fair" (Simon; who, unlike Anthony, I find much more interesting on the show).
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