#lol i am not a professional artist so don't take me too seriously
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Hiii I really love your art! I'm always impressed how ppl like you are able to simplify drawings like this and still get the emotion across! I'd like to ask how long you've been drawing/how long you've been drawing cartoons and how you learned designing your own characters/style and drawing all those face expressions?
Hi! Thank you so much!!!
Lately, I've been really frustrated with my art and style and technical abilities, so honestly, thank you for giving me a minute to reflect on where I've been! I'm annoyed at the obvious mistakes I am noticing in the things I've posted over the last few weeks but I realized during this that it's always a process and growth is forever.
This got longer than I intended, so I'll put the rest under the cut.
I've been drawing for a very long time, probably for most of my life. And for most of it, I have not been very "good" at it. I had friends who were very serious about drawing in middle school and high school, and in college, I used drawing and fandom to deal with depression and anxiety. Then I started dating late in college which took up all of my spare time for drawing, and then I had a really nasty breakup with my first (emotionally manipulative) partner. I was really depressed (not because of being single but because I didn't know who I was anymore), so I didn't draw or write for yearssssss (I did somewhat but not seriously and loathed everything I was creating).
Then Covid hit and I felt like drawing again.
This was four years ago that I made this comparison of my art. I genuinely like what I was doing in 2012 more than what I put out in 2020. So it's not a matter of how long you've been drawing but consistency and a willingness to take risks (and learn from failures).
You can see I wasn't thinking as 3-dimensionally in 2020 when I started to draw again. The character's expression is really bland and you can see I was focused more on aesthetics than character. I think I even recognized it at the time, and I was really pissed about it.
I guess it's been four years since Covid started, and four years since I really jumped back into drawing regularly. I won't pretend that I know a lot--I very much do not, but here's what has helped me in the last few years.
Think in terms of volume and shape. I always warm up with perspective exercises. I often use posemaniacs' 30 second drawing practice for about 10-15 minutes, or I draw a ton of 3D boxes and spheres and triangles. I like to draw stacked boxes at various angles just so I can get my brain to wake up and see 3-dimensionally.
Know what you want to draw and draw with intention. This sounds obvious, but sometimes, I pick up my pen and just. Draw. Like I'll draw a face or a body but it's just completely soulless and boring because I don't know what I want. Draw with emotion, and have a purpose. Otherwise, your drawing will be lifeless and boring.
Ditch "aesthetics." Seriously. Focus on character. Draw that person ugly. If it's a sexy character and you're focusing on their emotions rather than how attractive they are, it will turn out sexy regardless. For example:
This was supposed to be scary, but people got horny for it anyway.
Your character will determine "aesthetics." Your character wears ripped tights because THEY think it's cool (or they trip a lot and scrape their knees), not because YOU like ripped tights. This is not a hard and fast rule, it's just what works for me.
For example, I don't draw Sirius wearing band t-shirts because I don't think he'd care about Muggle bands (at least, I don't think he'd care enough to advertise that he did). Consider why YOU wear band t-shirts. My partner wears his death metal shirts because he wants to support small bands and talk to strangers who like the same, obscure music (I hate those fucking shirts but he needs to live his truth lol. Some are ok and have beautiful art, but others are gross and weird).
Point is, focus on character.
Side note: If you want to draw a hot character (or if you want to BE a sexy real person honestly lol), you need to internalize this: Sexiness is a state of mind. If you are a sexy, confident person, it doesn't really matter what you look like--people will want to be you or fuck you. This applies to characters as much as it does to real people. It's about being you, focusing on your strengths, recognizing your own worth, keeping boundaries, and giving people your full attention when they speak to you. Seriously. That's basically it. Ask me how I know.
4. Make faces while you draw. I use photo references to understand how the face works, but what helps me the most is when I physically make the same face while I'm drawing. That way, I can feel which muscles are moving in my own face. Plus, I love acting and playing pretend, so I get to "be" that character while I'm drawing. I'm a naturally expressive person and communicate with my eyebrows way too much, and I think you can see that in my drawings.
5. Study other artists. Do this all the time. I particularly love to watch process videos and observe sketches. Here are some videos, books, and artists that I regularly visit or study:
TBChoi -- this person is my favorite artist stylistically. Just search their name + expressions and study. They just understand the way muscles work in the face so well.
Aaron Blaise -- okay, full disclaimer, I've heard some weird things about this artist, so I don't purchase their materials. However, I have practiced with his videos for years and found them exceptionally helpful.
Artists on Instagram I tend to look at: sleepy_kc, krosrios, starbite, rhiwynter
And artists who have influenced me since I was a kid are Tealin, Rufftoon, Shoomlah, Makani, and so many more.
6. Oh. And also, draw things other than people. Draw animals, draw landscapes, draw that weird building. Play with shape and perspective.
And look, I'm not a professional. I am an underpaid English teacher with ADHD, an Intuos Pro, and a horniness for a particular fictional character. Take this with a grain of salt and just do what works for you.
#asks#art process#and a small bit of advice for becoming sexy#lol i am not a professional artist so don't take me too seriously
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Uugh I get so annoyed when I have to defend ballet as a sport. I can't believe people STILL think it's a cute easy thing little girls do in tutus when it's literally one of the most demanding activities you can do physically, mentally and artistically.
It wouldn't be such a big deal if people listened and went like "Oh, I see, my mistake. I should probably believe someone who has done it for nearly two decades." But no. They snicker in their disbelief and continue to spout their nonsense. And this isn't just men by the way, even though it usually is. Even a lady whose groceries I was carrying who wondered how I was so strong laughed at me when I said because of ballet training. I'm just getting so tired of having to prove how hard ballet is every single time.
I know this is like the oldest thing ever. But sometimes I can't believe how people still don't know better. Several studies have ranked ballet harder than boxing, bullfighting, football, basketball, basically you name it. And I don't care about that. It's relative, there's no way to say which is really the hardest because fish and climbing trees. I only bring that up when someone thinks ballet is barely more than a walk in the park, because I just want to be taken seriously and while I'm not a professional I want people to understand that professional dancers train every bit as hard as any olympic athlete.
Obviously it wouldn't get to me so much if it wasn't rooted in misogyny, too. Because that's the main reason people are so reluctant to change their ignorant image of ballet. Do they listen when I bring up stats? Do they believe me when I say I've witnessed football players writhing in pain and stunned into silence in ballet class? No, of course not. You literally have to either prove them your fitness or make them actually do ballet. It's so tiring at this point ugh please save me from the braindead takes, especially of macho dudes, especially of covert macho dudes. Obviously I don't put up a fight with every stranger I'm not that much of a moron but when it's people you have to deal with on a regular basis? How are you not going to want to change their mind and have them give you the slightest bit of respect ugh.
If there's a positive spin on this, it's obviously that ballet dancers are succeeding: we are making it look so light and effortless that people believe the illusion without question. Apparently we're not just athletes, artists and actors, we're also magicians lol.
(I'm in a mood because I had this guy I just met diss ballet to my face big time, so I couldn't let it go of course, and after seeing a video of me dancing he was genuinely like "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen you look like a butterfly fluttering on the stage" and even though that kind of proves my point exactly... am I satisfied? Nope. Not even close.)
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why did you leave crp? 🙁 if my OC got famous like Julius i don't think I'd ever leave. Is he still a crp? love Julius and love u sanity, take care
lmfao, unless it's slender or the rake or Russian sleep experiment or fuckin MH... There's no such thing as 'famous' creepypasta. Creepypasta isn't remotely mainstream in 2023 to begin with. So, Julius is far from famous - and honestly I'm very uncomfortable with him being referred to as such.
But. To answer your question. There's honestly many reasons, but the biggest? I have self respect and know I'm far too fuckin skilled to spend years and years festering away in creepypasta. I find it absolutely pathetic when creators are so heavily invested in creepypasta a decade after making one that got known (y'all know who you are). Plus, I never wanted to be a creepypasta creator. Julius was initially made as joke and his pasta was written tongue in cheek as a parody and satire of old pastas, hence every possible trope being crammed in it and how comedic it is. Apparently, since, by Creepypasta standards, it was written incredibly well (even though I didn't even half ass it) so a lot people took it seriously lol. I've always been an extreme horror creator and these days, I'm becoming an established splatterpunk author. I'm working on a graphic novel. I already am in the very beginning stages of working on a film. I'm a professional freelance artist. I get paid to just continue creating my content and make money off selling my creations. Why on earth would I stay in creepypasta when it was never something I wanted to be a creator in and have far bigger aspirations? Not to mention, the pure toxicity in it overall. I'm also almost 26, so I really can't relate to the majority of people in it. Still love me some /x/ though!
This genuinely isn't meant to make fun of those in creepypasta, if it makes you happy, good!/serious /gen. I'm not a judgmental person. But you asked and this is my honest answer.
I didn't remove my characters from creepypasta because I know they're beloved by many in the fandom. But I also just want people to recognize they are extreme horror characters in reality, who just started in creepypasta.
However, given my roots as an original creator are in creepypasta, I will absolutely be forever grateful and appreciative towards all the fans, support, etc. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. I still absolutely enjoy interacting (through public asks) with them and will never take them for granted. /Serious /gen
Much love to everyone who enjoys my work<3
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Just say you’re a closeted Taekooker and go. The Taennie situation is suspicious? No it’s not. Lol. Taehyung is dating Jennie, get over it. And I’m curious as to why you think that “realistically speaking” no ship is real? These boys have been close friends for more than ten years, is it impossible for romantic feelings to develop? I bet there are a hell lot more ships in Kpop that are/were real and will never be revealed. Queer people are everywhere, and the entertainment industries is especially saturated with us. :)
My first ���closeted Taekooker” accusation🫢 Finally!!!?
Provided my last three posts were just me defending Taekook from “fanservice” allegations, I expected this much sooner so thank you but you definitely missed the mark on this anon lml.
Anyway, I didn’t use the word suspicious. Although it has similar connotations to “weird” or “strange”, I still don’t think “suspicious” is what I was going for. It’s just weird *shrugs *. I think many people can see that. Like I said in the post, that opinion is independent of them actually dating or not. Even if Taehyung posts a picture of him and Jennie tomorrow, I will forever stick with my opinion that the way their relationship was dealt with in the public eye for the last year or so is strange. And at the end of the day, it’s just my opinion. Jennie and Taehyung definitely don’t care what user mimibwi on tumblr has to say about their relationship😭.
About no ship being real. The comment isn't meant to disprove the existence of queer people. I do know that we exist. I also don't get why you thought I was implying that because the members possibly being queer isn't limited to ships within BTS. They can all be attracted to men and still not be dating each other...
When I say "realistically” or rather “If we’re looking at this seriously” (which is what i actually said), I am looking at BTS as what they are- a brand, a business. When we see BTS what they're doing is working, this is their job. And I fully stand with anyone who thinks that it's possible that the members could have developed feelings for each other. However, I also am of the opinion that these men are professional and I think the chance of them taking (what can be seen as) a huge risk to their brand, career and future is very small. (A chance being small doesn’t mean impossible) And once again, this has nothing to do with their sexuality and everything to do with them wanting to maintain the integrity(?) of BTS as a team. I know shippers play around with things like "maybe they broke up" or "maybe he left x for y" and those are all good when it's just fun and games but that isn't what these real people's lives are. Can you imagine how much of a strain it would put on the team's dynamic if Jikook or Yoonmin or Namjin or whoever you ship were together and then break up, whether amicably or not? This is looking at it in a very negative way but I think if any of the guys were to ever date or mess around, all of these things would've or at least should've been considered. So the reason why I think it's less likely that any ship is "real" is the same reason I think it's unlikely that any of the boys have messed around with their stylists or makeup artists etc. Can it happen? Of course. Is it advised? Probably not. But these two situations can’t be looked at on the same scale—there are a lot of nitty gritty details that make these too different but i won’t bore you much longer. Either way, BTS are global pop icons and I doubt it will be very easy to deal with a fallout (a break up, them possibly being outed etc. etc.) of any relationship amongst a group of their capacity and the members are surely aware of that.
As I mentioned in the post, I am saying all of this as a shipper, as a person who, on some days (my most delulu ones), wonders to myself how everyone doesn't see that the members of my ship have serious romantic feelings for each other. I am an overthinker, I think of as many possibilities under the sun as I can. And notice that I keep saying possibilities because none of my opinions are ever meant to enforce any particular views on anyone. I am just looking at things from many different perspectives. This is my HR/PR perspective here lol. I can even try to look at it from Bang PD's perspective and even he wouldn't have the final say on whether the boys decide to pursue a relationship or not. At the end of it all, It's up to the members of that ship whether they are willing to take the "risk" or not and my hunch usually leans towards them not being willing to (this is once again something I can expand a bit more on but i’ll save you from it) which is why i shared that opinion anon.
This is a topic I have many thoughts on, my views on it aren’t limited to what I’ve expressed here— it’s just difficult to explain. I can debate with myself for a long time on why i think it’s likely no ship is real while still being a shipper. The whole point of that opinion wasn’t to declare that “no ship is real so give it up”. Instead it was meant to encourage shippers to doubt themselves cause some of y’all (maybe not you specifically) are just too comfortable and confident when you could just be loud and wrong. We could all be wrong.
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Hello, can i have a haikyuu match-up, please?! 💕 I hate my real name, so I go by Des lol, I use her/she pronouns, I'm a straight girl, I'm a taurus & a estp
Appearance wise, I'm pretty tall for a girl. I think I'm like 5'10 ". I have dark brown eyes & naturally curly & long dark brown hair, but I dye my hair unnatural colors pretty often, I have a slim figure & tan skin, I'm of mixed ethnicity.
When it comes to personality, I'm kinda shy & soft-spoken at first, but if you're around me long, you'll see how awkward & kinda strange I am,
I'm really playful sometimes in a cute & bubbly way other times in a spontaneous & mischievous sort of way, I've been told I'm pretty funny
I'm really curious, I love talking about things that interest me & learning about things that interest others, I'm always asking questions
I speak my mind & I'm emotionally honest, sometimes lil too direct for others, but I try to be a more tactful
I'm independent & can be pretty stubborn. I'm not a big fan of authority or being told things, I can also be a little competitive
I'm pretty artistic. My hobbies consist of mainly creative disciplines & art is something I'm really passionate about. I love talking about it & just being around creativity in general
I'm very adaptable. I'm the kind of person who doesn't take themselves too seriously & can be friends with whoever, you just have to get over my detached exterior lol
My hobbies include dance, I love dance, and it's something I want to do professionally, I love to draw & and sew. I actually make my own clothes, love to read, I always have a book on me & i hang out at libraries a lot, I love cooking, but there's a 50% chance it won't taste good (lol. I'm still learning) I like physical & sporty stuff too, I skateboard, I play soccer & volleyball, tennis & and I do motocross. I also have a suckered adrenaline pump activities like skydiving & trampoline parks, & laser tag, I'm also a huge gamer
Hi Des! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...

Asahi is definitely your best match in Haikyuu! You're similar enough that you get along easily while being different enough that you bring out the best in each other.
Greatly values your emotional honesty. Asahi can tend to overthink sometimes so if you tell him how you're feeling, he won't have to worry so much about you not being happy with an aspect of your relationship.
Asahi has a reputation as a scary person so if people don't know you two particularly well, they'll worry that he's pressured you into a relationship. More than one elderly lady has come up to you asking if you're okay.
The reality couldn't be further from the truth and as soon as people get to know you both better, they see what a great couple you are.
You and Noya would also be really close but I think you'd be better friends than romantic partners. He sometimes tags along on what are meant to be dates. Neither you or Asahi mind though; he brings a certain level of chaos that can liven up any situation.
Loves listening to you talk about your hobbies. He thinks you're amazing when you're deep in thought or conversation regarding things you're passionate.
Asahi also loves watching you work on your latest artistic projects. He might have a go at painting or drawing alongside you but for the most part, he'll leave it up to you.
I see Asahi as someone who is pretty good at cooking so he'd love to have cooking dates with you. You'll both pick out a recipe and work on it together. You've so far had a pretty good success rate!
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It's been so funny and interesting to me getting into Taylor Swift after already having long been into Stray Kids and kpop in general, so here are some funny parallels I've noticed between the two and/or their fandoms:
Ryan Reynolds
The Vault/Chan's Laptop
Really dumb fun fandom energy. Like please, I did not expect the ship name Toe, but that is the only one I am using now. Please I am begging Stays to have this energy when skz start dating publicly
Videos appreciating them existing in cute
Taylor's cats 🤝 Minho's cats
Frothing at the mouth over good/cathartic lyrics and the analysis of such
Ed Sheeran appreciation
Being serious derps irl/online with fans
Loving how their hearts and minds work and how they convey the contents of the same
Reluctant song ranking tiktoks
Knowing exactly which era a photo was from solely based on hair and/or clothes
Knowing details about them that would sound really creepy to someone outside the fandom it's not creepy if they say it in an interview or behind the scenes I swear
TOO MANY SIGNIFICANT NUMBERS and on that note, lowkey wanna leave the list here solely for the sake of things
Learning vocabulary because of them. Seriously. Why did it take me until the last month to figure out that Miroh meant maze and that Clé means key when I've been stanning them since 2021. I'm so mad.
Songs instead of therapy but please go to therapy if you legit need it. "this is me trying" was not about using lyrics as a replacement for professional help. That's a Placebo.
"yes they can actually sing live and here's the proof"
Very involved in their songs from start to finish and it shows and we love them for it
OH SHOOT—I just realized Taylor's Versions vs SKZ 2020/2021—
ME! lol. I do mean the song but also technically me myself as well now heh
Writing love/breakup songs except it's completely made up
Extremely prolific
"so I made this song at stupid o'clock in the morning and here it is lol" and it's the freaking sparkly cd meme
We CARE care about album drops and about them making the money off of it that they deserve as artists
Wanting merch but wiping the lint off the bottom of our wallets to try to find the money
"Please let one measly concert seat be available even if it sucks"
"wait a second, they/their fandoms AREN'T hysterical like the media paints them to be?" *insert mental hurricane that eventually dies down here* "wait, am I actually considering joining them??" *narrator voice: but by then, it was already too late*
Seeing the same memes/edits but in different fandoms but it's not memes I've seen in non-music fandoms. Like literally. Just watched one.
Acronyms that look like keyboard smashes to everyone else please though Swifties you're way worse please have mercy on this baby I'm still learning—
Recycling quotes from haters into song lyrics, like please yes queen/king, continue, go off
Giant creepy creatures as tour set pieces
Taylor and Chan being parents even though they have never actually had children
And on that note, knowing everybody in their industries
Rolling out our list of reasons like a scroll every time we say we stan them and the other person so much as inhales to start a response. We could probably recite that list in our sleep at this point.
I seriously need to shut up or I will get nothing done today but yeah if you stan one, please give the other a chance because you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't.
#skz thoughts#stray kids#skz#skz stay#taylor swift#swifties#oh no i just realized taylor AND chris could see this. thats scary. they hold too much power#but if either of you ARE watching....hiiiiiii
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Lisa anon again.Thank you for for insightful answer.But - first things first- am I not a seer or what?You saw what happened with the BP debut on weVerse.WV "mistakenly" made a technical error that basically was free promotion of BP's debut .After they apologised saying "oops!" and corrected their "mistake".In short ARMY suddenly had BP in their following tag after they made their debut.They had to go to the BP page to leave manually.This is shaping out to be a very interesting turn of events considering BTS didn't/doesn't need BP for anything,whereas bp benefits all things good from this association.Lisa has been trending non-stop since her "supposed slip up" in JK's vlive.For BTS, Nothing but money can be gained from this association.They are at a stage where they should collaborate with independent Korean artists to not only uphold them,but for self enrichment as well.
To explain about my perceived after-effect of jikook,I have to talk about a key decision that V made,which is corroborated by other members as well(Suga,Jimin). Keeping his worklife and personal life separate.He considers BTS his work life.The friends are in Wooga squad,who were like unicorn to the members.If you go back in time this change came about from Fall 2018.You can see where I am going with this.
When you think about jikook,you think about jimin.I think by now it is general consensus that bighit promoted jikook to heavily promote jimin.I don't know if I can write so much here but I am trying to provide you with the short version.I believe Taekook had disagreements about bts vs them very strongly in 2018 which was about which should they focus on more.Coupled with the fact that now they were quite openly a pair in front of the members and key company people,they were under pressure not to neglect their professional commitment.I had a hunch before that Jungkook struggled with this a lot.He confirmed it for me(supplemented by My Time and his 'all of my life' cover) when he suggested a story "The herdsmen and the weaver",which is a sad love story of two people who fell in love,but due to them neglecting their chores,were banished by the king who allowed them to see each other only once a year.The king wanted to teach them a lesson. I think bunny drowned himself with work to numb the pain.While Taehyung who didn't have as much load as bunny,wanted the opposite.Jikook comes in here because jimin's schedule is almost as full as bunny's.Here,I sincerely believe, jimin exercised some behaviour regarding Taekook's relationship,which Tae didn't like,and later the members would react negatively to it too.Jimin is a strict person regarding his work ethic.Tae is an easy going intuitive person. I think Jimin was opposed to the idea of taekook in BTS's workspace due to his aforementioned work ethic.and don't forget that jikook was ongoing too,which obviously Tae would've preferred would happen with less "intensity" shall we say.I have seen angry Tae during jikook moments and I have also seen Jimin noticing that and smirking.He didn't take it seriously but it's safe to assume that Tae was serious.It's interesting that jikook could converse and have flirty talking and Tae would be fine.But the extreme physical ones would rearrange his face. On the professional front, he was not being heard and recognized which was just a mess.
With the other members it too was easy to see.They started getting irritated with jikook for 1. BTS is not only jikook.But for a time it seemed only they were the bts.The others were just there.Jikook and co. It did not suit with other members. 2. They did not like jimin in taekook situation.I remember around that time Taekook were extremely hot and cold.And from that time(late 2018- early 2019) , vmin never seemed the same.There was a time when in interviews /place where Jikook was happening,RM and Jin would look from Tae to jikook I kid you not.It wasn't about romance.But couples are gonna fight and makeup.That's the rule of the universe.If you are picking sides in fights just remember after a while they are gonna be together and you are going to feel like shit.
Relationships that changed that you cannot deny no matter how much you look at it : 1. Suga-Jimin - Suga had a real softcorner for Jimin.Extreme is the right word.But now it is not like before.Instead Suga became extremely protective of V.
2. Jin- Jimin - I don't know what happened but again Jin has bonded with Tae for some time.Jin has had a great relationship with Jimin but now it's not reflected in their demeanor.
3. Vmin- The biggest change.They are cordial with each other.But they are not bffs no matter how much they preach it.Tae has kept Jimin outside his boundary of personal life for quite some time.They are professional so it is not apparent to the newcomers.But ARMY have seen them grow up.
I struggled with one thing.Why would Jimin not think V's anger was serious being his "bff"?I have a feeling he thought of it as silly.Not going to lie I think other members thought of it too.They couldn't put themselves in V's shoes as 1.They lacked perspective of a male who was attracted to another male. 2.They lacked serious relationship experience in general.From 2019 things changed.You can sense that the members really started giving their relationship respect.I wonder how much of it is because they have started their own serious relationships.Jin is 30,RM Hobi Suga all are way older than Vminkook.Before they used to tease Taekook and thought of them as chaotic duo,but how their attitude towards them has changed!
I also think their personal romantic relationships have taught them Tae's emotion was not a silly matter.Some things you cannot help.They also think of JK as a bit immature at times but professionally he is the mature man with excellent work ethic.I think no matter what JK does, he is soft corner of every hyung.
The members now has solo successes.They are secure.But in 2018 they were suddenly getting superstardom and they weren't ready.Insecurity about their abilities made them wary.Jikook getting the forefront most of the time was not appreciated.Jimin's overly caring attitude towards bts's future also I think pissed the members off.At 30 you want to have a relationship.Someone to go back to.You cannot be like work work all the time just slaving away.Jimin would rather taekook focus on their work more.I know each people can choose how they prioritise but taekook didn't want to abide by it. The members too.I know Jimin encouraged JK about his work a lot but there is a difference between JK and Jimin here.JK wants to be independent from BTS.Not that he doesn't want to be in bts.But he wants to sing,dance the way he wants,not because he is told to.JK is trying very very hard to be independent and establish his singer-songwriter profile and he has done a marvellous job with it.In contrast Jimin focuses on BTS as a whole.The problem is BTS is 7.6 more independent mind than Jimin. Idk what is in the future so lets wait and see.
Lisa anon😊
I thought of you when the weverse incident happened. I still stick to my opinion that a Liskook collab will not be well received by the fandoms but if it does happen then I would like to hear less of how shippers are the reason Tae and Jungkook chose not to interact with each other and how BigHit facilitated the awkward co-workers by not showing them in content.
I try not to form any concrete opinions about the BTS dynamics because like I said earlier they don't reveal much and I don't believe what celebrities say in general, they have an image to maintain after all. I do like theorizing even though I call them analysis, I don't consider them true analysis as we don't know or see enough.
I too have noticed Tae being uncomfortable during certain Jikook moments. Another one of the reasons Taekook stand out to me; why care about what your estranged bandmate does and over fanservice, which is scripted, of all things. If I'm not wrong they also rehearse fanservice so it can't be the first time he's seen it unlike the audience unless Jimin is doing impromptu stuff. He could be doing it to tease and genuinely doesn't see the problem, like you said maybe they don't consider it serious because it is different from their own experience with relationships. I don't want to assume anyone had any ulterior motives, I'm sure some of them had reservations about Taekook but not beyond a point-I'm not a fan of the hyungs know/expose Taekook trope. As much drama as Taekook can provide I'm sure they had their own personal problems to deal with.
I think the problem with vminkook and to an extent the rest of BTS is that they started off at the same point of familiarity and Taekook suddenly getting “closer” might also make Jimin and the others feel left out or annoyed. For the same reason, it's possible Jimin doesn't even think he's breeching any boundaries, I don't know if that makes sense. I'm sure and like you also pointed out that most of them seem to have outgrown that.
I admit I haven't paid much attention to Jimin and Yoongi's relationship but everyone I talk to agrees that Yoongi has a soft spot for Jimin and some who have access to Korean side say that Jimin is mostly seen with Jin and Yoongi outside of work and not with Jungkook which is the popular perception. So maybe they were able to move past it.
I agree about vmin. I never really gave importance to the soulmates/bff narratives. I consider these things part of fanservice and their stage personas much like Tae fanboying over Yoongi and Hobi, Jungkook saying Namjoon is his role model, or even Jungkook saying Tae brought him out of his shell. These might not be outright lies just one-liners that make it easier for fans and for themselves. The interesting thing about vmin is that no one needs much to believe that they're bffs (even vmin shippers seem to ship them as bffs lol) No one cares that they aren't spotted together, no one is out to debunk them because their dynamics changed, and no one is upset even when they interact. Very few popular ships are as non-contentious as vmin. If I had to pick a pair that did "drift apart" then I'd pick vmin (they still seem close all said and done). Pinpointing Jikook as the cause seems too easy. Tae and Jimin seem like people who don't have much in common that could be a reason.
In terms of Tae and Jikook: Apart from the company endorsement which may have inturn promoted Jimin. I don't blame Jimin completely for what Jikook brought about. Jungkook was an equal participant in the early years of Jikook. Again "blame" is a strong word as we don't know the exact status of Taekook's relationship around the time Jikook was being promoted. I don't think Jikook do anything over-the-top, just standard kpop fanservice with the difference being that BTS is hugely popular with an international audience who might not be exposed to this type of fanservice. I don't think Jikook are attracted to each other, nothing they have said or done makes me think otherwise. Tae's discomfort seems to be disproportionate to all the possible reasons we have listed so far and he seems fine when Jungkook does fanservice with other members, he himself seems fine indulging in fanservice. Some say Jungkook isn’t too fond of Taejin fanservice (🤷🏻♀️). This seems to be one of those things that can be categorized under Taekook Being Weird lol Maybe we'll find out in a few years.
Lastly, I think Jimin says things the fans want to hear (all of them do). So him "relying" on BTS could just be him pandering to fans and not because of lack of ambition or personal fulfillment.
I look forward to hearing more of your thoughts. You can message me or I can answer without posting your ask if you aren’t comfortable sharing controversial opinions.💜
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I was reading your tags on some fanart and I just don't understand. Why can't we add gifs? Why can't we tag to our blogs? I like to be organized too. Don't gifs provide a visual reference for our reaction to the art? Since maybe they can't understand English? I'm honestly not trying to be rude (I promise!) but I just don't understand what's so wrong with that. Especially when we are reblogging to our own blogs, not reposting :( please answer thank you
heya! i thought i placed the reason in the tags. “most artists do not want added images” .. but i guess if you guys really don’t wanna take my word for it, please read some of these. (⌒_⌒;)
Please do not add GIF. (´;ω;`)Although I say troublesome things, I am very happy if you like the picture! Thank you very much!
I do not want such an illustration under my picture.
Thank you very much. OK. But do not add images!
take it from their perspective, as the artist they probably don’t want added images/reaction gifs on the same post as their work because it distracts from their actual art and it sort of ruins the feeling they want for it. some artists even told me not to put “self-made remarks” so i just end up placing the names of the characters lol (°◡°)
an artist friend said this to me regarding this “It’s like going to an art exhibit.You don’t slap emojis and memes on the exhibit.”
most japanese artists take their work seriously. they probably want to keep their work on a professional level as well.
i also mentioned here that i need to respect the artists’ wishes. i said gifs can be added to any other post i make just not fanart– because i don’t own it and i have to follow rules given to me.
as for the next part, where did i say tho that you can’t tag stuff on your blogs? i made one new tag today for this midcin chibi fanart and i said “try not to tag full names so it doesn’t appear on google” - try not don’t. ✿
it was just a suggestion if people wanna help me out with avoiding fanart appearing on google images search and being reposted elsewhere because of it. not using full names lessens the chances of it showing up on google.
if you look at my posts, i’ve had tons of problems with reposting. i was just trying to minimize it. i mean you know, i COULD just post fanart and not care if it gets reposted because it’s not my work, but i actually DO care about the trust the artists have given me, so i go out of my way to look out for their stuff. i’m very busy but my friends can vouch for the fact that i do spend time reporting / talking to admins, or even emailing people to take down reposts. i figured it wouldn’t hurt to sometimes ask people to help me out. ☆
it’s lengthy but i hope it helps you out with your question! bottom line– if it’s the artist’s wish, i have to follow it and so do you if you want to reblog it. lol sorry but it’s their work! (^ ^*)/♡
by the way, i sometimes help them out with some comments’ translation if they don’t get it. but i’m sure they can use google too! it’s just that some comments don’t make sense to them. sometimes some of it don’t make sense to me either lol.
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I never did make a proper introduction post so here goes since people are starting to follow me.
I'm Adrian. I go by Adrian/Red/Jolie (primary stripper name, though I've also gone by Piper [yup] and Venus but because of the jokes had to stick with Jolie/Jojo). I'm technically not 22 until midnight, I was born on 11/24 at 11/24 pm. I have one son, named Archer after the show Archer. I tried to name him Liberty Prime but my fiance decided that was a no after our friends made Transformers jokes (a giant robot is a giant robot though). I'm a redhead. My current color is my natural but I might cave and go back to green. I'm an enby (pronouns be damned, no one ever remembers or takes it seriously and I can be super duper feminine so I stopped caring). I'm a huge supporter of sex workers (top 2 pics are from when I, myself, was a dancer/stripper) and sex positivity. My favorite color is green. I have a few super fun disabilities, and I'm very open about my personality disorder so people don't perceive us as evil or abusive. My other fandoms are Studio Ghibli, Watchmen, David Lynch, Ghost in the Shell, Life is Strange, and The Devil's Carnival/Repo! the Genetic Opera. I write, but I'm just now coming out of the closet about it, and will be posting a fic for the first time since April on Monday. My favorite animals are goats and possums. I'm a bit of a chameleon, and I guess now is a good time to compare myself to Deacon from FO4 for that reason (no shit - I actually shaved my head a few times but no pictures of it exist thank GOD). I change my looks all the time. I can not STAND sticking with one look. My favorite band is The Used and I had the opportunity to meet them earlier this year, I got Jason Aalon Butler's sweat on me in the pit at the same show bc he jumped in right next to me and I almost cried. Some other artists I love are Bat for Lashes, Ghost, Rage Against the Machine, Deftones, Depeche Mode, and Jeff Buckley. I have a cat named Mortimer, and I hoard vintage clothing (70s, mostly) but only ever wear leggings lol. I'm a cinephile, and my dream is working in film. My favorite movies are Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Howl's Moving Castle, Planet Terror, Party Monster, Inglourious Basterds, Eraserhead, The Devil's Carnival: Alleluia, Martyrs (NOT the American remake, I have not seen it), and Léon: the Professional. I'm agnostic. I will tell you "I love you" after talking for 10 minutes because I adore kind people and can count my friends on two hands.
I started playing Fallout AFTER 4's release (yes, I am open to roasting). New Vegas was my first, but I dropped it and turned to 4 when the game glitched out. It was actually really funny, the Kings started punching each other for no reason, no one died, and it wouldn't let me progress so I said fuck it aftet watching them dogpile for 20 minutes. I was drawn to 4 because my fiance's room mate had been playing it and ran around jumping off of shit in a hard hat and I thought it looked like a great way to waste time...then took it way too seriously. Ope.
This is my 3rd tumblr in 7 years. I really need to stop ragequitting and deleting accounts on various websites, but I tend to get anxious and dip out of anything involving socialization. Even on the internet. This blog is staying. I'm holding myself to it.
I am deathly deathly deathly afraid of spiders and the uncanny valley. Irony is great. My favorite ice cream is superman and I can often be seen playing with a 110 year old accordion that an ancestor brought from Czechoslovakia. I'm awake at the strangest hours (typically 9 am - 5 am) and will talk to anyone about absolutely anything.
Nazis can get their shit wrecked along with president tangelo and transphobes.
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