klbwriting · 6 years
Intrepid - Prologue
Young, But Not Stupid
Fandom: DCEU
Warnings: None yet
Note: This is a prequel series for Lois Lane.  I didn’t take anything from the comics and am basing this entirely on her character in the DCEU.  FC for young Lois - Katherine McNamera
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Lois Lane had spent most of her life wanting to impress her parents.  She was number 3 out of 4 children and unlike her siblings, she lacked what her parents felt was special.  She wasn't particularly book smart, though she devoured books, she wasn't a star athlete, and she wasn't dramatic or talented in the arts.  In her family she was the average middle child and often was forgotten or looked over.  This drove her to find her niche and early in college she discovered she had a knack for spinning a story from very little information.  She was intuitive and street smart, able to find a story and a source and landed herself on the collegiate newspaper as a star reporter.
Upon graduation she had been given several offers to large papers all over the country, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, but she went to the Daily Planet, the smallest of the publications and in the middle of Metropolis, a nice but small city in comparison with New York or Chicago.  That was what she liked, she knew she could make a name for herself, stand out in that landscape, maybe even get a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize for her work.  Her parents were disappointed in her choice, thinking her foolish for choosing the smallest and least paying job at the time.
For 5 years Lois toiled through getting coffee for staff reporters and fending off come-ons from the meathead sports editors of the time, eventually moving up to a senior reporter position at the age of 27.  The editor-in-chief, Perry White, noticed in Lois a drive to change the world through words and he respected that.  Her first assignment was something simple, investigate the disappearance of a local priest.  Perry had assumed she would find that he had run off with one of the parishioners, getting a nice byline on the front page and he could see how  she did with investigating.  He had no idea what she would do and that before the story was finished the name Lois Lane would be etched into history.
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romanoffscaptain · 7 years
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lois lane series ❃ daily planet
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klbwriting · 6 years
Intrepid - Chapter One
A Crappy First Day
Fandom: DCEU
Pairing: None yet
Warnings: none yet
Summary: Lois has her first day as a senior reporter and meets her partner, another young star named Zoe
Taglist: @downsideright
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(Zoe FC - Zoe Kravitz)
Zoe Anderson had been a senior reporter for nearly three years and in that time she had never met anyone who had a worst first day than Lois Lane.  She wasn't sure what happened but the woman came rolling into the morning staff meeting ten minutes late and soaking wet from head to toe.  And in that exact moment Zoe fell in love with her.   "Lois Lane! Glad you could make it now sit down," Perry said, voice dripping with sarcastic annoyance.  Lois blushed and tried to fix the mop of wet red hair on her head as she backed towards the empty chair next to Zoe. "Sorry, I got stuck on the subway, and then when I left the station a truck splashed a puddle..." she stammered before running into the chair and falling to the floor.  Perry sighed and shook his head.   "Lois Lane, our newest senior report everyone," Perry said.  The rest of the group was snickering behind their hands, already planning on what insulting nickname they would call Lois behind her back over coffee.  Zoe knew that feeling, she had what most called a 'nice' nickname of Chocolate Wonder but somehow no one seemed to realize how really insulting it was to her.  She stood and helped Lois to stand and into the seat.   "Thank you," she said, smiling at her.  Zoe nodded and sat down in her seat again. "Alright, now that that's over we can continue," Perry said, voice dry and bored.  "Anderson show Lane the ropes, I gave her the priest case to investigate so get her settled and then continue with the animal testing rally."  Zoe nodded and jotted down a couple notes on where to start the new girl while Lois wrote down her assignment.   As the meeting adjourned Lois collected her bag and looked to her new partner.  She looked excited but was trying to contain it with a calm facade, but Zoe could see through that easily.  She nodded her head and Lois followed her to a set of desks that were back to back.  One was piled with folders and binders and knick-knacks and the other was completely blank. "That is yours, get settled and the computer running and we will start," Zoe instructed, sitting down at her computer.  Lois set down her bag and jacket and sat in the chair, giving herself a moment to take in her new surroundings.  The desk was large and clean, very different from the tiny hole that she had had with the rest of the gophers.  It was busy in this area of the paper, people on phones and typing away at stories, a few TVs spread around to hear breaking news from 24-hour networks.  It was invigorating to Lois and she could just feel herself writing out an award winning story already.  After this brief pause in her day the new reporter got to work. "Ok, so ready to start?" Zoe asked when she noticed that the other woman had logged into their system.  Lois nodded.  "Nervous?" "Yes, is it obvious?" she asked.  Zoe chuckled and nodded.  "This is what I've wanted for a long time, and I've already messed up this morning so I have some ground to make up." "Then let's start making it up," her partner said, bringing up the assignments board.  After about an hour of walking her through their systems Zoe left Lois to her own devices and continued to work on her story.   Lois started by checking what facts were already gathered about the missing priest, finding the police report and reading it along with a background check file on him.  Father Thomas Lowe, 43, secondary priest at Nativity Catholic Church in downtown Metropolis, 6'0, blond hair, blue eyes, he looked younger than 43 and she could see why people assumed he had run away with someone.  He was handsome and it seemed like the woman who had reported him missing, the parish secretary, was infatuated with him.  She had mentioned several times in her statement that he had 'fine features, like a movie star'.  Lois was so engrossed in the information that she barely noticed the time passing, and she nearly fell out of her chair when Zoe tapped her shoulder. "Sorry," the woman said, noticing that she had startled the younger woman.  Lois smiled, relieved, and shook her head. "No worries, just was into what I was reading, did you need something?" Lois asked, turning to face her completely.  She took a moment to finally look over her desk partner, noticing that she was beautiful and Lois felt a tingle in her chest.  She was going to have to work on not crushing on her desk partners, she had learned that in college during a freshmen science class, dating people you shared a work space with never ended well.   "I was wanting to know if you wanted to get lunch?  Its almost 1 o' clock," Zoe said, grabbing her wallet from her bag.  Lois checked the time and nodded, getting up and taking her bag.   They went to a small cafe and got sandwiches, sitting by the window and watching the rain pour outside.  It was quiet at the beginning, them just eating in comfortable silence, trying to figure out where to start the conversation.  Zoe finally broke the silence. "How old are you anyway?" she asked, setting down her food and sitting back in her seat.   "27" she answered, sitting back herself. "What about you?  Perry said you were a young one, that's why he put us together."   "I'm 31," Zoe said.  She grabbed her drink and took a sip and then chuckled.  "You know, when you walked in this morning I thought you were an intern who got lost, you still look like a college kid."   "For a minute I thought Perry was going to fire me on the spot," she said, looking less enthused.  "I'm glad he didn't, I'm also glad he paired us together, its nice to work with someone who writes amazing articles like you do."   "You've read my stuff?" Zoe asked, looking surprised.  She didn't know why, she had taken a look at the few things Lois had gotten her hands on in the last 5 years there when she found out about their partnership.  That was common, checking on your deskmates past stories and complimenting them, but Lois seemed genuine, like she really liked Zoe's stuff. "Ya, of course and that writeup you did on the mayoral campaign last year, getting the scoop on the embezzling the manager was doing?  Awesome," she raved.  Zoe blushed some, turning to look out the window.  She checked her watch and stood, prompting the other woman to do the same. "This afternoon, if you need help with anything let me know, I have a contact at the diocese if you want to call them and get a comment about their missing padre," Zoe said.  "I have to run to a meeting with an informant so I can't walk you back, but here is my number, call me, anytime."  She handed Lois a card with her number on it and winked at the woman.  Lois blushed a little but smiled, taking the card and nodding, watching as Zoe left.  This day had started terrible but was starting to get better. Back at her desk Lois got back to work digging into Father Thomas.  She researched if he had any known involvement with nefarious activities or had any previous affairs with parishioners.  Nothing was on public file about him except for him graduating from seminary school in the 1980s and then coming to Nativity where he had been for almost all his years except for some missionary work in Africa.  The guy was spotless, completely clean, too clean.   Lois frowned.  Something was off about this guy and she knew it.  She wrote up a brief email to Perry, explaining her findings from that day and how long her article needed to be, suggesting maybe this be an ongoing investigative piece.  She had to wait only two minutes before getting back a reply that she was to write up a short piece and be done with it.  It was not worth digging into if the guy was clean.  'I will have another story for you tomorrow - Perry' the email finished.  She had never been one to break the rules before so Lois did as he asked, writing up a short piece on the disappearance before she clocked out and headed home, missing her train and having to walk the nearly 50 blocks in the pouring rain.   She got to her apartment and tossed her stuff down, thinking that this had to have been the worst first day ever until she pulled Zoe's card out of her pocket and remembered that she got to share a desk with her now.  Maybe the day hadn't been completely terrible after all.
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romanoffscaptain · 7 years
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lois lane series ❃ investigating
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romanoffscaptain · 7 years
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lois lane series ❃ hope (clark - one scene)
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