mariedemedicis · 16 days
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Ladies of House Martell:
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Trotz bewölktem Himmel und recht viel Wind sind wir zum Kreidefelsen Königsstuhl und zurück gewandert. Am Ende 13.5km. 🙌
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shouldiusemyname · 1 year
I just quickly want to say something about Lomfon...
I'm willing to risk my non-existent reputation, go out on a limb and risk major clowning because this will eat me up inside if I won't say it!
Lomfon is one of those who do not have a soul-mate in spite of his rain/hearing loss. Aaaand watch as I go out on my limb, as his name suggests he is the one that connects Patts and Tai (we know fon is rain but add to that the lohm which means wind/storm... You see?).
I'm willing to bet that this was the first time he was able to hear them. He was sceptical about the soul-mate thing because he could never hear anyone. However, once the connection between Patts and Tai was strong enough, he was somehow able to hear them. Which means that they are meant to be together. And it will probably have something to do with the keychain and the accident that delayed Patts and Tai's first meeting. Or some other completely and totally different and I will have to eat my words next week.
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It is time. TTPD has provided us with many fruitful acronyms. Let us commence the “how do you pronounce acronyms” discussion! Here are a few—ICDIWABH=ICK-di-wob, TSMWEL=tuh-SEM-well, MBOBHFT=some vague brain mush starting with “M,” ICFHNRIC=something vaguely like ick-frick but mostly just brain mush, ILIPW=il-LIP-wuh, COSOSOM=nonexistent this song is officially “Chloe et al” to me!!
I personally have taken to calling MBOBHFT mmm bob hift.
Likewise WAOLOM is wah-lohm
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puniyo · 2 years
A doubt regarding Thai...
To all the people who are watching PrapaiSky's story, and who understand Thai, Sky always calls him P'Pai. I can never seem to heard the "Pra" part of it. So I'm wondering, is "Pra" like an honorific or something? Also, I hear that wind is "lohm" or "sailohm" and since Prapai's name means the wind, are these like different words for the same meaning (as in you have multiple ways of saying something), or one is more "wind" while the other is more "breeze" or "gust"?
I'm a linguist so I'm terribly fanatic about languages. If someone can clarify this to me, you have my eternal gratitude.
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mimimomosasa · 1 year
peak of my EP ! would try to make it less loud
some vocals would make it in ending part
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Lohme. Island of Ruegen. April 2022.
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amberthefantasy · 15 days
'Neath Moon and Star
Chapter 11: Curse
Naris and Ryna rested until midday after their sleep. It would take a while for the statue to be built and for them to find the prophecies Nibani Maesa had asked for so they didn't worry about taking a little longer to rest after so much work. 
They managed to get a free pass to Balmora from Emelia just as she left the hall. Both the mer were still somewhat stumbling as they walked, weariness still wore down Naris' bones as he walked towards Caius' house. 
The imperial was again seated at his table, this time reading over some report that he lowered when Naris entered. "You have returned. What happened?"
"The Wise Woman says that I am not the Nerevarine," Naris said, Caius' face dropped slightly. "But that I may become him."
"Ah wise women, always so cryptic," Caius shook his head.
"She also said she needs some help to find lost prophecies the ashlanders no longer know," Naris said.
"This sounds like something that Mehra Milo can help me with. I'll have to be careful. I don't want to risk getting her in trouble. But she may be able to find out whether the Dissident Priests do have any records of Ashlander Nerevarine prophecies, and, if so, how we might get a look at them. It may take some time. But I'll let you know when I find out," Caius nodded in dismissal and Naris left without another word.
Naris opened his eyes. Red Mountains ashy peak rose into the distance. "Yi'lohm en cilver?" a soft voice asked from behind him. He turned to see another mer standing there, golden eyes filled with an unasked question. 
"Yes hle lohm?" He responded, smiling softly at the other mer.
"How do you do it?" His companion asked.
"Do what?" Naris cocked his head.
"Lead so easily?"
He laughed. "I have no idea."
"Naris!" Caius' voice called from the doorway of the cornerclub. Naris jumped to his feet and hurried over. Caius had never come to him to give orders, this must be urgent.
"Caius? What is wrong?" Naris asked when he reached him. 
"Champion Raesa Pullia at Fort Buckmoth says a patrol found a Sixth House base in a cave the locals call Ilunibi," Caius said slightly breathless. "However, the one trooper who escaped to report has died of corprus disease. Before he died, the trooper reported fighting with monsters and cultists, and something about a powerful Sixth House priest called Dagoth Gares. But go talk to Raesa Pullia at Fort Buckmoth. She'll have all the details." 
Naris nodded quickly, rushing back to gather his things. Ryna hurried to gather her own weapons, asking quick questions that Naris answered with short sentences. 
The fort was mostly empty when the two dunmer arrived and it was easy to find Raesa Pullia in the main hall. "Ma'am, I have been told that you have discovered a base of the Sixth House?" Naris said after introductions.
"Yes, only one trooper returned. He died soon after, horribly disfigured with corprus disease, and out of his wits. In his ravings, he spoke of a cavern on the coast -- he called it "Ilunibi." It's not on our maps; try asking locals in Gnaar Mok. They fought with cultists and disfigured man-beasts -- corprus monsters, I think. They fled the attackers and got lost in the caves. Then they ran into a half-man creature named Dagoth Gares," Raesa shuddered. "This Dagoth Gares slew the rest of the patrol, but spared the one trooper. He told the trooper he was being spared, so he might tell others that "The Sleeper Awakes," and "The Sixth House has Risen," and "Dagoth Ur is Lord, and I am his Priest," and "All will be One with Him in the Flesh." The trooper awakened outside the caves and returned here. We couldn't recognize him, and he didn't respond to questions... just kept rambling on like a madman until he died."
Naris took a deep breath. "Where was the base?"
"Ilunibi," Raesa said. "A sea cavern near Gnaar Mok. It is on no maps but the locals may know."
"We will find the cave and avenge your comrade," Ryna said
"Thank you," Raesa smiled slightly.
The locals did know of a few caves that may be Illunibi. They had decided to try the largest, that made the most sense. The entrance to the cavern was empty. Ryna clicked her tongue, "maybe we chose wrong?" She said softly.
Naris opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a gurgling cry. He raised his longsword and sliced it cleanly through the ash monster's neck. "I don't think we did," he said lightly.
The two dunmer fought their way through section and section in the cave, trying to find whatever had made the scouts lose their minds, but seeing nothing. "Daedra!" Ryna called as they entered another section. Naris flicked one of his daggers from its sheath and threw the poisoned blade at the creature. It let out a shriek as the blade connected and it dissolved into ash. More daedra appeared behind the banished one and other creatures Naris didn't recognize followed. Naris and Ryna fought around each other in the obviously practised way that only came from working together many times. 
They cut through the monsters with ease, finding themselves in a room of ashes and corpses before long. "The Sixth House greets you, Lord Nerevar. Or Naris, as you call yourself," a raspy voice called from around a corner. Naris took a few steps forward and let out a shuddering breath, an odd creature stood before him, a monstrous thing that Naris wished he could look away from but found he couldn't. "I am known as Dagoth Gares, priest of Ilunibi Shrine, and minister to Sixth House servants. My Lord, Dagoth Ur, has informed me of your coming. I wish that this time you had come to honour your Lord's friendship, not to betray it."
"Lord's friendship?" Naris scoffed. Friendship, yes it felt like friendship to be attacked every time he even got close to a monster of the Sixth House. 
"Lord Dagoth gives me these words to say to you, so you may give them thought. ' Once we were friends and brothers, Lord Nerevar, in peace and in war. Yet beneath Red Mountain, you struck me down as I guarded the treasure you bound me by oath to defend. But, remembering our old friendship, I would forgive you, and raise you high in my service.' " Naris had to resist the urge to snarl at the word service and allow the monster to continue. "My Lord Dagoth bids you come to Red Mountain. For the friendship and honour that once you shared, he would grant you counsel and power, if only you would pledge that friendship anew. I am not your Lord Dagoth, yet I, too, would say to you... Do you come with weapons to strike me down? Or would you put away your weapon, and join me in friendship?"
Naris took a moment to think, before raising his sword. "I don't do service, or friendship with dead mad gods." He launched himself forward. Dagoth Garis flicked his hands to throw a fireball that Naris managed to dodge. He distantly heard Ryna curse and saw an arrow shoot through the air and sink into the monster's shoulder. 
Dagoth Garis was obviously not expecting to fight two people because seemed to be struggling to decide between getting rid of the interloper or fighting the one he perceived as more of a threat. It was useful for Naris though, because he managed to avoid all of the fireballs and lightning strikes sent his way before slicing the blade of his sword down on the monster's head. 
Dagoth Garis fell to the ground with a grunt. "Even as my Master wills, you shall come to him, in his flesh, and of his flesh." A croaking groan rang through the cave. Naris gasped, clutching at his heart where it felt like a blade had just been sliced through. 
"Naris?" Ryna asked. Naris spotted her hand reaching toward him and jumped back.
"Don't touch me," Naris gasped. "I think he just gave me corprus."
Naris and Ryna managed to stumble back to Balmora, taking almost an entire day and night to reach the walled city. Naris still refused to let Ryna touch him, especially after his forearm began to ache and bloat in confirmation of his suspicions. 
"I will go to Caius Cosades," Ryna was saying as they reached the walls of the city. "He may know of something to help."
"He may not be willing to speak with someone who is not a blade," Naris said softly. "And there is no cure for corprus."
"Well I have to try," Ryna snapped.
Naris looked up at her from where he had sat against the stone walls of Balmora. Her eyes were shining with emotion and Naris felt a stab at his heart. "Try," he repeated. "You can try."
"I will!" Ryna insisted. "Wait here."
Naris did wait for a while. He let out little hisses when the skin of his arm, and now his lower right leg, were pulled by the curse placed upon him. Naris shifted his sleeve to look at his arm. The skin was bludging in a way that made his lip curl, and the colour of it had changed, turning a paler, sickly colour. 
"Naris?" Ryna's voice came from beside him.
Naris looked towards her and felt a sense of hope run through him at the happy look on her face. "Yes?"
"Caius was pleased with the death of Dagoth Garis," she began. "And he said he has heard of a Telvanni who is researching a cure for corprus. Lord Divayth Fyr, he lives on an island near Azura's Coast."
"Well then," Naris stood with a grunt. "We should at least try!"
'NMaS masterlist / post masterlist
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tiefinmeinerseele · 2 months
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Lohme - Rügen
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lohmslaw · 7 months
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mariedemedicis · 14 days
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Ladies of House Martell:
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05.10.23 - Usedom -> Rügen
Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier - Schwimmen ... wie löblich und konsequent ... vor dem Frühstück und anschließend laaaanges gemütliches Frühstücken...
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Hotel - The breeze Rückseit mit toller Außenterrasse.
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(Der Pool im Hotel - The breeze)
...bevor wir unseren "Umzugswagen" in Richtung Rügen bewegt haben. Mittlerweile sind wir dort angekommen und wohnen nun im Panorama Hotel in Lohme. Wetter stimmt zumindest heute noch. 😀
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Welcome to the 2023 Organization Exhibition Area!
The UJC aims to amplify the work being done in our communities in the areas of justice reform, civic engagement, education, and more. We’re excited to welcome over 50 organizations from across the U.S. to our Organization Exhibition Area, designed to highlight their missions, programs, resources, and calls to action. Join us on 12/1 to meet our partners. Click the link to register! 1Hood Media American Probation and Parole Association Anti Recidivism Coalition Black Voters Matter Center For Employment Opportunities (CEO) Center for Policing Equity Due Process Institute Equal Justice USA Foundation to Combat Antisemitism Good Call Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison Innocence Project Last Prisoner Project LIFE Camp Inc. March For Our Lives National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers National Lawyers Guild-New York City Chapter National Sheriffs' Association PeacePlayers Brooklyn & PeacePlayers US Promise of Justice Initiative REFORM Alliance Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) Students Demand Action Terence Crutcher Foundation The Botham Jean Foundation The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth The Clean Slate Initiative The Gathering for Justice The LOHM The Opportunity Network The Sentencing Project Transformational Prison Project United Way of New York City Until Freedom Youth Justice Network
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lifeonhardmode · 9 months
day 24
Surprise... I did not get up early and do side job. I did have a nice relaxing day anyway. I did some cleaning and stuff in the morning, checked in at work1 to send reminders and get things straightened out for my day off, hung out with BF all day, came home and ate dinner and did some more work1, did some more cleaning and whatnot. Nice day does not equal winning on my LOHM goals, however. Today's score is 40%. I did no side job, no workout, no saving money -- I bought a blazer for work at the thrift store. It's work clothes and I was needing one, but... still not strictly necessary for survival.
I'm going to work1 from home all day tomorrow, then ... I'm going to be bad and go get a tattoo on Friday. I should not be spending money right now. I'm going to do it anyway. They are both true.
My main laptop seems to be heading downhill. For the last couple of days it's been refusing to charge from certain outlets (or maybe that's my pattern-seeking ape brain?), but today I can't get it to charge at all.
This same symptom has been the kiss of death for all my past Chromebooks. I love Chromebooks very much but computer repair guys don't repair them; they say I should just replace them when they die. And they do inevitably die. However, all computers inevitably die so you might as well buy computers that are cheap (aka Chromebooks) or the ones that you love (aka Chromebooks) -- oh wait those two things are the same thing.
Anyway, as soon as I realized it wasn't charging at all, I backed it up onto a hard drive and logged into my personal accounts on my work laptop. Which means I might have to actually learn how to use Mac. Ugh. (I VPN to a windows on my Mac, I don't ever actually use it in Mac mode, so I am still unfamiliar with the ecosystem and keyboard shortcuts. In case anyone was wondering how I use this laptop for work every day yet don't know how to use it. lol.)
Using such an expensive computer for my own all-day-every-day YouTube & spreadsheets bullshit makes me nervous. I will probably end up buying another Chromebook. Can't really afford that either.
Anyway... tomorrow is focus work1, focus work2, workout, go to bed early. I will probably work long hours at work1 in order to make sure I can take Friday off. I have no plans for this weekend so I shall plan on putting in a lot of hours at work2 and workouts. Goodnight.
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celtfather · 1 year
Streets of Derry #613
Visualizing walking the Streets of Derry listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
JuhaRossi, Scottish Fish, Lily Bentley, Arise & Go, Mary Beth Carty, Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner, Alli Johnson, Corey Purcell, Victoria Johnston, Gordon McLeod, Clare Sands, Brian Finnegan, Brad The Piper, Voice of Lir, The Celtic Kitchen Party, Brass Lassie
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Subscribe and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.Vote Now!
Two weeks after the episode is launched, I compile your votes to update a playlist on Spotify and YouTube. These are the results of your voting. You can help these artists out by following the playlists and adding tracks you love to your playlists. Follow us on Facebook to find out who is added each week.
Listen on Spotify and YouTube.
0:02 - Intro: Tamsin Silver
0:25 - Juha Rossi "Glen of Aherlow (feat. Valentine Fatout - Bineau)" from Irish Tunes on Mandolin
3:48 - WELCOME
5:37 - Scottish Fish "Freefalling" from Upscale
9:35 - Lily Bentley "Ploughboys in the Gloaming" from Norwood Gothic
12:52 - Arise & Go "Slides & Polkas: Cuz Teehan's #1 / Cuz Teehan's #2 / Mairtin O'Connor's / The Ballydesmond / Jessica's Polka" from Meeting Place
17:29 - Mary Beth Carty "Blueberry Mountain" from Crossing the Causeway
21:36 - FEEDBACK
26:14 - Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland, Brad Kolodner "Farewell Dundee • Babe of Bethlehem" from The Birds' Flight
29:51 - Alli Johnson "Streets of Derry" from Into the Hollows
34:00 - Corey Purcell "Polkas (Gas Station Sushi/Whiskey and a Fiddle)" from Undaunted
37:13 - Victoria Johnston "Tar Liom" from Where the Lights Glow
Pronunciation: Tar Liom-Tar Lohm
40:41 - Gordon McLeod "Twelve of Sheila's Lads" from Still Fiddlin'
44:22 - THANKS
46:44 - Clare Sands & Brian Finnegan "Dealán Dé"
Pronunciation: Dealán Dé-Deal - awn Day
50:36 - Brad The Piper "Cradle 2 the Grave" from The Forgotten Game
55:05 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "The Ottawa Jail Song" from Lobster Tail and Beer
1:00:07 - The Elders “Moore St. Girls” from The Secret World of Celtic Rock and American Wake
1:04:22 - CLOSING
1:06:13 - Brass Lassie "Moch Diluain Ghabh I 'n Cuan" from Brass Lassie Pronunciation: Moch Diluain Ghabh I 'n Cuan-Mac Diloon GHav in Gyuan-That GH is a bit of gutral back of your throat kind of thing.
1:09:25 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode. Big thanks to Neill McShea who shared pronunciations for the Celtic song titles.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn. I’m a musician and podcaster out of Atlanta, Georgia. This Podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
This isn’t just the music of Ireland or Scotland. It’s Celtic Music from around the globe and in your own neighborhood. Celtic music is local and I want you to be a part of the show.
Hey Celtic Bands, I’m looking for new music and stories in 2023. To submit your band, just complete the permission form at 4celts.com. You’ll also find information on how to submit a story behind one of your songs or tunes.
I plan to release an album pin to promote the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I launched a Kickstarter that goes along with the re - release of our compilation CD, The Secret World of Celtic Rock. The Kickstarter launches at the end of July on the podcasts’ 18th birthday. You’ll be to buy the CD and the album pin and support the podcast.
Make sure to follow our pre - launch page in the shownotes.
Because of Your kind and generous support, this show comes out at least four times a month. Your generosity funds the creation, promotion and production of the show. It allows us to attract new listeners and to help our community grow.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Bill Mandeville, Marti Meyers, Meghan Walker, Dan mcDade, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Gary R Hook, Lynda MacNeil, Kelly Garrod, Annie Lorkowski, Shawn Cali
Go to our Patreon page.
Decide how much you want to pledge every week, $1, $5, $10. Make sure to cap how much you want to spend per month.
Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos.
Sign up to Learn more about next year’s invasion when it is announced at http://celticinvasion.com/
#celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? You can take a screenshot of the podcast on your phone. You can send a written comment along with a picture of what you're doing while listening. Or how about a picture you took of a band that you saw.
How would you like to introduce an episode of the podcast? It’s super easy. Contact me for details.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail, message me on Facebook, or contact me through Mastodon @[email protected].
Tom Morley emailed around St Patrick's Day: "Marc, Our Chattanooga - based band Stringer's Ridge played a concert on St. Patrick's Day at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC. (I am there on the faculty at the famous folk arts school usually once a year teaching beginning or intermediate Irish Fiddle.) We had a wonderful crowd and it was a great way to spend the best Irish day of the year! I am enclosing several photos of us at the historic Keith House where we put on the concert. (Tom Morley - fiddle, Fran Morley - bodhran, Bryant Haynes - guitar)
Thanks for all you do to promote Irish trad music!"
Marilyn S. Hansen sent a photo about Easter Rising Band: "14 seminarians got together years ago in St. Louis and developed an Irish band. Most of them are married now. They play at each other’s weddings, but they also have regular gigs. The interesting part is how their kids take part… This is last year‘s celebration. I was out of town this year celebrating my sister’s birthday the day before St. Patrick’s Day. Thought I’d send you last year’s photo. I’ll send you a few that they’ve sent to me for this year.
Pete Watson emailed St Pat's photos: "Hi Marc, The Bookends had a fabulous time playing a number of shows throughout Ontario around St. Patrick's Day.Attached is a photo of Miriam (left) and Cait (right) on St. Paddy's Day for our gig at The Rec Room, Toronto, with our regular special guest bodhrán player extraordinaire, Romano Di Nillo.Romano is just back from 4+ years with Come From Away on Broadway and we were so glad to have him with us for these shows.The venue was handing out some "paddywhackery" to attendees and these 3 couldn't resist putting some on!"
Bruce Cummings, a Piper emailed a photo: "Hey Marc!Just to say how much I enjoy listening to the Celtic music you provide. You asked for pictures from St. Patrick's Day 2023, so here's a couple. I am part of the Lane Fire Brigade Pipes and Drums in Eugene Ore. We had a great weekend piping in the area.Keep up the good work!"
Jim O'Connor of Boston Blackthorne emailed a photo: "Hi Marc -hope you had a fabulous holiday!
Boston Blackthorne played 3 nights in Western MA, centered around St Patrick’s Day as well as the big parade (the nation’s oldest) in Holyoke MA.We played to crowded enthusiastic fans in Northampton MA and Holyoke MA.But perhaps the best gig (and story) was the one that arose spontaneously back in the lobby of our hotel after our St Pat’s evening show.
The hotel lobby is most frequently empty but this night is was crowded with about 100 boisterous folks from Minnesota, visiting Massachusetts to support a Women’s college Hockey team.
We were approached by the unofficial spokesperson who pointed at our guitar and fiddle and asked, “Can you really play those?”
I answered of course we can, and this is your lucky night!Not only has your party been invaded by musicians, we are an Irish band and this is St Patrick’s Day! We proceeded to unpack our instruments and did a set of singalongs like Charlie on the MTA for the Boston connection.Halfway through the set our wives came into the lobby -my wife grumbled to Pete’s wife, “This party is going to keep us up all night!”Pete’s wife Maureen looked a little closer and exclaimed, “Hey that’s Jim and Pete in the center of it all!”They joined the fray, we had the best gig of the year playing for this group of strangers from the Midwest, wonderful folks who doubtless went home with a great tale and the definition of the work “Craic!”
  Check out this episode!
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dramalocks · 2 years
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☇✈ ohm + nanon; simples + edit ♡❞
☇ like or reblog ⋮ @iamoureuxz_
☇ don’t repost our edits
☇ psd by: @kpop-locks
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