thecpdiary · 3 years
Common Sense Decisions
Common sense decisions make common sense, understanding when it is time to make better decisions and we’re all responsible for those. Around Covid-19 common sense decisions are important. Those decisions can save lives.
Doing something because someone says we should, isn’t common sense if what they’re asking is going to make us worse off, or puts us in harms way; that isn’t common sense. We’ve been in lockdown three times.
We’ve had precautionary reluctantly measures enforced again, but precautionary measures should never have been lifted. We were then told they were no longer necessary and told to get back into our lives. But whilst we were being told they were unnecessary, people weren’t being careful and Covid-19 continued to spread.
Parents over the months have also pleaded through social media with the UK Government to make sure their children remained safe once they were back in school. As a result of no measures in school, four out of five children in the UK aged between 5 and 14 have now had Covid. (Source: uk.news.yahoo.com)
When schools eventually reopened, head teachers were not been being told to take the necessary precautions for children coming back into school, and as a result of that, children got sick with Covid. It is only fairly recently that masks have been introduced into schools. Older students are now adding to the problems, because they are refusing to take lateral flow tests, and wear masks in school. (Source: bbc.co.uk)
Although students wearing masks in school is another one of the UK Government’s u-turns, what we really needed was common sense decisions being made from the start, from a government who care about the people they serve. It’s not what we have here, but it’s also not helping that everyone now has an opinion, and it’s not always in favour of common sense.
For more inspirational, life-changing blogs, please check out my site https://www.thecpdiary.com
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imadoctordamnit · 11 years
logicaldecisions started following you
"Sixteen cases," he muttered under his breath, jabbing at the control panel to update his records, "sixteen in the last month. What the hell is going on?"
Deeply submerged in his inner damnation of the whole Enterprise and her crew, Leonard didn't notice the entrance of his fellow science officer. So, when he turned and was abruptly greeted with the sight of him, it was a less than pleasant affair.
"Jesus! You sneaky bastard! What are you doing just lurking around?" he growled, clutching the fabric above his chest and trying to calm his pulse, quickened from the surprise.
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getoffthere · 11 years
"Well, a' leas' y' won' bloody 'urt yerself," Scotty comments wryly, wiping the last of some silly string off a panel. If it had been a silly-stringing match anywhere but the engineering decks- his decks, he liked to think- he might have been amused. As it was, the Chief Engineer was less than. Not because he disproved of the fun, more that he disproved of idiots playing with idiot things where he was liable for their injuries. Also, burnt silly string smelled awful. He had no idea why they still sold the stuff, there had to be something that was less horrendous on the senses. "T' wha' do I ow' th' visit, Commander, eh?"
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respectsthechair · 11 years
+ 3 have entered the bridge.
Tumblr media
"Yeah? Come to throw another report at me to sigh?"
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khanthegreat-blog · 11 years
"If it isn't the favourite Vulcan..." Khan smirked as he caught sight of the pointed ears.
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logicaldecisions replied to your post: ♥ idek #yolo
[And thus starts the sassiest relationship of all existence] “I had heard that it was customary for your culture to propose in a marriage. Or are my facts incorrect in this matter?"
Jim rolled his eyes at that. "It said we'd already be married, no need for proposing and all that crap. But you're not wrong."
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♥ idek #yolo
"You're not getting a proper proposal, if that’s what you want."
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♔ you know im right
s t a h p
have a zach gif ‘cause i can
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Tagged by im-a-doctor-not-an-escalator and comforting-lies-final-moments
*always post the rules*
*answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones*
*tag 11 new people and link them to the post*
*let them know you’ve tagged them*
im-a-doctor-not-an-escalator's questions:
1. What is your favorite beverage?
Hmmm I'd go with the elderflower drink.
2. Are you a fan of Tim Burton?
Not a fan per say, but I enjoy his works.
3. Why does the caged bird sing?
 Because it wants out? I actually went to google if you meant that as an idiom or something alike, sinceineverheardthephraseassuchbefore. -rollsofftobackwatercountryofmine- xDD
4. If there was someone in your life worth the cost, would you die for them?
Had the situation come to that and if they really were worth the cost, probably? 
5. What is a funny story from your childhood?
I actually can't think of a funny one, my childhood was kind of boring. .-.
6. Are you on a laptop, desktop or mobile right now?
Laptop :3
7. Is there such a thing as love at first sight?
Probably? Depends on the person, I guess. 
8. What food will you never try?
Anything with mushrooms 'cause I cant stand those.
9. Are you a musical fan? What is your favorite?
 Hmmm, actually not, I haven't watched that many yet o3o First one that comes to mind is The Phantom of the Opera right now c: unless you meant live musicals, to those I haven't been yet xD 
10. Hair color?
Ginger-ish c:
11. What is a game you will play over and over and never tire of?
Uno :D I still love playing that after ages. Unless you meant a video game xD
comforting-lies-final-moments's questions:
1. Where do you want to be right now?
Someplace colder then dying in all this heat ;~;
2. What is your favorite planet?
3. Who is your favorite movie villain?
Hmmmm Loki? idunno xD
4. Who do you want to see right now?
...all my tumblr friends fffff xD no really ;3;
5. In your last moments, who do you want to talk to?
People I was close to.
6. Who is your celeberity crush?
7. Have you ever fallen in love?
8. Do you believe in life after death?
Pretty sure something exists after death. We just don't know.
9. What do you want to be when you “grow up”?
Graphic designer o3o
10. If you could be any animal or supernatural creature, what would you be?
Oh boy...a dragon :D 
11. What colour is your hair?
Ginger-ish c:
My questions:
1. Favorite superhero.
2. Coffee or tea?
3. Summer or winter?
4. Do you have any pets? If not, would you want to?
5. Last book you read?
6. Favorite place on Earth you'd love to visit?
7. One thing on your bucket list?
8. What type of music do you listen to?
9. Favorite type of food?
10. What definitely gets you into a good mood?
11. Last movie you watched?
People I tag:
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“Sometimes you make me want to rip the damn bangs off your head with your remarks and smartass attitude…
…but I couldn’t have wished for a better Commander…and a friend.”
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logicaldecisions replied to your post: ✧
“I am glad my appearance is different to that which you find appealing.”
"I didn't say that. But alright."
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“Your eyebrows.”
“I mean really, how can someone not?”
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Stalks in a logical Vulcan awesome eared way
well den.
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logicaldecisions replied to your post: Fear in Your Eyes: Muse is deathly afraid of tribbles which just so happen to be running around the enterprise
Walks in holding two Tribbles. “Captain, there appears to be a problem.”
"I locked the door how did you even-" His eyes widened at the sight of what the other was holding and he shuffled to the far end of the bed, lifting a hand. "No, no, no, k-keep those damn things away from me!"
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 #youre so mean #have some spock sass #i almost put spocks ass #which you cant have because its covered in his federation approved trousers
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logicaldecisions replied to your post: [[ gah I gotta get this essay done ]]
cough outofhairgel cough. I mean what?
[ stahp it my hair's glorious ]
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