#logarius could not have inherited such dying will without consequences
katyspersonal · 2 years
Hey hey! Real quick, what's your dynamic for Queen Annalise and King Cain? You are one of the only two people with a king in mind lol. Also, Anna is underrated she deserves some interest
Well first things first, 'Cain' is a nickname I do use so far as I don't know what his real name could be yet. Naming characters is THE hardest part don't @ me! It is lost in translation but it is said that name of Queen Yharnam has been inherited for generations, so I came up with this headcanon that upon unholy marriage by Pthumerian ritual (with ring of betrothal you can propose to Annalise with, in order to start conception of a blood child) they do assume these names. A Queen assumes name Yharnam, and a King assumes name Cain. Something that ended up not happening because Executioners bursted in before the ritual was complete.
Annalise and Cain have been friends since childhood as Cain, and current Crow of Cainhurst, were children of the staff (the guy executing the wrongdoers that deserved (?) it, never pictured on the portraits because that's not a worker anyone needs to know the face of). Cain seemed to have been keeping somewhat of a respectful 'distance' since age like, 6, when he started to understand his and others' feelings more but it was not because of her status as a princess. Rather, he just admired her as a person - smart, talented, already acting regal in moreso serious than spoiled way. He early learned that lying to her or arguing with her was a bad idea so they formed a bond where he would be genuine with her and give her advices in such a way that it'd feel as if she came up with a good decision instead. Annalise, on the other hand, learned to appreciate the rare person not trying to benefit from her status, nor attempting serious influence on her. It is a kind of friend royalties gotta learn to treasure as they're so rare.
Around teen years, like 15, Cain would develop a habit to bring her various gifts he'd make himself passing them as 'just gestures for his friend' but Annalise wasn't stupid, and it was the first time since childhood they had a bad fight again because... well, he forgot that lying to her was a bad idea now? xD She wasn't stupid and realised his crush and was upset he'd try to be elusive about it. But he had a reason to, because they did not even have a hope to marry when they're older - as a princess she did have to think about "continuing the bloodline" and all that nonsense, right? Needed to marry someone efficient for the purpose.
She also had a say on his gifts being cute but 'pointless' since she could have bought everything she wanted anyways, however he'd continue gifting them anyway, and she'd continue to secretly stash them all in a secret room. One of them was a ribbon thing that you see wrapped around the helmet she is wearing in game though that he gifted her when he no longer wanted to wear it - it is now used as a (working) lucky charm to not lose herself completely since her mind transcends physical realm now.
Around time they grew up, thanks to Byrgenwerth, Cainhurst was finally able to get in touch with their lost heritage that they kept failing to retract from the dungeons (just look at all the armours of fallen Cainhurst warriors scattered down there!). Things sort of changed, a lot. Cain became a captain of the Knights (that Maria inspired) and his brother became a guardian tasked with seeking blood dregs for her, but more importantly? They now could marry! Officially!
However that "marriage" would mean a terrible fate for Cain as the 'king' figure is a final sacrifice when the child of blood is born, but at this rate both Annalise and Cain were going almost insane for the prospect of what new future their whole clan could have. If Cain was scared - she'd convince him it was worth it, if Annalise waw scared - he'd convince her he's ready to take fate worse than death for her ambitions and dreams, basically they entered a loop none could escape thanks to the effort of another. His feelings for her only grew stronger though and he was feeling happy - they liked to sit at the two thrones near each other as kids to play and as teens to pretend they could be the royal couple, but now they finally were doing it for REAL!
So yeah as you can see, they still had somewhat imbalanced relationship but funny enough it was not because of their (previously) varying statuses - it was a combination of Cain being a simp malleable and Annalise being assertive. By the time they proceeded with the ritual, both were so insane for their pursuit that they compared with Byrgenwerth scholars themselves and did not realise they were sacrificing the future they did want for the future they had no even clear idea what would bring, for a child they would not even get to raise together! They were desensitised for something more important but by now Annalise came to her senses and regrets having lost the sight of simple things that made her human... err, vampire? Well you get the point!
She won't say it though, but even if now Executioners are not here to abort a second attempt at a blood child, she won't try again even with as much as a stranger she has no big backstory with, so she refuses our proposing. Not much because of feeling too lonely to give a company already - she used to it over many years, plus she can transcend dimensions while asleep as someone with immortal mind even if her body is dead. But mostly because that'd be an admission Cain was just a 'pawn', a 'failed attempt' and be a disgrace to his fate; it is too late but it doesn't mean she should proceed after such a horrible mistake. I'd say it is a rare courage to stop with the wrong way even if it is too late to redeem and repent and mistakes can't be fixed, something all the mad clerics + scientists in the settings did NOT have, so maybe I hurried to compare her with an average Byrgenwerth student?..
(Needless to mention that for this sort of "marriage" gender of the 'king' figure doesn't matter (we can propose no matter what gender our Hunter is!). If the person is by default infertile of just isn't packed with what they need to impregnate the 'queen' with a child of blood - they undergo a painful physical change as part of a ritual, though.)
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Also slight notice, he is shorter than her!
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