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Joker Out, Vilnius Loftas 8.3.23
📸 from @/rugille_iv
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extreme fatigue and fogginess?
hi! if you're super fatigued you should rule out sleep apnea, 80% of people with it are undiagnosed, 1 in 5 people has it. it's when your airway collapses when you are sleeping. it's unsurprisingly seriously bad for your health for you to stop breathing while you're sleeping and even apparently puts you at risk for a higher chance of 'sudden death' (terrifying, and why I am gonna give my new cpap machine a real try).
just a psa because i have had chronic fatigue (the symptom and also likely me/cfs, unless i make a miraculous recovery) and needed a sleep study for a long time and lo and behold i have it, i stop breathing 12 times an hour. some people like my dad have apneas like 45 times an hour. take it seriously. here's hoping the cpap helps with my fatigue, i have heard glowing reviews from several people.
also if you are in the US and able to fork over $180, i have heard someone recommend lofta, you can get the sleep test equipment sent to your house and a prescription for a cpap if you have it. you can't get a cpap without a script.
if you don't have it and/or it doesn't make a significant impact, many people are developing me/cfs as a result of postviral illness (even if you had asymptomatic covid, 60% of cases are and they still cause damage to your body). this also could be you, get some bloodwork and start ruling things out if you can.
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Victoria De Angelis on her first DJ Tour (2024)
Menų Fabrikas Loftas - Vilnius, Lithuania | video: eva92s
#pretty proud that i managed to cut out most of the aggressive flashing~ you can tell though lmao#how many types of teeny tiny bikinis does she have#also if i'm not mistaken luna was there taking videos of her <33 i love sapphics#måneskin#maneskin#victoria de angelis#vic de angelis#flashing#flashing lights#flashing gif#flashing gifs#eyestrain#eye strain#sapph's post#s/må#s/må.dj#s/må.tour
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Igorrr. Vilnius. Lithuania. Loftas. Fragments. 01.04.23
Best of the best of the best.
#Igorrr #Vilnius #Lithuania #Loftas #music #concert #sergejbiohazardov
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ザ・アトミック・カフェ×ジョー横溝 主催トークイベント 「ミュージシャンと考える民主主義」
東京 阿佐ヶ谷ロフト A
5月27日(月) OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00
▶現地観覧チケット (一般)前売 2000円/当日2500円(ドリンク代別) (U23)前売 1000円/当日1500円(ドリンク代別)※要身分証提示 ※前売券は5月8日(水)12:00 Livepocketで発売(予定)
▶配信チケット 1000円 ツイキャスプレミア配信(アーカイブ2週間)
出演: 片平里菜(ミュージシャン) 高田漣(ミュージシャン) 西田亮介(社会学者)
司会: ジョー横溝
世界的にも、国内でも“民主主義の危機”が叫ばれている今……。 “炭鉱のカナリア”的存在とも言えるミュージシャンはこの状況をどんな風にとらえているでしょうか? あるいは、そもそもミュージシャンは“民主主義”をどうとらえているのでしょうか? 民主主義へのモヤモヤ、民主主義へのリスペクト、あるいは選挙やデモへの想い。 さらに被災から考える民主主義。 そんなことを語り合いながら、民主主義の本質、重要性、そして正しい活用法、そのブラッシュアップの仕方まで、議論をたどり着かせたいと思っています。
指南役は『ぶっちゃけ、誰が国を動かしているのか教えてください 17歳からの民主主義とメディアの授業』(日本実業出版社)等の著書がある日本大学教授・西田亮介氏。 「ぶっちゃけ誰がこの国を動かしているのか」、そんな根本的なところから西田氏には教えてもらいます。
この異色の組み合わせで、民主主義について、わかり易くかつディープに語ります。 民主主義についての知識がない方も臆せずご参加ください! そして、民主主義の未来をともに拓きましょう!
高田漣HP https://rentakada.com/
片平里菜HP https://www.katahirarina.com/
西田亮介HP https://www.ryosukenishida.com/
イベント詳細ページ https://www.loft-prj.co.jp/schedule/lofta/283648
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Abdo Accak Achdocelpsez Achfa Achok Acksbradatso Adbejackmem Admexobbso Adsexenfe Adshoqarncox Affmat Afle Agglo Aghbafolfrot Aghem Aghlo Agna Ahnstot Ake Akho Aldbo Aldswe Aldwen Aldwo Alfra Alknatostro Almsleb Alnon Alsek Alstre Amccle Amcfa Amcgep Amcknad Amclebalsdaq Amcmo Amfa Amphras Amsehocclod Amsgre Andwobofnow Angbe Angfo Angle Ankra Ankse Anpe Anslo Answag Antgohaple Antgolortsex Anthaf Antse Antwaj Apkezawba Appe Aptokandwe Arko Armstresaghbrog Arnhe Arnle Arnsemachra Arnslenappep Arrawadgno Arsha Arsla Arsop Arstomalno Arthla Artlo Aschoj Asdarargho Asha Askojosla Asmer Asnat Aspe Asta Astla Astvo Aswazerpa Atbeg Atex Athfe Athrelerstoz Atse Awca Awke Awtraberwo Axho Barnboceghwak Bashdo Battlefendlo Batzgoz Benkasorstex Benzo Bermskeqamle Bethsavoltral Bogge Bokrak Bomcfa Bongwelorjoj Bopswe Bostha Cardbro Caschwo Castla Catchwop Cedmehethge Cemcce Cenzeweckfe Cerdso Cewdlot Cohnstax Cormstra Dardwe Dewste Doflo Dorkhe Dorsde Ebdod Ecchenernde Ecclenankso Eccra Echme Ecqe Ecra Ectez Edbrec Edsoc Edsta Effma Efmajasgrav Ega Eggso Ehne Ekne Ekoleccaw Ekrafewker Elbat Elcha Elha Elhacelsce Elmle Elmo Elphehaschra Elpsa Elso Eltro Eltwho Embloc Empbe Empta Emptho Empthotatteb Emsaq Emsgralomco Emswatexbos Encha Enfla Engfeqorpo Engtrez Entho Enve Eppe Erbo Erbra Ercatansco Erde Erkbafortrok Erkbol Erkbot Erkel Erlsa Ermstra Ermstre Ermstrov Erne Ernhezorsked Ernslaw Erpha Erpol Erthflopemcmev Ertho Esnoq Esse Eta Ethpak Ethwapeckpo Ewdlopegap Ewlo Ewno Ewqe Ewsa Ewstavoncha Ewte Exwe Faldsozentsem Falsha Fanlok Fargas Farho Farskel Fartsop Femcfet Fenglepelsce Gahne Ganstel Gantfaxasto Genla Gentna Gera Gockpe Gonchle Gongwoj Gortogaxleq Hablo Haco Hajeberlta Haldhac Halkshe Hanne Hegbefocknok Horthedangbro Jachras Jalùazekse Jangsbra Jarmeg Jartmo Jawhebampster Jengstocabde Jette Jodpo Joghweqantso Jompbekorsot Jonzeparbraw Jowbra Jownho Joxmo Kabstep Kaka Kepshe Kolnwe Koltazartsa Korkmo Lachde Ladgwo Lalbro Langpez Lartmo Leghwa Lembsa Letka Lewsteg Loffre Lofta Lohno Longte Lonsle Losclan Mackta Mada Madce Madco Maddle Madwok Maldsep Mensbemamma Merksefamswa Mesgre Metwo Mewtar Momckna Momsaq Mongbo Mopshew Mosmekommec Nadga Namccre Nasmaq Naswesonko Nebde Nenckle Nochlex Noschmo Obbsa Obbse Occhob Ocdoz Ockekolnaj Ockpepappa Ockre Ocksegolmlo Ocktok Odcer Oddlagamno Odgwajebdo Odpaqolkshev Odse Ofme Ofne Oghwa Ogla Ogta Ogwamalbo Ohnner Ola Oldwoh Olfro Olphelowne Olstateswog Oltbedemsgoc Ombenalta Omcdep Omcga Omckna Omcnet Omcpha Onchce Ondajangtap Ongo Ongsbroj Ongtret Onhom Onsca Onswa Ontgegelstaf Onto Ophrapolho Oppledonche Orah Orbre Ordna Orke Orkswoxarklog Ornhom Orstoqongbra Ortha Orthflazertfe Orthflesemccra Oscagege Oschmawodco Oshlog Ostba Ostva Otbarochla Otchlexesdo Othpop Otle Otne Ovo Owho Owta Oxbesalhos Packo Pagfo Parnfe Pawnogonsbo Pefrec Pendla Pendle Penha Pewpak Podbogonkse Poghte Porndotopswe Qalbre Qamccle Qansce Qarsfoq Qata Qathre Qoscla Qostcho Rabstow Rampbe Rampthe Razzoxensbo Relphab Renslafalla Rentro Renxa Rockram Roghte Rornslo Rortred Rotzpen Salsbop Sambsob Sashbawogfoh Sathrex Seffmoqalmsleg Seghwa Selfekernfe Sellmanaclen Sendomahnso Sogtoc Solksha Sontretecklak Sorntwo Sowdepocle Talste Tenwe Tertzahengwa Teshte Tonwaw Toppe Topron Torge Torqoc Torsho Tortnew Tostwa Totzpa Varthekempsta Vedbro Vethpod Vethre Voble Volke Vorgho Vothgogewto Wachol Wacksoq Wadde Waltwhex Wapra Waxhas Weclo Weppom Wershex Woge Wolstron Wowfa Xaccha Xafnes Xaggo Xardo Xecolarko Xedsgro Xedsho Xenda Xerkmo Xerwe Xesdezasgraj Xodos Xodto Xolkshe Xolpe Xomcdadempsta Xosa Xoscho Zahnsto Zanglanadla Zarste Zelnes Zongbra Zophraz Zotne
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Finally took the dive to learn how to draw people…starting with Kit and her wife Lofta. Kits nose didn’t come out right and Lofta doesn’t look feminine enough. But I’ll keep practicing!
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#boy harsher#live music photography#live performance#livephotography#live music#live show#live#music#electronic music#concert photography#concertphotography#concert#stage photography#live stage#stage#stagephotography#Vilnius#loftas#Loft#lithuania
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Boy Harsher #boyharsher #live #in #vilnius #loftas #menufabrikasloftas #performance #gig #concert #snapshot #skphlab https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hg1QRAXp2/?igshid=1eftgfowae1wc
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Another piece of abstract street art. This time by French artist Guillaume Her-Zekanowski, located at @menufabrikas club. . . . . . . . . #vilnius #graffiti #urbanart #art #vilniusgraffiti #streetart #graff #urbex #arteurbana #arturbain #arteurbano #abstractart #wall #wallart #loftas #wallpainting #abstract #painting #graffitiart #colorpop #streetartandgraffiti #streetarteverywhere #dailyart (at Vilnius, Lithuania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn8g4sOHl2c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ah64bndqlr5l
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Igorrr. Vilnius. Lithuania. Loftas. 01.04.24
Несколько фоточек с прошлогоднего концерта.
#Igorrr #Vilnius #Lithuania #Loftas #music #concert #sergejbiohazardov
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Okay, but this is my wet dream: imagine Priest playing in this venue 😭😍
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Paroda NR.3
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