sentmail · 6 days
psych season vii prompts | @lockhartred :
“Please don’t make me answer that.”
It takes him a second to catch up to the implications of his question, his inquisitive nature having him hound a person of interest until his curiosity is sated (temporarily).
With someone as complex as Ms. Lockhart, well, he really should learn to consider his choice of words in regards to her relationship with other people. He frowns at her reply, tilts his head to the side - and then startles himself when he realizes what she took his question to mean.
"I didn't — what I meant was —" There's no saving it, is there? "When I said intimately, I meant like... Closely. Could be friendly closely. I'm not implying anything." Unless... No, he's not doing this right now, can it Kunsel.
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firxga · 6 months
@lockhartred | X
Genesis could feel something prickling on his person, like static about to build to a shock. He's certain it's the mako surrounding them. Though it's encased in pipes, he never much gave a thought what its effect on people might be. Longterm exposure certainly couldn't be good.
That dreadful crawling across his skin kept him in a state of high alert. Or perhaps he was simply highly strung.
He listened to Tifa, and his eyes sharpened mid-musing. No word of explanation leaves his mouth as he reaches to grasp her in a protective sweep, she is pulled back, and his arm pressed her further behind so that he may shield her...
It was only infantry men, but he wouldn't scoff at them and their bullets. They could do damage enough, and they were at the advantage of being able to call in a flood of support. Better to avoid a fight altogether if possible.
His hand remained pressed to her abdomen. It was an act of overprotection. To know exactly where she was. Though he didn't realise how belittling the action was, to keep tabs on her so intensely, as though he might not trust her to hold back and stay out of sight.
A long moment passed before Genesis turned his head and glanced sidelong to her. His hand gently relented as he stepped around and faced Tifa proper. "Perhaps that would be best." he spoke gently, if a little foolishly. His own eyebrows shot up a little. Wait— "That is. Standing here, I realise what a foolish endeavour this has been. Selfish even." He spared one final glance to the factory, then regarded Tifa with an apologetic look. "I don't know what I expected, to bully some business suit around, or to demand to know who has been named my beneficiary. I am coming at this from the wrong angle. What I need is a will and testament, and a very good lawyer."
And someone willing to put their name down.
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makoblue · 6 months
[ STEADY ]: the sender rests a hand on the shaken and panicked receiver's shoulder to steady and ground them. / reverse uno verse :3
Stopping Sephiroth, preventing Meteorfall, saving the world; the north star of calamity. Without external forces to keep at bay, they had no choice but to acknowledge their own problems.
When he found her just a few steps short from home in the blistering cold wind, it seemed like the right thing to do. Or rather, as right as anything else he could think of in that particular moment.
Cloud awkwardly pats Tifa's shoulder a few more times and realizes halfway through the next pat that trying to maintain an arm's length of distance is equal parts dumb and pointless.
So instead he turns her around, pulling Tifa into an embrace and pressing his temple to hers. For as long as she needs him to.
"Made you a promise. It's a lifetime deal. So...even if you run away, even if you want to turn your back on the world--" and the world would deserve her enmity, "-- I'll be here for you."
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galahdborn · 2 years
☆ @lockhartred ☆
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Nyx had been sent on a mission to the slums to take care of some beasts after days of urging. The request had come in some days ago, but the higher ups had apparently disregarded it in favour of more 'important' things.
When Nyx finally arrived, however, it was to the sound of fighting in the distance. Following the sound, quite curious, he came upon a sight he hadn't expected. It was the end of the fight, that much was clear when the woman delivered a kick to the beast and it didn't get up again.
"Well, I'll be damned. Seems like I wasn't needed after all," he offered, just so the woman was aware of his presence. He felt bad that he hadn't come earlier, but it was good to know that the people could take of themselves when it came down to it. Nyx knew that they didn't like SOLDIERS below plate, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to help them out.
"Where did you learn to fight like that? I don't recognise the style," and he had seen his share of things by now.
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vxmpirehunterd · 1 year
❝ i’ll go with you, if you don’t want to be alone. ❞
╰┈➤ DIALOGUE PROMPTS {That I'm turning into starters/threads!}
"What makes you think I don't want to be alone?" D had been stocking up on a few supplies so he could leave this town and go in search of another hunt. Some food, medical supplies, and tinder for his lantern is what he required for the journey was always a long and perilous one. The hunter was zipping around the storefront like a busy bee, almost as if he was trying to shake the persistent woman from his tail.
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"Besides, your life here is a safer one. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't enjoy traveling through the frontier--too many dangers."
And I'm afraid you'll get hurt and it'll be my fault. A tiny voice echoed in the dark recesses of his mind--the one that was forever unforgiving and critical of every move he made.
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a-vctlan · 2 years
a risky kiss between forbidden lovers / for rude — @lockhartred
There wasn't much time to be had, a decisive splintering from their respective parties, each set under the excuse of finding the other before they escaped… and, well, it wasn't a complete lie, was it?
His form towers over hers, leaning on his left arm against the wall behind her, effectively caging her as the sole focus of his attentions, and his shades slip down the bridge of his nose just enough to betray the intensity of his gaze, fixated on her lips. His gloved hand trails down her cheek, nearly ghosting, before it decisively grabs her chin to tilt it up, and a few silent, anticipating seconds are spent like that.
Although no words have been spoken yet, his actions speak for themselves, betray the want that has settled within him purely from the knowledge that she was someone he could never truly have, his lips then pressing against hers. The kiss is decisive, demanding and wanton, and once he's captivated her lips the hand that was at her chin finds itself wandering down, brushing against her sides, taking to memory how her body fit against his, and soon hooking around her waist, pressing her closer still.
He looks too put together for the situation, his suit pristine and the smell of his cologne almost overbearing, and it clashes with her disheveled form, sweat still trailing down her skin, body warmed through continuous combat and fighting through to their next destination - and yet that just made him want her more, the thrill of the challenge, the knowledge that she would be able to take him on…
If he ever fought back properly.
However, a thought that comes as he takes a moment to press wet kisses against her neck, this was its own fight, too, set between duty and desire, between his want and her need… and it was one he'd refuse to lose the upper hand in. Moments stretch out between them, his knee finds itself between her legs, her hands wander underneath his blazer, eventually hooking around his neck, and so Rude takes the initiative to sweep her off her feet, both hands grabbing at her thighs in order to lift her up, a thrill running his back at the urgency of it all.
And then his handheld rings, Reno's ringtone. They both pause, and he makes the decisive move to pull it out of his pocket just to drop the call. But then Reno calls again, immediately. And her own PHS starts beeping shortly after.
How long have they been here, exactly? He wouldn't hear the end of it if Reno decided to look for him and found them like this...
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holyguardian · 2 years
🧚‍♀️ fantasy au, 📱 modern au
MEME → Verses and plots.
The fact that's a fairy symbol for the fantasy AU, coupled with me recently starting a game with modern into fantasy elements! I'm biased so forgive this.
Tifa in a modern world, perhaps like her Hell's Kitchen AU, and she happens across this dainty bracelet like Aerith's bronze one. It's nothing overly special in appearance but when Tifa puts it on her whole world changes. A door is opened so to speak, and she has no choice in the matter, she's bodily pulled through and into a high fantasy world of magic and warring realms with only this dinky bracelet to blame. No matter what she does, she can't open the door again, it's just not working.
Then along comes Aerith. Likely not in her "true" form, because fantasy. Something fairy-like, if not an outright toy from her childhood that she uses as a vessel, and she promises to take Tifa "back to Hell" if she does one tiny itty bitty favour — free her from a gaol cell.
That is just one possibility among many though, I eat modern fantasy right up, so if you were ever seeking a myth-inspired AU I'm here with the pick me sign.
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nazorneku · 2 years
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TIFA ( @lockhartred ) INQUIRED OF VINCENT: “whatever happens, i got your back.”
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A mutual sensation of comradery, almost forgotten with the passage of time and under the weight of sins that laid heavily upon his shoulders, now surfaced due to the efforts of those particular individuals; bound by a common goal once, yet linked by something invaluable at that time. Carmine optics narrowed at the intrusive thoughts cradled at the back of his mind, a few moments of respite prior to marching towards the epicenter of conflict, an escalating menace threatening the essence of all life. The gunman could not claim that he possessed a solid plan in which way to deal with Omega, nevertheless its presence beckoned another to awake. Chaos had been stirring within, as in the absence of Protomateria there were no shackles to perpetually contain the beast.
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The sound of the phone distracted from contemplation, prompting to respond, a frown emerged across his habitually composed image at sonorous voices on the other side; their concern was valued, albeit Vincent lacked the ability to proper display the sentiment. Her words however begat diverse emotion, saturated with bizarre for him notion of worry, which he carried in own speech. "You shouldn't put yourself in danger, Tifa, I'll manage on my own here." His voice dropped in harshness of its tone with the last word, crimson gaze half-lidded anew when the expression of gratitude finally slipped in between his lips. "Still— thank you." For the first time in decades the man was actually looking forward to the future, that would be laid in front of his once the current conflict would be resolved.
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&. action-themed prompts         ||          accepting  
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steeleidolon · 2 years
H ─ Humour. Are they the kind to share a laugh during sex ?  Has something funny already happened to them ( breaking the bed, one of them falling off the couch, funny noises, etc… ) ?
Sexy ABC List Prompt
It can be super serious hot and heavy, passionate as anything, an expression of abject lust and longing, but at the end of the day...
Sex is silly. It is.
Accidentally, like slipping on lube, for instance. Faceplanting on chests, backs, or butts, or falling, flailing, with or without unintentional dick slaps. Deliberately, like blowing zertberts and making funny noises or play-bite growling shaking.
Laughter is great. It feels good, and ultimately it’s way more fun to not take yourself too seriously.
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gcldfanged · 2 years
Ngl, the whole aspect of the Turks and Shinra are very compelling, and the way you have constructed Jae is no exception. From my perspective, there’s still so much I don’t know about the Turks, and by how you’ve made Jae allows me to see that other side by way of your writing and how you world build. I always enjoy seeing you on my dash and always enjoy writing and plotting with you.
Trust me, I barely know wtf is going on with The Turks canonically speaking- I am CONSTANTLY asking my smarter and way more organized friends wtf happened in which game and why.
Always happy to build upon the foundation of what was already there though, there's a lot of potential in various bits and bobs that I like latching onto and developing, definitely.
Same to you, I can't wait for Tifa to kick Jae's annoying ass out of 7th Heaven tbh! Just punch him in his bitchy little face.
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makoblue · 2 years
tifa gives him a smooch for valentine’s day (i’ll send another thing in later <3)
Kisses aren't unusual, nowadays. Chaste kisses, hello kisses, goodbye kisses, something more kisses. This time seems different. Cloud can't quite put his finger on why, other than Tifa has that meaningful look in her eyes that means he should know why. That's never a good sign.
His eyes narrow briefly, his fingers strum over Tifa's hip where he's holding her. He's buying time. Thinking, trying to figure out the significance of today's date. His job being what it is, keeping track of time is important. Timeliness is a key performance indicator. Attributing meaning to certain days, however, is another issue entirely.
February fourteenth. Something about it...All the decorations in the storefronts, the red heart window decals, the chocolate gift boxes, dinner specials. They make sense suddenly, for all that the answer has been staring him in the face all week.
No wonder Reeve gave him a strange look when Cloud hadn't given a straightforward answer as to what his Tuesday evening plans were.
It's today.
"Happy Valentine's, Tifa."
Hopefully the delay in his response time goes unnoticed. Hopefully he's improving. He can salvage this.
"I heard LOVELESS is having something of a resurgence. There's a new themed cafe opening in town..."
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firxga · 2 years
“Dynamics, please!” + “Plots” / I think we had a plot going where Gen reclaims the Banora factory? And Tifa names a cat after him…
MEME → Easy interactions prompter.
Admittedly I have a lot of... I suppose guilt is the word, regarding older-thought-of-plots such as this because I never want to overstep or impose after I've been a bit of a shithead about maintaining my own blog presence.
Though if you're happy to step into a thread following this idea, I know that I am too. I admire your writing AND you're a very kind soul.
Now the messy over the place ideas I have regarding this:
I know it makes little sense. But by the Gods, Genesis will reclaim his brand even if it means the ultimate destruction of it.
You and I both know that the world changes. There is a new society post-meteor, and I believe that's the time Genesis could realistically take back Banora White and anything before that point was doomed to fail, go up in flames and/or result in him (a war criminal by declaration of Shinra) to be hunted.
This wouldn't all be about Genesis. I don't want to shove too many ideas at your character about your character, though what I remember about your Tifa is she would probably be a lot happier with the freedom of a home away from the city, with chocobos, and a cat named Genesis. Perhaps even in the mountains.
All of that combined... it could be a point where they begin, or it could be a point that happens in the future in another thread. I remember Genesis living in the apartment next to Tifa's, we could pick up around there testing the waters again, or skip gently forward with some more direction. I'm happy to follow the general plot of what the FF7 crew goes through. To acknowledge Tifa's journey, because that is important. While the team are saving the world Genesis would be available like that temporary party member who keeps fucking off.
As for their dynamics, to put it bluntly, I ship it. By no means do you have to reciprocate! Genesis is smitten with your Tifa but even I would say "you can do better than him" — potential for romance, also potential for unrequited feelings.
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vxmpirehunterd · 2 years
“you growl in your sleep.”
His brows furrowed.
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This was the first time he's ever heard someone say this to him, D had never been known to be a restless sleeper. On the contrary most would comment how he sleeps like the dead.
"This is news to me." If he was a noisy sleeper, certainly the parasite in his body would have been mocking him about by now.
"Do I talk in my sleep too?"
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a-vctlan · 2 years
[ TEXT ] - please just call me back. for cloud — @lockhartred
He sleeps fitfully, but he sleeps.
Alone, miles from Edge, a single room rented for the night, little more than a stranger to those that passed him by, he yearned for human connection but ran from those that truly knew him.
This would have to be enough, these curious glances and judgemental stares, always from a distance, always cautious, because he wasn't the Cloud that AVALANCHE knew, not anymore. For everything they faced together, now he alone was wasting away and he felt… was it fear? Was it rage? Bitterness coated him from the inside out, his presence was unpalatable, bordering on toxic.
How could he face them, when he could barely face himself?
Once already he'd faced certain doom, and he fought against it tooth and nail, he'd won, and he'd saved the planet… so why did he have to do it again? Hadn't he done enough? How much of his life would be torn from his hands?
It was easier to run than to accept fate. It was easier to let the phone ring. It was easier to believe they'd be better off without worrying about him.
But that was the thing, wasn't it? The phone never stopped ringing, the messages never stopped coming. They were worried about him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it, their care earned from his previous growth, the trust they put in each other once.
He is lying on the stiff inn mattress staring at the ceiling when his PHS beeps again, having let it ring with no answer minutes prior, anxiety settling in his chest with every second that passed. He was just making things worse, and part of him knew that.
But he saw no other way to trash and fight in this situation, no other way to rebel than to bite at the hands that reached out for him. The Geostigma had no one true form that he could defeat, there was no one evil to blame for it: it just was. And he was just dying.
With a shaking, wounded arm he reaches for it, a self-punishment felt in the twinge of pain that crept up his shoulder as he sat up, trying to swallow down his fluttering heartbeat as he hesitated upon seeing who it was. Guilt, then anger, then guilt, it was a cycle that threatened to eat him from the inside out before the sickness could.
And he sits there, a minute in silence, before finally flipping the handheld open in order to read her message.
[ TIFA L. ] please just call me back. [ READ ✓ ]
His thumb hovers over the call button. It's been days since they've spoken on his last pitstop to the bar. Worrying her like this achieved nothing…
But he doesn't call back.
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sentmail · 1 day
tension prompts | @lockhartred :
[scent] - sender gets a smell of receiver's cologne/perfume. + reverse
It was something he brought up in passing, prodded by Aerith to share more about himself in general with the rest of the group so that he was less "the SOLDIER that stalked them" and more "their friend, Kunsel". Although in his opinion it was a stretch to call them all friends… even if he had to admit she kind of had a point.
All they knew about him was what he shared, and so far, he hadn't shared much at all.
So he started with the easy bits - his work, his skills, his expertise, his licenses, anything that could be considered useful to the group. ( Cid was a great pilot and all, but having another one certainly couldn't hurt. )
And he didn't mean anything with the way his eyes glanced in her direction when he said he taught grappling and hand to hand to combat in SOLDIER, specializing in target apprehension, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't interested in her offer of a spar. In their travels together he hadn't had a reason to show it off, sword and mteria a much more effective means of conflict resolution and crowd control, and who better to gauge his skills than her?
Besides, with how often Shinra skipped out on proper training and equipment, he wouldn't blame them if they thought all he knew was some busted half-baked Krav Maga.
But no, he definitely knows his stuff - their disciplines are different, and he's having to re-evaluate how much strength he can use against her, but there's a definite show of skills on both sides, and part of him hopes that it could at least marginally chip away at the nervous energy still between them.
By the end of their little spar, they've dropped the pretenses of it being a fight, and he's actively coaching her through one of the many arm locks he knows - one that's particularly effective against SOLDIERs.
"You'll want to make sure the arm is lower, towards the hip and not the head, then you just twist the elbow up."
He's a professional, no space between them for awkward pauses or glances, and even with her full weight on his chest with her arms around his he doesn't fluster or make things awkward, focused only on where she grabs him… Until he smells it, sweet faint notes of a floral fragrance just under his nose, almost gone but not quite, delicate to the point that he had to focus on it to keep it in his attention and discern the different layers to it. Vanilla, maybe lavender...? Was that Tifa's perfume…?
He blinks twice, mind briefly distracted by the pleasant scent, but he's quickly snapped back to reality with a pained hiss that turns into a laugh - his own fault for getting distracted.
"Yeah, yeah, ok - just like that. You learn quick."
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nazorneku · 2 years
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TIFA ( @lockhartred ) INQUIRED OF IGNIS: ❛ if you won’t take care of yourself, then who will? ❜
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To return to Lestallum was an utterly infrequent privilege along their perilous journey, whilst constantly encountering dangers and surmounting obstacles on their path, thus such moments of respite were treasured ones, especially with a pleasant company. Numerous conversations were shared between the two, diverse topics to entertain each other, varying from combat style to the most appreciated one of the cooking - a rare passion they shared. And that would not be their last encounter, yet the matter pressed by the female at that moment begat a contemplation, a chain of examinations of the last events, scrupulous mind analyzed each and every of their moves and decisions in attempt to detect any flaws.
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Despite the time the bespectacled man opted to spend on reflecting intentions towards the royal heir, the response was formed many years ago, adamantly imbued into his personality, affecting even the patterns of conduct. Chest heaved under the deep inhale to afford self the last nudge required to vocalize what was uttered numerous times prior yet now words drowned within his throat, a gloved hand was raised to adjust glasses, out of habit more than necessity, and eventually Ignis spoke with a habitually stoical tone of own voice. "I understand where you're coming from, Tifa. But I have a duty to fulfill, and until it's done I cannot rest." Such conviction accompanied him since early childhood, the very first days he entered into the prince's service, never questioning, performing at the best capacity; her sentiment was heartwarming, nevertheless the ugly truth of the world they lived in was to ensure survival of the true king at any cost.
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&. for the damaged, sentence starters          ||          accepting    
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