engineerzuleima · 3 months
who? open where? haven's wall when? the road so far plot drop
Haven’s Wall stands tall at the strigoi’s back as she eyes the distant shimmering dome with narrowed eyes. Anyone passing by will have noticed the thin layer of snow sitting at her shoulders, demonstrating that she has been standing in the same spot for hours at a time without moving and they would wonder why. The truth is simple: she had sent some of her conjurations to trail the borders of the magic dome to try and understand its circumference. Word had already spread about how the magic covered the entirety of Iskaldrik, and the more word spread, the more curious she became. Iskaldrik is in no way round, and yet the dome always seemed to be just that: a dome. The curiosity needed to be satisfied, and if she finds anything of help, the better. 
And so, she waits for the shadowy grims to return from their scouting, considering the magic before her thoughtfully. Zuleima has never come across anything like it on her long life, and part of her wants to know the mechanics and whether it can be replicated to protect Lysara. A bigger part of her, though, worries about the implications of unknown magic in the hands of the Aethereon empire. 
“You know I can hear you when you move, right?” She asks the watcher. “Don’t you have better things to do than to creep on a random strigoi?”
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hiddenvaldis · 1 month
who? @lunadarkwoodx where? Haven When? After the Gladiator Match
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Her conversation with Aurea still echoes in her head, so Valdís takes the time to visit Haven when she first anchors into Marinus Bay for supplies. She has been asked by her crew to keep a low profile in Eterna and the Queenset Isles while her bounty is still hot, so she does just so, a cloak covering her features as she meanders around the wolf town. Last time she hadn’t had the time to observe things carefully, so she takes her time observing the houses dotting the town and wonders what it would be like to have grown in such a place. Valdís is deep in her musings when her eyes fall in a familiar individual, and a grin crosses her lips. 
“Now, that is a beautiful face that I would never forget,” she comments as she falls into pace next to the woman from the gladiator’s match. “What brings you to Haven?”
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blightedmikhael · 3 months
who? @ormir where? Haven when? During the weeks that the refugees were being monitored
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It had only taken him a few days in Lysara for Mikhael to have the bright and startling realization that he had fucked up by getting to know the old man at the bonfire and after. The conversation had been a respite during the arduous journey, and he had enjoyed it enough to seek him out through the journey, but nothing had grown beyond a few amicable conversations. As fellow warriors, keeping the conversation going without delving too much into the despair surrounding them had been bolstering, so he had not made efforts to keep a distance from the Iskaran. Now that they were in Lysara and he had seen the human next to the Princess and who he assumed to be the Prince — and yes, Mikhael will be ignoring the fact that the Iskaran Prince is a Changeling until his dying days to avoid that specific brand of drama — greeting the Lysaran officials, he is regretting his choice. He already found himself drawn to Aytaç, he didn’t mean to involve himself any further with the same group that would have killed him if they had known of his status as a cambion. 
It’s hard to avoid someone when they are both stuck in the same area, though, so he isn’t surprised when he runs into the nobleman a few weeks after the realization of his possible status.
“This trip made for strange bedfellows, didn’t it?” He asks as he greets the man with a nod, having decided not to act too differently in hopes to avoid him from looking into him. “And yet, here I am, still not knowing your name. My apologies.”
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